
The Cliffs and a Little Girl

The waters brushed against the shore underneath the cliff in which she stood on. The airy so salty yet pure. Jenna looked down at the jagged edge rocks and wander what would happen if today she decided to jump. She stared below for minutes pondering her fatal death. She could do it now. No one was around to stop her this time. She stuck her foot to the edge just enough to feel gravity pull her downward. As she looked up to see the sun one last time it gleamed off the ocean like the lights that swirled from the lighthouse just miles from her.
Jenna closed her eyes and begin to step forward when a hand from afar reached out and pulled her back. First the thought of anger rushed through her mind. Then a fear of strangeness came over her. As Jenna began to turn to see who this mystery shadow was, it had disappeared. Confused, Jenna begin to search for whom ever it was that pulled her away from her death. After a few minutes she gave up and told herself it was just a mind thing.
Later on that day Jenna begin to realize things in a different light. Not so dark and grim now. Things didn’t seem as bad. The words that she heard over and over again where silent and still. The world seemed happier than before and people more open to the uniqueness around them. Jenna was more confused than ever now. She didn’t know why everything seemed so different. Her first idea was that she really did jump and this was some after life world where everyone seemed to be high on drugs. Then from nowhere came a familiar voice.
“Jenna, over here” the stranger shouted.
Jenna turned around into the crowd of people searching for the voice. There behind a street sign was a girl no bigger than herself with dark brown hair and small rimmed glass.
“ Jenna, can you see me” the girl shouted once more.
Jenna begin to walk that way, and the closer and closer she got to the woman the more familiar this face seemed. Two more steps and Jenna was up close with this girl.
“ Hey, where have you been?” explained the girl
“ Why, was i suppose to be somewhere” asked Jenna
The girl gave Jenna and weird look as if there was something wrong. Jenna wasn’t sure how she knew this girl but for some reason she did.
“ Yea at the old oak tree.” “Don’t you remember?” explained the girl
Jenna thought to herself for a moment, but begin to get very confused. She didn’t know where she was, who she was talking to and why would she be meeting such a young girl anywhere.
“What old oak tree?” asked Jenna
With that same weird look the girl replied
“The one that you use to spend you days in when you were little”
Jenna didn’t have a clue as to what the girl was talking about. She looked at her one more time and then turned to walk away. She looked behind her and the girl was still behind her following her down every corner. Jenna begin to walk faster and faster. Almost to a small jog. Suddenly Jenna turned to confront her mysterious friend and she was not there. Jenna stopped, trying to catch her breathe. She looked around thinking maybe the girl was in hiding. Many people pass by but the brown haired girl was nowhere to be found.

