
Describe the veiw outside your window

Character name: Mickey Johnson 

Age: 11 1/2

Book: The school bully


Describe the view from your window.

I remember it like it was yesterday. In anger, I ran to my room and flopped on my bed. My head hot. My blood boiling. I grab my pillow and scream into it. Then I toss it on the floor and pout. Then I look up at my window. The sun was shining so bright. I sit up on my knees and look out the window for a closer look. I look out the window. The sun is shining so brightly like a crystal blazing fire. The sky is as clear as glass. The birds fly high above as if nothing can touch them. The clouds drift along the sky, and you can see a faint image of the moon as if he also wants to join the part. The sky is happy, so why not me? How could I not calm down after such a beautiful sight? I pick up my pillow and put it back on my bed, then I head downstairs. Now, what was I mad about? I don’t know. Oh, yea! Brad Bluford.

Write about a time when you were really brave

 Write about a time when you were really brave.


I was walking down the street and I saw the same thing I saw every day. Brad Bluford was bullying some poor kids. It boils my blood how he’s always picking on someone. No one ever stands up to him, and I mean, who would? He was held back, so he’s 2 years older than all of us 6th graders and 2x stronger. I look over and the poor kid getting beat up by Brad as he screams, give me your lunch money at the boy. The boy screams no and begs him to stop. Then the boy looks over at me and begs for help, but I keep my head down and walk alone. Later at school, I see the boy all battered up with a bloody nose, torn clothes, and no shoes. I look away in shame, and I feel bad about it all day. The next day, I see Brad picking on the same kid again. Brad screams at him, “You think you’re so tough, huh? This time, you're going to give me your lunch money. You got lucky yesterday because Mr. Jenkins came along, but Mr. Jenkins is currently dealing with an uh… let's say flat tire problem.” I can't believe it! Brad found out where Mr. Jenkins lives and popped his tires!? For shame. Brad shoves the kid on the ground and stands over him. He creaks his fist and spits on the ground. I watch as Brad kicks the boy repeatedly. I can’t believe a person can be so evil. I want to run away, but seeing the look on the poor kid's face and the repeated bashing, I can’t bare to stand back and watch Brad bully another. This has to end. I walk over to the commotion and yell, “Hey Brad!” He turns a round and I punch him right in the nose. I instantly regret it the moment I did it, but there's no turning back now. Before he could realize what happened, I grade him by the collar and toss him on the ground. “Now, listen here, Bluford!” I demanded, “I’m tired of you always picking on us 6th graders! It’s time for you to stop.” Brad laughed and spit on the ground. “And who's gonna story me?” he said menacingly. I stood in fear, but I made sure not to show it and said “M-me!” Brad laughed harder. Then a voice from behind yelled, “Me!” I turn around and see a group of sixth graders all huddled around us. More sixth graders behind me begin yelling “me”, as more sixth graders gather. I step back to join the crowd and the kid runs past Brad into the safety of the group. “ We're tired of you always picking on us because you're bigger than and stronger than us.” one of the kids shout with the other yelling “Yeah” in agreement. “Well, Brad!” I say confidently, “One man can’t beat an army” Brad looks around at all of us then says “Whatever I’m not in the mood to kick all your butts tight now” then storms off. And from then on whenever Brad picked on one of us a group of us would go to help out our fellow sixth grader until he stopped picking on us for good.


Talk about something exciting you were looking forward to

 Character Name: Johnny Dooly

Age: 14

Book: A time without a brother


Talk about something exciting you were looking forward to?

I wake up from the sound of my alarm clock. I look over at the time and instantly get excited. I look over at my calendar and jump out of bed. Today is the day! I rush and get dressed. Then I run downstairs, trip, and fall on my butt. I get back up and grab a bagel and race off nearly knocking over my big sister's head. “Watch it!” she yells as I rush out the door and hop on my skateboard. I skate down the neighborhood straight to the bus stop. I do a trick on the bench then take a seat. I sit there eagerly, impatient and excited. I can hardly sit still. I feel my blood rush in my body like it just had a sugar rush. In a few seconds, something amazing is about to happen. Then I see it. The bus. I cover my mouth as it pulls up to stop. Then as the door opens I feel like I’m going to squeeze myself in half as people begin to get off the bus and depart in opposite directions. Then, I see him the last one on the bus as he takes one step after the other reaching the ground it feels like time is moving in slow motion. Then the bus doors close and rolls off leaving just me and him. “How’s my favorite little brother?” he asks. Then I jump off the bench and hug him trying not to cry.

What do you not want to change about your life?

