
Does any species on the face of this earth understand the meaning of love? Do they understand that it is a state of mind, an act of devotion, and much too often misused? I thought I knew what love was, but life has a way of altering your perception of love. It's a true mystery that even the most intelligent fail to gasp, and the most undeserving benefit significally from. 

Though all the things that love may be, it still wasn't enough to save my family. It wasn't enough to hold back the undeniable truths that tore us apart. Love surely wasn't enough to hold the beautifully painted lies we crafted over the years, oh the lies untied effortlessly. Love had no strength against the lies, and quickly wilted like a forgotten rose. My mother's death was the last bit of love leaving my body, and I finally felt free in that. I stood over my mother and looked her in the eyes for the last time. I watched the life leave her eyes, I witnessed love destroying her far worse than the wounds she had suffered at my hands. The fear of losing the things she loved burned her heart. Never again feeling the love of her family and the love of her life. I felt nothing for her in that moment. Peace was at my front door, so I opened the door and turned my back on love. Diving ambitiously into the arms of peace, realizing that I would never love again.

I never realized how much the truth would shape my existence, the people I loved, and the things I believed in. I always knew I was a different from others. I could feel that difference in every part of my being. My attentive mother tried her best to comfort me in my times of insecurity. I couldn't leap from high places or smell fear in humans like my family could. I could only love them and learn from them. I always felt like a puzzle piece that went with the picture but was manufactured incorrectly. There was never a time I fit in with my family or felt one with them.

The night I discovered I wasn't like my family was completely devastating for me. The night was still young, and I was still worrying about normal teenage things. I stood there looking in my mirror admiring my new body with curious eyes. I was turning eighteen in 9 months and my body was developing so quickly. I just kept thinking about finally growing up and leaving this strange town. My thoughts were temporarily interrupted by my brother Galvin's loud footsteps. He was always so over dramatic and annoying. His knock was always very loud as well, so I tried really hard to ignore him. I had no time to fight with Galvin this time; my mind was racing because of Tyson.

Tyson was a rage of a boy, with long dreaded hair and skin as dark as evil thoughts. He had already phased at 16; so, he was full grown in nature, but lacked respect and self-control. This was always a cause of concern for me, but I often brushed it off as a part of his wild nature. He was 6ft 7inches tall, his arms and back ripple with muscles and strength. His body was constantly hot and beaming energy underneath my fingertips. Rumor had it that Tyson was my mate by force. My father set it up when I was five years old. We never talked about it, but everyone knew we had no real connection. Secretly some of the pack members despised my father's way of thinking but no one spoke up. My father was ruthless and powerful, but I loved him just the same.

I could hardly think with all the noise at my door. Galvin was kicking and banging, but I continued to block him out. I had gotten a compliment from Tyson that day at school. Which was a rare thing coming from him. We always liked to keep others guessing about us. We would even fake a fight just to start a rumor and get people to talking. It was always funny to hear what lie they could make up next. We were always being silly like that. We also had other times though; times were he completely took my breath away. I lived for the way he would grab a fist full of my hair and kiss me. Even though I felt he was imagining someone else.

Then there were times he was craving his mate. He would go for days without speaking to me. He would become wild with fever and depression. I would call him back to back and he wouldn't answer. I just couldn't get him to come around no matter how hard I tried. I was so selfish when it came to his suffering. I could only imagine his breath hot on my neck, his warm fingertips in my scalp. I couldn't live in those moments long enough. The mere thought sent chills down my spine. There was no end to the thoughts that crowed my mind. Galvin's loud banging finally annoyingly re-entered my head again. I could hear him loud and clear now. 

"Come on Halo, it's happening, Trisha and I are phasing! HALO, please call mom! Trisha looks hurt!"

 In that moment, I was completely snatched from my thoughts. I could only look at the bottom of the door where I could see my brother's shadow. I was so afraid to open the door, so I slowly reached for it. Then I quickly removed my hand away from the nob, I was so afraid of the truth. I waited for this to happen all my life, but why was I so afraid now? I then heard a loud scream outside my window, it was Trisha, my sister. She had one hand on her car, and she was holding her stomach with the other. She looked like she was bleeding and had thrown up. I knew I should've been worried about Trisha and Galvin, but for a second, my thoughts crippled me. I could only wonder why I wasn't changing too, why was I still in human form.

I feared this day, the day that I would be the only one that couldn't phase. Galvin and Trisha were around the same age as me, we were supposed to phase on the same moon. Emily, and Hollyn phased on the same moon, so did my mother and her siblings. So, what the hell was happening to me? I was scared to look at them, but I was even more terrified for them to see me. I scrabbled for my phone and began to call my dad. Tears started to fill my eyes as I slammed my body down on the bed. Through tightly clenched teeth I began to tell my father that we were phasing. The words were only half true, I was not phasing.  I felt hate digging at my heart for the first time in my life. I could hear my oldest brother Tahoe at my door helping Galvin.

 "Breathe Galvin, I have to get you outside." said Tahoe.

 I could hear my mother's car door slam shut, and then she was at my door in a flash. 

"Why didn't you call your father sooner? Trisha crashed on the way here and she looks pretty bad Halo." Said my mother, as she fiercely scolded me through my closed bedroom door.

 I heard more commotion and small chatter at my door as well. It sounded like everyone was home and standing right outside my room. No one bothered to check on me though, what about what didn't happen to me? Shouldn't I have been checked on? They've always treated me like I was fragile, but what about now? After being perceived as fragile I had finally broken.

Silence finally coated the walls of my room again, which was only more depressing. I felt blank, empty, and alone in my room. I stood up to look outside of my window. I could see them having a pack meeting. Other members of the pack had arrived and brought their children to witness the phasing. I could see my mother and father starting a fire near the woods for their first hunt with Galvin and Trisha. My sister Emily stood by the car with her mate Jace. Galvin and Trisha were being restrained by my sister Hollyn and my brother Tahoe. My baby brother Kain was the only one looking up at my bedroom window. His eyes were dark, and his face was full of pain, the pain was for me. I looked up to see the moon; it was full and shining so bright. By the time I looked back down, the entire pack was phased. One question sent me into a rage inside, 

"what am I?" 

My torn question fell on the windowpane and wasn't heard by anyone. The next day was even harder for me. I rolled out of bed and threw on a sweatshirt and gym pants. I didn't even comb my hair or wash my face. When I got to school, I just went straight to class. I really wanted to get this day over with. Tyson was ignoring my phone calls all night and I knew why. He was sick from craving his mate. This connection between a man and his mate deeply confused me. I felt like I would never experience the connection.

I finally made it to the last class of the day, and I was at my breaking point. Everyone was asking me what was wrong. They all felt the need to make light of the fact that Tyson was out for the day sick and I looked a mess. I just made my way into class and pretended not to hear them. 

Mr. Camden was already yelling at the class for the outburst of an overly opinionated student. His voice was so high pitched and was starting to get on my nerves. Yelling as loud as he could he went on and on, 

"You must understand science and take class more seriously guys!" 

Mr. Camden's voice was ringing in my ears; I could barely hold back tears from last night and now this? I still felt the pain, and it was like a hangover today. My head was spinning, and everyone was whispering about me. My teacher was going on and on about how science has shaped our lives. I just couldn't take it anymore and I felt a break down coming on.

I placed my head in my hands and began to cry. I didn't care who was looking or pointing at me. This wasn't a joke, this time it was real. I looked up to see Mr. Camden hovering over me. He was sick of the games me and Tyson always played to get out of class. He slammed a book down on my desk and shouted at me, 

"We have no room for that here Halo; get out of my classroom NOW!" 

I lifted my head slowly and let rage have its way. 

"Go to hell!" I screamed.

The words must have fallen silent because he got closer to my face. Looking me dead in the eyes he said, 

"What did you just say young lady?" 

So, I loudly repeated myself, 

"Go... to... HELL!" 

The words burnt my throat as they fell from my lips. Pointing toward the door he yelled, 

"Halo get out of my class right now, you have until the count of three!" 

I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door. The whole class stared with their mouths open. I made sure to kick Mr. Camden's desk on the way out. I didn't deserve to be treated like I didn't matter.

I just didn't feel like anything mattered anymore. My family stayed out all night, and my brother and sister didn't come to school today. I just went to the girls' bathroom and began to cry in the handicap stall. I rested my chain on my knees as I sat on the floor. I could hear Natasha Nori and her flock of followers walk into the restroom. I quickly wiped my face and balled up my fists tightly. I could hear them talking about Tyson, like always. 

"Did you see the way Tyson was looking at me the other day, he wants me bad" said Natasha. 

Cutting her off with a big sigh, Sara added in her two cents. 

"Who doesn't Tyson want; he sleeps with every girl in the damn school!" 

"Well I let him touch me in 4th block, he wants to take me to Marol's Den on Friday" added Tashana.

 I was even more crushed; my possible mate, still fooling around with human girls? I was sick of crying; it was time to let someone feel how I felt. I kicked the door from the inside of the stall, but nothing happened. I kicked it again and again, hoping it would fly open. I could see them looking scared but not moving a muscle. Then finally the door broke and slung open, I was about to get some things straight. Without thinking twice, I walked up to Natasha and slapped her in the face. 

 "Don't ever come near him again, he belongs to me in ways you will never understand." I screamed, while still shaking inside from last night.

 She just looked up at me, her face turned cold and pale. I hated her so much, she was just trash to me. She looked right back at me with the same hate I had for her.

 "Make me; I'm not the one chasing him, he's chasing me!" She yelled.

We just stood there looking at each other; my breathing was heavy, and I was ready to hit her again. She was a tall and built like a model, her skin was pale and fair without a single blemish. I hated the ground she walked on.  I quickly pushed through them and made my way towards the door. Becky was still bothered and screamed one last thing, 

"I don't know what's gotten into you today, but you will pay for this bitch!" 

I didn't bother to look back, I just wanted to make it home and get in my bed. I made it to the school parking lot just in time to see Tyson; he was leaning up against his car texting. I had done some reckless stuff that day, so I figured a little more damage wouldn't hurt. I thought long and hard about punching Tyson in the jaw, but it would only hurt me. I did the next best thing and attacked his cell phone. He caught it before it hit the ground, and in an instant, he had his hands around my throat. I could feel him fighting his temper; he wanted to snap my neck. With the air I had left I peeled off two words, 

"Do it." 

He let me go and I fell to my knees taking in deep gulps of air. He then looked around to see if anyone had seen what he'd done. 

"Get in the car; I don't believe you are yourself right now" Whispered Tyson.

There were indentations in the skin around my neck. I looked up at him in disbelief, 

"You're a fucking monster." 

Looking down at me he calmly replied 

"Be more original Lo. You know I didn't mean to hurt you."

 I didn't want to hear it; my neck was burning and so was my heart. He attempted to help me up, but I just pulled away from him. I could feel his skin was still on fire. This sickness he felt was due to the fact he was being unnaturally forced on me. It made our kind sick to deny a mate.

"I'm walking home today; I don't need a ride from you." I said. 

"Don't tell me you're still mad about last night Lo," said Tyson.  "It happens. You will have your time; it just wasn't meant to happen last night. I'm sorry about putting my hands on you; you kind of scared me for a second Halo." 

I began to walk away from him while he still talked to me. I really didn't want to hear what he had to say, his words were like poison to my ears. In the faint distanced I heard him say, 

"Don't take this shit out on everybody else Lo!"

When I arrived home, no one was there that mattered. The only person in the house was Emily. She had always been so evil to me. She sat at the kitchen table looking at me from the corners of her eyes. She leaned her head to the side and violently rolled her eyes at me. Her long black hair fell from her hands draping the back of the chair.

"Not today, I can't take anymore bullshit," I said, while throwing my backpack down. 

"I wasn't going to say anything to you, you're nothing to me" said Emily. 

I wondered why she was even here; this wasn't her home anymore.

 "You know this isn't home anymore Emily? You do have a mate and somewhere else you call home, right?"  I said.

It felt so good to talk back to her; I never stood up to her before that. She didn't look shocked though. She stood up to walk into the kitchen and stopped halfway.

 "My mom said to call her as soon as you get settled." Said Emily.

 "Whatever Emily, I'll call my mom when I'm ready." I said.

Emily was always trying to get a rise out of me, so when she walked away from an opportunity to insult me, I was surprised. I gave it a brief thought, how could someone so beautiful and talented be so nasty. Emily was a freak of nature. She stood 5ft 10in with sun kissed skin and thick red tight curly hair that framed her slim face. Her jaw line was razor sharp with baby doll lips, and brown freckles across her nose. Her eyes were like a neon hazel, I had never seen anything like it before.

She had the most beautiful smile but was a deadly woman. Her special ability was even more unique. Emily had the ability to show you her thoughts. She never let me experience her ability though; she said I wasn't worthy. I couldn't understand it, why did she hate me so much. I didn't have the energy to think about her any longer. I just went up to my room to get some sleep.

I heard a lite tapping at my room door. It was my sister Hollyn.

 "Lo, you in there?" she whispered.

With a deep moan I pulled the covers over my head, 

"NO, I'm gone!" 

She'd heard about what happen at school that day. I knew she'd come to comfort me; I was her favorite. I felt her body slide under the covers with me. I was instantly warmer, and I felt better too. She wrapped her small arms around my body and kissed my ear. 

"You can cry all night if you want to, I came back just for you Lo." she said, as she snuggled closer to me.

I turned my body around and looked her in the eyes. 

"I'm so hurt, why didn't I phase? What am I Hollyn?"

I could barely speak those words because my tears and pain choked me. Hollyn was so sweet, to say she was so small she was the biggest person I knew. I used to spend hours playing in her midnight hair when I was a little girl. It was like waves of ocean; deep and dark. She would take me to the beach every summer; all the boys would go crazy for her. She even told me stories about our kind. She told me how I was mom's favorite baby and how everyone wanted to hold me. She also had a special ability; she had the ability to calm others down. With just one touch you would feel better. Dad would always say it was weak because she never used it. It always worked on me though. I really needed it right now, because I was so confused. 

While squeezing me tightly she said, 

"I love you Halo and you're beautiful, that's what you are."

I found comfort in her words, but it wasn't good enough. 

"Hollyn, is there something you guys aren't telling me?" I questioned.

Her blue eyes were distressed, and half-moon shaped. Her lips were pressed tightly like they had to be controlled., 

"I know when you are keeping something from me." I sighed.

I gently turned my body away from her and pulled the covers from over our heads. She quickly pulled the covers back over our heads and turned me back around.

 "Get some sleep; it's just me and you tomorrow. I'm not letting you go back to school until mom gets back in town with the others" she said. 

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep hoping I could wake up to a better day.

Chapter 2


The smell of bacon and pancakes woke me up. I heard Jace downstairs and I was immediately giddy with joy. Jace was Emily's mate, and although Emily hated me, Jace had my heart. Jace started coming around when I was eight. Tyson's brother killed Emily's first mate and she found Jace while she was drifting. I never met her first mate, but I loved Jace. He would take me traveling with him in Europe and pick me up from school to take me to my favorite restaurants when I was a kid. 

