


I would like to thank all the people who happened to be at any point of my daily course of life, I dedicate this book to my lovely mama Emelita Mfugale and my Dad Samuel Raphael and all my brothers and sisters. Thanks to Agape Lutheran junior seminary and Edmund rice Sinoni high school where I got to grow my passion and green acres’ primary school were it was all planted. Thanks to the Schacht and Kiwia’s family for every support I can’t mention. But also not forgetting Eustace Moyo and Jackline Meela for being those people you can never make it without them, thanks to all members of Edmund rice class 2014 and students of information system management at The University of Dodoma and all USCF members. May the love of God be with you all and thank you is what I can say for now.




















Dear friend this is my Journal; written based on the thoughts I have had all these years. I have written them based on the theme of love and events that I have experienced and seen happening. I want you to read it not only to help you in your doings but because God has given you a gift even if you don’t know it yet. Everyone has to find that out for themselves and that’s why I want you to go through this book. The greatest feeling in this world is to love and feel loved, in this book I express the meaning and testify love in a great dimension of life. Love here stands to be the greatest testimony for the greatest testimonies of life are made out of love.



“The basic values are common to all religions: Compassion; solidarity and respect for the human person. While we may differ, we still share a common love of our families.






Physics entertainment theory states that “some specific sounds increase the rate of our heart beat”. That specific sound has always been the sound of love, fan enough it’s not a sound that only the ears can hear but a sound that the heart can feel its vibrations, making it beat faster creating happiness within us.

Cell phones kill bees, well I mean cell phones signals cause bees to lose their way home and they die. That’s what science has proven in 2011. Apparently Albert Einstein said “if all Bees in the world die exactly four years after that all men will die. Now this is not my point of discussion but it serves well the point that love is a testimony too broad in it context, it unites all of nature. Whatever one member of nature does, affects the other intensively and the damage respectively affects the entire nature including the cause. I chose a wired example in the chain MAN CELLPHONES, SINGLES, BEES, and MAN.

Love has a profound effect to all nature whether it’s between two people or the love of God who stands to be Love himself. the testimony that love gives has no dimension, it sees and touches too deep into a human’s heart, pain is temporal so is happiness but joy is something we earn to live with always.

in the year 1945 the 26th day of the month of Juliet, when the world war two was coming to an end, a cargo was delivered to ARCHIPEL DES MARIANNES by a crew of marine soldiers of the Indianapolis. They delivered the cargo not knowing it was something that would make us all today speak of what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan in the end of 1945, many lives were lost. One part won the war, the other loosed and surrendered, and the war was over. Why do I have to highlight this, well because we have to be aware that with the human nature that we have created for our self, we have learned to fight one another? And claim in order to be superior we need to have the power to eliminate others and silence them at any moment making us remain at the top. History speaks a lot, we have seen and heard of Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, and Id Amin, currently we have seen what happened to Libya, Iraq, Syria and we also see nations like Sudan and Somalia. All this events still have two perspectives, to some they are supported and to some they are cursed heavily and that’s where they get even worse.

this world has a lot going on and in every story that you find in the pages of the history of this world, you will always come across a testimony too great, these testimonies are always made out of love and the acts of love, even soldiers don’t fight for the hate of their enemies but the love of their countries and they call it an act of Velour. Because love is too strong to push us into doing things that might seem too scary, love is powerful than the fear of death, it overcomes every kind of fear and dares to do all. This is why the greatest testimonies are made out of the acts of Love and love himself is a testimony testifying within us with honesty and truth.

War has been a part of humanity in every age, fighting for power, riches, for rights and for freedom and there always seems to be something to fight for. We are humans and we are all soldiers at one point of our life, and we have to fight and in every war we need to develop a strategy behind the field of battle. We are all aware that death is part of life and the life we are given should never be taken for granted. The many battles we engage in today, be it money, control or matters of the heart, very few of us know how to fight the right way, or understand who we are really fighting against. To win any battle, you have got to have the right strategy and resources, because victories don’t come by accident. And here is where Love comes in and the testimony of love wins us every battle in life.


















Life is so unpredictable looking back, I couldn’t believe I could be doing what am doing, and I don’t regret my choices. They turned to be my happiness today.




(Proverbs 17:17) A true friend shows love at all times and is a brother who is born for times of distress.

(1Corinthians 13:4-8) Love is patient and kind, does not look for its own interests, does not come provoked, does not keep account of the injury, it bears everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails.

Proverbs 4:7-8 says wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

Some words are worth hearing especially when spoken by the inner being, they are words that originate from truth than just a mere thought or feeling. My heart talks about peace talks about Love and is always concerned about those around me. Life felt worthy the moment we learn to Love someone else than we thought we loved our own self. I learned from the example of Christ giving myself for others and learning to express my Love to them.

Sometimes I tried to understand how the universe worked but I always got it wrong then I just knew, it never really matters how things happen but who makes them happen. For We are men made up of boxes, chambers of loss and trial, of hurt, Hope and Love. And yet no one is stronger than a man that can honest his past and use it as fuel and ammunition for his growth.

Most of times we find ourselves asking some delicate questions to nobody as if we don’t know that the being nobody doesn’t even exists. The truth could be, such questions can never get answers from anyone, somebody, someone not even everybody. As a result, such questions end up to nobody who in fact can’t answer and has never been there for once.

