

"Run!" The voice screamed in her head. "I have to escape!" She said to herself each time both her bare foot made contact with the cold and wet forest floor. "I will come back, I will take revenge on what they did to me, my life!" She could hear running behind her, getting distant by the second, but still, she won't stop. She felt herself slowing down, but she kept on trying. With each step, her vision got more blurry until she couldn't handle it anymore, she fell to her knees, scraping them more than what they have done to her. She lied down on the floor, that was wet from her blood. She was beginning to feel her eyes drooping. 'Revenge...'  was her only last words before she fell into a deep sleep...


Chapter 1: Reincarnate

"Are you seriously thinking that I could believe you, Katherina?" Mother fussed up, annoyed with me. "Yes, mother!" I cut in. "No! I cannot believe it, Katherina. Even if I want to, I can't because it is just your imagination!" Mother yelled at me, her voice cracking.

"You can't say that mother. You cannot say that when you haven't gone through it... It hurts so much!" I yelled back, fighting back the tears that are falling from my eyes. "Don't raise your voice on me, young lady!" Mother shouted. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. She had slapped me. I could feel my blood, rushing through my veins to my eyes. Slowly my gaze fell to the ground, my vision starting to blur with shades of light pink to dark red, blood red. I shook my head and looked at my mother with my fists tightened. Suddenly, mothers eyes grew wide; her mouth dropped with a sharp gasp.

"" Mother's words stuttering in shock. "First you slapped me, now you can't even look at me with remorse?" There was a loud piercing sound that shook the mansion, causing bookcases, and chandeliers to crash on the hard marble floor. It took a while after the piercing sound stopped until I realized that the sound came from me. My mother fell to the ground, shaking with fear and shock. I looked at my hands in shock, surprised at what I've just done.

"I'm sorry baby." Mother gasped out after a while, her voice shaking. "No." I spat out. "No mother. After father left, you were an alcoholic, crazed lady! I can't even call you my mother anymore when you don't even give a shit about me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, surprisingly louder than what a normal human can yell. I felt a burning sensation at the tips of my fingers. I tried to ignore it, but mother kept on staring wide-eyed at my fingers. I looked, and for my surprise, there were flames at the tip of my fingers. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt me at all. I gave my head a shake and looked at my mother, teary-eyed.

"You see mother? All you can do is stare at me, not a single request to help me at all!" I choked out, my eyes getting blurry with blood red shades again. "But- "No mother, don't you dare defy me!" The once tiny flames that appeared on the tips of my fingers grew larger by the second. I knew that if I stayed here any longer, I wouldn't be able to keep control of my temper, and I might burn this mansion down.

"I can't do this anymore..." I muttered, scared that I have to accept this, but not regretting it either. "I'm sorry, mother," I sighed. I grabbed my bag that I packed this morning and stepped back towards the two automatic doors of mother's mansion. "Sorry? For what...?" Mother asked, a slight sense of concern in her voice.

"I'm leaving."

Chapter 2: Dooms Day

 Dec 31, 2002, was the day I died. 

Jan 1st, 2003, was the day I was reborn. My name is Katherina Persefoni, pronounced Kat-der-rain-na ~ Per-say-phone-e, rolling the 'r' in "rain." I am currently 17 years old, moved to America from the United Kingdom just last week. Until a year ago, this is my first junior year at the 5 stars, StarGaze High School. I am starting this school the last half of the year because mother and father decided to move for their business. I've never been abused with words or have been embarrassed in public before, and you can say that this year is the first time I've been bullied.

I woke up to one of my favourite music, 7 rings, by Ariana Grande, from my annoying alarm clock. I groaned and reached to the table at my bedside, trying to shut my alarm clock up. I swatted my hand and accidentally hit the rim of the table, surely bruising my hand. I grabbed my pillow and squished it on my face, hoping that it would muffle the sounds. After a while of silence, I lifted the pillow off my face, glad hearing nothing at all. Until the alarm clock chose that time to replay the song again. After millions of failed attempts to shut the fucking alarm up, I yelled in anger and rose up from my comfortable king-sized bed, grabbed my stupid alarm and threw it across my room.