While flipping a pancake in the air he song to himself loudly. He looked like a Greek God; his name should have been Zeus. His back was wide with muscles wrapping around his shoulders. His eyes were such a deep black that every human looked at them twice. He had a huge dimple in his left cheek that beamed every time he laughed. His ability was his speed. Jace could outrun anything once he was phased. He would rip right through a bayou. It often looked like he was running on water.

His hair was usually short and black, but he was rocking a massive Mohawk today. His body was covered in werewolf markings with a tattoo of Emily's hands scratching down his back. I sat behind him watching him in amazement, with my head placed on top of my knuckles. I noticed he had been in my room; he had my pink earphones in his ears. I laughed to myself, looking at him dance and sing off key. 

I shouted out his name "Jace!" 

He pretended to be startled,

 "Shit, you just scared the hell out of me girl!" 

Blushing, he took the earphones out and shot me a huge smile. He took his hand and washed it over my hair.

 "Good morning Lo. Have you been crying?" Asked Jace.

 I knew my eyes were puffy and my hair stuck to my face, but I couldn't look like a baby in front of Jace!

"No, I'm not feeling to well", I quickly lied. 

I loved Jace for his kindness and he knew it. I even had an innocent crush on him, and he knew that too. He leaned in to kiss me on the forehead and I was dead. I quickly gained my composer and thought of something else to say. So I asked, 

"Where's Hollyn and Emily?" "Hollyn is at the store getting more eggs and." 

Before Jace could finish his sentence, Emily entered the kitchen, and I felt like burning her alive! 

"I'm right here, who wants to know?" said Emily

She had that evil look on her face, and I knew she had been watching me watch Jace. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated that she finally caught me and that made me even more upset. She grabbed his face and kissed him while looking at me.

 "Baby, I missed you in bed this morning." moaned Emily.

Jace lifted her onto the countertop and looked into her eyes deeply while standing in between her legs. She had him like a kid in a candy store. 

"I wanted to make you and the family some breakfast; we have a long day remember?" he said, 

while kissing her neck.

 "My family is out of town, the only one here is her," she said while pointing my way.

I stood to my feet ready to go to war with her.

 "What is your problem Emily? What the hell have I ever done to you?" I said.

Jace sighed, "Come on Emily, why do you have to be like that?" 

I walked over slowly and got in her face. Pushing Jace to the side, 

"No Jace, let her be that way, she's going to lose you one day!" 

Surprisingly she stayed calm, but her insults stood firm. 

"See that's what you need to understand, Jace and I are forever, and you could never be like us! I don't want you two alone together anymore, she clearly has some issue with boundaries," said Emily.

I couldn't control myself; my hands were shaking, and my feelings were rushing me all at once. How could she attack me like that, how could she take Jace away? I heard Jace gasp and Emily Laugh as I fainted on the floor. She had slapped me, and I was out cold.

I woke up to find Hollyn in my room again. She had her soft hand placed on my forehead. 

"She's going to be fine; she's my little sidekick." Said Jace.

 He jumped in my bed and landed on the opposite side of me. Crossing my arms and sat up in my bed I flung myself into the headboard. 

"Where is that bitch Emily, I'm sick of being her punching bag!" I cried.

Jace let out a roaring laugh, but quickly sucked it back in. 

"Sorry, she is a mean one, isn't she?" he said, with a smirk on his face. 

"Tyson is here to see you," said Hollyn. 

Jace rolled his eyes at her comment. 

"Tyson's a mut” said Jace.

 We both laughed, but Hollyn just shook her head and sighed, 

"I had so much planned for you yesterday, but you've been asleep since yesterday morning."

Hollyn was right, and I was as hungry as a hostage. My stomach was turning and growling. I heard the door open and saw Tyson's foot. 

"Can I come in?" he asked. 

"No," I screamed, there was no way he could see me like this. I made him wait outside. When I walked out, he was waiting for me in his truck. I got in and instantly regretted doing so.

Looking out of his truck window at passing cars I was in a daze. Tyson pulled over, but he looked perplexed.

"Lo, I need to tell you something, but you can’t tell a soul. It could cost a life” said Tyson, with tears forming in his eyes. " My brother is back, and he asked for you." Said Tyson

  I'd heard about his brother Julian many times at our pack meetings. Apparently, he was to be killed onsite. He was a part of the Windchild Pack now, and they were savages. 

"You know he can't be here right? And why the hell is he asking about me, what the fuck did you tell him? Take me home now." I said. 

He just continued to stare at the road pretending not to hear me. 

"Tyson---- he murdered a pack member; don't you want to tell my father? Remember what he did to Emily?" I said.

He turned around to look at me defending his brother,

 "There was no proof he did it Lo! I'm not taking up for this man, but he is my brother. I don't want him here either, but I can't let anyone know that I know he's here. He will reveal himself in due time. Your father would be angry with my family if they knew we've talked to him. We've been avoiding him for years, pretending that he is dead to us. My mother is the one who is happy to see him. If the pack finds out she knew he was here and didn't say anything, they might not make me an alpha. It's really a big deal so don't say anything Lo. He's a drifting Alpha and he's looking for a pack to dominate." 

I could only think about my own pack, Tyson was next in line to become a pack leader. Why wasn't he afraid that Julian would try to kill him and take over?

 "I'm going to tell the others if you don't," I said quietly under my breath. 

He gave me a threatening look and said, "Like hell you are, if you even think about telling them I would---." 

I frowned and pushed my body on his side, 

 "You would what," I asked. 

 He laughed a bit then violently pushed me back into my seat pushing my head against the window. He was the biggest jerk ever and I knew it first-hand. He was as abusive as they come, both physically and verbally, but I was too naïve to see it before.

I knew Tyson was afraid of his brother. I could see it in his eyes. I knew deep down in my heart that Tyson shouldn't be the next alpha. He was too weak and afraid. I felt bad for Tyson's mother more than anything because Julian was her son. He was her first born with her mate Mr. Wilder. Her mate was hunted down and killed by humans after he was spotted phasing by a woman on night watch. The pack had to flee to America from Europe after his death.

Julian was appointed alpha after his father was killed. His father Mr. Wilder was our fourth alpha. He was a young but strong leader, so I was told. His temper was unpredictable, and it was said that he would stay phased for weeks at a time. He didn't feel comfortable in human form. He ended up killing Emily's first mate and was overthrown as pack alpha. My father then became the alpha male. There was no proof that he killed Emily's mate, but he once loved Emily deeply, until she found her true mate.

We finally arrived at Tyson's house and I sat at his desk looking at the tray of food he'd brought me. 

"This is what I got you, take it or leave it." he said

"What the hell is it?" I said, while forking at the tray. 

"Its food dummy, what else could it be," he yelled. 

I sat in his room and waited for him to get in the shower. I was really glad to be out of my house for once. My cell phone had been off for three days now. I was afraid to turn it on, afraid that Galvin and Trisha would call. I couldn't take them knowing that I wasn't happy for them.

Finally, he was in the shower and I could eat. I was so hungry; he bought me Tasso. I ate the food so fast and was even eating the crumbs off of his desk. I heard the shower turn off and I closed the tray. He walked into the room in just his towel. His body was steaming and wet. My eyes were glued to him as he cleaned his ear with a Q-tip. He dropped his towel and I quickly turned my head. 

"Grow up and look Halo, you know you want to look at me."

 "Please put your clothes on dude" I said while covering my eyes, I could wonder what he was up to. 

He came closer to me and stood in front of my face, while removing my hands from my eyes. 

In a soft voice he said, "Halo I really do love you, but you act so different from our kind. You act so weak; you seem so human. "

He then did something that was kind of awkward for us both. He kissed me on the cheek then slowly backed away to look me in the eyes. 

"I feel sorry for you, but you have to pull yourself together." he said.

How could this jerk of a boyfriend be so gentle sometimes? Then other times be so cold toward me.

 "I'm going out, I don't know what you want to do, but I have a date with Becky. I could drive you home or you want to catch a cab?" he said.

 "Can I just stay here and wait on you? I really can't be at home right now," I said. 

 "I don't care, but don't open that door for anyone. Remember what we talked about, Julian is in town and he did ask for you. I still can't believe I told you that I knew he was here, but I trust you can keep a secret, right?" he asked

I was a little afraid, but I didn't think he would have the balls to come here. I then thought about where Tyson said he was going, and I had to make sure I heard him right. 

"Wait, you're going on a date with whom?" I asked.

He sounded annoyed as he replied, "Come on Halo, why pretend like you don't know? I see other girls because you are always so emotionally unavailable. It's like you have completely checked out on the world." 

I was too drained to fight with him, and I really wanted to be alone. He was right, who was I kidding? I knew deep down that I really didn't need a boyfriend, what I needed was some answers.

I heard the door slam and Tyson was off to meet with Becky. I turned on the television and fell asleep. Hours later I heard the door open, but I was too sleepy to look back to see who it was. I then heard a deep voice that sound very unfamiliar,

 "Hey, where's Tyson, "the stranger asked.

 I answered, "With Becky; now go away." 

Through my sleep I was able to give an answer, but the stranger spoke again.

 "I didn't ask you who he was with; I asked you where he was!" 

The voice in my head was still unfamiliar, but so soft and dark. My heart started to beat rapidly, and my breathing was heavy. 

"Slow your heart Halo, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just looking for my brother." 

I was so afraid to turn around and look at him, I knew it was Julian. I heard him slightly breathe out, 

"I know Tyson told you I asked for you, you’re the only one in the pack I can trust outside of my mother." Said Julian.

I noticed movement in the window above the bed, it was his reflection.

I could see him, and he was phased and looking directly at the back of my head. He spoke again but his lips didn't move. Was he speaking to me, but how? Again, his lips didn't move, only strong facial movements and heavy breathing came from him. 

"How long will you live this lie," he said. 

I could see the concern in his face, but why? I couldn't understand why he was looking at me this way. I closed my eyes tightly and said to myself, this must be a dream.  Then a loud voice was in my head again. 

"So, you can still hear me huh? You're still a very special girl; I don't have time to explain why you should know me. I just need you to know that I'm not what they say I am."

 We both went silent at the sound of Jace's car door slamming shut. With his lips curled back he hissed, "Jace!".

I turned around trying to get a better look at Julian before he stood up. It was too late because his attention was fixated on Jace. I felt that he was going to hurt Jace, so I grabbed his arm; and I was ready for him to hit me. To my astonishment he looked me in the eyes and asked me to let him go. He said it so softly in my mind until I felt a strong urge to obey him. 

"Please don't hurt Jace, he is someone I really care about." I begged.

Looking at the door he firmly replied, "I can only respect what you want; you're the only one who is innocent in your family." 

He kissed me on my hand and sat on the windowpane. I was so confused, but I didn't have time to attend the thought of what had just happened. I ran downstairs and met Jace at the door.

He looked up inside the house and his eyes wondered. 

"I smell a fowl scent here, are you here alone Halo?" asked Jace.

I was out of breath and I couldn't answer right away. He stepped back and phased, leaving his skin on the doorstep. He leaped into the house in one jump.

Before I knew it, he was up the stairs. 

"Please don't go up there JACE!" I said.

I ran up after him and fell down the steps before I could reach the top staircase. I heard a loud thrashing and then I saw Jace again. 

He snatched me up by my arm without warning.

 "He was here, and you didn't warn us? He could have killed us in our sleep LO! What is wrong with you?" asked Jace

His voice was monstrous and demonic, it was seasoned with fear. 

I began to cry, "I'm sorry Jace, I'm so sorry." 

He looked like he was still really scared, but his face softened, and he hugged me tightly. 

 "We must tell the others." he whispered.

On the way to my house I felt afraid. Afraid of what the others would think. I could only think about Tyson and how this was his fault, why couldn't he just tell the pack? Why couldn't he just keep me out of this, and why did he come and get me? Then Jace dropped a bomb on my thoughts. 

Looking angry and disturbed Jace spoke, "Emily and I saw Tyson tonight at Danglers Creek, he had that same fowl scent on him, the scent of Julian. When Emily asked him if he had been near his brother he froze, he then started to confess to us that you knew he was here, and you didn't tell anyone. I just looked at Jace with my hands over my mouth. 

"What a piece of shit!" I screamed. You don't believe him do you Jace?" 

He wouldn't look at me. He just slid his hand over his mouth and ignored my question. Then went on to tell me more about what Tyson said. 

"Tyson told us that he didn't want you to get into any trouble, so he didn't tell. He even sounded really bad for you and all that you've been going through." 

I was floored by these lies I was hearing. I wanted to know where he was so I could call him out on his lies.

 "Where is he Jace, Where the hell is Tyson?" I asked.

 I couldn't believe he pinned this on me; when it was in fact his and his mother's fault that Julian was not being dealt with. He threw me under the bus to cover his mother's butt, instead of just telling the truth. I walked through the door to my house and felt eyes burning into me. I assumed everyone could smell Julian's scent on me. My dad walked over to the door and guided me into the kitchen.

 "Honey, why didn't you call someone to let them know that Julian was in town?" He said.

I was so fed up with all the drama from this week. I couldn't deal with this any longer and I was blank. 

"Dad, I don't have an answer for you, I just didn't. It just seems like everyone in this house is keeping secrets." I cried.

I sunk into the nearest chair to avoid his unrelenting glare. Even though Tyson threw me under the bus, I still knew how important it was to keep my mouth shut. His mother would be kicked out of the pack for not telling, or even worse, she could be killed. Every eye in the room was on me and I felt so alone. Kain came over and gave me a hug, then looked back at my family while holding me.

I didn't care that he was my baby brother. In that moment I was lacking love and I felt so low. I had never seen my family this up in arms before. Kain held me closer and addressed my family, 

"Don't treat her like this you guys, she is going through hell right now." He said.

They all just stood there looking at me with the same burning eyes. Tahoe was even watching me strangely. 

Then I heard Tyson say, "You have no idea what kind of danger you put us in, you only think of yourself." 

I couldn't believe it, that freaking jerk! He was standing between Emily and Jace hiding the whole time. I couldn't believe my ears; did he just accuse me of being the only one who knew? I couldn't believe that Tyson was using me to cover his own ass. He was the one that knew about his brother being in town. He was the one that told me not to say anything. Emily bolted forward to add insult to injury. 

"Tyson told us everything, even that part about you kissing him. How could you disrespect my mother in that way?" said Emily.

 I couldn't let Tyson have that lie as well, so I defended myself.

"Tyson is a LAIR! I didn't kiss Julian, why aren't you guys out looking for him? instead of just sitting here interrogating me?" I asked.

I looked at Tyson, but he only watched the floor. Kain was at my defense trying to make them see that Tyson was a lair.

 "Tyson hits Halo, so how can you guys believe anything that dog says? I don't believe him for a second, he's a snake!" said Kain.

