

Author: Jasminko Kormo¨ – Buco
Translate: Marija Blagović

Slavonski brod 2002/2003.

The first written record on the Croatian Sheepdog dates from the 14th century.

Petar Horvat, the bishop of Djakovo, wrote in 1374 that Croats had brought a shepherd dog along on the move to their new land. He referred to the dog as CANIS PASTORALIS CROATICUS -- the Croatian Shepherd Dog. According to the note, the dog was about 3 palms (approximately 45 cm) tall, with medium-long curly coat and prick or semi-prick ears, and a very good guard of all domestic animals.

Bishop of Djakovo Petar Bakic also wrote about the Croatian Sheepdog in his 1719 manuscript "On the Life of the People and Raising of Stock in Djakovo and Its Surroundings Anno Domini 1719." He quoted the words written by Bishop Petar in 1374 and, providing his own description of the dog, stated that the Croatian Sheepdog had not changed since the previous record (from 1374 to 1719) and had kept the shape and exterior described by Bishop Petar in 1374.

Andrija Keckemeti, the manager of church estate, wrote about the Croatian Sheepdog in his Latin-language report "Report on the Raising of Stock in Djakovo Estate in 1737:" "As Petar, Bishop of Djakovo, wrote in 1374, during the resettlement the Croats brought the Croatian Sheepdog from their original homeland to Croatia and breeding has continued. The dog is about 3 palms (approximately 45 cm) tall, covered in a medium-long curly black coat, with short hair on the head. Eears are prick or semi-prick. The dog herds all types of cattle and is an excellent house guard."

Franjo Klein, the manager and surgeon of the Bishopric Estate in Djakovo, provided a rather detailed description of the dog in his 1742 record: "The Croatian Sheepdog stands about 3 palms tall. Coat is curly and black. Hair is short on the head and medium-long on the rest of the body. Muzzle is pointy and ears semi-prick or prick. The dog is very gifted and useful with all kinds of cattle."

Petar Lukic, dean of Djakovo and manager of the Bishopric Estate in Djakovo, in his report "On the State of Stock Raising on the Estate of the Djakovo Bishopric and Its Surroundings in 1752," wrote in Latin: "The Croatian Sheepdog is of a great importance for the raising of stock in the Djakovo area. The dog herds sheep, goats, pigs, cows, and horses. It is about 3 palms tall, black to gray-black in color, with a bushy tail. An occasional bobtail is found as well. The coat is medium-long, smooth to curly. Hair on the head up to the ears is short. The muzzle is pointy and the ears prick or semi-prick. The head is fox-shaped. It is also very good as a house dog. According to Bakic, our ancestors brought that dog from their original homeland when they moved to these regions. The dog has been bred throughout Croatia since the settlement and is the most numerous dog breed in Croatia."

A more recent written record on the Croatian Sheepdog dates from 1854. The author is Dr. Franjo Bertic, county veterinarian in Djakovo (also a physician). In his brochure "On the History of the Horse-Farm in Djakovo," he wrote that horses were herded by Croatian Sheepdogs, which made excellent house dogs as well. He described the dog as 40 to 50 cm tall, with a medium-long curly black coat. The head was covered by short hair and the ears prick or semi-prick. The muzzle he described as a bit pointy and the tail, if present in whelp, as somewhat bushy. Bertic wrote further that the characteristics of the dog were rather stable, as its shape had not changed in the previous century -- the dog had remained the same as Djakovo Bishop Petar Lukic had described it 100 years before. According to Bertic, all dogs in the villages of Djakovo County at the time, with the exception of reddish-yellowish hunting dogs with white patches on the head and feet, were Croatian sheepdogs.

More recent records rely on and quote the same source, or change the form but keep the description almost identical.


1. The Croatian Sheepdog was formed in the original homeland of the Croats and came to modern-day Croatia with the Croatian tribes.

