
Lottery Won!


"It's so exciting!" exclaimed my mom.

"I had no idea that was the winning ticket," my dad said.

"I still can't believe it!" I gushed.

"Well, start now, we're rich honey," my mom smiled.

"When can I start telling everyone?" I was so eager to spread the news.

"How about....tomorrow?"

"Really?! That is mega-amazing!!" I cheerfullly replied.

Let's face it--my parents are the best! My dad enters the lottery every year and every year I tend to get...overexcited. So I'm mega-disappointed when we don't win. This year I didn't let my hopes get high, and so then we finally win. And it just happens to be this years lottery was the biggest one out of the decade, and there was more money involved!

"Oh and Kelsey?" 

"Yeah, dad?"

"The TV crew will be coming too."

"The...WHAT?!" I exclaim.

"Yes, the TV crew, they're going to ask us some questions and then the lottery people will give the money to us."

This was too much of an amazing day. First, we win the lottery. Next, I find out that I'm going to be on TV!!

"When!!" I say.

"In two days," dad replies.


"Sweetie...time for bed now--its 10:45," my mom coaxes.

i get ready for bed and think to myself,

My life will never be the same again.



It's a Saturday, so I decide to make a list of things to buy when we get our money tomorrow. 

1. iPhone5

2. Furniture for my room--preferably purple

3. A new house! I'm thinking...mansion!

4. A huge backyard to go with our mansion

5. An allowance--of $1,000 per week

6. Restaurant trips like, every day

7. A puppy; chihuahua or yorkie

8. Neon Blue MacBook Laptop

9. Camera--Lights, Camera, Kelsey!!

10. A maid, or two, or three...

11. My very own website: complete with photos of me and blogs too!

12. A facebook account

13. An Instagram

14. Crafting supplies...from duct tape to glitter!

15. A personal DJ...let's turn it higher a bit!!

16. A dance floor to go with the DJ.

17. A relaxing hot tub to calm down

18. my own bathroom!

19. A color and white is so old-fashioned.

20. A limo to go to school in

That's about all I can think of for now, but I've got a feeling I'll be updating this list very often.


Phone Calls

After finishing my list, which takes up aroun an hour or so, I decide to get started on the phone calls I have to make! Spreading the news will defiantely take a whie. I decide to start with my best friend Laila.

"Hey Lailah!" 

"Hi Kelsey!"

"Laila, guess what?" I say.

"What?" Lailah asks.

"Guess!!" I exclaim

"Uhmmm....ummm...I don't know! Please just tell me!" Laila pleas.

"Fine...I won the lottery!!" I finally tell her.

"Come on, don't joke around with me.." she says.

"I'm not kidding! I'm serious, we won the lottery!" I declared.

There's silence on the line for a while so I start to think she hung up.

"For realz?" Lailah asks.

"Yeah, for realz, why'd I lie to you?" I remark.

"I'm so happy for you! Who else knows?" she mentions casually.

"My family, and thats it; I'm going to call everyone else after but I thought you should know first." I smile.

"Aww that's so nice of you!" she exclaimed.

"I know," I modestly reply.

"Call the others; I have to go now," Lailah responded, and then hung up.

"Could've at least said bye," I mutter to myself.

But I decide that today is a happy day, and I'm not letting any phone call ruin my day. So I call Miranda and Payton. I can't wait to get a cell phone; land lines are so annoying since they take forever to dial. Miranda and Payton are having a sleepover at their houses, so I call Payton's house.

"Hi Payton; put the phone on speaker", I tell her getting straight to the point.

"Hey Kelsey!" greet Payton and Miranda at the same time.

"Okay so I have big news--I won the lottery..." I began.

"You what? Omygosh! Miranda she's kidding..No she's not" Payton and Miranda argued.

"Ahem! I'm not kidding! And btw this isn't a joke." I tell them, slightly smiling.

"Really! Share us some of that loot too!" they joked. 

I laughed along. All the other phone calls went pretty much the same way. I had the phone to myself though, because my mom and dad were planning to casually tell their friends the news. Which, I know would've been really hard for myself to do; if I were in their place. Who could hide such big news?


TV Time!

