
Time Doth Find Our Journey Long

Time doth find our journey long
On scattered wishes wing
To whisper o’er the winter’s wind
Of moments for to bring

With moonbeam glow of tempting light
On evening skies doth wane
Of every passing winter night
I call out but your name

O' days they pass of falling leaves
Upon the water’s shore
With footprints left along the way
For this that I adore

A distant dream a’ calling now
Along horizon’s flare
Endless seems the vision shown
As left alone to stare

These steps that we have taken free
Do add of sense and means
If we but reach with heart strength strong
To capture wanted dreams

Endeavors long of hours drained
Though still the path shall lead
If in the end your love is mine
Then that is all I need


Every Day

For every grain of sand the ocean shoreline does include
To count them all a task so very long
Fill your hand with grains that come in time to you to prove
The softness is a feeling ever strong

Endless possibilities now sprinkle in the wind
Dancing of the magic that we feel
Millions upon millions now about the ground begin
Each and every foot step is so real

As we walk along our feet they know where we have been
Only do our hearts know where we go
Just to have these moments in our life now once again
And the knowledge that I love you so

Somewhere there’s a number written down in someone’s dream
Noting every grain of sand we see
Staggering the digits as I hope the number means
Every day that you will be with me


I Need Only Close My Eyes

For this I see before my eyes
The dreams of lasting place
Alone I find the images
The smile upon your face

In darkness there is but a light
Of shimmering I see
For when I open up my heart
You’re standing there with me

The silence comes though this I hear
The words I find so new
As every time you say to me
My darling I love you

I carry this within my mind
A gift from up above
For loneliness would be my friend
Without your precious love

So deep inside the feelings reign
For wonders you have been
To satisfy my fantasies
And touch my life again

So long the years have counted by
Of endless longing miss
To hold you in my arms once more
To taste your precious kiss

I need only close my eyes
The dreams so soon to start
I feel the love that you do send
Right here within my heart

The memories of distant times
And those we make anew
Have come back to my life again
I’m so in love with you

Time is a Healer, a Teacher, a Friend

Time is a healer, a teacher, a friend
Slowly it passes on by
Moments then hours ahead for to see
Allowing us time we can cry

Casting our thoughts like a stone on the lake
Watching the ripples appear
Circular motions so silently flow
Till in the end it is clear

So many questions, our mind ever filled
Who brings the answers this day
How long will time let these feelings go on
Why won’t it move them away

Lost are the minutes of times long ago
Memories locked deep inside
Cherished these moments, we feel so alone
Longing to just run and hide

Emptiness lives in this heart that we share
Nothing is ever the same
Staring at heaven and hollering so
Endless our words seem in vain

Still the clock moves as the second hand sweeps
Never to find but the end
What will become of the future that waits
What is the message to send

Time is a healer, a teacher, a friend
Take every minute you need
I will be waiting, that you can depend
Hold tight my hand, I will lead

I have no answers, just comforting words
As your eyes glaze of the view
So if you need me just call out my name
All that I am is for you


In As All


In as all the world doth see
Thy beauty which doth come to me
A prism to my waiting stare
Magnificent as you are there

O’ windswept dreams, yon precious view
This feeling which I long of you
A masterpiece in nature’s form
Doth call the day which you were born

O’er lonely sights and empty field
My breath abates of love now sealed
To reach the limits perfectly
Doth bring thy smile to only me

For whilst I call the clouds above
To rain down of your wondrous love
Release which I do long so much
And drench me of thy gentle touch

I stand of now with heart a’ beat
For chance that your sweet lips I meet
In tenderness and warming glow
A feeling which thy love doth show

For anything now cast my way
To know your love I shall not stray
In as all the world doth see
Forever this, we two shall be


A Simple Beam of Light

This night doth find my heart a’ beat
Neath pewter skies aloft
Of autumns air a’ tempting sweet
Now swept on winds so soft

A single star through clouded mist
Its light of faintest glow
To touch me as I find its scene
An endless thought to show

My feet they stand this floating orb
As of this earth I peer
To wonder if one tiny star
Might bring you ever near