The House

Jenna slowly walks away from the city not really knowing where she was going but something felt right. Limping on one leg from more exercise than what she had planned for the day. Finally she comes to a sign that is marked but kind of faded. She got closer to the sign to see what is said. “Becker Road”. She thought to herself that the road sounded familiar. She decided to turn down and see what she might recognize. The house all looked the same. One on top of each other. Big white and blue houses with pillars, fences, and pools. Each house seemed bigger than the next. None to small of course. Jenna continued down the sidewalk taking in everything hoping something would jog her memory.
Finally, Jenna reaches a dirk road that leads up the side of a darken hill. Her heart begins to beat harder and faster. Her eyes are drawn to the big gray two story house at the top of the hill. Bushes surround the outside and there is a candle in all 18 windows. The rusty old gate swings back and forth into the wind. Smacking the stone pillars one either side. Jenna walks slowly up to the gate. A name plate hangs sideways and covered in dust off of the stone wall. Jenna wipes of the dust. “ Becker State” There seem to be a part of the sign missing. Jenna looks all around the ground trying to find the other half of the sign.
She looks up from the sign to this gorgeous yet spooky home. She know in her head that it is probably not a good idea to go in. Still she pushes open the creepy gate and proceeds on to the walk way that leads to the home. Two steps from the gate that same hand grabs Jenna that did on the cliffs that day. She turns quickly to see the brown haired girl standing outside the gates. This time her dress looked a little more faded and torn.
“ Oh, it’s just you” Jenna said
The little girl looked up and replied “where are you going?”
Jenna just ignored her and started for the door of this home.
“ Wait” shouted the girl “ You don’t want to go back there”
Jenna thought to herself what does she mean go back there. I haven’t seen this place in my entire life. Jenna stands there for a moment and thinks about what the girl said. She turns to speak back to the little girl but as she turns the girl is gone once more. More confused now, Jenna isn’t quite sure of what to do.
She begins to walk back to the front gate when a gust of wind picks up and wedges the gate’s door. Jenna pulled as hard as she could to get the gate door open but it wouldn’t budge. Jenna fell to her knees with exhaustion, curled into a ball and begin to cry. Her mind tried telling her one thing while her heart wanted another. Scared and confused Jenna didn’t know what to do. After a few minutes Jenna decided she couldn’t survive out there.
As the night grew darker and wind grew colder, Jenna rustled herself to her feet and begin to walk towards the front door. When she reached the front step a bolt of lighting flashed just inches away. Jenna slowly pushed the door bell. Jenna stood shaking not knowing what was going be on the other side of that door. Jenna reached for the door knob when finally the old wooden door creaked open.
Jenna slowly pushed open the door and hollered
“ Hello, is anyone here?”
Jenna proceeded into a dark and musty room. There was cobwebs and dust everywhere as if the place had been abandoned for years. She takes a few more steps and comes to a desk where the overhead light was flickering. Once again she hollered, but still no reply. Jenna’s eyes wandered around the room. Looking at all the 16th century paintings and portraits. Non of them looked familiar but still something seemed like she knew where she was.
Jenna moved on through the first door and into a hall way. Spiral steps that seemed to go one for miles stood in front of her. Jenna looked up them to see if anywhere was there. Nothing but dust and light from a window that was placed at the top. Jenna begin to follow the stairs to the next floor. Slowly creeping up them trying not to make too much noise. On the walls along the stairwell where newspaper clippings framed .
Jenna wasn’t for sure what all this was but she begin to get a strange feeling about this home and what might have taken place there. An open window slams shut inside a room with the door closed. Jenna jumps back for a moment not realizing what it was. After a moment Jenna proceeds on up the staircase to a old wooden door that has scratches on the frame as if someone dug there nails into the wood. She runs her hand across them before placing it on the old rusty door knob.


