
1. Letter and Arrival

Hello Carlisle, I bet you're wondering how I had found you. I will explain that to you later.

How have you and Esme been? I heard that you have added a few members to your family, I cannot wait to meet them.

 Yes, I will meet them, and I will meet you. You see, I had a very . . . exciting, yet alarming vision that I knew that I would have to warn you about, but I wanted to tell you in person.

 This is all, brother — we will meet very soon.




My eyes slightly widened as I read the letter, written in perfect calligraphy — another dozen times. If I were standing I knew I would pass out from the shock. Sloanne, my older half-sister . . . was coming back? It had been decades since I had last seen her face.

 I hadn't noticed how lost I was when Esme's sudden words made me jump. “Is everything alright? You seem disturbed,” Esme's gentle voice, low as a murmur, waved through me. I cleared my throat as I folded the letter and placed it back into its envelope. “Just a bit shaken, that's all,” I told her wryly. I felt her arms loop around me and put her head on my shoulder. “What's going on? Tell me, Carlisle,” Esme said as she gently stroked my golden hair.

 A sigh escaped my lips and let my head lay on the back of the couch, but I quickly looked over at Esme. “My . . . half-sister is coming by for a visit,” I said in the lowest voice I could manage, but that couldn't over-power my overly, and unusually optimistic daughter, Alice. She stood in front of Esme and I with her mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. “Your sister — who you had never talked about — is going to visit us!? How didn't I see this coming?” Alice said with a surprised tone in her voice, and gently pouted as she narrowed her eyes at my direction. “I feel betrayed, Carlisle.”

 Looking around, I had just noticed that the whole family was in the living room, watching me intently . . . except for Edward, he seemed grouchy. I cleared my throat and fixed my position to be more firm, yet relaxed. “We last saw each other on bad grounds,” I told Alice just as Emmett entered the room with a grin on his face. “Finally! I hope she's willing to pick a fight with the strongest of the Cullen's,” Emmett said arrogantly, and I simply smiled.

 “I think she'll be able to take you down,” Alice told Emmett as she glided and sat next to Jasper. Emmett narrowed his eyes to form a glare at Alice, who was smirking in amusement. “There's no need to be fighting,” I warned Emmett and Alice, looking at both of them.

 “Oh please, Carlisle, let them have some fun.”

 Everyone in the looked over to look at the entrance. There stood Sloanne, still looking the same way I had remembered her. My sister and I were completely different from each other. She had copper-brown hair that reached under her shoulders, which was commonly tied into a messy bun. She still had the dark, yet brilliant and striking red eyes . . . her lips were coated with a fine dark red lipstick that almost looked like paint. She wore a red cloak that was a shade brighter than her eyes, and over the cloak was a pendant of a necklace — the body was made of black onyx while a skeleton of a woman was made of ivory, holding a rose carved of rubies and emeralds. I clearly remembered that pendant, it had been passed down from my father to Sloanne.

 I stood up with a sly smile on my face. “Hello, Sloanne. It's nice to see you again.” It felt strange for me to see my sister again, after such a long while. She strode towards me with a calm expression. “Carlisle, it's been a while,” She told me when she abruptly hugged me. I stood frozen for a moment, unsure if I should react. Taking in an unnecessary breath, I gently patted her shoulder blade. She parted away from the embrace, and looked around the room, taking in the faces of my family.

 Sloanne's POV

 I looked around the room, looking at every person in the room. My eyes landed on the very last person in the room. He had blonde hair that waved right under his ear, the same topaz eyes that everyone else had, along with the pale skin. He was staring at me as if he were inspecting me, but there was a certain kind of shyness in his eyes. Standing next to him was a small, pixie-like girl with black hair and equal topaz eyes. She seemed to be upset; she was staring at the ground with empty eyes.

 Clearing my throat, I turned to look at the woman next to Carlisle. “Hello Sloanne, I'm Esme,” Her voice was serene and lined with warmth. “I'm surprised that he never mentioned you to us before.” My eyebrow rose as I turned to look at my brother with a questioning expression. “Really? That's a bit strange,” I murmured and looked back over at Esme. I walked over to a black haired, and abnormally large boy who had a girl with wheat blonde hair. I could feel the girl's emotions, she felt sour towards me, a different kind of envy and jealousy. She's prettier than me, She thought to herself and looked down to avoid from looking at me.