For if by chance your eyes do find
This beacon shining through
From miles formed of distant plains
I send my love to you

A simple beam of light to call
Your waiting heart to me
If only this would seal my fate
As it was meant to be

For something it hath parted clear
These clouds which fog my sight
So of this single star I breathe
Your precious love this night

And days shall go on passing by
Each season soon to change
In shades of every lonely heart
To offer up their name

Yet I for one find happiness
In dreams I’ve held so true
For very soon you’ll come to me
To set my life anew

I Caught a Raindrop in my Hand


I caught a raindrop in my hand
Now wet, I felt no pain
Magnified reflections seem to
Happen in the rain

Still the cloud for me did fall
In moisture just like dew
For any moment you do call
I’ll wait the rain with you

Hey cloud, I shout come give me more
Open up your gates
The rest of me now standing dry
Your drops right here I wait

Right outside her window clear
So she can surely see
That I will stand out in the rain
If she will wait for me

If now it was a sunny day
And in it I did set
That’s something anyone would do
They hide from getting wet

But I will sit here in the rain
If you would let it flow
Drenched I’d be and she would see
I truly love her so

So Mr. Cloud all dark and gray
Send to me you flood
Drench my clothes now on this day
For she is who I love

Then she will know the reason for
The truth behind my plan
If I am standing in the rain
I’m sure to be her man

It matters not the weather when
For I will stand right here
So she can see this love I send
And it will be so clear

So if you see me standing tall
My clothing it is dry
Just let your raindrops start to fall
Open up that sky

Let your water charge at me
From so high up above
For then I know that she will see
She is the one I love


Till Leaves they Fall the Sycamore

Where sunlight meets the coming day
In throws of grand design
Below a canopy of dreams
To flow about the mind

As glory comes before our eyes
In simple majesty
To bring the sense of love we feel
Of what shall always be

For on the eve of perfect scenes
Till waking comes as part
Along the winding pathway lays
The beating of a heart

Beneath a wondrous sycamore
With leaves so full and green
A resting spot we choose to sit
Amongst this life we seed

Gracefully a wind does run
Now scented with the fall
Through twisted branch so softly sings
Upon our souls to call

Though when my voice does find the verse
To you these words I say
In all that love does offer me
You take my heart away

Wrapping it in tender glove
So warm the touch does feel
In quaking shoes I walk along
Rejoicing this is real

Till leaves they fall the sycamore
We sit within its view
Neath branches formed I offer this
My darling I love you


O’ Distant Flower

O’ distant flower, perfect bloom
Thy beauty full is shown
I stand beneath yon crescent moon
Yet, I am not alone

O’er moments saved my heart so deep
I breathe this evening air
To whisper thoughts of endless keep
With dreams that thee shall share

So bright the beams that meet my face
Of shadows long behind
If but your lips my love doth trace
In longings sent to find

I drink of sweet desire's wine
My cup doth overflow
To reach my arms as you are mine
In soft reflections show

O’ come to me my petals pure
My skin your touch doth need
Of only you I do adore
My life your love doth feed

O’ silent evening dances round
This valley high above
For on this night my heart hath found
Your precious perfect love

Of all the Beauty

Here on a lake formed of nature’s creation
Tucked away deep in the hills
Nary a foot print along the soft shoreline
Visions to capture the thrills

Silent reflections of all that’s surrounding
Still are the waters this morn
Sunlight invades through the meeting of mountains
As the new day now is born

Taking a seat at the edge of the waters
Skipping a flat rock to see
Ripples of wonder in circular motion
Waving good morning to me

O’ as I breathe in the air so delicious
Scented of pine trees so tall
Reaching the heavens in frame of this body
Praying my love she will call

Nothing shall find me alone of this moment
Lost on the pathways I chart
For in the distance I know that she loves me
I feel her love in my heart

Someday the dawn it shall find us together
Here in this setting so pure
Of all the beauty I find here before me
She is the one I adore


Beyond the Gates

Until the day my death does come, I breathe my final breathless sigh
My love for you it shall endure, for all and any reasons why
For on this earth I live my life with words of always constant true
To bring such joy into your heart, my love it shares with only you

