

"Oh no! No, no, no...Please! This is all a nightmare!" she put her face on her palms. The changes are all starting again. Her skin is now paler than ever, fangs are growing on her perfect set of pearl-white teeth and her eyes! Her green eyes are turning into silver-white pair! And yes, she could feel that pain again. The pain in her stomach that craves for something...something she wouldn't wish to succumb with...BLOOD!


She ran as fast as she could. She is just like a cold breeze with her speed. Her intensed speed. She could jump TOO high, just like she's flying. Tears kept rolling down her face. She could feel freedom yet she could also feel like a caged bird.She lost her friends. People around her thinks she's crazy. Her parents even suggested for her to go in a rehab center or maybe a shrink! She don't know what to do anymore. And the night ended her turmoil. One day had ended again. She's in the middle of nowhere, a place where she belongs...a noone like her belongs to nowhere. She choses to live by herself, or to die with herself.

Chapter 1

 She hunts...and hunts alone.


Red eyes from lack of sleep, but the silver colored gem on her eyes are still visible. Hunger, hunger...more blood. She's going crazy. Hears a swoosh on the bushes, leaps over it. A prey! Wild, wild, wild encounter. Pulse drumming on her head. Too much craving. Can't think straight. She don't need to think. Just quench the on-going thirst. Getting worse, getting alive. Fangs ready to devour its god-forsaken prey...something tick in her head. With a loud cry, the prey got loose together with her senses. Spinning world and a total blackness.



"Uhn, um, annnh, hmm..." I can feel a damp cloth placed on my head. Someone's taking care of me? But, I'm a monster. And now, I'm pretty much sure I DO look like a monster. Spent almost 5 months alone, in the forest. Hunting, eating, napping and not sleeping. This feels heaven. Seems from a forever that someone is taking care of me. Everyone is afraid. But not this, this creature. Slowly, I tried to open my eyes. No lights on. But because of my practiced eyesight in the darkness of the jungle with the help of the powers I've gain for being a monster, I could clearly see a magnificent creature taking all the gentliness in the world to me. I blinked once, twice. He's still there. Looks like a demigod. All I wanna do is worship him and kneel in front of his feet.

"Hi! You're awake." His voice is so smooth and so so manly. He lifts his hand to touch my face, soft hand with a rough surface. I closed my eyes to feel his...warmth? No! He's cold, too cold! I snapped open my eyes. He's cold, like me! H-he's not a human! I should shout. When I found my voice I'm about to shout before he silenced me with... a kiss.

Weird, it seems? But his lips are cold but I can feel some warmth with our lips pressed together. I started to close my eyes one more time and savored his sweet invasion. He started to seek entrance with his tongue which I surrendered to. I open my mouth to let him explore it. I decided to wrap my arms around his nape and he encircled his strong arms on my back which made our kiss deeper. Two people hunger in too much for each other. Two strangers who met in a very incoincidental scene. And with that idea, I pushed him so hard, still shaking from the earth-shuttering kiss that we just shared. A kiss I shared with a total STRANGER!


"Oh, shit! Who the fuck are you?!" I screamed at him and he just smirked at me. Ahh! The nerve of this man!

"I said who the fucking hell are you?!" I stood up on the bed. And in just within a blink of an eye, I was back on my bed lying inside the arms of this man. Impossible!

"Don't you dare shout at me, lady." He grins and claimed my lips once again and I couldn't do anything, wouldn't do anything. I'm all lost. And I want to be lost in his kisses.

"You want me, as much as I want you." husky voice lets me open my eyes in shocked. I can see his eyes blazing with fire.

"You're eyes..." I whispered ",it's beautiful." I lift my hands to touch his face but he went still and held my hand.

"Don't touch me, sweetie." He was full of conviction, but hell, I want to touch his face. In a swift move I ease my hand away from his grip and touched his face. Before he could react, I started caressing his cheeks and pulled him towards me. I kissed his full lips. "I said who are you, Mr. Good-kissing-stranger?" I smiled at him.

