
Book 2: happily ever after?

Table of contents:

The new kid

Just a dream

Tied together with a smile

Shedding the tears

Why I love you

Broken and hurting

Time for a change


The new kid:

“hey, I’m josh and I’m new here” the new kid “josh” said, Dylen and I looked at each other. This looked familiar, oh right, last year I was in josh’s place. I smile sitting closer to Dylen. Josh’s face reddened as his father came in with a spider man lunch pail “josh, you forgot this” he said “that Kyle’s dad, mine is In my backpack” every one burst out in laughter but I didn’t. I understood what it was like to be in his shoes. Josh kind of shrunk at the laughter and went to a seat. Shrinking more hoping to disappear, I kicked Dylen under our desk and he jumped but stopped laughing. “Sorry babe” he whispered I just sighed looking back at josh who’s face was bright as day. His dad had left fumbling over his keys. Josh looked back at me, I turned my eyes to were the teacher had started the lesson . my mind wondered to last year and all the drama that had gone on. Would that happen again? I shook away the thought, not wanting to think about it Dylen looked at him slightly.what's wrong? he sent threw my head i shook my head pulling out a piece of paper and scribling down in my messy hand wrighting
nothing, just thinking, i'm fine babe
he read it then just sighed, shaking his head. he wrapped his fingurns aorund mine giving them a squize, like he knew what i was thinking about, and come to think about it he most likely did. i bit my lip watching the teacher. i sudnly felt it coming......the wolf was coming out in me, i couldn't let this happen. Dylen raised his hand the teacher looked at him "yes dylen?" he asked "may i take rebeca to the nurses office, she's not feeling to good" dylen said "you may" the teacher nodded. dylen took my hand and pulled me up with him as he stood and walked out the door, we walking right out the school and into the woods "you okay?" he aksed looking at him "uh huh" i was shaking uncontrobly though he sighed putting his hands on eather side of my face "your sure?" he looked into my eyes i nodded "vinlillia, tell me" he said using my magical name, i sighed "what if what happened last year happens again dyl? i mean, what if everything reapeats it's self" i said he kissed me softly, me still shaking "it's won't baby, i promise" he said looking into my eyes i nod "you need to shift before you make me crazy with you shaking" he said "i don't wanna near the school" my voice came out as a whine "i know but please becky, just shift" he said i sighed "fine" he backed up a few steps to gave me room, i erupted into wolf, slightly yelping as i hit hard onto my front paws. dylen smiled crouching down and petting me on the head "see? isn't it better?" he asked kissing my muzzle. i rolled my eyes but closed them when he kissed my muzzle with a sigh. he smiled "how about we ditch the rest of school and go hunting? just the two of us?" he asked i looked at him with a wofly smile, he bulted into the woods before i could think, i howled at him then ran after him, almost matching his speed. we came back right at the last bell. laughing then running tino the school to grab out bags. he kissed my cheek "i'll see ya later at the black rose" he smiled as he waved then walked down the hall. a sighed blissfully leaning agenst the locker. he was to good for me, i knew this. but i wouldn't be able to live with out him. some one came up behind me tapping my sholder, i turned viloet eyes mean, then sofened when i relized it was josh "uh, hi, i was just wondering if uh" he scratched his head "if you wanted to go on a date with me" he obviously had not just seen dylen and i "uh, i'm sorry josh, but i have a boyfriend. but i would if i did" i said "Really?" his face lightned up "uh huh" i nod he smiled "cool, uh okay, i guess i'll see ya around by" he turned on his heals and headed down the hall, i rolled my eyes walking in the direction dylen had dissapeared from. he came around from the shadows. scaring me half to death "dylen! i thought you were on your bus" i said "what did the new kid want?" he crossed his arms, i knew he already knew what josh had asked "he just asked me out on a date" i said "and you said?" he lifted an eyebrow "i said no of corse. i explained i have a boyfriend and he compleatly understood" i said violet eyes surching his face, he relaxed turning into the dylen i love "sorry, just a little protective" he said " alittle?" i rolled my eyes making him chuckle "yes a little" he said putting his arm around me "now i should go, and so should you" he turned us to the way the buses were and kissed my four head waving as he went into his bus, i walked into mine, since i had started going out with him girls would give me the evil glint and guys sudnly knew me and wanted me, i sat in the back putting my back pakc in the emtpy place beside me. on the ride home i watched the forest, catching glimces of mom's fur as hse ran trying to beat me home, i chuckled and waved at her leaning my head out the window and making a sound that sounded strangly like a wolf sound. she roared in frustation that she wouldn't beat me. i giggled sitting back in my seat