Till moons above do cease their light and stars aloft no longer shine
I stand with you my perfect love until the end of borrowed time
When oceans dry and arid scenes along the shores a sign shall be
The emptiness that others feel shall never come and enter me

As darkness falls and in my eyes I see thy glowing perfect light
I shall not fear most anything as your sweet love shall hold me tight
No pain, I swear shall touch your limbs, my heart shall beat a guarded prayer
Protecting you from lost accord and dreams that you are always there

A journey long of timeless day as every morning sun does rise
The beauty that my soul does need is found so deep within your eyes
As nothing else does matter in the moments that we two do live
My love shall reign eternal counting every ounce to you I give

For when the moments shadow with their quaking hands of empty reach
I’ll climb upon my pulpit and unto their ears my words shall preach
My open eyes shall witness darkened masses and a heavens play
While in this final breath I breathe I swear to you, to them I say

So bring upon your demons and your angels as they wage their war
To take my soul to places as the time has come to pay my score
For I shall stand determined that what ever fate for me doth find
My love for her shall breathe again beyond the gates of which I die

Hopeless, a word with no meaning

Found on the edge of desire
Facing the answers unknown
Desperate to stand in the fire
No longer living alone

Crying for deed left a’ waiting
Rolling these thoughts in my mind
Oh of this love now creating
Searching for all I can find

Hopeless, a word with no meaning
Not that my heart will allow
Some they may say I am dreaming
None that can prove to me how

Real is the state of this vision
Nothing but truth stands so tall
Into her charms now my mission
Making such sense of it all

Reaching so I am not missing
Now as my knees touch the ground
Lips that I wish I was kissing
Perfect this woman I’ve found

Distance, the longest of dances
I follow the moon high above
Capturing all of my chances
So I may feel her sweet love


As the evening twilight beckons
With mysteries of shadowed dreams
Silhouettes on painted skylines
Dark and ominous their scenes

O’er the wind chilled wintry visions
Cast upon unspoken paths
Lost within our distant memories
A longer cold day’s aftermath

Faintly rests the setting sun
Ne’er to lend its dimming light
Strolling down the wooded realm
Fondly this December night

Woven branch filled fascination
Dancing with the silent breeze
High above this winter playground
Whispering throughout the trees

A hint of pine this chilly night
Subtle in its simple stance
Fragrant comes the evening lyrics
Nature’s song of true romance

Dusk is but our magic haven
Quiet so, it gently flows
Soft and surely undetected
A canopy of love that grows

Twilight as it shows your eyes
Hauntingly their beauty peers
Bringing life so full within me
After longing many years

You are my soul this twilight journey
Mystic skies they form above
Right before the night has risen
I find you, my perfect love

Time Stood Still

A vision in the distance
As if my mind deceives
This watercolor fancy
Of loveliness perceived

O’ dare not move a muscle
I fight against my will
A breath might break the silence
As if all time stood still

A crisp cool wind a’ blowing
My heart does skip a beat
For but this man of simple means
An angel comes to meet

I do not wish to startle
Nor cause an ounce of fear
If this is but a truthful sight
O’ pray let her come near

The sun it is not moving
No shadows formed to play
As this angelic vision
Walks to me this day

With open armed affection
She takes me by the hand
And leads me to my fantasy
Then whispers of her plan

This day shall last forever
No setting sun to fill
As if such joy was meant to be
And time it does stand still

Be My Island

Drowning, fearing for my life
Sorrow spells my fate
Rapidly I move this pace
I pray it’s not too late

As my breath escapes me
My vision seems to fade
Lost, I reach for something more
Among the shadowed shade

Blurred the banks of borrowed past
Pass before my eyes
Darker clouds now congregate
Atop these sunny skies

Deep and overflowing
Sadness fills my heart
Will I ever love again
My desperate thoughts embark

When now within this river
Much more than a dream
Your love appears before me
An island in the stream

Waiting there to save me
Upon your golden shore
Sweeter air that I may breathe
From one I do adore

Hold me here forever
I kneel before your throne
Take this life which you have saved
Make this man your own

Protect me from these waters
With your love pristine
Forever be my island
Steady in this stream