  I woke up and the very first thought I had was I'm going to be on Tv tonight.  I was so excited. But then I remembered that i had forgotten to tell Lailah! Then a thought struck me: I should surprise her when I go on TV! I couldn't believe I had to wait until night to go on TV. It was so traumatizing! Such a long wait....I glanced at the calendar and groaned. It was Sunday, meaning it was...homework day. Middle school is so unfair. I never do homework on Friday evenings. Why waste a perfectly good evening for homework? I sighed and sat down to start.

   Here I was, backstage of TV Time! , which is the most famous TV show in the country! I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to rise. I had waited for this moment for two entire days! Why was I suddenly so nervous? my mom sensed my nervousness, and so did my dad.

"Break a leg, kiddo," he cheerfully said.

"Just do your best honey," my mom smiled.

I took a deep breathe. This was it--the moment I had been waiting for...

I walked up on the stage. An interviewer was going to ask me some questions.

"This young lady, Kelsey Grenwind, is the daughter of the folks who won the lottery! Anything you plan to spend the money on?" she spoke aloud the the camera, and handed me to microphone.

I had totally not prepared for this. What was the best thing to do--tell them the truth, or be modest?

Be modest.

"I just want to bring world happiness," I flashed the camera one of my best Kelsey smiles.

The lady laughed and then gave it to the lottery owners.

There were two, one tall and skinny and the other short and chubby. The chubby one was carrying the money.

"And...the money goes to...Sarah and Joseph Grenwind!" the tall, and skinny man, Mr.Whites announced.

Then the chubby short man, Mr. Vevlor gave the money to my mom and dad. I just stood there, with my mouth open in awe, thinking The rich life rules!



   Like most schools, our school also has cliques. The highest group is the mega-popular who normal kids don't

even dream of being. They're the ultimate rulers of the school. Even the teachers get nervous around them.

They don't let people join their clique...and if you get in a fight with them, I wish you luck. They date seniors. Next there is the

popular.They are similar to the mega-popular, but one of their favorite hobbies are to let someone in, and then

kick them out! The teachers aren't nervous around them, though. But guys are. After that, is the sidekicks.

They're pretty much clones of the popular. My friends and I call them wannabes, which they are. They will do

anything a popular or mega-popular tells them to do. Sometimes the mega/popular mistreat them.

   Then, is the normal people, like me. I'm not popular or anything. I'm just a regular person, nothing exciting.

So are most of my friends. We're not extra special, or spolied or whatever. Also, there are the emo people. The

emo people are really emo, not fake or anything. they cut themselves, wear black head to toe, and have scars

everywhere. Whenever I look at them, I feel pain. Climbing down, there are the nerds and geeks who are

obsessed with books and study 24-7. Lastly, the losers which are loners. They have no friends or social life.

Nobody talks to them, not even teachers call on them. Glancing at them, makes me feel empathy for them.

Me + Money = Mega-popular?!?!

 When I came in to school on Monday, I was expecting another long, boring school day ahead of me. And I was right, for my classes. As I walked in the door of the lunchroom, a crowd of kids came up to me and started asking me questions. The weird thing was, all of these people were popular's sidekicks. The populars were just glaring at me, obviously jealouus. First, I answered the sidekicks questions.

Sidekick #!: Aren't you the girl on TV?

Me: Yes.

Sidekick #2: You won the lottery?!

Me: Um, yeah.

Sidekick #3: Can I have your autograph?

Me: Uh...okay....

Sidekick #4: I need lunch money. Can I borrow yours?

Me: Sure.

This went on for awhile and I did my best to answer them all, but then I had to sit down and eat, before the bell rang again. Out of nowhere, the mega-popular girl walked up to my table. By "the", I mean Jessica. I kept eating. I mean, it wasn't like she came to talk to me, right? Wrong.

"So, I heard you won the lottery." she said.

"Mhm," I replied, swallowing my food.

"Mmm...You're in. Meet us at 3:22 sharp after school at King's."she told me. With that, she walked away.

I looked like someone had just slapped me. Jessica Harson, THE Jessica Harson, had just told me I was officially a member of her clique; the mega-popular clique. And, she invited me to King's, only the coolest place to hang out after school.

"Did she just say what I think she said?" Lailah asked, already knowing the answer.

