By Santosh Jha
Copyright 2022 Santosh Jha
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Exquisite, You Are,
Fabulous, You Can Be,
Purely, As You Are
A Media, A Landscape…
Field Of Information,
You Blossom Into,
To Journey Potentials,
Lending You Poise,
Purpose, Wisdom…
You Invite Experiences,
Add Dimensions Of,
Personalized Expressions,
You Imbibe Grammar,
Become Poetry, Itself…
Optimize, The Self…!
Grief Is Primary Causality. Compassion Follows. Connect Is Occasioned. Expression Becomes Inevitable…
Grief Is Information, Of Random-Entropic-Ephemeral Reality.
Information Creates Media. Reality Has Its Own Will…
This eBook; Its Reality, Auto-Stamps the Cosmic Causality…
… There Is No Writer, No Reader. Only Information & Media
No Treasure, No Success, No Reality Matters; If You; The ‘Media’, Do Not Happen…! You Are The Sole ‘Context’ Of Everythingness. You Must Therefore, Know; Ontology of This Context In Holism. You Must Accept; What It Takes, To Be True You…
Reality Is Too Colossal To Acknowledge You. You Are Only A Potential; To Unravel And Align With Reality. If Not; Then You Are Not Even Truly Alive. Life-Living Is Awareness of Relationship Between You And Realities; In Multidimensionality Of Causalities…
A top scientist, a few years back said; if humans had not wasted over 2000 years on stupidities and hypocrisies of religion, philosophies and politics to install ‘Reality’, suiting personal selfish agenda and instead; invested wholly on science of life-living; we would not be destined to die and helplessly wait for inevitable mortality. Tragically, 98 percent humans and all human systems are shamelessly refusing to accept ‘Reality’, still, happily living out primeval golden stupidities and hypocrisies; standing in denial of all inevitabilities.
Predation is the core Consciousness, all billions of living creatures are wired against. Only humans remain oblivious of predators, with a culturally induced sense of fake superiority. Humans are the only species of animals, whose worst predators are those, they themselves create; that too in plenty. This is not wired in their brain states but culturally learnt. Shamelessness, Cunningness, Deception and above all, the basis-less Pride of ‘Knowing All’; brazenly defending it with the might of Hypocrisy is learnt ‘Success’. Cultures, once primarily evolved to prevent this ‘Self-Predation’ susceptibility, are now instead, facilitating this human destiny by its unabashed benchmarks of successes and righteousness-appropriates.
If the ‘Hypothesis’ is wrong, hypocritical, conflated, preposterous, or, convoluted to abstractions; the ‘Theory’ is bound to be anything but right. Reality, as modern humanity has understood now, is only probabilistic. Therefore, the innate and entrenched propensity and desire of humans for hypocritically abstracted hypotheses must always be subjected to rigorous and objective standards of Holism. As Reality is probabilistic, only the ‘Test of Holism’ can save humanity from constant conflicts and chaos. Sadly enough; instinctively, humans are designed to be geniuses of ‘Parts’; content to be foolish at Holism of Reality.
Human ‘Superiority’ manifests itself in many ways – but almost always like tip of a unique iceberg. Only humans among millions of species has this ‘mental eligibility’ to present its ‘Adverts’ as Tip of the iceberg and hide beneath ocean of deception, the 90 percent of ‘Reality’, which has no symmetry and connect with the tip of advert. All humans say, I Love You, but mostly as ‘Advertisement’ of a probable Reality. It is human design – the makeup of Consciousness. All gold standards of virtuosity and appropriates remain mostly as adverts. Human consciousnesses in contemporary cultures are vivid landscapes with huge and shining billboards. Consciousness is the mega con artist of all deceptions for success of geniuses of adverts.
This mode of communication; sharing of ideas and intent or even simple exchange of greetings is so bizarre. You do not know me; nor can I in any ways be familiar with anything about you. It is out of the ordinary yet, wonderful togetherness of two unknown and unfamiliar people. There is perfect strangeness yet; this ever-present, celebrated purpose of ‘sharing’ between two definite ‘minds’, is presenting a Magnificent Occasion; a propitious probability.
How brilliant it is that body-mind realities of two people are indefinite, still; there is definite probability of a meaningful and palpable exchange of intent. You and I meet here and talk, as two Minds, with singular and certain desire of taking away something novel, beneficial and refreshing, through the short journey of our togetherness. Books make this magic possible. Possibilities energize enterprise of all potentials. Somehow, this is close to idealism. Two people should always talk as pure, open and objective ‘Minds’, irrespective of subjectivities and specificities of age, gender, ethnicity, belief ‘labels’ of Body and baggage of culturally-induced ‘fabled’ perceptions.
However, there is one aspect, which is missing in this idealism. My communication; as you are going through right now, has already happened in the dimension of ‘Past’. You, however, are happening now; in the ‘Presentness’ of the moment. As you read my words, the past is unconsciously being Re-Dimensioned into present for you. Ideally, two minds must have communication in a two-way exchange and that too in absolute presentness of time and space. Why?
As you know; most good things happen as emergence, which becomes possible during processes of mutuality, in a looped and evolving ways. It is very much like; different ingredients coming together and fusing in proportioned mutuality to process the emergence of tastefulness; in the presentness of time and space. Togetherness, in a complex and often autonomous positioned processes of assimilation and integration; in harmonious-rhythmic cyclical loop of sharing, creates the magic of emergence of a novel, distinctive and fruitful dimension of Reality.
Love happens as emergence. Wisdom and intelligence happens as emergence; life-living bliss and satisfaction; or purposes, if any; happen as emergence. You already know that. What made the universe begin and what was before it came to be; nobody knows with certitude. However, everything afterwards; the colossal realities of matter, stars, galaxies, life, et al happened in various states and stages of Emergence. This scientific idea of Emergence, in its holism and multidimensionality is part of the Grammar of Life, which in turn paves pathways for Poetry of Living.
If we wish to unravel the grammar of life, we need to understand and internalize the holism of the scientific idea and processes of Emergence. Broadly, Emergence engenders some reality and experiences of reality, which is majorly different from what its constituent ‘parts’ innately have and manifest. Emergence adds novel and alternative dimensions to realities and their experiences. When we talk about the scientific idea of Emergence, as core element of grammar of life, we are essentially pointing to the mechanisms and processes of body and brain, as modern science has deciphered. We are talking about the complex cosmos of Information, which this mechanism of body-brain processes to create 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causality, as realities and their experiences. Grammar of Life is primarily about this mechanism and processes of Emergence. How and what this emergence engenders, as varied novel and alternative experiences, is what we are referring to as Poetry of Living.
That is probably why there is this crucial element of collectivities; in the forms of society, culture, family and elements in external milieus. As individuals, we can have our peace and bliss but idealism of accruals of ‘emergence’ happens when individual syncs and aligns with collectivity – the theatre of larger and wider perspectives and processes. This emergence adds a novel world of beautifully satiating dimensions of bliss and wellness. You already know, how it feels, when you have a good, meaningful and amiably sincere interaction with a genuinely evolved and empowered person. This happens as latent and embedded elements and potentials of individuality enter the processes of mutuality and exchanges with wider and deeper pool of experiences and knowledge of collective domains and dimensions of society-culture in looped interactions. Unfortunately, collective spaces of external milieus, in contemporary human world, have become too depraved, disoriented, distrustful and massively complex to have their avowed role in individual lives. They still help; but they, at the same time, corrupt, disrupt and disorient more. It may sound unpleasantly hypothetical but it seems like a mushrooming reality that most things and aspects of contemporary Human Systems have become farce, fake and fudged. Most people feel the pretentious and dramatized simulation of reality, in social-cultural milieus; hugely contrasted to ‘advertised’ actuality.
The reason is simple – As you know; melody and harmony happen, as patterns and discipline are consciously occasioned, within a group of musicians and musical instruments, in a philharmonic orchestra. However, if there are hundreds of times too many musicians and instruments and their discipline-synchronization goes missing, cacophony takes over and in time, this kills sanity, bliss and wellness. The process of emergence is killed; melody simply cannot happen! Emergence is a tender process; even a small element of disharmony cancels out every potential of probability.
No doubt, the magic of this ‘emergence’ is missing here and now. You however have the power and wherewithal to step in and provide with this missing element. If this enterprise of words can ever have the worth and utility; it is only you, who can orchestrate it. You happen to be in actual presentness of time and only you can re-dimension me and my communication with you in same domain of presentness. Do kindly take a few seconds to acquaint yourself with ‘My Mind’ and then accept mentally that I am here; with you. How do you do this? It is simple!
As a ‘Mind’, I am known and familiar to you because, you have always been surrounded by and utilized what my mind-consciousness is presenting here – a Meaningful Communication. You just have to accept me, mentally, as ‘extension’ of your ‘Familiarity Landscape’. I am truly, a ‘Part’ of you. I am Information; a media. You Too! You and I are parts of holism of singular Information. I shall gradually appear in your ‘Trust-Landscape’ too, as you proceed and continue with this journey of words. You and I are only Fields or Landscapes of Information. All Informations are one cosmic field or landscape. We all are one Reality. That is probably why Entanglement happens. That is also probably why Morphic Resonance happens; which some agree, most not! But; we are ‘related’. This contemporary scientific idea or objective hypothesis of Field or Landscape is central to grammar of life and poetry of living. We shall come back to it and detail it in this eBook.
Also, I humbly request you to kindly write to me after reading this eBook and ask me anything, you feel about or need to know better or more. This shall optimize the sharing process, which a book epitomizes. The emergence process shall happen as I shall try my best to revert to you, with my inputs on your queries or requests. This is the process of Personalization, which shall help a great deal in Internalization of the Ideas we are sharing here.
This eBook, I very humbly intend to be unique and probably first of its kind in the sense that what you are currently reading is only half the book. The other half of the eBook shall be completed when you write to me with your questions, doubts, thoughts etc and also probably acquaint me with your life-living details so that I could input the personalized other half of the eBook, especially oriented to your specific requirements, to the best of my abilities.
As I always very humbly say, the purposed success of a book is not in how many copies it sells and how much money it earns. It is in how many different ways it can excite the potentials of a reader to help optimize her or his innate and acquired potentials. This ‘success’ depends only on you. That is why I insist; here, as you sail through the words; there is no writer, no reader; only Information and potential. You however, are the ‘Media’ of all Successes.
As we talk about Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living in this eBook, it is important that we accept the hypothesis that essentially, grammar of life pertains to infinite ‘ingredients’, which nature, society-culture and our own body-mind make available for us. We need to be masters of the grammar and therefore, must understand in details about ‘ingredients’. The ingredients come from the holistic Field or Landscape of wider external milieus, Sub-Fields of your individuality, localized ecosystems of ambient physical and ideational milieus. These ingredients are what we know as attributes or properties of a Field. Then, there is this processing of information by the two and between the two media of individual and collective consciousnesses, in emergent and cyclically evolving looped interactions. I sum them up as dynamics of the dimensions of 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition, Causality.
It is a huge tragedy that our consciousness is designed to be very localized. Our consciousness is also value neutral. Means, it does differentiate between good-bad, right-wrong or real-fake. It is simply designed to process whatever Information it gets from whatever sources in whichever milieus. Mass majority of people grow and evolve in hugely restrictive milieus. Their ambient milieus, from which they receive most of their Information since early childhood, automatically shape up their consciousness. Growing up and maturing essentially means – First, we consciously expand our Information landscapes as we know, reality is vast and infinite. As we have talked earlier, ‘ingredients’ of life-living are essentially Information, which must come and get processed by the media of consciousness, from the widest possible domain of the cosmic expanse. Most people have localized consciousness, which processes information or ‘ingredients’ only from ambient milieus of family, society, ethnic group, nationality, etc. Very naturally, their consciousness has very limited cognition and they remain enslaved to unreal-restrictive-fake ideas and idealisms of caste, creed, color, faith, nationalism, et al. As most information an average person gets are usually ‘part’ perspectives or beliefs, they are as bad as fake and unreal information. The greats of humanity have been telling us since thousands of years that this is true and actual poverty of a person. We shall talk about it later.
As we expand our information landscape by consciously acquiring novel and alternative knowledge about the realities, we grew up with, we develop this crucial ability to prune and weed out wrong, half-baked and fake Information from our consciousness. We gradually arrive at holism of information. That is why it is said that it takes the whole village to grow, evolve and mature a child. Society-cultures were designed to supply relevant, right, diverse and even contrasting information to a child to grow him or her truly rich and right. Secondly, we consciously learn to develop this ability to assign our personal and individualistic judgments about which information is good-right-real; as against the prevalent, populist and culturally approved ideas about realities. If we develop this way, our consciousness acquires a novel system of cognition. We can then clearly see and realize, how most of the populist ideas about identities, ethnicities, religion, politics, society, culture, nationalism, gender etc are bad-wrong-fake and a product of restrictively localized consciousness and cognition. We can clearly feel and realize, we are also only Information and Fields and the only identity, with which we must align and identify with is cosmic information and universal reality. Rest of all identities and labels on individuality are unreal, fake, misleading and restrictive. This hypothesis is not new. It is almost 3000 years old as ancient Indian philosophy has described in details about it. Modern science has cleared whatever mist was there.
Human life and living is part and parcel of only singular reality of infinite universe. Everything is Information and all constituents and parts, forming this infinite plexus and system of Information, including humans, have only one identity – We are Fields, Landscapes, Information; within the colossal reality of infinite cosmos. This awareness is maturity. The practice of this reality is actually being alive. Only alive can understand grammar of life and poetry of living. Thousands of years back, Indian philosophy coined the reality as – ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’. This Sanskrit term means; the whole world is one family and all living beings are relatives.
When we become aware of and internalize the reality of life-living, aligning it not only with local-ambient Information but cosmic and holistic Information, which is beyond everything that we have known and accepted so far; then only we can have the consciousness that shall lead us to novel and alternative cognitions and experiences. These novel experiences shall enrich our lives and make us truly successful and wealthy. These novelties of experiences become possible only when we know and accept that our consciousness; this sense of ‘I’ or subjective me, is like a mirror. It is a media, which is neutral like a mirror. The mirror shall show us what we put in front of it. It cannot show an apple, if we place a mango in front of it. Our consciousness also shows us the reality, which our milieus feed it with. Our consciousness has the potential to show us the realities of the cosmos and even beyond. We only kill its true potentials by restricting information to it only from a very small and localized milieu. Knowledge and its internalization open up and expand the milieus and it aligns us with the vastness of Information in the wider landscape of the cosmos. Larger and wider the Information landscape, better and greater is the potential of consciousness to create realities of novel and alternative experiences to us. This alone is growing up and getting mature. It saves us from the definitive slavery of localized ambient milieus and their restrictive worthiness. This alone is true and real richness and wealth. It truly is being alive.
More important is the fact that all these information as ‘ingredients’ are processed by our brain plexuses to create different shades of probable realities for us. There are huge and complex plexus of neurochemical and neuroelectrical mechanisms and processes, which participate in processing of information. When we talk of consciousness, the idea of self, ‘I’ or subjective sense of me; we need to understand and accept that it is a collective-cooperative-emergent entity of these massive mechanisms and processes. Therefore, each of these mechanism and process is also ‘I’ or at least very much a part of self or Consciousness. When we accept our consciousness as media of everythingness; we need to accept this holism of emergent consciousness and ‘parts’ of ‘I’ or self, which we referred to as mechanisms and process within our body-brain systems. We need to ‘own’ and accept cognizance of all ‘parts’; leave nothing to be mishandled by our unconscious-subconscious self and always consciously work towards assimilating and integrating all part selves into holism of singular consciousness of ‘I’.
That is why understanding the structure and functions of brain as well as our body, in its holism is core knowledge to unravel the magic of ingredients. It is important not only for unraveling and deciphering of consciousness but also for larger health, vitality and wellness. You already know how growing awareness about our body-mind realities has improved the life-expectancy and overall health of people. Fortunately, modern science has achieved great insights and knowledge into the brain-realities as neuroscience, in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence (AI), evolutionary and molecular biology breakthroughs has unraveled huge lots of body-brain functioning. The breakthroughs in the field of molecular biology have made even average person better aware about his or her bodies and diseases. Unfortunately, however, mass majority of common women and men have not been exposed to the contemporary scientific knowledge. Tragically enough, mass majority of humanity still remain slaves of old, archaic and now obsolete faith-based and populist perceptional realities of self, consciousness and cognition.
Moreover, the ingredients themselves are not the end attainments as, the poetry of living comes as ‘emergence’; made possible in processes of togetherness, assimilation and integration of the ingredients. The trouble is that much of the Grammar of Life can be easily known and understood as the contemporary knowledge about neuroscience and other fields like artificial intelligence, molecular biology et al are easily and freely available. However, the Poetry of Living involves this very critical but exclusively personal ingredient of Awareness, its internalization and holistic usage to process out integration and assimilation of myriads of elements (information) in internal and external milieus. Many people have the knowledge of Grammar but very few can create Poetry. This happens as they are good at ingredients but not as good and successful at processes. Therefore, we also need to be geniuses of the ‘processes’.
At the very outset, we need to understand and accept what is the true Reality of the humanly designed ideas of Success and Richness. We all want to be rich and successful but almost always ‘ape’ the populist and dominant available ‘benchmarks’ of societal and cultural appropriateness. Mass majority of people subconsciously follow ‘Perceptions’ and seldom care to test their validity, veracity and holistic utility in actuality of reality. In life-living; we always face with this classical dualism of two dimensions of Reality – Perceived and Actual. Since many thousand years, all ancient philosophies of all shades from all corners of human civilizations and cultures have been telling us that true success and richness of life-living is not in money, power, fame and consumption. It is in quantitative and qualitative abundance of probabilistic experiences of myriad shades and hues of Realities. Our brain creates a mind consciousness for us, which is genius of information processing. Information is infinite and therefore, there are infinite shades and hues of emergence of experiences of realities, which emanate and evolve out of the melodious and harmonious processing of information in Field or Landscape of Consciousness. There are gold and diamond mines, which everyone would love to own but very few of us are interested in owning and quarrying the mines of experiences, available for all, full of real gold and diamonds of cognitive brilliances.
This richness of diversities of experiences, our consciousness has the potential to create for us, is true success as it keeps growing and nobody can take it away from us. Money, power, fame and consumption are not only ephemeral, temporary, corrupting and susceptible to pilferage and loot; they also do the worst harm by blocking the journey of richness of experiences. With money, power, fame and consumption; we actually stop the journeys of our potentials. We stop journeying and obsessively and singularly focus on protecting and sustaining them. We actually hoard solitary experience of consumptive luxurious joyfulness by obsessively and singularly pursuing money, power and fame and in turn, kill the prospects of true richness of acquiring different shades and hues of other Beautiful Experiences. We become slaves to the Singular Causality of only one experience of opulence. We thrive in one dimension of material abundance and earn the penury of blocking multidimensionality of vast shades of experiences; mostly intangible.
This is actually the worst poverty; as all philosophies, spiritualism and now modern science have been telling us loud and clear. Ancient Oriental philosophy has likened this ‘Ultimate Poverty’ with itch. Everyone loves scratching an itch as it gives instant orgasmic joy. However, only few seconds later this joy vanishes and leaves bloody scars, which pains for hours. This finality of ‘Itch-Joyfulness’ is what has been referred to as Ultimate Poverty, which money, power, fame and consumptive joyfulness ends up with. We all know, history tells us; almost all greats of humanity were rich in experiences and poor in material resources.
There is no problem with money, fame and power. They are also great means for some specific experiences. We cannot say, those who earn it are not good. They sure are. The trouble, however are two-fold. First, money, fame and power are hugely rare and their probability is not equitably situationed in contemporary world, as human population is many times more than what the limited resources of human world could bear. Almost 95% of resources and wealth are now in the hands of only 5% people. In such a world, a person cannot have money-fame-power and also have the leisure and mind consciousness to even think of other experiences. They take the whole life of a person and install loads of shamelessness and deceitfulness in consciousness. This kills emergence of novel and alternative experiences, other than what money-fame-power can provide. Secondly, once someone attains the money-fame-power, his or her media (consciousness) changes and becomes singularly focused and oriented to sustaining and prolonging the acquired money-fame-power. The idealism of attainment of money-fame-power as one of the many elements in holism of human experiences is rare; if not impossible in contemporary world of depraved and chaotic human society and cultures.
The very idea and reality of Experiences is very complex and therefore, it needs to be understood in its holism. We need to understand and accept this very crucial connection and relationship between experiences and our personal development-growth as mature and sincere human being. The primary acceptance is about an individual’s almost negligible situation in the expanse of colossal external milieus and complexities of infinite realities in them. We as an individual can only see, visualize and perceive a very miniscule part or dimension. Innately, our consciousness is designed to be very localized. It is the singular element of knowledge of a highly aware conscious self, which facilitates for us the expansion of our horizon of experiences of realities.
For example, most people love to travel and they make holiday trips to places. So, a person can go to London, Paris, New York, etc. He or she would stay there for a week or so, see some famous landmarks, eat local food, buy some stuff as souvenir and come back. Another person may not ever visit these places but would read books about its history, culture, polity, etc and be aware about what is happening in contemporary England, France, USA, etc. The first person shall always boast that he or she has been to these countries and know them but only the second person truly knows and understands these places, even when he or she never visited them. It is like I visit a person, sit on the lawn of his house, talk to him and come back saying, I visited his home. The lawn was only a part of his house, which had many rooms and other important things; apart from the small details his home would make me feel. I know nothing of them and still, I would say, I visited his home and know it. Most people understand and accept Reality and its knowledge, only this partial ways. They seldom accept the holism of a Reality. It happens because, our consciousness is essentially local and we only relish to be happy with ‘part’; stupidly ignoring the Holism of Reality.
Most people however, are not inclined towards knowledge. They are happy aping the ‘partialism’ of populist societal-cultural appropriates. As we grow and evolve, we actually expand the horizon of our cognitive proficiencies. An aware, conscious and knowledgeable person shall be far better endowed to experience the richness of anything; like love or simply an ice-cream, compared to an average person with no inclination and awareness about how a singular reality can be experienced in different ways, shades and dimensions. A person can be happy buying a T-Shirt. Another person however can be equally happy; even happier, not buying the same T-Shirt as he or she would be aware that it was made of cotton, cultivated forcibly by people, who have been subjected to state oppression, discrimination and even brutality. Reality is always multidimensional. Bliss is sourced from infinite pathways.
Maturity is primarily about evolving of a person, facilitating attainment of richness of experiences. Mass majority of people only apes; they stupidly relish slavery of mind consciousness. They only experience the ‘skin’ of a Reality and remain oblivious of the versatility of multidimensional experiences of the holism of the entire ‘body’ of a Reality. This is acute poverty. Populist joyfulness and commercial utilities only accentuate this widespread poverty. This suits the corporations and politics of the day. For them, it is easy to rule and manipulate ‘slaves’, who can be easily conditioned by fudged and fake information.
All these cognitive brilliance and maturity however, is not easy. It is not an auto-learning and auto-accrual attainment. Unraveling the grammar of life and poetry of living is an evolved and internalized science and art. It follows highly aware and experiential processes of learning-unlearning. But, together, in this journey here, we shall facilitate the understanding of everything. This eBook is expressly designed for ease of understanding; in personalized way for optimum utility to you.
Somehow, if honesty, humility, affection et al are not prompted and beckoned for a ‘performance’, or ‘advert’ at any time and situation of life-living, they facilitate something bizarre and unimaginably uninterpretable; deep within Consciousness. This is not usual; also, probably beyond expression through languages we speak. Generally, our entire mechanism of beingness, or what we may call as ‘awareness of self’, is action-oriented and externally expressive. It is also usually unleashed by external insinuations of milieus, meant and directed towards external attainments and consumption. This is the way and for this purpose, all brains happened and evolved; including human brain.
