
Arranged Marriage?

*Beebe, Beebe* ugh the alarm, it’s already 7:00? I waked up trying to open my eyes as slowly as I can, when I did the strong light of the sun beaming on my eyes “Elizabeth Marina Capstone! Hurry breakfast is ready!” mum called me by my first name she must be mad, but why? “Don’t forget the pill” she paused “there important”

 “I know! It’s not like I was born yesterday!” I got up from the bed wanting to go dive right in again, but my head was pounding The Pill I turned around it was there perfectly on my night stand with a cup of water. I took the cup and the blue and red pill took it instantly before heading to my closet. “What to wear” as I stood looking at my clothes after a minute I picked up a blank black top and some dark blue ripped jeans.


“Honey”, “you’re not going to school” my mother said as I picked up my bag, “Why not?”

“I’ll explain later” she said

“No explain now!” I shouted

“Elizabeth! Go to the car this moment, I’ll tell you later!”

Why mustn’t she tell me, she got to be so difficult after a moment later she got in the car mum turned around pale I could tell it was hard for her, it was bothering her, “so?” I said breaking the silence “So…” she said pausing, taking a moment thinking of what she would say next “When you were little… You were sick, very sick” she turned around “so to make sure you was fine…” as she turned back around and started the car “I made a deal, that I soon thought would be forgotten”

 “What’s the Deal Mum?” I said in patience waiting for the next word “the deal was an arranged marriage with Jason Jr. the first of a family named the Kings” wow his named sound polished like he was so important, but in frustration “What!, Why!, Why couldn’t you make another deal why couldn’t you say something else, now instead of finding my love I have to be forced!”

“That was the only way, at that time your my only child your father died I couldn’t lose you to I couldn’t bear to lose you”. I paused “I’m sorry darling”. She said while her face showed sadness, it was the first time she said something about my father for a long time.  “Okay, I’m sorry too , but where are we going?”

“To the airport” she looked around “The airport! Wait now I’m leaving now!”

The Kings

“I love you” my mom said waving “I’m sorry, I’ll see you soon”

“I love you too; it’s okay mum, Promise?”

“Yes” as she blew a kiss, I blew it back as I gotten in the private jet, ahh a jet I was the only one in here which felt sad I hoped my mum could’ve came.


“Mrs. King” the attendant spoke trying to wake me up “you’re here”


“You’re here”

“Where exactly am I?”

“Where the lady stands protecting her city with a fire to signal warring” New York I thought to myself “you should leave the jet before I get fired”

“Yes of course my bad” I said feeling sorry, she chuckled “Your bad? You are my boss.” As she chuckled more “it’s my bad”


While I gotten of the jet in into the limo there was people a female which looked like the mother, a male the father, three younger ones a girl a boy  and another boy. I looked at the boy who caught my eye the one next to his father tall rich dark hair with a hint of brown, jaw like metal eyes as blue as the sky tall about 6ft and something skin with a caramel look “Hello Mrs. Elizabeth Marina Capstone-King” the mother said while walking up to me making me snap back into the world “I’m Mrs. King, but you can call me Marie or mom” she smiled as I nodded “this is my husband Mr. King”

“Hello Princes you can call me Kenneth but Ken for short” he said as he chuckled

“Hello King you can call me Elizabeth but Eliza for short” chuckling back I know I’m going like him “this is my daughter Vanessa Marie King”

“Hey! I am so, so glad I always wanted a sister”

“Me too” I said while smiling “this is my oldest son Jonathon Pier King”

“Call me John and hello Eliza”

“Will do, Hello John” I said while shocked he seems nice but glad it wasn’t him “This is my youngest son Jason Pierre King, as you know it…” she squealed “Your future husband”

“Hello Elizabeth”

 “Hello Jason” I said while adding “Call me Eliza “

” I favor Elizabeth its beautiful”

“Thank you”

“Ehh” Marie said in excitement while adding “See they get along so splendidly”

A new Life?

While we gotten into the limo I couldn’t help but look at Jason my future I wondered how it would be like, but still was angry to the fact that I couldn’t choose but not trying to be rude we rode back in silence well almost I couldn’t help but oww-ed and ahh-ed at what I have saw I never been out of Boston I’m happy I am traveling Jason saw me and chuckled he gave me a smirk, still frustrated with the fact of being married I rolled my eyes Vanessa saw and she whispered “it’s okay he’s not a total jerk plus we are rich with a capital R”

“Really? What are you guys, kings for real?”

“Something like that we are royal”


“it’s alright”

“So you are getting married too?”

“No I’m only 16 and a half” she added “but they found someone for me so yea soon when I turn 18ish”


“Don’t worry your only 17 you get married around 18ish, your birthday is in 2 months wedding is in 5ish months”


“You mad?”