'Yup..." I stared into space dreamily.

"Wow," remarked Payton and Miranda.


   After lunch, some popular girls walked up to me and said,

"You! You're the girl who won the lottery."

"Yeah," I replied casually, half-expecting them to gush over it. but they didn't.

"Don't you think you can take our spot." they hissed.

"I never said--" I tried to defend my self.

"We don't care. All we're saying is that you better watch your step."


  I didn't think much of what the populars said. I was part of the mega-opulars and invited to King's. They were probably jealous anyways. Typical. At 3:22 exactly I was there, and so were they. Jessica walked in and we all followed her. 

  It was beautiful with lights and everything. Inside, was a dance floor (disco ball included) with a DJ and even a bar. I was surprised and a little nervous from the mega-populars, and the bar. But the dance floor looked gorgeous and was calling my name. I managed to stopped myself. 

"Who's she?" Delilah, a brunette member of the group said. 

"New member, I invited," Jessica responded coolly.

There was a moment of silence and staring since Jessica never invited anyone. In fact, the group was made up of some friends, nobody was ever invited. The members looked from Jessica to me and again. 

"Kelsey, the girl who won the lottery," Jessica informed them.

They nodded as if they understood, though Melissa still had a bit of a confused look on her face. Melissa is Jessica's best friend since forever. Jessica shares everything with Melissa and vice versa. But it seems like Jessica hadn't mentioned inviting me. The silence became way too awkward so i felt like I needed to say something.

"I love the place it's..."I started, searching for the right word.

"Spectacular," I finished. It was the only word I could think of.

"Thanks, I own it," Jessica replied.

The group and I were shocked. I was surprised--Jessica owned  this amazing place! The group was shocked cause Jessica said thanks. She's not really too appreciative, apparently. Jessica broke the silence.(she's good at doing that!)

"To celebrate Kelsey's joining, drinks for all--my treat!" Jessica exclaimed in a partyish mood.

A man came with a tray of several drinks. They were pink and fizzy. I had a bad feeeling about them, so I spoke up.

"Is this lemonade?" I asked.

Everyone laughed. Jessica giggled too and then gave the people a look to shut them up. That look worked like a charm. The group stopped laughing at once. I felt embarassed. I shouldn't have asked that question. Jessica was nice about it thought, apart from the giggling.

"It's not lemonade; it's White Zinfandel," she said, smiling.

"Oh." I dumbly responded. I had no idea what White Zinfandel was but I wasn't about to make a fool out of myself again. I decided to just drink it, how bad could it be?



White Zinfandel

 I took a sip, and then another. It wasn't too bad...and everybody else was drinking it too. I gulped the drink down and tried to smile. Jessica poured some more of that pink stuff. She was drinking alot. Then she gave me the bottle. I took it, unsure of what to do.

"Chug the bottle down," Jessica instructed. Uneasy, I looked around the room. Everyone was drinking and laughing. Would it really hurt to drink a bottle? I opened the cap, but then my eye caught on the label:

                                                       White Zinfandel Wine

                                            Do not use if younger than legal age of 18

What was I doing here? I had just drank a glass of wine and was now about to drink a whole bottle. I had to get myself out of this crazy place. An urge to drink more was coming. A little more won't hurt, I thought. So I chugged down the bottle. Immidietly I felt dizzy. My head pounded like drums. I could feel the wine comin up.

I woke up to see Jessica looking at me and dead silence. I looked at my clothes. Ohh $&!*

"You 'Kay?" Jessica asked.

"Umm yeah. I think so. Listen I'm sorry about..." I trailed off.

"Its okay. It happens when it's your first time." Jessica replied with a mischevious grin.

"Thanks. Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked, unsure of what the reply would be. Fortunately, she said yes and let me use the Mega-popular changing room, full of designer clothes that were just there. I walked in and picked a cute outfit. Then I hid my other clothes in my bookbag.

"Where are the others and how do I look? I asked Jessica.

"The others left after the accident and see for yourself," she said directing me to a mirror. I actually looked awesome but I was worried now about something else.

"What time is it?" I casually said.

