
Chapter one;The Dress

It was morning day 9:30am the birds chirping, people waking up, parents getting ready for work, children waking up in excitement, wolfs happy that today was the day they transform, it was foggy outside, today was Saturday the 6th of 2020 the day of the full moon the day I would regret everything.

Chirp, chirp, the birds sang,

Vroom, Vroom the cars started,

“Honey, Wake up! It’s a big day today, the day of the Full Moon”. My father screamed,

It was morning, something that I dreaded I couldn’t believe it was time; it only seemed like a week ago, when my father told me I was a Sniper. I could remember each scene, as he told me, I Lexis Alice Zane, is a Sniper. As he stood there behind the house telling me to take a seat, “Honey, I need to tell you something”, he sighed “You’re a Sniper”, and I looked at him confused, what the heck is a Sniper? Is it werewolf?  I remembered saying that to my father as I looked at him with one eyebrow raised “its-“ he paused, I can tell he was sad thinking about it “Your mother was one” he said trying to hold in the dreadful memories “What’s a Sniper?” I asked trying hard not to seem impatient “It’s sort of like a wolf…Werewolf… but you are most powerful, on the full moon you will transform for the first time to your animal, I don’t know which kind yet, but-“ I blocked out what he was saying, is he serious what in the world. “Lexis, you have powers that are controlling minds and people would abbey, you also have a power to make people do anything at your command, you can erase and add memories you can also heal whomever you like, you feel the pain of the people closest to you”. Shocked, frozen, this is unreal I thought to myself. Is he crazy? “We should prepare, you can’t transform in the woods, and you will end up snipping each head, to whoever came your way before it turns morning. “How do we prepare?” I remembering saying a few words that I couldn’t make up, but what I was sure of is that he added he was a werewolf and I have to go to the basement, he said we couldn’t change together unless I wanted him dead.

I woke up, trying hard to forget it would be a painful night.

Beep, beep my phone vibrated

I stood there looking at the caller ID; it was my best friend Alyssa, “Hello” I said while my voice trying to get into the regular sweet sound it gave. “Lexis, don’t tell me you forgot, the party today you have to help out, come here around 12:30pm to get cooking, bacon” she laughed at the remark “okay, I just have to finish the speech about you know what” Alyssa knew I was a Sniper because she was a wolf and I was her Alpha, it was weird, she told me, “it was like I was in a dream, trying to pinch myself back out of fantasy world”. I realized it was quite “Alyssa, how are you going to do the party if you know, at exactly 12am we turn?” I said with a confusing look, I knew that she was staring at the phone figuring out an answer to solve the problem, that she started, “because” she said while adding “it ends at 11:30pm”, I just blinked, how in the world she so quick I didn't even think of that, “Okay, I’ll catch you soon, my cookie” I realized the whole backing thing, got to me, I couldn’t believe I said that, Alyssa laughed while saying “you actually said that?” I could tell she tried not to laugh more before hanging up. I checked the clock it was 9:40am, I better get going to a very long day.

“Morning princess” my father said while I walked into the kitchen “remember” he paused while adding “just don’t forget to bring your crew here, so that you can change before 11:30pm” I was surprised I was ready for a speech a whole long one, but I guessed he gave me a time to breath, “Okay” I said while giving him a hug, and grabbing a big mouthful of French toast while, heading to the door, grabbing my keys to my black BMW.

I gotten of the car onto Alyssa’s drive way that looked huge, compared to my small one, and my I add my little home, that was the size of Alyssa’s room. I realized that it wasn’t just Alyssa’s parents’ car it was the whole pack, Jake, Leon, Cassia, Hailey, Tom, Faire, and Trevor. It was a small 8 pack while including me, the alpha. I looked up; Alyssa was at her window waiting to see if I would arrive on time. I waved my keys in midair, to show that, I was before the time she set. I could feel her running towards her door, down the hallway, to the stairs, and opening the door. “Finally” she gasped trying to catch back her breath “you’re on time” I laughed “my dad didn’t have a speech he just said bring the pack back home before 11:30pm. Alyssa looked happy “wow, I picked a good time to end the party, I’m surprised myself”. I smiled remembering she said it ends at 11:30pm, are you going to let me in?”

