
The first chance I had I jumped from the bed and found my clothes scatterd all over the floor. I pulled on my underwear which were kinda ripped then my pants then my bra and tank top. I then heard the shower turn off i ran to a coner and looked up to see a little bit of a blood puddle on the bed. He took my virginity, forcibly. He came out with his blonde shaggy hair wet and his bright blue eyes had nothing but happiness and excitement in them like a little boys. He had a crocked smile on his face that would have made girls melt right into him, he walked over to me that's when i closed my eyes and started crying.
"Why are you crying didnt you have fun?" i kept crying.
"Come on let me see those beautiful blue eyes there very unusal."
I just kept my head down, he got a hand full of my hair and pulled my head back. I cried out in pain he just laughed, i looked away.
"Dont you look away from me." He pulled me up by my hair i cried harder.
"let go." I shouted. "leave me alone havent you done enough?"
"not really?" He chuckled and let go.
"I pretty much gave you the special treatment even though you fought harder then the other girls but it was worth it, i didnt even hit you like i hit them." He went on, I just cried more.
"you can leave if you want." i got off the floor and took off for the door but before i could get there he grabbed me by my arm.
"you can not tell anyone not ever got it? or this will happen again and again untill i feel bad for you." I shock my head yes.
Then he kissed me it took all of me not to smack him in the face. He opened the door and I walked out and started walking I cried all the way home. When i got to my house i went threw my window it was early for my mom to be up. i left my window open and slid down the wall and cried and cried. i stood and went to the bathroom i took a shower and brushed my teeth.i looked at myself in the mirror. i looked at myself i saw a normal girl that looked like she had it all. Loved but not popular many friends and like by everyone, known as the pretty girl and the little sister of Gable.
"Kaitlynn?" I heard threw the door.
"Yeah?" I called out.
"Theres breakfest on the table i have to go to work, I'll be back for lunch." My mom yelled as she walked down the staircase to the front door.
I looked at my phone I had been in here for and hour, I walked out when I heard the front door shut and fell on my bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. I woke up to my mom sitting on my bed smoothing my hair. i opened my eyes she was smiling down on me.
"Are you ok sweetie?"
"I'm fine, why would you ask that?" I shot up.
"Calm down honey i was just checking, You didnt eat and you have been crying since I left this moring and you have been sleeping for some time now." She explained
"Oh i was just up late last night, on the phone. You know me." I gave a fake half smile.
"I'm afraid i do, your ganna have to stop that schools coming up. I want you to come eat though ok?"
"Alright." I got up and walked down stairs with my mom.
I ate what she put on my plate then i got up and sat in the Living room. i watched a couple of the 16 and pregnants then now im watching spongebob. I hear my brother Gable walk in, I also hear that horrible voice, Stefan's.
"Hey Kaitlynn."
"What are you doing?" Gable ask.
"whats it look like?"
"Like your crying to spongebob." i lifted my hand to my face, shit i was crying.
"Yeah it was really sad okay? Have you ever watched spongebob his laugh boxs is messing up thats horrible." I said trying to act hurt.
"Your so weird." He laughed
"Proud to be." I was not going to let stefan get the best of me.
"Are you going to Lacy's go back to school party?" i looked up at him and then stefan who was staring at me i stared back and said.

"of course, wouldnt mess it." i gave a laugh.

"do you want to ride with us?"

"awe big brother wants to take his little sister to a party thats so cute." i gushed.

"yeah whatever do you want to or not?"

"why not." i got up and walked up stairs to let the guys have the t.v. i walked into the bathroom. looked in the mirror.

"i will not be like those other girls, i will get on with my life. i will no longer cry or feel sorry for myself i will go to this party looking hot." i told myself over and over. the more i said it the more i belived it. i jumped in the shower again, shaved, deodernt, black ripped up short shorts a white attack attack shirt. my puffy scene hair, eyeliner, mascara, black eyeshadow, and clear lip gloss. done i looked at myself made a kissy face. smiled and put my tattooed purfume on. i walked out and a pulled on my black and baby blue dc's. done i ran down stairs. the boys were done and looking and smelling good.

"mmm you guys smell good."

"so do you." smiles gable. stefan just stares at me up and down. i smile.

