
Jesus Here is just one of the many stories that I have compiled. All of the stories are available on this Public Domain website, and can be accessed over the Internet anywhere that it is available. Some, libraries have computers with Internet access for FREE! The stories are all FREE to read, and you can print them on paper, and share them with anyone, if the computer that you are using has a printer attached to it.

Hope, you enjoy the stories that I have Compiled, with Help from Jesus!

Have a Great Day,

I owe all my thanks to Jesus who has inspired me to write & create this Manuscript, for without His help, I can do nothing...

This Website contains Jesus thought's, in which Jesus has Inspired me to write about, there is No Copyright for this work, as the Wisdom of God, has no limits, and the earth could not contain the knowledge of God, Jesus freely gives his life to anyone who asks for it...I give my life to those who ask for it, then later Jesus will reward me, with his life to Live...You may copy this work, and make revisions to the copy which you have downloaded... - Page #0152

I am always the STUDENT of Jesus

Jesus is always my teacher. I always learn more from Jesus, and Jesus teaches me more and more. I only know a little bit about Jesus. I thank Jesus for the intelligence that he shares with me. Jesus truly is a great teacher of Life. Jesus teaches me about God the Father, a subject that I will forever be liking. There are many unlimited thoughts that I can learn from the master. I will be your humble student, Jesus, forever and forever. I pray to you Jesus, continually bless me with your Holy presence near me. Let me learn of your Spirit. I wish to be your student for eternity, Jesus. So that I may learn of you and teach you people of your greatness. For Jesus, there is none higher than your name, and only your name is to be praised as the saviour of my life, and the saviour of all life. Teach me of your Spirit Jesus, and let me learn of your ways. For your ways are always greater than my way. Your way is life, and righteousness, but my way is death, and unrighteousness. You keep me well Jesus, by your gentle and loving hand. For your words speak life unto me. And all is at peace with your spoken Word. For your authority rules above all. And at your command, things are established. For you abide in the Law of God, and God abides in your law. For you and the Father are one Spirit, and one purpose. You are the source of my entire life, Jesus. I was dead in my sin, and yet you saved me from my own death, while yet I was a sinner. For I have only done what is evil in your sight, living a sinful way of life, but your forgiveness is greater than my sin, and by your forgiveness I am kept well. For I am only well with your help, Jesus, and I can not make it one moment without receiving your help. Let nothing come between us, Jesus. Let nothing separate us, for I can not be well, if I am separated from your Holy Presence. Teach me the bible Jesus, by your guiding Holy Spirit. Let me learn more & more, and let my zest never be quenched, from seeking you. Let me be an eager student who awaits to hear every word you utter from your mouth. For your words are a treasure which I gladly receive into my Heart. Your words speak life to me, and I treasure each one you speak. Ooh Lord Jesus, do not ever stop talking to me, let my ear never fail to hear you. Let your people be continually in my mind, and give me the blessing to teach your people, your words, and may they receive them glady, and offer worship to your Holy Name. Continually worshipping you Jesus, night & day, forever and forever, as King of kings, and Lord of lords, master above all. For your glorious kingdom of Heaven is getting closer to being the new earthly existence. And your kingdom will be set up on the earth, and you shall rule over the people with Wisdom & Power. I humble myself in your presence, Jesus, and as though dead before you, you speak kindness to me and I am alive again. For their is a great need to have and receive your help, Jesus, for the earth is dyeing from it's sin, and all have grown dull hearted towards you, and only few worship you as you should be worshipped. Thank you Jesus, for being a greater part of my life, until no other activity, happens, only worship to you remains. For I want to be more & more like you Jesus. You are the person that I like and want more off. All other treasures are as nothing to me, only you Jesus have value to me. Let me continually have praise in my mouth, and let me glorify your precious name. Let me be a blessing to your people, as you are a blessing unto me. Thank You Jesus for inspiring me, and being on my heart. For truly your kingdom is greater than all other kingdoms combined, and I shall forever be praising you as my Lord and Saviour. I can only begin to thank you for bringing me back to life, under your authority and power. Let me forever be humble in your presence, receiving from you the treasure of you Life, and sharing it, with your people whom eagerly awaited to hear your message. For you live in our Hearts, and are forever on our minds. And we worship you forever and forever, and your greatness is above any we have known.

The Un-Happy Doctor

Their was an un-Happy doctor. He was quite rich, because he had performed many operation's, over the years. Most, of his operations were, either successful, or partially successful. He, wanted, to give his patients, a better life to live. Then, one day, he noticed a bible, sitting on his shelf, at his house. He, thought to himself, let me read it, and see if there is a better way, to make money, than what I have been doing...

He Read, and read, the book, then he found these scriptures...

Matthew 9:20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
Matthew 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

Matthew 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.

John 19:23 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.
John 19:24 They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did.

After reading these scriptures, the Doctor, thought, this is the answer to all my problems, all I need to do, is get a part of the garment, that Jesus wore, then I can heal people, in the name of Jesus, and make ton's more money!

So, the doctor, hired servants, to research, and possibly find, a garment, that Jesus wore. The Servants, researched, and were able, to find, through, the generations, of families, a person who had one of Jesus's garments...

The doctor was so happy. Thinking, to himself, I will have an easier job now, and my patients, will all be living, a perfect life, free from illness!

So, the doctor, visited, the person, that had the Garment of Jesus, and offered him, $100,000 to get it. The person accepted the money for it.

So, the Doctor, went home with the Garment.

Then the Doctor tried it out. He had long lines of patients, and the fame spread wide about.

He would now see his patients, and, just ask them, 'Do you have faith in Jesus to heal You?'

And, if they answered, 'Yes!', he said, then touch this Garment of Jesus...They did, and all of their illnesses were healed...a happy ending for ALL! - Page #0163


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.07.2011

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