I went into the kitchen and saw the pack making food they looked my way while shaking their head all at the same time to great me. “Hello” I added, Hailey catch me by surprise with her light green eyes, almost like it was smiling “Can’t wait till full moon” the pack all turned around looking at her, knowing I dreaded the full moon till I heard about me becoming a Sniper. “Ha, well I guess I get to see what your eye’s change into” they all just froze, thinking I would just say a snobby comment and dismiss the conversation, Hailey smiled and shook her head while heading back to her cookies that she neatly placed out while rocking her head back and forth making her light brown hair swing back and forth. “So let’s get the party started, before we do that lets get backing sugarcanes” Tom said smirking, we all turned to him and laughed while I added “okay sugar cookies” they all laughed so hard, not believing I had said that.

When we was all done cooking before the clock turned 1:10pm the girls headed up stairs into Alyssa’s room getting ready for the party. The boys down the hall in Trevor’s room doing, what “men” do? “Lexis you have to wear a dress” Alyssa said in disappointment while looking at my bark blue jeans and white plain t-shirt. “Fine” I felt bad she kept telling me to dress up, and I kept on saying yes, she grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me into her closet, while grabbing a black, but simple dress to match me long black hair and blue eyes. “see” she said turning me around to look in the mirror, “you’ll look wonderful” she smiled while adding  “I want to do your hair” I looked at her raised an eyebrow and growled “not working she said, pulling me down onto her soft white cushion chair next to her make-up and hair desk.

“Beautiful” They all went into the room and said exactly at the same time, “I guess” I looked up, “you guys look beautiful” while I said looking at every single one of the girls Cassia in her purple colored dress with her light blond hair up in a bun, Hailey with her pink short, tight dress on while she let her light brown hair down wavy and bouncy while her grey eyes made her look even prettier, Alyssa with her burnet hair down and curly with her light green eyes, hazel brown eyes, and her nice laid down black dress.

chapter two; The Transformation

 The party had started, more people than I remembered came. “Hey, you look beautiful” I turned around it was Jake; I always liked him, but could never speak a word of it because he was in my pack, and my responsibility. “Thank you, you don’t look bad yourself” I realized I meant what I said with his black curly hair, his nice hazel eyes, he was wearing a plane white t-shirt and black jeans. I realized we have the same taste. “thank you” he said while his girlfriend came up to him, my enemy, Julie Heart, I despise her since the first grade when she told every single person I pea on my pants, after that no one wanted to talk to me, expect, Alyssa till that day on we became the best of friends. “Hey Lexis” she turned back around “hey baby” Jake turned to me asking for permission to leave, I granted his request.

“What are you doing Lexis? Why aren’t you enjoying the party?” she looked at me sad, because she realized she was having the blast of her life. “Because, I’m and alpha and I should watch over my little babies” she rolled her eyes “okay mom” she said while grabbing me, i was surprise before I could turn away. “This is my, best friend Lexis, she’s single, free, bored, make her jolly” she said turning around; I haven’t notice the guy in front of me was King the hottest guy in school. He was smirking before I got to say a word he replied with “well miss. Boring pants, your wish is my command” I laughed he was such a jerk, but I couldn’t help but laugh at his remark.

It was 4:00pm I couldn’t believe I been talking to him since two something in the afternoon. We were having a good time until I saw Cassia in trouble with a man pulling her by the risk. “I got to go” I said going right past King, and of to help Cassia. By the time I got there I saw Cassia crying, I could feel the burn on her arms as he gripped her hand. “HEY! LET GO OF HER BEFORE I DISLOCATE YOUR ARM!” I shouted angry because he was hurting one of mine “SHUT UP GIRL, YOU AREN’T GOING TO DO NOTHING!” he remarked back while yelling, in a matter of seconds I took his had twisted it, pulled it back to me and pushed him father back while twisting his arm again and throwing him close to a nearby chair. I turned around I saw Cassia holding her hands, it was bruised, she was in pain, as I felt it, like it was my own arm, While everyone watched me, my pack came rushing towards us.

“Hush” I told Cassia “calm down” she was whimpering, I told the pack to leave the room so I can help heal her arm. The whole time she was scared whimpering her eyes watering, I could tell she would be the smallest wolf in our pack.