just a dream:
i sat up with a start in my bed, sweat rolling down my face, i had yet again another night mare. dylen moved in the bed beside me, his eyes closed. we had been having sleep overs the hole summer. and mom didn't care. i looked at him with a sigh laying back, bitting my lip. dylen wrapped his arms around me now making me lay ontop of him, his chest bare, him only in a pair of plaid pj bottmes, me in my play boy pj's he wipped the sweat from my face "are you okay?" he asked i shook my head putting my cheek to his chest he smothed down my hair "it'll be okay....just a dream remember that" he said kissing my four head "it was so real" my voice strained like i was about to cry "what was it?" he asked brushing my hair from my face "you and i had a fight in the woods after we had gone hunting, you said i was good enough for you and that you hate me" my voice broke "you said you didn't love me and that you hoped i died then you left. i-it felt so real" tears pooled out of my eyes, i could tell he was watching my face "you know that that wouldn't happen vinlilla" he whispered "i know" i mumbled taking a deep breath, not only to keep my breath but to take in his sent that was so sweet to me. it always clamed me. he tighted his grip around me as if reasuring me that my place in his arms will always be there, i closed my radio had turned on and the song that was playing was "just a kiss" by lady antebellum. dylen and i sang to it softly. him sining the guy parts and me the girl. our voice merging perfectly. he pulled me up and put his hands on my waist. we were now dancing to the song that will forever be ours. my arms wrapped around his neck as he swayed back and forth slowly. even after the song had ended we stayed like this, my radio shutting off, he smiled kissing me. with passion, more than we have before, i gasped with surpsie but got lost in the kiss. my lips moving with his he moved me so my legs wrapped around his waist. his hands on my ass to keep me there. i smiled and kept kissing him, he seemed to like this idea and layed me on the bed kissing me still then sudnly pulled away and jumping back, shaking his head i sat up "what? what's wrong do you not want to kiss me?" i asked "no, no i do, it's just" he shook his head "it's just what?" i asked vilote eyes glowing in the dark he moved so he was infront of me and he put his fingers under my chin, pulling my face up so it was inches from his "i don't want to hurt you becky." he whispered "i'm not exactly fradgile" i mumered getting drunk just off his breath "i know, but i could still hurt you" he said "please" my voice came out as a breath he pressed his lips to mine for a mintue then pulled away "enough for tonight, you need to go to bed" he said "you know i won't be able to now" i complained "you know that you'll try just for me though" he added i just sighed slightly knowing he was right, i moved so i was on my side of the bed and turned on my side, trying hard to go to sleep. but with him laying beside me, his arms around my waist i was distracted. thinking about the kiss, a smile spreed acrosse my face i turned wolf just to get more confertable. dylen tangled his hands into my fur and layed there sleeping as i slowly feel asleep
i woke up shaking my head. the bright light stinging my eyes. my ears flatned on my head slightly as a leaped from the bed and shook my fur out. dylen was sitting at my computer. on his e-mail. muttering to him self, a padded over and bunted my head into his leg he chuckled "your computer is so slow vil. like really. i gotta get you a new one" he said i turned human streatching "leave the poor computer alone, i like it" i said smothing out my p.j's he pulled me into his lap wrapping one arm around my waist and using the other to type. i watched him "who you e-mailing?" i asked "a friend" he responded, i looked at the e-mail "" i asked lifting an eyebrow "just a friend becks,no need to get your nickers in a knot" he said making me giggle "you said nickers" this made him laugh and kiss my neck softly still typing, i looked out hte window as he typed . he took in my sent, i could tell even though there was no smell. he longed for my blood, i knew that, i had one of the most uniqe blood patern there was. shifter and witch with some of vampire blood in me from when dylen and i had thought i needed to change. he loved the smell of my blood i sighed "dylen, please stop smelling my neck, it's kinda creepy" he chuckled "sorry hun" he said kissing my neck again then pulling away he smirked slighlty sending the e-mail and in one swooping action picked me up weeding style "so, it's the weekend, whatcu wanna do?" he asked i thought "i dunno" i said wrapping my arms around his neck. his smiled kissing my softly "how about...go to the black Irsse?" he said agenst my lips. voice rumbling. i smiled "sure" i said untangling my self from him. he took his jeans and shirt to the bathroom to get changed, i pulled on denem butt shorts (the REALLY short shorts) and a lose t-shirt that had the cookie monster on it. i went to my Bador and started to brush out my brown hair that was turning black. i sighed slightly looking at my adnormal eyes. i finished brushing it out and it feel stright down my back, dylen came up behind me "nice shorts" he smiled dirtyingly "shut up" i said with a smile grabing his hand and walking out he pulled his hand away and put it in my back pocket as a wrapped my arm around his waist "we're going out to the black irsse, BYE!" i said loudly hearing my moms voice saying bye from the kitchen, we walked out the door and to the club, talking the hole way. he knocked on the door once there and a little man with pointed ears poked his head out the door "it's dylen and vinlilla" dylen said the man nodded and opened the door and we walked threw "elf?" i asked "nope, troll" dylen said removing him hand from my back pocket as we came into view of people, my arm sliped from around his waist just to get thrown over the arms of star "i was wondering when you were coming back vin" she said kissing my cheek in a frendly way "well i'm here" i said with a smile "that you are" she giggled then looked at dylen, her arm hocked threw mine "good to see you dyl" she said "same to you, i'm going to grab a drink, see ya in a few vin" he kissed my cheek then walked away, star smiled "ohhh my god. i saw last night" as she said that my face reddned "y-you did?" i asked she nods "that was soooo fun to watch" i hit her with a small growl "what? i can't help it, i tuned in acadently" she said "suuuuurrree" i rolled my violet eyes she smiled pulling me to a table were some of the girls sat "hey vin" they said in union "hey guys" star and i sat in our usawal spots "so, how's things going with the hunky vampire?" the one asked i smiled "great" i said and star, under her breath, added "and hot as ever" i kicked her under the table, the girls giggled hearing star. my face reddned once again "aw, don't be embarssed vin, at least star didn't tellevery one about last night" said one girl i turned to star "you told people? star that's privet! not even you should have known" i stood "wait, vin, i'm sorry please stay" she looked up "no, i'm finding dylen then going home" i walked away, feeling there eyes. i saw dylen talking to some girl with a slime figure, she was giggling, his hands way to close to her, i stoped, my eyes watching them, the girl giggled again as he put his hand on her waist. i shook my head backing up slightly. the girl looked at me, said something to dylen and he turned, hands atomadicly falling from the girl "uh....." he said not knowing what to say "what happened to your drink dyl? becose she doesn't look like one" my voice was pure venom "vinlilla look, its not what it looks-" i cut him off "you had your hand on her waist dylen!" every one was now looking at us "i uh" i turned stalking out, pushing past the little man and walked to the forest erupting into wolf and running, picking up speed with each stride. i could hear him calling my name. now in my head REBECA COME BACK! PLEASE! then softly not again. oh please dear lord not again i knew he hadn't ment to progect that to me but that was besides the point. i kept running, tears running down my fury face and to my muzzle. blinking my eyes everything was suddnly blurry and i fell. last thing i saw was dylen come running towards me and i blacked out
i woke up human, my head bleeding, dylen sitting as far away from me as he could mange but still stay in site, i sputtered something but it came out sounding more like a baby noise dylen looked at me "i'm so sorry rebeca" he said voice strained "f.f.fuck you" i manged to sputter "it wasn;t what it looked like i swear! i was showing her something!" his face pained not just from the smell of blood but also from hurting me, i could tell i was naked so i curled into a ball and held my self so he wouldn't see anyparts. dylen wouldn't care anyways. "please becks, don't do this again, i don't know if i could take losing you again" this brought tears to my eyes i clampt my mouth shut not wanting to speek, becouse if i did i might just cry dylen watched my face carefully "i'm dead sirouse you know that" he added i looked away, dark dark brown hair covering my face "please, just leave me alone for a couple of days" my vocie cracks i could see the sweep of pain that went over his face "just to think, please" i said "okay'" he nods standing "i'm sorry" he said again then ran out, i let the tears run down my face, why does this always happen to me?!