Since ages, some of the greats of humanity have explained the magical marvel of Language of Silence. Some like to call it the Illumination of Emptiness. Ancient Oriental spiritual philosophies have popularized many shades of non-intuitive cognitions of un-actionable and internal experiences. Shikan Tza in Japanese spiritual artfulness means ‘Just Sit’. It is accepted as practice and mesmerizing experiences of silence and emptiness. Various meditation techniques, including the now popular art of Vipasana, hovers around the same idea of just witnessing the self and causalities happening, without the inclination of action and reaction. In plain and simple terms, the artistry is to unlearn the innate and entrenched instinct of being either a protagonist or a judge and instead; simply be a detached and objective witness. This difference is cognitive and our consciousness is genius of that; if evolved and oriented this way.
Humanity has understood and also relished the Ideational Oscillations, happening and pervading all layers of Consciousness that have meaningfulness, purpose and utilities exclusively for internal beingness and its experiential layers; sans externalities of actions. They have no connect and commerce with externalities. There is a word coined by humanity for such internal and highly personal experiences, referred to as Epiphanies. This however does not fully explain the holism of the multidimensionality of experiences, we are talking about.
Very early, in human cultures, epiphanies were considered as ‘Voice of God’ or they were considered something as mystical as ‘Soul Expressions’. Dreams were also put in the same category. Modern science has now unraveled the mystery and it is now explainable as how they are manifestations of massive interactions of hugely complex neural networks of the brain states, involving billions of neurons and neuro-chemical and neuro-electrical processes. The God and its Voice has been deciphered. In fact, any individual, who masters the Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living, can orchestrate this ‘Voice of God’ and elevate itself to this state of expressions of internalized experiences. We need to understand brain mechanisms and processes; we need to understand and align to science of reality; especially the dynamics of Fields, Landscapes and Information.
It is probably like, a light and its seven shades of rainbow-colors are not explicitly available for ‘demonstrative’ expression of visualization, if there is no ‘media’, which could reflect it back to the eyes of the beholder and observer. The light then does nothing for externalities. However, they remain there, probably assimilated in what we assume as vacuum. The particles-waves of light and their probabilistic oscillations, probably communicate something deep within the expanse of vacuum. This Information remains there; embedded in the ‘nothingness’ of so-called vacuum. The illumination of shades of colorfulness is probably in some other dimension.
Science tells us, nothing is not ‘nothing’; it has oscillations. The probabilistic ‘vacuum’ of the Field of Consciousness probably needs stripping off all insinuations and exhortations of demonstrativeness and advert-insinuations in external milieus, for the communication of oscillations to script an alternative and novel Reality in neural plexuses – the billions of it. They seek an expression; a novel and silent communication, which spreads throughout the cosmos of beingness. This is the modern scientific hypothesis of Fields or Landscapes of Information creating realities. This domain of ‘Voice of God’ is now explained with objective and measurable clarity and is very much available for experiences to anyone, who shows up with the required eligibility. The epiphanies and the science behind it is also among things, we deal with, as we delve into Grammar of Live; Poetry of Living.
Humanity has talked about such experiences since thousands of years as something spiritual; especially faith-based and abstracted. Experiences as emergent expressions of oscillations in the Field of Consciousness are purely objective and scientific domain of multidimensionality of reality. We have talked about Consciousness as akin to Field or Landscape, which physical theorists speak about as part of their discourse of String Theory of Reality.
It is all about the science of Emergence and how our consciousness ‘Owns’ processes happening within our body-brain mechanisms and how some experiences escape this ‘Ownership’ regime and thus feel like something ‘mystically precarious’. Most of the emergent experiences are not ‘owned’ by consciousness as their final feel and perception is completely different from those ‘part’ information, which in togetherness and assimilation, in massive neural plexuses are engendered. This ‘escaping’ also has specific processes. This was spiritual stuff, ages back but now a purely scientific reality; explainable and probably replicable. We shall simplify this idea and talk later in details. This is core and latest wisdom of contemporary science, which forms the centrality of our talks about Grammar of Life; Poetry of Living.
This language within, this silence and illumination; this emergence of novel and alternative realities and their expressions, within the cosmos of consciousness, is probably what scientists may like to call as the ‘Mystical Marvels of Entropic Brain’, playing its best of philharmonic orchestra, beyond the grammar of syntactic symmetry. The philosophers may ascribe it as un-patterned, randomized perceptional ocean of surfing neurons. But; this ocean is huge potential. This ocean has life-living marvels in mystical variety; very much explainable now. The pop intellectuals may like to ridicule it as hallucination of a brain, ‘high’ on psychedelic substances. Average people may simply call it madness or delusional.
These varied interpretations of singular Reality hints at the fact that human perceptions are subjective and probable to different sets of cognitions – all engendered by brain states. Both intuitive as well as non-intuitive realities and their experiences are enterprises of brain states and billions of neural plexuses. It is now also very much explainable by neuroscience tools as why some experiences stand as ‘mystical’ to our cognition; qualifying to be labeled as ‘God Domain’. This god domain and its spirituality is also actually brain domain. Most people do not like to entertain this hypothesis as it is directly antithetical to the transcendental comfort zone of dominant cultural systems of beliefs and faiths. Somehow, the scientific ideas are beyond the familiarity of intuitive perceptions and seek a non-intuitive cognition. This does not come automatically. As a scientist said, ‘we get trained to see and visualize even two-dimensional things in three-dimensional reality and acceptance of dimensions beyond three does not come easy. It needs practice’.
This however is a ‘resource’; this variation in acceptance of a reality in different possible ways is true ‘endowment’. Richness of experiences and cognitive diversity is true success and wealth. However, as average humans are seldom compassionate and liberal about other ‘shades’ of perception, different from what one accepts, this resource is squandered. Average person is so bewildered by the faculties of its own consciousness and is so reluctant to know and accept new knowledge that most humans are happy victims of solipsism and anti-intellectualism. Rather, it becomes a constant point of conflicts and competitiveness. We all know, how in contemporary human societies, across the globe, liberal idealisms of attitudes and orientations are waning fast and how average person is becoming obsessively dogmatic about personal beliefs and faiths. Sadly enough, in most parts of the globe, there is a regressive movement back to medieval thinking and orientations. Grammar of Life; Poetry of Living requires the primary eligibility of acceptance. This is a waning resource.
Historical Reality remains explicitly scripted in off white pages of Time that uncountable humans, almost in all ages, all cultures and in all shades of consciousnesses, till date, have understood and accepted it as the most precious and sought after experiences of life-living. Humanity has benefitted the most from this ‘madness’. The human media of Consciousness of average person probably is too insignificantly trained to see and accept that this ‘Diversity’ of brain and cognitive multidimensionality is what Evolution is madly in love with. You just need to look around and it is self-evident. The earth and the universe are expressions of this ‘entropic marvel’ of media of consciousness, busy with Information of infinite probabilities and propensities muffling all observances.
Someone said, how boring and burdened life-living would be if Reality and its experiences were singular and static. No doubt, it is a huge resource that reality cannot be singular as there are different ‘media’ of not only different men and women but also millions of other living organisms, which extend myriad shades to the multidimensionality of reality. Science of evolution tells us that even human genetic pool has clear imprint of our evolutionary journey from oceanic creatures to mammals, primates and now humanoids. This suggests; our human consciousness is also not a singular media but a cooperative of time-synced plurality of different medias; all imprinted in the information processing of our brain. This human brain is also not a single organ but a cooperative of different brain parts, evolved and integrated in different timelines, in the long and tumultuous human evolution of 4 million years.
This Multidimensionality of Reality and its perceptional shades of infinite hues and aromas are true resource and endowment for life-living. They are the source ‘ingredients’ of the flavor and tastefulness of poetry of living. It is tragic that this resource has turned out to be the singular culprit of most troubles of humanity. The trouble however, is not with ‘Resource’. It is with human mind and human consciousness-cognition, which fails to see, understand and accept a true resource and squanders it. That’s why the human world is today what it is! This culturally induced and propagated single-dimensional pursuit of ‘success’, only in terms of tangibility and consumptive wellness is actually killer of the true and real Resource of humanity. Scientific investigation hypothesizes – Successful people kill Reality; evolution designed it this way!
In life-living, the most brilliantly magical thing, which can happen to anyone, is probably this ‘State of Consciousness’. It is so hugely satisfying and propitiating; yet, very tough to communicate and explain. But, I must say with honesty and humility of ‘undemonstrative’ intent that the availability of this state of consciousness, this precious cognition and this possession of awareness about causalities, which bring about all these; have been elaborated in different possible ways, both by ancient spiritualism-philosophy as well as modern science. Explaining and expressing something, as intangible and mystically emergent yet ephemeral idea, as mentioned above, is very tough but possible.
With all humility and also unblemished objectivity, I wish to say, without ever meaning to cast any aspersion on others, that I have never ever tasted alcohol in any form and any psychedelic substance in my life. Therefore, what we are talking about may look and sound mystical and therefore susceptible to being labeled as ‘hallucination’, induced by a ‘troubled’ brain or otherwise but it is not philosophy. It is pure science and very much verifiable, even measurable now, with latest technological advancements in neuroscience et al. We shall always talk science; nothing else. That is why we insisted early in this eBook that there is no purpose of this eBook; rather it shall only journey through the actuality and veracity of different dimensions of purposes – perceived as well as actual.
One of the toughest attainments and possessions in life-living is to have precise, unadulterated, specific and confirmable Information about things – the ingredients and processes. Contemporary science is very keen in looking at all Realities as Information. Therefore, this hypothesis has huge impact on not only life-living wellness but also in optimizing your potentials. You also know very well how genuine and unadulterated Information in contemporary human world is precarious and tough.
People ask for recipe of a favorite food and learn the intricacies about cooking them. Still, often, the desired ‘tastefulness’ goes missing. Why? There are loads of factors, which we know as the ‘Causalities’. The ingredients we get may not be right and appropriate, the proportion of ingredients may go wrong, the processes of different stages of cooking and assimilation of ingredients at right time and stage of cooking may not be right; etc. The idea is – Tastefulness is not only about Ingredients and cooking materials. The Processes are equally important, if not more. Tastefulness is ‘Emergence’ of complex and well measured processes. The processes involve complex causalities of assimilation, integration and even disintegration at different stages and timeline of processes. The grammar of Life is vast and complex. The poetry of Living – the processes, is far more complex and requires persevered practice. Tastefulness and its ‘emergence’ is a function of ‘Mutuality’ of Science and Art of Ingredients and Processes. That is why true, real and genuine information about realities is very critical. Knowledge is important; practice of knowledge in its implementation is equally critical. Internalization of knowledge seeks prolonged pathways of experiential successes. In all these processes, sanctity and sanity of Information is critical.
There is this very important and indispensable cyclicality of Three Processes, in looped interconnectivity and integration, to actualize the potential of every person, for lasting sanity, bliss and excellence. First is Registry, second is Internalization and third is Expression. They all are ‘Processes’ at brain’s neural plexuses and involve processing of Information. However, some part of these three-staged processes may be subconscious or unconscious, but, a huge landscape of Information needs to be very consciously engineered and managed for true richness and successes of experiences. The primary need for success of this three-process cyclicality is sanctity and sanity of Information. If not; then the process actually spells disaster. You already know, how much of the current troubles of contemporary humanity emanate out of wrong, half-baked, fudged and patronized Information.
Knowledge of reality and conscious acceptance of its multidimensionality facilitate Registry. This first stage of registry is very crucial. Most people are not open to and consciously receptive to different shades of information as knowledge because, they happen to be either antithetical or unsettling to their comfort zone of acceptances. Localization of consciousness also emaciates and impoverishes registry. We must allow registry of all Information. The wider spectrum of registry must then be Internalized. Internalization process means what we may popularly call as ‘Living It Out’. All inputs of information being registered in consciousness plexuses need to be assimilated, integrated and aligned with existing memories of past experiences to engender the symmetry of feelings. Internalization process also involves weeding out and pruning those embedded information, which do not synchronize and is inharmonious to holism of an emergent reality. The internalized experiences then have to be meaningfully and fruitfully Expressed; both within and externally. This expression in turn opens up the portals of novel and alternative experiences. The cyclicality of three processes must be life-long and in looped interconnectivity.
The trouble however is, there are books, teachers and fields of academics, which can make you learn a subject in details. However, when it comes to life-living and knowledge-wisdom of uncountable shades of Realities surrounding us, nothing mentioned above is of much use. Why? It is primarily because, as in the case of most knowledge; having all right information does not anyway automatically enable you to practice them all in optimal ways. Life-living is the practicality of knowledge and wisdom acquired through learning-unlearning and direct experiences processes. Information is almost always impersonal and available to all. Wisdom however, can only be personalized through subjective and very conscious internalization processes. This nobody else can do for you. It is only a personal enterprise. That is why it is tough.
Life-living is ‘operative’ excellence of practiced artistry, with a very aware and focused Consciousness. This may come after learning, unlearning and experiences but surely not automatically. It is ‘emergence’. It requires observance of laws of emergence. Therefore, at 54, I may well be as stupid as I was at 5 years of age. The ‘54’ may extend me Grammar (not necessarily) but not the Poetry. It comes through long-complex processes of Emergence.
Moreover, as we are talking about Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living, it is a fruitful hypothesis to accept that Life-Living and everything related with it is a huge and complex domain of information and knowledge. You may learn well in your academic life and be a great doctor or engineer. However, life-living is not like a fixed syllabus. It requires knowledge and experiences of vast domains of Reality and needs sincere internalization of them in looped interconnection. More than knowledge, teacher and experiences; life-living requires personal enterprise and resolve to orient your Consciousness for an ‘Internalization’ process, which assimilates and integrates ‘parts’ of varied, complex and seemingly contradicting knowledge into ‘holism’ of singular broad-based wisdom. Success of ‘parts’ may never qualify you to be winner at ‘Holism’. Rather, part successes often work as hindrances to holistic success. As we talked earlier, money, fame and consumption as attainments are ‘part’ successes. They also facilitate evolving of Consciousness but obsession with them produces scammed propensities of vitiation from avowed journey to Holism.
Science says, successful people often ‘kill’ or stand in denial of Reality; therefore, closing doors for Reality in its entirety. It is primarily a trouble or restrictiveness of Consciousness. The consciousness is the portal of all Information and all Realities. However, consciousness is not automatically eligible for success of holism. Majority of humans have very poorly and partially evolved consciousness. Science says; a crow has conscious intelligence greater and better than a seven-ten year old human child, even when it has a very small brain. How? Does this mean a crow is better and more intelligent than a human child? No. Not in holism. The crow has superiority only in the domain of logical reasoning and observed learning. The human child shall still remain far better in emotional intelligence and many other domains of cognition and learning. Tragically, majority of humans are like crows. They are very intelligent in only a few domains and are eligible enough to be successful in livelihood and careers. May be; a crow is even better than many adult humans in Livelihood-Intelligence! However, their consciousness and cognition remains as partial as the crow intelligence. That is probably why being a billionaire and being a good lover are not the same reality. Science is impersonal; artistry is always personal and subjective.
There is another trouble with grammar as well as poetry of life-living. Most people grow up and mature with all sorts of wrong, adulterated and misleading information, making them their basis of knowledge. This happens as this comes easy and through an automatic learning process of observance and experience, just by living and being part of society and cultures. It is very much like the crow, which has high observatory intelligence. The crow learns fast and good; learning from ambient milieus by observing humans and others. In contemporary world, there is no dearth of ‘sources’ offering ‘recipes’ of successes in all aspects of life-living. Millions of books are written every year. We all know how loads of celebrities, icons and even ‘experts’ are churning out billions of stuffs on YouTube and through social-personal media. Most of them are geniuses of ‘Parts’ and therefore actually work their ways into minds of average people to kill or negate Reality. Fake and wrong information is what average human usually gets from milieus and imbibe through innate ‘observational intelligence’. This is calamitous.
That is why it is important to briefly talk about why true and right knowledge is tough and rare acquisition and how most people land in troubles of life-living because of their ‘easy and auto’ learning, without any personal initiative and enterprise. There is a famous story, which speaks about how people land in trouble by having ‘misinterpreted’ information as knowledge.
There was renowned teacher in ancient times. He had many disciples but one of them was very weak at learning. After the end of learning, the teacher called this student and told him, ‘You could not learn anything I taught and as it is now time for you to go home and start your worldly life, I wish you to always remember only one sentence and follow it’. The student was happy and assured the teacher that remembering and following just one line wisdom was easy and he would always follow. The teacher told him, ‘Always follow what big people do’. The student nodded and left the teacher’s academy to go home. En route, he reached a place where two separate and opposite roads were branching. He was confused as which road he should take. Soon, he saw five people coming and taking the left road. All five men were tall and bulky and were having loads of carriage with them. He thought, my teacher asked me to follow big people and they are surely not only ‘Big’ but huge and they also have ‘Big’ possessions with them. I must follow them. He followed the five men. These five men were robbers and were going back after a successful loot at a nearby village. Very soon, the soldiers of the king arrived and after a short fight, all robbers were captured. The soldiers also beat this poor student, whom the soldiers took as robbers. He cried and tried to tell the truth but the soldiers tied him in ropes and took him to king’s prison. The poor student blamed his teacher for all his troubles as it was his advice of ‘Following Big’ people, which landed him in this trouble.
This story points out to the fact that how ‘partial’ and ‘shallow’ knowledge creates trouble for most people. The reality of ‘Big’ has many shades and different people, with variegated mind consciousnesses shall always take subjectively diverse meanings. All these ‘part’ meanings, in all realities and that too segregated, are the trouble of humanity. The missing ‘Holism’, which ‘emerges’ after assimilation, integration and synthesis of all possible ‘parts’ is the ‘flavor’ or tastefulness of life-living. That is why it is a complex and massive situation.
We need to have knowledge of different ‘parts’, which we have earlier referred as ‘ingredients’. We need to have knowledge and experiences of wide spectrum of probable meanings and causalities, the ingredients or ‘parts’ may have. And then; we must have good mastery of the ‘processes’ the ‘parts’ undergo and can undergo to create the ‘emergence’ of Holism of Reality. This is primary hypothesis for Science and Art of Sanity and Bliss. This is bare basics of Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. We shall talk about all possible aspects of this science and art in this eBook. We shall list out ideas and practicalities, which shall lead us to master the craft of poetry in our personality and living world.
There is a reality, called Intellectualism, which has been debated and differed since ages. It is still not clear, what Intellect truly means and whom we can say a true Intellectual. This question is important because, once we arrive at one common and singular definition of Intellect; we can call upon this idea of Intellectualism to successfully understand many core and critical ideas about life-living and holism of wellness.
As we have hypothesized earlier, multiplicity of perceptions of a singular reality may be the seed of all human troubles but still, it is a huge resource for us as it allows different probabilities to fetch and add novel dimensions to the ways we experience satisfactions and joys. That is probably a joy, which we humans have not yet learnt to relish in its holism. As mentioned earlier, in our populist cultural mind training to be ‘successful’, we usually chase only those single or restricted few ‘Realities’, which society benchmarks as ‘eligibility’ for success. This narrowed and ‘part’ success takes us away from holism of Reality.
Society and cultures require us to be geniuses of ‘parts’ and stand in denial and oblivion of rest of the holism of Reality. That is why science says; successful people kill reality. Some evolutionary biologists hypothesize that evolution itself works this way. Evolution designed human cognition in a way, which restricts lot many aspects of Reality and makes it accept ambient Reality through a restrictive window of perception to optimize survival. This survival single-mindedness, no doubt, comes only when consciousness is focused only on one desire. You already know; this singular focus also guarantees ‘successes’ in our lives. Cultures somehow, innately follow the restrictive but critical drives of humanity. Evolution does not ‘trust’ conscientious human intelligence and therefore, ‘wires’ all drives in subconscious processes. Cultures also brilliantly enforce evolutionary requisites, wiring them in fixed rituals. Laws are no aberrations! If we look around and know, how different animals, birds and other complex organisms have some specialized and exclusive body-brain faculties to facilitate some specific behavior-action; we can understand how our own gateways to visualize and accept Reality are very restrictive and limited.
We know there is now a singular and globally accepted common regimen and methodology about how to raise and train your pet dog puppy. It is broadly common, with minor changes for different dog breeds and geographical diversities. However, there is no singular common universal idea and methodology to raise and grow a human child. It is primarily because we have not yet decided a singular and universal idea and definition of Intellect. As the Intellect is not singular, the idea of right and wrong is also not yet singular. Not only we humans do not agree, we fight over it and ensure that every time, the multiplicity of perceptions must settle in favor of our own personal and subjective acceptance of a reality. The war is always on and brutally manifested in cultures, politics and life-living. That is why it may help us a great deal, if we could settle with a workable basis or hypothesis of Intellect. No doubt, we shall do it with the help of modern and contemporaneous knowledge of pure science; not abstract philosophy or pop psychology.
If I could be allowed a privilege, for a moment, to request you to keep aside your instinctive and visceral perceptions about Realities; as you have been accepting since long, I would attempt to enlist the twin themes, which I may very humbly say, defines, identifies and shapes True and Real Intellect –
This ever evolving and constantly maturing ability to allow and lead one’s cognitive entrepreneurship to journey all ‘Landscape of Probabilities’, without much trepidation and painfulness. The neural network of brain is brilliantly probabilistic and if Consciousness does not inhibit it, with barriers of fear, insecurities, dogmatic diktats and cultural benchmarking of successes; it facilitates and engenders novel and even ‘bizarre’ cognitions. This in turn opens up the portals of novel and alternative experiences. More cognitive liberty we allow and welcome to our Consciousness; larger and better are the dimensions of emergent experiences. This is magnificent profitability and possession. This Intellect leads us to true and real richness.
This ever evolving and constantly maturing ability to systematically ‘unlearn’ the old-archaic and archetypal cultural mind and its acceptances to galvanize the installation and entrenchment of novel, objective, scientific ‘learning’; facilitating and expanding the landscape of probabilistic cognitions, as mentioned above. Unlearning clears and weeds out the conscious-spaces, which our old, archaic and populist cultural insinuations installed since we were born. This creates a willing and new space for novel and alternative experiences. This Intellect leads us to true and real richness.
These twin elements of anyone’s consciousness are now hugely facilitated by the exponential advancement of scientific information in so many domains of knowledge; especially in the domains of neuroscience, molecular biology and artificial intelligence. The good or bad thing about this ‘enrichment’ is the fact that this knowledge is not an asset or property, like a house, car or jewelry. Knowledge is not static and therefore ephemeral. As knowledge and information in contemporary world is growing exponentially; knowledge is never a lasting asset but a step towards further and higher journeying. Knowledge and wisdom is like a constant journeying; in dialectical cyclicality of learning-unlearning-learning (Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis). That is why; not even a stupid like me should ever be in any misconception that knowledge can ever be a property. It is always a catalytic agency; very much like Money we have, to facilitate ‘conveniences’ for certain resources, which in turn create launch pad of wellness for knowledge acquisition.
What we have enlisted above about the Reality of Intellect is its probabilistic, multidimensional and evolving-emergent character. This is how all realities are. Therefore, Intellect is also just a part of the holism of Reality and therefore must reflect the innate and embedded properties and propensities of Reality, in its objectivity and Holism. In fact, all realities, which we humans accept; has to be in sync with probabilistic nature of macrocosmic reality.
Though, it is not prudent to define the reality of Intellect in a set of words, still; we must do it so that we have the convenience of internalizing the idea and practice it with some element of definitiveness. But, it must be borne into our minds that the definition is only for a practical purpose of imaging or symbolizing of a reality. It can never be the true holism of Reality.
So, we can say, True Intellect means this mindfulness-thoughtfulness and poised acceptance, of mechanism and processes of body-mind and its constant interaction with milieus, which allows a person to journey the innumerable probable shades and aspects of Reality, in complete joyfulness-contentment; consciously not allowing instinctive fear-insecurities of subconscious-unconscious brain plexus to vitiate this journey by proposing reverse-antagonistic actions and behaviors.
To simplify it and put it in one sentence – Intellect is a Consciousness of Probabilistic Acceptance of Reality. To make it simpler – Intellect Is Landscape; Not Buildings. To be more specific – Intellect is True Expression of Reality.
