
Out of gas? Why don’t add a little magic to the mix?

Please read book one, there are mates and then there are mates- he may be alpha but i'm omega first. This is an extension/book two. Thank you all so much for your support, heart- favorite comment and enjoy :)

You’d think they’d be a gas station near to a palace wouldn't you? At least a few miles out- perhaps five at a push? But no, there wasn't.
This oh so brilliantly simple plan was starting to go sour and my mood was going with it, thunder rumbled above my head. Both Oz and Damien went to reach for my hands to calm me down before I started a downpour but I shrugged them off. I was in no mood for this bull. This side of the road was still in direct pack territory and we couldn't afford this stupid set back!
I growled my wolf pacing back and forth, my shifter sitting there pruning its feathers looking disapprovingly at my wolf. Screw this, I wasn't going to wait around.
Getting out of the car I made sure the hand break was off and started pushing. Who needs gas when you’ve got werewolf strength? The boys just laughed at me…The boys, my boys.
Why does the apocalypse have to coincide with me being the happiest I’ve ever been? I mean if the apocalypse wasn’t their I’d be lounging about with possibly the best people on the planet, it doesn't matter that I was in love with two of them I loved the other two equally, they were pack.
It was pretty nice to just run, but what we were running into was pretty scary. I’ve never met a proper witch and although I’m pretty sure I could take one I don’t know whether I could take the whole coven. I have my own brand of magic, my own creepy abilities- heck I don’t even know what I am the possibilities are endless.

My gut was my compass- but it wasn’t heading where I’d thought north was pointing, this was actually a little off key but if there‘s one thing great about being brought up in a werewolf pack it‘s that it teaches you how to be in tune with your gut. Eventually I just stopped running, holding onto the car making sure it didn’t continue to stream off into wherever. The boys looked out of breath and incredibly windswept, it was quite a sight and I didn’t even attempt to hide my snigger… but then my stomach lurched and I nearly spewed my guts. Freddie and George where screaming in pain, Oz was looking panicked and Damien crying blood tears. I knew the sickness I felt, it wasn’t my pain it was theirs, my packs.
I searched for the threat, but I couldn’t see one- I couldn’t smell one- the air didn’t taste of evil it tasted like grass. But I could hear one, a soft chanting was echoing throughout our surroundings. And that’s when I took it in, vast plains of green and yellow. Sunflowers and grass weed. The chanting got louder once I opened up my mind. Of course when I did the pain of my pack increased tenfold. “STOP” I commanded my invisible attackers praying they‘d listen, I turned and pressed my hands to my pack root (my latest handmade tatoo upon my breastbone) and their pain stopped.

I cranked my neck with a click and towered up to confront the witches anger was tinting my vision. I could feel my bones crack as I extended my powers to the surface of my being-it was a threat, not the empty bark of a wolf but the purity of an omega and boy do we mean business.
We were looking for the witches but they ended out finding me, I would have gone right past them had they not have hurt my friends I’d have blamed the gut feeling on the marshmellow pizza I had earlier.
Heck I wasn’t even looking for this pack, sunflower coven so named because of the sunflowers of their plains. I heard they used them within the moon months to heal their ill, I of course could do this with a small amount of blood or spit. Of course they were still the closest thing to governors the supernatural world had, they had a spell to bring any beasty to its knees and could remain undisturbed for centuries with the wards they put up. I was probably just bad mouthing them because I was angry but what can ya do I’m a teenager.

My bones continued to buldge, senses on high and I could see the veil. I could see the ward that hid the sunflower covens village, the witches gathered all together holding hands channeling their powers. I could hear their voices waver as I reached out my hands the skin of which had a glowing green sheen and began to pull at the veil. It was a bit like a wispy cling film, I could tell I was touching it but I couldn’t really feel it with my hands more like with my magic. My wolf could smell their fear and that’s when I realised my own image.
Of course my pack was in danger but why should I try to harm another race who didn’t know anything but a foreign power enter their territory. Though that wasn’t really any excuse for them to attack my friends.

I stepped back, “Don’t take this as weakness, take this as strength and respect to your own race… I came for help…My name is Tara DivinoSalvador Omega…and I’m going to reunite the keys. Sunflower coven, those who have remained undisturbed for so long, forgive me for my intrusion and I shall forgive you for harming my friends…I beg passage.”

Who said I couldn’t be diplomatic when I wanted to be?
I didn’t realise that the guys couldn’t see the pack until I caught a glimpse of Freddies thoughts ^Crap Tara’s lost it^.
A woman stepped forward, she looked old but I knew she was older still. Radiating power, symbols of Nyx and Apollo hanging from her neck she was the leader their ‘eye‘. I turned my head to her and she returned the gesture then with a flick of her own risk a hole began to form.
“Quickly, you and your friends may enter.”
I heard a little suction noise and turned to see all four boys with little O shaped mouths.
I lifted them into the air with my mind and pulled them through the hole with me.

witches, weres and getting bare.