"come on."

"yeah." we all get in the car i was silent in the car, untill i leaned forward and pushed my sceamo cd in. i started to play stick stickly by attack attack. i start dancing in the back. gables doing the drum beats on the stearing wheel. stefans just staring at us. i look at him every now and then. but he has this look that would make must of the girls in our school faint but i was in pure disgust. we finally pulled in. there were people in the front yard. head banging and ass shaking and just plain slutty dance moves. i do them every now and then. and to night i think is going to be a now and then. i jumped out of the car. kali ran to me from her boyfriends lap.



"im glad you came this party could never be better now. lets go get some drinks!"

"hell ya!"

we ran to the house there was lots of people there... even the nerds. i got to the kitchen and i took a couple shots with some guys. gable wasnt happy with that i just slapped him on the back and said "loosen up its a party!" he just said. "im okay i have to drive you and ladies man home."

i walked in and out of rooms. my mouth dropped when i saw kali with her ass all over stefan. then i busted out laughing when i saw her boyfriend staring. i laughed harder he was pissed. then he came over and ask me to dance. i should have said no because he was trying to make kali mad. But who gives a damn? she was dance with some other dude. we got really close to them. stefan was staring but kali had her eyes closed... who dances with their eyes closed? dayne stood infront of me i moved my body around. his hands were on my hips my were around his neck. almost like slow dancing but it was a strong beat. my hips moved around him. then he ended up behind me and i moved my hips from side to side over the front of his pants. he had his face nissled into my neck. i looked over and kali and stefan were staring now. they both had the same exspretion. pissed and ready to fight. then when the dance ended. i kissed dayne and walked back to the kitchen. i was standing with most of the jocks when stefan came over.

"katlynn can i talk to you."

"well im not katlynn at the moment so your not going to get a straight answer from me."

"just come here."



"look man if she dont want to go she dont got to go." said a jock i think his name is gus. i dont remember. hahaha

"look man you dont want to go down this road."


"dont." i pushed gus against the counter and got so close to him. i think he thought i was going to kiss him. haha. me and stefan walked to gables car i leaned up against it and looked him dead in the eye.

"what? you got me over here?"

"what was that shit with dayne and meat head?"

"thats me! why the fuck do you care?! what do you think you have a huge clame over me now? am i only yours? what am i not ever going to be married to someone else? have kids? what do you want from me?"

"yes i own your ass! and you want kids do you?"

"leave me the fuck alone you got what you wanted didnt you god leave me alone." i may have been drinking but i know what im talking about. i moved past him towards the house. he grabbed my arm. i yanked at my hand.

"get the fuck off."

"bitch i own you, so watch yourself."

"whatever im bring a guy home tonight how do like them apples." i yanked still nothing.

"no your not, your really testing me katlynn."

"leave me alone." he pulled me to him. bent down and wispered in my ear.

"no your mine and will always be mine, dont test me much more or we will have a replay of last night i promise that." i shoved him away. i stared at him. he was so twisted and rude. my heart was pounding so hard. i was starting to feel the tears coming.

"come on we got to get out of here." yells gable.

we have no question about it we just jump in the car and drive home. i had my head against the window. stefan sat in the back with me. his hand was on my thigh.

"hey man you dont care if i date your sister do you?" i shot straight up. his grip on my thigh tightend. now i know why its there.


"your sister and me?"

"um... that will be a little akward dude."

"it alrighty is." i mumble. it tightends. i try to pry it from my leg no luck. i just sat back and listend.

"yeah i know but i like her."

"dude i dont want you toying around with my sisters feelings, like you do with all those other girls."

"i wont dude im serious i like her." he looked at me with a wink. i rolled my eyes and looked out the window. dear god, help me please.

"man...." i took him a while." i guess but she comes home and tells me one thing and your dead im serious." he was you could tell by his voice.

"you got it man."

we were all silent all the way home.when we got home i went up stairs stefan went in the kitchen. i could hear him telling our mother about us. i got the chills just thinking about us. i need to stand in the mirror again. i walked in my room got my pjs out of the drawer. i took a shower got all the make-up off. The hair was normal and falt. damp. i looked in the mirror.