“Sort of”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, where home” Marie said while getting off, I was too surprised that I stayed put the house well mansion was amazing huge with a beautiful lawn and a forest that was right next to the house the house was separated but big walls which was to go out there was no other house insight, are they going to murder me?  I said while chuckling “Sweat Heart” Marie said while adding “You should come inside we need to talk”
“You will find out”
“So as you know you’re getting married and before you get married you must know that your special”
“Yes you are a first kind, you’re a wolf but not just any wolf you’re a healer, leader, and you have powers to protect people with a kind of shield”
“What, is this a joke”
“No we are serious” Ken looked at me before I knew it he transformed into a beautiful beast light red eyes that glowed he talked but I understood him I talked back
As you see I’m a wolf he said while bowing down
I see I said with sarcasm
But you’re my queen again he bowed
What? I said confused
You’re powerful he said sort of annoyed
Huh? I replied again with confusing this time I knew what he meant
I’m a pack leader, but you are the strongest you wouldn’t be able to talk in my head if you weren’t powerful. Sounding more annoyed
What in the world this is so strange but cool. I can feel his emotions COOL
Oh okay trying to keep excitement and confusing out
That’s why your marring Jason you both have the same thing but he has powers to kill and protect sort of like a bolt. He said treating me like I didn’t figure that out. I read his mind
Okay trying to still keep it in
You’re powerful enough that you don’t have a voice he said
You may transform back now said like a queen
Oh you would not need your pill. He added before we stopped talking
Wow really finally, thank the lord I realized everyone stared at us and ken became a human, again. “Well, you think were “Joking” now?”
“Not really”
“You should go to your room” Snapping her hands to signal the maids
Before I left she said “I really hope you like it sorry for this rushing, come down soon so we can eat dinner okay Eliza?”
“Alright, and yes I’m getting used to it, it’s all fine, by the way how’s my mum?”
“She’s fine she will be joining us to the wedding”
Yes! I missed my mum can’t wait to tell her everything, “Mrs. King” one of the maidens said “Its Eliza” I said sort of angrily “Eliza would you want anything else?” she said politely “is there chocolate?” I said hungrily, I always loved chocolate it helped me plus it taste good “Yes, ma’am” she said bowing “I’m not that old” while I laughed “What’s your name?” I said in curiously “its April” she said shocked “Nice to meet you April” I said while turning around to face the door. Finally freedom at last I can relax. When I open the door I saw Jason laying down on the bed, “What are you doing here?” while I rolled my eyes “This is our room” he laughed “What”
“Yea I know but why”
“Don’t you have other rooms?”
“Yes, we are getting married soon so get used to it”
“Fine” while I turned around looking at the room it was beautiful I have realized I had no clothes only the things mum backed which were underwear bras and some sleep wears as I thought of that someone knocked “Come In!” we both said “Excuse me but this is some clothes I picked out for you Mrs. King to the dinner the shower would be on the left two doors down” she said while leaving with the clothes I was confuse but I thought she would leave it in the bathroom for me. “Go ahead dinner starts soon, you should get ready”
“Aren’t there bathrooms here?”
“Yea but I’m going to use it”
“Whatever” while I rolled my eyes
“Plus its mom orders until we get married” 

 As I got into the bathroom there was four maids chatting “Hello Eliza” April said “Ready?” She added “At least let me change by myself”

“Alright, by the way here’s your chocolate” I have gotten into the warm bath right before they came in, and started washing my hair with some weird stuff and massaging me weird enough I enjoyed it especially the chocolate it was delicious while I stuff it into my mouth April yelled at me “Eliza stop getting chocolate all over your face the cream needs to have chocolate without it.


A few minutes which later they left for me to get up and put on my silky white robe when I was down they came in did my makeup, nails, gotten my hair done, and last of all gave me a beautiful bra that matched with my underwear, again they left for me to put on, they helped me with my short simple but elegant black dress, I felt like a queen for sure.


I gotten down stairs everyone was sitting down, like a perfect little family

Thank you at least we have a family.

Who this

The one and only

I seated down Marie continued to talk but I didn’t listen I was talking to whoever

Jason shut up leave her alone

Huh? Vanessa


You have powers to

Yep just me you and Jason


Well I know you didn’t mean it as a compliment like a perfect little family… at least we have a mother and should I add a father

SHUT UP! YOU JERK YOU KNOW NOTING ABOUT ME, MY FATHER DIED I started to boil up trying not to cry when I looked up Jason had regret Marie was talking and then she asked me “Isn’t this meal define, Eliza?” as she looked up “ Won-…Wonderful” while trying to clear my throat.

Eliza, he’s sorry

Yea Okay

I truly am, I didn’t know, I’ll make it up to you

No thank you I looked at Nes and blocked her out Wow how did I do that

You’re sleeping on the couch today and forever!