The village was beautiful but something seemed off. Their schools took shape in the form of cabins, open fires and wells and crops it was like stepping into the past.
“My name is Alliana, apologies for the assault we’ve been having a spot of bother recently and you triggered a ward.”
A small smile formed across my lips but Oz growled. Alphas really don’t take kindly to threats. Freddie and George hid behind Oz and Damien stood near to me.

“Well hopefully similar occurrences will not occur again in the duration of our stay.”
“Hopefully.” She smiled back at me, respect for the woman blossomed in my heart- she was cautious and protective of her coven and was in many ways her own omega.

“Come child, we will make you a home and you shall introduce yourselves to the rest of my coven over Dine.”

Only then did I realise the villagers I’d witnessed earlier had vanished. “Where did they go?”
Alliana smiled once more and her voice echoed with more warmth then before “My ancestors come and go as they please, rarely do they reveal themselves to outsiders. That tells me a great deal of your powers, I both fear and envy that your little display earlier was truly only a fraction of your destiny.”
“I fear it too.” my voice sounded more brittle then I had expected and I had to clear my throat with an apologetic cough. Personification of spirits, or ghosts only truly exist within fractions of witch covens. That’s why witches are so powerful, they have power over all that once was- where vampires have lived for so long witches embrace their souls and continue to grow them after the body has died.
She took us within the winding shrubbery and trees until she reached an old oak.
“This shall be your home, a test of course is necessary- but if you pass your place within Nyxs heart will be sealed. Build your home from the tree but to do so you must master the part of yourself that you fear most my dear for it is that which shall keep you safe.”

Automatically Freddie and George picked up fallen branches and went to start battering the tree to gather timber for the house but Alliana stopped them…”Nay- you do not belong with Nyx you have your own place within society. Go back, spend time with the children of the coven and teach them of the werewolves history. I gather it is somewhat lost in translation…”
They dropped their sticks and turned to me I nodded my blessing, Oz and Damien placed kisses upon my temples and went to leave. Soon enough I was alone, myself and the trees.

I knew what Alliana meant, those little coincidences in life that led me to believe that I was simply different. Levitation, flying, the acceptance of the water to my body back at the palace. The uniting with Oz and effect his own flame had as it joined with mine.
Those words…the words that water spoke, they called me an Elemental. Elementals weren’t really races but spirits of the old souls that brought the planet to life.

The earth felt as though it was breathing. I became gradually aware of the animals within the soil, in the tree tops, soaring in the sky. I wanted to feel more, feel the beauty of the place.
Hands cold against the rest of my skin I tugged at my clothes. My top vanishing as it lost contact with my body, it ceased to be. My shoes went next, allowing my toes to dig into the soil letting me find my own roots within the forest. My nipples stiffened as I removed my bra, electricity running through them as the air embraced my body. The air is alive.
Rain began to fall and I peeled my jeans from my legs.
I howled as my I felt as though my soul was immersing my body until all I was, was free.
Everything was alive! Life bred life.
But there was something there. Right in front of me, it was in pain- oh it was so sad- missing that one thing crucial that everything else in the forest had.
The rest of the trees had a scent, it was unique and reminded me of the smell of Allianna.
I gathered the rain in my hand and made my way towards the vacuum in my vision.

I couldn’t see. Not with my eyes anyway. I saw with all of me, feeling this pain was as clear as seeing a bus before it ran you over.
It was the tree that I had to make my home from. And the thing that was missing was magic.
I placed the water to the tree and it pulsed, not enough though. I stroked the soil at its roots and it pulsed again, slightly more then last time. I punched a hole in the air it broke the rain cloud letting light flood through. Leaves of the tree began to uncurl.
I screamed in anguish as the light once again dimmed and the pulsing lowered. The sound of my voice was strangled choked with sadness. My own tears ran down my naked body, they left streaks of gold it would have looked insane had I been watched by anything other then nature. I placed a tear upon my finger tip and laughed.
As I laughed the tear floated upwards meeting me at eye level.
One, two, three steps back. Raise my hand. Breath in, out. And sneeze. Hey even my spirit self is a bit partial to dust molecules. The tear splattered into the tree and I gasped. It was absorbed into the trunk and I became aware of the growing thud. The tree was breathing, its heart beat in time with mine. It now had the life of the forest and it would be sustained by the coven for as long as Nyx see’s fit.
‘Thankyou…” The tree whispered to me and I smiled.
The trunk began to creek and twist. Inside it revealed a series of compartments and the features looked like an abstract set of stairs and a room to sleep.
“Little one you may rest in me and I shall keep you safe, forever you are welcome among Nyx’s children.”

It shuddered the few remaining dead leaves and the rest of the forest followed its cue.

Other tree’s bent and revealed their own rooms from which other members of the sunflower tribe stepped out each with a bigger smile on their face then the last.
My physical form began to return and I returned their greeting…until I realised that not only had I just bore my soul to the world but I was still baring my body…
“crap.” I squealed and manifested myself some more clothes.