"i will go with his game. but will do my best to stay strong. he has no power over me. he has no power over me." i repeated that over and over. i felt a little better tell i opened the door. he was laying back on my bed. shirtless and black and white palided pajama bottems. i walked over to the computer got on facebook. there were comments about the party. kali was mad she will be over it tomarrow. i looked over at my ex boyfriend. chad. he was dating my cousin now he's trying to get back with me he's been texting me non-stop. speaking of. my phone was vibrating and it was on my nightstand table. next to stefan. he reached for it.

"who is chad?"

"chad lingard?"


i walked to the bathroom got a tylonal from the med cabnit. drunk a glass of water. then went back to the room i didnt even care that he was there. i got under my purple comforter and looked at him. he looked down at me.


"why are you doing this?"

"doing what?"

"making my life hell."

"trust me you havent seen hell yet."

"am i?"




"your not going to tell me are you?"

"no." he kissed my lips. i jerked away so fast it hurt my head.


"what was that?"

"me kissing you."

"well dont."

"well your my girlfriend."

"no im not." i was starting to get really small in here. even though i had a huge room. he was out of the bed. in front of me. He had my face in his hands. he crushed his lips to mine. i fought. one hand was riding up the back of my shirt the other was keeping my face to his. soon after my shirt was on the floor.

"you know it will go by less painful and forceful if you just participate."

then he raped me. then he finily left i heard him go down the stairs. i gatherd my clothes from the floor. i was silently crying. i ran a bath and sat in it for what seemed like hours. i scrubbed and scrubbed untill my skin was bright red. i still felt dirty. is there a way to take it all way? the pain? just to be a happy girl again. look at me! this is two nights in a row! i was a beautiful virgan, a smart cheerleader/track star. i was great untill he came. why did gab have to become friends with him?! non of this would have happend if they werent friends! i was so mad! i took a razer and cut the my wrist. almost like my poem yesterday cut,bleed and better. i put my wrist in the water. it felt like all my mistakes and sins washed out into the water. i got out, cleaned the cut up. pulled on some new clothes some girls boxers and a tank top. i climbed into bed and fell asleep.......

i shot up in bed. no stefan my clothes are there. just a bad dream. i looked at the clock 6:58. i walked down stairs. into the kitchen opened the refregerater. i hear a cling. i turn around to see gable and stefan at the table. i ignore them.

"what the heck happen to your shoulder and legs?" gable asks.

"what are you talking about?"

"you have burises."

"oh. i dont know do you think i keep track?"

"ew to much infomation."

i laughed. it felt good to laugh. i walked up stairs. i took a deep breath, got in the shower. then i got out blow dried my hair, teased it made a good puff not to puffy. made cat eyes a bright pink hello kitty shirt. then a pare of black skinny jeans. some ancle socks my chucks. then i walked down stairs.

"where are you going?"

"who are you may daddy?"

"no but im your boyfriend."

"so i still dont got to tell you jack."

I walked out of the house and jumped in my red ferrari. sexy its my baby! i love my car. i turned my music up im meeting my friends they'll see my new car! i drove i played with my lip ring. then i was at amy's. i walked in.



"yup, who else would come right in?"

"were in the front room."

she lead me to the front room. i saw shawn.








chris was on the couch. shawn and a guy i do not know were playing rockband. the guy i dont know had black shaggy hair, man every guy i talk to has shaggy hair. the new guy won i sat on the couch shawn started playing with chris.

"oh katlynn this is mason my soon to be step brother."

"oh. your moms going to marry him?"


"yeah. mason this is katlynn my best friend in the world."



he had the most beautiful blue eyes ever seen. his black hair was tosed to the left side. he was so fucking sexy. well all my friends are but he had something about him. why did i say sup? im so stupid.

"katlynn do you want to sing?"

"sure why not."

"are you good?" ask mason.

"oh please good doesnt even cover it she's amazing."
answers amy.

"okay stop bragging on me and start."

"okay how about... im gone im going?"

"okay, im singing at the theater at 3:00 so this is my only one."

"okay im going."

"me to." they all said me too. even mason that makes me nerves.

