

The cold December air clung to my bones as I jumped into my little blue Mini Cooper. I turned the heater on full blast as the engine roared to life. The radio pumped some rock music as my car zoomed past houses and into the country side. I knew this place like the back of my hand, so the darkness didn’t bother me. Large trees watched over head as I sped through the icy turns without any problems. Being raised in Oregon, I was use to driving in bad weather, especially ice.

I relaxed into my seat as I got closer to home; this was the road that had taken my parents from me five months ago. A truck had come barreling down the road and couldn’t make the turn; it flipped over my parent’s car, crushing them. I wasn’t paying attention until something darted into the road and I tried not to hit it, bad mistake. The car swerved wildly as I tried to regain control, we had narrowly missed the deer, but now we were careening toward a large oak. The car kept sliding toward the tree at a fast pace, I threw myself toward the passenger side but it was to late. The last thing I saw before the quick burst of pain and the blackness that numbed it, was a man with red eyes.


I woke up to the sounds of chains dragging across the ground, I felt a hand grasp my right ankle and secure something heavy around it. My eyes fluttered open and I took in my surroundings, I was in a dark cellar with chains around my ankles. I looked up at the man that had put the chains on me with confusions written all over my face. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up so that I could stand. This guy must be six and a half feet tall

I thought to myself, I look like a midget compared to him, and there’s no way I can get away

. Still having his hold on my arm, he started dragging me out the small door which he had to duck threw. No one was in the halls as he kept his steady pace up. I looked around me; the place looked like a mansion. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, only the crystals that hung from them were blood red instead of clear. The man shoved me threw a door and closed it, leaving me in a room with just a desk and a black chair with its back facing me.

The chair slowly turned to face me, the man sitting in it smirking. I gasped as my eyes caught the red eyes of the man. He was the man that I had seen right before I thought I had died. He waved a hand and the chains fell off of me. I now knew why they had put the chains on me; it was so that the man could do his little magic act to show me that I had no chance of escaping.

“Samantha Devger, 18 years old, five foot three, long dark brown hair, lost her parents five months ago in a car crash, died last night in a crash on the same road.” Stated the man that looked to be about 18 himself.

I stared at the man in aw, how did he know so much about me and why had he said that I had died last night. Me being here and talking to him was proof enough that I wasn’t dead. “How do you know so much about me, and I’m not dead if you haven’t noticed.”

The man just chuckled “You ARE dead, you’re in hell. And I know so much about you because, I’m the Devil. By the way, my name is Jason.”

I stared at him for a while until I finally could think of something to say “Ok then, your totally insane.”

He chuckled again “am I?”

“Ya, I’m pretty sure.” I said while nodding.

He waved his hand again and the door behind me opened. I looked behind me and for once looked out the large window on the other side of the hall. I was struck silent by what I saw. I turned my whole body and walked to the window. What I saw was horrible, men and woman forced to do back breaking work. Large men held whips and whipped anyone who quit doing their work. Fire danced around the outskirts of the entire place, making sure no one even touched the wall that surrounded the large ‘town’.

I turned around and the devil or Jason was leaning up against the door frame. He smiled “Welcome, to hell.”

Usually I was strong and fearless, but the sight of the men and woman almost brought me to my knees. I had never feared anyone or anything before, but the kingdom of fire and hate that lay before me truly scared the hell out of me.


“You will stay here in the castle, because your offences were light. The people out there that you see, they were murders and various other kinds of human monsters.” With that he turned and raised a hand, the floor then showed glowing arrows that went down the hall and turned a corner. “Fallow the arrows to your room, then you can make friends and explore the castle.” I turned back towards him only to find him gone. I did as he said and followed the arrows to a gorgeous room that was easily larger than my old house all together.

The bed was as perfect as the cloths in the walk in closet, everything to my style. After I changed into something clean, I walked down a long corridor and opened a large medieval door. I peeked in only to find a library so big that you almost couldn’t see to its end. A small girl around my age was sitting in a chair in the corner reading a small love story. I walked over to the nearest shelf and to my surprise found one of my favorites. I went and sat down next to the small red head and started reading.