Jenna begins to turn the handle but the door seems to be stuck. After a few shoves at the door it finally creeks open. Jenna peeks her head around to see if anyone is in there. All she can see is the shadows of the trees on the wall. She fumbles around for a light switch finally reaching one and turning it on. The light glows against the steel railing of a bed. Frilly white sheets lay untouched on the bed. Blood spots cover the pillow. A doll on the floor next to the bed. Broken into pieces. Jenna picks up the doll and begins piecing it back together. This looked familiar to Jenna. The doll, the bed, even the pink wallpaper that covered the entire room.
Jenna begins looking at the pictures on the walls. That little brown haired girl stood next to a very sophisticated man. A woman was never seen in any of the pictures. Jenna wanders around the room looking at all the old toys that lay about. Finding nothing that can answer her questions Jenna decides to see what else the house may hold. The secrets she may find and maybe some answers to her questions.
Jenna goes back out onto the stair case and up to the next floor. The wood seems to creek a lot more up here. Once she reaches the top of the stair case there are three doors. The first on to her left is locked with a pad lock and the other too look like the one she had entered previously. Not wanting to fuss with the trouble she goes to one of the wooden doors and begins to open it. Jenna’s heart begin to race once more. She wasn’t for sure what was to come. Her mind kept repeating itself. She could hear water running on the other side
Slowly she pushed back the door to a tub overflowing. The water was brown and dirty almost unrecognizable. She was in the main bathroom. Jenna let out a sigh of relief when she seen that this room was pretty normal. She looked in the mirror about the sink for a moment. Her head then begin to pound.
“what is wrong with me” she screamed “ where the hell am I”
A tear streamed down Jenna’s face. She was sure that there was something to this house. Why would she even know to go here. What was it about this house that made it so familiar. She opened the medicine cabinet. It was filled with many different pill bottles. She begin to read what each one said.
Oxycotton, valume, perkiset, ect.........
Jenna seemed puzzled at this point. Who would take all of that she thought to herself, and why. Jenna wandered just how crazy are the people that live in this house. She placed the bottles back on the self and shut the medicine cabinet door. All of a sudden in the mirror was that little girl. Jenna didn’t dare look back for fear she might loose sight of her again.
“ Where am I, Why am I here?” Jenna asked
“ I told you not to go back” said the little girl
“ Why not?” asked Jenna “What happened here”
“ I told you not to go back” repeated the girl
At this point Jenna was getting angry. She turned quickly to confront the girl but once again she was gone. Jenna begin to race back down the stairs. She knew there had to be a reason for all of this. As she hit the bottom stair a picture frame fell off the wall and busted. Jenna stopped for a moment to see what had happened. She bent down and picked up the folded news paper clipping that was in the frame.
Catching Jenna’s attention she sat on the bottom stair and began to read on.
Jenna’s heart melted as she read the article. She begin to realize that the other half of the sign that was missing out front must of said hospital. She checked the date on the paper and it was dated for the 1st of October 1991. Quickly Jenna searched for a calendar. Outside the basement door in the kitchen hung a small yearly calendar. She tried to think hard but couldn’t figure it out. Suddenly Jenna remembered her watch told the date. She looked down at it with a quick glance. October 17th is what it read. Jenna started to figure out this strange puzzle.