We humans forget one thing, some answers are only found within our conscious and these are answers to questions on what we wish, want, desires and of our true self. Most important, they tell on how our destinies should look like. We can be feed with all the advice and knowledge but whether we understand or not, use it or not, be who we want and desire or not. The answers to all this is nowhere than in our own self.

For we should Live our life that the fear of death can never enter our heart, chat no one about his religion, respect others in their views and demand they respect ours, love our life, perfect our life, beautify all things in our life. Seek to make our life long and worthy to our creator and of service to our people, that when our time comes to go home let’s be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, weeping and praying demanding a time to live our life over again to make it right to all we wronged but glorify the lord in our hearts that we are going back home.

You know “Even when God seems to have abandoned us he is watching, even if He seems indifferent to our suffering he is watching and when we are beyond all hope of saving he gives us rest as a sign to continue our journey.”

When I passed from boyhood to adolescence, I viewed life in pessimism and despaired of ever something of myself, but God’s love and care never deserted me I had confidence in his mercy. I had always desired to live in harmony with my brothers and sisters but my wish was always frustrated by the reality of the environment charged with malice envy and strife. Being a rebel I refused to surrender to this bitter reality and often tried to draw myself closer to my brothers and sisters but I collided with a high wall of scheming from what they called reality. But as a rebel I also deserted this family seeking Love in God’s wide word, and truly, the time my heart led me to understanding Christ, that was where I first experienced genuine love. Thanks be to God who never left me alone in emptiness and loneliness. Expression of love overflowed in my heart.

When you look into someone’s eyes you see your own reflection starring back at you, but I know there’s more than my own reflection there’s more than just that. I know it even if I can’t prove it because I can feel it, we leave so much behind in life our families, friends, countries and so much more. I suppose the whole of life in the end becomes an act of letting go but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say good bye.

I know of my hundreds of faults and I can never be perfect but rather I accept them and let Christ in his amazing love lead, I’ve a very weak heart and love is my greatest weakness am proud of my weakness and I don’t need to grow strong in it I only need to grow weaker and let God “Love” himself take over and be the love in me. Being loved doesn’t really matter but what matters is the love you feel for all those around you.

There is a scary part of life, the part that you’re scared to be truthful and silence becomes your language. I don’t want to die a failure, that I didn’t try hard enough for something and didn’t do my best, knowing I was created to do it for his glory. Though some scary part is putting your ideas out 333athere what if you crush and burn. When you know the truth you don’t need a million to admire, you only need one and maybe we can’t love widely but love deeply but is that not more than most of us should get. You don’t get to choose if to get hurt in this world but when you have a saint that hurts you, then you can, and then you do love your choices.

It’s true sometimes we feel so weak but be glad life is the happiest thing ever though most of times we might spend time at a corner shed some tears. To make them worth we shed them while saying a prayer and for sure when we come out we come very strong than before feeling more admirable and even appreciated full of glory. Miss Khadija our class teacher once asked this when I was a kindergarten student “what do you say to your father when he comes back home?” each student gave their answers when it was my turn I smiled and said “I don’t have a father” she smiled back and said no son you have one I know him his name is God go ask your mum and she will prove it. I went back home and asked mum “is it true that God is my father? Yes, she said but who told you that? Teacher Khadija I answered. She opened the bible and told me a story of creation and even told me of a man named JESUS then she narrated.

God created you but I a mother and your earthly father are only images to represent God. She told me lots of stories on God and this Loving JESUS. She also explained on Heaven and Angles to a point I imagined what heaven looked like. And this is where I really knew God these words changed a lot in me they are the words that planted love in me.

When I look at myself physically I use the mirror I don’t actually look at me but on the mirror and in it I see my own image it’s reflecting, all the time it gave me the correct image in the wrong direction that was left to right (reverse) of what was real of me. Cause that’s how it defines things not any other way, and when I wanted to use my own eyes to see me I would actually close my physical eyes and imagine of what I looked like I saw myself a very different person from what all other people see me, then to express the way I saw myself I called the way I saw my self-dreams and vision.

Surely the way we see our self and how others see in us is very different we see reality designed in us but the rest of the world see the outcome of what we do and act upon they don’t see who we are they actually see the product of who we are.

I pray that a time comes when Christian’s turns to true understanding of living fully satisfied in their Lord. As their faith and those misinterpreting Islam pave a way to the world’s peace case, religion was not meant to destroy earth but sustain it.


We are born with a purpose hundreds mention it but millions don't really understand it. We are the highest of God’s creation with extra ordinary capabilities there is nothing we can’t do, the problem is, we don't know what to choose to do because we are not satisfied with our strength, knowledge, education and we are not even sure if what we choose is ever going to satisfy us any way. That in the end we end choosing a lot of things that and we end with no stand I don't mean we can’t do lots of things at once but we can achieve the best if we know exactly what we choose and fight for it with all might.


  It’s stupid to think you can’t swim only because you never did it before it’s wise to know you only can’t swim because you didn't have time to learn then get to learn and start swimming. Before you started driving a car never meant you can’t drive it only meant you have to learn to and now you drive. Humans are unique and so are you and me. We should learn to be satisfied in our uniqueness in our home families and nations and bring the world at peace but that's never going to be possible if we don't understand working on our uniqueness. Stand choose anything at your level work on it learn in it and it will lift you up to the peak of the world.