This is a widely accepted thesis, as evident from the fact that almost all authors of records on the Croatian Sheepdog, both Croatians and foreigners, state that the Croatian Sheepdog came with the first Croatian tribes around the 7th century a.d. to what is now Croatia. Remember the manuscript of Bishop Petar in 1374, where he referred to the dog as CANIS PASTORALIS CROATICUS, or Croatian Sheepdog. According to the bishop, the Croats brought the dog along when they moved to the new homeland from the original one. As we know, not all Croatian tribes came to modern-day Croatia; some merged with other peoples or simply gradually disappeared. That probably explains the dogs that bear a striking resemblance to our Croatian Sheepdog. Among them is definitely Luks, the dog from the former Soviet Union (according to some authors), and the Hungarian Mudi, whose direct predecessor is the Croatian Sheepdog; some Northern and Central European dogs probably have Croatian Sheepdog blood as well, including the Swedish Spitz, Schipperke.
What Bishop Petar and his successor Bishop Petar Bakic relied on when they wrote about the Croatian Sheepdog in 1374 and 1719 remains unknown. Similar, if not the same, dogs may have been found in the possession of other peoples and further selection resulted in other breeds. All the more recent records lean on the manuscript from 1374. Whether the dog described was indeed the dog we know today we can only guess from the rather curt, albeit for the age relatively detailed description. The descriptions definitely match, but it is certainly interesting that the dog had not been described prior to Bishop Petar's writing in 1374 or between that time and 1719. What made Bishop Petar state that the Croats had brought the dogs with them? He gave no evidence. Old church books from before Bishop Petar should be studied for a more credible record. Interestingly enough, there are no records of the dog in other parts of Croatia. Unless more credible evidence of the dog coming to Croatia with the Croatian tribes from their original home is found soon, we should consider that the origin of the Croatian Sheepdog may have been different.

2. The Croatian Sheepdog was formed on the trail of the movement of the Croatian tribes from their original homeland to Croatia.

Crosses with other dogs of that time encountered on the long voyage of the Croatian tribes to what is now Croatia may have played a role in the forming of the Croatian Sheepdog. Traces of that could be the prick and semi-prick ear, the curly and straighter coat, the long and short tail, the taller and shorter stature, aggression and absence of it, coat colors, and so on.

3. The Croatian Sheepdog was formed in what is now Croatia before the Croats arrived.

There is no evidence that the Croatian tribes came to these parts and found people who raised cattle but did not have dogs. Such an arrangement was impossible at the time. Accordingly, when they arrived, the Croatian tribes found people who lived off livestock and had a certain type of dog they raised. The dog was perhaps the predecessor of our Croatian Sheepdog! Or perhaps the type of dog from which our dog was created? There are no records on the Croats' settlement in the region and bringing the dog along. The statement is made much later in history, about a 500-year gap. Whether the Croats brought the dog with them or found it here is uncertain. Definitely, however, the dog has not changed much from the first record to the present day.

4. The Croatian Sheepdog was formed from dogs similar to the contemporary Croatian Sheepdog, or the dogs the Croatian tribes found upon arrival and the dogs they brought with them.

The Croats may have brought their sheepdog along with the herds when they moved to the new homeland, and when they arrived, more or less uncontrolled crosses to dogs found in the region may have taken place. The result of the crosses was perhaps the prototype of what is now the Croatian Sheepdog. The resulting new type of dog was good-looking and had a good temperament and working abilities.


ORIGIN: Republic of Croatia


UTILIZATION: This breed possesses an excellent hereditary instinct for herding all kinds of livestock but could also be easily trained for all kinds of dog sports. Makes a very good watchdog and a loveable house pet.

CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 1. Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
Section 1. Sheepdogs
Without working trial

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Croatian Sheepdog is of a lower medium height. Its base color is black. Short hair on the head and legs characterize the breed.

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: It is a lithe, keen and modest shepherd’s dog, which can easily be trained.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The body length exceeds the height at the withers by approximately 10%, so the dog is of a somewhat elongated square shape.