 Everyone was talking all at once, Jace was yelling at Tyson, while Emily held him back. My mother was yelling for everyone to calm down. I felt like giving up and running out of the door. Who was I kidding; my family would catch me before my foot hit the ground. Hollyn grabbed my hand and winked at me and I felt relieved. At least her and Kain still cared.

My dad pounded his fist on the table, breaking it into pieces. 

"Everyone quite down, we have to make a plan!" he hissed.

 His voice was deep and burning through our ears. We all stopped to look at my father, he was the only Alpha and his word was stone. 

"I don't care who is at fault, we have to end him now. He is too strong and dangerous to be here." said my dad.

But only one thing stung my mind, if he was so bad, why didn't he kill me? So, I reluctantly asked, "Why daddy, why can't we just forgive him?" 

He sighed with wide eyes and said to my mother, "Caroline, take Halo to her room." 

I shook my head and shot a cold look at my mother.

 "Don't bother, I'm not a child, I think I can manage," I said.

 My mother just looked at my dad and stepped back letting me by. I didn't mean to be that way with her; I just really wanted things back to normal. On the way to my room I noticed a small light on in Galvin's room. I knew he missed me, I really missed him too. I quietly pushed his door open to find him missing. I knew there was only one place he could be outside of my window on the roof.

 I found him outside with his cellphone in his hand texting away. 

"Can I get a hug Galvin," I asked. 

His eyes were bright as he turned and screamed my name, "Halo, what's going on? Why didn't you come to the rituals?"

 I really didn't want to tell him, but I had to. 

"Something's not right with me bro; I'm not like you guys. I never have been and probably never will be." I said, while holding back the pain in my heart.

 Little frowns shaded his eyes as he asked why, "What do you mean you're not like us?" 

"I don't know I'm just different from you guys," I said. 

He then crawled over and gave me a big bear hug, his huge frame towering over mine. 

"I love you more than anything in this world Halo." he said.

I could feel the pain lifting from my heart when I was in his arms. 

"Can I join, "said Trisha? 

I couldn't believe it was her; she looked so much better since the last time I'd seen her. I called out her name in shock, "Trisha?" 

She did a little dance and held her hands up.

 "In the flesh" she said. 

She was still funny and goofy as always. Sitting down next to me she joked, "So you didn't phase huh? Well, I say so what! Who needs another bigfoot wolf around anyways?" 

We all hugged each other and laughed like nothing had ever happened. Even though I knew it was temporary, it felt good to laugh and be happy.



Chapter 3


My car was taken away from me when Emily told mom her version of what happen at school. I was so mad with everyone for the way they were acting. My dad just shook his head and left my room, but not before slamming the door so hard I nearly pissed myself. I was even madder at my mother, and to make matters worse, she had to drive me to school. I mean how insensitive could she be? She still didn't mention one word to me about phasing. Did she think it would go away; and what about this big black and blue mark on my face from Emily? 

She attempted to scold me, "Your temper has gotten so out of control lately, what am I going to do with you?" she said. 

I really didn't want to hear one word she had to say. I put my earphones in and turned my music up loud. I knew it would piss her off good, but I didn't care. Before the verse played, she reached over and snatched the cord from my ears snapping it in half. I couldn't believe she was acting this way. Then she slammed on breaks knocking me into the dash. I saw her take a few deep breaths to calm herself down, and then the fireworks started. 

"We are a pack and a strong one at that. We have no room for weakness in this pack. Do you know how it looks to have the pack leader's daughter rumored to be in bed with an enemy Alpha? Tyson is telling anybody that will listen that you told him that Julian contacted you. What did Julian say to you? Is he still lying about our family? You belong to this pack, how could you let him touch you? I don't want you to see him again!" said mom.

 Yelling as loud as I could I replied, "What do you want from me mother! Huh? What can I do for you? Should I just die? I really don't get what the big deal is! Tyson told me there was no proof Julian killed Emily's first mate" 

She cut me off and pressed her body against mine. She had me completely pinned to the car door. 

With eyes full of darkness, she screamed at me, "You don't know anything about the past, you have no clue what happen. Julian tried to rip this pack apart, we did what we had to do! I am ashamed to call you my daughter! What happen to my sweet Halo? Who have you become? You touch him and talk as though you have connected with him." 

I pushed my face back up to hers, and I yelled back "I DIDN'T TOUCH ANYONE! You haven't asked me one time how I'm doing, not one kiss or hug or anything! I'm so confused mom. Why won't you talk to me?"

 I could feel myself shaking again and losing control. My tears were so hot on my face and my head was pounding. I needed to get out of the car. I needed to get away from her. 

"I'll walk the rest of the way; I can't and will not deal with this again today." I cried.

 I closed her car door and watched as she drove away splashing dirty water on me. I had no intentions of going to school, for what, to deal with more drama? I had literally gone from loving school to becoming a drop out. I wasn't doing my makeup or spending hours doing my hair. I didn't feel any way about anything. I wanted to feel good again, this wasn't me. I had never raised my voice at my mother in my life. I felt numb again and I needed to be comforted. Oddly enough I found comfort in this dark gloomy day. My tears were hidden in the pouring rain and being cold helped with the burning heart I held inside. The last time I felt peace was when I was in that room with Julian. I needed to know why, and I would stop at nothing to get my answers.

I must have walked for hours to get into town, and I knew my pack was looking for me by now. I stayed close to the river, hoping to knock them off my trail if they were following me. I finally made it to where I knew I would spot Julian, Tyson's house. It was dark and quiet, and the power had been shut off. I couldn't see very well in the dark, so I decided to get closer. I had to see if Julian was near. Then I heard the voice inside my head again.

"Why are you here?" It was Julian, but I couldn't hear or see anyone. 

I didn't want to speak too loudly in fear that my pack was nearby. 

"Julian, I need to talk to you, and I'm not here to set you up if that's what you think. Can you come out and speak to me face to face?" I asked.

I turned around to see him leaning up against a tree. 

"I know you're not here to set me up. I'm not worried about being set up; I only want back what's mine." He said.

I frowned a little and thought about what he could mean. I wondered if he could read my thoughts. 

He spoke again, "You still don't know, do you Halo? The pack belongs to me, and you're not really what you think you are." 

He got closer to me and lifted my face up to his and said, "How can you live amongst us monsters? You are nothing like us; they have you as a souvenir. They ruined my pack for their cover up."

 I was so cold and shaking uncontrollably, and my hands were numb. I could barely speak to him anymore and I felt faint. Through my chattering teeth I tried to speak to him. 

"I'm sorry but, I have to know, I mean, I'm so cold." I said, while shivering.

I couldn't feel my feet or my face. I could only look up at him. 

He spoke to me softly, "Are you afraid of me?" 

I shook my head no. I couldn't think of anything but how alone I was and how I didn't want to call for help. I was dressed in a thin sweater and I had left my jacket in the car with my mother. On top of that I was soaked. I could see hot air coming out of my mouth. 

"Can you take me somewhere Julian? I really don't want to call home." I asked.

I fell to my knees crying and shaking. My body was freezing, but I still couldn't explain the peaceful feeling I had in my heart. Then he kneeled to pick me up. I could feel his body heat penetrate my skin. I laid my head on his chest and blacked out from exhaustion.

When I finally came to, I could hear Julian speaking loudly and thanking someone for helping him. 

"No, we're fine, and you've done enough Trina. I can't thank you enough. I'll call you once I do what I came to do" said Julian. 

I heard a woman speaking low and fast, but she sounded concerned about me.

 "Did you tell her yet? Well don't, it's not your job to get involved with that. Take her home and get back to business, we have things to take care of out here." said the woman on the phone.

I was so sleepy until I didn't realize that I was in a bathroom tub! It was huge garden tub with black stones around the base of the tub. It even had a beautiful view of the city. I quickly dashed for the nearest towel but grabbed a rug instead. Julian walked in and held both of his hands out, motioning for me to stay calm. 

"I didn't undress you, my friend did, and you need to get your temperature up, so get back in the tub. I'm going to leave now," he said, while slowly backing away. 

I felted so stupid and flushed red. I waited for him to close the door and I got back in the tub slowly. It felt so good to take a hot bath, even if it was awkward. 

  I called for him. "Julian"

He opened the door making sure not to look in. 

Then I politely asked him, "Can you come in here and talk to me?" 

He walked in not making eye contact with me. He then sat on the outer edge of the tub with his back turned to me. I swear I could look at him forever. The stories I heard were about a monster, but he didn't look a day over 20 nor did he seem dangerous. His touch was so gentle and strong at the same time. His eyes were deep and hypnotizing. His voice was like a whisper in my mind; sweeter than any thought I ever had. He was so much bigger when he was phased. He would completely dominate anyone in the Roman pack. For a moment I was afraid; afraid of the way I was feeling toward him.

"You feel better now" asked Julian?

 I quickly replied, "Yes, I feel better when I'm with you. I feel this peaceful feeling that I have been missing my whole life." 

I saw the corners of his month turn up into a tiny smile.

 "So, he smiles?" I said jokingly. 

I couldn't believe I was naked in the bathroom with a killer and making jokes at that. 

"Halo, I think you need to know the truth, but I feel bad for not stopping it before it happened. It wasn't my fault and I didn't want things to be this way. Your parents are the real killers." 

He then took a deep breath and walked over to the tall window. Looking out over the city lights.

"I don't understand what you mean. How can you sit here and say something like that about them, they're sweetest parents ever. You must not really know them,' I said.

 He turned to look at me, with the most angelic eyes and softly said, "No, you don't know them. I'm not here to change your mind, I'm here to take back my pack. I'm going to start by casting Tyson out, then telling the pack the truth about your mother and father".

 He gave a tortured look and took another deep breath. I touched his hand thinking I could gain his trust that way and dig for the truth. 

"What happen between you guys?" I asked.

He quietly answered my question, "You happen Halo, that's all I'm going to say. You will know what happen in due time." 

I knew I wasn't going to get anything else out of him, he had a firm look on his face, and I wasn't going to push my luck. He placed his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. I felt an electric pulse go through me. His touch made my eyes roll in the back of my head. He did that weird smile again and dried his hand on his pant leg. I had so many questions for him, but never enough time to ask. 

"Why do I feel this way about you? You killed Emily's first mate, and she's my sister. I don't understand why you can speak to me through my mind, and none of the others can. I have a ton of questions to ask you." I said.

I watched him walk out and close the door without giving me an answer.




Chapter 4

“Make sure you spray this all over your body, if you don’t want them to know you were with me”, said Julian. He’d given me a tiny white spray bottle to use. He said it was to block his scent; but I was still very afraid that my family would smell him. It was time for me to go, and I had a pulling feeling inside my gut. I didn’t want to leave him.
“Julian”, I said, as I grabbed his index and middle fingers, “When can see you again.” Removing my hands, he gently turn his face toward the window. “I have already wasted enough time Halo, I’m not here to get involved with you, and I’m on a mission.” I could feel my heart burning inside my chest, how could he deny that he had the same feeling too? “You don’t feel this connection,” I said, while hesitating. He placed his fingertips over my lips and stopped my words. “Yes, I feel it too, I always have Halo, but it’s just not the right time to explore this.” I felt my heart fall into my lap. I searched in his eyes for a lie, but only found the truth. He meant what he was saying, but what if I could change his mind? “When, when will the right time come? I feel possessed when I’m with you. I’m not myself with I’m near you. It’s like a better me, a fearless me. I don’t want to lose that feeling Julian.” He slowly leaned over and kissed me on my forehead and whispered, “Listen for my call in your mind, and come running like hell to find me.” He then backed away and looked into my eyes for confirmation. I nodded as tears shot down my face. He opened the car door and my crying became hysterical. He couldn’t look at me, and without closing the door he sped off leaving me alone. I sat on the side of the highway and thought about running away, but I knew Hollyn was sick with worry, so I started my way home.

As I approached my house I could see my room light was on. It was about 4am and the only cars parked out front were Jace’s and Hollyn’s. I knew they were worried sick about me. I then pulled out the spray bottle Julian had given me and sprayed it all over my body. I couldn’t smell anything, and I really started to have doubts, but I had to go home.
“LO,” Hollyn called, while walking slowly toward me and eyeing me up and down. “Where have you been?” Biting my lip and looking at the floor I replied, “Away.” Jace then appeared at the top of the stair case and smelt the air. “What is that scent you’re carrying; did you run away to a zoo kiddo?” “Jace,” I ran up to him and dove into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. “Jace--- I’m sorry bro, I just had to clear my mind.” “I understand Lo,” he said while holding me up in his arms.
I knew that the next set of entrances wouldn’t be so pleasant. I sat up in my room waiting on my mother and father to get home. Jace told me they were pretty pissed with me, and I would be grounded for life. I could hear my mother and father drive up to the house and open the garage. I felt like dying, why did they have to be so mean? None of this would have happen if I would have just phased, or if someone would’ve told me what the hell was going on.
I heard their loud footstep come closer to my room door. I took a deep breath and prayed to myself like Julian had taught me. I prayed that they wouldn’t smell him or ask too many questions about where I had been. My father burst into my room without warning and my mother was right beside him. They both started to search my skin for marks or to see if I smelt like Julian. They were completely phased and I could tell they were commutating with one another. Their eyes were black and they stood tall on two feet and their frames were dramatically larger. My mother grabbed me up from my bed and slung me on the floor like a rag doll. I couldn’t believe she was so angry, and still not acting like herself. My father than roared at my mother and pushed her back. I could tell he didn’t agree with something she’d said, because she looked at my then over at him and ran from the room. I was still shaking and breathing out wildly. I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, and my heart was racing away from me. My father motion for me to turn my head and he phased back into human form. I heard him pull my bed sheet from my closet and wrap it around himself. “Honey, don’t be afraid,’ he said as he took his hand and whipped my tears. “I’m your father and I would never hurt you.”
He sat down beside me and nudged me for a response. “Why does mom hate me so much,” I said. He took a quick breath out and looked at the ceiling, “Halo, tell me the truth about where you’ve been. This is very humiliating for the pack. You are my daughter and the whole family is under fire from your actions. Tyson is telling everyone about what’s going on. You will belong to him soon and we can’t have rumors like these spreading.” “But Dad,” I cried, while standing to my feet, “Tyson is no Alpha; he is a freaking coward dad! It’s like you guys are blind or something, why is everyone ignoring what’s going on here?” He then slowly stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Lo, you’re the only one who is ignoring what’s going on. Tyson and you are going to bond and you will stop being disrespectful. Tell me where you were, were you with Julian Lo, please tell me the truth.” His face was hard now, and I could tell he meant business. I knew I couldn’t tell him the truth, because it would rip his heart out. So I did the next best thing and kept my mouth shut. “Dad, there is no truth, only secrets and lies that apparently need to be exposed.” My father then reached down and squeezed my hands. “Go ahead and keep your whereabouts a secret if you want, truth always rears its head sooner than later. I have one more thing to ask of you Halo,” he then squeezed tighter and said, “Whatever happens, just know that I love you more than anything and I always will.” He walked away quickly and quietly closed the door behind him not looking back to see my reaction.