After a few moments of pondering Jenna looked once again at the basement door. Jenna walked over too it and opened it. Like all the other doors in this house it creaked slowly. She flipped on the light switch at the right of the stairwell. A dark and gloomy smell came from below. Suddenly Jenna begin to walk down the steps keeping her eyes open for anything. As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she sees another desk. This one not as fancy as the one up stairs. There are file folders sitting on top of the desk with papers scattered on the floor. Jenna reaches over and grabs one. The top of the file folder says active patients. Struggling to see the writing Jenna opens the folder and begins to read the list of names that are hand written in ink.
“ Joseph Finch, Jerry Hall, Alice Wright, ”
Underneath of that was one name and it was listed under inactive patients.
“ Alice Becker”
Jenna begin to wonder if this Alice Becker was the little girl in the newspaper clippings or the little girl that she had seen previous times before. Amongst all Jenna wonder why she was the only one that was an inactive patient and what exactly did that mean.
Jenna proceeded thought the plastic that was hung to cover a door way that wasn’t finished. She grabbed the string which was attached to the loose light bulb about her. As she turned on the light, the sight that she saw next about killed her. Pieces of dismembered bodies hung everywhere. Jenna covered her mouth so that her screams would not be heard. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Everywhere she turned another piece of a body was right there.
Jenna begin to freak out and ran desperately back to the top of the stairs. Out the door she went, slamming it behind her. Jenna shoved the table in front of the door to make sure nothing or no one could come from below. Jenna slid down the refrigerator crying. Scared to death of who might have done that and what they would do to her if they found her there. Jenna needed to know what happened in that house and how she could get out of there. She fled back up stairs to the door in which was pad locked. Thinking that there might be a reason for that door being locked.
Jenna found the closest thing she could and begin to pry at the lock and chains. She pushed and pulled to finally the lock gave and broke open. Jenna started pulling the chains off of the door. She opened it. Two filing cabinets lay on the other side. As before one was marked active and the other inactive. Still confused by that Jenna opened up the inactive filing cabinet. All of it alphabetized. Seeing the names on the list down stairs she began searching for Alice Becker. She dug and dug through the files but it seemed as if Alice Becker was missing. Where could it have gone she thought. Jenna looked up and there was a dusty file sitting on the top of the cabinets.
She reached up for it. Brushing off the dust the name on the top of the file said Alice Becker. After taking a deep breathe Jenna opened it up. A standard doctors file with a picture attached to the top with a paperclip lay inside. Jenna begins to read:
AGE: 51
Jenna reads on about Alice’s background finally flipping the page to see something that triggered her memory. Alice had one child. Jenna Becker. She was married to Leon Becker. Date of death was October 1st. Now the puzzle begin to make make sense. Jenna couldn’t believe what she was reading.
She moved over to the active files and begin to search for Jenna Becker’s record. That is when she found the one thing she feared. As Jenna opened the file folder she say a picture of herself. She read on and the record said date of death October 17th. Jenna dropped the file folder and turned to run. Just before she reached the staircase and man stepped out from the other door on that floor. Jenna looked up to see Leon Becker’s face shine in the strike of lighting through the window.