Generally: The head is relatively light, lean and wedge shaped. The ratio between the muzzle and the skull is 9 : 11. The total length of the head is about 20 cm.
Skull: Slightly rounded skull tapering towards the nose. The eyebrow arches are not pronounced. The cheeks are rounded. The occiput can be distinct.
Stop: Slightly pronounced.
Nose: Always black and in line with the nose ridge.
Muzzle: Lean, nose ridge looking from the profile is straight and is a wedge-shaped extension of the skull. The lower jaw is well developed and forms a harmonious whole with the line of the nose ridge. The muzzle is neither pointed nor square.
Teeth: Well developed, a complete scissors bite. Level bite is acceptable but not desirable.
Lips: Dry, close fitting and supple. The visible lip pigment is black. Corner of the mouth is tight.
Eyes: Chestnut brown to black, medium in size, almond-shaped, they give a lively expression to the dog and are set horizontally. The rims of the eyelids are dark pigmented and tight, fitting close to the eyeballs.
Ears: Triangular in shape, medium-sized, erect or semi-erect, somewhat set to the side. Erect ears are more desirable. Ear cropping is not allowed.

NECK: Rises slightly above the back line. The upper and lower lines of the neck are straight. Moderately long, it is of medium strength, deep and well rounded, muscular. The skin is without dewlap and covered by a dense coat.

Withers: Not pronounced. The transition to the neck is gradual.
Back: Straight, short and muscular.
Loin: Short and firmly coupled.
Chest: Medium long, broad and deep enough. Ribs sprung, forechest slightly pronounced. The transition to the neck is in a straight line.
Belly: Slightly tucked-up. The loins are full and sturdy.
Croup: Medium long, slightly sloping down, muscular and fairly broad.

TAIL: Set medium high, with thick and long hairs, in repose hangs relaxed or is carried at back level. In attention it is carried above the back line. There are dogs born without or with a short tail, or the tail is docked so that in an adult male it is about 4 cm long.

FOREQUARTERS: The legs are straight, parallel looking from front and of medium length. Angulation of the front legs is more opened, the dog stands steeper. Shoulder blades are medium long and muscular, somewhat set steeper. The upper arm is relatively short. The forearm is long and muscular. Bones are lighter.
Pasterns dry, indistinct, short and not completely vertical. The feet are small, strong, semi-rabbit-like. The toes are well knitted, well and firmly cushioned. The nails are black or gray.
HINDQUARTERS: The hind legs are medium-angulated. From behind, the legs are parallel. The lower thigh is long and the hock is set lower. The upper thigh is of medium width, well muscled. The hocks are dry and distinct, well angulated.
Hind feet are the same as the front ones, small and sturdy though somewhat elongated. Dewclaws are removed.

GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Croatian Sheepdog moves in a brisk trot with moderately long steps.

TEXTURE: The length of hair on the back is between 7 and 14 cm. The foreface is always shorthaired. The ears are shorthaired on the outside and longhaired on the inside. The backside of the forelegs has longer hairs down to pastern and forms feathering. The hind legs have a pronounced feathering from the buttocks to the hocks. The coat is relatively soft, wavy to curly, but must not be woolly. The undercoat must be dense.
COLOR: The base color of the coat is black. A few white hairs can be tolerated. White markings on the head, body or tail are not permissible, but small white markings are permissible on the throat and the forechest. White markings on the toes or the legs are permissible but undesirable. White legs up to pasterns lower the dog’s marks on shows.

HEIGHT: The height at withers in males and females is 40 to 50 cm.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points must be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
1. Any other color of the nose than black,
2. Two or more first premolars (PM1) missing,
3. Over- or undershot jaws,
4. Yellow or albino eyes,
5. Drooping ears,
6. Coat completely woolly or too long,
7. Longer hair on foreface,
8. White markings on head, body or tail,
9. Height at the withers below or over the one in Standard.

NB: Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2009

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