When it turned 11:00pm Alyssa told everyone it will end early because her parents are coming home, people was sad, the back to school party was done, everyone left and we all got in the car heading towards my home, and down the basement. “Your early” my dad said shocked “wow, am I always late?” I said smirking. “Mostly, so you guys are going down the basement, Lexis would be in another room close to a cage the rest would be on the other side, there is no way to escape, I won’t be near, I’ll be out” he turns to me “you will be tied up by your feet, you can’t escape” he pause “I hope” he turned around and signaled us to follow down stairs. There was silver metal there was two locks and a door for my dad to enter and let us out. My father was correct; you could not escape especially me. They tied me down I stayed there waiting, the celling wall showed the moon for us to transform.

It was 12:00am I felt near to my bones, ribs, legs, feet, arm, head, nose, ear, neck, every single bone in my body hurt, I saw my friends change I was calm showing no fear, like an alpha in charge. I was in so much pain; there was a mirror in the room I could see my blue eyes turn into the brightest blue that I could see. My body became furry, it was the blackest fur, midnight black I was a like a fox and a wolf mixed together I was huge bigger than the pack. My instinct wanted to kill them, but I remembered there my pack, I was around 5ft of a beast I growled while they looked at me and whimpered, I talked to each one they all talked, I was a smart wolf, while I tried to move forward I knew something hold me back so I broke loose the pack looked scared, that I will kill them I howled telling them that I wouldn’t touch a fur in their body.

I didn’t know how long I was asleep but by then, it was morning. I woke up and saw some clothes; I put it on and growled to tell the pack to rise, they heard my command and woke up.

My father walked into the room unlocking the door and letting us go, “Lexis, you was huge around 5ft, black hair and light blue eyes, you broke free, I was scared of my life, but you didn’t rip us into pieces”. Cassia said while they all nodded their head. Trevor came out of no place and said “I’m hungry, feed me alpha” he said while smirking “starve” I added back. Tom laughed and then said “I’ll cook” Fair looked at him with disbelieve “you mean, you’ll burn the house down”. My dad looked at all of us and said “its fine go relax I know your body is killing you". He was right I was tired but before I relaxed, I made sure everyone took a pill and was seated on the couch while I grabbed there breakfast. When I came and grabbed mine, my dad told me to relax and that there is going to be war.

“There is going to be war” I repeated in my mind while lying down on the couch watching TV with the pack, what does he means by that? What is going to happen? What will happen to the pack would we increase or decrease? I was confused that I could tell my face change “are you alright?” Alyssa asked me, I can tell she noticed my face. I didn’t know if I was even okay what was even going to happen, to the pack? Why did he say that? Why? Why?

Chapter three; The Run

 “New moon” my father said “Wake up to a New Day” he said while banging on some pans. I realized the pack fell asleep at my place, they won’t even flinch as my dad called them, but soon as I growled, they all woke up “Can’t believe I slept in a couch” Cassia said while giving a look, “Well should, we have put you on the floor?” I said while smirking “No, no the couch was fine”, she added while heading up stairs. “Well you guys have clothes up here one at a time take turns, share” I said while giving each and everyone one of the pack members a look. There were three bathrooms, but when I looked Alyssa was already up stairs “shoot gun” Leon said while running up stairs to my father’s bathroom. Jake, Hailey, Tom, fair, Trevor, and me went to the kitchen, to eat breakfast that my father prepared. There were eggs, biscuits, bacon, milk, cereal, and a fruit salad. My father had to pick up his cooking skills when my mother, passed away.

We all finished up using the shower I was the last one to finish, making sure everyone got what they needed and got ready to leave. “So? You guys going home?” they laughed as I gotten the last two biscuits shoved into my mouth “No, we just transformed” Jake said while Tom interrupted “Well, yesterday” he said turning around to Jake, he was the smartest, with his nerdy glasses, he was buff, but many people didn’t notice that, because of all his sweatshirts and baggy sweatpants. He had regular brown eyes and black hair, but when he was a wolf his eyes turned lighter, and fur turned to brown. “Shut up, Tom, we all know” Trevor said playfully as his green eyes lit up, and his curly hair bounced around.  While Fair interrupted and finished Jake’s sentence “where going running “ he said firmly, he was the only one that didn’t much care if I growled at him he had the quickest temper when he got mad, his sweat grey eyes became black, his nice brown hair came faded out. Now he was the one that did not follow my rules, but knew I will snap his head in a second. “No” I said growling “Why, we can’t explore, it’s okay mom we will be right here in the back woods, so you can babysit us” Fair said while smiling “No!” my eyes go lighter I got madder I took Fair by his neck and pulled him towards the door, he got angry and he transformed, I transformed into my wolf stage, he was small, but bigger than the others, he bit me by my neck, I took my claws and scratched his face while coming on top of him and biting his neck, I transformed back “you will stop! You will not talk to me like that, it’s enough, people can be right down those woods, they can harm you, you idiot, what will happen if they took your life, as quickly as I bit into your skin?” he looked at me still was angry but he knew he couldn’t fight back.