For centuries the greatest lie has always been its not enough. There is not enough for everyone, this has led to competition for living resources, breaking out of wars and hatred among people. We even live in expectations of the shortage of water, gas and oil, then how wont our selfish nature which is not what we are created with but actually what we have learned and made it who we are at the moment manifest.

The truth is there is more than enough for us to live for we don’t all need the same clothes, food, wife, husband or any other thing. Every community and its people have their own preferences and choices but the problem comes, we don’t really know who we are, we define our self in terms of others and see our self the same way as those we found living the moment we were born. Not knowing our creation was for a different purpose from the rest, otherwise there was no need for us, God shouldn’t have wasted his time duplicating people but everyone has a different purpose and different needs to accomplish his or her purpose, and in this case we need each other to access these needs. Thus selfishness isn’t part of the story, and the scarcity/ not enough theory exists because we are selfish making all of us depend on exactly what we see, but in reality there’s so much more we are not trying to see. The, I want to be like a certain person and the copy cut strategy is what makes us conclude its not enough for us all, and that becomes evidently true and science and economics can prove that to be a fact, some facts never existed unless humans made them exist.

Because it seems that what our neighbor has, was supposed to be ours so that we could also be successful, if one starts a business and succeeds we feel he used the one possible alternative we should have used on the first place, we fight to be recognized, praised and respected. Because we were born seen successful people with that honor, then we think that’s success. As a result, we would like to see others down while we remain on top. It’s all a lie there is more than enough if you get to know and understand yourself.

Have a seat, imagine who you are and wish to be, get to understand your abilities be creative in achieving them, loose the spirit of fear and create the love of success in you. You will realize there is more than enough to live for, and it is even abundant that the world can’t even consume it all.

Life is all about what you see in yourself. Not really what others think of you. How can they see reality in you if you don’t even realize it yourself? When you realize what you really need to do and have in life, then life sums up in LIVING IT or LEAVING IT. It’s either you act on it or you don’t completely, it’s your life anyway the decision is all yours to do or not to do.


Love wrote “troubles are there to shape our lives. You have to face troubles to help/make you get strong. Don’t ran away from trouble, face them! You never know, but you will get to understand that God did allow misfortunes to shape you into something perfect. Though we get disappointed, they make us face the path of no return, this is because we will never get weary but we are strengthened. The more troubled we are, the stronger we get.

Some people believe that, having/facing trouble makes us draw near to God or solutions to what challenges us. It’s during this time people try to seek God with all limits. They use all strength to find solutions when they are extra troubled. We all need comfort and we then realize were to get our comfort and shield. What else could one want in times of trouble than comfort and if it’s the only way to make people seek truth and solutions one may say thanks be to the Troubles.” By (JUCKLINE MEELA)

love is therefore challenged by the greatest lie that “it’s not enough” and the things we so called “trouble” for its either we are selfish or we live with troubled souls, or with hearts that are too harsh to bear with those around us including those who happen to wrong us.






















“The society introduced God to me in the name of religion but in the course of life I understood it was not about religion,


My story began on the night of 1st May 1993, a night that mama said “ooh lord, thank you for giving me such a beautiful baby boy” with tears of joy flowing down her cheeks.

My mum was and is a Christian. I remember as a child, she spoke many of times about a God that Loves us so much, listens and redeems. Even though I never really understood what that meant by then. Sometimes I saw her doing a wired thing, she brought her arms together, bowed her head and knelt on the floor then she began talking silently to herself and not long I would see drop of tears as they hit the floor gently. It was not easy for me to understand all that. She called that prayer.

She would always say, this is the way people talk to God. And this is how we are filled with love, she also said we need love to accomplish everything including being happy. And we can talk to Love himself personally for God is love himself. This is how I learned to pray. She taught me, prayer was not a series of words to be said to God, but prayer was simply pouring our inner begin to God in honesty. The words didn’t matter but the state we put our self with God at that moment, the state that allows us to talk to him and allow him to talk to us. Then she said as you take your time and express yourself to God in prayer is the same way you should take your time and listen to HIM.

during my childhood we lived near an orphanage I was a single parent family kid, bearing in mind my mum was not that wealthy or able to support the two of us with everything the family needed, but still there was a heart of concern for others and that’s what she taught me. I spent almost all of my time living with the kids at the center, they were all of my age and it was the thing and place I loved to be all the time, there was no greater feeling I had or we had as when people came to visit us in the orphanage and brought things for us, the time they gave us was the most important thing to us especially the games and love they showed us it’s something I will never forget, in those moments I felt humanity and love in them. What else would I need, I felt so good to be in that place, though there were times it didn’t feel that good especially the idle moments we had and all we did was speaking of our families we could see tears and sorrow in each other’s eyes but joy came when at the end we spoke one language as a family.

In kindergarten, a friend of mine hit me with a stone on the head intentionally he was bullying me most of time. I began bleeding and was rushed to a dispensary for treatment. When I was brought back the boy was to be punished, I ran to the teacher and said “please sir, forgive him. My mum told me that Jesus said we have to forgive those who wrong us” the teacher looked at and said what did you say? Starring at me with nothing to say but he was puzzled with my statement he let him go. this developed into a habit of forgiving and finding no fault in anyone no matter what they were doing towards me and those around me, I would just say politely that’s not a good thing with a smile on my face and everything would just be cool.

