
chapter 1 Selena Elay

The more I think about going to this new school, the more I want to lock my self in my room, find those sparkly red heels that I can clack together three times to take me else where. But I don't wear heels. I'm more of a Jordan's or converse type of girl and I doubt those would work.


It had been 5 weeks sense my mom and I had given up everything to live with her fiancee in California, all the way from New York. Every second of everyday I was missing the city, and even though we was home. Now we're here, with ...David. Her match made in heaven or eharmony.

I didn't mind David, in fact I loved when he would make trips to the big apple just to see my mom because it made her happy, more happy that I've seen in a long time. However when David made his final trip to New York and popped the question...let's just say my world flipped completely around.

My mom doesn't know that I'm saving up to go back when I finish school. New York is the only place where I know I can make it as a singer, the only place where I can follow my dreams.


"Selena come down stairs for breakfast punch cake!" My mom was making her famous breakfast burritos and croissants. I could smell the yummy goodness in the bathroom when I was taking a shower. I went downstairs wearing a tank top and yoga pants with the towel still wrapped around my head.

"Ma! If you keep calling me that I'll be five forever" I complained as I sat beside David at the table drinking his coffee and reading something I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care about.

"Sorry babe, some things just stick, like the eggs on this skillet. David are you sure this is non -stick skillet?"


"I'm sorry honey, when I bought kitchen appliances I didn't check for that", David put his paper work down and got up to kiss my mom on the cheek. David was a really handsome man for 41, with his tall muscular physic and the grey strands scattered around in his thick black hair really seemed to look good on him. 

My mom giggled as he teased her. I knew that they would probably be doing alot more if I wasn't in the room, but just incase they needed a reminder I cleared my throat.

"Oh sweetie, hurry up and eat so you won't be late on your first day" my mom gasped as she broke away from David's kiss. Crap she was right, I gobbled down the rest of my burrito and orange juice and ran upstairs.


Opening up my new enormous! closet amazed me every time. With David being a lawyer, his house was really nice, nicer than what we've ever had. I was used to small spaces.

For my first day I decided to wear a black t-shirt that generously hugged her curves and some skinny jeans with black converse. I looked in my closet door mirror and realized how much my hour glass figure showed. I was only 5'7 with the bra size 42D, large hips and bust but a tiny waist. My friends back home said I was blessed with my figure but I just saw it as a distraction for who I really am. I never liked alot of attention.


Unwrapping the towel from my head, I make my way to the bathroom. I had no clue what to do with my hair!

Being half European and African American I was a big curly mess. I quickly plugged up the flat iron and went to work.


My arms were killing me but i was finally done and it was time to move on to make up, which was simple. Some brown eye shadow, eye liner and lip gloss and I was done. I never had a problem with acne and my olive colored skin needed no foundation or blush. I grabbed my bag nd went downstairs.

"Alright guys I'm off to school" I tried to say with enthusiasm but the sarcasm was evident. 

"WAIT! We have a surprise!" My mom and David yelled out before I could touch the door handle.

That over excited grin on David's face had me a little nervous. 

David never had kids before so his idea of surprise might be a book or a pencil holder. If I was lucky, a trip back home. David walked over and put his hands over my eyes and started guiding me. I was happy when we made it to a stop because David's hands smelled like aftershave in my moms giggles were getting annoying.


"Are you ready?" David whispered as he slowly moved his fingers from my eyes one by one. The anticipation was getting to me so I just moved his hands out of the way. I looked around and realized that we were in the garage, but then my eyes darted to the 2014 black Chevy cruiser sitting there with a red bow tied around it.

"NO YOU GUYS DIDN'T!" I screamed as I ran over and hopped inside the car.

"Yes we did honey! We know the move was a big change for you, so we decided to give you something special" My mom said as she walked over and gave me the keys from behind her back.

"Aww ma, having you is special" I jumped out the car and gave her a hug. Then David. 

"Thankyou David , you are awesome!".

"And what better to go with a new car than a new phone" David sang as he pulled a new LG  touch screen phone from behind his back.

"You guys I don't know what to say, this is all too much to take in" I gasped as I wiped the fluid forming in my water line. I've never experienced happy tears before but there's a first time for everything.


"Just say you'll drive safe punch cake. I know you already have your license but be careful" my mom cried as she gave me another hug.  David took the bow off the car and opened the garage.

"HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL!" David yelled as I was pulling out. I waved goodbye but for my sake I hope I have a good day too.




Chapter 2 Selena Elay

Pulling into Colebrook High school, i realized that my mental discription of this place was on point.

Gigantic school filled with orange, Sun kissed, size two, rich skanks and jocks. Even the fountain in the front of the school was over the top, and from what i read on the website they had three around the campus.