It is very interesting to mention here, how this definition of Intellect very much matches up with the latest scientific assertion of Reality. Top scientists of contemporary times say; Theoretical Physics has no theories about Reality. It only has landscapes to offer. The string theorists term the ‘Landscape’ as infinite domain of probabilities. In this hypothesis, even the universe is accepted not as one uniform and homogenous entity but a conglomeration of spaces, which can be accepted as Fields or Landscapes; having different probabilistic properties. In this light, when physics of Reality itself is Landscape, it is probably only truly appropriate to accept this hypothesis that Intellect must also be this singular perspective to accept, journey and enjoy the landscape of probabilities. Intellect is in being truly thrilled and happy about the multidimensionality of Reality and never be obsessed and dogmatic about singular or few preferred perceptions, which stand us conflicted with different other shades of realities, other than what we as individuals, accept and profess.
What I wish to bring to deliberation here is something very core and critical about life-living, which has been facilitated by contemporary scientific knowledge of human brain and how it engenders, what we popularly call The Mind. I wish to talk about two aspects of our life-living Reality and later, we shall detail about different dimensions of the two aspects to understand, what helps us optimize the potential of all attainments in life-living. The two aspects are –
There is a ‘Mind’, which we can refer to as ‘Summation’ of culturally appropriate and Milieu-Specific normality. This Mind accepts ‘Normal’, good and right, success and failures in terms of the cultural-milieu benchmarks and guides our life-living to pursue this all. This Mind, we can term as ‘Social Mind’, conforming to ‘External’ benchmarks of Appropriates and Righteousness. This mind consciousness is very much like majority of higher animals have. This mind consciousness, which facilitates social assimilation and integration with collective consciousness of cultures, is important for survival optimization. Most animals survive this way as they live as groups and behave collectively. As we have familiarized ourselves with the core concept of Information; we can understand that since childhood, a growing child automatically, unconsciously and subconsciously receives and ingrains all such Information, which are ambient, dominant and popularly accepted by majority in ambient-localized milieus of family, society, culture, polity, faith structures, etc. This collective plexus of early and primary Information forms the domain of what we are calling as Social Mind. The social mind is formed in all complex organisms and remains embedded in mind consciousness till death. This social mind is the soil of all identities and belief system a person has. For humanity, this is a sword-situation. The culturally or milieu-led Information, forming the social mind, are essential for survival optimization of all organisms, including humans. Cultures do still facilitate survival but have become so complex and corrupted that they create threats to survival sanity in many ways. Moreover, most cultures have their hypocrisies and inherent conflicts, which a person learns in auto-mode and also becomes conflicted and hypocritical. The original design of evolution for survival is not valid in 21st century humanity. The very idea of survival intelligence has undergone massive changes. Humanity still does not recognize this and remains conflicted and hypocritical.
As both science and ancient spiritualism maintain, a thesis creates its automatic antithesis and therefore, the above-stated Social Mind automatically creates its ‘opposite’ and alternative Mind. Science says; if there is matter, there automatically happens anti-matter; if electron happens, positron has to happen. Spiritualism says, in the very existence of Joy is embedded and entrenched the seeds of Sorrows and the vice-versa. One thought or idea automatically crates its negation in the same mind consciousness. It is like, a coin cannot come with one side only. It has to have two-sides and both sides happen in some probability, which is ‘entangled’ as they are part of the same Field of Information. Human cognition has been designed to operate this way; very much akin to the binary system of computers. It is a lock and key function. Information gets processed in brain states mostly like that. It is the innateness of nature’s working modality, which works out our cognition. In contemporary milieus of chaos, complexity, conflicts and confusion; the probability of wrong and un-favorability may have larger chances of happening, for average person, who may not be ‘favorably’ aligned with available ‘bounties’ of society-culture, largely usurped by a handful powerful lots. Therefore, the ‘Social Mind’ automatically creates its opposite and alternative Mind, which we can term as ‘Cosmic Mind’. This cosmic mind is far more probabilistic compared to social mind as it stands in opposition and alternative positioning to the social mind. Naturally, as cosmic mind may not adhere to ‘social-cultural’ normal and appropriate; it stands to journey deeper landscapes of life-living probabilities. This mind stands detached and probably also in opposition to most cultural and milieu-specific benchmarks of appropriates and righteousness. This cosmic mind is brilliantly probabilistic, as is Reality and Universe. If we look at ancient philosophies; we can find the twin streams of mutually exclusive philosophies; advocating opposite ideas and practices. The design of mind creates this innate dualism and is expressed in cognition of not only humans but most of the higher animals. That is why in most cultures, this mind consciousness is feared and discouraged by societies and politics. Society-culture-politics-economics need ‘conformist’ social mind. Most humans consider this cosmic mind as a big waste as it is indecisive and non-conformist. This mind consciousness is not good for populist ‘successes’ and that is why it is never welcomed. However, this cosmic mind, like social mind is not common and equal in all humans. This happens because of make-up in brain states as well as upbringing and milieu specific inputs. Most humans are happy slaves of culturally defined ‘normal’ and can’t even think of an alternative way or probability. Most also do not have the mental-material wherewithal and personal courage to resist the social-cultural normal. The brute and authoritarian powers of state and society seldom allow much liberty to individualistic options.
It is now a scientifically proven fact that even as all of us have both aspects or types of Mind, which our commonly designed brain states engender, every person differs in how their brain expresses itself, in interaction with external as well as internal milieus. Science says; no two brains are alike. This probably nature designed and evolution favored to optimize survival and natural selection benefits. This means, different people can have different combinations of the two types of Minds and naturally their expressions vary. Science says, there are seven shades of consciousness and correspondingly, there are 16 sub-types of Minds. All these mind types shall have different potency and efficacy; depending on upbringing, nurturance and ambient cultural milieus. As we talked earlier, all human minds are only potentials. How much each human mind optimizes its potentials depend on loads of elements and factors pertaining to brain structures, upbringing, cultures, learning, peers, liberal attitudes of state-society, etc. It is however, very clear that every human being must have highly evolved and optimized mind consciousness of both types – Social as well as Cosmic.
This optimization alone can lead a person to the high idealism of Holism. This holism is what is popularly known as Higher Consciousness. It is an ever evolving field or landscape of brain processing, which is actually the synthesis-stage emergence of the thesis-antithesis consciousnesses, as mentioned above. Higher Consciousness is emergent and evolved mind state, which is engendered as dialectical process of interactions between social and cosmic minds. This dialectical process is life-long cyclicality, which is the energy behind true growth and evolution of a child from a potential human being to an actual human being. The skepticism and inquisitiveness about reality; as it unravels itself to a person; is innate and engrained in the very information processing of a healthy child. Not only human brain, rather all brains of higher organisms have been designed and evolved to process information from external milieus with innate and embedded skepticism. This only survives and makes an organism excel in its ambient milieus and life-living. Tragically enough; most children are raised and nurtured by families and societies in the wrong way; emaciating and finally killing their natural inquisitiveness for varied information and thus making them slaves of cultures and polity. Those fortunate and rightly nurtured kids grow in a milieu of family, where inquisitiveness is encouraged and a child is free to accept and imbibe novelty and alternative views, ideas and ways. Their mind consciousnesses have the dialectical mechanism well galvanized and they truly evolve to have evolved higher consciousness; shunning the slavery of milieus and cultures. These handfuls are true humans.
This higher Consciousness alone makes us rise above animals we are born as. It is tragic that majority of 98 percent humans remain at the crow-level consciousness and never ever qualify to be a human, till their deaths. It is pathetic and truly inhuman, the ways in which mass majority of kids are raised, nurtured and made to deal with knowledge. The contemporary human world and its systems are killers of sanity and they have their worst impact on the kids. Their true potentials are killed shamelessly and they are all very happily made to become slaves. It takes loads of knowledge and persevered practice to master the Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. We shall try to make this as simple as possible, even while adhering to contemporary wisdom of pure and objective science.
Given this background and understanding of science, as well as spiritualism; we shall talk about some related aspects of brain, mind, consciousness, cognition and ultimately the Reality. The singular purpose of deliberation shall be to arrive at a very beautiful and fruitful ‘model’ of life-living, which we can say is a proven and indisputable for optimization of potentials mind consciousness and hence wellness and success of our life-living. Here we go…
In the last 100 years, human knowledge has acquired the criticality, which is potent enough to either completely destroy the world or make it what human potential always desired it to be – The Heaven. In the third decade of 21st century; humanity has understood Reality and its processes as never before. It has suitably designed such tools, which together put human species in an unprecedentedly precarious situation. The simple and straightforward statement of the contemporary situation is this –
If I don’t accept the current knowledge and reality; I am not even human but a savage animal, like 98 percent of human population. If I accept but still cannot master the knowledge with precision and required intelligence; I am doomed; like majority of humanity, as wrong and inappropriate knowledge kills reality, self and others. Half-baked reality holders are worst enemies and predators of humanity. There are more predators now than prey. If I accept, understand and successfully practice the grammar of life; I simply cannot live and survive in this contemporary human world and its ways, with sanity and poise. No doubt, I shall feel sorry for the 98 percent but shall feel suffocated living with them and in their world. I shall have to create a small space of my own sanity and reality; away from the madness of mass majority. My compassion and grief for mass majority of people shall always lead me to goodness for them but even this cannot create any semblance of livable compatibility with them. I have to quit! I have to move away! Many are already doing it; without adverts and demonstrativeness.
Besides this acceptance; there has to be this bare basic humility, which must precede the journey of understanding the Grammar of Life. This humility is innocent, compassionate, sincere and wholehearted acceptance of –
I am only one of the millions of species of animals in this unfathomably colossal universe. I am born animal, like these billions, but with potential to be a true human; like the handfuls of this species, as I have the favorability of a complex brain, which lends me a Consciousness that is a marvelous Media. This media has the embedded potential to unravel and decipher reality; in its holism but it has its entrenched weaknesses and troubles. Growth, maturity, success and attainments of true bliss are in life-long process of unlearning these weaknesses and learning new information to strengthen its potentials.
Only objective, rational knowledge can qualify me to become human. This acquisition of knowledge is no auto process but accrues only through personal and conscious enterprise; with loads of skepticism and resolved will to unlearn. Knowledge is an infinite domain. The ‘Reality’, I am faced with, has evolved in 14 billion years and I have only 70-80 years to learn about it. This time-span and its potential shall also depend on how I proceed with acquisition of true and right knowledge, early in my adulthood.
The contemporary human cultures, life-living benchmarks, human systems of life-management and societal order, the laws and rules governing human behaviors and actions are all obsolete, hypocritical and domains of depraved stupidities. It is so because, they are product of half-baked truths of Reality, which humanity ‘believed’ and ‘imagined’ centuries and millenniums back. Human ingenuity with stupidity and hypocrisies added more depravity and degeneration to it. Contemporary knowledge of ‘Reality’ in 21st century, as of now, renders most of them as ‘Garbage’. That is why globally, humanity and its life-living are in perfect mess. Those handfuls, who understand and accept ‘New Reality’ have already dumped them and are living in growing isolation of the old world stupidities-hypocrisies. In contemporary human world; those structures, which are meant to administer order, system, sanity and excellence are in actuality the primary protagonists of all ills and depravity; simply doing the reverse of what they were meant to be. We all live in a fake world of ‘advertised’ wellness, which is so brilliantly garbed that it beautifully hides the ghastly and devilish intent of people and systems. These farcical and deep-down depraved cultures are leading humanity to definitive annihilation and extinction. There is growing acceptance of unease and debilitation among so many people, all over the world. However, most are not able to understand what’s wrong with them or the world they live in.
Lasting Sanity in human world is Impossibility. It is because of the design of human consciousness and its innate alignments with ambient milieus. Human brain has evolved in bizarre ways over billions of years and its potentials and limitations are unique. Moreover, the Reality a human brain faces and processes, is immense and hugely complex. In summation and totality; this creates a Consciousness, which is massively flawed, restrictive and mesmerizingly entropic. As 98 percent humans cannot strive and sustain the amount of enterprise and perseverance to unlearn and improve the flaws and tendencies towards dysfunctions; Sanity of Humanity, at all points of time and space, has been and shall always remain Impossibility.
The good thing about the knowledge of Reality – The Grammar of Life is that it can very easily be mastered and personal sanity, poise, peace and bliss can very easily be attained and preserved if we are willing to accept a simple proposition. It is – What I Know, May Not Be True and Right. This humility and ensued innocence paves the pathways to optimization of potentials a human is born with. Self-Denial, Self-Deception, Self-Pride and Self-Omnipotence kills potential and possibility to be human. The contemporary milieus of cut-throat competitiveness, massive inequality of opportunities and resources, growing fakeness in milieus, et al are only accentuating these attitudes. They kill Reality. They only bring ‘Successes’. Successful people kill Reality. Unreality can bring instantaneous joys of socially and culturally appropriate successes, but is a definitive killer of lasting sanity, wellness and bliss. It corrodes consciousness.
There is a rather noxious dimension of human consciousness, which epitomizes its hugely entropic propensities and stands as the major assassin of sanity and system in human societies and cultures. This is popularly known as Attitude. The term is very mysterious and misleading as it signifies something, which is not a tangible reality but an intangible probability, finding expressions and manifestations in myriads of ways in human actions and behaviors. We need to understand this reality of Attitude, in its entirety and holism. In scientific parlance, idea of Entropy is very significant but it is very complex. Most people do not have any idea about the reality of the dynamics of Entropy. We however can best understand Attitude through Entropy. In simple, layman’s perspective, whatever part of energy remains unused in a system is referred to as Entropy. It is said to be a measure of probabilities of disorder and disharmony in a closed system. The simplest example of entropy is heat, which is produced when electricity as energy passes through a medium, which can’t use it. This heat is then passed on in the external environment. Entropy therefore has two broad aspects – first, it is a measure of amount of energy unavailable to do work. Secondly, it is also a measure of different possible arrangements the atoms in a system can have. If we decipher the neuroscience of Attitude, we can relate it very well with entropy of the brain system. Attitude, like entropy is a measure of amount of Information unavailable and unused by mind consciousness system. It is also a measure of different probable arrangements of elements of the Information. Therefore, when a person receives some information about a Reality and is consciously or subconsciously unwilling to use it and process it in his or her mind states, the brain mechanism responds with Attitude. If I have no previous experience and awareness of something I come across in my life-living and I am refusing to accept this new information, my brain states make me show Attitude. Like heat, attitude is unused energy. This attitude is manifested by brain states because it is designed to avoid losses, failures, punishments and other unrewarding feelings. I shall always show attitude if I am ignorant and having half-baked facts and logic. My subconscious designs attitudes as alternative probable structuring of elements of new information, about which I have either no idea or very little awareness. This is a failure and unrewarding situation for me, which my subconscious mind cannot accept. It automatically comes up with an alternative response by creating a behavior-action of fake superiority and scammed prudence, which we know as Attitude. A truly aware, knowledgeable and arrived person shall never show attitudes. Science makes us learn to be comfortable with our stupidities and ignorance. It is great if I do not know something as it shall pave my way to learn something new and it shall add to my richness of experiences. Only stupid and hypocritical people show attitudes as they are in denial and deception of their ignorance. Attitudes are sure sign of poverty of consciousness as it closes all doors of all new experiences, which actually make us rich and successful. Sadly, in contemporary human cultures of ‘successful’ living, mass majority of humans subconsciously showcase attitudes upfront; like the mannequins in front of a big shop. Attitudes bring successes and successes in turn upload more attitudes. It is cyclical. Nobody wants to be a loser!
There are some core and critical aspects of the ‘Reality’ of the world we live in and also about our own life – our Body-Mind. The Grammar of Life involves hardcore knowledge about internal mechanisms and processes of Self, the external world and the interaction between Mind Consciousness and External World. This Grammar of Life is what religion, philosophy, psychology, politics and cultures have defined and made humans believe since ages. They all need to be dumped and unlearnt as they were and still remain the half-baked Realities and they all stand as hugely corrupted and hypocritical utility for modern and contemporary humanity. They all have become organized scammers of the profit-empires and tools to extend human misery.
Modern science has made it possible for humanity to understand Reality in the light of objective and reasonably proven knowledge of all three aspects of life-living – The Self, The Milieus and Interaction between the two. This new and objective Reality is the 21st century Grammar of Life. This new grammar is not only tough to understand but also too unpalatable as it is objective and brutally Real.
First crucial aspect of Grammar of Life is this understanding and acceptance of Reality of Universe and Reality of Human Life. Science has come a long way in the domains of theoretical physics, evolutionary biology, brain sciences and artificial intelligence. There are so much of details about evolution of Reality of universe and that of human life and they may seem different and even contradicting. An average person may find it very tough to fathom. However, there are common and broad themes, which can be summarized with simplicity and ease. We do it below, step by step; in as simple and palatable ways, as possible –
The simple fact about Reality is this acceptance that there are definite Causalities, which create or make Reality emerge. These Causalities are not only colossal but also hugely complex. Why? It is because the universe, of which we as individuals are massively miniscule and irrelevant part, is unfathomably gigantic. It is practically beyond human understanding in miniscule details. However, there are broad physical principles, which scientists believe, govern the cosmos and create Realities.
Here, it is important to understand a small hypothesis, for ease of understanding of Reality as well as the science of Reality. We all know how humans have had this transcendental obsession with Humanization of Reality. From early humans to modern date humans, we all have this obsession to see and accept Reality, largely, if not only, from Human perspective alone. This is the restrictiveness of intuitive cognition, which needs to be unlearnt and non-intuitive thinking be embraced. That is why, in all civilizations, cultures and traditions; since thousands of years back to this date, all humans have this obsessive acceptance of Humanoid Gods – deities only with human bodies and faces.
Somehow, science, especially theoretical physics, dealing with science of reality, seems beset with similar obsession trouble. Most scientists sound obsessed to see and accept a singular ‘Theory of Everything’. They are obsessed with this probability that there can be and should be only a singular, universal Causality of all Realities. It seems the same obsession as is that of Humanoid God. Reality simply cannot be viewed and accepted only through humanized perspective. May be; Reality should also not be restricted to only one human perspective. Like God; even if Reality is accepted to be singular and ever installed; it is always fruitful to have different roads to reaching God and Reality. If God and Reality are singular and installed; all roads shall always lead to the same destination; if true. The fact however remains that this universe is so colossal; its mechanisms and processes are massively complex. Our Earth and we humans in it do not even matter in the holism of cosmos. It seems an unnecessary and burdened hypothesis to accept that the universe wished itself to be known and that is why we humans happened. It is too obsessive an idea to put humanity in centrality of cosmic reality just because, we humans can and have explored some one percent of universe and can decipher Reality in such irrelevantly miniscule contextuality.
Therefore, it is now being gradually accepted by modern day new scientists that Science of Reality needs a fresh perspective. The physics of Reality needs a hypothesis, which may look beyond current postulations. This is true and genuinely progressive. It has to be understood. Growingly, it is being accepted by new physicists that this massive universe may not be symmetrical and homogenous. There may very well be infinite ‘universes’, within the nomenclature of cosmos, we have understood so far. They also accept that in that massive universe of multiverse, Causalities, which generate or create Reality, too can be not only infinite but also ever-changing. This is what Reality as Information hypothesizes. Information is always evolving and presents with novel and evolving contexts to perceive and predict Reality. What we humans can observe, examine and understand is just a small part of the holism of multiverse Reality. The Human ‘context’ for perspectives on Reality may very well be only a miniscule one; in the infinity of cosmos. Therefore, contemporary new scientists are more open to accepting Reality only as probabilities. They term it as Landscapes. This term in modern physics means a field of probabilities, which can happen owing to infinite causalities and their infinite interactions. This simply accepts Reality as Probability; that too an ever evolving one.
Therefore, for all practical purposes, we as common people need to accept Reality as Probability. We have the ease to understand and accept the contemporary hypothesis that the breeding background of all realities is what scientists call The Field. This is a metaphor, which itself is confusing for average person. This idea of Field is completely different from what most humans intuitively accept. Therefore, we need to accept that essentially, everything; all realities and all probabilities are Information. All Fields, all Landscapes have Attributes, or what we may call as Properties. They are all Information. We humans, our Consciousness, are also Fields or Landscapes; though in very restrictive microcosm. Human journey into the infinite landscape of knowledge is all about keep deciphering the ever evolving and infinite Information. This is the ‘Purpose’ and singular logic, which also applies to Grammar of Life and Poetry of Living. There is no singularly fixed purpose of human life and living. The purpose is keep experiencing the probabilities, as it unravels them and then weave personal causalities of sanity and blissfulness.
Therefore, what we have to understand and accept is; everything is Information and therefore a Field or Landscape. Our Consciousness, which cognitizes Reality for us is also a Field and Landscape. Naturally, the reality, which the Information creates, whether at macrocosmic cosmic level or microcosmic level of we, as individuals; are only purely probabilities. The Consciousness, which we all have and is considered as central to all causalities of probabilities are also Fields or Landscape and therefore, essentially; Consciousness is also pure Information. Information creates journeys. The body, we have and which works out pragmatisms and physically possible actualities for us, is just a media; a vehicle, to facilitate the journey. Therefore, keeping the media of both Body and Brain is our first and primary cosmic purpose. This requires that every human being has updated and true knowledge of what the collective humanity has acquired about body and brains. The media is good enough only when it has updated and right Information, that too in its holism. If not; the media is dead; at best a zombie.
This means; if we wish to understand what is life, what is our purpose in lives and what is good, right and normal in life-living; we all need to understand Reality from the hardcore perspective of pure science. It is singularly because only modern science has updated and right Information about all shades of Realities. This in turn means; we have to understand Information, if we wish to understand Reality. Naturally, modern and aware women and men have to get into details of Fields, Landscape, attributes and properties.
Theoretical physics would introduce you to ideas of particles, sub-particles, strings, dark energy, black holes etc. They are too non-intuitive ideas and too complex for understanding of average person. Ideally, every human should know and understand them. This is the new ‘Religion’ and new ‘God’, which all cultures and all societies must make every new born understand and accept. The new Reality needs to replace the obsolete and stinking information about millenniums old half-baked Realities.
This Reality is brutal and very bitter. This reality simply does not accept hypocrisy of average human mind. Naturally, initially, acceptance of this new reality will be tough. But, acceptance alone can make loads of tastefulness ‘emerge’ out of this new and alternative Reality. The society, cultures and politics won’t ever make you learn this new Reality. You shall need your personal enterprise to acquaint you and your children to unravel the Grammar of Live and unleash the Poetry of Living.
There is another aspect of human nature, which always vitiates the understanding and acceptance of Reality in its holism. This needs to be known and internalized. As all realities are Information and therefore subjective to perceptions; there are always different shades of the same reality. Not only science, but history tells us that since many thousand years back, reality of universe as well as human life-living have been understood and unraveled by many humans. They have been documented. However, as reality is always innately subjective in cognition and expression; a single idea or knowledge about reality is always available in society and cultures with different interpretations and perspectives. It is innate human nature to accept only ‘part’ of a reality and seldom care for inquiring about its holism. This very innate situation instinctively makes an idea or knowledge open to doubt and criticism as people love to accept only part of an idea or knowledge. Even contemporary religion and spiritualism have utility and fruition, if accepted in holism and totality of meaningfulness. However, many people in the past and even in present accept only ‘part’ of the religion and spiritualism and flay it. It happens with science too. There are icons, popular individuals and intellectuals, who are loved and hailed by masses as they criticize and demonize modern science. They do the innate thing, typical to most humans. They pick up and accept ‘part’ of the reality of holism of modern science and win populist accolades by ‘exposing’ chinks in the armory of science. The masses, who fall in love with such gimmicks, are doing the same innate thing. They accept the partial perspective of a reality and feel happy and proud that their own ignorance and stupidities are not something to be ashamed of. Essentially, one stupidity becomes savior of large spectrum of stupidities of masses as it validates the ecosystem of ignorance and half-baked realism. This is innate with mass majority of humans. This creates stars and icons as it creates blissfulness of ignorance. We need to understand this obsessive behavior pattern of subconscious minds of average humans. We need to rise above it and always insist on looking and accepting the holism of a reality – be it science or even religion, spiritualism and populist perceptions.