No Way, Why don’t you it is my room I just have to share

Okay. I’m blocking you out of my head

How you do that

Don’t know I just look and block

I blocked him out we was there for a hour which felt like forever we all were full and chatting up a storm Ken said goodnight to us and went after Marie, Vanessa said her goodbyes and added a sorry, John told me a story about how it’s going to be okay, made me laugh and went to his room, Jason was at the room when I walked in already asleep with his dark blue patterned boxers I went into the closet and found some sleep wear my white tank top and some blue shorts, I looked in the mirror my brown hair up in a bun with my neon green eyes tall skinny legs and my most achievement my four pack. I was too tired and forgot Jason was on the bed so I jumped on the bed and went to a deep sleep.



“Huh?” waking me up from my sleep

“Are you mad that we are getting married?"

“Sort of I wanted to find love on my own and now it’s forced”

“I’m sorry but I do know we are going to love each other someday”

“I don’t know”

“Sorry about earlier”

“Its okay, and me too”

“Get up”


“Let’s take a walk”

“Huh?” come on he said while grabbing me and pulling me of the bed. "Alright, Alright, Fine"



The Walk


While we walked downstairs and past the kitchen to a hallway there was silence while he opens the door he broke the silence and said “you know we have school still right?”

“Oh no I thought I was going to be locked here forever”.  Saying sarcastically while I smirked at him “very funny”. He wasn’t so bad after all “What school?” as we walked father close to a garden  heading towards the forest that had a long rocky path it was beautiful with big brown trees and maple trees, colorful leaves on the ground it was fall in New York “Kings academy” I realized I dosed of  Kings academy I heard of it before it’s only the 10 star rating school expensive and filled with rich, but now I know why it’s called “Kings”, “Wow named it after you” He laughed “Well dauh are great-great…very great grandfather build the school and now we own it, we own many thing”. Laughing harder, I was shocked “We?” in curiosity “Yes us, were getting married soon”

“In like 7ish months right after school ends”.

“It’s still close, so tell me… how many boys you dated cuz you know you are stunning” I blushed trying not to show it, but embarrassed because I acutely never had a boyfriend before let along a husband, I wanted to lie, but I told the truth “None, what about you Mr. Handsome?”

“Well a few” coughed “15 or so, maybe less”

“Impressed, so are you going to kill me?” He laughed so hard that he almost chocked “No, I can’t your too beautiful”

“Thank you, I know you told me once” we both smiled in embarrassment “Were we going I said while breaking of the awkward silence “I’m going to show you my house, um I mean our house”

“Really we have a house and its close by”

“Yea I wanted to tell you first, but it’s a longish walk plus we can end up coming back to my parents’ house around 5:30, he checked his phone. It looked like he was texting, but whom? “Who you texting?” I said shocked it came out my mouth like I care, he smiled “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise” what!  “Surprise?”  I said but for whom? “For whom?”

“Nobody” I let it go, my legs they were tired until he had said “Welcome Babe this is home our home” I was so happy I don’t know my wolf token over I hugged him surprisingly I kind of sort of maybe by a centimeter kissed him, yes I kissed him and guess what he kissed me back omg lord help me while he kissed me he slightly bit my lip as a passing I opened, “Wow” while he pulled back “I didn’t see that coming I would’ve gotten ready “Ha well you need work just a bit” he seemed shock “What me the King I’m the best of the best” he said while he grabbed me and swung me close to the house like a leaf. “Your light” I laughed “Thank you, but shouldn’t we save this for the honey moon” he put me down and my jaw dropped while I opened the door.



Its amazing!

It was amazing big brown hard floors that was polished and cleaned where I have stood was where the stairs have faced the entrance had said welcome! To the rich and healthy Kings home it had my picture, I remembered that picture it was at my 16 birthday my hair done all nice it was put up to make it more fancy. I had an all-white dress with a tiara it was my happiest moment with my family and friends. To the left of my picture it was sure Jason’s it had him in a crown tall firm and polished. When I looked to the left past the stairs there was a beautiful sitting room, but nothing was there not even a TV, but as to the right it was a room phrase it was used for and office as I kept walking a kitchen a big white kitchen, Wow I always wanted a big kitchen because I love to eat but right where the island was a dining room, maybe, but again not furnished, there was a hallway a bathroom another office and study. “Why isn’t there any furniture?” I asked “Well because my mother thought you would want to furnish it” while he smirked I replied “really yes, that would be amazing” I couldn’t help but give a wide smile “Come on let’s see our room” while he laughed walking ahead I could see his muscles move he was buff “you coming” he said while I got into focus “Yea”.


The room it was big, like my mothers and my room two getter, the bed had a silky covering with big beautiful pillows, I went into the closet the most stunning place of all it had two section mine and his I thought, to the right of the huge closet was a bathroom that was bigger than my mom’s living room. “You like?” Jason said while smirking “It’s amazing” he grabbed my hand “come on we should get going it’s a long walk back” ugh I forgot about that “It’s too long my legs hurt” I said trying to see if he will let me stay “Than I’ll carry you till death and till sickness and health, let’s go!” I couldn’t stop laughing “Your using the preaches words for a marriage “well, I should get used to it”.