You know I find that Most of times we find ourselves looking for meanings of things, like why something happened in my life, why someone had to hurt us or I can’t be this or have that because I once did this in my life but I say “ if it happened it happened why does it have to mean anything” because you couldn’t prevent what happened but for what’s next it’s your choice how you want it, “the past is not an excuse it’s a weak man’s point to justify his weakness and a strong man’s strength to prove his strength”. If someone does you wrong, why not learn to make it right. Even if the mistake isn’t yours, this is how we make peace and that is what love is. love forgives and is also peace. it is right to be angry, furious and even feel bad about a situation or somebody, I don’t deny that but what am trying to say is don’t let this thing exceed the power of love in you. You can have all this thing to whatever highest degree, but allow and let love lead, when love takes over good happy decisions will rule each day and every situation of your life. A smile will be an unchanging product of your face to the world and joy will take possession of your lifetime.

I was promised to be Loved for the rest of my life, I was Loved before this life, I am Loved and I will always be Loved. Understanding this made me promise to Love for the rest of life to eternity, truth and honesty had to be the pillars of my heart and in loving they gave peace, and they teach each day loving, at no limits some people say these days’ people don’t love each other they only look for interests that fulfil their earthly desires. But I say no most people don’t choose to hear the truth and honesty they search for what they want to hear, not knowing that’s rejecting Love. Love your neighbor as yourself. The scriptures say. All I know is that the world is full and filled with plenty of Love in it but most people reject it in the course of feeling more worthy or unworthy as a result, truth and honesty dies letting interest taking over and love becomes silent. When Christ was at the cross dying he uttered “FATHER FORGIVE THEM THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO” I know for sure that was LOVE himself speaking the truth in Honesty but most rejected his voice till this hour. What more can a man give than the truth and honesty that fills his entire Loving Heart.

“The society introduced God to me in the name of religion but in the course of life I understood it was not about religion, it was rather about my faith in God, it was all about understanding the love God had for me and it was all about learning to love God who indeed is LOVE himself, and I kept doing the thing mum called prayer.

Before I used to wonder, how many people go without food each day in this world, how people kill one another, how many can’t afford their need, this world looks as a chaos in its real perspective, then I realized God was the hope of all this people as they always said “God will make a way he has a good plan for me” I couldn’t be certain if I believed or did not believe.

There was a time I too was not sure if I might have something to eat, I had no good place to sleep, I couldn’t get the things I needed, I cried a lot because I had no friend, but I had only one hope, God. still I had one question, which God to follow they say there is only one God but I saw many of them, but am thankful I understood eventually there is a GOD that created us and their gods we created, that was what made the difference. I heard someone say I will protect my God I asked myself how can a tiny little creature at a corner of the earth protect a God that created the universe with its more than 7Billion know galaxies live alone what human minds can’t image. The world made this gap we know very little of the GOD that created us but so much about the ones we created, GOD is love, how can he readily meet the rich, keeps the poor waiting, petty, make false promises, makes us live in fear. I love saying, there is no doubt in God he is God and nothing can change that whether we choose to believe him or not we are still his creation, he will love us but let’s not forget, he who creates can also destroy but this God keeps his promises.(.PK.)

This is why I say, I will Love God for the rest of my life, and love, sometimes people call it sacrifice. Love is the strongest weapon, the best gift and happiness at every corner of the world. And it’s the reason when I say “I Love you” I mean it from the two pillars of truth and honesty in my heart.

It’s true sometimes we feel so weak but be glad life is the happiest thing ever, though most of times we might spend time at a corner shed some tears. To make them worth we shed them while saying a prayer and for sure when we come out we come very strong than before feeling more admirable and even appreciated full of glory.

If you want to go someplace you need a map and the compass. Let the BIBLE be your map your destination be HEAVEN then locate heaven on your map and use PRAYER as your compass in case of advice the HOLYSPIRIT is the teacher your neighbor is your college you support each other in this Journey. Never ignore the words of the men and women of GOD as leaders of the church, they are part of the work of the Holy Spirit to teach you on how to make your steps towards heaven. But remember focus on GOD not man.






The problem with love is that most of us feel we have to earn it, most people feel, they have to somehow be worthy of it and deserving it. So their happiness is titled that their satisfaction is bound to their ability to earn love. You can’t earn love, and if you try it then that’s a long broken road. Love is not what your trying to earn, something your tying to be worthy of. If it is so, then you’re looking for something else and it’s not love. You’re chasing something that looks as love and not it. You can dress it up, but that’s not love, you can commit to it but that’s not love, you can cry for it, fight for it but still that’s not love. You want it to be, you wished it, I know but all you got was a face full of tears and you still don’t know what love is. maybe I can’t describe it but I know it’s not earned its given, it’s not stored in a box somewhere to be discovered, it’s not a puzzle you have to put together, it doesn’t feel like a fight, it just flows. we make it hard, we turn it to something else, it can’t hurt but we turn it into pain, it can be felt for forever but we turn it into possession, it can feel a distance but we turn that into suffering, maybe Dad didn’t know how to say it but it was there, maybe Mum was screaming it but you couldn’t hear because her demons were too loud, but that love was always there.

Do you want know what it looks like and how it feels? look around you, when your driving home, people all around you are waiting for something, waiting for those few days, those sweet moments to be with friends again with family again for warm embraces, for laughs, for good stories and for simple words that don’t cost anything but mean everything, like I miss you, I love you, please stay a little longer.