Jenna’s heart raced. She didn’t know what to do. She tried going around him but he grabbed her before she could get away. Jenna began to scream and yell. Kicking her feet and trying to stop him from dragging her into the undiscovered room. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back eye level with his.
“ Stop screaming” he said in a quite yet assertive voice.
Jenna stopped for the fear of her life. The man drug her on into the undiscovered room. The walls where covered with pictures of people that now become fimilar to her. It was kids she had went to school with and had come to the hospital for treatments. Leon grabbed a pair of surgical gloves and put them on one by one. Jenna could barely move for he had tied her to the heater at the end of the room.
“ Why did you leave?” the man asked
Jenna looking worried and confused said “ What do you want with me?”
She closed her eyes for a moment and a flash back hit her. The little brown haired girl and the man in front of her playing on a swing set. She opened them back up to see Leon sharpening a knife. She could see the little girls face in the blade.
“ I was his little girl” sobbed the girl in the reflection

Jenna begin to cry. She closed her eyes one more time and seen herself with a man about the same age. He had his arm around her, hugging her and saying something. Jenna strained to try and make out what he said. A slap to the face brings Jenna back to reality. Leon now standing over her knife in hand.
“ I will ask you one more time” he said “ Why did you leave”
Still confused Jenna didn’t answer. Another hit to the face this time knocking Jenna to the floor. She lay there with her eyes closed. The same image of her and the boy replies in her mind. This time she could see what the man was telling her.
“ Come with me i won’t let him hurt you anymore” the man said as he comforted her
Jenna’s mind begins to race back and forth between herself and the little brown haired girl. Almost as if her mind was telling her the secret. Back and forth faster and faster. Until finally she sees the little girl is her. She finally looks up at Leon with piercing eyes.
“ I should be dead” she shouted
“ You should” Leon replied knowing that she must of found the papers he kept locked up “ You where my little girl, and you left me for him”
About that time Leon rears back with the knife. Jenna kicks him as hard as she can knocking him to the floor. It all made sense now except one thing. According to the papers Jenna Becker had only been missing for 16 days. Jenna was much older than that. She looked up at the calendar by the desk. The date was October 17th 2001. She had been gone for 11 years.
Leon quickly got to his feet and headed towards Jenna again.
“ If I can’t have you then no one can” he shouted
Jenna moved to the side. Leon stabbed the wall this time. Getting very frustrated, Leon untied Jenna and proceeded to drag her down the steps. Gagging her so that the neighbors wouldn’t hear her screams.
Once again Jenna finds herself in the kitchen. Leon opening the door to the basement. Jenna began to sqwarm more and more trying to get away. He reaches the bottom steps and throws Jenna into a dark room where he proceeds to shut the door. Jenna could hear him locking it from the other side. She begins to cry fear for her life. She knows what he had done to her mother and now what he was going to do to her.
Hours passed and Jenna was beginning to get weak. She could hear him outside the door making all kinds of noises. She wasn’t for sure what he was doing but she knew it couldn’t be good.
Finally the door creaked open and a small amount of light shown through. Jenna sat up for a moment, waiting for Leon to come and get her. At first she thought hey this is what I wanted to begin with wasn’t it. I wanted to die but i wasn’t for sure why. Maybe it was all this. Deep down inside i knew what had happened but it was tearing me up inside not believing it to be true. For moments no noise or movements where made outside of the door. Jenna thought maybe someone had come to rescue her.
She sat there a few moments longer and watched. After taking a deep breathe she headed for the door as hard and as fast as she could. The second Jenna was outside that door a hand grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back towards them
“ Didn’t think i would let you leave me again did you?” a creepy voice from behind her came.
Then Leon strapped her down to one of the operating tables. Jenna couldn’t move. She pulled and pushed trying everything in her power to get away. Nothing would work. Finally Jenna just laid there. Thinking to herself, this is it. She knew he was going to kill her and there was nothing she could do about it.