Tara- Elemental embracer- werewolf-shifter…girlfriend?

You didn’t think this journey was going to be as drama filled as that because there has been one theme throughout this little story that I fear I’ve under exaggerated…I’m a teenage girl and the fact is I have two mates. I have three different personifications/species embodied in me and it has been way to long since I’ve seen a mirror or performed a gig with my friends.
Everything just got so complicated with the whole apocalypse thing but now I’m sitting here with a witch coven eating broth and laughing along with the rest of them.
Freddie and George are surrounded by a group of young witches that seem to be having a personality malfunction as their constantly batting their eyelashes at my two commitment phobic friends.
And I can’t stop my eyes flitting between Damien and Oz who are both staring at me with such an intensity that I’m betting they wish they had their own little tree to take me to.
How did my life manage to get more complicated? I’m sure loads of girls would love the idea of having two guys that genuinely love her but its not me. I’ve always been a free spirit, sex was a great stress relief and now I’m mated and it’s suddenly some great reconfirmation of vows. A bit like getting remarried to your husband which is sweet and well I guess you get slightly different presents out of our process but I’ve always felt it was restricting.
Suddenly the smoke from the grass fire began to choke me, the smoke stung my nostrils and I got glimpses of Alliana. I thought I was having a vision of the future but I could see the moon hanging in the sky, hear the laughter that I knew was going on around me but distantly. I could feel the earth warm beneath my/her feet. Shadows were surrounding her but I couldn’t see who they belonged to.
Suddenly my mouth opened and I began to speak “Ha, you don’t belong here now. Be gone Fairchild.” My voice trailed of as it was replaced by a buzzing and stinging in my ears-my mind forced back into my own body.

I shook my head making sure my mind wasn’t going anywhere for a while. I’d had that happen once before, it’s another talent of mine though it was totally disgusting how I discovered it. I have the ability to hitchhike in other peoples minds, I can’t really control it but I trust that it’s the universes way of making sure I know the answer to some subconscious question. Basically my mind can immerse itself in anothers letting me see and feel what they are, I’ve never forced it- mostly because when I don’t know how vulnerable my body is when my minds somewhere else.
The first time it happened I was 13, I knew about the birds and the bees but I wasn’t exactly going to go and get myself a ‘sandwich’ to satisfy my cravings which were advanced by a few years and emphasized by my status. So instead… well I tried masturbation. Perfectly normal god knows it helped me during my ‘period of transistion’ else I’d have come ever so close to banging Freddie and George, I’m proud to say that that is something I’ve never done. But on this particular occasion I wasn’t quite so sure of how to reach the Big O and it was so frustrating, I just wanted to feel one-get rid of the tension. Anyway next thing I know my minds gone wondering off and…urgh..why am I saying this?
I felt sex, the body I was in was getting so close to coming and I could feel my mystery body tensing around what felt like a huge cock. Reality was this was nothing more then a wet dream, I think that’s what I thought it was. Anyway at some point ‘my’ body reached the point of no return and I remembered the hoarse howl that erupted from my throat as this hand reached down and violently rubbed my clit forcing the last spasms from my body. It slid off the cock with ease and turned so quickly that I didn’t have time to recognise the face, if only I did perhaps I could have gotten out of their sooner.
The body kneeled and grasped onto her ‘baby’ and began to cram as much into her throat as possible. The ‘baby’ was twitching violently but her body was loving it. I felt my hair get pulled so that I was looking up into those eyes…I recognised those eyes then, they were the eyes of my alphas, and my fathers. I did a little mental yelp as I thought I was having a wet dream about my father and then I realised that what I was feeling was far to realistic. I forced my ‘eyes’ down and saw my mothers swinging breasts, nipples firmly erect….The wrongness and disgust pushed my mind back into its little safety net of my body and I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited.
Of course this was a new power and as with all new powers something about me changed to suit it…This power originated from my urge to have sex, to have an orgasm. So my body changed to try and get this for me. My body aged from that of a 13 year old one to one of a well developed 16 year old one…creeped everyone out including myself for ages. In one weekend my mum had to go shopping with me for big girl bras, panties and tampons. All of which she did with a spring in her step- reassuring my conclusion of the hitch hiking power and that what happened in my ‘dream’ really wasn’t a ‘dream/nightmare’ but was reality.
So yeah be disgusted with me but it really wasn’t a choice that I made. And I just jumped out of one persons mind into a horrible flashback of my own.
What I saw was definitely from Alliana, she wasn’t at the camp now. And the buzzing was a privacy spell, I remembered the feeling when Lizzy Chapman told me what she was and asked for my help removing the boys from her pooch. But where was Alliana and who were the FairChilds. Something was going on here, the shadows were the things that were puzzling me it was like looking at a puzzle and knowing the piece your looking for will complete the picture. You noticed that it wasn’t complete no matter how full it might appear. Something was missing from these witches.
I looked up and across the fire, Oz and Damien were still looking at me and I flicked my eyes to the woods. They looked at each other, both slightly creeped out and I couldn’t help but laugh. I wasn’t exactly hinting for the threesome they feared so much. When I then signalled Freddie and George as well Damien gulp so loudly I swear even witches could hear I just burst out laughing and excused myself from the party heading towards my tree refuge.