"okay start."

we played. i sang and got 98% i beat amy and shawn.... did i tell they're a couple? oh and your probably thinking wheres kali? were different. shes my normal friend these are my pimp scene friends.

"lets go."

we got out side and shawn fell in love with my car. mason ador's it chris told me hes going to steal it. amy says that its our baby that she helped. they all made me laugh. amy rode with me. we pulled in to the parking lot. my mom, dad, gable and stefan were all outside.

"what are you guys doing here? how did you even know?"

"flyers. it was on the front of my car this morning." says gable.

"well thanks." i said sacacticly. my parnents dont like my friends. they say that their the reason i got the bottem of my hair dyed black, their the reason the left side of my mouth is peirsed. they blame them for every thing.

"katlynn time to get dressed."

"marcus can my friends come?"

"who are friends?"

"only these four." i pointed to mason, amy, shawn and chris.

"yes as long as they leave the other singers alone."

"got it."

we left my family standing there. they can seat themselfs. i they put me in a black and blue dress:

im in love with it i slid on a pair of black heals. it looked beautiful. my hair was still puffed. im leaving it that way to.

"katlynn your up."


everyone alrighty went and sat down i looked out be hind the curtain. my friends and family were in the front row. dear god! mason was sitting right beside stefan. can i ever get a break? then i hear my song starting. parently not. i walked out and then there was a huge spotlight on me.

"sweet love, sweet love traped in your love. I'v opened up unsure i can trust. my heart and i were buried in dust, free me free us. your all i need when im holding you tight if you walk away i will suffer tonight. i found a man i can trust and boy do i belive in us, i am terrified to love for the first time. can you see that im bound in chains, i finally found my way, im bound to you im bound to you. so much so young i'v faced on my own, walls i built became my home. im strong and sure theres a fire in us sweet love, so pure. i caught my breath with just one beating heart and i brace myself dont tear us apart. i found a man i can trust and boy do i believe in us, i am terrified to love for the first time can you see that im bound in chains, i finally found my way im bound to you im bound to you. suddenly the moments here, i embrace my fears all that i'v been carrying all these years. do i risk it all come this far to fall, fall___________!! oh, i trust and boy do believe us, i am terrified to love for the first time! can you see that im bound in chains and finally found my way im bound to you. i am oh i am bound to you______________."

i sang my hardest and i was so out of breath from the fall part. people were actually standing. i need water. i smiled and bowed and went behind the curtain. i got lots of that was wonderfuls and your so talented and your voice is like a angels. then when i got outside.

"that was fucking amazing!!!" yells amy. my dad clears his throught. "sorry."

"dont say sorry to any one. i that took every fucking breath i had, like some one knocked the fucking wind out me." we all cracked up laughing but my parents and stefan.

"you have a very very beautiful voice your very talented."

"thank you mason."

"your welcome."

we drove back to amys. i told my mom i was staying there. stefan was mad. how gives a damn?

shawn and amy went to bed. chris was sleep on the floor. so that just left me and mason. why was i always stuck like this? we were watching the new nightmare on elm street. were at the part were she falls asleep in the tub and his hand comes out of the water. i dont know how but some how i pretty much ended up masons lap. that movie scared the shit of me. then i let him get up and he put a movie called hatchet in. i was actually in his lap this time buring my face in his chest. he would laugh at me every now and then.

"why do you keep laughing at me?"

"because your so adorable."

"its not nice." i giggled.

"yes it is."

we were so close were staring at each other. this is like those movies. he acts all sweet and they get lost in each others eyes and start making out. thats exsactly what happen to. i let him exsplore my mouth while the scary music played over and over again. when we finally got sleepy we went in his room that was actually really clean the walls were all black. we layed down i had my head on his chest. i listend to him breath.

"what are we doing?" he ask.

"what do you mean?"

"we made out and now were cuddling. like what are we? does any thing change?" i rasied my head and looked at him.

"do you want things to change?"

"i dont know. do you want to be a couple?"

"i cant answer unless you say the whole thing." he chuckled his crocked smile made my heart race.

"katlynn will you go out with me."

"awe your so adorable."


"we barly now me."

"i do to."

"whats my favorite color?"

"blue and black."




"let me in."


"smile in your sleep."

"my middle name?"