He smiled back at me. "Lysander. And I guess, I wanna take you in and be my pet."

"P-pet?" I snort. "I could deal perfectly with my self!"


How dare him treat me or think of me as a pet?


"Hmm, as far as I can remember, you were lying on a bush looking so..." he looked down at me ,"...looking not so good."

Which earned him another one of my unfamous snort. "Where are we?" I said while I'm looking around the room where I had gained my consciousness.

"In my house. Starting from now, you'll be mine, understand?" he said it so damned seriously.

I scoffed and then after a few seconds started to laugh crazily! "Whoah! That...that was so funny! That was my first laugh for the past few months!"

 SLowly he smiled. Not a good one, something hides in his smile. Something... mysterious? Like he was enjoying his personal joke that he was the only one who knew about it.

"I'm serious about it. I'll give you 3 days to prepare yourself. Use it wisely." And with that he left me.


Three days, huh? Hmmm, what should I do then? I roamed the room, it's quite huge, very huge! The walls are all black and a big glass window which reflects the dim light of the half moon that spreads all throughout the room. Wide forest surrounding the house, oh! Let me correct that, this ain't a house, this is a mansion! On one side of the room is a wide round table with a pair of chairs with intricate tribal designs that looks antique and may worth a fortune and beside it is a door which I think is the bathroom and the other end of the room is another door which when I opened is a walk-in closet.

"WOW! This smells wealth." I'm in awe! There's also a small shelf of books at the bedside which contains books of philosophy, history, and psychology. At the top of my bed is a bizarre painting or maybe a mosaic? I'm not an artist. I took a step out of the room and into a long, long corridor. I walked, and walked but hell! DEADEND! My legs are tired and I just slouched on a corner to take a quick nap. My body really hurts so bad , like I was been beaten to death, Argh!



Chapter 2


I was waken up by a gentel breeze on my face.




"Oh, you're awake. You sleep like dead." he chuckled.


"That's because I AM already dead!" I snapped back at him.


"Oh! I haven't imagine that a dead person would be snoring like that!"


"Hey! I'm not snoring!"


"Fine. Believe what you say then." he shrugged his lean shoulders.


"Ahm, why are we here?"


I think we're outside. Like a garden or a mini forest. Totally man-made but seems so natural.


"Because I wanted to. And why are you sleeping in a corner?"


"None of your business. Why's your house so big?"


"It's not that big. Just... spacious. And remember sweetie. You ARE my business!"


"Since when?" I raised one of my brows.


"Since the time I own you."


"When was that?"



"When you step foot here in my territory."


"Who says?"


"ME! Who else? Ah, you're annoying! If I want to, you should be dead right now."


"I was already dead."


"Tsk!" he palmed his face."Why don't you shut up?"


"Why should I?"


"Woman!I want to wring your beautiful neck right now."


"Try if you can." I challenged him.


"You think you're better than me?"


"Let's see?"



"You are one hell out of a piece."


"Thank you for the compliment. When can I go?"


"Go? Where? You're not going anywhere!" He abruptly stood up and cornered me on my chair.


"You. Are. Mine. And that will be the only rule here." His body was so menacing.


"Ridiculous!" I stood up against him. "Don't try to stop me. Coz, you can't!" I turned my back on him.


"Don't turn your back at me!" he grabbed the back of my neck and with a super speed and banged me to a tree. I was facing the tree and he pushes his body to mine. I can feel his wrath. And I want the taste of it. I moaned deep in my throat.


I can feel his primal need. I can feel this new pain. Not in my stomach, but in the pit of my core. A new kind of madness. And it consumes me fast.


He bumped his body into mine. It was hard and painful but it was also sweet and sensational. Moan after moan, I can't stop myself in responding to him. My nipples are hard. He cupped my breast and kneaded them.


"You like it."


"Umm.. Mmh..."


"So now, you understand why I can't let go of you? You can feel it, too. Just give yourself to me. Give in to this." And with that he bit me on my neck and I shrieked in pain. He took a mouthful of blood with his first sip. My strenght is leaving my body now. And he's the only one holding our weight. I wanted to drift off. My mind was also drifting off.