“Lexis” Alyssa came running down the stairs; she gave me a growled and went to help Fair out “you got to be so protective", she said while adding “he was just joking around” she said while turning back to me in disappointment, I kneeled down heeling his bruises “Thank you” he said while adding “Look, I didn’t mean to, but just let us run, our first transformation and we was in a basement” while he got up siting on the couch “It’s okay, go run you won’t do anything bad”. My father said while giving me a nod and turning his eyes towards the door.

“Let’s go” I command while they all cheered behind me transforming into their beast and heading towards the now homey woods, which seamed dark and cold before.

The pack and I were hunting, we found a deer, I could smell it form a mile away and when I cached the deer we all huddled around it and started to eat.  When I smelled another animal coming by, it wasn’t a deer or anything I smelt before, it was another wolf, but it wasn’t alone, they both smelled similar, they were related. I warned the pack as we stood side by side and waited till they arrived. They could tell I was an Alpha because I stood taller and I was in front of my pack. I came closer but they stood back, I was growling, my long sharp teeth ready to strike at any time. They sat down telling me they were no harm.

I transformed into human form and asked them who were they, what were they doing in my territory It was the girl that was the brave I could tell she was protecting her brother, I could sense he was harmed I smelt blood “What’s wrong with him?” I said showing no emotion. “He got shot, we was running away our alpha wanted us dead for stealing from him, so when we ran, a human saw us and shot at me but he took the fall” she said showing no emotion “what did you steal?” I said, before I could ask another question she replied “Because I’m sick, so my brother stole medicine to keep me alive” while looking down, I could feel that she wasn’t lying she had something in her stomach, I could heal her but I asked a few questions before saying I would help them both, but if you betray me, my pack I will come for both of your heads. She nodded her head and followed me down stairs.

I healed there pain and they said thank you, they had no place to go so I asked them a question “What’s your names?” I asked looking at both of them “Sway my sister Maya” he talked for the first time, his voice deep and demanding it was as if an angel spoke with his deep hazel brown eyes and a brown hair that had a flip back hair due. “Well where were you heading?” I asked looking at his perfectly laid jaw. “No place we was about to rest” he said again it felt as an angle just came down “ you may rest here until we find out more about you, if my father and I trust you there is two empty spots in my pack” I spoke not showing emotion “you’re the alpha?” he said looking surprised, before I spoke Maya spoke “did you not see her size she was huge protecting her pack” she turned and looked at me “I would love to be in your pack and feel protected like that”.

Chapter four; Sway


My father searched the siblings out; he called one of his friends to make sure they are clean. When he got the message their fine, he also asked his friends if they have any birth information to make my father their legal guardian. “their done, and clean” my dad said before adding “you sure you want them in your pack” he turned to me “what if they bring harm, what if they are lying?” he stopped and looked to a picture of my mother and sighed. “I believe them and if they are lying, I will personally come for their heads, and I will succeed not like their old pack” he looked at me and told me that, "if people ask, they are your dads befriends children, their parents died in a horrible accident”, I nodded.

“we have a guest room, your brother will have his own room, we will be sharing a room, and bathroom, for now you can take my bed, if anyone ask you guys who are you, and why are you living with me say, they are Lexis’ dads befriends children, their parents died in a horrible accident” they both nodded and I added “school will start tomorrow, I will take both of you shopping for clothes for your first day, and your luck, school just started”., As I said leaving the door and turning around to tell them to follow me.