"how do you know so much about me?"

"amy and you."


"the stuff you do."

"well then i know nothing about you."

"well color black, band silverstein, song my heroine, middle name cole."

"okay." i giggle.

"will you?"


i put my head back down on his chest i could feel his mucules under his shirt. he rubbed my back. he started falling asleep. when he was i pulled my phone from my pocket. 11:48pm. i texted gable.

wheres stefan?

idk he left and never came back.

i have a new boyfriend his name is mason

oh dear


im so happy you did it and not him... lindsey jennings thinks she's pregnant with his kid.

that cheater!

i love making him think im hurt about stuff. im actually getting butterflies.

im sorry, do you want me to keep him away from you?

yes please =(

i will i love you and tell mason i said be good to you or i'll kick his ass 2 = )

i love you too and i'll tell him.

g2g guess you just walked in the house.

stefan. this couldnt get any better man. i snuggled up to him. fell asleep.

when i woke up mason was still sleep. i got up and went home. i took a shower the first day of school is tomarrow. i couldnt stop thinking about lindsey. did he rape her? did they date? im not going to get a answer unless i ask. should I? i got in the shower i went to my room picked out a pair of white skinny jeans a black shirt and my necklace. i picked up my phone.



what happend with you and stefan?

what do you mean?

arnt you pregnant?

wow word gets out fast.

yeah so you are?


and its stefans?

im pretty sure.

how sure?

pretty sure i was a virgan

were you to together


lindsey you can tell me.... i might have alrighty been threw it


idk if you dont tell me.

he raped me 2 nights before the party.



he raped you then raped me the next day then raped me again the day after that.

im so sorry

why are you sorry for me? your the one pregnant.

how do you know your not? how do you know if he used a condom?

im on the pill

smart move


we need to hang out some time.

yes we do.

we talked for a while she gana name it if its a girl lena and if its a boy kevin. i told her those were wonderful names. we decided to hang out after school. i get a text from mason.

do you want to come and watch movies with me?

yup whos there?

no one just me

so its going to be just me and you?

are you okay with that? do you want me to tell amy to stay?

im okay

Chapter 2: Does she know? Then why is she doing this?

Mason: Are you okay with that? Do you want me to tell Amy to stay?
Me: no I’m okay
Mason: okay when do you want to come over?

Me: whenever you want to me too.

Mason: Okay, How about in half an hour?

Me: Alrighty.

What am I going to do for an hour and a half? I thought for a while I sat on the couch. I could imagine me and mason together for a really long time. The question that kept running through my head was is Stefan gone? Or is he going to come up again. What if it gets so bad that me and mason can’t have a good relationship because I can’t tell him about Stefan? I felt a presence I looked up to see my mom.

“Hey honey.”

“Hey mama. What’s wrong?”

“I know he cheated on you. Gabe and I talked were not going to let him anywhere near you but he’s going to stay with us for a while.”

“Stefan is? Why?”

“His parents are moving to Boston and he wants to stay her really bad. So I told Kamern that he could stay with us for a while.”

“Mom he has 2 more years left of school! He’s going to be in this house for 2 years!”

“Please come down honey. I know this is a big thing to take in but yes he will be living and in this house for as long as he needs to.”


“And one more thing.”

“What else could you possibly want?”

“your going to have a little brother running around here.”


“I’m pregnant.”

“How do you know it’s a boy?”

“I don’t look like it but I’m pretty far along sweet heart.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Do you not want him?” She had hurt all over her face.

“Yes mom of course I do. I’m going to be the best big sister this baby’s ever had.”

“Well yeah you’re going to be his first big sister.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I love you honey so much.” She came over and hugged me. She let go and looked me straight in the eyes. “You know you can tell me anything right any problems anything. If your ever in a situation please come to me and let me help. Promise?”

“I promise mama.” Did she know?

“Alright then. Are you going somewhere?”

“Yeah I’m going to watch a movie at Amy’s.”

“With Amy?”


“Then who with?”

“My new boyfriend.”

“At Amy’s?”

“Well he’s soon to be her step brother.”

“Well do you think that could hurt her to know that your dating her soon to be step brother?”

“Yeah I’ll tell her.”

“Alright. When are you leaving?”