He moved away from my neck.


"Can't enjoy this alone, sweetie." And with that he bit his own wrist and placed it on top of my lips.


"Drink, take as much as you want."


I accepted his offer. His blood is so inviting. Had a very irresistable scent. With the first taste of his blood, I sighed. It was so sweet. I sucked harder and he moaned. Encouraged by this, I held his hands steady and sucked more blood from him. Feeling my strength going back to its height. He groaned louder and sanked to my neck which he bit again and sucked more blood. The exchanged was so extreme. I can feel his blood flowing down my vein. I could feel what he was feeling. Was kind of in a trance of me inside him. Of me flowing inside his entirety.

Chapter 3


I know the urges that he had. The urge to kill me. I could feel that urge, too. And the will that we're using to defy that urge made this more ...ecstatic. A warm pool in my core is forming.


I bent my neck more to give him a good flow of blood. His other hand savagely touching my breast. And I clutch on his hard shaft.


I kneaded it with a sense of urgency. His hands left my breast and moved to my womanhood. Massaging my clit behind the thin cloth.


"Ahh!" I was already on the verge of cumming when he whispered.


"Not yet..." his hands moved slower "...I won't let you, until I get the whole you."


I could feel his cynical grin while his lips are on my neck.


"Oh, pleaaase!!!" I pleaded him. His hands moved slower.


"Please what?"


I took a big gulp of his blood and moved my hands on his length more faster. He stiffened when I did it.


"Okay! Own me, just give me this." I pulled his dick gently. And I know he snapped completely.


He managed to let go of my neck and gestured me to let go of his wrist, and I did. He let me face him and he scooped me away from the ground. Now my back is on the tree and my legs are around his sexy hips. He tore away all of my clothes as I did with his clothes.


He looked me in the eyes. 'You're mine." And without further adieu he buried inside me with a thump. His shaft pierced through me in one swift, agonizing thrust. I cried in pain. He stood still for a moment.


"I..I'm sorry. I...I d-don't know. Oh sweetie, does it hurt so much? Oh, I'm so so sorry." He planted a swift kiss on my lips. Afraid that he could hurt me in any way. I looked directly in his eyes. There was a tear that escaped my eye and when he saw that he tried to pull away from me. With my regaining reflexes I swayed my hips in motion so that he can't get out of me.


"No... Please continue. I'm okay, really." I gave him a smile and kissed him full.


He was hesitant still so even if it still hurts I started to move slowly. I pushed myself to him back and forth. He was still unmoved.


"Stop!" He pushed himself deeper and I cried in pain again. So he wasn't fully in me yet. There's still two or more inches of him that I haven't consumed. I want all of him.


"I don't want us to stop." I whined and pouted.


"You're mine now. Do as I say."




"Oh,we need to do something about that hard head of yours." He smiled at me at it showed his cute dimples at both sides of his cheeks.


"Yeah? Sure." I started to move again when his hands cupped my butt and pulled me closer to him. Making him deeper to me. The pain is still there.


"I said don't move...or else I'll give you more pain."


"Give me what I deserve, then!" I was becoming impatient.


"Hold still." He bent his knees and he sat on the ground without breaking our connection. He positioned himself and he laid me down the grass. He spread my legs apart.


"I'll give you what you deserve." He started moving in and out of me. I could feel the friction in the insides of my wet pussy.


He was sucking at my breast. His lips moving from one to another. I raked my fingers in his soft hair and held unto it.


Oh yes! This is what I deserve. Pleasure, given by my owner. I'm his to please and be pleased.


I know now what he meant. And I would gladly offer myself to him and take as much as I can from him. This is not ridiculous at all.



This is our...BOND...


Texte: Jeffcy Villaflor
Bildmaterialien: Jeffcy Villaflor
Lektorat: Jeffcy Villaflor
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.02.2015

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My first-ever book published. Hope you like it!

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