“Tyson just makes my blood boil, I mean, what does he see in human girls that he never saw in me,” I said, while watching him flirt with Amy Simon from across the park. “Who knows, and who cares’” said Lisa. “I do, it makes me look stupid,” I screamed, making everyone look back at us. “Lisa you just don’t get it, everything is going good for me now, and he just makes me look pathetic, I guess it’s my father’s fault too.” I leaned in to whisper in Lisa ear, “I wish I could see Julian again.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled a little. “He’ll come back and see you again, you just have to keep it a secret, and so what if Tyson is with other girls, he looks like the loser not you,” said Lisa. “Lisa, I feel like the loser for pretending to like him, I can’t live this lie, my family is happy because I’m unhappy. What kind of BS is that? What about when they make me bond with him? I can’t be with Tyson while I’m having these feelings for Julian.”
“What’s the big deal Lo, it’s not like you care about Tyson, said Lisa.” “Whatever.” I murmured. “It still bothers me, because everyone thinks we’re together. Why am I the only one who has to be respectful and he can do what he pleases?” Just when I thought I had Lisa all to myself--- Galvin walked up and she was dreamy eyed. “Please tell me you guys are going to act civil today, I can take all the kissing and PDA right now, its gross guys,” I sighed. I looked over to find her not listening; instead she was sitting on Galvan’s lap tongue kissing him. I balled my fists up and stormed off to my car while rambling off a few words. “That’s the reason I never go out with you guys, you can’t keep your hands off of each other and it’s embarrassing.”
Lisa was Galvan’s mate; they met when Lisa and her mom joined the pack. Over time Lisa and I became really good friends, almost like sisters. I told her all my secrets and she kept them close to her heart. Her mother had been a pack member for 10 years and she was a very nice lady. I became close with Lisa when she told me how her dad would push her to better her special ability. He made her feel like an outsider when she went to visit him. It made her feel really bad when she couldn’t control it.
Lisa’s ability was really tricky. She had the ability to move things while in human form. It was really weak but she always tried to get better. She once tried moving a pencil at school, but it took two hours and it only rolled back and forth once.
She was gone for a whole year to be with her father’s pack in Florida. This meant she wasn’t there to help me through my tough times. I was happy she was back because I finally had someone to talk to again.
I told her everything about Julian and the fight with my mom. She was one of the main reasons why the peace was restored in my life again. I finally went back to school and my grades were better. I even made up with my mother and father. She provided an outlet to my aggression and it made everything else flow smoothly.

I sat in my car and blasted the music while waiting on the love birds to stop kissing. They had everyone at the park pointing in our direction, and I wanted no part of it. I laid the seat back to hide from view; I wanted to use this time to day dream about him--- about Julian. I could picture his soft warms lips on my skin, and the way he taught me how to pray. I could feel my hands together with his hands overlapping mine; and his hard chest beneath my fingertips as he slept deeply. I missed his intense stare and the way he spoke in my mind. I wanted it all, right then and there, I wanted him badly.
I was deep in thought when my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I looked at the phone’s caller ID and it read unknown. I hit the answer button but remained silent. A deep voice spoke kindly and softly. “How are you,” said the stranger on my phone. “Julian--- is that you,” I scream. I could hear tons of noise in the background and people speaking in a different language. “Yes, how are you doing?” he said, with annoyance in his voice. I lifted my head up to see if anyone was coming toward the car, but they were all talking and paying me no attention. “Yes, I’m good, what about you?” “I’m fine, I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you got back on track,” he said softly. “So are you back on track,” he said firmly. “Why do you care Julian? It’s been so long since I last spoke to you. You let seven months go by! I miss you like crazy, I think of you every second.” I was so excited to hear his voice, but I was also very upset. I thought about what I would say to him when we talked again, but the words were lost. “Halo, I want you to come away with me for a bit, I want you to meet some people that are very important to me.” “I can’t right now, I have a whole month and a half of school left,” I said. “I know, I will send for you after you graduate.” “But what about now, I want to see you now. I can’t wait that long Julian. And I thought you were on a mission, what about what you told me that morning in the car?” “I am still on a mission, I just feel bad for leaving you like that, with no answers.” I looked back up to see Tyson heading toward the car and I knew I had to wrap it up. “So you’re finally going to tell me the big secret?” “No, I’m going to tell you about why we have a connection,” he said. “I have to go; your brother is coming up to my car.” Julian demand I not hang up, so I kept the phone to my ear and rolled down the window for Tyson.
Tyson frowned as he approached my window. “Who’s so important that you feel the need to hide in the car?” I looked at him with heat in my eyes. “None of your damn business now get the hell away from my car,” I said through my teeth. I started to roll the window up and kept my eyes on his hands. Julian was fuming on the other line, “If he touches you, he will pay, I will rip him apart,” said Julian. I shifted my body toward the passenger seat turning away from Tyson. I then heard a loud bang on the window behind me and my fury reached new heights.
I placed the phone on the seat and turned around to see everyone looking into my car. Tyson had broken my window and glass was everywhere. I quickly jumped out of the car and stood before him, and I could only scream. “WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BE APART OF MY LIFE, I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU TYSON! I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE AND YOU CANT STAND IT. IT MUST KILL YOU TO KNOW THAT I LOVE HIM,” I screamed, at the top of my lungs. I fell to the ground and felt a sharp pain shoot up my back. Galvin ran over and punched Tyson and he hit the ground. They rolled around for a bit then Tyson put Galvin in a choke hold and threaten to break his neck if he moved. I felt rage come over me, and I let it take control. I ran around to the trunk of my car and got my dad’s oversized crowbar and came up through the crowd, and hit Tyson in the face with the tool. It only upset him because he didn’t move a muscle. Blood began to fall from his nose and I could see Galvin losing consciousness. I raised the crowbar in the air and started to hit him again, but Jace grabbed my hand before it landed.
My father spoke and the crowd was silent. Tyson let go of Galvin and stood up straight to face my dad. “Mr. Roman,” said Tyson while holding his bloody nose. “I’m sorry, but Halo started it---”said Tyson, while pointing at me. “Leave Halo out of this you crowd,” said Lisa, as she jumping in front of Tyson. “Leave my sight Tyson. Halo, Lisa and Galvin go home NOW,” yelled my father. I could still feel the pain in my back from Tyson pushing me against my car, but he would soon be the one humiliated once Julian got back.
“How are you going to wear your back out now” asked Trisha, with my prom dress in her hands. She took a seat on the floor next to my vanity table and looked into the mirror at me. I knew she was disappointed, because she picked out our dresses so they would match. A week had gone by since my big fight with Tyson, but I still had bruises and scrapes all over my back. “Trisha I’m fine with wearing the dress to prom, we can just put makeup over the bruises,” I said. I sat down next to her and gave her a big hug. She still looked disappointed and didn’t hide it. “Why couldn’t dad just put Tyson in jail like a normal person?” “Tyson wouldn’t last a day in jail,” I said, and then l let out a little giggle at the thought of Tyson behind bars. “And besides, Tyson isn’t normal,” I said.
Prom was two hours away and I didn’t want to go, I wanted to be with Julian, but he was nowhere to be found. I waited all week for him to call back, but nothing. Every time my phone rang I felt sick, because I knew it wasn’t going to be him on the other line. I even fell asleep on the roof outside my window just in case he was near; I thought that I could possibly feel him.
Flashes went off as we walked down the stairs to the limo waiting outside. I was surprised to see Emily standing on the side taking pictures of us. I then realized that she was avoiding me in her shots, but I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to go to prom anyways. My date was showing up with a human girl. I was fine until I noticed that I was the only one standing alone with no date. I watched as each of the guys gave the girls a corsage. I looked down at my wrist to see there was nothing there. Jace walked up and gave me a kiss on the cheek to make me feel better, but I really felt like running back up to my room, so I could hide underneath my covers. I had promised Trisha I would try to have a good time, so I sucked it up and headed out the door.

Chapter 5

When we arrived to the party I felt like throwing up. Every girl had a date; I was so out of place. Becky even looked as if she felt bad for me; and Tyson gave me cold stares occasionally. He was the last thing on my mind though. I sat alone at the table in the back of the room so I could hide from everyone, but Trisha wasn’t going to give up on me. “Halo,” yelled Trisha, “What are you doing just sitting there,” she said, as she grabbed my hands and pulled me onto the dance floor. I tried pulled away, but she was way too strong.
“I don’t like to see you unhappy,” said Trisha. “I just think it’s too soon to be near him, and I need time to deal with being away from…” I had to stop myself from saying his name, but wasn’t it obvious? I was in love with Julian, but no one in my family could know about it. They wouldn’t understand. So I stood there, dancing with my sister, in pain and silence. She could see that I was annoyed, so she let me walk away. “I love you, but don’t ever do something you really don’t want to do Lo,” she said.
Three more months passed and still no word from Julian. I made sure to stay close to my phone, I even stayed up some nights listening for his call. I was becoming sick of waiting on him, so I decided to place my focus in over things. I started to look at colleges.
I sat at the computer with Tahoe looking at colleges and course schedules. High school was finally over and I felt like I was free. I never really had a dream of becoming anything special. I only wanted to make my parents proud and do something with the life I was given.
While sitting at the computer my phone began to ring, it was an unknown caller again. I quickly got up from the computer desk and hurried outside. I answered quickly and hoped to hear Julian on the other line, but this time it was a woman. “Is this Halo?” She said. I quickly answered with an attitude. I assumed it was a telemarketer and I was about to hang up. “Are you alone right now? “ She said. “Yes” I said, while looking over my shoulder. “Julian is ready to see you tonight, but it’s going to be very brief. He will call out to you and tell you where to meet him. Make sure you don’t leave home tonight. He is in town again and doesn’t want anyone to know. Make sure no one follows you, and don’t tell anyone that you’re leaving.” She said. I was so excited and scared at the same time. She added one more thing before she hung up on me, “Come on foot”. Before I could ask any questions she hung up and I was left with my thoughts.
Sitting on the edge of my canopy bed looking at my digital clock, without one blink I could only wonder. I flung myself back into my pillows and noticed that my mother put the wrong pillowcase on again. I even counted the little white lint balls on the pillowcase, as I pulled them off. I suddenly sat back up to find that it was still 2:30am, “what gives man?” I said to myself. I couldn’t control the sudden urge that had pledged me all night, I needed sleep. My eye lids became very heavy and soon there was nothing but darkness, then it started.
I could hear him calling my name in the night, finally it was time. The call made its way up my stair case, under my door, and into my bed. The dark voice crawled into my mind and demanded I come to find it. In my pink and blue night gown, I escaped my room for him. I managed to make it past my Galvin and Lisa. They were both cuddled up on the living room couch, with their heads back and mouths open. The television was on an infomercial, so I knew that they had been asleep for a while. The floor sounded louder than ever before, squeaking with every step I took.
I could also see Ms. Joanna auguring with her daughter through our kitchen window. Her perfect daughter Tina must have stayed out all night again. This meant she wouldn’t be watching me leave like always. I put on my sea shell sandals and slipped out of the sliding glass door. I hit my foot on on the pool floats, and knocked off some of the shells on my right sandal. I watched as my mother’s room light came on, and my heart was skipping beats. She could see in the dark with her abilities, but was too afraid to be noticed so she always played it safe. I still had time before she spotted me. I hide in the pool house trying hard not to breathe because she would hear me and come looking. I peeked out of the pool house window at my mom; she was looking all around the yard for the culprit. I couldn’t hold my breath any longer and I let out a little air. My mother’s head snatched over to the pool house, her body was like stone. Her eyes were completely blacked over, ready to attack. "Honey what are you doing? Come back to bed."
My father had saved my life, I was so relieved. The light went off and I was back on my mission. His voice was still calling out to me, making it hard to focus. As I reached the end of the drive way, I could feel fear settling in my heart. I could see the woods up ahead of me. With one deep breath I slowly placed one foot in front of the other.
The city started to fade behind me as I took longer strides into the thick darkness. Before I knew it I was running wild through the woods to get to him, as my feet left the city behind me. I could feel my wild side tipping in amidst the darkness. I could finally feel him near and I approach the place where I was being called from. The beach, it was breath taking to watch. The moon light danced on the black powerful water while the wind pushed the waves hard on the earth.
I could see him leaning up against his truck looking out into the woods. I stood there for a second, taking him in, while his body still hummed my name. I was in a trance while looking him over. Beauty at its finest hour, and I was stuck. His tall stature and muscle bound body deserved respect, he was an alpha. I waited so long to feel these true feelings of love and lust, passion and pleasure. I couldn’t wait another second to touch his defined face, or place my hands through his short soft black hair. A slight smile traced his face, he could hear me breathing. He looked up slowly and began eyeing the trees. I giggled to myself as I seen him looking for me. Still leaning up against his truck with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, he shook his head.
I could tell he was beginning to grow tired of my games. I began to walk out of the trees and past him, turning around as I reached the white bubbly waves. He just smiled again and turned to place his hand on the hood of the truck and watch me. I began walking into the waves until the water was around my waist. I slowly removed my Pj’s and let them float away in the ocean. I watched as he removed his clothing, ripping them from his body with no effort. He begin walking into the water as well, looking into my eyes as he phased. He was still so beautiful; his eyes were completely black and his frame dramatically larger. I was in too deep, as the water rose up to my neck. The crashing waves matched my frantic heartbeat, which was running on fumes of fears. There is something about being with someone you can’t have that makes the love deeper. I was still too human in so many ways and I hated it.
The morning air felt like soft feathers on my skin. The sun covered my nude body through blades of grass and the shade of the trees. I didn’t want to move. I could feel Julian next to me; he was still sleeping and still phased. I lifted my eyes to see him better as he took a deep breath.
I was kind of disappointed though, because I thought we were going to have sex. He gave me something in the place of sex, he gave me intimacy. He tapped into my mind and we talked though my thoughts all night. We relived happy moments in my child hood and I showed him my secrets. He was so careful with me, but how? He kissed every part of my body. Starting with my forehead and making his way down to my stomach. How could something so power be so gentle? I couldn’t believe he was capable of killing any innocent werewolf.
I leaned in to kiss him while pushing my fingertips through his hair. A small smile traced his lips, but something was wrong. He sat up and pushed me aside. “Your pack is on the way, I can my mother’s thoughts.” He said. While panicking, I quickly ran over to my clothing, scrambling to put my shirt over my head. I ran back over to him to hold him close, waiting for the pack to arrive. I knew I could never out run them. I looked up at Julian for confirmation, hoping he had a plan.
He kissed me on the hand and got down on his knees to hug me. The wind was so thick and the beauty of the morning was turning gloomy. He placed his head in my chest and whispered three words before taking off into the thick trees. “We are one.”
I lost my balance as he ran past me, and tears again flooded my face. I knew I had to get into the water and make up something quick. I could hear the pack coming through the trees and I could feel the ground start to vibrate.