We was at the mall, shopping for Sway and Maya’s clothes, Maya being a girl just looked at clothes trying them on and putting them back on the shelf when, she found something way better, I swear I think the clothes frowned as if it were a puppy, trying to win over the humans. Sway on the other hand, just picked up a few jeans and t-shirt with 5 shoes. I looked at them surprised that they are used to humans, just walking about, not biting their heads off, when I remembered I have to buy some clothes too, while picking up a black and white t-shirt, a peach tank-top and some jegging’s with a few pairs of jeans.

When we was done shopping we went to the food court, I always got hungry when is shopped for more than 20 minutes. “Yummy” Maya said looking at the variety of foods to pick out, when she finally picked up a salad and a sandwich with a small bag of friends, and a drink on the side. I watched Jason get into a line picking up his order of large French fries and some wings, with a coke. My stomach grumbled making me get into a line and ordering large fries, 3 cookies, with a slushy. When I got my food, I looked around the food court trying to figure out where they sat, when I finally found them, I headed over and started to eat. “ thank you” Maya said while picking up some fires “your welcome” I said while stuffing the cookie in my mouth, Sway just sat there looking towards the window, I could tell something was bothering him, when his expression turned angry, and sad at the same time, “what’s up?” I said shocked I cared “it’s just you wouldn’t want to keep us when our old alpha come” when he looked at Maya giving her a look “well then he has to deal with me, I am way much powerful than him” Maya smiled and added “she is taller, bigger, and might I add stronger, it’s like she’s our old pack combined” she said standing up turning towards the trash can “don’t worry,” I said looking at him “I’ll fight for you guys, I won’t be like your old pack, I don’t turn my back on people, even when I knew they did something wrong, you know the big tough guy, the one that stood behind me at the house?” he shook his head “well he tried to fight me” he looked up surprised I didn’t rip his head of “the reason I didn’t rip his head of is because I care for him, he is my responsibility as Maya is yours, taking that bullet for her, that’s what I’ll do with each and every single one of my pack members, including you and Maya” he looked up, relived as if a ton of weight was lifted of his shoulders. “Thanks” he said while Maya came towards the table smiling, I knew she was listing in our conversation.

We went home; Maya and I went into my room, when I saw another bed there and with a dresser. She smiled and said thank you while putting away all her clothes. I did the same and headed down stairs, when I saw Sway and my father talking about wolf things “ I can out race you anytime” my father said while smirking “I bet old man” Sway looked up, helping my dad cook his famous beef stew. “What are you old two guys doing?” I asked laughing “ouch, last time I checked I was eighteen" he said turning to chop of the beef “can I help?” I looked at my dad, while Sway answered “Nope, calm your pretty head, you need to relax, live a little, just because you’re an alpha don’t mean you can’t have fun” he said now seasoning the beef “your right, I’m off to football” I said while turning on the TV and jumping on the couch from behind while Maya walked in “oh no, not football” she said crossing her arm “oh well” I said smirking, and pointing at a laptop, while pointing at headphones. She smiled and got the two things, while doing whatever she does.

I turned around looking how swiftly Sway moved cooking, he was happy, oh man, I thought, how I am going to focused if, he was here, giving him all my attention. How was i going to be an alpha with his presence stood there following my ever move, while his beauty stood their making me look at his perfectly shaped jaw and his deep sweat voice.

Chapter five; School

“Sway” I said while knocking on the door “yes?” I was surprised he didn’t let me in, it is my house, so why didn’t I just go in, and I’m the alpha. I opened the door, and when I did I regretted opening the door. He was just in a towel his body dry, but his brown hair that was wet and turned into curls, letting the last bit of water drop on his abs making it disappears because of his hot temperature. I realized I was I was staring, so I blushed, but made sure he didn’t see “it’s hot in here” I said while turning towards the window to open it “yea I know I don’t think this room could take my hotness” he said while smirking and turning around at me. “You mean my hotness?”  I said laughing and telling him to hurry up breakfast is ready while turning towards the door closing it but was still standing there while I got my heart beat steady again.