It was morning by the time I woke up. “Ma’am… I mean Mrs. King… wait not Eliza” while shacking me “come on get up get up! You have to meet another member of the family its Leandra, she’s Jonathon wife” while shacking me even more “Mrs. Kings asked for me too wake you up, and get you ready, hurry before I lose my job”

“Okay, I’m up”

“Thank you”

“So how they meet, Leandra and John?”

“Well I will tell you it’s just, I’m going to lose my job, if I do, by that I mean you’re late so hurry!” she said pulling me off the bed to wake me fully up.


“Morning Eliza, how was your night?”

“It was amazing”

“Well, nice to hear that, this is my son’s wife, Leandra, she will be staying here till the wedding, and she does live close by it’s a mile up, close to your home”. Oh shoot I forgot about me and Jason going out in the middle of the night to check the house up. As I looked up I saw Leandra was very beautiful with nice black hair it was silky on her shoulders her eyes was grey with a hint of blue, she had a very orangey skin that looked wonderful she had freckles close to her nose, she was tall but not as tall as John, she was wearing a short and fall like dress on Jason entered the room making me snap back “mother, good morning, Leandra I see you are here, for how long? Till the wedding I suppose? I truly hope you stay” wow he sounded like a real 100% rich person. “Well thank you Jayson, I will be staying here till the wedding, oh and hello Eliza nice to finally meet you”. She said as the hugged Jason then me, “Oh nice to meet you too, Eliza, it’s amazing to have you here”. She smiled “well”, Marie interrupted “should we get on to breakfast I’m sort of hungry” she laughed while sitting down, I noticed Ken was not seated at the table, “Where is Ken?” I said confused “Ken, he is at work” Marie said “What’s his work” I added “Well he’s a doctor, scientist, and a business men” shocked but not shocked that is why he’s so rich. We all ate while discussing the wedding, the few things that I picked out was it was going to be a white wedding with angels above it was located at the back near the garden the celebration will be towards the back near the wall, there would be beautiful food.


“Hey” Jason said while closing the door behind him “Hey”

“So… there’s school today”

“I know” while breathing hard, my heart was beating because I didn’t know if this will work out, what if he gets embarrassed by me? Questions kept on popping up to my mind and then he kissed me full on the lips I was surprised “What, was, that for?” he laughed “No, I would never be embarrassed by you, it’s the other way around I promise” I blushed but this time I showed it “your gorgeous when you blush, you know that right?” he smirked while adding another kiss “you should get ready we need to go it’s almost 7”

“Alright” that’s all I can say I can’t believe this, how he read my mind, didn’t I block him? Well I don’t care, so far this is the best moment ugh but school would people like me?


I gotten in Jason’s car while Vanessa was about to get in I realized that she was so pretty with blond hair and with high lights that her mum also has she was wearing a colorful jumper that matched her green eyes  and a nice black heel “ Ready Eliza”

“What am I ready for?”

“The best six month of your life”



“You look so pretty by the way”

“Thank you, you too”

“Lady’s” Jason said while turning on the car


We reached the school my oh my it was beautiful I gotten of, people came rushing to Jason and Nes, I started day dreaming looking at the expensive school all glass, not show, everyone in their fancy outfits before I knew it Jason came out of no wear grabbed me, and….




The fight

He kissed me, Jason kissed me before I could move he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me, I stood frozen “This is my girl” he said as he smiled wide, a huge smile, all the boys cheered while the girls just gave a look, they seemed mad, I smirked, because he just said I was his and no other girl can have him, but me, “Hey, Eliza, come I want you to meet my friends” I still was frozen but I followed as her command “so this is my friend Snady” as I looked up Snady was tall, like a model pretty but not as pretty as Vanessa, she had long black hair and light brown eyes. “This is my other friend Alsae” she said before adding “well there my two best friends” I said hey to both of them and told them my name Alsae was shorter than us with her white hair and hazel green eyes. “So what’s up, you and Jayson the hottest guy, in this school?” Alsae said lifting her eyebrows I didn’t know how to answer “that’s her soon to be husband” while Vanessa added with a smile, I couldn’t say nothing so I nodded my head “Lucky, but watch out for those girls they been on his tale ever since he moved over here”. When Snady quikly said before turning around and looking at those two girls. Wow the most prettiest sluts like my man a anger came before me, Vanessa quickly ran to me and told her friends shell meet up with them, she ran me to the woods, I didn’t know why it upset me, well he was there smiling at them acting like I was invisible, “Eliza, slow down your heart” she said trying to calm me down. “NOOO!” I screamed as I felt pain coming to my ribs and bones it hurt so much, when I looked down I saw my nails turning into wolf like fingers, it got longer, hairier, “Why are you mad”, she looked turning her eyes into a light red to tell me she was like me. I paused “Those SLUTS, there with my man, and worst of all HE DIDN’T DO SHIT ABOUT IT HE JUST ACTED LIKE I WAS NOT EVEN ALIVE” my heart betting louder as she got me farther than where we was into the dark woods, that now looked like black and white, “Oh my god”, Nes said standing there I realized I was close to her shoulders, big and strong she gave me a look to tell me to stop I didn’t listen I was angry with rage all I wanted to do was go over there and rip those girls head of I quickly turned around to make my way there when I saw, Nes changed she was small with brown fur she whimpered as I grabbed her by her neck, I didn’t realized what I was doing so I stopped, my heart beat slowly when I saw Jason coming closer and closer he looked at me in shock, I was mad at him madder at myself but he needed to pay.