The first person to arrive was Emily. She ran over to me and pulled my out of the water, throwing me into the sand like a rag doll. My father was the next to run up; he grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, and begin to smell me. I heard my panty’s rip and watched as my father’s head disappeared between my legs. I looked at my mother with eyes full of embarrassment. I knew she was trying to see if Julian had taken my virginity.
I kicked and screamed, hoping my father would see that he was about to hurt me, and violate me. “Dad, please don’t do this here, we don’t have to prove anything to them.” I said softly, while Emily pinned me down. Her hands were so strong, and her eyes were so vicious. My father placed his fingers inside me, the pain was like nothing I had every felt before. Humiliating and excruciating were under statements. I escaped my body through thoughts of Julian. I could hear him running, and he was crying for me, begging me to let him come back and kill them. I just kept telling him no, and I told him to keep running. Our connection was becoming surreal, and I could feel his pain. I could only see what he would allow me to see and then he faded away.
I looked into Emily’s eyes, trying to find the love in them, but I only found hate. Emily was becoming even more violent, as she sunk her nails deep into my skin. My red blood flowed onto the sand and no one cared. I looked over my shoulder to see the rest of the pack walking up to surround me. I could only see black eyes watching me, to see if I had sex without a ritual. They had to know if I mated with Julian, the animal that killed Keithen. There were so many faces, but all of them cold. They wanted to know if the rumors were true. My pack watched as I was humiliated by my father and abused by my sister. I was helpless, I felt like a worthless human girl, surround by a nightmare. My father stood up to address the pack, “She is still a virgin. She can still continue the pack with Tyson.” Jace and some of the other pack members run past me into the woods in Julian’s direction. The rain was heavy now, washing the blood away and hiding my tears. Everything around me was upset; the beach was not as kind as it had been the night before. The water inched closer to me, burning my skin as I lay on my back. The trees moved and swayed as if they could snap. The sun was covered by dark clouds in their deepest shades of grey. Rain and tears filled my ears, and I knew that they were hiding something. But I also knew that Julian was going to set things right.
My aunt Delrina made things even worse. My father’s test wasn’t good enough for her, she wanted to know for herself if I was touch or bitten by Julian. She made me stand up while Emily and my father held on to me. She then pulled my clothes off and turned me around so that I was facing my mother. My mother checked me to see if I had been marked. She lifted my hair and smelled every part of me. Grabbing the bottom of my chin she looked me in the eyes. “How could you disrespect us? We gave you life, and we can take it.” I was so afraid, but not for myself. I was afraid that they would find Julian and kill him.
Hollyn walked from within the crowd in human form and stood beside my mother. My eyes couldn’t focus; I could only look at the pack, wondering what they were going to do to me. My breathing was wild and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. Then finally Hollyn Touched my arm and I felt calm again.
“Where is he Lo?” said Hollyn. “Hollyn, I wasn’t with him, please.” She placed her fingers over my lips, stopping my words and shaking her head from side to side. “Lo don’t lie to us, we can smell him on you, did you mate with him?” I didn’t say a word; I only hung my head down and shook my head no.
My father pushed me to the ground and pointed toward the house. I looked up at him and crawled over to his feet. Making sure not to make eye contact, I spoke to him, “Daddy tell me the truth. What happen with Julian? I’m in love with him daddy, should I be punished because of that?” He raced down and growled at me, showing every tooth in his mouth while his lips curled back. His breath pushed my hair back and his loud growling ringed in my ears. I could only cry, and I looked around as Hollyn and the rest of my family looked at me with disgust in their hearts.
Even Kain looked down on me with disgust. I looked into all of their eyes and seen nothing but hate and fear. I just couldn’t understand how they could hate him so much. I also couldn’t wrap my mind around why I didn’t see me when I looked at them. I was nothing like them.
“Let’s go mom, just leave her here,” whispered Galvin. I was so shocked, not Galvin too. I reached my hand up to Trisha and she turned away. My heart began to freeze. I then heard Jace return with good news. “He got away, we lost him in town.” He then looked down on me, and then gave an odd look to the rest of the pack. He felt bad for me.
He bent down and picked me up making sure not to hurt me. Emily gave him an evil eye, but he ignored her and the others and started to walk me back home. I looked back to see Tyson looking from behind some of the pack members. He had been there the whole time. Not once did he try to stop them. I hated him.

Lisa's POV

I watched her as she lay in fetal position on her bed. Emily must have hurt her pretty badly. There was sand and blood all over the floor, and she hadn’t bothered to putting any clothing on. She was alone and had no one to hold her. I mean, I was her only friend at this point. I wouldn’t be her friend for long though. I’d seen her leave yesterday morning at 3am. I had to tell someone, so I told Jace, but then he told Hollyn and Hollyn told Mr. Roman, and all hell broke loose.
I couldn’t believe that Lo let a monster into her heart so easily. Emily must have hated her even more now. I never really knew why Emily hated her so much in the first place. Galvin said that Ms. Roman told him and Trisha that Halo was special. She wasn’t really like the rest of the pack.
I know that there are secrets in every family, but this secret was setting ruin to someone I loved. On top of all the hurt she felt that day, I was about to make it even worse.
Walking over to her slowly, and making sure I was welcomed; I kneeled down and looked her in the eyes. She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes and forced a smile. I knew she would still smile and try to make things seem better than they were. She then started to cry a little and I quickly wiped her tears. With her soft voice she finally spoke. “I really did it this time huh Lisa?” I shook my head no, and started to cry as well. I stayed behind with the children and I wasn’t able to see how badly she had been hurt. I felt like I let her down, and I would never forgive myself for that.
I ran her some bath water and made sure the water was just right. I didn’t know how I was going to break the news to her, but I was going to do it. I sat on the counter top while she eased into the bath water. She had bruises on her arms and her eyes were puffy from crying. There were scratches underneath her breast area and alongside her ribs. I turned my head as she caught me staring in shock.
I hated them for treating her like this. In human form she was defenseless, so why hit her? Something just wasn’t sitting right in my heart. Halo is the nicest and purest person I know. How in the world could someone treat her like this? Someone was lying and I had to find out who it could be.
I just didn’t have the heart to tell her that I told them she left to meet Julian. I told them everything she told me. I even told them that she was in love with him. They knew everything now, and it was all because of me. I was only trying to protect her from being hurt. I thought that this was just a phase and it would pass. Turns out she really did love him, and was risking it all for him.
While looking down at my hands I proceed to tell her what I’d done. “Lo, you know I love you right?” She frowned and closed her eyes, and begin to cover her face with her hands as she sit in the bath. “Tell me it’s not true; please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did?” “Lo, I’m--- I was just trying to protect you from yourself.” She stared at me intensely, and I knew in that moment I had broken her heart. “Leave Lisa, just get the hell out,” she cried. I quickly went over to her and forced a hug. She pushed me and punched me, but I still held her tightly. She was so weak and I knew it, but I still held her. Her arms fell to her sides and she laid her head on me, crying silently.
Resting in her bed she was finally asleep, she looked so peaceful. I loved my friend, and I hoped that she would forgive me one day. I just had to know what was going on in this pack. I just wanted to know what the Romans’ where trying to hide, if anything. I thought I might as well start with the source. Halo.
If I was going to do this I had to do it right, and stay away from Galvin. He could get anything out of me. The fact that I mated with him took away any possibility of private thoughts. I just couldn’t be around him while we both were phased. I could block some things from him, but not all. He would sense the block and pressure me to find out more. I couldn’t have that.

I decided to go through Halo’s personal things; baby pictures, birth certificate and medical records, but I found nothing. Something wasn’t right about Halo and everyone knew it. I thought of everything that would make this make sense. Nothing made sense, not even how Julian killed Keithen. I would have to start asking some questions, but I knew no one would want to answer them.
I heard the door open and a voice call my name, “Lisa, could you come here for a second honey?” It was Ms. Roman. I loved her most of the time, when she was not trying to control Galvin. She tried to pick out the perfect mate for Galvin, and she told him that I wasn’t good enough for him. Things got better over time between Ms. Roman and me, but I still had to watch my back.
Placing her hand on my shoulder she thanked me, “What you did last night was not wrong, Halo knows better and will be dealt with in due time. Julian is an evil man and he wants to take over what’s mine. This pack belongs to my family and that’s that. Now, Halo will forgive you one day, but not without time. I think you should give her some time.” I started to drift away in thought, I could only see her lips moving at this point and I knew she was trying to get me to side with her.
I just couldn’t, because what if they were hiding a secret. Could that be so hard to believe? I’ve hidden things before for a number of different reasons. What if Julian was telling the truth, what if he was innocent, but what would the motive be? Mr. Roman was already in a high position and being an alpha wouldn’t have done him any good. Or would it?
“Ms. Roman, I think I’m going to stick around if that’s okay with you; I really need to be close to Halo right now.” She looked at me with unrelenting eyes. “Fine, stay here, but if she gets upset again; I think it would be best for you to leave.” I gave her a hug and turned to walk away. She grabbed the door and looked at me again, stopping me from closing it. “We are all going on a run tonight; I would love it if you could join us.” She said, with her eyes black and wide. I couldn’t help but ask, “Ms. Roman is there a problem?” She shook her head and looked away, “No, I just have a lot on my mind is all.” I continued to look at her until she came to, and then replied, “I don’t really feel like going running tonight, maybe tomorrow night. I just want to be with Lo.” She didn’t say a word, she only walked away and looked back and gave a warm smile.
During the middle of the night Halo tossed and turned. At one point she would stand up and I would have to lay her back down. The stress in her heart must have been very heavy, and it made me sick to see her this way. It was 1am and she finally woke up, “Lisa, are you sleeping?” she said quietly. I replied, “No, do you wanna talk?” “Yeah, I wanna tell you how much having you here means to me. I was wrong to yell at you, and even more wrong for hitting you. I know that you care and I also know that you were just trying to help me. I just need your help for real this time.” I knew what she was going to ask, and there was no way I was going to say no. I looked at her and she knew I had her back this time.
“We need to do some research, but we have to leave this house first, I need to see Julian again.” She spoke low and quick, and her attitude was different. “Why are you acting like that Lo?” I asked. It was odd, like she could hear something I couldn’t hear. She would look out of the window like someone was talking to her. I walked over to her and grabbed the sides of her arms, looking directly into her eyes. “If you want my help you’re going to have to tell me why you’re acting like this.”

She still looked over my shoulder and out of the window. I really didn’t know what to make of it; I could only hope she hadn’t mated with Julian without knowing the full truth. “Okay then, you can keep secrets, but it will only make it harder for me to trust you Lo.” I said, while letting her go. She snatched her head back at me and snapped, “Trust? You wanna talk about trust? Let’s not go there Lisa.” I took a deep breath and let her have that one. I knew there was no point in fighting with her at this point.
The rain was falling hard and the wind was swaying the trees back and forth. The darkness of the day aided us. I had no idea where we were headed. I only knew that I would never be able to explain this to Galvin. I left him a note and told him I wanted to be alone. I couldn’t believe I’d lied to Galvin. He would be under the expression that I was just having a bad day and that I felt horrible for what I had done to Halo.
There wasn’t time for thoughts of myself at this point. I was only going to think for Lo, my best friend, and in many ways my sister. We reached the beach and she started to look around. I walked up close behind her and whispered, “Lo, what are we doing. I don’t think this is a good idea.” She ignored me and screamed into the woods through cuffed hands. “I know you’re still here! I can feel you, talk to me! Julian, please come talk to me!” She screamed and hollered, but there was nothing. “Come on lo, maybe we should try calling him again, I think he left. Why would he stay here after all that’s happened?”
“I can feel him Lisa. I know he’s here, I heard what he said to me last night. He doesn’t want to see me again.” She held back tears but it was pretty obvious. “He doesn’t love me anymore Lisa.” I hugged her tightly and I could feel her pain. “I don’t think anyone could stop loving you, maybe he doesn’t want to hurt you anymore, if he really loved you in the first place he would have never.” I was cut off mid-sentence by a deep dark voice. It was Julian. He walked out of the trees slowly and stopped half way. Halo quickly ran up to him and he barely embraced her. He only looked at me, like he wanted me dead.
His eyes were piercing and dark, like oceans of pain flowing deep. He had torment written across his face, but he was not a monster. He had a bright soul, and I felt him looking right through me. I felt ashamed for my thoughts. I felt naked and I needed to be covered. I could only bow my head and obey his eyes. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I felt like I was dominated, like he was my Alpha. The weight of the world pulled at me as I resisted, I tried with every bone in my body not to kneel. Something in my mind would not obey me. I screamed out to myself through my thoughts, “Stay on your feet! Don’t give in” but nothing worked. I found myself at his feet, and I was at peace there.
I was so confused, and it caused fear to creep into my heart. “Are you going to kill me, like you did Keithen?” I said, while looking up at him and Halo. He turned away from me to look at Halo, and the weight I felt was released. I grabbed my chest and took a deep long breath. I was shaking and still very confused by his power. I could hear him and Halo talking. He spoke with the same pain that was in his eyes, “Halo, I can’t continue this with you. We can’t be together right now. I can’t continue to be the reason why you get hurt. What kind of love is that?”
Halo stood there for a moment, taking his words in, but not listening to a word he’d said. “Take me away with you, back to the Wind Child Pack. I can’t stay here, Julian I wanna be with you. I can’t stay here and bond with Tyson. What kind of love would that be?” He stayed calm, even though what Halo said had hurt him. He gave a tortured look and his eyes held back fire. He then replied, in the softest tone, “They took everything Halo, my pack, my pride, and my honor. My father left this for me, and I will not stop until your family is dead.”
Halo pulled away from him, looking him in the eyes like she could finally see. “Is that what you’ve wanted this whole time? You are a monster.” He grabbed her arms and looked her into her eyes. I couldn’t understand what was going on, but I knew he was talking to her. I could only hear Halo replying. “I would never want to kill them, no matter what they’ve done. Yes I’m sure, I love them, and you should forgive them for whatever they’ve done.” She seemed to be able to hear him loud and clear, but when I looked into his face his lips hadn’t moved. She continued to scream in his face, begging him to change his mind. “Tell me Julian, what is so bad? No I won’t, just tell me why I would want to kill them.” He finally spoke, “I won’t tell you, its best you stay ignorant to the facts. If they even think you know, you would be dead. Your precious family would kill you dead. Then I would have even more of a reason to kill them, but I couldn’t go on living. Not without you.”
She stepped closer to him until they were lip to lip and said, “Then take me with you and tell me what they’ve done.” Julian face showed signs of defeat; he had given in to Halo. He was so strong, but seemed weak when it came to her. “If that’s what you want, that’s what I’ll do. I don’t want you to hurt anymore. I just can’t promise you that hurt won’t come again. I will make your family tell you what they’ve done. I just need to go away for a little while. There are too many innocent people involved in your family’s lies. I will take you away with me.”
I couldn’t believe Halo, she was crazy. I watched her wrap her arms around his neck and stare into his eyes. She then walked over to me and bent down, placing her hand on the side of my face. “Tell them whatever you want; I love you no matter what you think about me. I just know I can make things right, everything’s going to be okay. I’m going to find out why everything is the way it is.” She then slowly walked away, and completely disappeared into the trees.