"11:20". I tried to hide the panic on my face. It was 11:20!! My mom and dad were SO going to kill me. I was supposed to be home before dinner. 11:20, I'm embarassed to say, is WAY past my bedtime. What a day. Getting to be mega-popular, going to King's and drinking wine, and then throwing up! Oh yeah, and also getting some cute clothes...

"I'd better get going than. See ya tomorrow," I smiled.

"Latz," Jessica said and left.

I went home and rung the doorbell.


My parents were waiting at the front door when I walked in. They had the "you are in trouble, young lady" look on their face. I sat down on a couch. I obviously couldn't tell them that I had gone to some club and drank wine. I desperately searched my mind for an excuse. Homework club? No, they come back at 6:30. How about the Debate Team? Nope they're back at 7:55.

"Um...I was at a friends house. We had a project to work on for Mrs.Lanheys class. I totally forgot to call you and the project is due tomorrow. We crammed and finished it. Sorry I'm late."

"That isnt an excuse! You should have called us and 11:25 is not 'late'. It's extremely irresponsible of you to have done that." My dad scolded.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were?! You broke our trust! And tell me the truth, where exactly were you? We called all of your friends' houses." My mom yelled.

"It was a new friend..." my voice trailed of.

"Whatever it was, guess what? You're grounded. Go to your room. NOW." My mom screamed.

I stomped upstairs to my room. My parents are SO not the best. I took out the list from my desk drawer.I added 21.

 21. New parents

Annoying Calls

Lailah called in the morning. For some reason, I didn't feel like telling her what actually happened. So when she asked me how King's was, I said it was cool. Then she was said,

"Ohh I get it, you wanna tell me the details face-to-face. See ya at school then," and then she hung up on me. Truth was, I didn't want to tell her at school either. I wanted it to be a mega-popular thing. She wouldn't understand anyways. Right when I was leaving, Payton was calling.

It's probably nothing important I left it ringing. Miranda called and I picked up the phone, annoyed.

"What!" I frustratedly spoke.

"How was King's?" Miranda replied in a small voice.

"It was awesome. Really huge with a disco dance floor and a mega-popular changing room too," I gushed. Hey, I wanted to gush about it to someone. Just not the wine part, 'cause I have a feeling they wouldn't understand.

"Really? You're so lucky. I want to go there too." Miranda sighed.

"Yeah, well it's a mega-popular thing. If you were one of us, you'd be able to come too. Anyways, I've gotta go. I have places to go, things to do. Latz!" with that, I hung up the phone, satisfied of myself.

Who needs non-popular friends?

As usual, classes were boring. Homework, blah, assignment, yawn...but I saw Lailah jotting notes in all that boredom. Were my friends really that bo-ring? I hadn't thought about it before. When I looked over at Jessica, she was texting. Something I wanted to do but I couldn't yet, since my iPhone5 was still somewhere in the mail. I guess I'd have to wait until I would finally get it. SIgh.

At lunch, I took my tray and went ahead to sit at the mega-popular table. Jessica HAD said I was in... so that meant I was a mega-popular, right? Why was I doubting myself? I put my tray down. Melissa stared at me wth hawk like eyes. I smiled a Kelsey smile back.

"Hey Jessica!" I greeted her when she came.

"Hi Kelsey," she smiled at me. Next, she gave the group some makeup to put on after school at King's, since some special guests were coming. I wonder who those would be. But the thing is, I don't wear makeup. My parents say I should have my natural look and that I have plenty of inner beauty.

Then they started gossipping about some wannabees, but they call them desperates. I listened and commented on some things. But mostly I was hearing Miranda, Payton, and Lailah talking about me.

 "She didn't even pick up the phone!" Payton exclaimed.

"Maybe she had already left," Lailah, the peacemaker, suggested.

"Kelsey told me the details. But then, when I said that I wanted to be there too, she said it's a mega-popular thing. Then she said that she's got places to go and things to do. Latz! I can't believe she was so rude to me!" Miranda said, catching her breath. She's a fast talker. I was never rude to anyone though.

"That's not like Kelsey at all. Maybe we should see if everything is OK." Ms.Peacemaker calmly voiced.

"Latz?! Since when does Kelsey say latz? Something is definately up. I say we should check it out." Payton agreed with Lailah.