Afar a Distant Light Doth Shine

My heart shan’t bring desires more
Than what thy precious love hath lain
Thy beauty o’ mine eyes before
Of merely words shall not explain

A calling for the fragrant find
I shout of wonder ever kept
If this was all the world hath known
Upon this pillow I once slept

Awakened fore the sun doth shine
Hath not the lead to make it be
Lest one is all who learns its way
Standing here in front of me

As if decided long ago
Time doth fold its arms above
For what my life shall come to bear
Is nothing more than perfect love

Afar a distant light doth shine
From o'er the east it beckons true
Glistening in light to see
Now brought upon this night anew

A glimpse O’ caught by weary eye
Rejuvenation doth proceed
Pure beauty in a beacon flies
A passageway to love from thee

We walk amongst the trees of pine
This bed that soothes the feathers fall
Serene in all the tempers heat
Often fleeting in the call

If in the hectic canopy
Of life that travels quickly through
We do not take this time to breathe
Events that capture just won’t do

When beauty forms within the path
Take thy walk with love astride
Banking on the afterglow
Of everything it doth provide

This heart it beats so you may smile
For truth will raise its simple plan
O' stand with me for evermore
A vision that shall understand

Mountains forming of our view
Which bear a mighty appetite
Proclaim the path be closed to all
Except for those whose heart is right

Bridges fall to depths below
Portals of a dark dissent
Splinters fly as shards reveal
Carriers of discontent

Cliffs of jagged rock prevail
Attempts to stop our daunting quest
Shadows move to disconcert
Weaving glances to invest

But we shall scale the caverns tall
Our flame to light the darkest path
As joyful tears will reunite
Our hearts in glowing aftermath

Climb aboard my shoulders broad
There is no weight I can not bear
Wherever we are deemed belong
My loving arms will take you there

O’ come my darling, call me home
Let your lantern burn so bright
Guide me to thy wondrous heart
Lead me with your love tonight

So Soft is the Sonnet of Willows

Such is the heart of a dreamer
Sought after deep in the mist
Seeking the quest of a thirsting desire
Falling to nights just as this

Peering the distant endeavor
Calling the places I’ve known
Sending out visions so endless in wonder
Standing this ledge all alone

Come to my heart always steady
Shape it as how it should be
Teach me the ways of your unending song
Lyrics of comfort to me

Lift me for thou hath once spoken
Take from my words on the page
Collections of feelings I wear on my sleeve
Shine me the light of your ways

I am of clay so unmolded
Bend me and shape me to form
Open my heart with the keys of your love
While dying I wish to be born

Caverns so wide as I forage
The depth of their wisdom vast deep
Shadows that follow the pathways I walk
Stairways my heart it doth reach

Yours is my desperate reason
Clinging to every fold
Challenges lie in wake of the storm
Northerly winds blow a’ cold

I shan’t recoil destinations
My mind it is set on the prize
Temptingly so it does fan every flame
Come I shall soon realize

Time for the moment an enemy
Season’s of past now I fear
For as I declare my longing for thee
Wishing you ever so near

Trapped as I traverse the mountain
Chains of my pain garner tight
Reaching for avenues lost in the fog
Blinded by darkness of night

Time I will relive the mornings
Joined by a perfect content
Welcoming sun rise as everywhere glows
Finding the hours we’ve spent

Trusting that no one is watching
Holding your hand on the street
Wrapping my arms round your waist for a while
Kissing your lips soft and sweet

Words that will require actions
Motions in spite of the sky
Threatening with clouds overhead as I walk
Waving the past a good bye

Now as my life is beginning
Fortunate flags sure to wave
Sending a secret embedded in stone
Caution for this I do crave

Asking this long winded journey
Steps in the grass for to find
Destiny praises my unfettered dreams
Spent as the heart does unwind

Yours is the hand that I reach for
Save me in spite of my tears
Love me for many more wars shall invade
Filling the city with fear

Run with me out to the fields
Keep me in sight at all turns
Paint me with colors so vibrant and true
Teach me for I want to learn

I can not be so untrue
Pressures no longer to hide
Truth is my shield as it shines ever gold
Honesty I shall confide

