
Love of Three

Now I really do understand
When I removed the bandage
From over my eyes
You told me that you were only her friend
And your love doesn't correspond to her but to me
I said it was sad
I heard there was something else
I want you to remove this dangerous idea
I know you go out with her and me
Better not lie to me
You have a double life
You see her in secret
Do not lie
Say she is your girl friend
And that you are a bisexual
But you wont ever admit it
It is another of your lies
You have no heart
Love of three
Is a bad relationship
Neither she nor I will not forgive you
Love of three is not safe for the heart
Get out of here alone
Better alone than by your side
You have to watch out for bad language
They will only fill your head with bad things
I know it was not her fault
She fell into your lies just like me
If you thought of going out with me
And another woman
You probably thought that
Your pleasure would be complete
Your heart inclines on wrong
You can't have me and her
Don't worry I forgive you
Because the way you came
Into my life you are going back out
Simple as that

Sunset's Rescue

I know you’re hurting right now
But don’t worry I'll be your rescuer
I can love you like no one can
Just take my hand lets fly away
I promise I’ll be there everyday
Just close your eyes and come to me
I'm going to love you until I die
Until the day of my death till my very last breath
I’m going to love you when no ones left
You can call it your Sunset's Rescue

Forget about your ex
He don’t know what love is
He just failed the test
Plus he don’t treat you right
He keeps you crying all night
See he's like your weakness
I came to give you the strength
So you can leave him behind
You can start all over again
Just turn to the page of new beginnings
Because he don’t understand
That your one of a kind
So sweet so Fine
And just so fine
I'm going to never neglect you
Never have time to stress you
And always respect you
You’re like a hidden treasure
That I will always love to find

I'm the type of guy
That will wipe those tears
When they fall from your eyes
I'm the warm one you hold
When your nights is cold
The one that stays near
To fight away your fears
You’re never be scared
It's the end of your ex
No more unpleasant
And horrible memories
No more beatings
Or pulling on your hair
See I came to save
The true beautiful you
A man like that shouldn’t
Stand with you
And I don’t understand
Why did you take that life
Look at yourself?
You’re beautiful inside and out
Let me pick you off from oppression
Because I can be your rescue
I guarantee you baby
I’m all that you need
See you can choose your life again
All you got to do is come to me
And I will be your rescuer
For the rest of my life
Till no ones left
I’m going to love you

U.S Marines’ Lament

If you love me
You have to let me know
And if you don't
You better tell me so
Because I could let you go
Let you be free
And if it's meant to be
You'll come back to me
Let me tell you how I feel
This is not a love poem
I’m just trying to keep it real
You use to be my lover
You use to be my friend
I always use to tell you
I'm going to love you
Until the end

In some way things went wrong
We started to argue
And we couldn't get along
I tried to make it good
But it seemed so bad
I tried to make you happy
But you seemed so mad
I’m not only your man
But your baby's dad
If you don't love me no more
Then let me know
Because I’m hurting inside
But I won't let it show
If my heart had eyes
It would probably cry
From all the pain inside.

Why don’t you come here?
Into my arms pretty mama
Wipe those tears from your eyes
You don't have to ask why
Let's just kiss and say good-bye
I don't want to let you go
I know I’m the one to blame
For all the time I am away over seas
I put you through separation

Before you go please understand
I am completing with protocol
I’m a U.S Marin Officer
I have to complete my duty
I never took the time
Just to make you smile
You gave me your heart
And I just crushed it baby
You gave me your world
And I just ruin it completely
And I’m sorry for that
You can call it
U.S Marines’ Lament
If you leave me now
Would you want me back?
Or once you’re gone then
I guess you will move on
But I’ll leave you in my heart
Because it's where you’ll always belong

Innocent Love

Some thing tells me that you lie
I feel the lie when you tell me
That you love me and miss me
Do you really feel my love?
Sometimes I want to cry
Other times I want to scream
To think that you made me into a man
You’re the first that I ever loved and the last
You’re the one that stays in my mind
Like tattoos on skin is the image in my heart
You were the one I truly wanted
My only desire was to make you happy
In my arms and under the moon
You took my innocence and my light
I sometimes think that if you took
Our relationship seriously and with no lies
Symbolically you took my virginity away
In the way that I no longer feel what I felt
When I first laid eyes on you in the ninth grade
The skips of heart beats when I talked to you
The nervous chill when we looked at each other
I doubt that you were a virgin and lets not
Touch that subject because you were far from it
Your kind is never rare a player is what you’re called

I’m 20 years old single with a lot of company
My heart is recovering slowly
Only another love will do the finishing touch
They say that men do not cry
Men are dogs and we play with love
They never say when woman hurt the heart
What’s the point being muscular and romantic?
If the heart will be damaged from lies
I gained wait in seven months not because of you
I think that a girl should love a guy just how he is
Love his kindness, romance, sarcasm, and poetry
A blow of betrayal is the deepest wound for men
I learned the hard way that innocence will always lose
You started the heat in my body
With you is when I learned about dating
And the flaws of love
Here and now no one will ever play me
I don’t wish you harm
Because I love you like the world does
But what comes around goes around
It is as simple as that

A True War Letter

I know you that you tell me not go to war
I know that I'm always over seas
I know what you're thinking
I'm messing with these hoes
But I don’t have time for nasty games
The only time that I have is to stay alive
Survive the war to get back in your arms
The truth about it baby
I’m just trying to finish my service
So we can have a better life
In the end is going to be alright
If we can make it through the struggles
We can make it through this war
You have to keep your head up
And listen when I say listen
That it will be all over soon
Because I need you to stay
I need you to believe and put your trust in me
Forget about the war just wait with me
I don't want you to be sad
So hold me tight and don't let go