As we insisted earlier; the Grammar of Life is very complex and requires knowledge of infinite causalities; still, it can be easily understood if we accept this simple fact that human consciousness is designed to be geniuses of parts and always miss the holism of reality. The cosmos and the colossal causalities that pervade its massive expanse, is too gigantic a reality for an individual consciousness, which stands too insignificant in it. Very miniscule ‘part’ reality is what is available and amenable for an uninitiated mind consciousness, which is not aware and reluctant to accept the holism of reality. The primary success in life therefore is to be aware of and internalize this very core reality of consciousness, vis-à-vis the cosmos and its realities. As we internalize this reality, we open our consciousness to multidimensionality of realities and their varieties of marvelous experiences. This is richness and success of life. This is the preamble of Grammar of Life.
Now, what the new Reality means for us and what the new science of Information tells us about Reality, life-living purposes and appropriates; is what we can sum up as Grammar of Life. What we derive from the above-mentioned new science of reality is as follows –
Every human being, irrespective of identities and morphological shades, must understand and accept that not only the Reality one observes outside, but the very existence of self or conscious individuality is purely probabilistic and constantly evolving. Everything is a Field, Landscape and Information and they cannot remain static. That is why; we humans, our Consciousness – the very sense and feel of I or Self is always emergent, ephemeral and constantly changing. This is the very innate nature of field, landscape and information as it is in constant interaction with innumerable different other fields, landscapes and information that surrounds us in our ambient as well as distant milieus. This means; we as a Field; our Consciousness as Landscape or Information need to be fully aware of the ‘Oscillations’, which we can call as Causalities, as these Causalities create our Consciousness and Cognition of Reality. It is not very difficult to visualize. We and our conscious self; this very feel of ‘I’ as an individual, is an expression of the Information, which in sum totality pervades our body-brain system. If we look back at our lives and recall the early life as child and very young to present day, we can accept that we acted-reacted-felt-believed-expressed only on the basis of Information we had. Our journey to maturity is essentially the journey of Information that grows and evolves in our mind states. All our cells; almost 30 trillions of them; change in 7-10 years. Old cells die and are replaced by new cells. However, we do not feel any change as there is no change in Information the cells have. The new cells replacing dead cells have same information properties and attributes. We and our consciousness change, as the field of information changes in our journey from childhood to death. Consciousness as field of information keeps changing as new information constantly populates this field of consciousness. Tragically, mass majority of people and their consciousness change very little since childhood as their field of consciousness has very little new information. Most new information comes from the domain of livelihood and career. The information grows through academics, experiences and interactions with milieus and people. Our joys, pains, successes, failures, poise and precariousness are only the expressions of the information, which at one point of time and space pervaded our body-mind system. Science tells us that our Consciousness only owns what our body-mind field and landscape present to us as choices; depending on availability of information. True success means to be aware of the Causalities of our consciousness as fields and landscapes and consciously present a ‘Determined Self’ to observe these Oscillations. Successful individual shall always look for holism of information about a reality he or she faces, before making any choices of behavior and action. Truly successful person shall never ‘own’ a subconscious choice, engendered by part information and shall strive to look for totality and entirety of Information. Our consciousness as field and landscape must have right, true and holistic information about a causality of reality. It is a sad reality and therefore a necessary acceptance that even in contemporary age of reason and scientific advancements; mass majority of people lead their lives, based on age-old, archaic and obsolete information, having validity and veracity only as faith and perceptions; not objectivity of reality. Those who can prune them and install updated, true and real information, qualify to be true and real human. Rest is animal.
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Reality, as we see, feel and observe, in physicality and tangibility, are ‘manifestations’ or emergent definitiveness but they do not matter much to our life-living. The matter and energy are secondary as they are ‘Media’ or manifestations of something, which is far more elemental and intrinsic. This is, as we have discussed above, the Field, Landscape or Information. We are not body and brain. Our body and brain are just the ‘Media’ or manifestations of Reality. The elemental Reality is another dimension of physicality, which is in the form of properties or attributes of the Field, landscape or Information. It may seem to most of us that we as Body-Brain Individuality are the Protagonist of Reality. It is a misnomer. There is a popular saying in Urdu language, which says, ‘Main Hoon Aham, Yahi Hai Waham (I am important person; this is delusion)’. Actually, the Protagonist is the Information – the properties and attributes of the Field or Landscape. As we mentioned earlier; consciousness only ‘owns’ the finality of a process emerging out of body-brain ecosystem. It is very much like a computer or smart-phone screen, where all activities surface up and are orchestrated. Consciousness, this sense of ‘I’ or me is like the computer screen, which ‘owns’ every emergent reality and acts-behaves as if it is doing them all. Consciousness is essentially manifesting the complex body-brain processes for end use of action and therefore it feels itself as the protagonist. This protagonist-syndrome is a restrictive functionality of consciousness, as it is a virtuality; not the reality. We all know how most people instinctively look for the face of a person when they judge their ‘suitability’ in their relationships. Beauty is primarily judged by features of the face; not only of a woman but also a man. People also have this instinctive urge to see their faces in mirror and feel themselves as their facial existence. This obsession, entrenched narcissism and instinctive inclination to accept individuality or ‘self’, as face, is embedded in consciousness. People instinctively fall in love with a ‘suitable’ face – be it a person or a smart-phone! It needs to be accepted with conscious awareness that when we do it, we essentially ignore the holism of a reality. The actual causalities of all finalities are essentially a field or landscape. The ‘face’ of Consciousness is only the frontal and partial media of reality. That is why there is this age old prudence calling humans to look inside and seek the light of the ‘soul’. This idealism or ritualism of soul-searching is metaphor for being aware about the Information field and processes therein. The consciousness has this potential to unravel and decipher all causalities as it is very much the part of the larger field or landscape of information. Naturally, we all need to understand that our Consciousness, the emergent and ever-evolving manifestation of body-brain-milieu cyclicality, is the hugely potentialed Media to decipher and unravel the core Causalities, which engender Realities for us. Only those qualify to be humans, who are aware of this process; diligently use the Media of Consciousness to decipher the Causalities, which affect their life-living Sanity, Success, Bliss and Wellness. If I continue to be angry, since my childhood, only expressing my annoyance; never ever trying to look for what and why my anger happens and then weed out the incitements, I am a stupid and have never grown up. My consciousness is akin to that of animals. I cannot call myself human. Most people are only instinctive media; like animals and never the evolving media. Even some higher animals reflect some thoughtfulness. Those handfuls, who could search, see and alter their field of Information consciously; they are able to lead a life worthy to humans. Those, who don’t and can’t; are actually animals, as is the mass majority of so-called humanity.
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As mentioned at the very start, the worst has already happened to you and you could do nothing to reverse it or improve it. Almost every living person, at one time or other in his or her lifetime, asks as why he or she was made to be born. This helplessness is very natural. However, your birth happens not as your choice because, selection or any other personal reality happens only after you are born. That is why it is primarily you, who has to be in control of all choices and purposes once you have happened; much against your own will! You can control only when your consciousness has the eligibility to be empowered enough to have widest possible Information about Reality. Every passing second, you are only complicating this worst more and more. Since millions of years, billions of women and men happened as the primeval and transcendental Cosmic Information needed them as ‘Media’. They happened only to perform a role – the passing of Information (genetic) to future Media; which is worthless and purposeless ‘Process’, in the overall massive and infinite process of Cosmic Information. You and I too have happened with the same unworthiness and unpurposefulness. The Earth or cosmos would not have anything wrong or missing, if humans would not have happened. The roles, purposes, utilities, worth, successes, dreams, desires, attainments, possessions, et al; as designed and installed in your childhood unconscious and subconscious mind, are ‘Decorations’ of the unworthiness and unpurposefulness. It is like the dresses you wear. Your nakedness; you were happily born with, does not seek or need them. If we could look at all ‘appropriates’ and ‘normality’ in their holism and innateness; we can clearly see, they are creations of human cultures only and have no ‘purpose’ or ‘utility’ in cosmic expansiveness of reality. The dead may have million ‘embellishments’ but they are futile for the dead person. Those billions, who came to life before you; they created these ‘Embellishments of the Dead’ and you are only aping them. Your consciousness simply ‘owns’ something, which is a borrowed choice or purpose. You neither consciously designed them nor willed them. You do it and even feel having utility out of it, not because you know they are great and blissful. You do it because your mind consciousness has been trained since childhood to accept worth in them. The pig baby eats shit and garbage. The mother pig did it and the baby pig only aped it and relished. Information is Reality. The properties and attributes shape up the Field or Landscape of Consciousness. What attributes and properties, this field or landscape of your consciousness is populated and pervaded with; is often not your conscious choice. They were uploaded to your hardware. However, they decide you and you subconsciously ‘own’ them. Pig also has Consciousness; though not as ‘evolved’ as humans. Humans also relish garbage of ‘embellished’ superiorities. Those, who very consciously and after thoughtful validation, weed out subconscious ones, truly install and ‘own’ their personal attributes and properties to shape up their Field of consciousness, alone qualify to be humans. Rest is animals.
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Evolutionary biology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence together and their collective contemporary knowledge of human body-brain mechanism have very successfully cleared mists and mysticisms of past and existing mediocre and depraved cultures and illusioned life-living. It is now clear beyond reasonable doubts that you and I are nothing special in the scheme of evolution of species. Human superiority, as we see and are now used to, is not something which qualifies us to declare ourselves as Creations of something very special and powerful as God. We humans were not created any special. Rather, we were not created at all, the way we stand today. We evolved from a stage of a very vulnerable animal species to a species, in the very long and painful journey of time and space, which now stands as something ‘potentially’ special. The specialty of human race happened because of the geniuses of handful of humans, who devised and designed ways to survive and excel even in deadliest of challenges in external and internal milieus. We were not designed superior; we toiled and persevered to become superior. Many animal species have some or other far better body-brain morphological constructs than we humans. Even a dog has five times better olfactory perceptional capacities than we humans. Ants make structures, which can shame humans. How bees communicate to other members of the group about external realities they face is a marvel scientists have deciphered and it is a genius of its type. No doubt, humans evolved in a particular way because of the specific challenges they faced in their ambient milieus. Their own restrictive body attributes made them align to such causalities, which evolved their brains in a specific way, leading to a better and complex consciousness and cognition. This ‘specialty’ however, is only a potential. We all know, in the long history of humanity of around 4 million years, only a handful people, less than 0.1% of human population could rise to such levels of superior intelligence and understanding, which created marvels. Rest of 99.9% humans only ape or follow what 0.1% creates. It has been a fact of past and still a contemporary reality. The simple fact is; human potential, which supplies its ‘specialty’, is not something all humans can attain in auto-mode availability, as it is not wired in brain states. Human superiority is not generic; only the potential is generic. This potential too is hugely eclipsed and emaciated in contemporary human cultures, which is now so heavily skewed and oriented towards the benefit and wellness of less than 10-15 percent of human population. Human superiority is ‘specific’ to only the handfuls, who toil hard and persevere to evolve a consciousness, which can see, visualize and accept Reality in its holism. Human specialty is only a potential, which only 0.1% humans can attain with personal enterprise. The potential is attained only by those, who are aware, can and do understand what truly human strength is and what human disabilities are. Only those, who work on their strengths and weed out debilitations, can attain the status of being evolved humans. Rest of the 99.9% human population only ape and follow. The tragedy of human world is also generic. Most children are subjected to an education system, which is old, archaic and obsolete. They only train to ape and be a productive repository of all sorts of junk ideas and information. The society and cultures also encourage children and young to ape; seldom providing infrastructure and support to be creative and innovative. Most young are educated with a specific eye on getting a good job. There is no institutionalized mechanism to train young ones about life-living and reality of the world we live in. It is left for the parents, relatives and society. The growing up individual ends up being a dumping bag of all garbage knowledge of humanity. Cultures are supposed to optimize potentials in every new born child, as it grows up and attains adulthood. The cultures are now all dead. They fill up a growing child largely with conflicts, confusion, competition and anger. The politics of the day, which has successfully built its own empire on dead cultures, want only apes and slaves. They kill potentials most.
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It is said, all humans are born free but everywhere, they are in chains. If it is true then it is also a fact that the slavery is primarily induced and perpetuated by individual itself. We enslave ourselves; we build and put our own chains. We are the slaves of our own mechanisms and processes. Then, we add the slavery of choices, by aping the populist cultural benchmarks of depraved normality. That is why most scientists and modern day philosophers accept that there is no Free Will. We all are slaves of our own body-brain mechanisms and processes. This however also suggests that if an individual can and does enslave itself, the same individual is then also the Potential Master! If someone can enslave an entity, he or she sure is the Master. The contemporary knowledge of neuroscience and artificial intelligence makes us understand with sufficient clarity how our brain works and what mechanisms and processes our neural plexuses and brain states engender to install the ‘slavery’ of fixed and benchmarked behavior/actions. We now have the scientific knowledge to understand what brain processes and neural mechanisms create and install the semblance of Will in us and what makes us rise above it. Unfortunately, mass majority of humans have no desire and awareness about the new knowledge and wisdom of modern day humanity. They still own the archaic and obsolete ideas of millenniums old cultures and faith-systems. They happily align all causalities in their body-mind as well as external milieus with the depraved and decayed ideas of religion, spiritualism, abstract philosophies, pop psychologies and popular lore. Those handfuls, who are aware enough to understand the processes and consciously design personal enterprises that install novel and alternative utilities and worth in life-living and design some semblance and shades of Free Will, alone qualify to be humans. Rest of the 99.9% are slaves and happily assigned to aping and following culture of transcendental slavery of cultural appropriates. There are only handfuls of masters. Rest of humanity remains happy slaves of their own unconscious choices. As we have talked earlier; 75-80 percent humans of the 7.5 billion people on Earth have no livelihood security. They are forced to survive on whatever livelihood means they get and stick to it by all means. They do not have enough moneys, savings and even skills to have stability and security of life-living. Out of 7.5 billion people; probably over 2 billion people do not get enough daily food-water nourishment to even think of any other purpose and idealism in life-living. It can be said that mass majority of humanity still have no material wellness, let alone mental sufficiency, to escape from the slavery and drudgery of life-living. The equitability of resources has not been achieved in human world, despite over 5000 years of civilization and organized cultures. Still, humans are hypocritical enough; by the virtue of their scammed consciousness, to profess that they are superior beings, created specially by God! However, what is far more important is that they have not been trained since childhood to have a look and perception of their life-living reality from a novel and alternative perspective. The slavery is no doubt accentuated by lack of livelihood wellness. The politics and commerce system of the human world worsens it. But; there is always a way out of slavery. It is more a cognitive poverty than material or physical poverty. There is no inevitable and indispensable connect between poverty and wellness or opulence and wellness. Many poor people can be and are happier than stinking rich. What is important is that people must have this consciousness to understand and be confident that this world is too big and avenues of wellness are far many; if looked from a different perspective and ways are worked out diligently; innovatively. Many people have done it in the long history and are also doing it now. We can understand it through an example. Global research says that gross domestic products as well as per capita incomes in majority of countries have risen many times since 1945 but, no major changes have been registered in level of wellness. There are many reasons for that. The major reason is all livelihoods converging only in few urban centers and most rural spaces are being made uneconomic and unviable for dignified and sustainable living. We have detailed how over 50 percent people now live in urban spaces, which constitute only one percent of land of the earth. Urban living of a huge population has aggravated the cost of living of average people. Rents are high, food is costly and everything has to be bought with money. Conveyance adds loads of cost to living. In contrast, earlier, when rural landscape was productive and self-sufficient, every family had its own small house; even though a cottage. Even today, many tribal populations, living in rural stretches on the margins of jungles, have better nutritional and food-platter wellness, compared to millions of urban poor as well as many badly nourished rich. There are reasons for that. I can tell you the reality of my own village. Till few decades back; when the rural economy was not devastated by urban madness, every household in my village had small plot of land where most families had banana, guava, mango, papaya, coconut and jackfruit trees. They raised seasonal vegetables in the small patch of land of their household. Most people had their thatched roof laden with pumpkins and gourds, which lasted for months. Relatively well off households had at least a cow or buffalo; poor ones had few goats. Villages had large and all season ponds. My village, with around 700 households, had eight all season ponds, covering around 30 percent of all household space. They were year round source of fish. Most pond owners seldom sold fishes. They were freely distributed among relatives and needy. Some families had poultry. There were big orchards of mangoes and litchi; all privately owned. The owners would distribute their fruits to their poor relatives. All families had this habit of drying and processing extra vegetables, fruits and food items during summers as there would be floods in rainy days. Many rich farmers and households would organize feats for villagers and relatives on some pretext. The village faced troubles only when there were no rains and no floods, as it would fail the primary crop of paddy. During such hardships, villagers would help each other by lending whatever food was available. Money was not in vogue as very few things like salt and spices were bought and that too through barter system of exchange with grains. My village of around 700 households had only five or six rich households but it never faced starvation or malnourishment. The village was self-sufficient, peaceful and happy space. It however lacked educational and medical facilities. The idea behind narrating this example is to tell you that villages were the cradle of all civilizations and as cultures evolved and developed in advancement of resources and technologies; the villages all over the globe should have grown and developed in all aspects. However, the reverse happened; villages all over the globe; especially in Asia and Africa have been destroyed, made economically unviable and now dependent on remittances, sent by village people, working as cheap laborers and service providers in big urban places. What many people are now doing is that they are accepting a new and scammed reality that wellness and quality of life is not synonymous to urban crowding. The world is big enough and avenues for livelihood and wellness are far many than what most people accept. This madness is only few decades old. Many have already freed themselves from the slavery of consciousness and have moved away from urban madness.
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When you understand what the purpose of your brain was and what led to its growth in the millions of years of evolution; you can very well accept, what stupidities you are made to live out, by the contemporary hypocritical and depraved cultures. As you understand the processes of your billions of neurons and their neural networks, you can very well accept that the life-living purposes of attainments, possessions and pop cultural successes and worth are only making you live majorly below your true potential as a human being. You are being made to live out the slavery of animalism and borrowed Will. You can understand this gap between what your potential is and what you actually feel happy to attain, by understanding the populist perception about the universe. When we talk of universe, most of us essentially visualize the stars, the planets, the galaxies, etc. The fact however is, around 68 percent of the universe is dark energy and 27 percent is dark matter. Only less than 5 percent is normal matter, which we know as our earth, stars, galaxies etc. Humanity till date knows primarily about this 5 percent; that too in peripheral details only. The vast majority of universe consisting of dark matter and energy is still not truly known. This is almost what we have in our lives. We reach out to the potentials and successes only in the domain of the ‘5%’. The rest of the 95% is our true and real potential, about which we never care and strive for. Most of us are happily chasing the attainments of stars and galaxies and seldom strive to unravel the potentials of the probabilities of blissfulness and successes in the vast domains of dark energy and dark matters. Only the handfuls understand this potential and break free of the slavery. Only an aware few can visualize the true potential of human brain and Consciousness to live out such experiences and cognitions, which alone are truly human. Purely intuitive thinking and obsession with ignorantly aping the established, dominant populist benchmarks of successes and appropriates confines us to a minority of 5% domain of the universe of potential experiences, which can fetch us novel and alternative blissfulness and satisfactions. We need to journey beyond. We need to free our consciousness of the shackles of slavery of restrictive and intuitive perceptions and consciously venture into the vast domain of unknown and unexplored. Those, who can do it and are doing it, alone qualify to be true humans. Rest of humanity are only animals and happy with Crow Intelligence and Pig Satisfaction-Bliss.
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Your success as well as failures; your troubles and debilitations are mostly milieu specific. The external milieus are largely beyond you. Most of your problems emanating because of stupidities and hypocrisies of societies, cultures, politics, religion, economy, et al affect your personal wellness and you cannot do much about it. Since childhood, you have been induced to install and process only those (5%) information into your field or landscape of Consciousness, which are dominant and deemed appropriate in ambient external milieus of society and culture. You seldom had the inclination of a need to look for the holism of novel and alternative information in the vast milieus and universe outside your auto-feed channels of ambient space. Very naturally, your consciousness is innately, only restrictively ambient milieu-specific and broadly contextual to small and singular domain-dimension of localized realities. Therefore, your experiences are also slaved to local space. Naturally, your bliss and pains are all contextual only to this small and restrictive localization of milieu. Sadly, you as an individual are too insignificant and weak to resist or change the external milieus and their ways. The collective spaces in contemporary world of over-population of many times and deep-rooted depravities have their own agenda and they are never keen to accommodate individual issues. Therefore, willingly or unwillingly, you are forced to own the problems and solutions of the collectivity as yours. You can clearly see that most of your personal problems and troubles are largely contextual to societal and cultural appropriates. The collective considerations have been installed and ingrained, since your childhood, into your unaware mind. They dominate your subconscious mind and therefore influence your conscious choices. If you consciously unlearn the ‘cultural’ elements of your consciousness and individuality; if you could distance yourself away from the slavery of collectivity; you can clearly see, most of your troubles shall look superfluous; either won’t exist anymore or would be solved fruitfully. Usually, average person is trained by family-society-cultures to battle its ways in the troubled ocean of collectivity and attain success, despite all odds. This happens in two ways – most people become shameless and deceitful to create an ingenious bypass to succeed. Many toil hard and earn populist success after investing best of their time, energies and precious wealth of physical-mental health. Both ways, the Grammar of Live is compromised and Poetry of Living is marginalized and vitiated.
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The nature, in its billions of years of evolution, purposed you for some role, for which humans originally had a lifespan of 35-40 years. If you successfully raised your grandson, you attained your life’s purpose of successfully passing your genes. Living out for 35-40 years was enough for the task. You live for 80 years now and for what purpose! Passing your genes and for that seeking good food, great mate and security of life are some purposes, required no more. Human population is already many times more than necessary. Humans have already destroyed the sanity and system of nature by their greed and over population. The nature, ecosystem and human species already have many times too many ‘slaves’ and animalistic men and women ‘brilliantly’ doing overtime; unconsciously or consciously, in successfully ‘passing genes’. What purpose you have now? Wasting your precious one life for livelihood, sex, indulgences and old-age security! Since thousands of years, handfuls of magnificently endowed and empowered humans have created ‘purposes’ and they have truly extended humanity the very precious reasons to celebrate life and living. We now have the knowledge of how our brain and consciousness works. We now know very well how Reality works for us and our cognition. We definitely know how we can successfully design such personal purposes, which makes us optimize the true potential of our life and living. We now know, how our body-mind system designs and orchestrates ‘drives’, which install ‘purposes’ that have now lost sanctity and utility; and our un-evolved consciousness only owns them. This slavery is subconscious and embedded in mechanisms and processes of body-brain systems. You begin with a worst scenario. Your birth and commencement of life was the worst, which should not have happened. But; it happened. You could do nothing. The only thing, which can salvage your disastrous beginning, is knowledge you acquire to understand the Reality – the truth. And then, you can consciously weed out those elements out of your life-living, which restrict you from evolving to a true human; leaving behind the slavery of animalistic attributes and depravity of chaotic-conflicted contemporary cultural life-living benchmarks of normality, righteousness and appropriates.