My friends are so pushy. Why do they have to be all in my business? It's not their problem. They should just leave me alone. Right then and there, I decided I didn't want Payton, Lailah or Miranda as friends. They were too nosy! I mentally added 22 to my list of new things I need.

22. New friends.

Special Guests

I applied the makeup in front of Jessica, so she could direct me how to put it on. I have to say, I looked amazing. Next I painted my nails purple. But I still had one question...

"Jessica, who are the 'special guests'?" I asked.

"Youll have to wait and find out." Jessica mysteriously said with a wink. I made a mental note to myself that Jessica likes giving surprises.

Twenty minutes later, all the mega-populars had gathered together. Each one was wearing a cute dress. I was wearing a sapphire blue dress with some faux blue jewels strung in a necklace. My earrings were blue dangly ones. I wore red heels. It was hard to walk in them though but it was OK.

"Kay so as all of you know, we're having some special guests over today, and here they are," Jessica announced, motioning towards the door. The door burst open, and the senior boys came in. They wore suits and they looked really handsome. The mega-popular girls started approaching some of them.

"Now, let's let the guys decide." Jessica said with a laugh. As soon as she said this, a tall tan senior came to her. She gave him a smile and they went off to the dance floor. Jessica hadn't said anything about dancing, so now I was worried. I had no idea how to dance! And on top of that,a guy was approaching me.

I tried to hide in the crowd, but he had already seen me. He held out his hand, and I just couldn't say no. He was a blonde, wearing some sephia glasses hiding his eyes. He wore a golden leather coat. Immidietly I liked him. He was mysterious yet comforting.

"Whats your name? I'm Stephone." he gently spoke.

"Kelsey." I said, trying to hide what I was feeling.

"Well, Kelsey wanna go for a dance?" he asked. Immidietly I said yes with a giggle. He swept me off to the dance floor. And just my luck, the slowest song was coming right now. What had I gotten myself into? I didn't even know how to dance, yet I was developing a crush over some hunky senior. He started to dance and I followed his lead. It wasn't too hard, I just had to be calm and avoid stepping on his feet.

"What do you enjoy doing?" Stephone asked.

"I like art, and music. What about you?" I casually said.

"I'm a football player. He said. I wished I was a cheerleader so badly that minute.

" do I look?" I said, feeling more confident.

"Hot. And me?" I was surprised by his answer. But, since he said what he felt, so would I.

"Handsome." I spoke. He smiled at my answer and twirled me around. For a moment, our eyes locked each others.

The night passed that way. Us two just talking about any subject in the world. Our interests,dislikes, cultures,anything. I found out a lot about him. He likes burgers. His birthday is August 16th and he loves puppies. So sweet.

"Hey wanna meet up at Les des Cafe, my treat. How 'bout next Saturday?" he said with a wink.

"Of course. pick me up at 7:00. Call me." With that, I gave him my phone number. I had recieved my cell yesterday.

Kay goodbye. See ya then." Then he left. I looked at the time. 1:44. So dead. I was already grounded. What more could they do?


My life sucks. I'm now suspended. From everything--my phone, my friends, and my allowance. Goodbye $1,000. When i came late last night, my parents gave me a loong lecture on privledges.And how they were cut off until I could learn to be responsible. I shouldn't take things for granted...yadadyadayda...i need to learn how to "manage my time"...more blah... And, there's going to be a teacher that will see that I will come home right after school. They shouldn't be explaining it to me, but to Jessica and the other mega-populars. How am I supposed to go to King's after school when I'm suspended?

As soon as I walked into math class, I realized we had a test. I had no idea whatsoever what it was on, since I hadn't really been paying attention in class. The past few weeks had been so hectic, I had barely focused on school. I just went to school, then Kings, then home, and then bed. Our math teacher, Mrs. McGrory, gives tests every week to "measure our academic growth". And quizzes/tests were a whole 60% of our grade! I took a deep breath and began. 

I guess Jessica noticed I was unusually quiet, so she asked me what happened. I told her I was suspended because of coming home late at night. She laughed. 

"I'll try not to hst parties so late. 


Lektorat: Jasmine Redolence
Übersetzung: Jasmine Redolence
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2013

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I dedicate this to all who LOVE money.

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