Come to my heart it is waiting
Here in this darkened abyss
Shining so bright for your eyes now to see
Longing for you that I miss

I promise you shall not be sorry
Taking this chance is the key
Found in the corners of words so inspired
True as my covenant be

I whisper my truth through the mountains
Breathless I run to the shore
Hopeful I patiently wait your reaction
Longing for you evermore

Soft is the sonnet of willows
Psithuric winds form the stream
Blowing so that you may welcome my peace
Singing the songs of your dreams

Mine is a tiresome journey
Fortunes all cast to the bay
Every dollar I’ve owned as a man
Spent in a fortunate way

For this is my precious possession
A heart that does beat from above
Carefully showing the face of the plan
Showering you with my love

Rain on the valley of passion
Petrichor scent brings the breeze
Take from this night the joys of affection
Lingered in fresh memories

This I do pledge, crossing my heart
No longer wishing to die
Rivers of hope that do wash on your feet
Sent forth attempting to try

Cherishing love that I find
Wanting forever to be
Everything that you do see in your soul
All that’s expected of me

I am but only one person
Doing just what I will do
Being myself in the face of the storm
Sending my love up to you

There is no mask I am wearing
This smile you see is for real
I can not be something that I am not
All of my life I reveal

Hoping that you understand this
Praying my words written of
Things that my heart wants to tell you my dear
Penned now with only my love

Such is the heart of a dreamer
Seeking not silver and gold
My only dream is that you love me true
Just as my dreams have foretold

So soft is the sonnet of willows
Wind through their branches blows free
Whispering dreams evermore shall come true
When you are standing with me

Mornings with you

Upon the weeping willow tree a goldfinch sings her song
Beautiful her sound to me, my heart is full of love
The skies they turn a shade of blue that never has been seen
For on this day this little bird does sing her song to me

Perfect is her melody this morn amongst the dew
Whistling she sends her sound forever to be true
So happily her harmonies, a part of springtime days
Like flowers o’er the field a bloom in all their magic ways

A cool breeze sends her wondrous tune about the countryside
To hear her voice each morning makes me glad that I’m alive
The music of the early dawn to start each day brand new
Affection that does fill my soul on mornings spent with you

I listen every morning as I prepare for my day
To hear the goldfinch morning song as it does come my way
So sing to me my little bird your song sent from above
And shower every morning with your perfect song of love

The Fruits of Passion

As extended branches test my hunger
I grip the fruit you have become
Ripened as the winds go streaming

Slashing through my tussled hair
Yon branches quickly to defend
Though fight I must if I shall have you

This fruit is tempting, young and pure
Through its flesh my teeth they probe
Delicious as the love of life does grow each spring

Dripping down my chin, the juices
Of every man that has disallowed
Sweeter when the bowl is full, unable to take in much more

I beg, I reach, I grasp, I claw
Your vibrant eyes they look away
These roots are strong, holding tight to every probe

Tighter still I feel the warmth
It covers me in splendor spent
I lie beneath you locks so soft and beautiful as is the dawn

Touch me deep inside my soul
This claim is but a fabled speech
My love to linger till the approaching sun

The fruits of passion fill the senses
Tastier than is the thigh
Forming in the minders fashion

This is why my beating heart cries
Tears of joy as are your lips
Countless times my dreams have fallen well inside

Rose Petal Teardrops

Here I stand within the garden
Vines along the gated path
Songs of never left forgotten
Blooming in the aftermath

Thus I find my heart is broken
Soft the air of fragrance pure
Lush within this fertile garden
Beauty I shall see no more

Silhouettes I long to beckon
Wave as if they need me so
Shadows formed on sculpted hedges
Happiness I used to know

Winds of change now come to greet me
Whispering their sad refrain
To the sky, what is the meaning
Shall I ever love again

Lonely now my scented feelings
Rooted in the dark abyss
Does your smile send a reason
Looking back on times to miss

If by chance you walk this garden
Here where every flower grows
I have left a quiet message
In a teardrop on a rose


Texte: Jack Ivey
Bildmaterialien: Jack Ivey
Lektorat: Jack Ivey
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2013

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