What do you want? What we all want is love, it the reason being alone doesn’t feel too good. It’s the reason there really is no place like home, its love. It’s the reason saying goodbye hurts a little more and coming back feels even better, its love. It doesn’t cost anything, you don’t have to earn it, and you don’t have to deserve it. You want to know what love is.

How do you describe how air meets a fire? How do you describe to here that cry, to feel five tiny fingers creeping yours? How do you describe seeing those big brown eyes? How do you describe the feeling of forever? How do you see it in that smile? How do you describe that feeling I will do anything for you? When you feel it in his or her arms? But I know how you feeling when you can’t feel love. Because then you can’t feel anything. You can’t feel love when all you have is a whole you can’t satisfy.

something you can’t touch but can ever feel, something you can here but can never see, and yet there is something else in you, something asking you, who was I before life started happening, before this illusion, because I remember feeling. It wasn’t hard it just came flowing naturally. I kept jumping in the bed playing in the rain, I remember a feeling but it was effortless and I had to think of it and it was me.

what I wanted to know is that maybe for you love isn’t about discovering anything else or anyone else maybe it’s about discovering you, and that can be a strange trip because at the end of it if you spend enough time digging you find out you’re not who you think you are. you thought you were whatever was strewing back at you on the mirror, then you find that your something else, you find that when you say “I” what you really mean isn’t separation, what you really mean is “other” you find that I is the same as other. See that is authenticity and is pure as though. And when you know that you can give it away. you can give out the very thing you want, the very thing your craving for you can give it away, the very thing that seem most important, because you have it already and it will come back to you.

You can give kindness to a stranger and it will come back to you, you can give compassion to the undeserving and it will come back to you, you can bring love to a person who has only known hurt and that love will come back to you.

look around you love is an act of faith it’s not a gamble, it’s not something you squeeze or hold on to, love is something you give away because you have so much of it already in you, and if people want to take it away from you let them take it. It that hurts yes, if it’s confusing, yes at times it will, let them take it and you keep giving it. Give it to strangers, to people who left you, hurt you, give it to those who stay, those who need it and those who forgotten how to find it. Give it freely and in return seek nothing.

Love is always there it never leaves and when you remember that, it always stays. you become something else, more than what your chasing, be good to yourself be good to each other and live the best portion of love.



Love is a word that can have as many definitions as the number of people who attempt to define it, love is also an action that can be expressed by everyone in his or her own way, it can also be expressed differently by anyone according to the measure that he or she experiences it in the course of daily life. Simply one can say, Love is an emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment, it is a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection. It acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships.

Sometimes we struggle with the concept who should we love the most? Our parents? And if them who do I love the most my mama or my Daddy? Should I love my wife, girlfriend/boyfriend more than those around me? Whom should I give more of my attention? Should I love me more than anybody else? Or should it be, my Job or my best friend?

This turns to be a controversy to many of us, and it happens when we consider love to be a whole perhaps with a measure of 100%, we have love in us how do we use the 100% of love in us, because as long as we have love then we ought to love. We can’t deny that there are people we feel we love them more than other people, though sometimes we say we love everybody and hate no one which in fact is also very true. Because we don’t hate the others but we feel we love somebody more than we love the other. Example a friend you meet just today and your mother whom you spent all your time with and bearing in mind she gave birth to you, how would you love these two people would it be the same?

I can dare say, “If you think you love one member of your family more than the other then something is not right somewhere”

Let’s clear this definition first before I explain my point.

Love is total, fully and complete in itself as we highlighted before. if love is 100% it doesn’t mean you can make it into portions like 20% to your brother 15% to friends until you complete everyone around your life and say you have loved fully. It is impossible to portion love, divide it or remove any element of love from love and call it love. Love is love, when it is given exactly the way it is, fully. Everyone has to receive and give love fully100% because the nature of love itself does not allow that. As I have highlighted before “Love is an emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment, it is a virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection. It acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships”.


Love is a law and laws have no feelings, it is simply commandment so we can say we can’t even give it measures as we have done in a few lines above. Our creator gave us this law in

john 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you: love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another” furthermore verse 35 says “by doing so all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.

these verse point out that love is a commandment that we have to choose to practice, it’s not simply a feeling otherwise it stands as a debt that is outstanding in our lives as it’s also written in the book of romans 13:8 “let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another”. We are obligated to love one another and that is what we should do.





Personality of love

It’s about time now we should stop calling love “IT” but rather acknowledge the personality of love. Yes, we began with considering love as an object so that we can move perfectly into understanding its personality.

GOD say’s and the scriptures say, “GOD is Love” God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God lives in him. Now we can explain my point that we don’t really love someone than the other and we can’t really divide love into portion. For if you have to present someone in different places at once that is impossible all you can do is to choose a single place and present the person and forgo the rest of the places. And here is where God comes in he who can do all, knows all, and be everywhere at once, because he is God and furthermore he is love. There is a big difference between love and a feeling because God is not a feeling but God is Love.

Now the only reason Love is can be given to everyone exactly the same is because God is Love he lives and dwells in each of us who believe and accept him. That is why the same way we love our parents or a wife and a husband is the same way we have love (God) for our friends and everybody else. But there is a difference that makes us feel we love someone more than the other and here it is.