Jason’s POV-

I heard my sister whimper, I ran as fast as I can when I saw Eliza she was big closer to my dad’s size with her beautiful white hair and blue eyes, she looked at me mad, I quickly changed I was only an inch taller but she was stronger, it was her first change, she fought me while trying to go away, I grabbed her by her legs she turned around, eyes turning a lighter blue, she was mad she took my neck and bit it with furry I whimpered. That hurt liked a bitch I don’t know how long I blacked out when I opened my eyes she was on top of me, still in my wolf form she licked the burse while looking sad as if she didn’t mean to. When I looked up my father was there with my mother in human form they took Nes, which was next to a tree lying down in shock.



I'm sorry


Jason’s POV-

As we arrived home I could tell Eliza was in terror she couldn’t believe why she did that, I was wondering myself, why was she mad? Is she still mad? “Jay” my father came inside my room “She’s beautiful, but she’s mad at you I can sense it, fix it now, before she kills the whole house” he laughed before leaving, a few seconds before my father left Eliza came in she still was mad she looked at me and said “Why? I’m your soon wife, you just stood there talking to them while I was over there, them touching you, wasn’t I was your girl?” she started crying, I didn’t know what to do all I did was hold her and told her I’m sorry and I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.

Eliza’s POV-

All Jason do was hold me “I’m sorry” he said while adding “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way”, after that I realized I was wrong, I was mad for the wrong reasons. A few seconds before me and Jason talked; I went into Vanessa’s room and apologize for hurting her, in any way. She took the apology and I guess I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew Ken came running in the room, told us to pack anything that we needed, pack medicine, clothes and some blankets, “you have 1hr to do so, hurry”, he said while running of. Me and Vanessa both ran around trying to get most important things, Ken and Marie packed, and so did Jason when we was done packing, Ken locked all the doors, and told the maids to leave. “Lets, go”, he said while walking towards the woods “Follow me, now!” he screamed, while we all walked which seemed like forever, we passed me and Jason’s home, and passed john’s place, it was around maybe midnight, when we arrived, to our destination.

We were here, in the woods, while there were still people arriving, and showing up to pack more things. “Midnight Howls, there is trouble, someone trying to steal what they know is the most important beasts of ours, Elizabeth, we must not let them get to us, and her, she is our ticket to freedom she will be our only way, we leave at dawn around 5am, stay here and eat, make sure everyone gets into the groups, my son, Jason, would be talking all the male teenagers, my soon to be daughter would get the teenage woman, my wife will get the kids, and mothers, I will get the older adult males, we will be separating, we will be heading towards safety, I do not promise, by the end of this you will see each other alive, or healthy, but I do wish we, can collect peace” he continued, but I was grabbed by an arm a girl I didn’t recognize “Hey, I’m Krystal, we should get our group things before each and every girl here comes rushing towards you for information” before I could speak she added “I’ll catch you up, there is our van, that will be getting us to our safe heaven” she pointed at a huge van, that was black it probably could fit around 30 people and supplies “you will be driving, we will have a doctor, with us, only one so we must make sure she stay’s alive, there is food were we are heading, but we have to pack some, you will have cash each week from Mr. King, let’s get our medicine, and supplies, put it in the truck, I’ll be your protector, and your friend, you can ask me anything, when your done meet me next to the car close to the van”, she left while I collected the things we needed, when I was done I saw her there waiting “when the girls come tell them to relax and go and get your things you brought with you, find a partner, and give me your phones”, she said while leaving “hey! , so why am I important?” I asked while I put the things in the van “you will find out!” she said while disapering towards the dark. “Hi, I’m the doctor, I got the supplies, where should I sit?” I didn’t know but I replied quick I had to keep her alive “behind me” she went onto the van while Vanessa came “Hey, I got my things where do I sit?” I looked up at her, my future sister she was my main responsibility “in the middle of me and the passenger coming in” she took her seat, right before Jason came close to me “be safe, follow the directions, here is your money, it’s about 6 million, chose wisely” he gave me a kiss before heading to Vanessa and saying his goodbyes “I love you, Elizabeth” he said turning around to leave “I love you” I shouted behind me, he turned around and smirked at me.