Interlude, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with C”

“Conspiracy?” The twins whisper shouted inside my house. Their hair was sticking on end making them look more like sonic the hedgehog then Sex obsessed rock star werewolves.
“I don’t know what exactly is going on but something’s not right, there’s something missing here and I just can’t put my finger on it. When I was in Aliannas mind she mentioned FairChild? I recognise that name but I don’t know where.” Looking at me with concerned eye Oz took my hand and squeezed it saying that “It seems pretty cool here, from what I’ve seen everything neat and tidy- in working order, its peaceful besides I trust Alliana. We’ve only seen kindness and loyalty since we go here and she helped you find your elemental potential.”
I squeezed back but my hands felt too alien-the elemental power lingered close to the surface whispering with the earth but “How did you know about my elemental powers?”
He laughed, man I loved that laugh… “Tara- you may have Damien as well- and I may have to share you but it doesn’t change the fact that not only am I your mate but I’m of royal lineage. Whatever happens to you is felt by me.” then he leant closer and whispered in my ear “It could be useful for long distance relationships… better then using the phone anyway.” Despite his whispering Freddie and George snorted. Damien on the other had looked like he was going to puke “Dude, not meaning to sound harsh or anything but I feel her to and the last thing I want to feel is her being spit roasted.”
Now I was laughing and for some bloody weird reason I left Ozs hand and cupped Damiens face in my hand and kissed him. I felt a little tug in my heart as my shifter dominated my soul. At first he seemed resistant, embarrassed almost at the ease that I left Oz and went to him but eventually his arms wrapped around my waist and he sucked gently at my lower lip. This kiss was nothing like the one I had with the player at the beginning of my little journey, this one made my toes curl, face redden and heart flip. I don’t know how long we were like that but it was me that pulled back first, with added reluctance he opened his eyes- they were dark with lust but beneath that there was love and I knew I would always have him. Oz came up behind me and nodded at Damien and placed himself in my back snugly. They both lent in and kissed either side of my neck. Trailing gently up to my ear, my breathing hitched when they both paused and murmerd “I love you.”
Just then I was about ready to haul them into my bed and let them both know how much they meant to me but I was interrupted by a huge Thwack.
Freddie and George had at some point shifted and had just knocked over my bag, spilling camping pots and pans all over my tree floor. The noise knocked me out of my trance and I flicked my hand in annoyance at the pans and set them flying back into place. Living with boys is so freekin chaotic sometimes.
I peeled off my clothes and manifested a pulp fiction tee in their place and climbed up my tree who I have named Thia to my sleeping space. I heard the boys laugh off the occurrence and after some squelching and ripping all boys were in wolf form and huddled in my ‘kitchen’.
I dreamt again that night…It was so dark. Everywhere was dark, I was searching for something within myself but I couldn’t see all I could do was feel. Eventually I reached this alter, it was in the shape of a heart and I felt myself drawn to it. Panic struck as I realised I wasn’t alone. There were people all around me- each one murmuring sins, begging for forgiveness, for freedom from the darkness. Strong invisible arms pulled in Damien and Oz… I tried to reach out for them but I realised I wasn’t really there, not in any physical form anyway. The arms splayed the boys across the alter and blood poured from a cut on their hands filling a part of the alter. “It’s not full yet…find the others, fill the void and it will be free.” I screamed as the stone absorbed their blood and begged for more…it was hungry desperate.
My tee was stuck to my body. Sweat drenched me and my stomach felt sick I was heaving but I hadn’t eaten in hours. I rolled out of my bed and floated down. My pack was already awake, faces filled with concern but hands full with plates of oatmeal and pop tarts. I smiled gratefully and took a plate. Sitting on a ledge I began to eat, the boys looked at me and I back at them. No one spoke and then I noticed two bandages, one wrapped on Ozs hand and the other on Damiens. Blood soaked the cloth.
… “How did you get that?” I stumbled over my words, vision already blurred, mouth suddenly dry- I pointed at their hands.
They glanced at each other, Oz rubbing the back of his neck and wincing he tried to pretend he was engrossed in a chewy piece of poptart. I whipped my hand at him and he got a blast of cool air surround him. They both shivered.
“You came down last night…You were sleep floating. You spelled us so we couldn’t speak and then you cut us.” Tears spread down my cheeks. “You waited for the blood to pool and then you drank it.”
Blood. I drank their blood. I attacked my mates and I didn’t even remember. Furthermore the cuts were the same as in my dreams, I’m becoming a victim to these powers.
The world span faster and faster, faces bluring together I did what I seem so fond of doing and I fainted.