Love builds an interpersonal relationship with those around us, as highlighted in our previous definition. That is why you don’t do/act the same way with your teacher as you act with your mother. you don’t do with your mother what you do with your wife, you don’t talk the same way to a friend you have known for 10years the same way you talk to a friend you just introduced yourself to. you can here and accident in the news and perhaps some death announced and all you feel is just a sorry or compassion but it quite different if you here your little brother is very ill and almost dying.

Why is all this? It doesn’t mean we love some people more than the others. Love is the same has never changed and will never change it is given in the same portion to everyone. The only difference is the personal relationship we have with all this people that sets a limit of actions and deeds making it easier to give your life for your mama than a person you don’t even know his name. Love can decide anything in its will at any moment, I mean (God) we don’t decide for him he decides in us, that is clearly saying Love decides in any circumstance what to do and what not to do, love decides for us but only if we give Him (Love) a chance. Once again this is to say if we give God a place in our daily life.

otherwise it now our personal relationships that take over, and based on our thoughts and further feelings and emotions we decide and make decisions that look as decisions made out of love but no we decided for love and Love didn’t make that decision himself for love is a complete personality of God.

I bet the quest is answered though not fully but now you can discuss it in your mind and find a good answer for your own self. but I have an advice accept Love in your heart, accept him if you haven’t then you will realize what it means because if you want to know how honey tastes you just don’t ask you give it a try.












When you look into someone’s eyes you see your own reflection starring back at you, but I know there’s more than my own reflection there’s more than just that. I know it even if I can’t prove it because I can feel it.

In the book of Luke 6:20, JESUS said “Do unto others as you would like them do to you” but that is the exact question that raise the other questions, and how is that possible? How can you react to the needs of everyone else the same as your own, even for one day? This is what disturbs when the word love is mentioned but if we fail to fulfill this scripture then we are actually not loving. But only wanting to be loved without loving. Because love binds people into one feeling of joy with happiness and peace.

“Dear lord am not quite sure what to say, but thank you for your great love, I ask that you forgive me of my sins, please come into my heart and guide me in everything I do and that I have to do. AMEN

These words might be too few but when they come out truthfully from the heart, it turns out to be a new story and chapter of a life. It’s more than impossible to speak of true Love before making that step of accepting God in your life. You Know God is indeed love himself and you can’t truly Love unless Love lives within you. When two people come together and they both Love God more than anything the love they have for God will generate a true love between them for they will both see the God they truly love than anything in each other.

It takes time to reveal the inner person, that secret person of the heart. You have to hold back a little bit emotionally, until you are sure that you are going to bring out the best from each other. When it’s about love it might seem everyone else is falling in love but you, but it’s said wisely enough “Enjoy your singleness while you still have it and then when that special someone comes along, you will get to start a whole new chapter in your life”.

I consider love being a gift and a blessing, it’s something that we can’t really define, but all we can do is say what love does, every human has this in common we all out to love and more than all feel loved, either by our families, friends, the society and mostly those we count to be the closest people in our daily lives. Love is given to us freely no one knows the price to pay someone for the love they show to us, at least we can love back, and that’s the glory in loving one another just as the greatest commandment say.

I asked LOVE why is he so persistent? Why he never gives up? sometimes I told him you know I don’t deserve anything, he answered “of Course you don’t deserve anything that’s why am not really giving you anything all am doing is loving you with all my heart am doing and being what I am “LOVE” and if I don’t love you then I will be pretending to be what I am not”. Then I realized the real meaning of love is not love or being loved but loving truly.

The course of true love never always run smooth, you just have to love, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be. And while that may be a frustrating truth in real life, it serves literature well.

Now, you don’t have to deny that you are aware of the beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to do with beauty. As you get to know someone you acknowledge the beauty, but then you begin to realize that beauty was the least of the qualities. You became fascinated by the goodness. You get drowned in by it. Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in ruin; it is never stronger than when it is completely unreasonable. We should pray and long for LOVE that grows like flowers in the fields, for LOVE to feel as time goes on, for LOVE we will care till the end, for Love we will cherish and keep forever.

There could be a melody in your Heart that never stops, it makes you sing lots of songs and turned you into a poet, a writer that has the rhythm of poetry without the laws of writing it, but your living it as part of life, think of yourself as a boy/little girl for as long as you live. for I like this about little boys/girls, they never easily say I love You nor do they lift them self, high in a crowd or want to be superior they are always okay with everything and when they say it they mean it for real, they speak their heart and always eager to listen because they wish to grow into strong adults.

Once a florist was asked what don’t you like about your job she answered “plucking up these flowers whether for Humans or some Alter, these flowers are so delicate even before they can blossom completely they are plucked from their branches, they have to pay a price for our happiness, our sorrow, our Love and achievements by getting plucked. But nothing can be done for years this job has been providing for my family”, a lot has to be sacrificed to run a house”. But the sacrifices to be taken in love are gentle and lead to happiness we eliminate hate, selfishness, the I speech and all kind of evil thoughts and fill the whole heart with so much love that you even protect love with life.





















