
Doll without arms,
body bruised, pummeled
By hands who only knew how to
hurt and cause pain.
When at one time a beautiful woman
with a siren body.
Black hair that cascaded past her shoulders.
Hypnotizing woman,
skin of an indigenous humility,
with a passionate heart and a strong spirit.
Unto the moment without comparison to none,
for each woman unto their own beauty
singular unlike the rest.
You have strength,
that God has sent you.
Exit out of the Cage.
Rise and follow your path.
The time is now.
Life is one,
you deserve to feel the wind
upon your brow, that with the sun
your arms that once
were strong branches may sprout again.
Today is the time
To let the body and spirit bloom
how many children did you raise love and care for?
May God have you under his wings
That you may see the flowers of your soul.
Beautiful woman little by little,
and step by step I can see the light in your eyes
that will become flames. (C)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.11.2011

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