

First of all,I Jack Beckett would like to say Hello to all my honerable subjects who are proberbly reading my journal way after I wrote it.
Yes I know what it says on the cover "Diary",well I went out to the stores and was looking for a journal so when I become famous I will just have to give them this little book to answer all their questions. Now back to what I was taklking about,well I was looking for a journal there and I found loads of blank books,but each and every one of them said "Diary" on the Cover.I realy wanted to start the book then but if some dude caught me with one of these he could get the wrong idea.

Well let me tell you something about myself Im called Jack as you already know im 12 and i go to the 7th Grade and i have a crush on a girl named Isabelle. But the only problem is that she already had a Boyfriend named Jake, thats why ive been trying to find a way to part them since they got together. Personaly i think that day was the worst of my life and I hope that they will part soon. Nowaday im alone with no friends exept this guy named Berd Erk who is a compleat Schoolfreak and has nothing else to do but work. He has no time to hangout or do something else thats fun in life,hes just boaring and has no other friends but me.
And that is one reason why I think I should Dump him and move on with life,yeah,new friend equals new life ill concider doing that. Now more about me and not about Berd, at this time i live in england but soon im moving to shanghai. Other than my parents I have a little Brother and a big sister. My brother is 3 and always finds a way to try to annoy me.
Life is hard.

Monday a week later

So today is my first day of school, oh and i forgot to tell you Im going to a german school and I live in shanghai if you dont know where shanghai is its in china,and Berd is going to an english school in L.A.,so i only see him twice every year or so.
Now to the story its the first day in my new school and i cant speak german. Now if your asking why am I going to a german school then its cause next year we are moving to germany and my dad says I have to be ready for it, well now im going in, not knowing a word in german exept one wich was hello, I think you pronounce hallo and thats what I said to everyone I met.
When i walked passed someone I was polite and said hallo. Honestly im really scared of germans i think its couse of Hitler,So if one of them gets to close I always just backup a little.

I got into class and there was noone i knew noone i could talk to and noone who aint a nazi.
In german schools there are quality levels such as nerds,the chillers and a group named the peabrains.
I of course got into none of them, cause i got put into the group lower than the peabrains the dumbbuts.
Yes you read it right the dumbbutts, well i should of said the dumbbutt, because unfortionately im the only one.
It is kinda sad because i wont be having any friends.
Berd is so lucky that he gets to live in L.A.,thats why I so hate him now.
Although come to think about it he wont be getting any friends either.

In the break i met a new girl I realy wanted to talk to, so we exchanged are hallos and then i by mistake said:"hi" well this muddled her up and her answer was:"do you speak english" she said this in a funny german accent.
Now i kinda got the hang of it, germans do speak english so i wanted to say something to make her like me it kinnda turned out to be this "why aye i do speak english" then she walked away, another failior of trying to get a girl. This made me think of Isabelle and how much i miss london.

Well now ill just have to move on,it was lunch time and i was trying to tell the lunchlady what i wanted on my plate but she ended u giveng me the wrong thing,and now the hardest step of all getting a table,first I thought i should sit with my classmates but then I rememberd I didnt have any, so I just had to look harder.


Bildmaterialien: (AMULET LOGO)
Lektorat: Cassia Beckett
Übersetzung: Author
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2013

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