
A Very Fierce BEE
"Over here, Kirsty!" called Rachel Walker. Kirsty ran down one of the emerald-green fields that covered this part of Rainspell Island. Buttercups and daisies dotted the grass. "Don't go too far!" Kirsty's mom called. She and Kirsty's dad were climbing over a fence at the top of the field. Kirsty caught up with her friend. "What have you found, Rachel? Is it another Rainbow Fairy?" she asked hopefully. " I don't know." Rachel was standing on the bank of a rippling steam. " I thought I heard something." Kirsty's face lit up. " Maybe there's a fairy in the stream?" Rachel nodded. She knelt down on the soft grass and put her ear cloes to the water. Kirsty crouched down, too, and listened really hard. The sun glittered on the water as it splashed over big, shinny pebbles. Tiny rainbows flashed and sparkled - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. And then they heard a tiny bubbling voice. " Follow me. . . ." it gurgled. " Follow me. . . ." "Oh!" Rachel gasped. " Did you hear that?" " Yes," said Kirsty, her eyes wide. " It must be a magic stream!" Rachel felt her heart beat fast. " Maybe the stream will lead us to the Yellow Fairy," she said. Rachel and Kirsty had a special secret. They had promised the King and Queen of Fairyland they would find lost Rainbow Fairies. Jack Frost's spell had hidden the Rainbow Fairies on Rainspell Island. Fairyland would be cold and gray until all seven fairies had been found and returned to their home. Sliver fish darted in and out of the bright green weeds at the bottom of the stream. "Follow us, follow us. . . ." they whispered in tinklingvoices. Rachel and Kirsty smiled at each other. Titania, the fairy Queen, had said that the magic would find them! Kirsty's parents had stopped to admire the stream, too. "which way now?" asked Mr.Tate. "You two seem to know where you're going." "Let's go this way," Kirsty said, pointing along the bank. A brillant blue kingfisher flew up from its perch on a twig. Butterflies as bright as jewels fluttered among the reeds. "Everything on Rainspell Island is so beautiful," said Kirsty's mom. "I'm glad we still have five days of vacation left!" Yes, Rachel thought, and five Rainbow Fairies still to find: Saffron, Fern, Sky, Inky, -and Heather! Ruby the Red Fairy and Amber the Orange Fairy were already safe in the pot-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow. The girls ran on ahead of Mr.and Mrs.Tate.As they followedthe bubbling stream, the sun went behind a big,dark cloud. A chilly breeze ruffled Kirsty's hair. She saw that some of the leaves on the trees were turning brown, even though it wasn't autumn. "It looks like Jack Frost's goblins are still around," she warned Rachel. "I know." Rachel shivered. "Horrible things! They'll do anything to stop the Rainbow Fairies from getting back to Fairyland." The two freinds stared anxiously up at the sky. But then the sun came out again. They smiled with relief.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2011

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