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You as individual are essentially a happy situation. Can you recollect the feel and experiences of the mind state of your early childhood, when you just started to walk and talk! However, as you mature, you seldom see yourself as individual but always as part and parcel of collective – your family, society, culture, nation, religion and other collective identities. Bereft of all collective trappings and identities, you as individual; as your body-brain mechanisms and processes create you and stand you in the infinite cosmos, is some identity, you have never ever recognized, realized and actualized. Once you understand your individuality; once you actualize and internalize your true and real Self or true consciousness, aligned to nothing external to you but only those elements, innate and embedded to your internal beingness; you shall understand and accept the true and real purpose of your life-living. This theme of life-living, detached from causalities and contextuality of collective to actualize and empower your individuality, is at the core of ancient Indian philosophies; especially the Yoga philosophy as well as Buddhist philosophy. They were scripted 1500-2500 years back. Modern and contemporary science has successfully elaborated the objective scientific basis for such ideas in body-brain systems. Understanding and practicing this idea facilitates empowerment of individuality and opens up pathways for novel and alternative blissfulness and satisfactions. This is the golden causality of celebration of life-living. Correct grammar shall lead to great and magnificent poetry. The idea of you as Field, Landscape and Information is the modern, contemporary and objective scientific knowledge, which alone can make it possible. Those who understand and accept this 21st century knowledge alone are eligible for being humans. Rest shall remain slaves and worse than the worst, they were born as.
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There is a definitive way, in which your brain works and the body responds. The contemporary knowledge of neuroscience and artificial intelligence together have unraveled much of the mystery and mysticism about the Cognition of subjective consciousness, or what we feel as ‘I’ or me as subject and protagonist of all actions and behaviors. Since thousands of years, ancient Indian philosophy has warned about the decisive and dominating role of external milieus on individuality of people. Modern science has now unraveled as how consciousness is almost always the slave, not the master of all actions, which emerges as reaction to stimuli in external milieus. The brain-milieu loop of processes shape up all actions and behaviors and consciousness only ‘owns’ it as mine. This reality has been tested and measured in many simulation exercises and neuroscience experiments. It is almost like the computer screen claiming all actions happening on the screen as its own creations, happily denying the reality that a mega plexus of hardware-software of the computer in its holism creates, what is manifesting on screen. As, like the screen, consciousness is the theatre where all actions/behaviors are taking place, it happily owns it. The interface becomes the face and the face becomes the being. This face-obsession or face-centrality in the overall scheme of the idea of consciousness seems to be primarily human. If you could do it; try not to see your face for days and months and feel the change in experience of your own self or ‘I’. Those handfuls, who understand and accept this mechanism and processes can be successful in better analysis and acceptance of their own Will and cognitive spectrum. Those, who cannot, shall always remain slaves, happily living out the deception of being the masters of reality.
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To be human is to be aware and keep evolving with knowledge of self and reality, in time and space progression. All animals have consciousness, in varying degrees and shades. Consciousness does not qualify someone to have the superiority of being human. All animals are aware in their own ways and also evolve. All animals also have some degree and shades of knowledge and they have such varieties of intelligence, humans do not have. However, their awareness, knowledge and evolving is restricted to and automatically-innately aligned only to changes in their ambient milieus. Only humans evolve with knowledge, which their own mind consciousness creates. This knowledge goes ways beyond ambient milieus. Humanity and its specialty-superiority is all about the knowledge about self and reality, which human minds have so meticulously and successfully created over thousands of years. It happens in humans because human brain is complex enough and has evolved suitably to have experiences, which are stacked as memories. As science says, we have knowledge, because we can experience and we can experience because we have knowledge. This cyclicality and dialectical progression of human consciousness creates true human processes of life-living. It is said about science that the scientists first experience something novel and alternative to what reality stands out and then; they finally discover it. Experiences and their processing into stone steps for evolving knowledge is human. Tragically enough, mass majority of humans have their experiences and knowledge confined to aping only what is there in the ambient milieus and never ever initiating a personal enterprise to stretch their experiences and knowledge beyond. This is animalistic.
Only those can qualify as humans, who successfully align themselves with contemporary knowledge of humanity about self and reality. It is like we all automatically learn languages from our ambient milieus. Languages have been created by humans and they are learnt behavior. Anyone, who somehow fails to learn the language, shall never feel part of the human society and shall fail to align itself with cultures. The same situation happens with those, who do not update their knowledge with the collective wisdom of humanity. However, unlike languages, most lack of knowledge does not immediately feel as big impediment in assimilation and integration of individual with collectivity. In fact, as mass majority of people happily live out their ignorance in contemporary human cultures; unaware and unknowledgeable people have better chances of assimilation and integration in modern societies! They even have better probabilities of attaining populist successes. Those, who think and accept that knowledge has no value and utility in their life-living pursuits of successes of indulgences and attainments, are essentially akin to animals. The 99.9% of humanity have no business and inclination about contemporary knowledge pool and plexus of modern humanity. They only react and act; like most animals; to the stimuli in their ambient and very localized external milieus. They are aware only about changes and happenings in ambient environment they survive; very much like animals. They evolve and grow; like animals, only to requirements in their ambient external milieus. Their fitness, successes and worthiness of purposes are all fixed by ambient environments of physical milieus as well as local cultures and identities. These 99.9% animals of human species were potential humans but have ended up only as animals. The grammar of life is missing in them and therefore, there can be very little possibility of poetry of living in them. It is available only to 0.1% humans, who are aware of and evolve with knowledge of contemporary humanity.
Shamelessness and deceitfulness have come to stay as two exclusively human attributes, which most humans acquire soon after their early childhood. They come as necessary tools to not only succeed in hugely competitive and painfully unequal socio-cultural milieus, but simply survive. The subconscious and often conscious elements of shamelessness and deceitfulness keep growing and improving in tenacity and extent as a person becomes young and struggles to stand strong in this brutal human world of depravity, inequality, scamming politics and exploitative economy. Shades of deception have been traced in animal behavior too; especially when confronted with survival crisis. These two elements are definitive killers of potentials of poetry of living. Success kills many realities.
If you analyze the behavior and actions of average person in collective spaces, you can clearly witness, most people use shamelessness and deceitfulness both as shields as well as sword. In their personal spaces, they may be reticent but in family, societal and work places set ups, they put them at the forefront of their normal demeanor. This is what we earlier described as individuality reacting to and getting shaped up by external milieus. Even animal consciousness reacts to competitiveness and complexities of milieus in this way to optimize survival. The causalities make consciousness react and act.
Shamelessness and deceitfulness come up as auto-mode ‘awareness and evolving’ of an individual, contextual to the stimuli from a hugely unequal, competitive, farcical and depraved milieus. This is instinctively animalistic. We have already talked about Attitudes as entropic propensities and expression of human brain system. It is somehow a contemporary pop psychological insinuation to term every such person as Narcissist. Interestingly; almost one in every three persons, is calling someone as narcissist and in majority of cases; this co-called narcissist is a close relative or long acquaintance. The ‘narcissist’ is actually; in most cases, subconsciously reacting to external milieus and their depraved ways; to optimize his or her survival and successes.
The tragedy is that average men and women simply have not been mentally trained since childhood, how not to align their individuality and consciousness with external milieus and evolve one’s personal self in relationship with internal wellness requisites. Mass majority of humans are not educated and trained about the dynamics and manifestations of survival instincts and their situational interactions with society-cultures. The individuality is almost always made to stand in a ‘context’ with collectivity, which is flawed; therefore eliciting deceitful responses. The collective spaces of humanity add to this chaos and conflict by criminalizing and demonizing the innate instincts as well as learnt attitudes; instead of shaping them and orienting them to cooperative and complementing ways. Individuals are not educated; society-cultures only upload hypocrisy. This is double trouble of humanity.
For a vast majority of growing women and men, individuality and personal wellness-demands get sidelined, marginalized and even killed as bare basic issues of survival-success demands of livelihood and life-living security usurp all energies, time and enterprise. In most cases, major part of youthful energy and time is spent on aping and matching up to cultural and localized benchmarks of successes and appropriates. As the external milieus of families, societies, cultures, religions, politics, work places and economy are already highly depraved, conflicted, brutally competitive and full of shamelessness and deceitfulness; a person aligning his or her individuality with external milieus shall always imbibe only these vitiated elements. It is stupid and hypocritical to expect compassion and fraternity in individuals, who are faced with massive inequality, competitiveness and criminal intents of politics and governance in society-cultures. Such individuality can never attain poetry of living.
This has to be understood. A child is not born with any attitudinal traits. It is wired only for inquisitiveness, aping for learning and survival instincts. Shame and deceit are attitudes a child acquires from societal and cultural learning. It is the same with all animals. Innately, a child should learn integrity and cooperation from society and culture. Why? It is because these two elements alone can make a collective space survive and thrive. People in a society or family must trust each other and collaborate to optimize a common goal of wellness and excellence. Family, society and cultures were designed and accepted for this golden and noble purpose. If people are not honest and competitive to the extent of deceiving others for their personal goals of life-living, the society crumbles. It already has. Narcissistic manifestations are usually auto-attitude, subconsciously or consciously acquired to survive and succeed. More unequal and unjust societies are likely to have larger population of ‘narcissists’. Fake and half-baked knowledge does the same.
The contemporary society and culture is no more a living entity. They are dead way back. They shamelessly refused to update their ways and accept the new reality, which modern science now offers. They also could not respond in time and prudence to handle new emergent challenges that a burgeoning human population and growth created. The decayed collective spaces of erstwhile society and cultures have been usurped by lethally opportunist politics and economy. There are no collective and common societal or cultural goals and purposes. The scamming politicians and corrupted corporations always throw up loads of ‘purposes’ and goals for people but they are only powerful adverts, having no real intent. It is like saying ‘I Love You’, even though having an inside desire to kill, because it is the politically correct thing to mouth. In such scammed and disparaged external milieus, an individual simply cannot learn integrity, cooperation and compassion. It shall always automatically learn shamelessness and deceitfulness. Such individuals do not and cannot aspire for poetry of living. They can only desire success, attainments, possessions and indulgences of consumptions. These are acquired as one shamelessly dumps grammar of life and despises poetry of living.
As is the contemporary reality of humanity; almost 99.9% humans are disqualified to ever have any semblance of poetry in their living spaces. Their animalism always leads them and aligns them to subconscious or even conscious shamelessness and deceitfulness. Shamelessness and deceitfulness is learnt consciously and conscientiously in early youthfulness of an individual to fit into the external world of reality. Later, it becomes subconscious and primary artfulness of normal behavior and action. Most people do not even feel any wrong or sense of regret as they get hooked up to reward sentimentality. Shamelessness and deceitfulness often gives them instant success and every subsequent success gives them the Thumbs Up feel. Human brain is wired to continue with rewarding ways. Subconsciously, people accept shamelessness and deceitfulness as skills and intelligence. The contemporary society and culture, the politics and economic domains, all implicitly prompt and promote this ‘artistry’ in individuals. They hail this individual malice as ‘aggressive’ and ‘killer’ attitude to success and leadership. In contemporary humanity; success is the ultimate end; what means attain it, is irrelevant. Collective layers in fact encourage individuality to bypass the benchmarks of sanity and sanctity of means. Successes; growingly, is being attained only this way. People only ape the successful ways.
Poetry of living is a process. This process is that of emergence. Emergence process requires a specific milieu and definitive alignment with elements. You already know; elements within a Field must cooperate and align in a harmonious loop to engender the process of emergence. If not; then elements cancel out each other and cacophony and entropy dominate the processes of alignments. It kills emergence. Shamelessness and deceitfulness cancel out everything harmonious and beautiful within the Field of individuality or consciousness. The emergence of poetry simply cannot happen.
Somehow, if we talk of course correction in this chaotic and vitiated situation in contemporary world, we simply cannot think of initiating and installing any semblance of change in the society and cultures. They are too big and complex for individual or a group of individuals to effect that. This in fact is not the right and probable process. The right and only true process is to impact the thinking of individuals and make them see and accept the truth of contemporary world and life-living. Most individuals only ape dominant benchmarks of success. The society-culture is only aping platform. If sufficient number of individuals change and install a novel and alternative regime of personal and subjective choices; the society-cultures automatically change. It is my personal belief that if only 9-10 percent of influential human population creates and accepts a novel and alternative benchmark of success; the rest begin to follow and ape. There is this hypothesis of morphological resonance, which we have mentioned earlier, which deals with this idea. Many in scientific community do not accept it but it seems to work even in animal kingdom. We are not going into that. We just keep this hypothesis in mind.
The changes in individuals shall come in two ways. First, is the process of aligning individuality vis-à-vis the collective spaces in a way, which is willfully conscious and thoughtfully opted out. One has to stop the auto-process of reacting-acting on the basis of whatever stimuli of information that comes from external milieus. You have to very consciously redefine and reorient the populist ideas and benchmarks of successes. You in fact have to consciously prevail over this contemporary sense of ‘survival-ritualism’, installed in your subconscious mind states since childhood, which prompts and incites you to blindly participate in the rut of competitiveness in shameless-deceitful ways. You have to unlearn old and archaic alignments of your individuality with the depraved and chaotic collectivity. Then, you shall have to learn to be truly successful by aligning your personal life-living goals to those novel and alternative experiences, which still have spaces possible in collective domains and functionality.
Secondly, you have to rediscover and reinvent your individuality itself. As we have talked earlier; you and your individuality are innately in a happy situation. Try to go back in time and feel the experiences you had as a child, when your innate individuality, not yet woven into collective-plexuses of appropriates, had a natural and autonomous flair to be in perpetuity of blissfulness of melody, rhythm and celebration. Get into this childhood skin of how then, your only success was a full stomach and unhindered space of innate playfulness of every speck of your being. De-skin your current individuality off the perceptional layers, which now stand you always in context with society-cultures and their benchmarks of successes and appropriates. You alone can do it. Your personal enterprise is the only thing, where you can install changes. You have the task at hand to rediscover-reorient your individuality as well as your ‘connect’ and ‘context’ with current regime of society-cultures. This is pre-process for the dawn of poetry of living.
This description was necessary to install a prerequisite for the elaboration of the idea of poetry of living and the processes one must have to install it in his or her life. Now, we shall talk about different aspects and dimensions of the processes, which create and sustain the poetry of living. As we have already dealt with grammar of life, which is the basis of the culminating processes of emergence of poetry of living; we shall keep them in mind as we deal with poetry of living, in the coming pages –
This is shameful and hugely remorseful that over 90 percent of humans simply cannot qualify to be true and real humans. They simply do not have the wherewithal – material as well as mental. The state of human race in contemporary world has definitely improved a good lot; if we compare today’s human world with that of few centuries back when life security was precarious and political-economic stability and system was chaotic. However, modern human world has acquired newer troubles and the gains of development and sufficiency is now confined to only 5 percent of human population. The new human obsession of Urban Living and overcrowding around a hub of huge human congregation around commercial activities has aggravated the human slavery. In contemporary times, more than 50 percent of human population is forced to live in urban spaces, which constitute only one percent of earth’s space. Over 75 percent of humans in these urban spaces live in a situation, which is subhuman and much below human dignity. If we decipher the structure and functions of urban spaces, we can clearly see, how most of them stand as living symbols of human slavery and penury of human culture, which shamelessly denies the basics of human dignity; serving the interest of only a handfuls of ‘powerful and successful’ people. This is not a space to detail these aspects. This obsession of many and compulsion of most, to survive and thrive only in these urban spaces, has made rural living unviable and unattractive. Even contemporary human world is unfit to provide average person the desired milieu for a life-living truly commensurate to humans. We all know very well, what is the state of human world today. Mass majority of over 90 percent humans do not have the required bare basics for a dignified and systematic, stable life-living. In such a milieu, it is useless to even talk about grammar of life and especially, the poetry of living. That is why; it is of primary and cardinal importance to talk about a novel and alternative life-living option, which could take average person away from the slavery and aping of contemporary world of humanity. All over the globe, some aware people have already started to move away from this urban madness and have dumped the contemporary populist benchmarks of life-living. It becomes possible when you discover your true individuality, emancipating from your subconscious ‘contextuality’ with current and ambient milieus. As we have talked earlier; your consciousness is very localized and if you are not aware; you cannot visualize how big and full of potentials this big world is. As we said, over 50% humans are forced to live in crowded urban spaces, which are only 1% of earth’s land space. Many people are moving to rural spaces and creating their own personalized ecosystem all alone. People are growingly accepting the forced stupidities of contemporary living; especially during the Covid pandemic and consciously opting for such milieus, where sanity and poise is possible. During Covid crisis, many aware people have learnt how this forced and automatic ‘contextuality’ and ‘alignment’ of individuality with collective madness and mishandling almost ruined their lives. As we said earlier, true intelligence is in dealing with subconscious fears and insecurities and then journeying new information in novel and alternative landscapes of realities. In contemporary milieus of chaos, confusion and conflicts; it is primary need for every aware individual to unlearn this age-old, entrenched and installed ‘survival-instincts’ and reorient them to redefine its context and alignments with scammed collectivity. It is simply a cognitive trap of un-evolved mind consciousness that many people feel; the urban spaces have good hospitals, better facilities and safe environs to live well. This is based on partial and fake information. This is a perception, not actuality, emanating out of very localized information access most people have. If you could look at the updated and overall data of actual state of safety, services and state of wellness of most big urban conglomerations, you could easily see how much of the urban living logic is flawed and scammed. The trouble is; we never have these information as there are no overall data and they are never available. Those, who have begun to move away from this misconception of big city life wellness, have been successful in accepting that safety-security-wellness et al are more cognitive than objective. Also, if a person is aware, proactive and confident; he or she can create alternative and novel structures of safety-security-wellness in whatever place they consciously opt to live and relish life-living. As we have repeatedly said; this world is huge; reality is diverse and experiences are multidimensional. It is essentially the poverty of consciousness if we feel and accept that goodness and wellness is confined only to urban spaces and aligned only with few structures like hospitals, malls, multiplexes and services. A person aware of and in conscious state to live out the holism of reality accepts that health and its conscious upkeep is primary and true wellness. Hospitals and subconscious dependence on it for beefing up the personal sense of safety-security is partial, flawed and scammed cognition. There sure seems a definitive element of hypocritical madness that many people buy costly health insurances and stay in and with such milieus and lifestyle choices, which make them diseased and unwell. Those, who understand wellness and health in its holism, accept that medicine and medical processes are not remedies of the deeper and lasting sense of vitality and safety. Moreover, aware people understand that there are so many aspects of healthy and right living, which must not be ‘delegated’ to doctors and hospitals as everyone should assign this task to himself or herself. The knowledge of science, which lends every aware individual right and true information about body-brain mechanisms and technologies, which provide personal access to self-diagnostic tools, has facilitated the regime for natural wellness. Aware people pay premium to these self-regulatory practices than paying on insurances and hospitals. It is such a relief that modern day technologies in the field of internet and artificial intelligence have facilitated deliveries of goods and services at home, beyond the crowding of big cities. The simple idea is; new and alternative realities are there for anyone to venture into and enjoy novel experiences. They need to be journeyed as contemporary milieus, where we are living is growingly becoming unsuitable for sanity. As we said earlier, Intellect is in journeying novel experiences of alternative realities, unlearning subconscious fears and insecurities. This is crucial for emergence of poetry of living.
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It is of primary importance to understand and accept that an individual simply cannot change anything in an ecosystem of depravity, stupidity and hypocrisy. An individual however can opt out of the ecosystem; move away and un-align, detach and disconnect from such a vitiated ecosystem, which is killing the prospects of peace, sanity and poise. As we talked earlier; self is the only platform, where changes can take shape and that alone is the possible way to effect any change in collective spaces. It is as simple as; if you are unhappy with growing inflation and higher prices; Don’t Buy. As growing number of individuals keep themselves away from vitiation of a situation, it shall fall back to normalcy. Mechanisms change only through processes, which are part and parcel of the mechanism itself. You cannot make a computer work by yelling at it. You simply need to press a button on the keyboard. It is the same with people too. In contemporary cultures, it has become a popular habit to expect everything from polity and governments. People yell at governments for not doing this and that. It is akin to yelling at computer to perform a task. You need to press the button on the keyboard of personal and individual domain. It is also pertinent to accept that mass majority of people only ape ‘societal success’, benchmarked by a handful of people, who are considered successful. Therefore, if sufficient numbers of people begin to dump the populist success and align with novel and alternative life-living, which paves the way for poetry of living, a new ‘success-benchmark’ may well be established for the mass majority to follow in decades from now. Somehow, it may seem tough to dump the contemporary ecosystem and align with a novel and alternative one but this difficulty may only be largely perceptional. This world is big enough and alternative ways have always been there. This contemporary madness and scammed world of depravity is not what humanity had always lived in. It is a creation of only last 100 years or so and have accentuated primarily in the last three-four decades. An aware and knowledgeable person can see and understand how and where humanity digressed to depravity and self-harmful ways. Novelty takes no major changes but mostly cognitive reorientations. As individuals, we need to understand how we can effect changes in our ambient ecosystems of society, cultures, polity and economy. We just need to press the right buttons and understand that the only button, which can trigger changes, is inside your own consciousness and cognition. The society and polity cannot change by we trying to change them. It automatically changes as we effect and install changes within us and with our choices. We need to understand and accept that in the last few decades, in almost most parts of the world, where liberal democracies work; we have been overbuying the political and economic goods and services. This has made the polity and commerce to ‘Inflate’ and acquire a monopolistic attitude. We as individuals can ‘deflate’ them to their sanity-sanctity buy changing our alignment with them. They change as we effect changes within ourselves. This is the prudent arrangement of ‘alignment’ of individuality with externalities. This shall facilitate harmony and rhythm. This in turn shall lead to poetry of living.
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As we have been saying all along, poetry of living is all about process of emergence. Emergence process involves myriads of elements in assimilative, integrative and harmoniously cooperative ways. Emergence blends and rearranges the Field or Landscape of Consciousness in a harmonious loop, engendering something novel and beyond what elements can individually make possible. Society, cultures and families et al were designed to facilitate this emergence process. However, contemporary collective spaces have become so vitiated and depraved that an individual can very rarely find any harmonious process possible, having alignment with society, cultures, faith systems, politics et al. An individual may earn billions, may become powerful and influential, may earn fame and recognition, may acquire and grow huge wealth, et al. These are considered worthy ‘purposes’ in anyone’s life-living. However, the fact remains that all these so-called golden purposes and worthy attainments have ‘value and utility’ only contextual to society and other collective spaces. Your attainments, external to you; like money-wealth-fame-power etc are worthless, if you are no more part and parcel of society and culture and move to a jungle. However, all these attainments and possessions, having values and worth, only contextual to external milieus of collective spaces, shall not automatically create poetry of living for you. It is simply because the collective spaces are no more what they were created for. The coins and currencies of shamelessness and deceitfulness simply cannot buy peace, sanity and poise of consciousness. They are wealth only in societal-cultural-political domains. This ‘wealth’ does not automatically translate into wellness and worthiness in personal domain. They shall only be available as means. No doubt, money, fame, power et al are also important elements for overall well-being of a person but they at best work as platform or launch-pad for larger and deeper wellness. As we have been insisting; only money, only meditation, only awareness or only will power, etc are not the right recipe for emergence of poetry of living. They are all only ‘part’ and alone they cannot create the magic and munificence of holism. There has to be a golden balance of all ‘parts’ and all elements. What we are however trying to work out is a probability of creating alternative and novel means of all these ‘parts’. The contemporary collective spaces are killers of processes of emergence. The attainments of money, fame, power shall always happen only in these milieus of collectivity and they shall kill harmony. There is a need for alternative and novel means and ideas of true and real money, fame and power, which is largely, if not wholly, available at and aligned with internal resources of body-brain plexuses. This shall help in arriving at the holism and harmony without having to encounter the cacophony and chaos of externalities of collectivity. The poetry simply cannot happen exclusively in externalities. They are too depraved now for this to happen. This results in a situation, which is common in contemporary human world of glitter and glam. The poverty inside; the penury of sanity-poise-wellness of individualistic self, in his or her personal-private space coexists with money-fame-power of the same person in external milieus. Poverty and opulence remain side by side, associated with the identity and persona of the same person. This creates a conflict, which is very tough to handle. This contemporary human world and popular cultures are full of such conflicted persons, who seek peace and true happiness by asking for solutions from external agencies like spiritualism, religion, psychology and even psychedelic substances. They can’t accept that the solution cannot be provided by these layers, as the problem itself has been created by person contextualizing his or her individualism vis-à-vis these externalities. If they could look within, accept the root of trouble and embark on personal enterprise to reorient their sense of reality of true successes and wellness; they can have solutions in minutes. The alternative ways and novelty has to resort to dumping these cacophonous collective spaces and externalities. Individuality simply cannot breathe easy in massively polluted collective spaces. Naturally, alternative and novel living shall require redefining loneliness and success. This shall help in reorienting the contextuality and alignment of individuality with collective spaces. In fact, when individualism shall seek novel and alternative experiences; almost all current and contemporary realities will have to be redefined and reoriented. Individuality cannot thrive as its process of emergence is cancelled out in collective spaces. The poetry of living requires individuality to seek harmony and holism. Contemporary living is killer of harmony and holism. No harmony, no emergence; no poetry of living. Globally, there is an emergent trend of some people accepting that primary wealth is health and true attainment is poise, peace and sanity of consciousness. This somehow helps in accepting a novel and alternative perception of Loneliness and Success, as against the populist perceptions. There is simple cognitive change in perception about loneliness. Many people are beginning to accept that society is not only about humans. There are lives outside the reality of humanity. There are animals, birds and millions of living organisms, which also form the basis of family and society. Loneliness is essentially cognitive. If people need companionship and reciprocation from others; these others may not be humans only as there are millions more than humans in the vast world of living beings. It is essentially cognitive. All needs are expressions of desires of consciousness, deep within self and that is why; anything external only happens to be a media to present the required utility. This media may be anything. It is a choice depending upon individuality of a person; not the entity at externalities.