“guys hurry, first day of senior year and you both are going to be late, and you Maya how is junior year treating you so far?” he turned towards her while she neatly placed a strawberry in her mouth and replied with “you should know, you are a tad bit old” while smiling and turning towards me and saying hello “well thank you very much, I thought no one notice, I been trying something new called, growing up” he laughed and added “I’ll be at work so there would be no food, I suggest you guys order some pizza or something, the pack may come over and friends but not If the alpha herself declines” he said while taking off his apron “you heading to work?” I said confused, he hasn’t really paid most attention as an owner of the biggest firm in Canada. “yep, there is this huge meeting, and they need me plus, I just don’t want to stay here forever” as he leaned towards me and gave me a kiss, while giving Maya one too heading towards Sway and giving him a hug. “By the way, there is a car out here for you Sway I figured you need it” he said heading towards the kitchen door, but stopped when Maya said “what about me?” he laughed “when you get your license, I will consider” he left making the kitchen silence. “Well Maya we should go before our pack worries, you killed me,” she laughed and tossed the last bit of strawberries in her mouth, while heading towards the fridge and getting an apple, man does this girl loves fruits.

We were at the school when I noticed that the pack were waiting towards the Canadian and American Flag where it stood tall in front of our school “boy, your early, I kind of like this early thing, you got going on” Alyssa said while giving me a hug, and turning around and giving Maya a hug too. “well it grew on me” I said while the a car, that seemed like it was driving fast towards the school parked nearby us, Sway opened the door and went out, man he was fine, getting off the black sports car, I could tell he got everyone’s attention including the girl, almost falling head over heels for him, while he headed towards, well passed me, and hugged his sister and heading towards the school. Maya gave me a look, and asked if she can get me to give her tour at the school, while grabbing my arm and leading me in the school. “You so like him” she said turning to me, giving us ear distance over the pack “what?” I said while heading towards my locker that was two lockers down Sway’s. “you know exactly what, you totally dig my brother,” she said putting her hands on her hips while raising her eyebrow “what if I did, which I didn’t, what’s the big deal” she paused thinking “for say, he judges’ plus, he liked a girl, that made a complete fool of him, so he really don’t trust no one else”. While she headed towards her locker which was close by mines, like right next to it.

I walked into class thinking about what Maya said, while sitting down in the back seat, when Sway came in talking to a girl that was surprisingly pretty, she had almond hair and a very nice brown eyes. He came towards the back right next to me before getting her number and smirking “you know” I said while turning towards him “she dated and might I add, slept with half of the football team” he turned at me smiling “so what is one more” while he turned back around eyeing at another girl which made me growl that I stopped before getting loud. The whole class period was hell, it was like sitting next to a model that you couldn’t stop staring at, as if it was your crush that you been trying to talk to ever since you saw him. Next class would be physical education, which is my favorite class, and I didn’t seem to mind, until I saw Sway heading towards the boys’ looker room, oh man, I thought to myself, why, why me I said until Alyssa grabbed my arm, pulling me in the back of the girls locker room “can’t believe you like Sway” she said while eyeing me “yea, but don’t say a word, and I don’t like him, he is just good looking” I said looking at her “well he is, good enough on the first day of school, to tongue down this girl” I growled she looked at me “oh my god, you so like him” while she smirked at me.

We headed out side, it was well enough for us to play soccer, but once I laid eyes on these girls on Sway I couldn’t help but growl, and it was loud. When the game started, and the girls played first, all the girls tried to be cute in front of Sway, they was kicking the ball and I came rushing in pushing each one to the ground passing it to Alyssa while she kicked, I could she one of the girls, about to push her, so I ran up to her practically pulling her away, and got the ball from Alyssa, kicking it to the goal and smirking, the coach was happy “you want to play ball” coach said facing me “yea” he laughed “well there is a spot on the team, and you are captain” I was happy, but Sway just didn’t seem to notice picking up the prettiest girl from the group while I came forward and smirked “why would you help her?” I asked before adding “oh I see, she’s going to repay you back” I laughed and whispered but good for him to hear “whore” I said while laughing to Alyssa, but that just set him flying towards the sky, before grabbing me, and slamming me towards the ground, while he smiled and whispered to my ear “you want a reward too?” he said while giving me a small kiss on the neck and getting off.

