
I'm Mary,I just moved here to Iowa from Florida.I'm taking a walk in these woods and it's dark and quiet...I like it this way.I see bugs,birds,rabbits,lizards,and lots of ants.I'm four and usually I'm not allowed to walk alone like this,but mommy says that since the woods were right behind our house I could.These trees are over thousands of years old and are starting to cave in,rot,or lots of moss is growing over them.I see one tree that looks only twenty years old and guess what....there's a tire swing on it!I start running and soon I'm on the tire swing pushing myself kicking the tree,flying back,and repeating the cycle.The tree squeked and groaned and moaned and every now and then I had to swat bugs off me,but I didn't mind.I started swinging super high and fast.I was laughing and having the time of my life.Soon I felt the swing tipping upside down and I was dumped to the ground,there was a hole in the ground that I fell in and soon I met my death.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2010

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