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Modern contemporary neuroscience has unraveled so many aspects of our brain function, especially the neural networks. The artificial intelligence breakthroughs have been brilliant in simulating how our neural networks react and interact with stimuli from external milieus. It has been established that human brain states and neural networks work optimally, coherently and in poise when neural communication happens in a certain level of poised and harmonious activation. It has been established that when neural activation is very high and also processing precarious stimuli; which happens when an individual is exposed to unsettled and ominous situations in milieus, the mind consciousness reacts aggressively and is in offence mode. More activation results in some form of disorientation and delusional consciousness, causing an individual to act and behave weird. Further neural activation may result in fits or seizures. There have been brain researches with Tibetan monks and it has shown how brain states, which are in prolonged and continuous poise, peace and harmony within self as well as external world, create marvelous cognitive feel and experiences. It is about brain waves. It is about how your neurons fire and align with each other at what frequency. As we said earlier; we are field of information. It is about how the field and its properties and attributes engender an emergent consciousness. The frequency of neural activations and how neural networks handle information from external milieus have been studied in detail and it shows how modern and contemporary milieus are affecting the poise and stability of mind consciousness. Average person in constant struggle with milieus and in perpetual battle with shamelessness and deceitfulness of people are in perpetuity of stressful aggression and offence for ‘survival-success’. The body-brain is designed to fall back to a homeostatic poise, after a period of disturbances and imbalances. This is called allostatic process or setting back to normalcy. However, continued and singular stretches of stressed and disturbed homeostatic balance kills allostatic processes and the person settles for a ‘normal’, which is actually a ‘diseased’ version of the self or consciousness. Anyone, who is willing to understand and accept how our brain states, neural networks and hormonal-enzymes ecosystem, in response to external stimuli, act and engender conscious choices as well as cognitive acceptances of a reality; can very well unravel the contemporary situation of average humans. Science is also explaining how the core sanity-system of human body-mind, called Homeostasis, gets disturbed and unleashes variety of physical-mental troubles and diseases. Homeostasis and brain state symmetry-sanity are linked. Modern life-living, its troubles are largely manifestations of Homeostatic imbalances, caused by lifestyle choices. Contemporary human world is beset with growing incidence of mental issues of sanity, symmetry and poised system. People usually get treatment and medical help for diseases, when prolonged disharmony of Homeostasis manifests them. But; they never know and are told that primary issue is disturbed Homeostasis. This is what we have been talking. Average person never ever sees and accepts a Reality in Holism and is trigger happy being geniuses of parts only. It is as simple as – You care for your Homeostasis and it shall care for your health-vitality-wellness. Many people in contemporary world is accepting this novel idea of holism and they are confident that if they move away from mad milieus and lead an alternative life which gives them time and space to manage their Homeostatic balance in high order; they shall do well without hospitals, medicines and medical processes. You invest in your homeostasis; it assures you don’t need to invest in hospitals and medicines. However, they are only handfuls. Mass majority of people simply do not understand and accept the holism of reality and cannot trust the alternative experiences. They prefer aping populist successes, even when wasting their health and peace. This madness and obsession with ‘successes’ lead mass majority of 99.9% people to kill or deny the Reality – the Holism of it.
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It is a critical aspect of emergence that it seeks holism. Part successes cannot create harmony and assimilation. That is why poetry of living is so crucial. Only knowledge cannot create the magic of process of emergence of poetry of living. Knowledge is only one big element of body-mind processes. Many knowledgeable people fail miserably in attaining the wellness and harmony of living. Instead, very often, only success of knowledge attainment makes an individual acquire honed up inventiveness and shrewdness in its execution of shamelessness and deceitfulness. Knowledge must align with emotional elements and other balancing cognitive aspects. Then, there are very critical elements of thoughtfulness, introspection and skeptical self-analysis. Thankfully, neuroscience has now rewarded us with breakthrough knowledge of how our brain works out the elements of knowledge, thoughtfulness and emotions. This is the domain of emergent Higher Consciousness. If we understand it in detail, we sure can get a better and commanding hold on our thoughts and emotions. All elements of knowledge, experiences, emotions, thoughtfulness, introspection, skeptical self-analysis, et al are Information and our brain processes them all. We now know of brain mechanisms; how different informations are processed in different parts of the brain states and how they are distributed widely in neural networks of billions of synapses. For an individual to be truly intelligent and aware in his or her holism; his or her consciousness must align all Information and mind processes to present themselves in a symmetry and integration. Then only an individual can actualize holism. Different parts of information and brain processing must align to create the holism. All parts must be integrated and connected in a loop of cyclicality to create the process of emergence. Usually, most individuals are geniuses of parts. They are either good at either emotional aspect or thoughtfulness. Our brain is a marvelous media of infinite probabilities. For example, acquisition of knowledge is often associated with sense of power or possession. We have enough examples as how knowledgeable people acquire pride of power and we know; power corrupts. Therefore, knowledge must always align simultaneously with counter cognitive elements of compassion and humility. Anything in ‘part’, missing holism, is susceptible to depravity of action-behavior. Holism alone creates poetry of Living. How our brain processes different information and how it stands to integrate, align and synchronize all different shades, parts and aspects of information, create true intelligence. This intelligence of holism makes emergence happen. This emergence engenders the poetry of living as it opens up the doors of novel and alternative probabilities in living experiences. The only lasting and always evolving asset in life is the experiences we can have. A person is rich or poor only in his or her life-living experiences. It is tough to describe how a person with knowledge alone feels and experiences reality and how the other person with holism of knowledge-humility-compassion feels and experiences everything within and outside. Both mind consciousnesses are Fields. They are different Fields, emanating out of similar brain structures. The difference is in the properties and attributes of Information as well as the information of aligned pathways of neural plexuses. Different Fields lend different experiences as they create different emergence processes. It is a reality that the richness and wellness satisfaction of the later with holism is way above and beyond, the former, who is unlucky to have knowledge but no humility and compassion. This asset and wealth of experience-richness is both quantitatively and qualitatively massive only when we attain this intelligence of holism and have poetry of living. Poetry is lived out. Saying sweet, a hundred times does not create a sweet taste. You have to taste it to experience it. Experiences are lived out. It happens as one is ready for this eventuality. Readiness begins its journey, as acceptance happens.
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Contemporary knowledge of neuroscience tells us novel hypothesis about how and why our brain happened and what brain is wired to do. This leads us to alternative purposes, which we can assign to our brain, with high awareness and conscious resolve. It is hypothesized that brain happened as organisms moved out of their milieus. Trees don’t need brain; only moving creatures require a brain as it helps continuous processing of new information in changing milieus, as a creature moves to find food, mates and safer places. This movement of creatures created two brilliant aspects of brain functioning. First is the element of Prediction. Human brain is a very evolved mechanism to predict what may happen in linearity of future. This evolved the artistry of Imagination and assignment of value-meaning to a symbol or metaphor; helping in evolution of languages. Second aspect, which is more important, is Intentionality. Brain states process available information in the ever changing milieus and it creates the emotion of Intentionality to carry out a decision arrived at. These two elements of prediction and intentionality, in their different probabilities, create thoughtfulness, which essentially is the pre-motor action information processing. What we accept as thinking is neural networks processing different information received from external milieus and internal memories, to build a model of prediction and intentionality for action. Therefore, we can say, our brain processing is essentially action-oriented and even our thinking is pre-action information processing. This is our brain design. Modern neuroscience is even telling us that primarily; in its crude and unprocessed state; intentionality, prediction and other emotions are all cellular level realities. It means, they are all electro-chemical processing of sensory inputs, orchestrated at cell level of our body and mind. This in turn shows, how majority of what we think, we are thinking, feeling and doing are mechanism-driven and processed at cell levels, where our conscious choices have little roles. They are subconscious and auto-processes. Mass majority of people are therefore, innately and subconsciously action-oriented. That is why, scientists say, there is no free will and 98% humans are not even aware what they are doing. However, if we look at this picture from another perspective, we can clearly see that 98% of people are not obsessive action doers but actually Reactionary Geniuses. The brain processes are essentially ‘Reacting’ to information stimuli. The prediction and intentionality processes and its allied activity of thinking are essentially ‘Reacting’ to a situation and informational reality. A truly intellectual individual is never reactionary. He or she is never acting on anything as automatic ‘reaction’ to some stimuli. Since thousands of years, ancient philosophies have been warning us against this slavery of situation-reaction trap. Entire Yoga philosophy explains this slavery and suggests way out of this slavery to attain freedom or nirvana. The poetry of living begins as process of emergence happens and this happens as an individual very consciously weeds out intentionality of reactionary behavior-action. We can say, alternative experiences, which create poetry of living; is essentially about unlearning innate and entrenched Intentionality of cellular orchestrations and install consciously opted out intentionality of novel and alternative choices. One way to do is to keep out of or stay away from external milieus of society-culture-politics to weed out the stimuli itself. Better way is to understand the brain process; sit on the prediction-intentionality process and never react. Those who are truly intellectuals; they reorient their individuality and consciousness to use the energy of thoughtfulness, not for action-reaction but for probability building over how in different ways a situation can be experienced and internalized for attaining larger and varied cognitive shades of reality. They align their thoughtfulness with related cognitive elements of emotions, memories, introspection, self-analysis, skepticism, innovative probability building, et al to optimize experiential richness. They ‘unlearn’ this subconscious urge to use these processes for action-reaction regime, for optimization of survival successes. This itself suggests that first unlearning is to consciously weed out this innate and embedded instinct of innate Intentionality of survival insecurity from consciousness. In contemporary human cultures, meditation techniques are gaining grounds. The Vipasana meditation is getting popular. Meditation in its holism is this process of awareness and conscious discovery of causalities, which lead us to reactionary spectrum of actions-behaviors. Meditation also involves conscious building of novel and alternative cognitive pathways for alternative and novel Intentionality. As we said earlier, this facility and comfort is impossible for over 90 percent humans as they continue to live in such collective external milieus, where every second, they face survival insecurities in loads. That also needs to be unlearnt. A small number of people are already accepting this reality and are moving away from this contemporary madness of urban-metro living to a far off place of natural peace and poise. There is always enough space on Earth and multiple opportunities for those, who will it to do it. They understand, most insecurities and fears are cognitive and happen because we insist to see and accept our individuality only in societal-cultural context and seldom independent of it.
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There are still loads of things to be known about our brain and the trillions of neural activities and pathways, which cognitize realities for us. Human knowledge in the field of neuroscience, molecular biology, artificial intelligence is progressing very satisfactorily. The contemporary knowledge however leads us to this acceptance that our brain is a huge potential and this potential is in creating brilliantly mesmerizing and hugely satisfying experiences for us. It does not take someone to know every detail about brain and neural networking, equal to what the scientists know, to have these magical experiences. The science is one thing and use of the core principle of science for artistry of experiences is another domain. Anyone can inculcate this artistry. The modern science is very young. It is only around 400-500 years old. Still, at least 3000 years back, when there was no knowledge of modern science about body-brain and reality, some worthy humans could decipher brilliant patterns all around them and within their minds. They understood in raw details, what modern science is now explaining with measurable and objective calculations. The ancient humans 3000 years back have documented such experiences of life-living, which are scientifically viable and still worthy of emulation. Consciousness, cognition and causalities that create realities are very much observable and amenable to experiencing by anyone, who is aware and accepts the discipline of process, which make these experiences emerge. Original Buddhism and Yoga philosophies of Oriental world list out such experiences and wisdom. Sadly, very few people know about them and associate only with ritualistic and vitiated demonstrativeness and adverts of confused lot of contemporary practitioners. We in 21st century are very fortunate and endowed that we can also know and understand the structural mechanisms of these processes, emanating and getting shaped in the brain states and emergence processes. We all can have this mesmerizing treasure of cognitive experiences. We just need to understand and accept that our brain is a huge potential. We are squandering its potentials by restricting its use and application in creating ways to attain moneys, fame, power and consumptions only. If we are stupidly happy undermining and underutilizing our own brains, it is surely not the problem of our brains. It is the trouble of our restrictive and animalistic intelligence. The brain is the king; we make it beg and be a slave.
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Somehow, it may help to appreciate how understanding grammar of life paves way for better and evolved poetry of living. A small example is about how our core drives are created and how they in turn construct primary desires in us. As we understand the mechanism of our body-brain (grammar of life), we have great facility in constructing and designing our own poetry of life. We have already talked about how modern scientists believe that Intentionality happens at cellular level. Intentionality at cellular level may be accepted as the core insinuation for our innate and instinctive drives. Our brain states process and devises this cellular intentionality into drives. The drives are expressions and communication of body’s innate needs and instinctive purposes. Metaphorically; we can accept Intentionality as core grammar of body-brain ecosystem and drive as syntactic landscape of the language of body needs for survival wellness. However, poetry of living means that our individuality and Consciousness must understand that Intentionality is just the ‘Media’. The grammar and syntax are themselves ‘metaphors’ of meanings and holistic logic of body requirements of survival wellness. It is a media, very much like money we talked earlier. This media of Intentionality opens up the portals of myriads of shades of experiences of emotions and all of them feed into the larger and holistic expressions of Intentionality and drives in looped cyclicality. Therefore, every aware and intelligent person must understand that as money is important only as ‘Media’ of varied experiences; Intentionality as core, innate and instinctive ‘Media of Purposes’ is important only when we consciously and willfully lend different living experiences to enrich, evolve and embellish it. Simply speaking; even if we accept that ‘survival’ is core and singular Intentionality and all drives feed into this singular need; we must understand that the word ‘survival’ is also essentially a media and metaphor only. Survival intentionality can be experienced in infinite ways. You can say, I cannot survive without love, without a burger, without friends, without gaming, without this and that. In reality; you can survive well with a big bowl of fruits and vegetables. Still; you align your intentionality of ‘survival’ with so many experiences. The trouble is, you are not very welcoming to hell lot of other experiences, which others are having and are possible. Therefore, an aware and intelligent person shall always work its way to optimize Experiences of infinite shades as purpose of life-living Successes. Money, wealth, fame and consumption are only ‘Means’ to galvanize the attainment of ‘Ends’ of richness of Life-Living Experiences. Contemporary cultures have blurred this critical difference between means and ends. There is obsessive predominance of attainment of means only and there is little attention to work towards the ultimate and true ends. The Grammar of Life is a learning of Mechanisms, as it makes us understand the ultimate importance of Processes, which create and paves ways for Poetry of Living.
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There is a famous saying, which represents the philosophy of Epicureanism. It goes like – ‘A pig eating shit has equal pleasure compared to a man creating poetry.’ The idea is to equate all pleasures as quantitatively equal and ignore qualitative aspect of experiences, as they are not supposed to be calculable. There is however another aspect, which is there between a pig and human. The trouble with pig is not that it eats shit and derives an amount of pleasure, ‘equal’ to that emanating out of a human writing poetry. The trouble with pig is that it cannot add any alternative and novel value and utility to what it gets. Humans can. A pig cannot ever acquire culinary skills to make different food dishes out of the shit it gets for food. A human however makes different varieties of delectable food dishes out of a simple ingredient like wheat or rice. Humans can create different experiences out of singular source by creating different combinations and amalgamation of a singular reality – physically as well as mentally. Humans can assign value and utility to a reality and therefore create varieties of experiences. Poetry is the same process. Humans can have their different ways with the core instinct of Intentionality and its expressions as drives. This, a pig cannot. Very naturally, this artistry of creating variety of experiences by assigning and aligning novel and alternative values and utilities in a singular reality is what makes humans special and above animals. The tragedy with humanity is that majority of humans do not have the knowledge, skills and resources to install and enjoy varieties in their life-living experiences. Also, most humans are slaves to ‘Pig-Like’ blissfulness of single-dimensional reality. They are not open to probabilities of shades of different realities and their novel experiences. We all need to first ‘unlearn’ this dogmatism of fixated acceptance of singular reality, which we are used to or learn culturally. Most people find love in their lives but they do not have the skills and intelligence to accept love and core Intentionality of love in myriads of shades of novel and alternative intimacies and mutuality. Most people accept love in singular dimension of reality, which suits their particular drive-energized need or what the pop culture has trained them to. We need to understand the magic and marvel of the artistry of individualistic assignment of novel and alternative value and utility to a reality. Those who can do it; ask them what love means to them. They experience the singular intentionality of love in uncountable different shades of mesmerizing experiences. This has been expressed by so many blessed humans in poetry, songs, dances, paintings, writings, sculpting and so on. A man is fortunate enough to find a woman in his life but he is stupidly unfortunate to accept his woman in a singular and particular ‘Utility’ or value. Most men do the same mistake and have the same misfortune. Those handfuls, who can see, accept and encourage their women in many novel and alternative roles, utilities, values, worthiness and characteristics, have the good fortune of being blessed with the true treasure of richness of experiences, which the reality of a woman in their lives unleash for them. This happens in all walks of life and all situations of living. It is not that the artistry should be reserved only for bigger and richer realities of life-living. It should be applied on every small thing we do and we come to face in life-living. Melodiousness, rhythm and symmetry should be assigned to and aligned with how we eat, how we meet and talk, how we work, how we express our thoughts, how we gel with relatives and even unknown people, how we present ourselves in awkward and uncomfortable situations, etc. The poetry needs to become a subconscious expression of the consciousness. As we have repeatedly said, consciousness is a Field and therefore, if it has been consciously populated with properties and attributes, which engender melodiousness, rhythm and symmetry; then poetry of living becomes a subconscious inevitability.
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The poetry and its core constructs need to be unraveled. What essentially poetry process involves? What poetry signifies, especially in terms of brain perspective of information processing? If we look at its innate and inherent evolution; we can clearly see that poetry is also a language, a communication and an expression of reality. However, poetry goes beyond normal and prescribed meaning of language and expressions. Poetry adds novelty of meaningfulness and installs alternative expressions. It needs to be understood. Human brain, as it evolved later, especially its cortex parts, has this genius to ascribe a meaning to something else. This we know as symbols and metaphors. Human mind is master of symbol and metaphor building. This facility is at the core of evolution of languages. Languages are also symbols and metaphors of some reality and meaning. Different words have no meaning but only those we assign them to symbolize something. Therefore, the word apple does not mean an apple; it only symbolizes a fruit of a specific typology. Poetry is higher and diversified expressions of more personalized and evolved symbolizations. That is why we are using the word to symbolize what we wish to say is core process of real wellness and true successes. As poetry happens as we add and amalgamate more, better and higher symbols of meaningfulness to our normal languages. As poetry enriches and adds novel and alternative experiences to language expressions; we create Poetry of Living by consciously adding and mixing up more, better and higher cognitive bounties to all realities; big and small, to fill up our lives with richness and diversity of novel and alternative experiences. This enhances the real wellness and true success attainments of life-living. As poetry accepts no restriction of ideas and expressions; we too need never restrict our consciousness and cognition and allow it the liberal flights of meaningfulness to add up novel experiences. This alone can optimize our life-living potentials. This alone is the magic, we as individuals can create, without the existence of any external support; like money, power and people. This poetry is purely individualistic and not only stays forever; it grows and keeps growing.
We shall now talk about some practical examples, which may help us conceptualize what essentially we mean by richness of experiences as true treasures of life. Essentially, we are talking about intangibilities of life-living experiences. We can very easily understand and accept that even material and tangible possessions and consumptions stand as ‘utility’ for us when we experience it. The billion dollars in your bank account is only a medium. It does not have anything specific in itself but at the same time, it has many shades of probable experiences, it can extend to different individuals. The ‘Media’ is objective; the ‘Message’ it has is however subjective to different individualities. That is why many people say, money has different colors; depending on which color your Consciousness aligns with. For many, these billion dollars may mean joyfulness of the maneuverability to spend on choicest consumptions. For others this may mean security. In many people, it may unleash the feelings of power and pride for demonstrativeness and adverts. Still, many may feel it as a burden as they may feel insecure about whether it shall stay with them or be taken away by tax authorities, relatives, frauds, et al. A lot many people would accept this big money as platform to make more money and they shall feel a precarious mix of sentiments, depending on how they see the future unraveling for the journey of their money. A few however may feel humbled and would think of the satisfaction of helping some needy. The journey of the individualities in acceptances of the cognitive shades of the same ‘media’ of money is diverse. The singular reality however, is that the money is just the ‘medium’ and what ultimately shapes up its finality of utility is the ‘experience’, which an individual consciousness assigns it and aligns it with.
As we have talked earlier, every reality boils down to the media of Consciousness. Different individuals, having different shades of Consciousnesses, shall have different and varied experiences out of a singular reality. It shall depend upon the Field or Landscape of the Consciousness as to how it processes and aligns incoming stimuli of Information to assign it different experiences. As we talked earlier, the Grammar of Life is to understand and accept this Reality of Consciousness as Field, Landscape and Information by acquiring holistic knowledge of the modern contemporary science of Reality. The Poetry of Life is to understand and accept that true richness, wealth, empowerment and success is in having a Consciousness, which can optimize myriad shades and flavors of ‘Experiences’ and cognitive marvels. The poetry happens as Emergence, as we have persevered practice of aligning our Consciousness to as many probabilities as possible. The billion dollars is not important. Even if it is just a few dollars, it must make you experience all shades of Experiences, associated with money-reality; as we have detailed above. You need be rich in experiences. Richness of ‘Media of Money’ is not that much important; though it is a good means.
Before we talk about practical aspects of what richness truly means and how it can be acquired to have Poetry of Living; there is a crucial aspect of understanding that Experiences, like Consciousness are also emergent and evolving reality. Consciousness evolves and emerges to novel cognitions as we practice the art of being open, compassionate and accommodative to all shades of probabilities. Experiences also evolve and emerge with time and space as we keep practicing the art of experiencing; living them out, with liberal and holistic acceptance of all realities as Information; leading to different probabilities of experiences. Richness seldom comes automatic and overnight. It grows and evolves gradually. Richness evolves as we keep ‘investing’ and persevere with enterprise of good management. This aspect shall also become clear when we detail the practicalities of richness of experiences below –
Example 1
There is a very famous incident about some great classical musicians of India, sitting together and talking music, in informal and personal gathering. They sang together and also discussed aspects of music. Later, the talks were veered around the ‘swara’ (notes) and how different ones in the spectrum of seven notes called saptak (Octave) could be applied and sung with novelty and experimentations. Every musician was sharing how he thought and felt about the renditions and applications of different swaras. Among them was a great musician, who was known for his masterly grip on grammar of musicality. He said; you can have the best and ideal rendition of a swara only when you have successfully readied the Zameen (soil) of the swara. This means; one has to cultivate, nurture and decorate the grassroots or landscape, which is catalytic and appropriate for the emergence and rendition of the best possible sound of the swara. Everyone present there were great musicians and they all agreed.