Chapter 7 Lisa's POV

Galvin paced back and forth on the front porch as the moon light lite our faces. He was attempting to read my thoughts. I was blocking him and it was giving me a head ache. He tried everything to get into my head. We were phased and I was easy to read. Everything I thought of set him off. He would read into my mind up until the point where Halo was acting strange in the room the night before we left.

I became upset and phased into my human form, storming up to his bedroom. He was right on my heels as I closed the door. “Phase so we can talk. I really don’t like you picking through my thoughts like I’m some damn file cabinet,” I said. He took a moment to think about it, then he quickly phased. He still looked upset and curious, as if he could still read me.

“I know you helped her leave, just tell me where she is,” he demanded. I wouldn’t dare tell him that I let her walk away, or show him how I bowed before Julian. I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt Halo again. Even if it was for her own good, I couldn’t do it. So I just remained silent and let him pace until he become sick of trying.

“Galvin, I—I believe Halo is on to something big.” I said, while my tone trembled in fear. He didn’t turn around this time; he only stood there looking out of the window. I wanted so badly to tell him what happened with Julian, but I feared he would never forgive me. I continued to watch him while he stood silent, but then he said something that shocked me. While looking over his shoulder at the ground I could finally see his beautiful face. He looked sad, and in deep thought. I took a deep sallow as I watched him walked over to me and kneel down. He placed his hands around my waist as he slowly and very quietly agreed with me.

“I believe her too, I heard my mother talking to Emily this morning, they said something about a secret. Mom had some pictures and Lisa got mad and asked why she kept them. I couldn’t see the pictures, but Emily seemed to be pretty upset,” he said. My mind started to wonder, but I still didn’t want to tell him everything until I knew he was telling the truth.

So I asked him more questions. “Do you think it had something to do with Halo being different? Or maybe something to do with why she can’t phase?” I said. He took a deep breath and little frowns covered his forehead as he answered, “I have no idea, but then I heard my mother say that it was all dads fault. She also said something about other women.” I could only think about the pictures, and what they could mean. I still wasn’t sure if I could trust him though. What if this was a trick to get me to talk, or to let him into my thoughts.

My phone started to ring and I quickly looked at the caller id. I was hoping it was Halo, but it was Tyson. I quickly silenced the call and continued my conversation with Galvin. I didn’t want him asking any questions about Tyson. It was bad enough that I had given him my number in the first place.

I was caught off guard, and I had no idea he would be calling this time of the night. Galvin continued to question me about Halo, making sure to go over every detail of any answer I gave. I couldn’t concentrate though; my phone was vibrating in my pocket every 30 seconds. I’d forgotten that I told Tyson I would meet with him tonight, but I was having a major change of heart.

I knew that Tyson had left messages and text messaged me. So I carefully looked at my phone from the side of the chair. Galvin was too busy talking to look back and notice that he didn’t have my full attention. Tyson had left eleven voice messages and three texts in twenty minutes. I knew he was pissed with me, but there was no way I could just walk out now. Galvin was the type to hold on to something and blow things way out of proportion. So I made up an excuse to leave. “Galvin I have to go home and help my mom out with Dylan. He is having a fit and she needs my help to get him under control. I can’t stay tonight, but I’ll be back to figure this out in the morning,” I said, as I stood there looking into his eyes. “Okay”, he said, while leaning in to kiss me. I forced a smile and assured him that things would get better soon.

I drove to the back of Danglers Creek and got out to look for Tyson. He’d stop answering the phone, but in his last text message he told me to meet him there. It was so dark and I couldn’t see through the thick woods. I wondered where the heck he could be and why he wanted to meet here.

I tried calling him again and he picked up, “Tyson where the hell are you? I had to lie to Galvin!” He laughed a little and jokingly replied, “Doesn’t that make this better? You lying to him and sneaking out here to meet with me? Doesn’t that turn you on? It must turn you on to lie to the people that love you the most. You lied to me.” I was speechless as I listened to his tone turn dark. “Tyson we both knew what we were getting into by seeing each other this way. You don’t think it hurt me to watch you with Halo or Becky?” I said.

He went silent, not saying a word, but I knew he had started to cry. “Where are you Tyson,” I asked softly. I could hear him take a deep breath. “I’m on my way over to you now, I’m sorry Lisa, but this just isn’t easy anymore. I thought I was stronger but I’m not. We are mates, but you’re forced to be with Galvin, and this is what I’m reduced to. Meeting you in the dark? You let Mr. Roman break us apart, you fell for Galvin and put him in your heart over me,” he said.

I turned around to see him walking toward me. He was right, but what could we do about it? Mr. Roman knew we were true mates, and he still ripped us apart. I remember the day it happened, the day I felt my soul ripping into pieces. The day Mr. Roman came to visit my mother and me to tell us that he had chosen my mate. I was sick to my stomach at first, but I learned to love Galvin. In Gavin’s mind I was his mate. My true mate was Tyson; but Mr. Roman was trying to create a super pack. He was changing things and no one agreed with the changes. He started to choose mates that would produce super children. Galvin was too blind too see what his father was doing was wrong. His father was treating us like animals at a laboratory.

Mr. Roman made us keep this a secret, and anyone who talked about it would be punished. He had done this to many families in the pack. He was on a secret mission to create better abilities through planned mating. I was too afraid to hurt Halo or my mother, so I just suffered in silence. I could only feel relief when I got to touch Tyson or kiss his lips. I couldn’t connect to his thoughts on a deep level like I could with Galvin, because Tyson and I never mated. Mating and bonding through the rituals would place a connection between the male and female werewolf.

I could never understand why he gave Halo to Tyson. Why her? Why couldn’t he just let things happen naturally? I guess Mr. Roman was really afraid of Julian and the Windchild pack. I just knew one thing for sure. My life without Tyson was a constant heart break. Galvin was just in love with me, he hadn’t seen his real mate before. I also knew that if he ever found her, his father with let him have us both. Just as long as he could still produce a child with me; but that wasn’t the part that hurt me. The most heart breaking part was watching Tyson take the news, he was torn. It made him bitter and disrespectful. My beautiful Tyson started to act ugly. Mr. Roman set Tyson as the next Alpha and Halo as his mate. My best friend Halo roamed around school kissing the boy who belonged to me. It was so hard to be alone with him at first, but when we started meeting like this things got easier.

I could feel his hands on the back of my neck, and then his lips warm and soft on my shoulder. My eyes slowly rolled back as he kissed me right below the bottom of my ear. My mind became fuzzy and my thoughts where slowed down. I could feel myself losing control, and it felt completely right. I just couldn’t do it, I couldn’t mate with him, because it would break the connection between Galvin and me. I pushed him away against my own will. I could feel my insides screaming for him, bleeding for him through every touch. Wanting more and craving him inside of me. My eyes began to black over and my body wanted to sir came to him.

My body was in his hands, and I could only hope he too hadn’t lost control. I gently whispered with the last sane and aware piece of my mind, and I asked for his help. “Tyson, I have an idea, and I need your help. I need your help to find out the truth about your brother and Halo.” I watched as his face softened and his lips parted slowly. He spoke with his kind voice and stared into my eyes. “I will do anything for you”, he whispered. I sat up and got on top of him, not taking my eyes away from his. “This is for us -----for our love.” I said. I could feel his heart racing, and his body getting heated.

My eyes began to flutter, as the words that escaped my lips ran across my mind. “I need you to mate with me; I need the connection to be broken. I don’t want Galvin to read my most privates thoughts anymore. I have to find out the truth about Halo and Julian, something just isn’t right.” His replied was slow and uncertain. “Is this something you really want--- I mean, we could be cast out or killed for this. I’m willing to do anything for you, but I could never forgive myself if something happen to you.” He looked away, as if he were fighting himself on the matter. Then he looked back into my eyes and I could tell his mind was made up. “Let’s go somewhere special,” He said, while gently pulling my hair back. We walked to his car and started to drive to this mystery place.

“You see that light on the other side of the hill? That’s my private house. My mother is the only one who knows I have it; I come here when the weight of the world is too heavy. It helps me clear my mind; this place even helps with the fact that I can’t have you Lisa.” We got closer to the house and my heart was speeding out of my chest. It was beautiful, and it was every bit of Tyson’s style.

I could see markings on the walls of the house from the outside, and I wonder what kind of story they would tell. The house was set in the stone of the mountain side, but was no higher up then about 3 stories. I was finally inside and I couldn’t wait to see more. I entered through the front door and I was floored. The stories on the walls were about us, and everything that had happened. He drew everything on the walls, like an open book for everyone to see. I felt tears falling down my face as I looked at the vivid detail of everyone he’d drawn. It was like looking at a photograph. I reached my hand out to touch the drawing and the stone wall was as cold as ice underneath my fingertips.

I looked back at him, but he only look at the floor with a slight smile blurred across his face. His hands were snugged in his pockets and his shoulders were tense. I walked over to him and kissed him, letting my body fold into his. “Lisa, wait a second, there’s more I want to show you.” He said, while backing away from me.

I followed him up winding stairs with more paintings on each step. There were bright colors and dark colors that flowed together perfectly on every turn. Then we finally reached his room, and I my breath was taken away. His room was so beautiful; you could see the woods and the beach. The room was open with no windows or doors to block off the outside. I could smell the river and the fresh air. My hair blew effortlessly from the small waves of wind that blew through the room. His bed was surrounded with soft white linen and soft white bear fur lay out across the ground. The whole room was white and peaceful.

I continued to look out from the room in a trance, and then my mind wondered back to Tyson. He sat on the edge of his piano bench watching me. I made my way to him and climbed on top of the piano. He turned around to face me as he stood up. He grabbed my legs and pulled me closer to him. “You still sure you want to do this, once we start, there is no stopping me. I will be out of my mind, so please let me know if you have any second thoughts,” He said, firmly. “No,” I said. While placing my lips on his neck I whispered to him,
“ I wanted this since the day I met you.”

I could feel his back under my fingers, and his skin felt so soft. I could also feel the firmness of strong muscle under his soft skin. It felt like power, like dominance, and I craved it. I looked him in his eye one last time before I felt him slide off my dress. I began to let him break the connection and form a new connection between him and me. I could feel him inside of me at times, and I could hear him saying my name. I felt like I was going in and out. I could see, but only in a blur, like we were in motion. All my other senses were in full affect though. I started to hear his thoughts and I became afraid. I knew this had to be done, but I started to feel his fear. He was afraid that we would never be together, he was afraid that I was going to be killed or cast out because of him. The sound of his voice in my head felt so good, and the bonding was almost over.

He then started to bite me, and the pain was terrible. His teeth were ripping at my skin and it was my turn to bite him so we could complete the bond. I kissed him on the arm and bit him, and he went into a rage. My veins felt like they were on fire, set to blaze by his love. I could feel him near me still; and my head was being consumed by his thoughts. I felt like I had finally awakened from a long life of sleeping. He had brought me to life, and there was no going back.

I stood in my bathroom mirror looking at the marks on my arms. Tyson was secretly mine and I was his. I bit my lip at the thought of him touching me. Every memory from the night before seemed to flow into my head. I could still feel him and smell his scent in my hair. I knew I had to take a shower and get his scent off. Galvin would smell it in a heartbeat and I would be dead.