As I'm driving around the parking lot, I spot an opening that was pretty close to the school. It was a little bit to easy but I thought nothing of it and just pulled In. 

Grabbing my bag and getting out of the car, I notice that people were looking at me. I'm just going to take a wild guess and say that this space wasn't that easy. 

Just then a yellow and black Lamborghini speeds up and stops two inches before hitting my car.

"WHAT THE HE'LL" I yelled, but I couldn't see who it was because the Windows were tented pitch black. How could people see out of Windows like that? And did all eyes have to be on me as if no one had lives of their own.

The car door opens and this tall, masculine, god like figure steps out and walks,towards me. 

I can feel people around me tense up as if something scary was about to happen. Was I supposed to be intimidated or scared? Cause I wasn't in the slightest. As he gets closer and was now standing directly in front of me, I could see his face clearly now. 

He was incredibly sexy with his thick black hair, hazel eyes, and physic that would have any girl needing a new pair of panties with the slightest movement. He just stood there and looked me up and down as if I was supposed to know what he was thinking.

"Your's in the way" he said, his voice was cold. Then he swiftly turn around and starts walking back to his car.

Was this guy serious! Did he honestly think that he could just say that and expect me to move. These people must be joking, and normally back in new York I'd go off on him but I had no time for that.

I fixed my bag on my shoulder and started walking towards the school.

I felt all eyes on me, even the asshole in the car, but I didn't care because that was the least of my worries.


Since the school was so big , they had a tour guide for new people. I was thankful because I didn't want to get lost, however it was like putting fresh meat in front of wolves. I was the meat that went bad and you didn't want to mess with.


"Okay now over here is building C for fine arts, and if you'll look over to your left you'll see building D for athletes" Amy our tour guide explained.

"And if you look down you can see my pink thongs under my skirt" the red head girl beside me mocked Amy under her breath. I giggled, but she was right. Majority of the guys were only focused on her skimpy outfit. Her black crop top came slighty above her belly button ring, and her red leather mini skirt showed both butt cheeks when she walked, and high heels i could fall and break my neck in. I hope she is only a tour guide and not a teacher, cause i feel like id learn nothing in her class.

The red head looked at me and started laughing too.

"Hey what's up, the name is valley" she said as she stretched her hand out to me. I got a clear view of her tattoos on her arm. Valley looked a couple inches shorter than me and was more curvy than the sticks i saw walking around. She had Long red love curls that went beautifully with her heart shapped face, and a milky skin complexion. over all she was really pretty but i could tell she wasnt from around here either.

"Hey , I'm Selena" I giggled as I shook her hand.

"Ahh Selena , like the deceased Latina pop singer, but what is that I hear in your voice? Brooklyn?"

Wow this girl was a block from being right 

"Yeah something like that, but I'm not Latina. I'm European and black" I explained as we slowly faded away from the group.

As we talked, Valley and I realized that we have majority of the same classes , including first period so we decided to skip the tour and go together. The map the Amy gave us had the school office on it, so we nagivated our way to get late slips.

"Selena almost every guy we have walked past has did a double take at you" valley pointed out as we walked through the halls. I knew they were staring and drooling at me. Unfortunately thats why I declined a lot of guys back home. They all wanted me for my body, some even forced their self on me.  My mom doesn't know about that, but luckily I can handle my self.

"Yeah I noticed, I'm a display you can't touch but feel free to admire" I said , not realizing how cocky that must have sound until it exited my mouth. Then Valley stopped walking and stared at me. Did i sound that stuck up?

"OMG! I love that!" Valley yelled out as she pulled a little note book from out her pocket and a pencil from behind her ear and started writing.

"What are you doing?" I questioned

"Oh sorry, did I not mention that I was a song writer before?" Valley giggled as she kept writing. I don't remember her mentioning that, she probably did when my concentration was on some of the guys walking around. They all looked as if they could be on the run way.

"Valley that’s wassup!, you can write my songs when I make it big" I said as it nudged her to keep walking.

Valleys eyes grew wide as she looked at me.

"You’re a singer! Selena why are we so perfect for each other" she giggled.

"I don’t know, but I’m already happy I met you" I said as I gave off a genuine smile.


When we finally found the office after 10 minutes of searching, I realized how stupid we must have looked because apparently we passed it 3 times.

"Hi we're here to get our late slips for class." I told the lady at the front desk. I waited patiently but she just starred at us.  With that look on her face, I could tell her day has been one shit load of stress. “we didn’t finish our tour for new students” I said, hoping she would say something because it was starting to get weird.

“Give me your names “she asked as she pulled out the forms.

"Selena Ely and Valeria Tallit" I said. Valley had told me her real name when we talked earlier. She was a little embarrassed but told me after I asked if Valley was her real name.