“Hi my name is Allison, but you can call me Alli. You must be new.” I put down my book and smiled at Alli.

“Ya just came in today. My name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam, nice to meet you.” Alli seemed sweet; I wondered what brought her to be in hell.

Alli smiled and put her hand out "nice to meet ya too!" after shaking hands Alli looked around making sure no one was around. "So what brought you down here? I pulled a knife on my boyfriend after he tried to apologize to me for sleeping around, and a few days later I committed suicide. You do one little thing and god shuns you!"

Sam raised her eyebrows "I constantly got in fights and eventually I got expelled from school."

"Hmm... That doesn’t sound like enough to get you sent to hell. But maybe your soul mate is down here in hell! I met my soul mate down here, he's a demon named Darian." The look on Alli's face had enough love on it to make Sam wanna puke.

"I wonder what your job will be?" Alli wondered aloud, her mind deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" great first I get sent to hell, and now they expect me to do a job, just great!

"Well... my job is one of the many librarians! Did you have and talents or hobbies that might make you suited for a specific job?" she asked, excitement coursing through her veins.

A voice that could make ice cream melt in seconds came from the door "Yes she did, and her job is working the Draquine." Jason smiled "you start tomorrow"


Heading out to the stable where the Draquine lived, I hoped that I was up to the challenge of riding them. Alli had told me that they resembled a cross between a horse and dragon, but luckily there where only ten for me to work. As I entered the stable I headed for the first stall and was greeted with a snort. The mare was gorgeous, the horse parts of her were white while the dragon parts were a light blue. After saddling and mounting, I nudged her with my heel and we started warming up.

After working nine of the Draquine, I was tired and headed to the last stall. As I was about to open the stall door, a groom launched himself at me and slammed it shut. He was breathing heavily and had a panicked look on his face, my mine was that of annoyance, I just wanted to finish for the day.

"Don't work the stallion!" warned the unnamed groom "The only person that that beast lets touch him is Jason, and even he has a difficult time."

His words only sparked my interest more, and after shoving the groom out of the way, I slipped into the stallions stall. He was still out in his pasture grazing, I watched him, bridle in hand. Feeling my eyes, he raised his head. Taking a deep breath, I walked out towards him, always keeping my eyes locked on him and making my movements non-threatening.

I felt eyes watching me, from both the stable and the mansion. I was ten feet away from the magnificent stallion when a crouched down and clicked at him. His ears flicked back and then forward again, unsure of me. After waiting for a while, the stallion slowly stepped toward me. His steps where measured and slow, weary of the new comer in his pasture. He was only a few feet away when I reached my hand slowly out.

He reared letting out a bello, and galloped to the far side of his pasture, stopping and watching me. I sighed and went back to the mansion, done with my job for today. I knew I had to gain the stallions trust, so I decided I would repeat what I did today until he would finally let me touch him.


Nearly a week after working the nine Draquine mares and slowly gaining the trust of the stallion, I grabbed his halter and stepped into the stall. The grooms watched from the fence and Jason could be spotted up on his balcony, all wondering what whould happen. They did not know that for the past few days I had been sneaking out a night to feed and groom the stallion.

Red scales and a bloody bay coat shone out in the pasture, seemingly on fire from hells rays. A whistle excaped my lips and Denago lifted his head. After a few secionds, he slowly started to make his way towards me, stopping only a few feet away. I could feel eveyone holding their breath, eyes glued to me and the stallion. I slowly walked up to him and eased the halter on him, then grabbed the lead rope and led him to the barn, hooking him into the cross ties.

The grooms made no move toward Denago as I grabbed the brushes my self and worked on him. Once he was cleaned up, I saddled him up, now would come the real test. I brought him to the arena and put my foot in the sturrup, hopeing Denago would let me ride him. I threw my other leg over and sat down in the saddle, So far, so good!

Sorry guys, I have been really busy latly, I will try to upload more soon!


Texte: Cover is from google. Do not steal my book, it is all my making and not yours!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2011

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I dedicate this book to all my friends who are super!

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