MY world is getting out of control. These powers are growing and are molding me to be what they want. I’m afraid that when I wake up I’d have destroyed them all, all the people I love simply because some force knows more about my powers then me.

Of course when I did wake up I was in a witch ward. It was an underground tunnel. Being submerged by the earth is supposed to help a witches healing power. My eyes snapped open and adjusted to the gloomy scene. A young girl was sponging my feet and it tickled, I couldn’t help but giggle and kick my foot slightly. The girl cast her hand towards my face- a glowing orb illuminating her own and she bowed her apologies. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to wake so soon. I should fetch Alianna she’ll want to see you.” she turned, her long brown hair swaying as she did, it was so dark you almost couldn‘t distinguish it from the rest of the darkness. “No.” I sqeaked, she paused before her voice dipped. “We need your help Tara, if we’re going to survive the war…Please let me get Alliana so she can help with the final stages of healing.”
“What war?” Her voice was so tiny but it held so much weight, so much fear, the voice of a child who’d been nursed on horror stories.
“They’re coming Tara…The Fairchilds are returning…”


The girl wept as she ran down the twisting tunnels. I waited until I could no longer hear her feet patter upon the earth and very carefully I floated myself above the bed. I couldn’t sustain it, I felt the power drain out of me, it flit around the room looking for a place to be expelled before diminishing. I crashed heavily, the thud echoing across the walls and pain shot up my back… My wolf was sleeping, shifter looking uninterested. I was alone.

I screamed but no one heard me- the elements surged around me whispering questions, they couldn’t find me, my powers couldn’t find my body and the more I released the less would remain.
Alliana appeared what felt like hours later. Pain suspended me in utter delirium.
Alliana laughed, seriously? It was like a fit of giggles from a teenage girl who’d just had her first kiss, it was a laugh that emanated glory and triumph. “I am terribly sorry Tara but I need your powers to end this retched war. The FairChilds were once apart of us and now they turn upon us. Oh if you hadn’t have come I don’t know what we’d have done, Nyx sent you to us and it is I who speaks her will.” I felt her press her hand to my face, unable to turn away I parted my lips they were dry and cracked. As I forced them to move blood swam into my own mouth and I drank to clear the fluid, “You bitch”.
She smiled at me, “I’d say one day you’d understand what it is like to protect your children, but not in this life. Perhaps Nyx will bless you for your sacrifice.” Her nails dug into my cheek and blood swelled to the surface, she licked the blood and then vanished into the darkness of the tunnels.
I’m being harvested for some physcos wicked scheme. My nurse from earlier didn’t return and I couldn’t contact Oz, so much for his I’m Prince of the werewolves I always know where you are and what you’re doing.

We’re all sitting in a tree and all I can think about is how much I want to pee on it. I know I’m a sorry excuse for a human side- dogs scent things- werewolves are supposed to be in control. Tara’s always been a bit of an odd one, ever since we first met she’s had these amazing powers. I used to long to be as free as her, she didn’t have to listen to anyone, she could move mountains if she wanted to and I always needed to be around George just to function.
I don’t like using our powers, it seems a bit like cheating, George works as an aiming system and I can make pretty much anything a missile. Together we never miss, but sometimes we hit things we don’t realise we want to hit- like that girl on her bike. We’ve always been close. Heck we’re twins, we used to hang out with Damien when we were younger but that happened less frequently when Tara decided she didn’t like him and now they’re mates…lucky bastard.
It’s never been like that with me and Tara, heck I’d bang her with half a chance but I love her as a friend so its not like I’m gonna put myself out there.
My ears perked up as I heard a knocking at the ‘stump’. Oz and Damien were catatonic and George just stayed in wolf form so I got up to answer it.
When I did there was the most beautiful creature standing there. I could feel myself harden as her eyes met mine, man I wanted to screw her brains out. “It’s Aphrodite right?” She looked at me with a puzzled look upon her face, it quickly transposed into a blush when I explained that she resembled the goddess of love.
“Actually its Lavender, Alliana sent me to invite you and your brother to the main hall, we wanted to introduce you to our war effort the mighty wolves are sure to be able to assist us in our…technique.” She bit her lip as she spoke the last bit and my cock strained at my jeans…fuck this girls an enchantress alright.
“Well we are known for our skills…Some think its quite an art.” I reached my hand out to trail it down across her arm and she giggled.
“Oh we know it is…There’s a whole bunch of us that have been dying to have a man show us how its done.” She smiled then added “Just be sure to have your brother with you and I’ll see you down there in an hour or so. Here’s a map.” She handed me a flower and snapping her fingers it began to float and twirl, ink inscribed on its petals it followed me into the house ready to show me the way when I needed it. Lavender…She smelt of it too. Some people think its too strong, and most of the time I prefer natural scents my wolf nose magnifying it to the point that I’d get a headache but on her it was simply intoxicating. But she had to want to meet my twin didn’t she.
I know the drill, I’m a wolf I’ve got one mate-unlike Tara mine’s going to be of the same species as me but god knows when I’m going to meet her so I might as well have some fun in the mean time.
A husky laugh erupted from the corner and Georges voice appeared in my head. “Smooth brother…real smooth.”
“Shut up.” I muttered grabbing a towel and stepping out of the tree to go for a swim in the lake before going to meet wolf groupies…personally I blame twilight, but it worked out alright for me.