 “So, you're the famous Sloanne,” The large boy said with a mock criticizing expression. A childish grin spread on his face. Abruptly, his thick arms wrapped around me and lifted me into a hug. I was basically off of the ground. “I'm Emmett, and she's Rosalie,” Emmett said as he placed me back onto the stable floor. When he said Rosalie, I immediately knew it was the girl next to him. I glanced at Rosalie, putting a gentle smile. “Nice to meet both of you,” I said I went on the next couple.

 The boy seemed a bit older than Emmet; he had dark-bronze hair and the same golden eyes. The girl next to him was also brown haired, and the same topaz eyes . . . there was something different about her — she smelt like a newborn. And right there, laying on the woman's lap was a girl, no older than a few months old, but she seemed to be a seven year old. I then realized by her brown eyes that she was a hybrid . . . just like myself. She was staring at me with curiosity, I knew she had caught my human-vampire scent.

 A grunt sounded and I looked back over at the boy who had his arm draped over the newborn. “This is my son, Edward, and this is his wife, Isabella.” Carlisle said when he realized that Edward wasn't going to say anything. “And she —” I followed his gaze to the little girl. “Is Renesmee.” I kept my eyes on the girl as I formed into a crouch to fix myself to the girl's height. I gently smiled at her, and she smiled back to me in return. “Hello Renesmee, I'm Sloanne.” I held out my hand to her, which she stared at for a second until she shook it and sat up. I stood up and looked at Edward and Isabella. Edward seemed a bit disgruntled, as if something was bothering him. “Hello Edward and Isabella.”

 “Please call me Bella,” She said with pleading, but friendly eyes. I lowly chuckled and nodded. “Of course.”

 And lastly, I went over to the couple of the blonde boy and black haired girl. The girl no longer seemed emotionless, but still a bit disappointed. “Ma'am,” The boy said as he gently bowed his head in politeness. “I'm Jasper, and this is Alice,” He said with a faded Southern accent, and looked over at the pixie-like girl. “Hi,” Alice said with a small grin. There was something bothering her, she was clouding out her thoughts. I knew that she was psychic, so the reason of her distress was most likely that she wasn't capable of seeing my future. Don't be bothered because you can't see my future, it's nothing special, I messaged her through telepathy, and she looked over at me with slight shock. Looking back at Jasper, I slyly smirked a smile. “Well Jasper, it's nice to meet you,” I told him. He simply smiled and I turned back around to face everyone.

 “You know,” Edward said out of nowhere. “Your scent is different,” I heard a low groan and sigh that came from Carlisle. “Please Edward, don't bring that up at the moment. She just arrived,” Carlisle pleaded as he stared at his expressionless son.

 Edward looked at me with distaste and annoyance, which made me look down to avoid his acidic gaze. “Stop it,” Bella whispered, and from the corner of my eye I saw her rub her elbow into his ribcage, making him flinch.

 “Ignore him,” Alice's voice sounded in my ears as she stood next to me while glaring at Edward, but turned back to me. “He's grouchy when he can't read a person's mind. I'm guessing that you have a lot of abilities,” Alice said as she grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen, where Esme was already preparing food along with Emmett and Rosalie. Renesmee was sitting at the table drinking out of a cup with a dark red substance that appeared to be blood. My nose wrinkled at the smell of the blood, it was animal's blood. “. . . You prefer a human's blood,” Esme said with slight disappointment.

 “Well, yes,” I answered as I took off my cloak and draped it on the chair. I felt the cool black onyx make contact with my lukewarm skin, making me flinch from the sudden change of temperature. I sat down across from Renesmee, and looked up at Esme. “Though I don't let them . . . perish.” I had to be careful with my words since a child was here, I don't think Bella would appreciate me using the words 'kill' or 'die' around her daughter.