“Here are the directions” Ken gave me a piece of paper and said “Be careful, here’s a walkie-talkie, so we all can communicate “he left before I knew it all the girl’s that was around 15-25, I guess all the rest are with Marie I said before a girl came to me asking where to sit, I thought about it for a second and said “all the older girls are at the back younger in the middle, girls around 18-22 are in the front”. When everyone got aboard, I went and got more supplies “We done?” I asked while heading to Krystal “yes, but we have to wait until the children and mothers get out first, than we will go then when we leave the boys head off, the men go and burn the place down, leaving it untraceable, we will be having one more doctor and 8 witches with us, the children and woman department have 5 doctors 15 witches and some men, and 20 vampires  protecting them the boys have the same thing as us the men have 8 doctors 18 witches and 40 vampires, helping out” he paused “we have 8 vampire one is, Haden, the rest I don’t know” she said while turning around to go to the car “ what about the boys, no vampires?” he turned back around “oh yea, they have 8 vampires too, to protect them” while I was towards the door when a vampires asked where should we sit “4 in the middle, two in the front, two in the back” they went inside as I got into the van putting on my seat belts “Hand me the phones” they all sighed and gave It to me I called Jason and handed it toward him while he gave me 2 walkie-talkies and headed off. When the children and older woman left and got to safety, they told us to leave, while I turned on the car and headed towards the open rode to go to our safe heaven.   

Jason’s POV-

When Vanessa and Elizabeth left with their crew and gave the okay to safety, we left, but before I did, I gave my dad the last goodbyes, because I knew they was not headed to safe heaven until they knew the council got every person looking for us, for Eliza, I’ll miss her, I thought to myself “it’s okay buddy” john told me while patting my back “we will see our mates soon” he paused “soon”. We were of, to the worst couple of months of my life.



Our Safe Heaven


Eliza’s POV-

When I was riding for at least an hour everyone finally feel asleep, except for the vampires, I guess it was a long day for us all “So you’re getting married to Jayson?” Haden said trying not to wake everyone up “yea, he’s okay for now” he looked at me trying not to laugh “I heard you almost torn him into pieces” he said bursting out laughing “it’s not funny, before I do what I was going to do to him, to you” he stopped and smirked “well, you need my help, and may I add, our family’s help, so you wouldn’t dare” he said leaning closer behind my ears “oh trust me, I would.” After a few hours I grew tired, one of the vampires saw so he offered to ride us there so I can nap, I nodded my head, stopped the car and let him drive.

“Eliza” the driver said “Huh?” I asked trying to wake up “it’s your turn” he said stopping “yea, um, what’s your name?” he looked at me hesitating to answer “Mat” he finally said “thanks Mat” while I went onto the front seat, driving to our safe heaven, I realized it was morning and that he drove more that I was expecting. It was around 11pm at night when we finally arrived to a huge home near nowhere, there were no houses, and all there was woods surrounding the house, it was gated asking for a number, I looked at the paper and put in 7788990. Ding, it said while letting us in, everyone cheered and got of the car waiting for what I would say next. “okay” I said while pausing “everyone choose the people you rather sleep with, one of the doctors will be on the top the rest have the bottom floor, so as the vampires, one witch will be in a room, while Alyssa, Vanessa, and a witch will be sharing a room down stairs, hurry up and get settled” I said turning around back to the van and getting all the supplies out to the doctors to put in their room. “When I was done I parked the van close to the house right when Ken talked through the walkie- talkie and told me to bring a vampire with me and get the supplies located on the paper. “Haden, let’s go” I asked him because I only knew one of the vampires and the driver was already inside, “alright” he replied while getting in the passenger seat, waiting for me to get in.

We arrived getting the supplies as I saw Marie doing the same thing, Jason, and king talking to each other, “oh my god, I miss you” Marie said rushing towards me, while Jason looked up and gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever received. “hurry” Ken said while giving me a kiss on my forehead “we don’t want people to know we are here,” Ken said while heading off “okay”  I said about to leave when Jason came and gave me a hug goodbye “I will miss you” he said turning around “me too”, I said trying to catch my breath, I could tell he was secretly smiling, while walking away. As we drove away, I realized it was going to be a long couple of days, we wasn’t here for a while, we could be here for a year, I thought to myself looking out the road towards our new home.


Who are you?


As we drove heading towards home there was a person, he had looked like one of the vampires that are protecting us, I could tell he saw me, and was being chased; I quickly pulled down the window and shouted “come in! I can smell them” he quickly hoped to the back seat and I got of the car jumping in the air pulling my back up and transforming into my white beast, I could tell Haden was shocked and the vampire that I now recognize it was the driver was shocked to. When I smelled my pack coming from behind me probably running ahead of the driver turned around when the heard me ‘run!’ I shouted but none would move, so I was about to turn when I saw another pack alpha towards me letting his teeth hang out, he was smaller than me about a foot and there was his other members with them but he told them it was a one on one standoff.