 Character Name: Mike Bendy

Age: 18

Book: The Collage Struggle


What do you NOT want to change about your life?


I know a lot of things change in life but the one thing I don’t want to change is my friends. Billy and Amanda. They are the best friends you could ask for. We’ve been friends since kindergarten and a bond that strong could never be broken… I don’t think. Even when Bill goes off to be an Astronaut and Amanda goes off to be a cop and I become a writer I know we’ll always be together. Even though we’re going to different colleges I know we’ll always stay in touch. We’ve always had each other's backs, and we’ll never stop loving each other. I was always afraid that we would fall apart, but we love each other and that would never happen. No we don’t want to move away from each other, but my father always said life is like a highway. We’ll stay in touch and someday we’ll see each other again. It’s not like it’ll be forever.

Someone who irritates you

 Character Name: Carmine Hills

Age: 10

Book: How to survive as an elementary schooler


Write about someone who irritates you.

That Billy Caliber always really gets on my nerves. He’s always smacking his food in that annoying way he always does. Always sneezing without covering his nose. Always taking my clothes. He never brushes his teeth, and he’s always taking my food. One day he cut me in line for the cafeteria. I told him I was there first, but he just insisted that he had to go first. Another time he took my shoes because he forgot his own at home. Later I saw him wearing his shoes and I saw his girlfriend wearing mine. Another thing Billy does that annoys me is putting me in headlocks and forcing me to say he is the best before he lets me go. Another thing that Billy does is tell everybody at school I still wet the bed. Now everybody thinks I’m a bed wetter. He also shaved my head one time while I was sleeping. But the most annoying thing Billy Caliber does is play pranks on me the worse being wrapping me up in a sleeping bag and stuffing me in my locker while I’m asleep. Yep, that Billy Caliber really gets on my nerves and the worst part is I have to live with him.

What your relationship with food

 Write about your relationship with food.

I like food. It tastes good. My favorite is cake. I think I may have a problem I am just in love with cake. It's so soft and fluffy. It's the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Cake is the most amazing treat to eat. The icing is so creamy and whip cream frosting is the best. The texture of it makes me melt. I love chocolate cake it's the best type of cake to eat with vanilla ice cream. And Vanilla cake is perfect for birthday parties. Sponge cake has the best texture out of all the other cakes. But, my favorite is red velvet. The cream cheese frosting mixed with the little hints of chocolate is astounding. Nevertheless, all cakes are incredible and delectable.

write about something you got for free

Character Name:

Age: 15

Book: As tall as a tree


Write about something you got for free.

I still remember that time I got a free cake at my favorite bakery. It happened with a contest. The contest was to find the hidden ribbon in one of the millions of cakes sold by the bakery. Each town would have one winner and whoever found the ribbon would get a year of free baked goods from the bake all the bread you could eat. Now I was unaware of the contest at the time. So, when I found a ribbon in my cream pastry I was confused. The ribbon said congratulation, so I called the bakery to see what's up. The bakery had said I’d won the contest and told me the prize. Instantly I was excited. I told my mom, and she also got excited. I ran to the bakery as soon as I could and when I got there there was a news reporter and the shop owner. I ran up to them, and they asked my name. I told them, Robby Banner. Then they asked if I would mind an interview with them, and I agreed. But before the cameras rolled I saw a man out of the corner of my eye sitting by the dumpsters. He looked hungry and poor. So I called him over. When came I gave him the ribbon and then told the news report and bakery owner that I’m giving my ribbon to the man, and then I went home. I told my mom what I did, and she said she was proud of me. Then, we heard a knock at our front door. When we opened it, it was the news reporter and shop owner. They were here to give me a free cake for my act of kindness. I said I didn’t need a cake, but they insisted. That was the proudest day of my life.

Describe your bedroom in detail

Character Name: Sally Will

Age: 12

Book: Someday I'll be famous- A diary of a soon-to-be star



Describe your bedroom in detail.

I don't know what my mom mean when she said my room is a mess. I like my room. When you walk in My bed is against the wall on the left side of the room with a window staring at the door and my desk is on the right side of the room next to the closet. There's a trash can beside my desk s well The blue walls hung pictures of K-pop bands and sure my striped bed had the covers hanging off and half the sheet hanging on my one side. And my bedroom floor was infested with comics, manga, and my dirty socks. And maybe I have a few unsuccessful drawings that missed the trash can lying around the floor and an outfit I wore last week sitting on my computer desk. And maybe my clothes' door was hung open, and you could see a pile of clothes lying on the floor. If you look at it from an angle it doesn’t look that bad. But maybe if I picked up my clothes and comics off the floor. And maybe put my drawings in the actual and throw my drawings in the trash… maybe straighten my bed up as well… it would look a lot better.