For a layman, or a stupid like me; it is almost impossible to understand what all this means and how to experience this idea and idealism about musicality. Many may feel, as we talked earlier; it is just an abstracted and vague description of something in the process of singing. Many may also say; it is not even real and only an expression of some psychedelic insinuations. Why? It is because we all know how a farmer readies and nurtures the soil of his farm to successfully cultivate a specific crop. We know and accept; different crops require different soil preparations as every type of soil is not innately suitable for different crop. However, we cannot visualize what one can accept as ‘Soil’ in dictionary of musicality and how this so-called soil can be readied differently for different swaras, which is essentially a sound; an acoustic entity. But, all great musicians had agreed in the above-mentioned gathering and even modern classical musicians of India accept this process as idealism of classical music and singing.
This idea and idealism is the domain of emergence and this happens to those, who have earned and learned the discipline of grammar of music and have practiced the art for decades. This happens as most great musicians are able to make the emergence happen in their musicality. Music involves many ‘ingredients’, apart from the notes, patterns and renditions. Music assimilates and integrates emotions, visualizations, architecture of acoustics, sculpting of personification of notes, etc. Many classical musicians admit that when they sing, they close their eyes and they can see a musical note (swara) standing as a person in front of them. They then visualize its persona and try to paint and sculpt its imagery with the help of singing. The same visualization is done for ragas (rendition of some patterned notes in specific beat symmetry), which is also equated with a person in specific mood and appearance. This again may sound like mystical and magical. This however is the domain of neural networks of brain states and all these happen in the well-defined and measurable processes of emergence. Music is singular and notes are all objective. However, different musicians experience them differently as musical processes create novel and alternative experiences to them. These experiences are subjective and personal. They cannot be transferred to others. However, those avid and learned listeners in audiences, who have experienced music in different dimensions, do align with what the musician is experiencing. Modern science has confirmed that musicality activates the same brain plexuses in listeners, as in the brain states of the singer itself. The emergence creates brilliance and diversities of experiences.
It has to be understood and accepted that musicality presents the optimal probability of emergence to take shape as it has all the ‘ingredients’ and processes, which is ideal for emergence to happen. In western classical music, it happens in philharmonic orchestra, where hundreds of musicians and musical instruments participate to create a landscape or field of sounds and rhythms. There is this very crucial element of harmony and rhythm, which is core requirement for emergence to happen. There are many other elements; as we have listed above; but as they get assimilated and integrated in rhythmic and harmonious patterns and processes, it facilitates emergence as the participating elements do not ‘cancel out’ each other; rather they all are woven into a singularity in repeated looped interactions. They create a novel Field.
What makes emergence happen in musicality can be replicated in all other domains of life-living but it is difficult. Emergence must happen in relationship. Emergence must define and shape up love and intimacy. Emergence needs to be the sole guiding principle of all interactions, sharing and collectivity. You can easily understand why it does not happen there. The primary reason is the lack of awareness about the ‘ingredients and processes’ and lack of optimal practice to ensure that all participative elements and dimensions are in harmonious-rhythmic loop and do not cancel out each other. This very rarely happens in other domains of life-living as we are never harmonious and never ever leave any chance to ‘cancel out’ others.
Example 2
There is a story about a deer and a man. There was an old man, who lived alone in deep woods. He was a happy man, as he believed in simplicity and practiced compassion. One day, he thought, even after doing all his routine things, he still had some time left. If there could be another soul around, they could talk and have good time together. Next day, he went to collect some dry firewood, away from his hut and he saw a small fawn of a deer, whose mother was just killed by a hungry lion. He took the deer calf back home and raised it. He was happy in the company of the baby deer and the deer always stayed around him.
The man used to do meditation and offer prayers. The baby deer watched him and as it grew up, it too began to sit close to the man on his hind legs and join the front legs as hands in prayer mode. The deer would close eyes like the man and sit silently in erect position as the man would do his daily meditation. Once, a young man, who lived in nearby village, passed by and saw the deer doing all these. He informed the villagers, who came to watch it. Soon, this old man was famous as villagers believed this man was a noble soul and an apostle of God. People came to the old man, offered gifts and worshipped him. The old man refused any gift and only smiled. A few months later, the old man died. The same young man, who had informed the villagers about this ‘miracle man’, sensed an opportunity and thought; if the deer could do the same ‘tricks’ sitting with him, he would convince the villagers that the old man’s soul had entered his body and he would be rich getting gifts from villagers and also be worshipped. He tried to befriend the deer. He offered green grasses and fetched him sweets. The deer did not even move as he was very distressed after the death of the old man. The young man tried all tricks and even beat the deer but the deer didn't budge and died a few days later, as it had refused to eat and drink.
The story explains everything. There was a relationship between two living entities and there was a process of the relationship in looped assimilation and integration. The experiences between the two were evolved and engineered as there were some harmonious elements of ‘connect’ and ‘context’ between them. The expressions, which this marvelous relationship created and manifested in behavior-action, were emergence of the uniqueness and exclusivity of processes of mutuality and togetherness between two lives. Two equitably poised Fields of Consciousnesses, with symmetrical attributes and properties, merge and make emergence of a third dimension possible. This process could not be copied, transferred and implanted, as they were between two Fields, Landscapes or Information; in specific bondage and assimilation.
This ‘magic’ happens between many relationships. The simple idea is the brilliance of experiences, which can happen between relationships. They however depend on how relationships progress with innocence, simplicity and compassion. It also depends on how participants in a relationship get invested in a relationship with what ‘ingredients’ or elements. All living beings, especially humans are powerful Fields and Landscapes of Information. The fields work together to create emergence of novel and alternative experiences. As we have mentioned earlier; emergence is a process and follows a disciplined regime. The story shows this all.
Example 3
There is this very beautiful and brilliantly prospective idea of divinity, which many empowered men and women have experienced in multidimensionality of experiences. They are all documented in annals of history. God and divine elements of ‘Reality’ is popularly accepted as an entity situated in some ‘externality’. Naturally, most people associate and align with God and divinity through pomp and show of ritualism which, more than often, is action-platform, with no or little affinity and connect with internal and personal landscape of consciousness.
The aware, evolved and empowered men and women accept and align with God and divinity only as Field or Landscape of Information. They understand and accept that God and divinity is expression of processes within layers of consciousness and has nothing to do with externalities. They experience God and elements of divinity, not through any ritual but through a very personalized and subjective causality of connect. They realize that the idea and idealism of God is a manifestation and expression of processes, within brain states and amenable for actualization within the ‘media’ of Consciousness. Very naturally; they experience divinity in an informal, personal and emotional ways; detached from the actionable regime of ritualism. God and divinity is only experience-field; not action-reaction theatre; very much like love and compassion. Like love; true and real men and women ‘experience’ divinity and never fall in trap of demonstrative and advertorial pageantry.
There is a very powerful symbolism or metaphor of what the true and real experience-landscape of God and divinity can be and should be. This symbol has nothing to do with whether God exists or not. It has nothing to do with the primeval debate of theism and atheism. It is very much like; love is always there within the layers of consciousness, as part of the processes of body-brain plexuses. Love does not need a ‘Body’ to happen. In fact; bodies or personality happens, as media for expression of love and intimacy. Divinity is also there in the consciousness. It does not need a God in some shape and form.
That is why there is this symbol of God and divinity as ‘Integrity’ and not as ‘Belief-Faith’. There is this perception in religious registry that a religious person must have Faith in God’s existence and omnipotence as well as firm Uprightness in the righteousness associated with God. Many evolved and empowered men and women since ages have never felt the need to have faith and belief in God and divinity. True and evolved men and women accept that there is always ‘insufficient’ data to install the conviction of existence of God. It did not anyway either helped them or deterred them from the experiences of Godliness and divinity as they aligned and assimilated themselves with the spectrum of ‘Integrity and Innocence’, which is associated with the idea and idealism of divinity. They practiced the artistry and absorbed the musicality of divinity and lived out all those ideals, which are necessary to keep their consciousnesses connected and aligned with the holism of cosmic reality.
Godliness is essentially the registry of this holism of reality and living it out to experience the multidimensionality of reality. They therefore, were able to detach themselves from the slavery of rituals and externalities. They Experienced God; never ever Accepting the slavery of stupidities-hypocrisies of divinity-regime. Most people do not have this artistry and registry of reality and that is why they remain hooked to ritualism and external ‘adverts’ of reality of divinity. The same happens with love. Same also happens with almost all goodness and idealisms of human life-living. As most humans never ever understand and accept the mechanism and processes of reality and Consciousness; they simply are ignorant of the grammar of life. For them, most realities are ‘adverts’ and demonstrativeness for externalities; never the integrity of inner internalization. The poetry of living cannot happen to them. They have singular experience of ‘ritualistic externalities’ and they happily label all other novel and alternative experiences as madness and psychedelic eventualities. That is why the contemporary human world is what it is – the graveyard of dead consciousnesses. It has always been like that; only varying in degrees of intensity and expanse.
Example 4
When we talk of multidimensionality of experiences and their richness creating true and actual wellness of life-living; we probably cannot ignore the mention of Dreams. Most people are fascinated and even in awe of the realities of dreams. As science has not yet fully deciphered the objective causalities of dreams; it continues to be a favorite topic of discussion among men and women. Most however, are inclined to assign some element of mysticism and even spiritualism into the reality of dreams. If we look at dreams from scientific perspectives and accept the knowledge about dreams, which contemporary science has been able to hypothesize, we can have a brilliant take away from the reality of dreams.
It is now scientifically established fact that dreams are realities of the mechanisms and processes of brains. Dreams happen to animals too. This itself suggest that it has got to do with our brain states processing Information and creating some emergent shades of realities, which our conscious self does not always understand, relate to and ‘own’. Science tells us; dreams need be accepted as a marvel of our massively complex brains and its information processing. In greater probability; dreams are manifestations of the ‘internalization’ processes of all external information, which brains receives as stimuli and relates them with inventory of experiences and memories already stored in brain plexuses.
This hypothesis about dreams probably hints at the fact that dreams are the ‘landscape’ of probabilistic novel-alternative experiences, which the subconscious brain states conjure up. That is probably why; in most of our dreams, the characters and situations have familiarity with our past memories and experiences but dreams sequences them or plays them out in a way, which feels precarious, unexplainable, bizarre and even intimidating. Why? Probably because of this very fact that what we see being ‘played out’ in dreams as some reality, is so novel, so out of usual and so beyond our conscious possibilities that we either feel disoriented or fearful. However, if you sit back; rearrange the dream sequencing of situations and behavior of characters in it; you can surely admit that all these aspects are essentially ‘novelties’ of expressions and experiences of entrenched and actual realities, which you have already either lived out or are familiar with.
For example, most people see their dead relatives come alive in their dreams and trying to say something to them. In many cases, the dead coming alive in dreams, say or do something, which you either fail to decipher or find unusual. In actual world reality; we know the dead do not come back alive. However, if you look deep into the situation; you may accept that our dear dead relatives coming back to life and being with us is not some information, which our brain states do not have. This is the core desire and intense feeling of we all. The difference is that some information are there in brain states as experiences of actuality and some information are there as desires, we wish them to be true and actual. But, they are information and the brain states have them stored in some plexus of trillions of cells. We can alternatively say, if we have memories of some experiences, which are rewarding and feel-happy ones; they somehow automatically transform or are expressed in the form of wishes and desires. It is probably about Information in brain states emerging with different shades. They are ‘entangled’ realities.
Therefore, essentially, if we could accept this as some reasonably valid hypothesis; the dreams in a way tells us about the magic and marvel of how subconsciously, mixing of experiences in alternative ways make possible the emergence of something, which itself is a novel experience. Therefore, if we consciously arrange our situations and characters of self and others in alternative ways, we can engender novel experiences. What our brain states do in subconscious states, we can do better in our conscious mind states. This is a big learning from dreams. It is like; if the brains could subconsciously cook a recipe, using ingredients from its inventory, in some bizarre way, in dream domain; we can consciously use the same ingredients and cook something novel in a marvelous way!
For example, we can sit down in peace and poise and consciously imagine what our dear dead relatives would say to us or do with us if they were alive. If we live out the same experiences, in a consciously designed way, what we see in dreams subconsciously, we can have a novel field and landscape of experiences. Many evolved and empowered people do it. In any moment of life-living, when they confront a conflict situation or some precariousness; they sit down in calmness and solitude and imagine, what their close and dear one, who is no more, would expect and suggest to them. They always keep the memory and experiences of their dear dead relatives and use them to present a landscape of novel and alternative perspectives to realities. This is huge wellness platform. As we have been discussing all along, a person and his or her consciousness is a Field. The field has properties and attributes. The body of the person extends only the morphology of identity. The body goes away and the person is still identifiable by the properties and attributes of his or her field of consciousness. The fields have brilliant assimilations and integration and this is the only true and real basis of relationship between two people. The body is mortal; the field always remains as it is Information. Information is immortal; like energy.
Example 5
We cannot exclude the deliberation of relationship and intimacy, when we talk of the human experiences and their infinite landscape. Let us not use the term ‘Love’, which is too specific, and instead use the generic reality of relationship. As we have discussed earlier about the hypothesis of Intentionality and that too at cellular levels; we need to unravel the core reality of relationships by attempting to decipher the Cellular Intentionality of relationships and intimacy. We have already hypothesized that all human behaviors and propensities are expressions of innate and instinctive drives and drives in turn are manifestations of cellular level intentionality. It seems; the intentionality of relationships is nothing else but emergence of novel and alternative experiences. We have discussed how an individual is innately in happy state but with limited experiences and therefore not in optimal state of readiness for best of survival chances. The cellular intentionality of relationships is therefore embedded and wired in neural and hormonal landscape of experiences of feeling rewarded and nurtured. Relationships create a Field of more and better information for an individual and enhance the spectrum of experiences; which in turn optimizes its survival chances. That is why; every moving organism shall require a brain in some form or other and all brains shall be innately oriented to find utility and worth in relationships. This intentionality is cellular. Trees do not need a brain and therefore do not need relationship and intimacy, as they do not need to move. Some humans are also very much like trees; this is altogether a different domain of reality! Innately, therefore, average individual feels automatically aligned to happiness and sense of nurturing bonding in relationships. The trouble however is that contemporary humans have made a mess of the very core reality of this cellular intentionality of ‘emergence of experiences’, in most relationships. The innate and evolving harmony and rhythm are missing in relationships and therefore, there is no emergence of varieties of experiences. Instead, there is cacophony in relationships, creating a singular experience of competitiveness. We have essentially knocked off the very premise of intentionality of relationships. We do not wish to ‘grow in relationships’, energized by the fuel of novel and alternative experiences and instead; wish to bulldoze others’ experiences and install-pervade our own experience on them. There are so many reasons for modern relationships becoming a drag and stand vitiated but the core issue is we have ignored and killed the cellular intentionality of relationships and they are therefore not engendering emergence of happy and nurturing experiences.
If we analyze the contemporary reality of relationships and intimacies; we can see and visualize why emergence of novel experiences is not happening in relationships in modern times. The primary aspect is growing decimation of innocence and simplicity of individuality. Most people are not honest in relationships; in the sense that they do not present their true and natural self in relationships. In fact; in most cases, the ‘needs-desires/attitudes-orientations’ of participating individuals align and share but very rarely the unpretentious and natural consciousnesses meet and talk. There are very little heart-to-heart talks and sharing of true feelings. We have been insisting that consciousness is a Field or Landscape of Information. The field must never be corrupted with complications of self-denying elements and attributes. Relationships grow and blossom into a larger and collective Field of novel experiences only when participating individuals are simple, sincere and innocently amicable. If not, there cannot be assimilation, integration and evolution of different fields. And; if this does not happen; emergence cannot happen. It is probably the reason why most people feel suffocated in relationships and even when they are in loads of relationships, they feel lonely and segregated.
It needs to be mentioned here that in contemporary times, majority of people have lost the artistry of the communication and expressions. Globally, experts feel, the qualitative aspects of language is declining. Majority of men and women are unable to express their feelings and experiences with clarity and intent. Over use of slangs, hybrid language of digitized media like generic emoji et al and borrowed media like popular songs, pictures and online meems, etc have killed the fragrance of personalized and intimate communication. All these kill the innate processes of emergence in relationships and therefore; there is stink of blocked flow of ideas and cacophony of feelings. Relationships therefore, are more pain than bliss.
Example 6
The best examples of novel and alternative experiences probably come from the brain facility of conscious assignment of utility and worth, different from what instincts and innate nature of subconscious mind states propose. The consciousness is essentially a Field or Landscape of Information. The brain processes information from external milieus and decides the feelings and actionable motor activities as per the already stored memories of Information. If we consciously alter the Information, the feel and experience of the field of consciousness change. This, the poets, writers, artists do successfully and also express them in novel ways.
The best example of this process is how pain and fear is managed and their feel is altered successfully by many, who are evolved and empowered enough to have higher consciousness. Most humans react to pains and fears instinctively and seldom care to sit in poised and aware state to look deep into the dynamics of the mechanism of pains and fears. It is a reality that most people do not actually react to actual pains but the fear or past experiences of the pain’s sufferings. That is why Dalai Lama said, ‘Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional’. Similarly, fear is not as bad as the fear of fear. Most people react to the prospect of fear, much before actual onset of fear.
The Tibetan monks and many other people with higher awareness and poise of consciousness, manage not pain and fear but the experiences of pain and fear. Pain and fear are also Information and the same information is processed by different brains differently. It is because different brains have different past experiences with pains and fears. Therefore, all Information – be it pain or pleasure; they are what they are depending on how an individual’s memories of past handling of the same information is stored in brain states. That is why a person can consciously alter the memories of the past experiences by thoughtfully assigning new experiences. One has to be conscious and aware when a pain situation happens. One has to consciously talk to itself that it shall not react subconsciously and instead; watch the pain process as witness. The meditation process facilitates this. When you become witness and not the media of the information, you can be better judge of the outcomes of the information. Vipasana technique also makes people be witness and watch all causalities, as it happens to the body and brain. Human brain has this magical facility of witnessing its own self. The brain watches its own plexuses and can mediate in its processes. The top brain layers of cortex part, having more cognitive faculties do it. This creates the magical facility of higher consciousness, which can be trained to stand as ‘witness’ and watch the pain or fear information get processed in brain states. It is possible.
For example, you land in a situation, which triggers anger in you. If you are aware and have enough practice of being ‘witness’ to your own brain processes, you shall be able to talk to you. You shall say, ‘Oh! Anger is building up inside me and I am getting drawn to its inevitability. What should I do? Should I simply move away or ignore.’ If you keep practicing the art of shifting to ‘witness’ mode of higher consciousness in all situations of life-living, you shall even begin to enjoy the process of being a detached and objective witness, watching your own being. Later, when you shall land in anger situation; you shall feel that it won’t trigger anger in you; rather, it shall unleash humor in you. You shall begin to enjoy how the situation wants you to be angry but instead, you are feeling the entire experience to be funny. This happens as the brain has this facility to consciously assign alternative experiences to the same stimuli of information, to create a novel reality. This happens with pain and fears too. The arrived and evolved people are able to align all experiences of unpleasant feel with humor. It happens as their higher consciousness can remain an unattached witness to all processes happening with body-brain system. This makes them accept all information of pain, fear, anger etc as value-neutral and then, they assign novel and alternative value of humor and compassion to the same experiences. This is true poetry of living.
You have come this far and braved over hundred pages. I do not have words to thank you. However, if you ask me, what I would truly like to say to you; with all simplicity, innocence and humility; is this small thing – Do very bravely and compassionately, accept this world, you live in, as a colossal landscape of Grief. After this acceptance, internalize grief and then very innocently accept that there is only one way to journey the landscape and that is, the Artistry of Playfulness with Consciousness.
This highly aware and witness-mode playfulness, while journeying the landscape of Grief, is what evolved and empowered humans have prescribed since over 3000 years; in Oriental philosophy. Modern science and its breakthroughs of human consciousness as well as reality, also corroborate this singular utility and worth of this Artistry of Playfulness with Consciousness and life-living. In ancient Indian philosophical traditions, this artistry of playfulness of self was called Leela, which literally means enactment of a conscious behavior-action, at the theatre of life-living, with personal inputs of playfulness.
I have faith in you that you must have understood me and my innocence. I am sure; you must have also internalized what I mean about playfulness. We have talked about it earlier that our brain-milieu interactions create the ‘Will’ in us and we only ‘Own’ them and react. Conscious Playfulness negates this fixed destiny of average human. It calls for holistic acceptances of Reality. It seeks to internalize and ingrain in our consciousness that every reality is Information and our consciousness is also Field or Landscape of Information. The artistry of conscious playfulness is all about consciously changing the attributes and properties of the Information of our field of consciousness. This creates alternative and novel cognitions as the field is redesigned. This in turn enables us to have novel and alternative experiences, which truly makes us attain actual richness and wellness.
I am confident that you have understood this simple mechanism and process. Therefore, the rest of the eBook is not required. I simply conclude this eBook by mentioning some of the easy steps and ways to facilitate this artistry of playfulness in life-living. I look forward to your interaction with me as you may feel personalizing this talk we are having, by writing to me. We can talk on issues and inquisitions you feel to share with me, to lend better utility and effectiveness to our interactions on issues of grammar of live and poetry of living.
Before I begin to mention about the steps; do kindly allow me to share a personal experience with you. This I am sharing with you not to exhibit any undue conceit but to simply present a frame of reality, as I have experienced and used it to grow better in my journey so far.
Around 20 years back, I once visited my ancestral village. I enquired about the well-being of all and I was told that an old woman, who had served my grandfather well and was respected by our family for her contributions; was desperately looking for me. She was over 80 years old, ailing and poor. I visited her to show my respects. She was weak and could not walk well but she was exhilarated to see me. She told me that she was looking for me as she had committed to the village deity that she would make an offering at the temple in my name. For a moment, I was unsettled as I thought, she would seek a few thousand rupees and I had only few hundred in my pocket. I in no way wished to deny her demand. I asked her, how much money would be enough for her to perform what she wished. She was silent for few seconds, lowered her face and uttered softly in a voice that manifested her uneasiness with her demand. She said, things could not be done in less than fifty rupees (around a dollar then). I promptly gave her hundred rupees. I could see tears of happiness lining in her old eyes. She blessed me in many ways, till I took her leave.
I learnt from her and this experiences two simple realities – first learning was, realities are always multidimensional and we must learn to consciously feel and accept realities from others’ perspectives too. I could understand; the desire and fulfillment of the need of merely fifty rupees, fetched the old woman a joy, which I could not match, even when this hundred rupees I gave her would be lying there in my pocket for days. Secondly; I understood, it is more profitable to invest in smaller expectations as they fetched larger bliss and utility. I am not saying it with any malice or ill-will but the fact remains that I have invested big moneys as well as loads of affection and compassion in many of my relationships in my 54 years of life but they are still dissatisfied with me and have never shown any happiness and appreciation; less alone the gratitude and blessings.