He went towards me, my wolf told me ‘go back of them when he strikes at you catch him from the throat’ I listened and he did exactly that when he leaped forward I grabbed him by the throat and snapped his neck back, with blood leaving my k-nine teeth, it felt good to kill an alpha, which meant I was now an alpha, and that pack is now mine. They all stepped forward telling me I’m in command I asked them a few questions and they replied, I was glad no one was really related to him, they all said “he was a jerk and if you didn’t do that to him, he was going to do it to you”, I smiled and got my talking device and turned it on to call my father in law to tell him the news.

When he got there I could tell he really didn’t believe me, that I killed the most powerful alpha that stood here, well except you. He was happy for me now I was in charge of a pack and the second leader would be my ‘mate’ which of course was Jason, he told me to go home “I’ll handle it” he said while walking towards my pack, they did not even stood a second next to him to hear him talk, all they did was step of the woods, and I could tell their was at least 200 of them, if not more, “they was the pack that was after us, mostly the men, the rest was taken to shelter” he said while looking at them transformed, there was kids, mothers that still had an unborn baby, they had elders, teenagers, and men that looked confused as if as a women I wouldn’t help “you will take them to the pack house, it had plenty of houses for both our pack, you realize you have two packs”, he said whispering low enough just for my ears, he gave me the direction and told me to tell all the pregnant woman and some toddlers to head to the truck, that Haden will be driving to our location, while the rest should follow me to our new pack house, I did exactly what he said.

When we reached the place there was separation but not as much I told my pack to take the right side and the other pack take the right. In this new location was two big houses further off but close, I realized that will be where me and Jason sleep and where Ken and Marie sleep. In the far end was a hospital and some small stores, a playground and a café with a bakery that had the children and woman group already there, facing towards the woods was a rode heading towards the main rode that was separated by gates about 3 miles out. At one mile out was a school that Ken, owned the same school I had my first transformation, that was separated by gates about 3 miles out. He came towards me and told me that he got everyone in my pack into the school while he was here, when I turned to see a piece of paper of all the teenagers about 20 to 30 of them and he told me there was an empty building that would be used to ‘home school’ the younger ones and as for middle school, I got the pre-teenagers to my school, as he walked off, I called my pack to a meeting, and told them, there was peace between both of our packs, that if something happen would be consequences, and that if a human ever see’s us bring them to me, or Ken. I could tell he was having the same meetings with the same words, as I told them to pick a house and we will be getting everyone’s things tonight at the old pack home, that was now deserted into nothing, when we got everyone’s things we burned the place and headed towards my new pack that I was proud off and knew that king wasn’t. ‘You’re not prepared let me handle it’ he said while I shook my head and said ‘when you tried to talk to them all they did was ignored you and join their alpha’ and walked of.


My New Pack


When I headed towards our cabin my pack the white moon was waiting for their things, I gladly handed it to each person and went on my way to my place. Right when I was about to bite into my apple a pack member knocked on the door, she was short had flaming red hair and green eye’s “my father and mother died so where do I stay” she said putting her head down, she looked as if she was 6 “what’s your name” I said kneeing down beside her “Allayn” she added “I’m six turning seven in a month” I was close “well, I know someone that wants a kid in Midnight Howls, you are still in this pack, if you would not want to join them, they will understand” she looked up at me, her eyes sparked up when I had said that “thank you Eliza I want to so much, and I want to be in your pack still” she said while hugging me, and by that, I walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Standers and told them she needed a home, they thanked me surprise, I told them she is still in my pack but I want her to have a home, Mrs. Standers hugged me and said thank you, as Mr. Standers did the same and went on about their life, now with a kid.

‘she can’t do it, there is no way, she does not fell like my mate, dad why, why do I have to be with her, and only her’ Jason said while turning to his dad ‘she is yours, you just can’t admit it, your jealous’ Ken said looking out the window ‘of?’ he paused ‘you know what, we aren’t married let me just talk to another girl, she don’t even mean much to me’ he left the house turning to me and waving, heading off to a small cabin, I followed “when he went in I could tell the girl knew what was going to happen, after that I went inside and found them on the bed. I pulled the girls hair almost pulling it off, I got on top of her and almost killed her pounding her as my fist hit her face “stop” Jason yelled getting me of I pulled away jumped on him, growling turning into my wolf and fought him, he knew he couldn’t stop me so he tried to fight back, when I throw him to the wall, I faced the girl who turned into a wolf and suck my teeth into her neck, when Ken came and got me of “calm down”, he said I stopped transforming back to my human body and left, my pack knew then and now never to mess with me, and so as their pack.