What does getting old mean to you?

Character Name: Jason Gray

Age: 9

Book: The adventure in dream land




What does getting old mean to you?

Getting old? No think you. Getting old means getting a job and working all the time. I like playing video games and skateboarding with my friends. It also means having to wear clothes you’d never wear in a lifetime just to look professional. I mean what's the point of wearing heels if your feet are just going to hurt? Adults don’t do anything for fun or have a sense of humor. Getting older also means more responsibilities and college and stuff, great even harder math, ugh. I like being free. The older you get the means you have to get married and stuff too. YUCK!. Why would I waste my time on something like that what's the point? But getting older also means… dying. The older you get, the weaker your body becomes and the more likely you are to die, and I don’t want to die. I want to be able to still eat pizza and dance and hang out with my friends and family. The older I get, the more people I know will as well. My mom, My dad, and My Brother even though he’s 3 years older than me and annoys me all the time I don’t want him to die either. Why would I get older just to get hurt more? I’ll stay a kid, thank you!

What do you really want to change about your life? How could you do it?

Character Name: Andy B. Rich


Book: My terrible Life


What do you really want to change about your life? How could you do it?

What do I really want to change about my life?, hmp. Well, I guess you could say I’m not so lucky. I’ve always had bad luck and nothing good could ever seem to happen to me. When I was four I was attacked by a bat with rabies and ended up in the hospital. I survived, but I lost a finger… that was one hungry bat. When I was 10 we went on a field trip to the zoo and I got attacked by monkeys. When I was 13 I got hit by a car while riding my bike and ended up in the hospital. Luckily there were no serious or life-changing injuries. When I was 16 I went camping with a bunch of friends and got attacked by a bear. It nearly chewed my leg off! When I was 20 I got kidnapped by a mad scientist who tried to turn me into a squid! I was missing for a whole 2 years with endless torcher and finally, the cops found us. Unlucky, I had to do the entire semester of college over again. When I was 24 I flunked out of college. When I was 28 I lost my job and got evicted a few months later because I couldn’t find another to pay the bills. Now I’m 35 with no job, money, food, or wife. Yep, that's the story of my life. If I had to change anything in my life I would change my luck. Hu? What's that? How would I do it? Well, I guess I could stop mopping around. Move back to my parent, get cleaned up. Start looking for a job again. Go back to college. Avoid scientist. Get my degree. Find a nice girl with the same goals as me and open up a business with her. Have kids and live a happily ever after… Hey! I could do that, can’t I? That's it all the answer to my problem was to stop feeling sorry for myself and make a change in my life. I wasted 17 years of my life when all this time I could’ve just moved.

Write about a special summer's evening.

Character Name: Mike Samsung


Book: The adventure of Mike and Peter



Write about a special summer's evening.

Ah, summer. I still that special summer day like it was yesterday. It started at the pound. I was feedin the duck's bread when I got hit across the head with a big ol purple ball. It was a doozy and nearly knocked me in the water. I turn around yellin “HEY! What's the big idea!?” in excruciating pain. There I see a boy about my age running towards me and yelling “Sorry!” When he reaches me he apologizes again, and I tell him it’s no big deal. He asks me if my head is okay, and I tell em I’ll be fine then he sits down beside me. He tells me his name is Peter, and we begin to chat. We have a lot in common he and I and just when the conversation was getin good some teens come over to us looking for trouble. And gosh darn it don't I know them, teens? It’s Johnny Eric and his crew.“Hey Bill!” he says to me. “How’s your leg?” Now I ain't got no time for your pickin Johnny!” I snarl. Now if you didn’t know I’m missin a leg. Been missin since I was born, but I’ve manga. Johnny and his crew have been pickin on me since as long I can remember about my missin leg. John laughs and begins hopin around on one leg like a fool and his goons laugh at his idiocy. I ignore em and go back to feeding the ducks. Johnny sees he’s not getting a reaction out of me, so he picks me up by my overalls and toss’s me in the pond.” Hey Captain Hook! Can you swim with just one leg?” he picks. “Captain Hook has a missing hand, not a missing leg,” says Peter at my defense. Now I was surprised at his defending me because usually, folks would just ignore the bullying, but Peter stood up for me. That's somethin no person I've known has ever done for me. Peter stands up and stands face to face with Johnny lookin him in the eye. Now I never noticed this at first sight but when Peter stood up and turned to the side I saw he was missin an arm just like me missin my leg. Another shock to me. I thought I was the only person in this town missin a limb. “What’s it to ya? Freak!” Johnny says to em. “It’s to me that you're picking on my friend!” he says unbothered. Johnny saw he wasn't afraid of em and that annoyed him. Johnny looked down at the boy and em missing are and began to smirk. “Hey!” he said to his goons “Look at that. Boy’s got a missing arm” They laughed and then Johnny turned at me “You two can both be freakish together.” What he said burned my skin, and he could see it on my face. “Awww. Are you mad?” he said mockingly. I crawled out of the pond and grabbed my crutches then I stood up and swung em right under Johnny's feet causing him to stumble and fall back. Johnny got up to charge me, but Peter threw his ball right at his stupid face causing his to fall right into the pond. Johnny humiliated left along with his goons and that summer I made a new friend.