Leon stood over Jenna with a surgical saw running.
“ This may hurt a bit” he said with an evil chuckle
Leon fired up the drill even more and begin to move towards Jenna’s stomach. The cold steel of the blade was so close to her skin she could almost feel it. Jenna closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. All of a sudden the sound of the blade went silent and Jenna could hear it hit the floor. She quickly opened her eyes. Leon was gone.


Her first thought was what happened, was I dreaming. She begin to struggle again with the restraints that held her to the table. As she moved from side to side trying to get loose a young man come out of the shadows and reached over to help her. Jenna’s eyes locked on him as if they where stuck.
Who is this is thought to herself. As the man moved into the light above her Jenna seen his face. The man in the memory she thought. The man who took her away from all this. He undoes all of the restraints and Jenna jumps off the table. She stands there for a minute taking in the strangers features. He looks familiar but there is something different.
As he turns to grab the saw Jenna notices the scar that runs from his ear to his chin. She slowly walks over and begins to lay her hand on his face. He jerks back and looks at her as if she had done something wrong.
“ What happened to you face?” she asked
The man looks at her with a little bit of anger as if she should know what happened.
“ Please tell me what happened” she cried
“ He did it to me” the man whispered “ Don’t you remember?”
Jenna wanted to remember. She wanted to make sense of everything. She leaned up against the cold wall closing her eyes hoping something would come to mind. The man grabs a rope and begins to tie Leon up so he is unable to escape. Jenna turns to see what the man was doing. She watches him carefully not sure weather to trust him or not.
“ Should we call the police?” Jenna asked
“ Why they didn’t help you before” the man said sarcastically
Jenna wasn’t quite sure what he mean by that. After tying up Leon the man shuffled over to Jenna. He was about a head taller than her. She looked at the ground not know what was going to happen next.
The man got close to Jenna. Her heart was beating so hard she was sure he could feel it. He put his hand under Jenna’s chin and lifted her head until there eyes met. His eyes we so dark and cold as if there was something missing inside. For some reason they seemed to make Jenna feel this odd comfort as if she knew with him she was safe. He stared at her for only a moment and begin to speak but stopped before the words could come out.
Jenna stared back at him hoping something would trigger her memory. Finally she asked,
“ What is your name?”
“Max” he replied
Max she thought. Her mind begin racing through every person she had ever met trying to remember him. Finally she looks at him with a sadness in her eyes and says
“ How do i know you?”
Max reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture. He hands it to Jenna and turns to finish with Leon. Jenna turns the picture over and sees her and the boy sitting outside the oak tree that just stood a few feet from the fence that surrounded Becker State Hospital.
“When was this taken” she said
“ Two weeks ago” Max replied
Two weeks ago she thought. If she remembered right from early she had figured that she had been gone for eleven years. Jenna wasn’t quite sure what to say next. She had so many questions and hoped that Max could answer them for her. Still looking at the picture she turned towards Max and asked
“Where have I been for 11 years.”
Max begin to explain to Jenna what had happened 11 years ago. How her father had killed her mother and how Jenna had witnessed the whole thing.
“ I worked for you father as an assistant. I didn’t know of his plan to kill your mother but i did know that he had killed before. His patients were so crazy that they didn’t think anything of the screams from the basement. They all assumed that is was some kind of treatment and that the person was cured afterwards since they never returned.”
Once again Jenna asked “ How do i know you”
Max begins to explain “the night that he killed you mother i was out doing the nightly rounds to check if any of the patients had gotten outside. I heard a terrible scream like i had never heard before.”
Max looked down at the floor and with almost a cry in his voice he said “ i thought it was you”
Jenna’s heart began to sink. She was starting to think that Max wanted more than just to work for her father.
“Go on” she said
Max wiped a few tears from his eyes and continued with his story.
“ The first time I saw you, you where only thirteen, and at that time i was nearing eighteen i knew better than to try anything with you for fear that it would not be accepted. I stayed on working with your dad even after the first kill to stay close to you. I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”
Jenna was still confused at this point. Why couldn’t she remember him and how did she find him two weeks ago when she couldn’t remember anything.
“ You ran out of the house the night your mother was killed” he explained “ i saw you and followed you to the oak tree. You climbed up in it and wouldn’t come down”
Jenna started to remember the old oak tree. She remembered the spot three branches up where she use to hide so no one could find her. But why could she remember that she thought to herself. Yet everything else seemed such a blur. Almost as if it was a dream, unreal.
“ I tried to get you down but you wouldn’t.” he said
“By morning you where gone”
Jenna wanted to know more but Leon begin to come too. Max walked over to him and checked his pulse. It was still beating. Faintly now but still there. Max walked over to a bench filled with tools of all kinds. He started throwing things around as if he were looking for something. Jenna wasn’t quite sure what he was looking for or what he might do to Leon. Almost as if she began to fear what might happen next. Than Jenna said something that made Max stop what he was doing almost immediately.
“ Did you love me?” Jenna asked
Max turned from the table with a scalpel in his hand. Jenna held her breathe for a moment. Max looked at her with almost rage in his eyes before saying
“ I loved you more than anyone could ever love you. I waited for you for years hoping you would come back here and we could be together.”
Jenna wasn’t sure what she should say. The scalpel in Max’s hand made her think before she spoke. This time her voice trembled a little.
“Are you going to hurt me” she said looking at the scalpel that reflected the light that hung above them.
Max put down the scalpel and walked over to Jenna.
“ NO” he said “I would never do that to you”
Jenna breathed a sigh of relief almost as if there was nothing more to worry about. Then she looked down at the floor and saw Leon’s eyes began to open.