Tied Together With A smile :)
a couple of days past and i had my head clear, i e-mailed dylen

dylen, explain to me exactly what you were doing with that.......... girl and i'll take in consideration about my dissishons
your need to know girl friend
i bit my lip, refreshing the inbox page till i saw that i hade one messege, it was from dylen, i took a deepbreath and clicked onto it, reading it
rebeca, you know i love you and i need you to keep that in mind as you read this please. that girl is an old friend and we were remembering something that happened to her, she hated it back then but now it's funny to actully think about it, but i was acting like the person that had done this funny thing to her. anyways i wasn't getting.......the way i do around you with her, i could never do that baby and i hope you know that. please don't hate me and please please please let me come back into your life
tears spilled from my eyes as i read this, i'm such a moron. a banged my head off the desk thinking of how to respond
no that didn't work
dylen please forgive me for my moroci
nope to...sixth grade
dylen, please just listen to me for a secound. from my view it looked like you were making a move on her, i'm sorry for blowing it out of praportion like i always do, please come over to my house A.S.A.P
i sent it taking a breath in, waitng for him, in a secound he was at my window, looking at me he climbed into my room, i ran to him and hugged him "i'm so sorry dyl" i whispered "it's not your falt becks, it's okay" he kissed the top of my head i shook my head "i' m such a moron" i muttered he put his fingers under my chin and lifted it up "you are not, stop saying that" he said softly his hipnotizing me as they looked into mine "k" my sholders slumped he laughed "that always works" and he kissed me i kissed him back still slightly hipnozed his laugh rumbled agenst my lips and it sound and felt nice "it's no fun when your hipnozed" he sad with a slight sigh i blinked my eyes as he pulled away "huh?" i asked he laughed "sorry baby, i hipnozed you" he said kissing my cheek i giggled slightly "well i don't mind that" i said he just shook his head and swiftly picked me up weeding style then switched me around so i was facing him in his arms like a baby, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck i smiled untangling one hand and brushing back his bangs that he had grown out during the summer brake "i am sorry baby" i muttered "i know vinlilla i know" he kissed me softly then sat on the floor, were i turned around so my back was to him and leaned the back of my head agenst his chest "i love you" he whispered, i smiled "i love you to dylen" i said. we sat like this for a wile , talking amlisly about absalutly nothing we just kept talking.his voice soft and like a humming bird, mine just kept going, all he had to do was just give a nod or a sound to say he was listaning, his one hand stayed on my thigh the hole time


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2011

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thank you to for getting me motavted to actully right this! XD

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