Don’t be scared I am not going to die
For the rest of my service in the armed forces
I’ll be dodging ambushes just for you
Just listen to this letter its dedicated to you
For everything you've done
And for everyday I keep you awake
You don’t sleep in day time just to talk to me
At night I keep you awake because you know
At home its night but here overseas where I am is war
So we have to survive

I give you all the credit
Because baby you keep me alive
So listen when I say Please don’t be sad
Because I need you to stay and look after our son
Every night I pray
I'm hoping for the better days
Praying that you'll never be sad
In reality I am a great U.S Marin just to stay alive
And return soon back in your arms
Baby don't you leave happiness for sadness
Just give me some time so I can make it right

You were there for me baby
When I thought I was alone in this devilish world
I found you solid, alive, Beautiful just for me
Before I made a name in the U.S Marines
For that reason my love will never change
No matter the war no matter the perfect record
The way I feel about you will remain the same
I’m doing my best to return to you
In a short period of time we will be reunited
Like you always wanted it to be and I agree
Do you want to know a secret?
I trust you and I will tell you my deepest secret
Before I met you my heart use to be
Hard, cold, and shut to everyone
Killing was just another hobby
In a world controlled by the Devil that’s all I learned
Now I hate war and everyone in it
I hate sand in my boots. I hate fighting ghost
I hate the sand storms because after it’s over
The ghosts come and start shooting and bombing
I hate not knowing who our enemy is
I hate the desert and the oil beneath it
I hate the nightmares. All the dead come back to life
Lastly I hate leaving without my friends, my brothers
Because I known them all my life
I hate leaving them because they are dead
This is my deepest war secret
Now I fully understand why God Jehovah
Needs to govern all humanity to restore true peace
And put a end to Satan’s rule that brings only war
I understand a True Christian does not go to war
True Christians do not belong in this world
Because a True Christian waits for Jehovah’s sovereignty
To be restored and that will happen very soon
I just have to wait until my service is over
I have to wait just like you are waiting for me
But baby my soul returned back to me after I met you
Now I can cry, feel happiness, and love again
No more nightmares and no more dead coming back
Now when I dream I get kisses and hugs from you baby

This is A True War Letter
This letter is not patriotic, it shows war’s horrors
And my love to you baby
Now you know every U.S Marin’s deepest war secret
See how much you are important to me
You are everything that I need
I owe you my live and love because I am a human again
Just take my hand and follow my lead
I put that on my life you’re all that I need

Men Also Cry

No one knows what it's like
To be the sad man
To have on sad eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to feel treason
To be faded to telling only lies
But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscious seems to be
I have hours only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
To be mistreated
To be defeated
No one knows how to say
That they're sorry
And don't worry
I'm not telling lies
I'm convinced that you hate me
You like to see me cry
It’s already a proven fact
That you wait
And you wait on me to die
It's all a scary fact
I find it hard to confide
You want to be away from me

I want to know
The reason for the infidelity
I'm convinced of your unfaithfulness
So I'll wait on you tonight
Please take this time
For me to be unforgiving

I gave my life to you
I lay my life on the line for you
And this is how i received my pay
In disloyalty, double cross, falseness,
In falsity, perfidy, sellout, treachery
When Emily grows up
And asks for her mother
Or says how was mom like?
I'll simply reply to her
With these heart broken words
She is abandonment, ease, lightheartedness,
Naturalness, spontaneity, unrestraint
But Emily please forgive your mother
Once again
I promise it will only make you stronger and wiser
Something that your mother never was and never will

Real Love

Baby remember what I said
Before we got married?
Let me rewind it when I first saw you . . .

Hey girl don't you know
Money buys almost anything
But it can’t buy real love.
I see you everyday but you never look at me
You're always looking good but you look unhappy
Tell me why you choose to live like this
If you were mine I'd never make you feel like this
You need a man not someone that's going to hurt you
You need to let him go he doesn't deserve you
And when i say I'll make you happy it's true
Or you could stay with your man
And get your heart broken too

I could have a million dollars but it won’t mean a thing
Now I'm not rich but I'll tell you one thing
I could give you more happiness then money can bring
I want to be your only one
And you could be mine too
Because baby I'm going crazy
When I think about you
I get excited when I see you come through
Nobody else made me feel the way that you do
I need a woman not a girl
I see you smile when I talk like that
It seems like it's been a while since you smiled like that
Sit down one-on-one
And let you know what's on my mind
I know a good thing when i see it
And I see it in you

So tell me what I have to do to make you feel the same too
Because I'm a king what I need is a queen
I could have a million dollars
But it won't mean a thing
Now I am not rich; but i can tell you one thing
I can give you more happiness
Then money can bring and that's real
That's all I've have to give my heart and soul to you
Only way I want to live sharing each moment with you
Take it fast take it slow girl you know it's real this time
Don't let true love pass you by baby

Effortless Love

Please take the time to listen
When I saw you everything changed from
Black and white to color everything became
It was so effortless to love you
Something that I did not imagine
Was to give my love with a single glance
Everything shook within me
The universe wrote that you were for me
And it was so simple to love you
Something I couldn’t imagine was getting
Lost in your love and it simply happened

As a result you can say now I am all yours
Before time passes even further
I must say that you are the love of my life
You are everything what
My empty soul was waiting for
I want to feel what in dreams I was looking for
And I discovered your soul that ignites
Each part of my soul
Each space of my being
No longer will I have heart nor eyes for anybody
I understand that at your side I will always belong


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.01.2010

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