Grandpa once said “son, there a lot of people in this world but not everyone will fit in your visions and dreams, just be sure it’s the one you’re laying your sight on, not the sight of the eye but that from your own heart. And that is your blessing

I couldn’t think of anything greater as a gift to you, a gift that could remain a memory and a symbol of appreciation and love, nothing I found to be unique but the Talent and Love God placed in my Heart. This short book is my gift to you written from my own heart and mind, plus inspirations I have received. I know am always short of words, but the good part is, all the writing in this short chapter can be summarized into three words and a name that goes as “I Love You Heart”

If love came in colors I would choose green, but as long as it comes in human then my only choice is you alone my love. If I have to describe it, I would simply refer to you for you are my love. In a little nutshell I can say God is love and in you I find him and that is love to me. When am with you I find peace in every second we spend together. I love you with truth and honesty. Darling you are a blessing in my life and I LOVE YOU. God help me love you so dearly with overflowing blessings let me love you over flowingly each day of my breath more and more.

I am nothing special, just a common man with common thoughts and I have lived a common life most of us call it poverty, perhaps soon my name might be forgotten but I have succeeded one thing I have loved another with all my heart, and have been able to understand the great Love that God has for me, being honest I said out loud to God “Thank you for your Great Love and you know what my desires is. I have always wanted and wished to live in Love with you. on my side I fail you most of time but your love towards me never let me fall, it is in your great love that you gave your life for me that I have learned to Love also, and just as you will always love me no matter what for the rest of my life so will I Love for the rest of my Life at all cost for even my life is a gift from you. With it I will stand for the Love you kept in me”

God is love and it’s only in him that am writing this special gift to you for without God am a terrible liar when I say any single word of love.

I have tried to find Words to tell you how I feel, to convince you about something but there are never such words the only real truth still can be in my silence. Yes, I admit my feelings, maybe you know what love really means or maybe how it really feels. at some point I don’t, all I know is what I feel, you could be a miracle or a blessing or anything good one could be but there is one thing you won’t stop being a Godly made creation that lives in my heart what is part of me and what I am part of. In life we are not all perfect we all have setbacks, with things we wish we had done and things we wish we never did. But all these when it comes to feelings it turns to a different aspect, they are no longer setbacks but stepping stones that made us who we are today they turn to be our motivation for everyone has a page in the history of the world

The courses of true love never always run smooth, I've always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be. And while that may be a frustrating truth in real life, it serves literature well. The most romantic love stories involve a convincing plot, which means conflict. After all, would Romeo and Juliet be half as beloved if the two swooning teens lived happily ever after?

Now, I'm not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to do with your beauty. As I got to know you, I began to realize that beauty was the least of your qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it. Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in ruin; it is never stronger than when it is completely unreasonable. I prayed and longed for LOVE that grows like flowers in the fields, for LOVE to feel as time goes on, for LOVE I'll care till the end, for Love I'll cherish and keep forever.

I don’t know much about you, but all I know about you is more than knowing much about you. You are what completes my incompleteness, the one that fills the gaps between my figures, and when people called me man and called you woman I found myself within you the reason I call you Heart, cause the body having every necessary organ and requirements for life it need the pressure from the heart beats to make it a living being and I know that, since my childhood you lived in my heart, each day I thought of you from those days, yes maybe I never knew your face but I bet I knew it from my prayers and was longing to see it someday. It’s the reason when it was finally someday it took no trouble for my heart to whisper. “Hey there she is” then I thought well she’s too cute I wish to see when she smiles, but I don’t think such a girl can even respond to me. “What! Don’t be stupid” my heart said then I said to you “hello” oohh no you replied not, someone else passed by said “Hi” you smiled and replied Hi. Wow nice smile I whispered and moved on saying to my heart I trust You always move slow and take things easy for easy is your speed. Well actually we became friends without a need of a hello and without a history to be talked about that’s what the heart does takes things easy that’s its speed. From that hour I have never been able to shake from my soul the belief that my Destiny, for good or more, either here or hereafter, is in some measure interwoven with your own.”

Shall I be able to pass all my time with you, having only to love you, and to think only of the happiness of so saying, and of proving it to you? I thought that I loved you, months ago, I feel that I love you a thousand fold more. Each day since I knew you, have I adored you yet more and more? This proved the maxim of reality, that "love comes all of a sudden,” Everything in nature has its own course, and different degrees of growth.

‘I know I’m a terrible liar sometimes, but please believe that I have never betrayed either in word or deed the physical you or the mental you. I simply love you too much, I behaved like an idiot ... I deserve all the injury that you can inflict, and I will take it as long as you stay with me 'In my poor and tormented youth, I had always dreamed of you. And now, when this dream occasionally returns, I extend my arm, and here you are

my thoughts go out to you waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can only live wholly with you - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, “I love you with that tenderness of spirit, that purity of truth, that sincerity of heart, If I had all the world, it should be yours; for with it I could but be miserable, one can ask what if we never met I would simply answer nothing like that would ever have happened for there would be no reason of incomplete existence of a being made by the Creator.

“Since the soul is superior to the body, to which it is united, it would remain on earth in painful loneliness were it not for the fact that among other human souls it may choose a companion – a partner in the trials of life and in the joys of the hereafter. When two souls, which have sought each other amid the crowd, find they have met, realize that they belong to each other, and comprehend this affinity, then it is that a union has been brought about, as pure and aspiring as themselves – a union which begun on earth will be consummated in heaven.” Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher (1821)

The object of love is regarded as a divinity, with all the devotion and affection which turn the greatest sacrifices into the sublimes joys. Such a love you inspire in me, and such a love you might someday feel for me. I am in such haste that I know not what I write, but I do know that I love you more tenderly than ever.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice iniquity, but does rejoice in truth, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails (1Corinthians 13:4-8). Bear in mind that is not love but what love does for God is Love.