The water was freezing. A part of me wanted to retreat after the first toe but I wasn’t going without this wash, it’d been a good few days since I’d bathed and I was due one. I jumped and splashed into the lake as my body grew accustomed to the temperature I became more clear headed. We had a journey to go on, keys to find but with Tara out of action we had to rely on these witches. What did witches need with a war effort anyway? Witches were mostly peaceful, apart from that Lizzy Chapman… I was quite comfortably swimming back and fourth along the length of the lake when I hear this scream. “LOOK OUT!” I spluttered and slipped momentarily beneath the water, next thing I know a spear has been plunged into the water, narrowly missing me. I rise about to tell the voice that I’m not a bloody fish when I’m confronted with several pairs of rather hairy feet. I feel something wrap around my waist and yank me backwards towards the shore, landing straight on my bum I look at Lavender who’s now straining words from those precious lips of hers. Lavender scent engulfs me once more as I watch a purple haze spread towards the rapidly disappearing feet.
She looked at me and asked “Are you alright?” “Yeah I think so, who were they though?” “The enemy…Come on then.” She jerked her head back to the tree and began to walk there expecting me to follow, which I eventually did.
She led me to a large hall, it seemed to mechanical and dirty to have belonged to these witches but all around me was chanting, flames and light were erupting from the witches that previously had seemed so delicate. And there was George in the midst of it helping them aim at targets at the other end of the hall without hitting each other, I couldn’t believe he was doing this. “Bro what do you think you’re doing?”
“Helping out, move your butt over there they need help with spelling weapons and your power can help a bunch. They need us if we’re going to win this war.” He shoved me over to a corner but not before I got a good whiff of him, it wasn’t his scent that covered his skin it was Lavenders…
Reluctantly I made my way over to a pile of sticks and rubble and began shifting through it, letting my mind make the calculations and magic in me bring the ‘junk’ into weapons.
The girls clapped as I handed over different weapons, I was helping in a war I didn’t understand but the longer I stayed there the more I felt that this was the right thing to do. I began creating more and more absurd weapons, things that although looked harmless enough were actually bombs, things made to kill.
The last thing I really remembered was Lavender putting her hand on my shoulder, pushing her hair onto my shoulder and absorbing me further into her scent as she said “That’s it, just like that, you’re making me so proud…”


They’re getting stronger but we can’t understand the source. Nyx wanted to embrace her part of the prophecy why then did Allianna dismiss us, break us away from our family and claim it was us that poisoned the well? The stone beneath me was hard and cold, I hadn’t felt the warmth of the grass since that dreadful night…My father consumed by hate- he too has been poisoned by such wickedness that destroyed Allianna and I know that in only a few days we will descend upon our old coven and my father and brothers will destroy they’re sisters and mothers and aunts all because of this poison.
I had tried to find the origin of the evil that seemed to enchant Nyx’s children, all but me that is. I wished to remain pure so only ate that which was harvested before the problems started, but there is very little and my bones become more exposed each day.
Magic swells inside me…I’ve dreamt of her again. The one who will rid me of this curse, who will free me. She is so beautiful, one of the finest creations that Nyx has ever embodied. But she is weak- the life that has surrounded her previously has been hollowed out, my own heart cries at the sight but the pool of water in front of me depicts perfectly the image of her from my dreams. This is the last time I can keep an eye on her, I know she is close but I have yet to find her…