Chapter Six; The reward


I gotten of the group when Alyssa quickly pulled me towards the bottom of the benches and squalled “I totally saw that, you guys have the hot’s for each other he totally kissed your neck” she jumped up in down, because it was the first time I started dating after founding out my ex-boyfriend needed a ‘break’. “so what is happing between you guys?” she said, I really didn’t know so I replied honestly “I don’t know, he caught me of guard” she did notice I wasn’t lying so she asked “reward?” as she looked at my face, I was just as confused at her “well I made a remark when he helped the girl out so I said why would you helped her, and then added oh I see she’s going to pay you back, that when I came to you and said whore then he pushed me down and said you want a reward too?” she looked at me as if it was the best thing on earth “yay” as she jumped up in down grabbing my arm, I blinked “so since we have lunch with him, are you going to get the ‘reward’ then” while she calmed down, I just stood there “okay, captain soccer team” as she walked off into the locker room.

It was lunch time by the time I went towards my locker to put my things away the bell ringed, just as my heart started beating as Sway pushed me into a supply closet, he started kissing me I reacted in a heartbeat and followed when he went lower to my neck and back up my neck towards my lips, I couldn’t help but growl and moaned, he laughed kissing me and putting his hands towards my stomach and down that gave an electric shock, making me have butterflies “stop” I said knowing I didn’t mean it, but I didn’t want to be just one of his ‘girls’ he paused looking at me confusingly “I don’t want a reward” while I opened the door, there was still kids, heading to lunch and I followed, apparently Cassia saw me and Sway leaving the supply closet. “what in the world” she said looking at me “we was talking about the sleeping situation, I wasn’t rally lying, she smirked and laughed “I can smell him all over you, she gave me a baby wipe while I wiped it down my neck, she looked at me and frowned “what’s wrong” as she figured out I was stiff and uneasy “nothing, just not going to be those girl” as I headed towards the lunch room.

“Hey” Alyssa said, glad that Cassia gave me those wipes “hey” I replied sitting down while Maya grabbed me the lunch she got for me from home “thank you” I said while I stuffed the sandwich down my mouth trying not to talk, when I saw Sway come in the lunch room sitting close by his sister getting one of her apples and eating it while talking to Trevor, Fair, Tom, and Leon, while Maya, Alyssa, Cassia and Hailey had there conversation, I tried to focus but I couldn’t help but think about what happened . “you okay” Alyssa said at me while Cassia frowned a bit trying not to show she knew about what I told her “yea, I’m fine, I’m just going to head outside into my car, got cool off” I said about to stand up when Sway said “I should join, I need to cool of too” he said standing “well you do have your own car” I said while rolling my eyes and heading towards the exit outside giving one of the teachers a badge to show I’m a Senior.

I was in my car when Sway knocked on the window; I lowered it a little trying not to let the cool air out in the hot air in “what?” I said looking out towards the couples laughing in enjoying their presence  “let me in” he said I did as told and he got in while I quickly pulled up the window “I thought you wanted that” he said looking at me, I could see him smirking but I just looked ahead “nope, I’m not those girls, the ones you just have a thing with and leave them to ash” while I rolled my eyes, I turned to face him, he’s hot breath close to my face “plus I am your ‘alpha’” while I looked back but he grabbed my chin and replied “doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings” while he kissed my lips again, but I pulled away and growled “it means, I shouldn’t be doing this with you, hasn’t you lips been on other girls” as I turned around looking out my window to the woods where I always parked when I had this car at sixteen “your right, what makes you different, just because you’re an alpha, you mean nothing” as he grabbed the handle “your just like any worthless girl” he slammed my car door and left. I stayed in my car he rest of the period and thought about what he said.

School was over with and I said bye to the pack they all had a boy or girl to talk to, Sway just got in his car with another girl and headed of “let’s go” Maya said while heading towards the passenger seat “I have homework” and by that I got in and went home. When I got home I did my homework and ordered a salad, pineapple and turkey pizza, with an orange soda, before it turned nine, when the pizza got here I paid, and Maya got her salad and two slice and pulled a jug and poured some orange soda when she said “he didn’t mean it, he’s hurt, I can tell he likes you, but not wanting, to get close” she said while opening the plastic that covered the salad “what” as I stuffed a slice of pizza in my mouth “oh um you know well its fine I am worthless” she looked up and hugged me “no” she said while going back to her seat and watching a show with me, we talked all night, our talking was silence when Sway cam in “pizza” he said while grabbing the box and taking the second to last piece.