Love has a profound effect on every man in proportion to the measure he experiences it. It is a means of solving problems and an end towards attaining peace and deliverance from the shackles of selfishness.

Love is undoubtedly the fruit of faith, casting light upon our world and making sweet sacrifices in varying degrees. Love and light are similar in that they both shine, dispelling darkness. I believe that God is Love. There is no greater love than that of a man giving himself for the sake of his loved ones.

Believe me, your memory is dear to me, however far we may be from one another, and though circumstance change, I shall keep my love for you because it was nurtured in pleasant circumstances. It now lodges firmly in my soul and time cannot erase it. Am proud that you’re the lofty ideal I have aspired to and the one I sought to emulate. May God keep you?

I’ve learned if you want to survive life its best to begin to respect the gift of love now, it’s like parents I call them unconditional and forgiving punching bugs however or what we do to them they are still our best friends. If we are unable to learn this gift of love from our parents, then will have to learn it from harsh teachers that we will give birth to someday and call them our children

I could be any person in the world but my inner being will always be me. But when am with you all my value goes away and everything changes my smile my pain my happiness and everything else and it’s a feeling saying hey you love her. Even if I had no feelings in my bones but this is my personal decision that I’ve made I put my honor and name in it to love you with no end. Am not here just to be here, to spend a couple of months or years with you no there’s a greater purpose between us

All my life I’ve wanted to love, I used to think is there anyone out there for me, do they even exist if I go out there will I find them or am I just wasting my time what if they don’t exist, sometimes I wonder what’s wrong in wishing for someone dreaming to be with someone, that special one person, a person who will take all the little things you have even those you don’t even like, when you are happy or sad, they will always be there.

It sounds simple, even if you don’t love me even not at least to be a friend, but I’ve decided to love you even if you want me far away. I’ll still follow. If I know you’re my happiness it doesn’t matter. All I know is I Love you.

Sometimes we lie, there things we have to correct, yes it might be painful, its hard confessing our feelings but if we are honest it proves the love and bond within, loving you is never going to change whether you’re with me or not, I have a necessity as a man, when I was created forming in my mums belly I was given a purpose and part of it was to meet my other half. You see am a castle but what’s the point if I don’t have a treasure what’s the strong wall for, the guards and so on what’s the point for that if there’s nothing inside that I love and protect let me love you let be worth being a castle I need nothing but just you to accept being a treasure even if you have millions to confess but your still you and you are a treasure all I need is you to accept my love. I will be here; a castle never moves though its treasures can be moved the good thing it can be returned also. Even if you happen to proceed with your life without me am a castle I’ll always be here am a castle without a treasure then but I will wait for it to my decay or ruins. If there’s one thing I would wish is for you to let me be happy with you a find the worth of being a castle. Let whatever come we will face it together. Just remember it’s my confession maybe there’s no good way of saying but I love you and there only one way to prove it by loving you always and always

We shall probably soon meet, even today I cannot communicate my remarks to you, which during these days I made about my life — were our hearts close together, I should probably not make any such remarks. My bosom is full, to tell you much — there are moments when I find that speech is nothing at all. Brighten up — remain my true and only treasure, my all, as I to you. The rest the gods must send, what must be for us and shall. “Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby: awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess.”

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold in the flush of love’s light.

We dare be brave, and suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet, it is only love which sets us free

Don’t ever think I fell for you, or fell over you. I didn’t fall in love, I rose in It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.” It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you. A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved as for my heart, there you will always be — very much so. I have a delicious sense of you there. But my God, what is to become of me, if you have deprived me of my reason? I am a prisoner here in the name of the King; they can take my life, but not the love that I feel for you.

I admit if you are not interested in me but still my soul seeks for a hope. I heard about true love but never thought that I will fall into this. You really have to let me know your approval. My love is very simple. Please realize that it’s coming from my heart and not my head. I am not trying to make you feel uncomfortable but this feeling does come along every day.

Darling I don’t know how to tell you how much I do miss you. I love you till I fail to realize even the slight meaning of it. all I love, all I want, all I need is you- forever I just want to be with you and be what you want me to be. I miss so much being close to you, my imagination carries me to you. As for my heart there you will always be. Maybe this has been a very easy letter to write, I love you heart with all my heart, how often I have thought of the immeasurable joy that will be ours someday and how lucky our children will be to have a mother like you. The important thing is I don’t want to be without you for the next years of my life.




In many ways the work of a critique is easy it enjoys to see those who offer up their work and themselves are up to judgment, we strive on negative critics which is fond to write and to read. But the bitter truth critiques must say regarding the things and every piece of information they find is probably more meaning full than the criticism they can give. But there are times when critics truly risk something and that is to the discovery on new talents, skills and situations that they are themselves amazed with to a point they fail to understand how it all comes to happen. Only now I personally understand that not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.

The only thing that is unpredictable about life is its unpredictability.




“I hope when you read this book, you pick the lesson and enjoy the literature within it, and let the context of unfailing true love fill your heart.”









Proverbs 17:17) A true friend shows love at all times and is a brother who is born for times of distress.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2018

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This book is dedicated to all who struggle and want to develop love within them

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