
~ J' Kai~ The alarm goes off,I guess it's time to wake up I hit the button and turn of my morning song. It's the first day of my freshmen year in high school lets see how it goes._Gerad_ ok another year another school lets see how many girls I can get to fall for me here. -D'Lante- aite time to get ready for freshman year gotta mak sure nobody gone take my place as the finest boy in my class.

~J'Kai~ hop off the bus ready for a new day a new year and hopefully a fresh start in 2009._Gerad_ hop out my borther's ride and already got them girls looking! WOW who is that girl that just got off the bus? she is smokin' hot!~D'Lante~ dang! look at all these girls! why aint dey looking back at me? who is this kid that they checking out? oh well it dont matter as long as J'Kai not looking at him its all good.

New Relationship

J'Kai got to her first period early enough to see exactly who would be in her class. Soon as she sat on her desk and waited for people a tall handsome young caramel skin man with the body like no other. she realizes she is staring and he is just chucklingshe blushes and looks away.
Hey, I'm Gerad whats your name?
"I'm J--j--j--" blushes, "i'm J'Kai" and there at the door is my best friend De'Lante"
Gerad turns around and see's De'Lante. they just look at each other with cruel looks like they're already having a show down over who will rule this class.

the teacher walks in and we now realize the whole class has been staring at us so we sit down and start to pay attention. even though we don't really listen. De'lante keeps texting me and he is almost getting my phone taken.

3 weeks later

Ready For a New Thing
today De'Lante isn't here but it doesnt really bother me because i get to talk to Gerad mater of fact here he is now

hey G!screamed J'Kai
Hey Kai... i want to ask you something. said Gerad
ok spill
ok... I know that I've only known you for about 3 weeks but I have grown to like you and i wanted to know if you would like to be my girl?
"Of course i will!" J'Kai screamed with excitement "ehem i mean sure.. but how will i tell de'Lante?"
you dont have to
true i dont so i wont

the next second she got a txt from De'Lante he said he wont be here at this school anymore right then th eworld shades changed from green and blue and beautiful colors to a light yet dark shade of gray. Never thought this would hurt me like it did.

the test

It's been a few months since i last saw De'Lante. we finally going to see each other at his house. i just have to take his bus over there... hope Gerad dont get mad at this im about to tell him.

hey babe... whats up? Gerad said

nothing today after school im going to De'Lante's though

oh ok just dont be doing nothing that only we would do.
haha no worries ill see u later

ok later

... at De'lante's house

hey!! haven't seen you in forever! i screamed soon as i saw De'lante
haha yeah i know right well come on lets watch a movie

... after the movie is over

wow this movie was soo crazie! exclaimed De'Lante
haha thats the truth but what time is it?
its about... 5 o'clock
oh... i have time to kill, mater of fact its friday night! what else can we do?
hmmm lets listen to some music for a little bit
okay that's cool what song first?
how about bedrock?
haha sure call me mrs. flinstone i can make your bedrock!
hmmpph bet you cant! said De'lante
was that a challenge? i questioned
yeah it is.
aite time and place lets go!
haha ok.. right now... upstairs my room
oh okay! i yelled
go get ready you know what room is mine go ahead
okay no prob.

... in De'Lante's room

De'Lante you sure you still want to do this? i mean i dont know if you can hadle this

aww wats wrong kai? u afraid that u cant do it? De'lante said in a husky voice backing me into a wall. i look up kiss him intensily he picks me up and puts my legs around his waist, waiting for more but instead i just get off of him and try to walk to the door but i don't get very far De'Lante stops me pulls me and turns me around. he kisses my neck and the kisses send chills down my spine. im grinding on him getting slow moments of pleasure he puts his hands on my butt squeezing it. getting low moans from me he walks backwards to his bed, lays me down on top of him. then my phone rings and its Gerad's ringtone. we stop and calm our breathing De'Lante gets up and curses then i realize what i was doing. i make some excuse and leave. /i barely madde it out of there without being caught in my lie.

the truth

I told my friend Asillet what me and De'Lante did. She got so wide eyed and was like you need to tell Gerad what happened before the word gets out and he's even madder at you! i told her i was to afraid of what he would say, then she threatened to tell him if i didnt do it tonight... this is how it went.

... on the phone
to: Gerad <3
hey i have to tell you something that happened on friday

to: J'Kaiboo
ok spill whats up?

To: Gerad <3
on friday me and De'Lante almost did something... it wasn't on purpose it was because of a song... and he bet i couldnt do something i had to prove him wrong i just had to

to: J'Kaiboo

TO: Gerad <3
i didnt mean to it was an accident i wasn't susposed to happen.

To: J'Kaiboo
just stop jus dont talk to me dont talk to me right now.

Brinnnng brinnnng brinnnng
Gerad: hello?
Jkai: hey boo
Gerad: bye
Janice (gerads little sister:
janice: hey Kai! my brothers very mad at you i wish he would stop though
Jkai: Hey Janice can you tell him im so very sorry and i love him for me please?
Janice: sure no problem
Jkai: thanks your awesome
Janice: he said he loves you to but let him think for a little bit and he'll call you later ok?
Jkai: ok no problem
*hangs up*

Dear lord, please forgive me for i have sinned and lord please let him forgive me as well. you know i never meant to disobey your commands nor make him loose his trust n me but please let us work this out in jesus name AMEN

~the next day~
.after the football game.
Gerad! I screamed Gerad!
Yeah? he answered
can i talk to you without you being mad at me?
Sure, whatever
ok look im sorry it wasn't susposed to happen i just i just let my dare-devil-ness to get in the way of my brain and my heart. but i realized what i was doing and that it was wrong... can i atleast get points up because i came clean with what i did instead of letting you hear it through someone else
okay, I'll give you your points for telling me but im still kindah mad that you did that in the first place!
ok im sorry but you know how i get when someone dares me... i just cant back down!
ok... you're right im stil kind of shakey on my trust but you all good now but that boy de'Lante he got another thing comming if he ever try to step to you again its going to be me and him fist to fist no talking necessary!
haha ok Gerad just know that this begins our chapter Forever


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2011

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