
Since you've been gone, I have felt all alone.
Even tho they tell me you are gone for good.
That your not coming back.
They tell me I won't see you again,
but I feel you all around me.

I feel you all around me
when the wind blows though my hair,
when the sun shines on my face,
when the leaves and snow start to fall around me.
I know its you, it has to be you.

I know your gone to heaven,
and I know you are watching over me.
I know because I feel you all around me.
I feel your protection.
I feel your reassurance when i'm sad or upset.
I know your here.

It has been about two years since you have passed away,
but I can still see your face and remember your caring voice.
I feel you all around me though the bad times
and also though the good ones.

I know you wouldn't ever let anything happen to me.
And I know you will always be around
even tho I can not see your face.
And I know you will always love me.
I feel you all around me,
even tho your just up in Heaven staring down,
watching over me.

I will never forget you.
I will never regret meeting you.
I will always feel you all around me.


Texte: All from my mind!
Bildmaterialien: photo is from Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2011

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To all the people that has lost someone that they truly love, as in a family or a friend!

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