
For as long as they could remember Mallorie and Ruby had been best friends for literally forever.They shared clothes,books,homework,cheat sheets,glamour,hair styles,and once even shared a boyfriend.They called each other,hung out with each other,and went to the Mall with each other."Hey!Mall!"I haven't heard from you since the fight of Brayden and Kate,you aren't still mad at Brayden for breaking Kate's heart are you?"Ruby called crossing the street to meet Mallory."Well,I haven't heard from YOU so I thought you didn't want me you?"Mallory said sitting down on the curb.Ruby remained standing and looking around."You REALLY couldn't have thought that?I where's our friendship going?"Ruby asked sitting down next to Mallory."I didn't know our friendship was going ANYWHERE!"Mallory's voice started to raise and she stood on her feet hovering above Ruby."Mallory!you're scaring me!"Ruby said scooting back."Ruby just go play cheerleader with Kallie!I'm not in the mood for your goody goody act!"Mallory started walking around the corner."Mall?Mall!?MALLORY!!!!!!"Ruby started chasing after Mallory crying."RUBY RUBY STOP IT I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS THIS IS A LITTLE KID ACT!!!!!"Mallory screamed.Ruby backed up,tripped over the curb falling,then scattered to her feet running home.Mallory stared after her and a tear rolled down her red cheek."I've never lost Ruby."Mallory said walking home."RUBY STOP RUBY COME BACK HERE PLAEASE RUUUUUBBBBYYYY STOP WE CAN BE FRIENDS!!!!"Mallory screamed running after Ruby."What Mallory!?"Ruby asked exhausted."Believe me we can be friends forever!"Mallory said a few tears rolling down her face as if racing for the bottom of a hill."No Mallory we can not be friends forever......"Ruby said letting a few tears fall herself and then continueing,"We can be friends for history,for as long as we live,even in Heaven and all the way through that long time!"Ruby said wrapping her arm's around Mallory,and Mallory letting her arm's wrap around Ruby's tiny waist."Best fiends forever!"both girls said at the same time and from that time on the girls were friends forever and even died together in the same house in a fire started by who knows who.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2011

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