
May 11, 1999 – 12noon Tuesday

Okay lets set the record straight I am not crazy as crazy as that may sound it’s true .Last
night while I was feeding my dog Cook I heard something, something that didn’t sound human,
but more robotic or mechanical than anything else say “Get ready, five days”In five days,
I’ll be 16 in five days I’ll be driving my own car in five days I’ll be dead? I wish I knew
what was going to happen May 16. I wish I knew why I couldn’t get those four words out of my
head that voice so creepy so weird. I made a new friend today his name is Donny he says he can help me, I don’t understand how. He says if I do what he says everything will be okay. You may think I am a complete lunatic after I say this, but Donnie is not a person he is another voice. I’m not sure about this and I’m pretty sure I am not crazy am I? That’s for you to decide.

May 11, 1999- 8p.m Tuesday

I just fed Cook I didn’t hear the voice again maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. Maybe I’m just worried about the responsibility I will be taking on with having my license and all. Yeah that’s it, I’m just going to go with that one. I better get by to my English homework, I had to get this off my mind. It didn’t help any. I’m going to bed I’m too tried to fool with anymore reading. Maybe I’ll be able to sleep tonight.

May 12, 1999- 5a.m Wednesday

I heard it again it said get ready only four more days left. I can’t go back to sleep. I had a dream that the world ended flames engulfed everything. Nobody, nothing had a chance of survival, except for Donnie I couldn’t see him, even if I could I wouldn’t know what he looks like. I could hear him though. H e said to do what he says to survive. I still don’t know what he means and he hasn’t told me to do anything yet.

May 12, 1999—9:33a.m Wednesday

I’m in my calculus class and Donnie told me to do something. I don’t know if I should, I could get suspended. He told me to set off the fire alarm.
“Do it no” he says what’s the worst that could happen? You die”
I don’t want to get suspended I say in my head
“You would rather die than get suspended” Donnie says sounding worried “if you don’t do this you will die” I walk to the front of the class and ask the teacher if I can go to the restroom
She says “yes”
Donnie says “if you don’t hurry up it’ll be too late” In the hallway, I locate the fire alarm located across from the bathroom. I grasp the lever and slowly pull it down. The alarm is mind shattering and the sprinklers go off. I rush into the bathroom before the halls fill with hundreds of teenagers. Thank god this school is too cheap to install cameras. I turn back around and walk back into the hall about 2 minutes later. The only people in the hallway were the principal and a few others.
“What’s going on” I ask him
“Somebody set the fire alarm off again” he says with frustration in his voice “Do you have any idea who did it?”
“No sir I was in the restroom, here’s my hall pass” I say holding up a piece of paper.
He says “okay I believe you.”
“Who set off the alarm?” the Electronics teacher asks in a panicked but calm voice. Oh god I’m screwed I’m going to have to come clean.
“There was a fire in the electronics department” she says “whoever set it off saved the department from burning down and possibly the school.”
“Don’t say anything” Donnie says “and stop being so paranoid.
“Okay” I say
“What?” the principle asks
“So what do we do now?” I ask
“Good cover” Donnie says in a sarcastic tone
“Well school is canceled for the rest of the day” he says “you can call your parents to come pick you up, while I go outside and tell the faculty and students it will be okay to come back in to grab their stuff and go.”
I quickly say “ I can walk

May 12, 1999- 3:45p.m Wednesday

I’m home now my parents won’t be home until 9 or 10. Just like almost every other day home alone and nothing to do. I would go outside, but it started pouring rain when I got here.
“I told you if you do what I say you will survive” Donnie says “
How did you know about the fire?” I ask
He says “I know everything, everybody dies but it’s not your time or anybody that was in that school”
“Yeah but how do you know” I ask
“I don’t know I just know” he says “you ask too many questions.”
“I’m sorry I’m very observant” I say
“I know” Donnie says with a small laugh. The laugh was more like a nervous laugh, like when you have to make a presentation or something.