Before Max could even do anything Jenna rushed over to the bench and grabbed a mallet from one of the shelves. Leon looked up at her with almost a happy look in his eyes and said
“What, are you gonna kill me, your own father”
Leon’s words hit Jenna like a moving bus. She dropped the mallet and began to cry. Max watched from the corner in fear that Leon may try to attack again. Jenna fell to her knees next to Leon who was now starting to become covered in blood. Leon reached for Jenna’s hand but she pulled away before he could touch her. Jenna began to fill with rage. Almost as if she had no remorse of what she was about to do.
“ I only have on question” she shouted.
“Why didn’t you look for me when i left”
After saying that Jenna’s memory started to become clear. She did remember that night. She was coming down to the kitchen for a glass of milk when she heard the scream from the basement. Not sure of what was going on she rushed down only to see her father over top of her mother with his hands around her throat. Jenna let out a scream which alerted her father. Leon then turned to see his little girl stricken with fear. He try to grab her before she ran off but she slipped out of his grip.
Then one thing came to her memory that left her speechless for a moment. When she ran out of the house and up the tree Max was there. He sat under that tree all night until she finally came down the next morning. Max took her far away from there. To the ocean. The cliff that she had been on earlier that day was right outside her home. The picture that was taken two weeks ago was with Max who was her husband. Why couldn’t she remember this before. Why couldn’t she remember the last eleven years. Before Leon could even answer that question Max walked over and bent down next to her and said
“ He did look for you. I ran him off several times because i feared losing you and feared what he may of done to you if i let you go back”
She sat there with a puzzled look on her face. Not really knowing what to do next. Leon grunted in pain from the beating he had gotten from max prior. She turned to look at him and he was trying to say something. She leaned in closer to try and hear what he was saying.
“ i never would of hurt you” he whispered
With a few bats of her eyes she turned away from him as if what he said didn’t have any meaning. As she turned she saw a book laying face down under a table. She walked over to it and picked it up. It was a journal. Her mother’s journal. Leon must of been reading it the night he killed her. Jenna opened the front of it and it read:
JULY 17th
Leon has began to lose all control of himself. After Jenna was born with amnesia he has tried everything to cure her. I can’t make him understand that there is no cure. There is no use. He doesn’t want to believe that his daughter is sick and won’t get better. He has opened up this hospital for the mentally insane thinking he might find his answer here. I’m not sure how he thinks this will help but i will support him in anyway i can.
Jenna flipped through a couple of pages when one page caught her eye. It seems as if the writing was different on this one. As if her mother was upset but yet happy when she wrote this entry.
His work has consumed him and he has no time for me. Our daughter is growing so quickly and seems to be his main focus. I just want to happy. Is that too much to ask. Robert has come to me several times this week. Our time together has only been mutual but i want it to be so much more. I need to feel him in a way that i don’t Leon anymore. I just want him to make me happy as i was once before.
As Jenna began to read on she couldn’t hardly believe what was happening. Then she finally pieced the puzzle together after reading the last entry that was written in the journal. The day before her mother was killed.
I think Leon knows. Yesterday as I was putting the dishes away he stood in the doorway staring at me as if he wanted to say something but wasn’t quite sure how to. I feel as if he is watching me all the time. As if he knows about Robert. I fear for what he might do to him once he finds out about the last several months. I fear for what he might do to me or worst our daughter. I plan to leave him soon. Take Jenna and run as far as I can in hopes that he will never find us. If only I can find the right time to do it without him noticing. Maybe there is hope out there for us still.
Jenna closed the book and held it closely to her chest. A tear begin to run down her face as she thought about what she had just read. After a few moments she wiped her tears and headed towards Leon in a bought of fury.

Questions and Answers

She untied him and set him up against the wall. She figured at this point, he was too weak to hurt her. Kneeled on the floor next to him she looked him straight in the eye. Without an expression on her face she said
“ Why would you do that to my own mother?” “ She just wanted us to be a family for you to love her.”
With a quick gasp of air Leon looked at her with dark drawn eyes and said in a hateful voice
“ She wanted to take you away from me and I would not have it.” with another breathe he countined “you were mine and if I couldn’t have you then no one else will”
Jenna threw the book down at Leon and turned to walk towards Max. As she looked up from the ground she seen Max with a gun pointing straight at Leon. At first Jenna begin to shout don’t kill him but held herself back and didn’t say a word. She put her arm around Max and watched as he let off a couple of rounds out of the magnum .44. Leon flopped around for a moment before becoming still. Jenna didn’t even check to see if he was dead. She looked up at Max with a relief in her face and said
“ Let’s go home”
Max with a smile on his face wrapped his arm around Jenna’s waist and the both of them begin to climb the old wooden stairs that led to the kitchen.
Jenna gathered some things of her mothers before walking out the front door of that old abandoned house. As she turned to shut the creaking old door she said with a shout
“I’ll never forget what you did to me, Dad” she turned and walked away from the life she couldn’t remember for so long with the memory of something she knew she would never forget.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2009

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To My Husband who has always been there for me

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