Chapter seven; Apologies


Right when Sway walked in my father did “hey guys, you still hungry” he said putting a bag of groceries on the kitchen island. “Depends on what you’re making” Maya said while jumping of the couch and of to see what he brought “well check for yourself” he said while smiling. “I have great news” he added turning to face all of us “we are moving” he said smiling “you all need more room, this place is small, I have a place in mind 6 bedrooms 5 bathrooms and a powder room, might I add a hot tub and pool” he said while coming towards the small living room and facing me “what do you say” he said giving me a kiss on my check “well, I do want my own room” I said while giving him a hug “oh, thank you, thank you” Maya said while running towards my father and giving him a hug, then Sway came forward and did the same thing.

Moving day, when we arrived to the new house it was modern but not as much big windows, that you can’t see in, it was white and some tad bit of yellow there was a big lawn that showed 4 garage doors that was not connected to the house, and gates that protected the house, behind the house was woods, that my dad said he owned, in the back was a big pool that stopped at 7ft and started at 3ft, near the pool was a hot tub that look like it fit 20 people near the door out towards the hall was a barbeque and a table with a few pool chairs. Inside was a long stair case that was near the huge sitting room, white chairs and a fire place, there was a kitchen facing the sitting room, the island chairs that separated the room, when you entered the kitchen there was another island that separated the dining room. There was a huge office, looks like for meetings, and then there was a smaller one that had a library and a foosball table. Past that was the powder room and close by the powder room was a living room, black leather chairs and a 66” TV some game councils and a DVD player there was also a door in the living room that was the home gym and past the gym lead to the sitting room, upstairs was my father’s room and next to his room was my room the second biggest than there was Maya’s room that was big but not as big, she also had her own bathroom so as Sway with his room that had a bathroom next to it and a guest bathroom. “You guys like”, my father said while turning his head when we was done looking around “we like” Maya, Sway, and I said while heading towards the kitchen.


Chapter eight; The party

When I reached the kitchen Sway beat me there already stuffing his face with whatever he found. When he realized I was there he stopped what he was doing. Sway looked at me and said hey, after what he did I did not respond he turned around and pinned me to the wall “Let go now!” I screamed he didn’t let go, at this moment I could have just pushed him off but I wanted an apology so I stopped and waited. When he realized I was done, he looked me kissed me then headed off the back yard, I just stood there blinking, “what the hell was that!” he turned around then looked at me like nothing had happen “what?” he turned back around not realizing that I was running towards him with full speed making him drop in the pool, I laughed so did Maya not realizing she was there I jump.

“It’s okay, I didn’t see nothing” as she took my arm and we headed towards the kitchen. When we got some snacks and went to watch movie together, in was in the middle of the movie when I heard Jason’s loud feet coming down the stairs, I had to be truthful l was scared but I stood still when he came in the room, he told Maya he was going to his girls house, turned around and looked at me stopped then headed for the door. I got up and told Maya I’m walking him out, she looked at me nodded, and I was out. “Who’s your girl?” I said while jogging towards me, he looked at me surprised then went in the car “what’s your concern with what I do” with that he headed off.

I stood there helpless and mad when I got inside Maya looked at me I could tell she knew I was hurt, I couldn’t say anything all I can do was stare back at her and headed towards my room, in my room I just laid there blink until I had a very good idea, we should go to this party they had today, with that I jumped off bed to Maya and told her we should go, and once I told her she said she had to do my make up or else. I laughed agreed and stood still.

By the time she was done I looked at the mirror it wasn’t me it was my inner me the one who wanted to escape all these years with a tight dress that showed my curves my hair nice and loos with big bouncy curls when we headed off we got into my car and went to the party.

I didn’t think I was going to be so drunk but a stranger came up to me, and what I was feeling I let myself go on him, flirting the whole time just enjoying myself making this day the best it could be. When I was done and decided I ended another drink I saw my pack including Sway he was with another girl before he could see me looking I turned around drunk my drink and headed to the sexy man that was waiting for me. That night was clueless I didn’t remember I just knew things got heated, and I woke up today with that same boy I talked to last night.

I got up from the hotel room I was in, grabbed my clothes looked at the guy one last time, and headed for the door, when I bump into Sway.


Texte: L.P
Lektorat: Microsoft word;dictionary;L.P
Übersetzung: Google+;L.P
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2015

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To my family;friends;fans? and judycolella that inspired me to wright a differnt way; check her out, she has amazing books

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