May 13, 1999- 6a.m Thursday

I heard that voice again it said three more days to go or everyone and everything dies. There’s no school today it’s being cleaned due to flooding from yesterdays “incident”. They couldn’t shut off the sprinklers for some odd reason. The pipes were most likely rusted or something, maybe they’ll replace them. I woke up in a strange place on a dirt road next to a cliff. I haven’t slept walked since I was about 5 or 6. I thought it was just a phase, guess not. I didn’t dream all I remember is blackness for those hours. What’s going on, what’s happening to me? Am I going crazy I’m starting to think so.
May 13, 1999- 11:18p.m
Donnie told me to be careful whom I get close to.
“What do you mean?” I ask
“Have you told anyone about me?” he asks
“Of course not they would think I was a lunatic and lock me up in a mental institution” I say rambling
“Good then don’t” he says
“Okay” I say.
Then he says “get ready it’s almost here”
“You’re the one who has been telling me that” I say shocked I hadn’t figured it out.
“Yes be careful, everything depends on you” he pleads. Then nothing my mind blank his words ringing in my ears, but his thoughts gone.
May 13, 1999- 10p.m Thursday
I don’t think Donnie is gone, he can’t be gone. I think he wants or needs me to figure this out on my own. I can’t decide which one.

May 14, 1999- 7a.m

School today I don’t really feel like going, but I have too I can’t afford missing anymore classes, I’m barely making it by in a few of my classes. 10 more days and it’ll be the end of this school year. The voice haunts me still, it wasn’t creepy, or even weird this time it said two more days get ready. It was like it was pleading, but for what. How can I get ready for something if I don’t know what it is.
May 14, 1999- 12noon Friday
There is a new kid in school Corey, she is kind of a rebel. Most of my friends are like her, but there is something different about her. Something tells me to stay away from her. Is this what Donnie was trying to tell me?

May 14, 1999- 2p.m Friday

She is in my English class. The English teacher assigned a project due the last day of school. We don’t have to make presentation or anything like that, which I am relieved because I hate speaking in front of people. She says this is to help students bring up their grades. She also believes if we have partners we may do better for some reason or another. Guess who my partner is. If you said Corey you have won the prize of slapping me in the face over and over again. The voice is back
Donnie says “it’s okay just don’t say anything about me, she knows me we were best friends before I died”
“You’re dead?” I ask
“Not yet” he says “do what I say and we’ll both be okay hopefully.”

May 14, 1999- 5p.m Friday

Corey should be here in a few minutes to get started on our project. We have to write a book report on the Philosophy of Time Travel, but luckily I have already read it. The report has to be two pages and we made a deal I do half and she does half. I’m done with my part because I started right when I got home.

May 14, 1999- 9p.m

My parents won’t be home till tomorrow around 2p.m, I have no idea what they are doing and don’t want to know. Corey isn’t as bad as I thought she would be, but I am still reluctant. She doesn’t have a ride home because my mom was supposed to be her ride. So I guess she’ll be staying overnight. Great.
I tell her “I’m going to bed.”
“This early?” she asks
“Yeah I haven’t been sleeping very well lately” I say
“Okay well night” she says “I was hoping we could watch a movie or something”
“How bout we watch a movie tomorrow we’ll have plenty of time” I say
“Yeah that sounds good” Corey says “it’s just I’d like someone to hang out with, I only had one friend where I used to live. His name was Donnie Chase”
“Well you can hang out with me whenever you want” I say smiling “ I have friends but I never see any of them outside of school”
“That’s great, not that you don’t get to see any of them outside of school. But the fact that we both now have someone to hang out with” She says “so you know we won’t be bored to death.”
“I’ll be right back I’m going to get blankets and a pillow for you” I say
“Alright” she says. I come back carrying two blankets and two pillows
“Why do you have two of each?” Corey asks “it’s really not cold.”
“I know” I say “but I figured I might as well watch a movie with you, but I cannot guarantee that I won’t fall asleep.”
” Is there enough room on the couch for the both of us? She asks
“it’s a pull out couch so yes there is plenty of room” I say smiling After we get the couch pulled out and made up I show her the movies that I have. We end up watching Child’s Play, which gave me nightmares when I was little. Not too far into the movie I dozed off.

May 15, 1999 4a.m Saturday

The voice said get ready tomorrow is the day. This time it sounded human and not scared like it knew everything would be okay. It sounded more like Donnie than ever.