Actually, it isn't a room, but more like a whole floor. My mansion is five stories tall with three underground levels, one for a humungous indoor pool, another for special occasions like parties, and last, is just a regular basement. My room is the largest floor, the fourth story. I know, I know. You're probably like, "Holy, shit!" and yadda yadda, but calm down! Not to brag but my family is rich, and that's all. My mother and father owns a huge business that basically feeds the whole country with our needs. Food, yup. Clothing, check. They have it all. So you can say my family is the wealthiest in this country. Well, why do we have five stories? It's a mansion bruh. No, I'm just kidding. We are a family of four. Mother, father, brother and me. Mother and father took the second floor, bedroom, offices and all that. My brother, Elijah (who is 20) took the third. The main is the first one where all the guest rooms, living room, the kitchen and two bathrooms are held. Now you probably ask, "What about the fifth floor?" Mother was expecting a baby last month, but it was a false report. But father and mother agreed that the fifth floor would be for me. Gosh, I'm talking too much. So anyways, enough about my family and me.

I threw the alarm across the room to the other side in anger, watching the alarm fly across my "room" and out my huge window. My eyes went wide with surprise as I ran to my window and watched the alarm fly as far as I can see it, about 96km. Wait,- an average person can only see up to 48km. Talking mathematically, 96 is double of 48! I ran to the washroom (Yes, I have my own washroom) and looked at myself in the mirror. Nothing is out of the usual. Ears are still on the sides of my head. My button nose, as seen in the mirror, are on my heart-shaped face. My eyes, well, nothing was wrong with my dark ocean blue coloured eyes.
"What is wrong with me?" I questioned myself, still concerned and confused.

"Katherina!" I heard mother yell from the bottom of the long-as-hell staircase. "Whatever is the problem, Mother?" I shouted back to her, turning off the washroom lights and closing the door behind me. I didn't hear anything for a while, so I started going back to my bed. "You're going to be late for school!" This time it wasn't mother, it was Elijah. "No way," I mumbled to myself, mentally thanking Elijah for reminding me why I was out of bed. I rushed back to the washroom, brushing my teeth and taking a shower at lightning speed. After I was done, I ran to my big walk-in closet and gazed around for a while until I saw the perfect outfit. I quickly changed into a cute black top, showing my perfectly shaped belly a bit and all my curves, along with a short tight black legging with a white stripe on one side that I thought was pretty cute.

I noticed that my hair was still wet, so I jogged over to my makeup table and grabbed the hair-dryer from the counter. I plugged it in and started drying my hair. My hair felt dry after 10 minutes, so I started doing my makeup. There's nothing to rush for anyways, I thought. Eli was just trying to hurry me up, so I would at least mess up one thing. I jumped a little when a thought struck me. How did I know that Elijah was joking about me being late? He didn't say anything about it.
"Whatever, I'll look into it later," I said to myself, doing my makeup. I was finishing my smokey grey and gold eyeliner when my brother barged into my room.

"Woah, sis. You look flaming hot." Elijah said, jumping on my perfectly made bed. "Ew, that's disgusting!" I exclaimed, shoving my brother and making him nearly falling off my bed. "Well, it's true." He said, chuckling. I sat on the edge of my bed while Eli lied down on his elbow, glancing up at me. "All the guys will fall for you now." He said. "Pssh. I'm the new kid, Elijah. No one's gonna fall for me." I pointed out. "You think? I bet you 50." He challenged me.

"You're on."


Chapter 3: Karma

 It started when he said I was hot, Elijah began touching me at the wrong places. You might consider that perhaps his friends dared him or something. I felt so too at first, but then he started abusing me. I'm hoping that my day would go better. Boy, was I wrong.

"Did you pack everything?" Mother panicked, rushing to grab her purse. "Yes, of course, mother!!" I exclaimed. Of course, I'm ready, I'm always prepared. My friends would call me Neat because I'm always organized and tidy. "Come on then!" Eli said, dragging me to our black limo. I don't know why I hesitated before opening the limo's door. I felt a dangerous sensation coming from Elijah, but I ignored it. It's probably nothing, I thought. Just another one of those weird feelings. Before I could open the door, I witnessed a scene occurring right before me. It revealed me in a dark room, exposed, and there was blood everywhere. The door opened, making a creaking sound. I gasped in shock, for it was my brother standing before me.

