

She is a merciful angel
Holding out her hands
Unto her bosom
Nestled in the warmth
Kept from the society world
And its harm

The music at a distance
Plays its enchantment.
I feel lost
And a moments bliss,
Can seem eternal
Yet I have already
Walked through broken shards

I have found strength from deep within
That little boy I saved
Saved my life.
And I am grateful
Though hurt,
Through all my lessons.
I have existed this far
And I shall go further,
Even if I have to crawl,
I will reach my final hour-
Yet today is not the day.

Everything serves
As a platter of purpose
To only get to the next level.
I alone have walked this road
Seeing and listening to the twisted lies
Of comfort and disguise
Not to have compassion exude
To help in the healing or the ease
Of a fragile body in need
Yet the years have created
A bliss with temporary relief
Because of trust torn from an angel
As its wings and face carved
With pummeled hands and angry hearts
A man that slowly killed a flower
Tore its life petal by petal and year after year-
She withered.
The man a devil in the home,
Yet amongst his friends showing smiles
All the while conquering woman
In secrecy, In the silence of night
While neglecting family and responsibility
Each son and daughter with their story
And in seeing the distance one sees the truth.

Yet I must live as time to me
Is my angel providing compassion
To heal my wounds that have hardened like cement
Under my skin and still I have lived moving forward
To share in bringing a smile to my beloved flower
my mother, the great wrestler of challenges
I have no regrets , thus far.
Time… so merciful unto each a lesson learned,
And step by step of strength within
To be able to express love and compassion,
To change the negative into something beautiful…

Time, she is so merciful.

“Merciful Time” ©


Texte: Dedicated to all the women, and the mothers who are dealing in the survival of domestic abuse... much peace and love on the awakening journey.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2011

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