May 15, 1999 7a.m Saturday

Waking up I feel something poking me in the back. I slowly open my eyes to see that I am outside once again. How did I get outside I wonder, sleepwalking again I guess. I slowly stand up scratches from twigs and small rocks cover my arms. “Great now it looks like I have been cutting myself” I say out loud. I walk slowly to the front door turn the knob quietly and push the door inwards. I walk in with quiet footsteps trying not to wake Corey up.
“Where have you been?” she asks with a smirk
“Crap you scared me I was um outside” I say fast. “I was sleepwalking again I guess.” I say
“Do you remember anything?” she asks
“nothing just blackness” I say turning to the TV “What are you watching?”
She says “the Breakfast Club”
Sitting down I say “Oh I love this movie.”

May 15, 1999 1p.m Saturday

“My parents should be here in about an hour or so” I say looking at the clock.
“Okay” Corey says “I wish I had my own car then I would be able to drive myself around and not have to depend on other people.”
“How old are you” I ask “Oh I’m 16 how about you” she says
“Tomorrow I’ll be 16” I say with a worried look on my face.
“You look worried” she says “Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine just nervous about getting my license and driving and all that” I say
“Well then happy early birthday” she says
“Thanks” I say

May 15, 1999 4p.m Saturday

My parents were about an hour late, as usual. That was fine by Corey and me we were talking about no longer being freshmen or freshmeat. I haven’t heard Donnie all day. M y parents are gone again, I wonder what they are always up to. Tomorrow I’ll get my license and finally be able to drive my car.

May 16, 1999 3a.m Sunday

I can’t sleep I don’t know if it’s that I’m so excited about the fact that I’ll be driving or the fact that something disastrous may happen today. I hope Donnie was right about both of us surviving.
May 16, 1999 5a.m
Well I’m up now got a few hours of sleep. The DMV opens in two hours. Normally the DMV isn’t open on Sundays, I think they might be open because they were closed yesterday. Since I took drivers ed all I have to do is give them my green card and $25 and I’ll have my license

May 16, 1999 9a.m Sunday

It went great I just got back from the DMV. Well at least I won’t have to walk anywhere if I don’t want to.

May 16, 1999 12:15p.m

I’ve decided to go to Wal-Mart, I have to get some more paper and pens I’m almost out. Driving up to a green light
Donnie yells “STOP!” I slam on the breaks the moment I stop a red mustang comes borrowing through the red light and comes to a screeching halt. My heart skips a beat and then it feels as if it is going to explode out of my chest. If he didn’t stop me I could be dead, not I would be dead.
“Are you okay?” Donnie asks. “Yeah I’m fine I think” I say
“Are you okay?” he repeats.
Then I realize it is not the voice in my head, but rather a boy looking to be about 16 or 17
“Yeah I’m fine” I say “do you realize that was a red light?”
“Yeah my breaks gave out sorry” he says.
“That’s fine” I say “at least nobody got hurt.”
“Yeah well I’m Donnie” he says
“My name is Samantha” I say
“your voice sounds so familiar” he says “have we met before?”
“I was about to ask you that” I say “but I don’t think so. Your voice sounds familiar to, but not your name.”
“Same here” he says
“Did you just move here, or are you just passing through?”I ask
“ I’m in the process of moving here, my parents gave me permission to after my friend moved here” he says “Her name is Corey Evigan
“I know Corey, she’s in my English class” I say “she spent the night with me Friday so we could do a book report.
“Then you know she is not as rebellious as she looks.” Donnie says
“Yeah I know she is really sweet” I say “Does she know you are here?” I ask
Donnie says “not yet, I am going to call her this is a surprise”
“Maybe we can all hang out later on.” I say
“That sounds like a great idea” Donnie says smiling

May 16, 2000 6a.m Monday

My name is Samantha and the voice that haunted me will never go away. The voice was Donnie my boyfriend. He saved my life and I saved his one year ago. I will probably never tell him about those five days and I know he will never tell me. I know what happened to me, also happened to him too. Does he know this too? On May 16, 1999 at 12:15p.m I got a second chance and I am not crazy.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.11.2011

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This is dedicated to my brother Jr Faulk and my friend Megan

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