Describe how you would like your life to be in ten years time.

Character Name: Billy Marginal 

Age: 11

Book: Billy Marginal and the terrors of growing up


Describe how you would like your life to be in ten years time.

In ten years? Hmm… well thats a tough one. I do like to sing. Mmmhh… But I also like to dance. Oh, but I also cook. I also like to write and paint in my spare time. Maybe I could be a songwriter… no I don’t really write songs I’m more of a singer, so maybe a should sing the songs instead. That means I’ll have to hire somebody to write my songs… Nah. Well I can be a dancer instead. I’m very nimble. Plus I love to dance. It's a lot of fun but… I don’t know if it's something that I would dedicate my time to. Oh! Well perhaps I should become a painter or writer. No Wait! I should combine them and make comics… no thats no really my style. Well my mom always tells me I’m very smart, so perhaps I should do something that requires smarts. Like a rocket scientist… no… Doctor? No way. None of those jobs seem they fit me. Well I am very strong maybe I should be a construction worker. But I’m also very strong, so possibly I should become a football player. Well I’m not a fan a sports so no. And construction seems well… maybe a bit too much for me to handle. Well anyway who cares? I’m just a kid I have a lifetime before I grow up.

If you had a choice, what would you dream about tonight?

Character Name: Jason Gray

Age: 9

Book: The adventure in dream land-The last adventure



 If you had a choice, what would you dream about tonight?

Back here again? If I could choose? Hmm. Would dream of my friends in dream world where we would go on adventures again. Mr Wayne wanted to discover Atlantis, so I guess I would dream about that. Me, Mr. Wayne and Silly Billy would explore the forest of the creepy crawlies and battle the seekers of volcano Hills. Then we would swim in the oceans of green and find the city. There we would meet the people of Atlantis and save them from a crisis. We always do. But sadly I've gotten too old for dream land and will no longer be able to see my friends, but I'll never forget them.

Write about something you know nobody else does.

Character Name: John Luck 

Age: 13

Book: The rescue of Jimmy Rogers and the talking snake



Write about something you know nobody else does.

Well, I guess you could say I’m “self-aware”. Like I know these words are being typed by some random person. But they also are my own words because that's what they are typed to be. I know my adventures are made-up stories but at the same time, they are true. Because I know what you don’t know. You may think that you’ve just made up a story about some boy who plays tricks on the village and was one day kidnapped by monkeys but what you don’t know is that this is actually true. Have you ever considered that what you’re writing actually happened in a parallel universe? Because it did. In a parallel universe what you typed actually happened. You're actually just typing out events that have happened in a parallel universe but what happens is a paradox shares our memories from those events. It actually happened, but you think you made it up. You’re basically taking our memories and selling them as your own creative writing. It’s kinda despicable if you think about it. I think we should be paid 70% of what you make. We do the hard parts all you do is write it down. You may think that the words that I speak are being typed out by some random kid but in actuality, I’m saying these words so the next time a paradox comes around I can share this message with the people of your universe. I think It’s time for a change. I expect to see a response from you writers the next time one of your books gets sucked through a wormhole and ends up in our universe.


Hiya, it’s me again! Know how I was asking for 70% of whatever you make from our fantastic adventures? Well turns out we have the same thing here. I don't know if you have this or not, but we have a little something called television. See the thing is the channels just pop out of nowhere. The television is actually linked to the people of your world's daily lives. Basically what I’m saying is there are a bunch of tiny invisible cameras just following you guys around. And since our lives are just so exciting all the time we like to kick back and relax watching the boring lives of well… you. Seriously nothing exciting ever happens to you. No monkeys, alligators, or talking turtles. That's why it's fun to watch you guys be hilarious fighting over dumb stuff and trying not to be bored. I’m sorry for kinda threatening you earlier for a response and all. Hope you get this in the paradox!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.01.2023

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