I opened my eyes and gasped for air, grasping on to Elijah's muscled arm. "Woah Kat, you okay?" He asked worriedly, yet his eyes seeming far in the distance. "Yeah," I mumbled, opening the limo's door and getting inside. I sat at the very end of our limo, while mother sat on the second row. Elijah came in after me, sitting way to close. I tried to push him away, but he grabbed my hands tightly. "Hush, my girl, and do as I speak." He murmured in my ear. He moved his large hand up and down my bared thighs, muttering my name. I tried to push his hand away, but that only made him grip on to my wrist more tightly. I could feel my wrist getting bruised. "Stop." Elijah seethed, making me frozen up. "Why, why are you d-doing this Elijah?" I asked, trembling. He slowly slid his hand up my thighs to my black lace underwear. He drove his hand into my underwear to my wet pussy.

"Because you lost your chance to save him a long time ago..." He whispered, eager to go on, but I can't let this go that easily. If he wants to go crazy, then two can play that game. "What do you mean?!?" I yelled, the sound of my blood roaring in my ears. "What is all that ruckus, Katherina?" Mother shouted from the front. "Nothing mother!" Elijah answered, changing his tone to a sweeter kind. He turned his head back towards me, clasps his hand on my mouth to keep me from yelling and narrowed his eyes. I strained against his rough grip, but I should have known that struggling is a waste of time. "Quiet!" He hissed, sliding his hand back to my most sensitive spot.

"Such a pretty thing, aren't you." He whispered, stroking my slits. I groaned in response. *What the hell am I doing? I should be jumping out of this limo!*But the feeling was too good. He gradually let go of my hands, while caressing my swollen pussy even more. I shook my head, struggling from giving in but, like him, I keened for his touch. He paused for a while, making me assume it was done. I instantly frowned at that thought. He smirked in amusement, and I knew he saw. He thrust two of his fingers in my pussy, making me shriek at this sudden movement. He continued ramming his fingers into my pussy, getting faster by the second, making my pussy wetter. I could feel my heart racing, and hear my blood rush through my veins as I began moaning uncontrollably. "I told you someone would fall for you." He groaned in my ear when I tugged on his hair. He proceeded this for a few more minutes, making me lost in the voids of pleasure. He stopped and got down on his knees in front of me, sliding my underwear down and tossing it to the side.

He spread my legs apart and started kissing my thighs, slowly getting to my pussy. He shoved his tongue into my vagina, causing me to arch my back and grasp his hair. "Elijah.." I cried while he continued ramming his tongue in. Elijah looked up to me, smiling with pleasure. I gasped in shock when I looked at his face. This isn't Elijah! His eyes were glowing with a bright yellow colour, blood trickling from his mouth. He shot a smile at me, and I noticed a pair of sharp, and pointy fangs. I got back to my senses and slapped him across his bloody face. Right then, the car stopped in front of a beautiful building. I clutched my underwear, slid it on and opened the door. 'Elijah' grabbed my arm which made me gasp, and began shaking again.

"You won't get away dear, because I'll get you again." He smirked, enjoying how he seduced me not long ago. "Oh, I already did, didn't I?" He smiled evilly, sliding his index finger down my cheek and right above my breasts. "You will never have the chance to lure me in again! I'll make sure of that." I said, smacking his hand away from me. "Don't do anything reckless, or you'll regret it, hun!" He said, pushing me out of the car, catching me off guard causing me to stumble a few steps. I spun around and hurried away from him, trembling in fright. "I'll see you after school sis!" He yelled, his eyes flashing with yellow, and shutting the door before the limo raced away. I watched the limo round the corner before I turned around, still shaking, to see everyone staring at me. There were a large group of pretty hot guys staring at me lustfully. There was another group, but with girls, wearing clothes that almost exposes the female parts, glaring at me. *Think I made an entrance*, I thought. I slowly approached the school, passing by the group of guys who were whistling and eye raping me. I paused in front of the school, admiring the structure and designs the designer had thought of, forgetting that I was about to get sexually assaulted a while ago for a minute. Maybe this won't be that bad after all?


Chapter 4: Falling Deep

 I turned around after a moment, just to see four pairs of eyes that looked like they belonged to murderers. "Well, well, well. Looks like we have another quarry then huh?" Said the girl in the middle. Must be the leader. "Who's talking?" I answered, looking at my nails to look as bored as I can. "You haven't heard of me yet?" The girl enjoined, her eyes like slits. "Pssh, haven't you noticed? First time here. It's not like you model for the front page of magazines or something." I responded, yawning as I said that. "Like you do?" Her friend on the left of her laughed.