For a moment I thought she had returned, the nurse from earlier, I had thought she was going to free me but when I opened my eyes no one was there. My wolf and shifter still slept lazily on but I knew it had been at least 3 days since I had been brought to this place. The weave of magic was creeping closer and closer to my body, wanting to get back into me I was sure that my powers missed me…
I shut my eyes for another split second before pain ignited in my abdomen, Alliana was standing over me a blade had just been run across my stomach and she was spitting at me in anger, trust me if I had enough saliva I would have spat right back at her.
“You stink of power, power that belongs to me…Our forces have grown, the help of your little doggy friends has been most helpful but we need your magic to sustain ourselves. How are you retaining it here with you!” She was screeching at me…her hair was greasy and disgusting and a part of me really just wanted to wash it. I pondered this silently- along with the correlation that all bad guys seem to rant in front of their ‘victims’ before their ‘victims’ kick their butt.
And before my eyes fog swept into the tunnel, it started slowly almost so I didn’t notice but then the fog turned to mist which turned into a light spray. Firstly it wet and washed her hair, and then it washed me, the water cleansing and healing my wounds. Of course I had no control over it, but the first of my elements had managed to find me, soon air will join it and then fire and maybe then I will be free from these bonds.
Now I was the one to be laughing. Alliana scowled at me and drew from her dress a small bottle, swooping it around the room I felt a little power leave me. “This is for emergencies…Although before I use this I’ll use Oz and Damien as my barricade. I’ve already made it clear to them that they must help me…sacrifice themselves if need be.”
I’d like to say that I never liked Alliana but in reality when we met I respected her, in a weird and messed up way I still do. She was only protecting her pack.
I lay their for hours, no longer in pain just utter frustration. Water ensured that I remained cool and awake, all visible wounds were now healed but I still had no control over the haunting breeze in the tunnel. I tried howling but it came out strangled, a poor human imitation of a howl- not one of an Omega werewolf, I prayed to both the wolf and shifter god only to hear a the reverberating echo off of the walls. In a last hackle of desperation I sang the song that brought me here, power rested in those words
“Strength of fire and flame
Earth come forth and rise again
Moon shall shine upon your wits until the puzzle pieces fit.
Water shall calm your soul
Wolf shall hunt out for the truth…Air shall make a heart a home
Spirit is for which you are known”
Oh how I missed bathing in the moonlight, I missed running beneath it in my pack and the strength that she brought.
“Nyx how could you leave me?” There was no reply, I was an adopted child of the Goddess- the stroppy ‘bitch’ that I was wanted to blame this on the fact that she was probably busy tending to her blood children.

I gave into the need to sleep, you’d have thought that I had enough rest but the power surrounding me was not in my body, I was hosting two- other- exhausted forms and that took its toll on someone who was practically a human.
The dreams returned, the darkness and warped shadows came with it. The idea that there can be shadows in darkness suggests the presence of light, only my eyes could not comprehend it. This darkness was not malicious in its handling of my tormented spirit, it stroked my consciousness as if I was something beloved . They guided me to the alter once more and their faces became illuminated, not physical faces- the skin that would usually produces recognisable features was stretched across the skull as a web of disguise. It was the metaphysical faces that I could…feel. They were old and familiar, like a family- not each others but mine. Loyal to me, loyal to pack. These shadows were the originals- lost from time only to exist in my dreams. Their hands reached out to embrace me but hesitated as they saw I had no more blood to offer them. My body to weak and bound to be manipulated to take more from my lovers. Oz and Damien would be hunting for me, Damien is of course the truth hunter from my song, he found me once before he may find me again. But my heart knew that wasn’t the case, they were as much victims of Alliana as me- perhaps more so as they would not see past her wicked charade until it is too late. The faceless beings that surrounded me embraced me once more before letting me awake with a slither of both hope and mystery… “The Third Is Coming.” The voice echoed within the confines of my own head, it barley a whisper coming from a mouth that could not be seen, it stirred the wolf and shifter- not enough to wake them but it sharpened my senses significantly. Who is the third?

revelation- the oncomming battle


My neck was stiff as I rose from the cave floor that had recently become my chambers. I could sense my father pulling on the remaining magic of the male coven- forging it into steel. A stupid waste of a spell, a sword that would not rust, I shook my head in disappointment only to be reminded of the events that led me to my ‘nap’. Father had seen me scrying again, of course in his eyes women were now scum any man who wasted his time in worrying for them was worth only as much as the magic that flowed through his veins. By some way of luck he couldn’t harvest my blood for its magic, perhaps the old spirits protected me in reminding his blood that I was born kin, it doesn’t matter really. He used a club to the back of my head to send me into slumber, as the pain was blistering across my skull I was able to look into her mind and find her. Tara was her name. The name of our saviour. The name of my KIRI.
Not many find their life companion so young, and even fewer have a KIRI who is not from the same tribe as them. The process of KIRI and AUNKI is one which lies in both the soul and the goddess Nyx. Together they split your creation into two parts, once separated one half of another joins your own soul. Unlike the wolves and the shifters we are born with our KIRI and AUNKI inside of us, our journey is simply to find the forgotten parts of our own soul so that we can be not only whole as a partnership but whole in ourselves. Once we meet our other halves our powers join and we are blessed with a control we did not know were capable of.
My KIRI however is not here, but trapped in an old tunnel- a excavation site of Allianas and in the back of my mind I knew tonight was the night when the covens would meet to battle. KIRI had to be safe before that time came, she had to be with me so that we’d have a damned chance of stopping this madness.
I turned and began to head out from the cave but the shadow of my father stopped me. “Kai what do you think you’re doing!” He snapped, bitterness spreading through his words like venom in a snakes fangs. I tried to withhold the anger bottled inside me but like mentos and coke it was just about ready to fizz out and explode.
Magic swarmed into me, filling me like no food could- causing me to stand taller then my father- causing me to be stronger then him. I was the rightful heir to this coven when my grandfather died but I was young and naïve so I passed the light for safe keeping to my father. Only now was the light realising that I held its beacon.
There was going to be a show-down before the battle tonight. I was going to have to challenge my father; “Nyx…” I whispered “Allow us the possibility.”
I raised my eyes to my fathers, thinking of my love for Kiri, for my love of my sisters and mother, for my love of the coven and I spoke the words that only I was born with the power to speak.
“I Kai Fairchild, born of Sunflower Coven, born from the original witch. Challenge Samuel Fairchild, wrongful holder of the Salvidor light.”
Admittedly I was expecting a clap of thunder or two but only silence emanated from the plane on which we stood. My father met my gaze with eyes black as the poison that fed off of my coven and spoke with a stiffness I’d only ever heard from the dead. “Challenge accepted.”