Chapter 8 Lisa'a POV

I could feel his thoughts beaming in my head still. Softly saying I love you, and it made me feel whole. I felt like running away to be with him, but I had to help Halo first. The pack was too full of secrets and I knew Halo was one of them. A small knock on my door stole my thoughts in that moment.
“Lisa, honey, can we talk about last night. Where were you? Galvin stayed here all night waiting for you before he ran off.” It was my mother at the door. My heart stopped beating for a moment. I was dead, and no one could save me from the fear I held inside. I slowly paced to the door, looking down at the knob in fear. The knob begin to turn, and then I heard them coming up the stairs for me.
I looked out of the side window and saw Mr. Larson and Mr. Roman’s cars parked incorrectly on my mother tulips. I knew he was upset with me, and had gone out of his way to be rude. Why were the beta and the alpha at my door? Did Galvin see me? Did Tyson tell them about what we had done? Many thoughts battled for room in my mind, but none greater than fear. My doors begin to shake, as the knocks grew from one fist to many fists.
“GO AWAY!” I screamed, as I backed away from the door, praying to any god that would listen, begging for this to end quickly. “Lisa I have a key and I’m coming in,” said my mother. She slang the door open and I was ready to fight, but the look on their faces was not angry.
I soften my frown, so not to show that I was afraid in the first place. “Oh, hello Mr. Roman and Mr. Larson. I thought you were someone else.” I said. I didn’t care if they knew I was lying. I only hoped they didn’t know the truth about what I had done.
Mr. Roman’s eyes traced my body sharply. He could smell Tyson and I knew it, but he had no proof so he didn’t press the issue. He directed his attention to my eyes and face, and I knew he had bad news for me. He was about to read my emotions to see how I would react. The seconds it took him to tell me felt like an eternity. I could only think of Tyson and if he was the reason for their visit.
“Lisa we came here today to talk to you about Galvin. He has found his mate. He was supposed to tell you himself, but he didn’t want to hurt you. We are going to take care of the issue, and we need you to help us with the matter. I looked down at my shoulder to see Mr. Larson’s large hand resting there. He felt that his touch was unwelcomed and quickly removed his hand. Why in the hell would I help you guys? I said to myself.
“Sure, anything Mr. Roman, what is it you want me to do?” “Well”, he said, as he shooed my mother away, closing the door behind her. “I just want you to accept the fact that he will see her, and continue to mate with you. You know what I need from you. --- By the way, have you seen Tyson?” I swallowed deeply, and I could feel the pressure of his question weighting down on me.
“Yes, I met up with him to talk about Halo, He is worried about her and wanted to know if we had any new leads.” I had undoubtedly told an obvious lie, and a horrible one at that. Everyone knew Tyson didn’t care much for Halo. He acted as if nothing happen when she disappeared with Julian.
He walked over to me, towering over me like a dark shadow. I was numb with fear, as he placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face to meet his burning eyes. “You know what I’m capable of right?” I nodded my head gently, while holding back rage and tears. He then placed his hands around my throat and started to squeeze tightly. I didn’t beg for him to stop, I didn’t move or fight. I battled him in a way that was worse, I didn’t submit to him.
I didn’t feel afraid, and for some strange reason, one thought comforted me. The thought was tiny and warmed my heart, the thought was about Julian. He made me feel like I was in the presence of something great. I was too afraid to think of him in that way until that very moment. When I saw how weak Mr. Roman really was.
He bared all of his teeth in an attempt to intimidate me. I focused all of my energy on the window behind him; I wanted to throw him out onto the ground below. So I tried harder and harder, focusing on the window, until there was nothing there but the window. I could hear him speaking loudly, commanding me to kneel. I felt him push me on the ground and grab my hair up in his hands, but I still focused on the window.
I was in a different place, I felt like I was watching this take place and I was at the window. I touched the pane to see if it was real. The dust got on my hands and I pinched the dust and rolled it between my fingers tips. This can’t be real. I screamed and took one good punch into the window, sending the glass flying to the ground outside. I then looked up to see Mr. Roman looking back at the window. He let go of me and walked over to the window in shock.
I looked down at my hand and noticed there was blood on my arm. Could I really have cut myself? Mr. Roman quickly walked back over to me, “That’s the kind of power I need Lisa!” I was mortified by his reaction. He had a grim smile on his face, and he seemed as if he’d forgotten all about trying to hurt me. I watched him as he walked out of the door.
My mother rushed past him and fell to my aid. I cried on the floor while she held me close, patting my head and rocking me back and forth. I only cried out of angry, and the fact that Tyson and I were never going to be happy. As long as Mr. Roman was Alpha, my life would be a living hell.
“Keep up Lisa, what’s gotten into to you. You can’t come on a run with stress on your back, one wrong move and were done,” Said Hollyn. She was always so nice, and I liked the company. My so called mate was out with his real mate, while I got stuck hunting with the pups. We had to train the newly phased weres. They had to be taught where to hunt, run and kill.
I didn’t mind it much before; I just had so much on my mind. I was worried about Halo and what she was doing? I really wanted to see her again. It was like a piece of me was missing now that she was gone. I even thought about Julian, oddly enough. I was becoming more and more aware of the fact that the Roman pack was not as it seemed.
I never had reason to doubt before. I just felt like I was playing my part. I just always did as I was told. Even if it meant that I would spend my life in pain. I always put my pack first. I just couldn’t get Julian out of my head, and on top of that I was hiding a secret that burned me from the inside out. The secret that would either get me killed or cast out of the pack. The mere thought of my mother having to choose between me and her pack ripped my heart out.
Hollyn was beginning to get on my last nerve. Everything I did or said to the newbies was wrong in her eyes. Either I was running to fast or my pace was too slow for her. I was so annoyed by the time we reached the Roman home until I just ran past her and rolled my eyes. She didn’t pay me any mind, and she kept talking to the newbies.
When I made it inside the house no one was there. The house seemed so empty now that Halo was gone. She was always playing music or telling some super juicy story. I missed her with all my heart and I became obsessed with finding the truth. The only fear I had was losing control and going too far. I didn’t want to do anything that would arouse suspicion. I looked outside to see if Hollyn was busy with the new weres.
It had appeared that they went on another run. This meant that I would have about an hour before she returned. That was plenty enough time to find something out. I looked around the house for anything and everything that could hold a secret. I went through every corner of the house. Nothing was all that greeted me. I was about to give up, and then I spotted a clue.
Mr. Roman’s study was open. I was so afraid to be caught in his study. It was dark and had very little light. I knew there was only one way I could go through his room and look out for him at the same time. My ability, but how could I get it to work? I tried my hardest to open the door using my mind. I could feel myself leaving my body, and then I would snap back.
I tried again, then three more times. I pushed so hard until blood started to drip down my nose. I quickly ran into the restroom to clean my face. My head was pounding with pain. Then I heard a noise in Galvin’s room. I pushed his door open and he looked over his shoulder a me. “Where were you last night?” The question sent shock waves down my spine.
I couldn't even find my words. So I didn't answer him. I just tried to touch his hand in hopes he would let me slide. “Galvin I really do think the way we live is crazy, how long can we pretend?” He suddenly stood up towering over me grabbing the bottom of my face. “You think we have a choice? This isn’t about us, its about this pack.” I could feel the frowns in my face harden and the urge to phase was at an all time high.
I was sick of the Romans thinking they owned me. I also knew that there wasn’t anything that I could do. So I bowed down and let him feel like he’d over taken me. Inside I was on fire. The mere thought of not having one person brave enough to stand up to Mr. Roman plagued me.
“Why must we continue to explain the need for this set up Lisa?” I turned around to see Mr. Roman leaning up against the door. I could only wonder how long he had been there. I quickly gain my composer and looked at the floor, making sure to address him correctly. “Mr.Roman”, I said, while nodding in his direction.
He then closed the door behind him and walked over to the blinds proceeding to close them. I started to cry out of fear of what he might do. I dropped down to my knees and begin to cry and beg for his forgiveness. “Now Now!, hush up that crying Lisa”, Yelled Mr. Roman. Galvin couldn't bring his self to look at me. He just went over to the bed and sat down, placing his face in his hands.
Mr. Roman walked around me in circles, smelling my hair and touching my face. I felt so helpless, I felt like he would kill me if he could. “Galvin, you wanna see what Lisa can do? Maybe then you’ll understand why I do the things I do.” Galvin shook his head no, and slammed his body back on the bed. “Dad, I just don’t wanna deal with this today.”
Mr. Roman quickly turned his attention to Galvin and demanded he sit up. I wished that Galvin would stand up for me. He didn't even love me as a friend anymore since he’d found his mate. Mr. Roman then looked down at me. “Stand up and go over to the bed with Galvin,” said Mr. Roman.
I walked over to the bed confused and wondering what he had in store for me. “I guess I’m going to have to supervise these mating session for now on. We need to move quickly. Julian can return at any time with the Wildchild Pack. We need children.” He started to grab for my shirt and ripped it off. I crossed my arms to cover my topless body. Galvin seemed uninterested in what was going on; almost as if he was disgusted with me.
I begin to breathe heavily as tears steamed on my cheeks. I just sat there sitting on my legs humped over with embarrassment. I couldn't process what was happening. I felt like I wasn’t there. I managed to leave the room, but only through thoughts. This was happening and I couldn't stop it.
I could feel Galvin’s hands all over my body. I felt like I would kill him if I could. I could see Mr. Roman sitting at Galvin’s computer desk texting. It looked and felt like a dream, like a blurred image. I was being raped. I just tried hard not to display my ability. I didn't want Mr. Roman to associate me being hurt with my powers.

When it was over I walked out past Galvin feeling blank. I felt like I had no one that I could trust. Galvin was one of the people I’d always trusted in. Now he was just forced to rape me in front of his father. The shame he must have felt. And there I was again, thinking of someone beside myself. What about the pain I felt, what about my body and how it was just taken?
My crying could be heard from a mile away as I sat in my car. I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. I could feel my body jerk as I rocked back and forth, replaying the events in my mind. I had completely started to go mad in my vehicle. I started punching the dash board, and ripping the sunroof cover off. I got out of the car and started kicking and clawing the paint off. There were streaks of blood on the windows of my car while I continued to pound and kick on it. I finally reached the front of the car and jumped on the hood, breaking the windows.
I was mentally exhausted and passed out on the hood of the car, crying, and so alone. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed by, but I felt the cold creeping in through the wind and light drops of rain. I sat up to see that a storm was coming. The sky was lite by lighting dancing across the sky, white and sharp. The thunder sounded so loud, it seemed to mirror the rage I felt inside.
I then felt a hand on my back, and it was from a familiar place. I felt the hand grab my hair and remove it from me face. My back was still turned, but I knew who it was. I wasn’t upset with him. I was hurt by him, and I needed him to be stronger. I needed him to be the friend he had always been.
“Lisa, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. There was nothing I could do,” Said Galvin. He sounded so sincere. Even his touch held great sorrow, his shaking hands and emotional voice. I didn’t need to turn around to see how he looked. I didn't need to make sure his word held truth. I could close my eye and see his eyes. I fell in love with those beautiful eyes as a child. Galvin was, for the most part, all that I knew.
I held back tear and rage as I spoke to him. He begged me to turn around and look at him. He wanted to see the look in my eyes. I just couldn’t do it. He jumped on top of the car and faced me. I continued to look down and cry. He then placed both of his hands on the sides of my face, and GENTLY lifted my face to meet his face. We both cried and looked into each other’s eyes. “Galvin, I don’t know what to say, I was so scared. I don’t know what your father has become. He just -“I couldn’t finish my sentence by Galvin placed his hand over my lips. He looked into my eyes for a while and smiled deeply.
He leaned over and kissed me passionately. I didn’t know how to process what had just happened. I was strangely drawn to him after the kiss. It was like a wicked desire I had to kiss him back. It just felt so wrong. So I pushed myself away and looked around to make sure no one was looking. “Where is your mate Galvin?” I said, and then quickly covered my mouth to stop him from kissing me again. Things had indeed gone completely left. I was way out of line and so was he. I guess it was a natural thing. We’d played lovers for so long, something real must have transpired.
But nothing shocked me more than Galvin’s next few words. “I don’t have a mate.” I stared at him wide eyed and shaken. “What do you mean you don’t have a mate? What happened to her? What the fuck is going on?” I Screamed. I stood to my feet, pushing him off of me. He had a very tortured look on his face. “It’s complicated Lisa” he said, with a high level of annoyance in his voice.
What did he mean, “Complicated”? Was he trying to get back with me? A million thoughts crowded my mind as I looked down at him. “Lisa, she’s married to a human and they have children. She won’t leave him.” He then stood up and attempted to kiss me again. “Bond with me Lisa, I don’t trust anyone else. I’m sorry for breaking our connection. I wasn’t able to stop myself. It was something I had to do.” I couldn’t process the words coming out of his mouth. It was all so foreign to me. I had given myself to my mate. There was no going back. But if I denied Galvin all hell would break loose. I couldn’t tell Galvin that I had found my real mate. They would probably kill Tyson. I didn’t know what to do. So I did what I knew how to do best. I decided to live the lie. I kissed Galvin back and agreed to bond with him. So Tyson would be safe. The thought made me want to vomit.
The rain had slowed up a bit, but the wind still blew hard and cool. Gavlin helped me from the top of the car and held me in his arms. The attraction I felt before was gone. I could only see a scared little boy now. That’s all he ever was. He hugged me tightly and closely. That’s when I heard my mate screaming out in the woods behind us. Galvin quickly let go of me and turned around. Placing his hands in front of me, as he prepared to fight.
I knew it was Tyson, and I could hear and feel his pain in my gut. I tried to stay calm and tell him to stay away but he kept approaching us. It was so dark out and there was no way we could see him. I began to see his eyes, on fire and lite by hatred. Galvin could finally see him too, and he was less tense, and he stood up straight and turned to face me. He joking turned his back and removed the hair from my face, further provoking Tyson. Only, he didn’t have an idea what was going on, and I wasn’t sure if I should tell him. My heart pounded as Tyson took off running toward us!
I could see steam flowing from Tyson’s back. His hair was laid flat by the force of the wind, and his running. His face was dark and full of pain. Though, he wasn’t phased, I was still very terrified. I could only hope and pray that he wasn’t coming for me too. The horror on my face must have speaking now, because Galvin took one look into my eyes, and begin to take thing a lot more seriously. He frowned a little and it seemed as if he started to put things together in his mind.
Tyson was half way across the field by now, and he was getting louder. He started to call out to Galvin. “Get away from her, she belongs to me!?” with hurt and pain in his voice. Galvin ripped his shirt off and begin to run towards Tyson as well. Tyson was at least three times bigger than Galvin. Standing at 6’’7 while Galvin was a mere 5’’9. Tyson dropped his hands to his sides releasing his monstrous claws. He whipped his head from side to side and started to phase. Tyson was also an older Were than Galvin. His powers were a lot more controlled and matured.
I couldn’t just stand there and let this happen. I begin to run as well. I Screamed to Galvin, and cried out to Tyson. “Please don’t hurt him! Please!” I managed to wedge myself in between them, which was not a good plan of action. I felt a sharp pain go through my arm. Galvin had mistakenly clawed me on my neck and shoulder on both sides. I fell to the ground and lay on my back looking at the two of them fight it out. Tyson tossed Galvin like he was nothing. Galvin bit Tyson, ripping a chuck of flesh from his side.
I turned my head to the side, hoping to say something to make them stop. They just continued to fight, and that’s when I had an idea. I begin to push myself outside of myself. The pain aided me in my ability. I could feel myself pushing and pulling. I then felt the wet grass beneath my feet, and the cold rain on my face. I felt warmer and whole. I looked back at myself to see if I was still there. I knelt down and placed my hand on the spot where I’d been scratched to see how deep it was. I wrote it off as nothing until I noticed that my leg was bent backwards.
I couldn’t feel anything that I was feeling in reality. I could only feel what my ability allowed me to feel. I watched myself walk over to Galvin and take him by the neck, allowing Tyson to pin him down. I held his hands and Tyson placed his arm under his neck. He growled and hissed at us as he continued to struggle. I begin to speak from the place I was laid. Tyson looked up at me and fell back with disbelief. He was under the impression that I’d gotten up from the spot.
He frowned and had a look of terror in his eyes. “Lisa?” he said, while running over to me. I still held on to Tyson through my ability, while Tyson examined my leg and neck. “Look what you’ve done! I should kill you dead! You and your father are a disgrace to our kind. I’m starting to see that now!” cried Tyson. I lifted my hand and placed it on his face. His tears hit my face and I felt the pain slowly sneaking in. “Tyson, I need you to be strong through all of this, I’m about to be in a lot of pain Tyson. We have to stay calm.”
My ability slowly started to fade as I begin to get weaker and weaker. I could know see Galvin walking up to us with his hands covering his mouth. He took one look at me and turned away, he also was saddened by what he’d done. Only that didn’t stop him from doing what he came to do. “Tyson, she needs help. I can take her back to the pack and try to explain this, but she has to re-bond with me if she wants to live.” Tyson looked at me and nodded his head yes, and started to back away. I looked him in the eyes and told him I loved him.
Galvin hovered over me and begin to bite the top of my breast. I took a deep breath and continued to look Tyson in the eyes. I could hear his thoughts, and his last words inside my head, we will be one again. I lost my vision and my eyes began to black over. My body jerked and pulled. I was back in Galvin’s mind, and he was back in mine.

Chapter 9 Lisa's POV

Silence. Deep painful silence. Life had taken a turn for the worse. And all too quickly. To be so low only meant one thing. There was nowhere left to go but up. The pain I felt inside was unbearable. To break a bond with your true mate was considered a curse to the heart. It felt worse than that though. I felt empty. I could still hear Tysons cries and the pain he felt. It felt like fire was left burning in my mind. No thought, no word or drug could stop the digging. The pain draped me, like skin. This pain was my new skin. I wore this pain, and it made me strong.

 I was forced to sleep in the arms of a theft. Galvin was a weak theft in my eyes. Why, I asked myself as I stood there naked in the woods. My mother used to tell me to get deep inside ones soul; you have to return to your roots. The only root I could hold on to was what I was. If I was going to survive this mentally, I would need to fight. I was just to hurt to care though.