“Any minute.”

“Do you need anything?”


“When are you due?”

“June 14.”

“Mom that’s only a month away.”

“I know.”

“Are you scared?”

“Oh child I’ve had 2 kids already.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Oh man is there something loose in here?” She asks tapping on my head gently.

“Mom? When’s he going to be here?”

“Later on tonight.”

“I’ve got to go.”

“Ok I’ll be here when you get home.”

I grabbed my keys off the table.

“Thank you for the car mom.”

“Any time love.”

“Bye, love you. Be home tonight you have school tomorrow.”

“Love you too.”

I ran to my car and jumped in. I just turned on the radio Mr. Know it all was on, she is so right with that song. Then there was a song from Avril Lavigne wish you were here. Makes me think about mason, I want him to be around.

Chapter 2: Does she know? Then why is she doing this?

Mason: Are you okay with that? Do you want me to tell Amy to stay?
Me: no I’m okay
Mason: okay when do you want to come over?

Me: whenever you want to me too.

Mason: Okay, How about in half an hour?

Me: Alrighty.

What am I going to do for an hour and a half? I thought for a while I sat on the couch. I could imagine me and mason together for a really long time. The question that kept running through my head was is Stefan gone? Or is he going to come up again. What if it gets so bad that me and mason can’t have a good relationship because I can’t tell him about Stefan? I felt a presence I looked up to see my mom.

“Hey honey.”

“Hey mama. What’s wrong?”

“I know he cheated on you. Gabe and I talked were not going to let him anywhere near you but he’s going to stay with us for a while.”

“Stefan is? Why?”

“His parents are moving to Boston and he wants to stay her really bad. So I told Kamern that he could stay with us for a while.”

“Mom he has 2 more years left of school! He’s going to be in this house for 2 years!”

“Please come down honey. I know this is a big thing to take in but yes he will be living and in this house for as long as he needs to.”


“And one more thing.”

“What else could you possibly want?”

“your going to have a little brother running around here.”


“I’m pregnant.”

“How do you know it’s a boy?”

“I don’t look like it but I’m pretty far along sweet heart.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Do you not want him?” She had hurt all over her face.

“Yes mom of course I do. I’m going to be the best big sister this baby’s ever had.”

“Well yeah you’re going to be his first big sister.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I love you honey so much.” She came over and hugged me. She let go and looked me straight in the eyes. “You know you can tell me anything right any problems anything. If your ever in a situation please come to me and let me help. Promise?”

“I promise mama.” Did she know?

“Alright then. Are you going somewhere?”

“Yeah I’m going to watch a movie at Amy’s.”

“With Amy?”


“Then who with?”

“My new boyfriend.”

“At Amy’s?”

“Well he’s soon to be her step brother.”

“Well do you think that could hurt her to know that your dating her soon to be step brother?”

“Yeah I’ll tell her.”

“Alright. When are you leaving?”

“Any minute.”

“Do you need anything?”


“When are you due?”

“June 14.”

“Mom that’s only a month away.”

“I know.”

“Are you scared?”

“Oh child I’ve had 2 kids already.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Oh man is there something loose in here?” She asks tapping on my head gently.

“Mom? When’s he going to be here?”

“Later on tonight.”

“I’ve got to go.”

“Ok I’ll be here when you get home.”

I grabbed my keys off the table.

“Thank you for the car mom.”

“Any time love.”

“Bye, love you. Be home tonight you have school tomorrow.”

“Love you too.”

I ran to my car and jumped in. I just turned on the radio Mr. Know it all was on, she is so right with that song. Then there was a song from Avril Lavigne wish you were here. Makes me think about mason, I want him to be around.


Chapter 3: MOVIE NIGHT!

I pulled into Amy's drive way and got out and went to the door. Here goes nothing. I opened the door and looked around nothing, i didnt hear anything either.


"Hey i'm in the living room."

I walked threw a bunch of halls. Past the kitchen then into the living room.

"God that was a long walk your house needs to shrink."

"You're house is like the white house."

"well it doesnt seem like it to me."

"Because you grew up in it."


"What movie do you want to watch?"



"As long as i'm with you."