 “Oh,” Esme murmured as she placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me, putting the same kind of food in front of Renesmee. “Then wouldn't they become vampires themselves?” Esme asked me as she pulled out a chair and sat down besides me. I grabbed a fork and twirled it around in the noodles that were dressed in sauce; thinking for a moment of how to choose my words.

 “I can control if I emit venom or not. I can manipulate their nerves so they won't feel any pain while I'm . . .” I squinted as I tried to look for a word to replace feeding. I looked up at Renesmee and saw that she wasn't paying attention, she was too busy eating.

 “It's alright, I know what you're trying to say,” Esme said with a smile; her eyes were full of understanding. She was too gentle and sweet, no wonder Carlisle had chosen her to be his wife. “Well, you get my point,” I said with a light chuckle. Esme stood up and gently took the red cloak from the seat. “I'll take this to your room, if you don't mind?” I simply smiled in approval, and Esme walked away. I heard her footsteps on the stairs until they faded into the corridor.

 The only people left in the kitchen were Emmett and Renesmee. I silently ate until Emmett had finally decided to speak up. “Enjoying your stay?” He asked with a sly grin, his teeth whiter than his skin. “I've only been here for twenty minutes, isn't it too early to be asking?” I said jokingly. Emmett shrugged with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “I asked you first. Do you like it here?” I stared at him for a long moment with a smile on my face, and rolled my eyes. “Sure, I like it. Though, there's something bothering me . . .” I murmured the last part to myself, I wish I could say it to myself.

 Confusion was held in his eyes. “What's bothering ya?” He asked as he hoisted himself on the counter and sat down on it. “Aah,” I murmured. “I would prefer to talk in private than with people with hyper-sensitive hearing around us.”

“No!” Rosalie's words came out like a hiss of an angered snake. “Calm down, Rose!” Emmett said as he sped to his partner's side. Her eyes were glaring at me with an acidic and hateful glare, she really didn't want me to be alone with Emmett. I could hear Emmett trying to calm her down, but she simply get glaring at me.

 I stood up from my seat calmly, and Rosalie recoiled as if she were about to attack me. “Rosalie, please calm down. He simply asked me a question that you shouldn't have heard.” If she didn't relax, I would have to put her down myself, and that wouldn't be difficult.

 “Well I'm glad I did! If I ever catch you and my boy alone, your head is coming off!” Rosalie snarled as she disappeared. Everything was silent for a moment until Emmett turned to look at me with wide eyes. “I'm really sorry about that; that's the first time Rose has ever been like that,” Emmett's words were a mere murmur that were filled with shock. He cleared his throat with embarrassment and shook off all of the feelings. “Okay . . . so do you still want to meet or you'll risk it?” I tapped my nails against the hardwood, being careful not to ruin the waxed coating. “I'll think about it later.”

 Emmett simply nodded and apologized once again before he left the kitchen. I was left alone in the silence, ignoring the murmurs in the living room. “What do you think happened?” Alice muttered to Esme, but she clearly knew what she had heard. “You know how easily jealous Rosalie becomes when she sees another person who she believes to be more beautiful than her. Guess she's afraid Sloanne will take her beloved bear-boy away from her. Though I don't think Sloanne would ever do that, she seems like a nice girl — very relaxed and reasonable like Carlisle.”

 A small smile spread on my lips, but then sighed. I picked up my empty plate and rinsed it in the sink, calmly washing it with the sponge. I could see that they rarely had any human, or food-eating visitors come by since all of their plates were stacked and seemed to be collecting dust. Putting the ceramic plate and aluminum fork into the rack, I dried my hands with the small towel. I looked out the window into the forest, looking deep into it. Since I had very enhanced eye vision, I could see miles into the woodlands.

I was taken by surprise when a hand was placed on my shoulder, and I turned around to see it was Carlisle. “Are you alright? I heard what happened earlier.” He asked me with a cool tone of voice, but I hear the worried layer that he tried to conceal. “Yes, I'm fine. A bit shaken, but fine.” I gently pushed his hand from my shoulder, and walked out of the kitchen. I heard him sigh as I walked out, he seemed to be worried for me.

 Wow, I haven't even been here for a day and people are already beginning to dislike me? Such thin luck that I have.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.03.2013

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