

and... why? Why are they diong this? I thought to myself. Why are they being so mean? Every one else treats me like a nice person, so why arn't they? I continued to ask the same question in my head, makeing a verity of answers. The next thing I knew, I was landing on something hard, concrete? And mother was yelling "NEVADA! NEVADA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She took off my blind fold. I look up and saw tears in her eyes. " Mommy the strange men in the blue car took me and tied me up." I told her. scared not only that they might of killed me, but have done some thing much wrose. I never forgot that day.

This is when I get mad, parinoid if you want to call it that. As I got older I relieze why men do that. I was 6 or 7 and I was at school, my teacher said "Never talk to a stranger. They do means things to you, they also do dirty tricks, like, If you get in the van you can have candy. And the next thing you know, you are trapped." The works struck me, as if she took a ruller or some thing and slaped me. " I was trapped once." With out even bothering to raise me hand. "What was it like? Where you scared? please do tell us." So I told them, about the men in the blue car, how they took me with out even giving me candy, how I was tied up.
Every one left me alone after that

My mom is babbling about nonsece, YADA YADA YADA. " Can you just shut-up?" Oh Shit! "Sorry." "No, no it is ok." We sit there in a moment of peace, not saying a word until soem one nocks on the door, but no one ever nocks on doors here they just come in. So who could it be...



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2011

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to my mom for the suport

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