Since this incident, I made it a point to repeat this Small Investment routine with those, whom I didn’t know or were only casual acquaintances. Again, I say it with humility and no malice to anyone that in my life, I have received blessings, happiness reciprocation, kind sentiments and spectacular compliments from uncountable persons like shopkeepers, housekeeping staff, hawkers on the streets, casual contacts, laborers, acquaintances in online world, those, I never knew they knew me and even unknown readers. I have invested nothing big; at times small amount of money and mostly good behavior, with childlike humor and innocence. It is a simple reality that most people expect only respectable demeanor and equitable interaction. It may seem magical but most people, who are not in possession of attitudes of moneys and power, have innate sensitivity to sense out simplicity, innocence and sincerity. May be because they are the worst victims of attitudes of rich and powerful people! They even promptly reward you with compliments of the acceptance of your simple overtures. These do not cost anything. Small gestures, a body language of purity of intent, small money with affection and emotions work the magic, which million dollars may never fetch. My humility prohibits me from saying this but I am sharing this with you just to exemplify some shades of novel and alternative experiences of life-living that two sentiments have repeatedly come my way and I am so indebted for that. Many people, for whom I did nothing but only behaved well, have said to me – ‘You should have happened earlier in my life’. Second sentiment, uttered by most is – ‘Do kindly spend a few minutes with me daily’. What investment creates this return worth diamonds? I invest nothing tangible and big. I simply change the state of consciousness of these people by instilling humor, fraternity and respectability. In short time, I stay and connect with them; I consciously try to alter the current Field or Landscape of their Consciousness by introducing the novel attributes and properties of humor and respectability. This alters their current consciousness, which is usually filled with cacophonous elements, as they lead tough lives and routinely face undignified behaviors and attitudes. They easily sense out the harmony-rhythm and feel well. They do not feel the change and its mechanism but internalize this emergence of a novel milieu and its feel, as I merge my consciousness with them; even though only for a short while. They reciprocate it by saying kind words and blessing me. This makes me rich. Believe me; I do it not for returns. I do it as it is the way. It is my subconscious behavior now. I don’t even feel I am doing it. It happens and it makes me realize; it is the way my homeostasis remains optimized.
The primary aspect of the above description is to bring home the reality that we and our lives attain optimal and better wellness and joyfulness when we become conscious and aware of our own deeper self and equally consciously align and relate our live-living with larger field and landscape of Information in the external milieus. This sure is not a new idea. It has been there since over 3000 years. This idea is now more relevant. We list out some steps and ways, which may lead us to this idealism –
STEP 1 – We need to understand and accept that in all aspects of life-living, the element of harmony and rhythm is very crucial. That is why it is of paramount importance that we assign attention to Pace of our life and living. We are essentially Information and our consciousness is an emergent reality of complex processing going inside our brain. There are innumerous processes going on inside our body plexus too. They all need to be in an optimal and ideal state of harmony, poise and rhythm. The processes also require some time to emerge and express. This necessitates that we regulate the speed and pace of our daily life routine. The homeostatic requirements need good amount of rest, sleep, leisure for conscious retrospection and thoughtfulness and peaceful processing of all information. In contemporary life-living, let alone adults, even small kids are so busy and are constantly moving from one task to other. Most people are so used to fast pace and unending activities that they cannot sit in leisure and calm state of body-mind for an hour. It may sound ridiculous but it is a reality that most of us do not even know how to eat rightly. Most of us also do not breathe rightly. First, we eat much more than what is ideal for one time meal. Secondly and more importantly, we eat too fast and gulp too big a morsel in one go. Moreover, in modern milieus of high-paced life-living; many of us do not eat our meals or foods in sedentary mode and with people we love. Ideally, we should eat only when we are in calm, composed and happy state. This is necessary because then only we can truly experience optimally the bounties of food. Small portions and small morsel at a time enhances the experiences of tastefulness and satisfaction of eating. In all cultures, there were specific rituals of family gratitude and prayers preceding meals. They were aimed at ensuring that the Field of Consciousness of person having food is optimally zeroed down to holistic processing of Information associated with the food they were eating. This is right and must for homoeostatic idealism. As we have talked earlier; this fast paced life-living, over action-reaction regimen in daily life, continued multi-tasking, et al are very new to human ecosystem. It has happened only in the last few decades. The overall wellness issues have also come up in the same time period, globally. The troubled homeostasis is a reality of recent origin. We sure have to invest in leisure, rest, poise and rhythm.
STEP 2 – Our brain is probably not innately amenable for multidimensional living. Usually, subconsciously, we are wired to focus only on one aspect of a situation at a time. That probably is some archaic and vestiges of mammalian brain, which optimized its survival. Multiple aspect thoughtfulness comes to us usually after the incident happens, reactions are actualized and we are in retrospection mode. This probably is the cortex part brain processing, which emerged later in the evolution of human species and evolved retrospective and lateral thinking. We need to learn the artistry of lateral as well as vertical thinking to create optimal experiences of a situation. As we have discussed, reality is an information landscape and probabilistic. A reality is packaged with multiple possibilities. That is why we need to align with all possible attributes and properties of this information field to have multidimensional experiences of a singular reality or situation. This is the domain of artists but average person must also attain this facility. It does not come easy and that is why a child must be trained to do so very early in his or her journey. For example, when a child is eating something, he or she must be confronted with the questions like; can he guess how this meal is cooked and what ingredients are there? The child also must be made inquisitive about where and how the ingredients are grown, who grows them and what their lives are like. Etc. The idea is that from early days, a person must evolve a conscious registry of the multidimensionality of a reality and situation. It is for sure, when a person is aware of larger landscape of information, it shall have better prospects of acquiring deeper and more experiences of varied nature. This helps in relationships too. Most people are singular in their attention and focus. They do not accept different aspects of a reality and therefore cannot be open and compassionate about those, who live up with other shades of realities. As we have been discussing all along, novel and alternative experiences are true opulence and therefore, it must be ingrained as part of nurturance for children. It essentially is the mind training domain of parents. They should ensure that a child develops this artistry of being sensitive to and respectful to different aspects and dimensions of a reality, in daily life-living. The inquisitiveness for details and hidden layers of a reality must be inculcated from early childhood. We know, this helps a child grow better and later in life understand reality better. It is an established fact that a true intellectual shall always see something embedded in a reality, which most others cannot.
STEP 3 – If we have to define one element, which is exclusively human and has evolved in millions of years to create what we are today; it definitely is emotional richness of our thoughtfulness process. Science tells us that emotions are not exclusive to humans. Most of the higher organisms and bigger animals have emotions. In fact, emotions are part and parcel of the mammalian brain or middle brain plexus of information processing. However, what makes them exclusive in humans is the ways humanity has added shades of feelings into it and in beautifully satisfying artistry these feelings create different utilities and worth in life-living. If we look at the massive plexus of neurons as well as those of chemical processes of hormones, we can clearly see how most of our behavior and actions are guided by our emotional response system. As we have discussed Intentionality earlier; we can say that intentionality at cellular levels are expressed and manifested into behaviors and actions, through the neuro-chemical (hormonal) networks, which essentially are shaped up by emotional spectrum of cognitions. This signifies that humans are essentially emotional beings and this is not only a huge asset but also the seat of most troubles. We all know how most people are poor handlers of emotional response to a situation and end up messing up with their feelings. Emotions are defining media of human wellness landscape as they affect the patterns of behavior and actions. Emotions however are very much like salt in a recipe. There is a very thin line of ‘appropriate’ of use of salt. Slightly less salt makes the food uninteresting and boring. Slightly more salt makes the food inedible. Emotional poise is critical to the multidimensionality of experiences. An emotionally instable person has the innate propensity to react disproportionately and awkwardly to a reality or situation. This makes the person aligned to a consciousness, which is devoid of poise and amicability. Emotional stability is a tough situation as it is innately linked to external milieus and their stimuli. In contemporary world, there is larger threat to emotional stability of a person as he or she is constantly faced with destabilizing stimuli from external milieus of society and cultures. As we have talked earlier, the over-contextual individuality vis-à-vis externalities often confuse emotions and therefore, they engender conflicted feelings. Experts have clearly declared that humanity shall grow into more abstractions and higher and instable emotionalism as milieus and life-living becomes more complex and burgeoning human populations create cannibalistic propensities. As we discussed earlier, three processes of Registry, Internalization and Expression of Information are crucial for wellness. In all the three stages, emotions and their sanity-sanctity-poise is the defining element of homeostatic wellness. Most people get so frustrated with their emotional mishandling of situations, especially in relationships that they intentionally or subconsciously turn into a non-emotional person. They get promptly labeled as Narcissist and this in turn engenders more attitudes. Many others have troubles with expressions of emotions; which we know as feelings. The psychologists are happy to name such anomalies as syndromes of populist consumption. This is alarming situation for wellness. Humans cannot and should not disown emotions. If we do that, we actually kill reality as emotions are gateways to experience reality in multidimensionality. Being a non-emotional person, we actually hamper and dissipate our own wellness landscape. Also, artistic expressions of emotions add to the experiences pool of consciousness. That is why it is important that from early days of childhood, all budding kids must be made to learn to know their emotional pathways, be successful in internalizing them with poise and then learn to have beautiful and meaningful expressions of emotional elements. For that to happen, children must be made to stand good with their language proficiency. The parents have this huge role in making a kid understand that more often than not; the insufficiency of language and grammar adds to the confusion about a reality as languages are the core media of how we accept and interpret reality in personal as well as societal spaces. They also must learn as many arts like music, dance, painting, sculpting, acting, etc. If not; at least they should have a taste for them. Music is very critical for wellness of humans. Animals too respond to music as it is aligned to brain waves and introduces the elements of harmony and rhythm in consciousness. Moreover, children must also be practically and theoretically exposed to dramatics and theatrical artistry. In Indian ancient dramatics traditions; there is mention of nine different rasas (shades of feelings) and all of them must be equitably present and expressed consciously in a person’s life-living. These different rasas actually correspond to different hormonal manifestations of emotions within body-brain plexuses. Usually, most people live out only two or three shades of feelings; mostly love (hate), anger and envy. A person with instable emotional registry may even color up love with shades of anger or envy upfront. The poetry of living is in living out all nine rasas and register with clarity, the varied experiences every rasa brings about. We must accept our consciousness as the canvas and emotions as colors. There is specific hormonal physicality assigned to core intentionality of emotions. They are the colors. Emotions paint the canvass and create beautiful and meaningful paintings of realities in life-living and enhance our wellness landscape’s richness. When we paint, care must be taken that we do not smudge the colors (of emotions) and create a bad portrait of reality. We need to accept, our primary purpose, utility and worth is in understanding, taking good care of and enhancing the endowments, our body-brain system is pre-loaded with. Nobody can paint anything if there is no canvas, no colors and understanding of the language of colors. A bad canvas and muddled up colors cannot paint anything beautiful and meaningful.
STEP 4 – My personal favorite artistry is my humble and stupid experiments with pain and grief. It requires loads of persevered practice to alter an innate cognition of reality and instead, install and infuse an alternative cognition, which not only takes much of the discomforting intensity out of pain and grief but also in some ways, allows a definitive dimension of blissfulness out of pain-grief registry. This process begins by aligning the consciousness to pain-grief in the same way, most people do with God or divinity. God, in a way, is also a cognitive acceptance, which is actualized not in matter or physicality but in cognitive or perceptional landscape of brain states. Therefore, pain and grief is also first accepted as some person. As registry of pain-grief is perceived and installed as a person, the talk begins. I begin to talk with the person of pain and grief. This talk can be silent and verbal, depending upon the situation and personal comfort. Usually, when pain and grief is less intense, there is verbal talk. Silent talks happen when there is intense pain-grief, making it tough for verbal talk to happen. I personally do not speak but sing. I address to my pain-grief with a suitable song and I do it with full flow and demonstrativeness of theatrics to amalgamate the emotions of complete surrender and compassionate exhortations. This unleashes two processes – first, as the pain-grief becomes a person, it is meaningfully externalized from the landscape of my body to someone sitting in front of me. This gives great relief in registry of intensity of pain-grief. Secondly, as the talk begins, the innate focus of brain states and neural plexuses is shifted from processes of painfulness and grieving to intent and content of the talk. This also facilitates emaciation of pain-grief. The process of complete and conscious recapitulation of entire being and self before the person, representing pain-grief is more important. This is what we do with God. We believe that source of all joys and pains is almighty God and whatever God ordains, is his will for my ultimate betterment. This surrender before God and perfect faith in God’s Will installs confidence and courage in most people. The same process happens when we surrender before pain-grief and accept with innocence and humility its ‘Will’. My personal process of surrender involves weeping like a child as I keep singing. The tears never fail me. All body-brain mechanisms have evolved in millions of years to optimize survival and wellness for us. We need to learn to utilize these mechanisms and processes in our life-living. Weeping and crying not only with eyes but with entire body and every speck of consciousness participating in weeping process creates a magic. Essentially; as we have talked repeatedly; we are Fields and Landscapes. If we consciously alter the attributes and properties of this Field or Landscape of Information, which our Consciousness feels and lives out as reality; we can change the cognition or perception of any reality. The spectrum of emotions has been designed to associate with specific motor action of muscles to optimize survival wellness. When we consciously assign a ‘Body’ to emotions and consciously try to alter the morphology of the body, the emotion has fruitful expression and it settles to a novel and alternative registry. This process is the same. It changes the Field and its properties by conscious alteration. This however takes loads of practice. It evolves within and the brain states take its time to create pathways for such processes. As the pathways are created and consolidated, the entire process becomes smooth and takes place in quick time. This sure is nothing new. We all know, it is said that women usually weep and express their grief more frequently and spontaneously than most men and that is why they are considered to have better maneuverability with grief situations than men, who take undue pride in denial of reality of grief. It is some artistry for men to have registry and internalization of feminine sensitivities and succeed in attainment of innocence and simplicity!
STEP 5 – There is a way of life-living experiencing, which I fear to share as it has the potential to be misunderstood and also create a misgiving about true intent. However, I am sharing it with you as I always believe in your magnanimity, even when I do not trust the efficacy of words to carry true intent. There is a famous couplet in Urdu poetry which says, ‘Dekhiye Meri Pajirayee Ko Ab Aata Hai Kaun, Lamha Bhar Ko Waqt Ki Dehleez Par Ayya Hoon Main.’ It means, let us see, who comes to welcome me as I have come to the doorstep of time just for a moment. The theme of the expression is to insist that life is too short and ephemeral and I have come to the world full of people, only for a very short time. I shall align and relate only with those, who welcome me and meet me with affection and compassion. As another Urdu couplet says, ‘Humsafar Chahiye, Huzoom Nahi; Ik Musafir Bhi Kafila Hai Mujhe (I need a companion, not a crowd; one co-traveler is like a convoy to me)’ This idea is somehow a life-living hypothesis, which may sound like a person is advocating to love only those who love him or her. However, the true idea behind this hypothesis is that life is too short to waste it on those, who are not in the consciousness of assimilation and fraternity. This does not say that I shall not show my compassion and altruistic emotions towards them. However, I shall not align with them in deep and lasting relationship because, they do not have the required consciousness to assimilate and integrate with me. This idea very compassionately and honestly wishes to install the pragmatism of life-living that essentially, relationships are alignment, assimilation and integration between two mutually respecting and harmonious Fields. Bodies aligning with another body are not relationships. Only consciousnesses can align and relate with each other. Those, who do not have the consciousness to respect and integrate with other Fields of consciousnesses, can never ever have the qualification and eligibility of getting ‘related’. If one consciously decides not to align with these people, it is not pride or animosity but basic self-preservation need. Every living being has the ultimate right to avoid all such circumstances, which may lead to its predation. There are people and situations, which actually predate you and your own sense of goodness and wellness. Self-preservation, as primary life-living need, seeks to distance away from such predatory entities. This hypothesis in turn means, first, we need to unlearn the populist perception of loneliness and instead, use this powerful situation as a tool to avoid predation. Secondly, we need to unlearn our old, archaic and populist cultural notions of relationships; like family, blood relationships et al. Only that person is my ‘Family’ and ‘Relative’, who has this eligibility of consciousness to respect others and be in innocence of willful assimilation and integration. This person can be anyone; even one, whom I have never known and may never meet and familiarize with.
STEP 6 – Human body and mind are huge marvels of nature. For that matter, all bodies and minds of all living being are. Since ages, whether it be philosophy or spiritualism; primary human inquisitiveness always hovered around dynamics of human body-mind and its relationships with realities in external milieus. Since thousands of years, aware and evolved people looked for understanding these basic issues. Contemporary science has unraveled so much now. It was realized since thousands of years and now science confirms it that human body and mind has huge potentials but average person does not use even a fraction of these potentials as they are not aware of them. Human body is marvelous; it needs so little to survive and remain in good shape. In fact, in contemporary cultures, we are over-feeding and over-investing on body. Self-sufficiency for human body to survive and thrive is so easy in contemporary milieus, yet, because of wrong lifestyle choices and bad personal habits, average person has jeopardized it. The body needs little amount of food but the right food. It is a tragedy that culturally, we have been very wrongly trained to accept what our needs are. As it is said, we don’t always need, what we seek. This entire mind training to accept the gamut of our ‘needs’, which we seek in life and invest our precious time, energy and resources to attain, has to be unlearnt. Science helps us in identifying our true needs. It helps by distinguishing between ‘My Need’ and ‘Body-Needs’. Vast majority of what we call and refer to as ‘My Needs’ is not what my body and mind requires for its golden homeostatic wellness, which keeps it fit and fine; bodily and mentally. Science clearly lists out the fact that most of us are actually killing the homeostatic wellness by listing and seeking those attainments and consumptions as ‘My Needs’, which are undesirable and even toxic. We need to dump the old, archaic and now obsolete populist perceptions about this ‘My Needs’ reality and create a novel and alternative list of needs, which our body and mind actually needs. We need to learn the ‘Homeostatic Needs’. These needs are very small and very easy to have self-sufficiency in. We do not need big moneys or other investments to attain them. We just need to reorient our perception about the very idea and scientific reality of homeostatic needs. As we do it, we can clearly see that to get what we actually need, we in fact don’t need to do much; instead, need to undo a lot. We need leisure, we need peace, we need harmony, we need emotional stability, we need deep sense of being self-sufficient, and we need the feel of security, more than the security itself. We need much little food than what we are consuming, we need much little complexities and conflicts than what we are having, we need more emotional bonding than we are having, etc. The basic idea is, as we have been discussing all along; there is a need to strip and denude age-old and populist cultural cognitions, which we have been living out and consider as essential and appropriate, from our subconscious landscape and consciously replace them with novel and alternative cognitions. This novel cognition comes from the modern knowledge of body and brain mechanisms. We have already discussed Intentionality and drives. They shape our needs. But, populist cultural ideas and practices and success benchmarks vitiate them. They need to be unlearnt. We need to understand the true and real Intentionality and its real manifestations. For example, it is pop success benchmark to spend days and months toiling hard and chasing money, power and fame and then throwing up a party or festivity to enjoy it. Often, this process of seeking and chasing populist success, is done compromising health, mental peace and daily life wellness. This is not the true Intentionality, which our body needs. Body-mind homeostasis needs lasting poise, stability, rest and most importantly, the sense of reward on daily basis. Working hard and partying hard is not the true and real expression of the Intentionality of body mechanism. This actually destabilizes the homeostasis of body. We need to feel rewarded in perpetuity and for that it must come from every small thing we do in our daily lives. Wasting the body and its sanity for long, to attain something big in life and then feel sense of reward is truly a loss making mechanism for true Intentionality of body. This hypothesis is not new. It is thousands of years old. Modern humanity has forgotten it.
The seed and grassroots idea of all the above aspects is to be highly conscious and aware about all realities – be it the inside of your body-brain systems or in external milieus of infinite expanse. The hypothesis; if you could accept; is that in the last 50-100 years, human cultures and human system of life-living management has evolved and progressed in ways, many of which now stand as depraved, vitiated and detrimental to wellness. It is primarily because they are based not on objective scientific realities but perceived notions and abstract philosophies. Many of these are depraved and half-baked truths, emerging and prevailing because of stupid and hypocritical interpolation and extrapolation of realities. That is why you need to question them and reassign value, utility and worth in them. Since your childhood you have been made to accept almost all these realities as right and true. You have only been aping them and never felt the need to redefine and reorient them; even when at times you doubted them and felt uncomfortable with. Don’t believe what I have shared with you so far. You decide and you seek your own righteousness. You decide what novel and alternative cognition your consciousness must introduce in your life-living and then experience their novelty. Each person has his or her personal suitability, depending upon his or her innate mental makeup. The need is to be aware, doubt, redesign and install alternative thinking and perceptions about the life-living realities you have so far aligned with. Then, you stretch and expand your consciousness to journey larger and deeper domains and dimensions of reality. Unlearn fear, anger, insecurity and learn to enjoy all Information that comes your way or is simply there to be accepted. Assign novel and alternative experiences to all Information and relish the experiences. All best!
There is a very famous story about a great man. He was dying and his disciples were all present, surrounding him. He was calm, poised and it was shining on his face. A disciple asked him, ‘Tell us what you want us to do and we shall follow it’. The dying man said, ‘When I was young, I wanted to change the world. I could not. Years later, I thought, I would change my own society. I couldn’t. As I grew old, I thought, at least I can change my family. I couldn’t. Now I think; had I changed myself, I would have been better off. This too I couldn’t as I am dying’.
I wish to tell you very humbly and with all innocence and sincerity at my behest that I never ever intend to change anyone. I write and write about changes in personal space, life-living, cultures, society, politics and overall populist perceptions of reality not because I anyway wish you to change. The fact is, everything is constantly changing, even you and me. Change is not something, someone has to incite, install and engineer in someone’s life. Change is inevitable and it happens all around. The energy of change is embedded in reality. We have talked about it in details. The change happens and it cannot be stopped as you, I and everything is information and media. They are the vehicles of change and they automatically engineer changes. You or I do not need to change anyone or anything.
However, the primary trouble with change is not about its non-happening but about wrong and inappropriate happening. Human world has changed a lot and it keeps changing. However, changes are not happening on the basis of right, true, real and objectively singular Information. People, cultures, society, polity, economy and even our thought structures are always undergoing changes. The trouble with contemporary human world is that mass majority of people are not aware about deep-seated changes, which has happened in human knowledge about consciousness, reality, mechanisms and processes of body-mind, health, medicines, et al. In fact, in most cases, wrong and half-baked Information are engineering and managing changes in all domains. I write and write about these Information, which contemporary and modern scientific knowledge has unraveled to us. The sole purpose is to Inform you and urge you to be aware of the novel and alternative Information, which are now part of modern knowledge pool of humanity.
All of us should very humbly and sincerely accept that we all live in a milieu, where core trouble is Misinformation. There is no dearth of Information but majority of them are Misinformation. Similarly, there is no ‘Ignorance’ in people as everyone believes and feels, he or she knows. The trouble is that we do not know the true and right Information. The Intelligence and Knowledge in contemporary human world is always threatened to be vitiated and depraved by Misinformation and half-baked partial truths and realities. The human trouble of contemporary times is not that changes are not happening. The trouble is that probably right changes are not happening and many undesirable changes are getting installed in cultures and consciousnesses.
In the last 7-8 years of my book writing initiative; I have written 48 eBooks and all of them are about the new knowledge humanity has created and unraveled for us with scientific precision and definitiveness. I very humbly accept that what I have learnt and perceived about science of reality may not be what hardcore scientists would accept as I present them as Holism of reality; juxtaposing them with our ancient learning as well as my own experiences with life-living. I do it just to express this core need of being aware about contemporary knowledge about Reality. I say it with utmost humility and gratitude towards my readers that many of my dear readers have told me that my eBooks changed their outlook towards life and reality of living. But; I honestly believe that this is their magnanimity that they credit it to me. I have only presented Information – that too in my own personalized expressions. If change happened; they are the sole agency of change and they alone are worthy of all praise and glory. The only thing, I as a writer seek, through my writing is to encourage you to be more aware and embark upon a journey to yourself explore the landscape of novel and alternative knowledge modern humanity has now unraveled. I am just a poor media to inform you about them. Most big scientists have the humility and innocence to say that they are only science literate. I cannot even say that! I am too stupid to claim literacy; if that is the criteria and eligibility benchmark of literacy! I am always confident that you can do it many times better than me. You are Information and Media unto yourself. You are the potential. As I said at the very start; You Are Exquisite. You are Fabulous. You Are Your Own Pristine Poetry.
A Humble Request
I am always sure about two realities – First my own worthlessness and secondly about your worthiness as reader. That is why I humbly invite you to have a look at my other eBooks, which await your attention to install some utility and worth in them. They may facilitate some idea about how contemporary scientific knowledge about different shades of realities has the potential of leading us to larger and better wellness successes. Thanks. All best!
About The Author
People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!
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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2022
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