

Saving Rose Green




Saving Rose Green

By Richard Shekari


Copyright 2016 Richard Shekari




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Table of contents




Name tag

Janice Carpenters

Tear drops from the moon.




To Fat-hi Said Omar, a brother and a rare chum.

Name tag

“Hi, do you speak English?” said the white slim lady to the nurse at the reception.

“No, I did not go to Harvard because I am an Arab woman whose parents are low income earners!” answered the nurse.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way!” responded the white lady.

“Maybe an identification and a ‘please’ added to your question would make your approach benign, don’t you think?” said the female nurse with a straight face staring straight into her eyes.

 “I am Rose Green, please I am here to see Doctor Abbas Hassan?” she replied smiling, a bit embarrassed by her first approach.

“Now that, my sister is called courtesy. Our parents spend most of their precious time teaching us these things here!” remarked the nurse. She dragged a desk phone on the counter and picked the headset, dialled a number and spoke in Arabic mentioning Rose Green to the person she called then hung up, “Fifth floor, second office on your left!”

“Thank you!” said Rose, she looked up the clock hanging on the wall behind the nurse as she walked away.

“You’re welcome, Rose Green!” responded the nurse.

“Excuse me?” said Rose as she turned.

ána úhibbu fustaanuk!” replied the nurse complimenting Rose’s dress.

“Whatever!” she murmured.

Rose got into the lift and hit the button to the fifth floor, before the doors went shut, a janitor rushed in and blocked the doors, then walked in with a yellow 24L cleaning mop Bucket whistling the song he was listening to. She watched him press the button to the fourth floor.

 “Hi!” he said with his headphones banging.

“Hi” replied Rose with a smile as she leaned her ears close to the headphone.

Aisha! Beautiful song. I enjoyed it as a little girl back in the 90’s.” she said.

“What!?” asked the Janitor as he pulled off his headphones?

“I said, the song, Aisha, I love it!” she answered.

“Oh wow, you speak French too?” he asked.

Naa!” she exclaimed

Naa?” he wondered.

The lift stopped on the second floor and the doors opened but no one entered, then closed again as it moved up.

“I mean no! Sorry about that, naa is a slang for no!” she said.

“I know that!” he replied.

“I used to watch the song on the telly back in the 90’s! Great guy!” said Rose to the Janitor.

“Honestly, it’s my all-time favourite song,” he said smiling in his Arab accent as he put back his headphones. They both smiled.

“Cheb somebody? I can’t really remember his last name and even though I did not understand the language somehow my heart had a strong connection to it back then, so deeply!” she added smiling.

“Yeah, it’s a beautiful song. My wife loved it so much. The Artist, his full name is Cheb Kha…” said the janitor aloud but got interrupted by the sound of an explosion that ripped the floor above them,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-5561-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Hi, Saving Rose Green is a short story that tells the tale of Rose Green, who is an inch away from unravelling the truth when the key witness to exposing one of the ugliest crimes committed is killed. Thinking she is backed by the most trusted organisation, she got caught up in the never-ending war between two worlds and their idea of a free world.

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