I could feel the heat of the stares I'm getting, but I shrugged it away. I waited while the girls laugh their ass off. This was getting boring. "For your information, yes I did," I smirked. They immediately stopped laughing and glared at me. They probably thought that if they glared long enough at me, I would melt into the abyss of losers. " It ain't your turn to speak, bitch." One of the girls hissed, crossing her arms. "Free country, asshole! Or is your memory as bad as you?" I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Kayla! You too Tyrae, Courtney, and Whore!" I said, nodding to the 'leader' and walking on, leaving them mouth-wide and frozen in shock.
But, as usual, I wasn't watching where I was walking and bumped into some dude that I haven't seen yet.

"Sorry," I muttered, looking down. "No no," The guy said. I immediately knew his name was Roman. Wait, how did I know that? (Oh, and did I mention his sexy accent? ) He put his hand under my chin and lift my face to face his. Oh my god. He looks gorgeous! His dark ocean blue eyes, his perfect light pink lips. I mean, what am I waiting for? Just pull him to me and kiss his lips and then we could- "So, what's your name, luv?" He flashed me a smile that reached his eyes. "Katherina..." I nervously replied, forcing a small smile. What the fuck, me?!?! I thought, mentally kicking myself for my stupidity. You just met this guy, and you already want to jump on him! Keep yourself stable-

"Hello Katherina, my name is- "Roman," We said at the same time. "Well, guess you knew me then huh?" He chuckled, placing a lock of my hair behind my ear. I shook my head, looking down. He traced his finger down the side of my face to my lips. "You are so beautiful, did anyone tell you?" He whispered, looking into my eyes. When he said that, I got a flashback of when 'Elijah' was taking advantage of me. I took a shaky step back, and, being the clumsy me, tripped and fell. Well, I didn't exactly fall, because Roman caught me. Was it just me or did he moved so fast, he blurred? Well, that doesn't matter now because we were so close to each other, I could hear his heart thumping against his chest. Everything began drowning out. All the conversations that I can hear a 60 miles radius from me turned silent, all but our hard breathing. For a moment, all I can think about is our lips, how close it is to touch. "I, um. You can put me on my feet now." I stammered, looking anywhere else but his beautiful eyes.

"Have I angered you?" Roman asked, his eyes filled with worry while placing me back on my feet. "N-no, not at all," I responded. "Roman!" Someone said from behind me. I looked behind me and saw a group of boys that had the intention of making me theirs not a while ago. They were, of all things, shirtless and wearing jeans with chains draping from the side. If you looked closely enough, you could spot the shine from the sun illuminating the knife just bearly hidden in their pockets. Roman took my arm and made a protective stance in front of me. "Leave us, Xavier," Roman growled (like actually making a growling sound deep in his throat), putting an arm around my waist. "She's ours!" Xavier snarled, his fists tightened. I started to see sparks of flames around Xavier and the other guys (Which I can also name but am too busy to do so), so I glanced at Roman for an explanation, but I was in for a disappointment because Roman was also surrounded, but with dark sparks.

"What's going on?" I asked, crossing my arms. "It's nothing, Katherine," Roman assured me, determined to protect me from any harm. "Hardly," Xavier laughed. Roman shot Xavier a deathly look and turned back to me. "You aren't talking about what's going on between us, are you?" He asked, his eyes searching mine. "No, I mean yes, I want to know you and Xavier's history, but I was also referring to why you guys have sparks around you," I answered. Romans eyes grew wide while Xavier stood there looking bored. 'I knew that I long time ago.' Someone said. No, I heard someone thoughts. And it came from Xavier. My eyes grew as wide as Romans, pinching myself to see if I was in a dream. But apparently not because that hurts like hell!

'I'm sorry babe, but it's time to break the rules, shall we?' A voice whispered in my head. I looked at Xavier wide-eyed, sure that what I heard came from Xavier, but denying the thought. "Don't do anything foolish, brother." Roman threatened. "Too late," Xavier replied, smirking. For some goddamn reason, I started to see darkness enclosing us, creeping ever so close to me. "Katherina?" He called to me, sounding muffled. "Katherina! Stay with me, stay with me, Kat!" He reached for me, but all of a sudden the ground split open and flames burst out, pulling me into the void that I have been standing on my whole life. Suddenly, when everything turned to darkness is when I recognize where I fell into. The same place in my dreams. The same place that haunts me from day 1. The Underworld.

Chapter 5: Hit And Run

To be continued


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2019

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