When I came back from my run everyone was looking at me they knew I was mad, but no one dared talk to me except Krystal “wow, you strong” she said while giving me a pat on the back and heading me towards my pack “if you say that they can’t touch the other pack members and you do, what does that make you?” before adding “a hypocrite” she said while giving me a look “yes I was mad” I said while exhaling loud and then adding “it won’t happen again” she looked at me and said “good, because if it do I will have to kill you” I paused “kill me?” I said while laughing, at that I felt my head about to blow up “yea, I’m a witch” then she helped me up “just playing I really can’t kill you because you are all sorts of things, but I can make you pass out, but everyone else, I can kill” as she skipped down the path into one of the stores and waved at me to follow.

“can I get two sandwich’s” Krystal said while pulling out her money “sure honey” but when she saw me entire she quickly said “it’s on the house” while she went of the prepare the sandwich’s “no I said looking at her “okay El…uh.. Alpha” as she went of “Eliza” I said while grabbing my sandwich that was neatly put in a bag and a cookie with it, I looked up “it’s something sweet for you” as she walked back to the seat waiting for any other customers “we should have a store like sweet store, I know who loves to bake, reason why she didn’t take a store is because she doesn’t have as much money, there Is an empty one, what do you say if we help out?” as she looked up an inch and asked me pleading “yea, I love sweets to, especially chocolate”

A new begging

“The store it should be a bakery” Krystal said while looking up at the new decorated store “Should be for food too” I said while walking towards the back “who’s going to be the lucky winner” I said while looking at her “it should be fair, I know I said that It should be for the girl but I know everyone in your pack would be mad if they didn’t get it” she looked up sliding her had across the new painted wooden counters “how should it be fair” I thought to myself “it should be for a younger person, teenager and this teenager should own the store to pay for things, for their family, they would be a contest… wait no a test, whomever pass it shall win” she looked up and added “I shall join, because I want this store now, for clothes” I looked up at her, I knew she wanted it that’s why she had said ‘the pack would be mad’ I shacked her hand and headed out to make the  announcement.

The tests was hard, and guess what Krystal won, it was a tie between her and another girl. As I walked home and gotten ready to prepare something to eat when Nes knocked on the door “You still mad” she said while walking towards the fridge to grab a cookie” I was shocked she even asked that question “well what you mean my supposed to be husband basically banged up a girl” she looked at me a sorry way before adding “well, yea sorry for that, but that’s how he is he felt that you had power and you wasn’t going to be the same no more, he pushes everyone away and when you did that, he felt so bad he came to me, like me, his younger sister asking how to apologies, plus you kind of not married yet so…” I rolled my eyes “say if you found out you had an arranged married you was pissed at first but then you started hitting it of then all the sudden they got do it with another girl, how would you feel.” She shocked her head then said “sorry, but whether you like it or not, you guys are still getting married, plus he got in trouble from pops” she laughed and left leaving me their staring at the wall.


**Arthurs’ note: I will be adding more soon comment what you liked most during this chapter; I do! Favorite it and enjoy :) leave a message, add me, have a splendid day**



The whole day was me waiting to go look for Jason, don’t get me wrong I was still mad, but I am catching feelings, which I hope I hadn’t catch ever in my whole years of life. When I heard a knock I got up straighten up and said come in.

“Look Eliza” he continued

“Life happens I’m sorry, I wish I could take it all back but I can’t” he stood there waiting for me to answer but all I could so is stare at him before running up and hugging him, there in then I cried I told him he hurt me we finally broke the hug and stood there “I do” he stopped “I do love you” I smiled while jumping up in down before telling him I will rip of one of your sluts if you do it again then ran away towards the door.

Ooaff a big but sexy man grabbed me by the back before putting me back down and kissing me, on the lips it was soft and slow but In that moment I truly love him. “I love you too” while I stopped the kiss looked him right in the eye he looked at me stood there and told me we should go out for a run. When we left the house everyone stood still knowing we made up, they looked worried at first thinking I will go full blast but it happen right there in then I kissed him and his friends shouted while I teased him putting my arm under his shirt and walking off to go see Krystal.

“Hey you”

“Me” I said while putting my hand on my chest

“One in only” Krystal looked up from doing whatever she does in her brand new shop. She stood up and grabbed my arms pulled me to a corner, at first I thought I was going to die when she screamed but it was a scream of excitement when I realized she ask me if Jason and I were back to being engaged she joked around while grabbing a pair of clothes and told me to put it on because we should go out on a run, Nes, Her and I should discuss everything and why I forgave him easily.

The run was short but far as wolves it was easy but also hard, when we finally reached a safe place to talk the girls and I stopped and I told them everything, form the I love you to the I hate you when I was done talking they both started laughing and told me I was a funny girl. We all laughed at that point and looked up at the sky when we realized we wasn’t alone we got up quickly and looked for the enemy when the enemy walked out we was shocked because it was him.


Texte: L.P
Lektorat: L.P
Übersetzung: L.P or Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2015

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