He went over to the t.v and put a movie in. It was the ring. Dude let my tell you if that chick comes my going to piss myself. My arms went around mason's neck. I buried my face in his neck.

"Oh god, her face looks like a man's."

"It's okay."

"Yeah because if she comes out of that t.v i'm throwing you at her."

"Oh thanks babe."

"No problem." I jumped and pulled the blanket up over my eye's.

"It's gone."

"It's a girl."

"But you said she looked like a man."

"Oh yeah."

We watched the rest of the movie. That poor boy, I feel bad for him but that summera girl just wanted a mom. Well thats no reason to kill people but still. I don't want kids if thats what happens to them.

"Your so cute."

"No im not."

"Yes you are."

"I look like a baby thats scared shitless."

"A cute baby scared shitless."

"Haha very funny."

"I'll put in another one."

He got out from under the blanket and went to the movie case. He is so sexy, His black kind of blue hair was to the left, He had on black and basketball shorts and a hoodie. He was beautiful.

"What are you staring at?"

"What? Huh? nothing." i blushed.

"Mhmm." He said and came back over and kissed me. He didn't put a movie in.

"You taste good."

"Your weird."

"Did you eat candy?"

"Yeah some now or laters."

"mmm i see."

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"yeah." i looked at him weird.

"Well you taste like tooth paste."

"OH thanks."

"No problem."

"Your a dork."

"Well do you want to go up stairs and talk with this dork."

"You just called yourself a whale's penis." i Laughed.

"Oh really? Thats means you called me one."

"Yurp what you ganna do about it?"


He picked me up off the couch and slung me ober his shoulder like nothing. I just dangled there he walked up a flight of stairs. Down a hall, Down anouther. Then into a familiar room. HIs room. He threw me on the bed i crawled up to where the pillows were. He laid down on one.

"Awe you got a extra pillow just for me?"

"Yeah, Well because i know your going to be here."

"All the time."


"Yeah. I want you to be with me ."

"I am."

"I see this." He smiled. It was breathe taking.


"Kat your my life now. If you left me i'd go kill myself."

"At first i thought you werer going to tell me something you got from twilight."

"i watched that movie once and that edward is like really whipped."

I lefted my head up and looked donw at him.

"would you not do those things from me?"


"Thats what i thought." I leaned down and kissed him.

"You do mean a lot to me though. I had a lot of girlfriends but i've never felt like this with any of them."


"Well most of them dated me for my lookes. Are you?"

"Am i what?"

"Dating me for my looks?"

I sat up and looked at him.

"Is that what you think?"


"Then what do you think?"

"I think you like me for my body." we laughed. He was trying to be like mater off of cars.

"No, Seriously."

"If i thought you liked me for my body or my looks i wondnt be dating you."

"How do i know your not dating me for my body?"

"You dont."

"Are you?"

"No." I looked at him for a while."

"You sure?"

"Nope, I like your personality."

"And whats that?"

"Your really sweet and kind, you have a kind heart, and I love everything about you."


Mrs. Layne came in. She looked at him then at me. back and fourth.

"What do you want kim?" Ask mason in a very angry tone.

"What are you doing here?"

"Seeing mason."


"Kim. Out."

She left without another word. I stared after her.

"Babe what time is it?" i ask.


"I'm going to have to leave soon."

"Can't you stay tell 8?"

"Umm. Sure."

I laid down beside him. He put his arms around me. We cuddled for a while, He told me about his mom and this 2 older brothers and how they would always take his stuff and call him a fag. I told him about my mom being pregnant and stefan moving in and thats it.

"Just as long as he doesn't do anything to you."

"I can take care of myself."

"I swear if he even looks at you in that way I'll kill'em."

"Dont be so violent."

"I just can't see losing you to him, or anyone."

"Your such a good boyfriend."

"Your such a beautiful girlfriend."


"It feels like we've been together foe months."

"I know."

"Is it wrong if i tell you, um... that I love you?"


"Good, Because i'm going to sooner or later."



"It's only been two days."

"It feels like two months though."

"I know. I just want to make sure your very serious. I dont want you to regret it later."

"I won't."

"Your eye's make me wnat to go swimming."

"Your so random." He leaned over and kissed me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.04.2011

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