And so we stood, the ground felt much colder when I eventually floated my feet down upon it however as soon as the thought was in my mind energy flowed through my toes and into the earth to warm it, causing soft grass to grow from under me. My father, with his still black eyes gazed upon the patch of grass and ever so slowly a malicious smile crept upon his face. He raised an arm- veins standing blue against its waxy skin and as he flexed his muscle the grass withered. I felt it call out to me as it died; asking for the power to preserve, asking for a power I know knew that I held. Nature had never spoken so softly to me before, when I was younger my strange abilities were dismissed- nature only talked to those of great power and I was far beyond that in my youth.
I took another step towards my father, grass growing once more beneath my feet, this time however I made sure that the roots were deeply embedded in the soil- urging them to move forward to spread and grow more of its brethren- to take the barren from the land and replace it with good.
I called up to the sky towards the moon where Nyx hung with glory gazed upon me, I would not ask for her favours now- this was a battle of mortal magic, time for me to use my gifts.
I tore my eyes away from the moon just in time to see my fathers fist be hurled towards my stomach- I pushed gently off of the ground and allowed the air to carry me a few feet to the left away from the blow. I tutted at him, this was the man who used to hate violence- this was always a contradiction to the muscles that engorged his body and I had often wondered where his past had took him. I knew I had to make a responding motion but I truly didn’t want to harm him I just wanted to claim my right.
My palms tingled as my magic swirled in them, placing them together I looked as if I was praying and my father cackled. It was then when I accepted the full extent of his possession- I held no regrets as I poured more energy into the ball of power forming at my fingers- I needed to rid him of this demon. Yes I could see it now, the poison was so close to the surface, using my fathers body as a puppet, it was not like any other poison it could not be sucked out it had to be expelled.
The tingling grew to an almost painful level and in my peripheral vision I was aware of blossom trees erupting from the earth and birds starting to sing. Finally I lifted my palms so that they were facing my the beast in my fathers body, the pulsing bubble of light floated in front of my face- I pulled my hands backwards imagining that they were creating a slingshot for the bubble and quickly plunged them forwards. For a second I felt like a fool- the ball didn’t seem to move but then there it was tumbling into my ‘father’. I saw fear flash through the demons eyes as the bubble made contact but following that initial fear there was a startled emotion as the bubble simply absorbed itself into his body with no further damage.
It was my eyes I’m sure that reflected fear then, my ‘fathers’ only showed a infuriating amount of pride. Obviously the demon hadn’t expected to survive my assault. It stepped towards me this time- only then did it notice that something was wrong, the closer it got to me the brighter my fathers body became. The shadowy demon was now pushed entirely to the surface and appeared to be fighting to claw its way back in. My fathers lips were moving now, wordlessly mouthing in quicky succession until his outstretched hands touched my skin. I let them, trusting it was my fathers action and not the demons, on contact his voice returned and he clearly spoke “Light betrothed- given freely to the heir.” The light increased to a blinding intensity as the shadow was thrust from my fathers body and light poured into me. Power burned my veins replacing them with a stronger material of magic, my muscles seemed to develop paste my delayed puberty and I now had enough physical strength to catch my father as he stumbled into my embrace. His eyes were shut but I knew beneath his lids his forest green eyes had returned, I placed him gently on the lush grass beneath us and turned to witness the demon- who along with its brothers- wrecked havock upon MY sunflower clan!
Swinging my arm in arch I released a rope of power that lassoed around the shadow demon and constricted until he was hurtling back towards me. I stared into his bottomless pits of eyes and tried to make sense of his thoughts but it seems like any important details of his boss had been wiped clean from his mind. The lasso transformed into a cage and trapped the demon so it could cause no further harm.
A new band of light formed around my clasped hand and a sword now sat heavy against my hand. Another gift from Nyx- it cam with the knowledge of my ancestors so that when I pressed the blade to my lips and spoke the words “Touch of the sword-evil expelled” I knew that it would cause to harm to the flesh but was meant to heal the soul.
I smiled, this was way too cool. A plan forming quickly in my head. Hunt the demons- Free my men- March them into battle- Save KIRI and together defeat Alliana and the demons I was sure she was commanding.

Oh boy this was going to be good. I raised my sword to the sky allowing the magic to sizzle up the shaft like electricity I howled to the sky. “HUNT ON”…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.05.2012

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