"Here you go ladies", the office lady handed me the slips and sent us out.


Our first period was science, Valley and I had gotten the hang of how the school was set up so it didn’t take us long to figure out where our class room was.

 As we walk in, everyone’s eyes turns towards us.  I tried not to make eye contact with them and just walk to the mad scientist standing in front of the board who was obviously our teacher.

“I take it that you two are new here at Cole Brook!” the old man said as he sat his marker down and turned away from the board.

“Yes sir” we both said.

“Well my name is Mr. James; go find an empty lab table or a partner for today Miss Ely and Miss Tallit”.  I scan the room for an empty table so I wouldn’t have to pair up with someone else.  Then I noticed that the girls were practicing their mug shot at me while most of the guys were staring at me and some were winking and making whistle sounds. That just goes to show that there are dogs everywhere you go.

I spot an empty desk in the far back of the class room, so I ushered Valley to follow me over there.

Making my way to the table I see a guy sitting alone a seat behind us, and he looks so familiar.

That’s the ass from this morning! He looked dead at me but I acted as if I barely noticed he was there and just sat down.  Then the class room door opens and in comes this real live Barbie. She was tall with long golden blonde hair, sun kissed skin, and lips and boobs that looked like something was injected in them. With her green mini dress and tall black heels, she looked as if she just came out the box.


“Miss Halle Gordon you are as fashionably late as always, leave your note on my desk and take your seat” Mr. James instructed the walking rubber.  “Sorry sir, I just had to take care of a minor issue in the parking lot.” She smirked and walked to over the guy behind us, but before she sat down she looked at Valley and I for a few seconds. I guess Valley was thinking the same thing I was because we started giggling, but I didn’t realize how loud we were until heads started turning towards us. Then she sat down.  “Valley were you looking at her boobs too!” I said a little under my breath, which I’m confused why, because I really wouldn’t care if she heard me.

“YESS! I felt like her nipple was going to touch my face!” Valley said, but her voice wasn’t lowered at all. Now people were really looking at us, and I could feel the eyes of miss rubber burning the back of our heads.

 Soon after, the bell had rung and everyone was leaving. I took my time packing up so I wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic exiting the classroom door. Valley walked out with everyone else so she could make it to her History class across the school. As I grab my bag, I glance back and saw that rubber girl had already left but the guy was still there, then I realize that he is staring at me.  What is with this guy?

I start for the door and I can hear him get up also. I speed into the busy hallway to escape his sight. When I looked back he was gone.


“Now where is my locker?” I asked myself, scanning the numbers for 367.

 BAM! I found it but there were 3 guys standing in the way, so I couldn’t open it.

“Um excuse me; I need to get to my locker” I said nicely. They all turned and looked at me.

“Hot damn, are you new?” one said, looking me up and down, raping me with his eyes.

“So that’s the new girl people are talking about”, another one said while licking his lips. I’m not new to assholes but they damn sure frustrate me. Not only that, but they smelled like they had football practice for first period. “I don’t think I was being clear (clear my throat) can you please move your sweaty asses out of the way so I can get to my locker” I said, my tone made it clear that I was not in the mood.

“Oh, she’s sexy and a bitch”, the first one said, leaning in closer to me. I could feel my temper boiling up and I was about to explode. Right before I was about to go Compton on these guys, my voice was over shadowed by someone else’s.

“Isn’t there somewhere you guys should be” this deep voice stated, sending chills down my back from behind me.

“We were waiting on you” the third guy finally spoke up.

“well wait somewhere else”. The 3 guys blew their breath and walked off, and I turn around to see who was sticking up for me, though it wasn’t needed.

I turn around and find me looking at the same guy from the parking lot, and the same guy who sat behind valley and me in first period.

 “Hey I didn’t need your help, if anything I need you to stop following me".

The smirk on his face assured me that my attitude didn’t phase him.

“Well first, I’m not following you because my locker is right there, and I wasn’t helping you, those guys needed to be elsewhere” he replied bluntly and brushed past me.  I’ve never felt more stupid in my whole life. Something in me felt as if he just one upped me, so I needed to get him back. When I turned around to retaliate there was no one behind me. Did he just leave like that? Not even go to his locker...

chapter 3 Rein Dinsona


Who is this new girl and why does she have this effect on me. I busted into the bathroom and ran into the stall to handle my grown problem. The same thing happened this morning when I asked her to move out of my parking space. I played it off cool but it was difficult walking back to my car, then it worsened when she ignored what I said and walked off. The way her body swayed. It made me feel uneasy that she had such effect on me, so I asked Halle to take her car elsewhere so I could feel in control again.  


Next period was                 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.11.2014

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I will be adding chapters to the story, and books to the series

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