               Whenever I was stressed, I would run to the woods and look up at the trees. I would run until my body overheated. I would then pass out, shaking and helpless. But the physical pain felt better than the mental pain. I thought about a million things. I thought about Halo, and how this was all her fault. Why did she have to go snooping around? Why did she have to fall in love with Julian?

               I woke up to see the sunlight, as shadows of leafs and trees falsely painted my body, only to abandon me when the wind called. I heard someone yelling in the distance, they drew closer and louder. Who was it? Who knew where I would be? No one had seen me for days. I was starving, but depression kept me from eating. I knew my mother would be worried sick about me. I even thought of Tyson, only Tyson.

               “Lisa, honey where have you been?” It was my mother. She looked strained and weak. The whites of her eyes were red and taken with questions. She quickly threw a thick tribal blanket over my naked and bruised body. I had been healed by Mr.Roman in more than one way. My pride was broken, my mind was dark. The scars Mr.Roman left on me where deeper than any lash or stab I had ever experienced. Three nights prior to my attempted runaway I was taken to Mr. Roman. Galvin completely changed the story and placed all the blame on me. I was in so much pain that night. Mr. Roman took advantage of that pain and he let other members of the pack do unspeakable things to me.

               Mr. Roman wasn’t always like this, I’d hoped. I thought he was a good man. A leader, but once you got to know the real him, he let it all out. A soulless man, the devil himself. In my short life time I’d known him to be gentle with everyone. He’d drop me and Halo off to school, and he was at every game we had. He stood up for us. Then the time came to bond us. He thought that he could make a super pack. His whole aim was based on that goal. The man he was is a shadow, either that, or this is who is. This is the real Mr. Roman. A rapist, a terrorist, a Monster. In exchange for me, he received much praise and thanks. After I was done being raped, he explained to me that he was motivating me.

               Mr.Roman advised that, this was the only way to exercise my ability. After he was done he opened the door and let me run off. I knew I wouldn’t get far, but I ran anyway. My mother’s eyes held back rage and utter unrest. I felt disgusted and used up. I still didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. The only truth is that we are monsters. Either you accept that or die. To reject it was impossible. My own feelings didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the advancement of my pack. My own thoughts betrayed me. Under such dysfunction and trauma, my mind was no longer my own. I’d laid there in the woods, accepting, self-defeating and joining, Mr. Romans vision. I knew I had a mission to do, and it wasn’t going to be easy. Not every story has a happy ending.

My mother started to cry with her hand pressed tightly to her mouth. Her tears burned my skin, as every part of my flesh was ripped. She could smell the male wolves leavings on my skin. She begin to phase out of hate. It was the type of phasing that happens when youve lost control. Teeth ripping through her gums, heat rising from her back. She fiercely pounded the ground beneath her. I could barely see her, through my cracked and burning eyes. She cried out, the sound could be heard for miles. She then ran off into the woods, and left me.

I woke up in a hot bath. Unfamiliar smells cycled the air. But I didn’t feel afraid or cautious. There were clean clothes laid out for me. There was even a glass of cold water on the table beside me. I sat there, reflecting on everything that had happened. I still couldn’t believe I had made up in my mind that I was helping. There was still some part of me that wished Halo was here, and things were back to normal. Even if normal was a lie.

It wasn’t long before my thoughts were interrupted. “Lisa, you’re awake.” Said Mr.Roman. I didn’t even bother answering, or covering and hiding. This was going to be a reality, as long as I had my ability. He sat on the edge of the tub, looking me in the eyes. I began to feel afraid. Now what? What did he need now? He leaned in closer and nudged the bottom of my chin with his curved pointer finger. He began to speak, in a soft low voice, “I’ve always liked you. You’ve always been special to me. I need you to push past your human nature. I need you to tap into your inner werewolf. Humans and weres are nothing alike. But often time, we get mixed up in those human emotions. You try so hard to fit in with them, until you become like them. I loved a human women once. But it was a mistake. A price that even I couldn’t pay” He said, while looking away. “What does this have to do with me Mr. Roman?” I asked. He replied softly and kindly. Almost to gentle for my understanding. “You are here to benefit many, you can’t think about only yourself. We need a child from you and Galvin. The elders said that this child will be very powerful. And your ability only shows up when you’re under great distress. So we will be putting that theory to the test tonight. Rest up, you’ll need it.” He then pushed his hands through my hair and kissed my forehead. I begin to cry, but I knew I had to comply with his wishes.

I got out of the tub and began to get dressed, but my thoughts rushed me into a panic. All I could see was the window, but where was I? I pushed the table against the wall to gain a better view. I was four floors up. I was in the condo built for the weres that were out of control, the weres that couldn’t phase back into human form. I quickly flushed all thoughts of surrender and began to think about running away again. I banged hard on the window, but it wouldn’t move. I hit the window with the shower rod. Still, nothing happened. I slide down the wall, feeling defeated and low. A million ill thoughts crushing my last bit of hope.

 Then a familiar smell filled the air. It was Tyson. I looked out of the window to see him scaling the wall. He was moving so fast, but I was so afraid for him. He finally made it to the window and we both cried at the sight of each other. He couldn’t look at me, I begged him to look up at me. He just hung there with his face down, shoulders and body crying all at once. I placed my hand on the window, he finally looked up and placed his there too. When he saw my black and blue face, he lost it again. His eyes tightly closed, and heart beating in his ears. He punched the glass, sending tiny cracks all over it.

               I stepped back, and he continued to hit the thick glass until he broke it. I ran back up to the window and stuck my hand through it. He pressed my hand against his soft face and kissed my hand. “I love you so much, I love you forever.. I’m… I…. Lisa, I’m sorry…” I shook my head and rubbed his face with the back of my hand. “Tyson, get me out of here, Please.” I whispered. He gentle placed my hand back in the window and began to pull at the bars on the window with all his strength. I could see the sweat pooling around his knuckles, but he kept pulling. I heard a loud shatter and the bars were lifted. Tyson then entered the window and hugged me. My body seemed to melt into his.  He kneeled down and I climbed on his back. We made it down the wall and he gently placed me onto the ground. I felt hope again. I felt well enough to run, not far, not fast, but I could run. We started off into the trees and that’s when I heard my mother screaming like a newborn child. I turned stone in my tracks. I quickly turned around and ran towards the building. My body was still in so much pain. My mind cried out to me, pleading with me, forbidding me to turn around. I placed one foot in front of the other and reluctantly headed back to the prison. Tyson was on my heels. Growling and trying to knock me down. I kept running back though. When I made it to the front entrance my lungs were burning and my feet were bleeding. I could see my mother tied up and shaking in pain. Blood dripping from her mouth and her ear was missing. I walked up to her, I couldn’t see her, my tears blinded me, but she screamed at me, “Leave Lisa, Get away while you can. Mr. Roman is going to get us all killed, the Wind children are coming. If you love me you will leave! Her voice was faded and cracked.” “Mom….” I said, while placing my face at her feet, I can’t leave you. I wont live if you die.” I was too weak to untie her, so Tyson attempted to. She hissed and rolled her back, she even tried to bite him, “Take my daughter away from here!” She screamed.

               We could all her Mr.Roman pulling up, it was a fetal sound. I now understood his plan for me. He was going to use my mother to make my ability work. My mother whispered to Tyson, begging “please take care of my daughter.” Mr. Roman walked through the door and firmly shut it behind him. He was holding a cake and balloons for Trisha’s birthday party; something we did for each other every year. He walked up to Tyson and handed the cake and balloons to him, “Go take this to my house Tyson, don’t come back here unless I tell you to.” Tyson looked over at me, and then walked out the front door.

               “Please let her go Mr. Roman, I’ll do whatever you need me to” I whispered. “I know you will, He replied. Mr. Roman rolled my mother into one of the side rooms, and I followed behind him. Not sure what good would be left in me after this experience. Whatever good was inside of me was gone. It left with the death of my mother. I tried so hard to save her. I did everything he told me to do, but unfortunately I wasn’t strong enough. And I watched my mother die from shock. I passed out into a coma like state, and I never wanted to be seen again.

               Waking up from a coma wasn’t easy. I thought I died, and in many ways I did. My heart was full of hate. I was sick, I was twisted. Mr. Roman became my master. No longer belonging to myself, no longer belonging to anything. I found myself lost, just a shell, just an image, not one trace of myself left inside of me. I killed people for Mr. Roman, I forced girls into bonds and hurt others who denied us. I started to become what I hated. It felt good though.

               Six months had passed since my mother’s death. I couldn’t bring myself to say murder. That would imply that I killed her. She died because she was weak. That’s what I heard before I passed out. So that’s what I held on to. Strangely I held on to everything Mr.Roman said. He was my everything at this point. I was his. Brainwashed and bent to be his tool. Molded into what he wanted me to be.

               I found myself hating Tyson, he was too weak to see the bigger picture. But what I didn’t know at the time was that I was the weak one. I began to fall in love with Mr. Roman. I stood at his side at every meeting. I slept by his side like a lap dog. I could see that I was beginning to threaten Mrs. Roman. She would try to hurt me every chance she could get. I tried to stay one step ahead, and Mr. Roman was always there to protect me.

               One night after a pack meeting with the newborns, I decided to take things farther with Mr. Roman. Galvin wasn’t ever around, and Tyson reminded me too much of whom I used to be. He reminded me too much of the past. Mr. Roman and I spent a lot of time together, so it wasn’t unusual for us to stay the night together. But on this night, I wanted to seal my fate and my future.

               Mr. Roman had multiple homes in and around town. When he wanted to practice with me, we would meet at the white house. It was beautiful. The white house was black on the inside. With massive windows and checker board floors. The carpet was soft mink and the walls all had volume. A huge porch wrapped around the house. The chairs on the porch looked like thrones. Brass and Golden with glory. Every room in the White House had a dark theme. My favorite room was the Room of The Lost, as he called it. The walls had poetry from Edger Allen Poe. The walls looked like actual book pages. The room smelt like an old library. The fire place had large candles burning inside. You could feel the soul of this room when you entered in. The floor was black marble, and the bed was like black ice. Black silk sheets and massive pillows covered the oversized bed. No head board was needed, because the wall behind the bed was a view of the dark woods. Only glass between the bedroom and the night sky. At night you could see fire burning in the walls behind that bed.  It would burn you if touched it long enough. I would lie in that bed, looking at the fire in the walls, attempting to touch the glass. Wishing I was far away, but like the fire, I was trapped in a prison.

               I waited for Mr. Roman on the porch. Sitting in the throne like chair, fighting off the last bit of my dignity. Mr. Roman was being apart of me. He was changing me, and in some sick way, I wanted him. I wanted to make him love me. I needed him to care about me. I’m not sure why I felt that way. Maybe it was a side effect of all the abuse. But either way, I felt things strong feelings for this evil man.

               He motion for me to go inside as he kissed his wife goodnight, she looked upset and worried. Her eyes cut to me, then back to her husband. He reassured her that everything was going to be okay. She grabbed him and kissed him deeply, while looking up at the house. I watched them through a sheer curtain as they kissed and rubbed faces. She couldn’t see me, but that didn’t stop her from looking.

               Mrs. Roman slowly got into the car and pulled away wildly, leaving dust and dirt in the night air. I walked over to the giant stare case and waited for Mr. Roman. I had one thing on my mind in that moment, seduction…

Mr. Roman wasn’t an old looking man. He was about 6’5 in height and weighted over 200 pounds. He was all muscle and rage. Tattoos wrapped his tan skin from head to toe. His hair was salt and pepper colored, and he kept it short. He looked to be in his mid 30s, but he was much older than that. Deep dimples sunk into the sides of his face and he rarely, if ever, smiled. He always looked like he had so much on his mind. His eyes were green and jet black in the center. He was beautiful man, with a foul soul.

               I continued to watch him tinker with his cell phone, and lock the huge door. I proceeded to remove his shirt and shoes. My body began to heat up, watching all that power move in the room with me. I could still feel an old familiar feeling pulling at my gut, shocked at myself, all I could do was watch. I began to feel myself drawing away. I couldn’t understand what was happening.

               My ability was working on its own. Was ability trying to do away with me? Was my inner self its own entity?  I began to ask myself questions. But little did I know, my ability had taken a life all her own. I was outside of myself again.  I felt myself push and pull, I could see her leaving me, then in an instant, she was in front of me. Her eyes were deep and black. So black until they looked like dark holes in her face. She didn’t speak, only in my mind, like a conversation with myself. I knew what she wanted, she didn’t have to say it, I was her and she was me.

               I felt weak once the split took place. I fell to my knees on the stare case. She looked back at me and smiled. She was no longer translucent, but I was…  I couldn’t see my hands, and part of my shoulder looked ghostly. She was becoming, and I was ending. I could see her began to remove her clothes as Mr. Roman turned around. He could see what was happening,  and he looked very pleased. The look on his face was sheer amazement. He looked complete. I watched myself walk over to him. I could see through both eyes, and feel through both bodies. But I could only control one.

               I watched as I placed my hands down his chest and looked in his eyes deeply. He didn’t move, he didn’t stop me. I then slipped off my bra and he began to bite my breast softly. I placed my hands on the back of his head, pushing him deeper into my chest. He raised his head and I could feel the warmth from his breath on my lips. I licked his lips and bit his muscular arm. Our fingers interlocked and held tightly. I then felt and watched as I unbuttoned his jeans. Ripping them to the floor. He then looked over at me on the stare case and begin to bite my neck. He wanted to see if it affected me. I screamed in pain as he bite deeper into my neck. He was nowhere near me, but he was biting her. How could this be happening. I’d lost all control, there was no turning back.

               He lifted her in the air and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Rushing past me and stepping on me along the way. I started to follow them, slowly, step after step, I felt like I was disappearing. He slammed her on the bed and kissed her deeply. She turned him over and got on top of him, biting him until blood fell from his face. She licked the blood off him and wiped her mouth. She moved seductively. She controlled him, she owned him. She was as strong as him. She ripped flesh from his arm and he phased from the pain.

               He then grabbed her by the throat and threw her against the wall. She got back up and crawled over to him, kissing his legs and making her way up his body. I’d never heard of a phased were and a were in human form mating. She was demonic and evil in nature. She was also silent, not one word came from. She made him kneel down at her feet, he was dirt in her hands. He kissed her and at times hit her, but she seemed to enjoy it.

               I couldn’t watch them have sex any longer, I was so disgusted, I begin to throw up. I could feel myself mourning the loss of my mother. I could feel myself caring again. As long as my ability was outside of me, my emotions weren’t blocked. I cried for Tyson, I cried for Halo, I cried for death. I wanted to die. I curled up in a ball against the fire glass, and drifted off to sleep to sound of loud moans coming from Mr. Roman, the man that owned me…


Texte: I own all rights to this work.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2012

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