




            As the evening draws on, Isabel became more and more restless. She paced back and forth in her living room, agitated. She knew that she wants something. Or more frankly, her body is craving for something. She hadn’t done it for almost a year now. A year! Not since she broke up with her two-timing boyfriend, Tony. She had to confess that they certainly shared a wild and passionate relationship together, but ever since she knew that he had been cheating on her behind her back, she decided to call it off. But she didn’t realize that it would be so difficult for her to forget all their romantic escapades together.


           Oh, how she missed their intimate moments together. That was probably the one thing that she would be missing the most about Tony. And now she had to practice celibacy so she could learn to control her overwhelming obsession for sexual intimacy. But she had some trouble in letting her body know that sex is off limit at that moment. She had to admit that she always has a certain high level of ... well ... sexual cravings. It’s not like saying that she’s a sex-crazed or something like that, but sometimes when her desire and lust become too strong for her to overcome, she would be so weak and helpless to do anything about it. So, whenever those ‘moment’ comes and she felt that she really can’t control it, then she just has to succumb into doing it to herself.


            But tonight, she craved for a man! A strong and libidinous man with a pair of wicked blue eyes that would undress her from head to toe, with a feature so wild and rugged that would make her body throb with ecstatic yearning, and a pair of powerful and sinewy arms that would set her body on fire, and a hard cock that would make her body trembled as he ram himself into her. Stop it! Isabel gave out a long sigh. She’s just making things worse, she thought. Now, she’s feeling more intense and hot after visualizing her fantasy lover! She couldn’t take it any longer. She had to get out from the house because it’s making her more suffocated.


            Maybe some fresh air could cure her sickness, or maybe make her feel a little less hot, she thought. So, she hastily put on a pair


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-7660-6

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