
book #1:secrets!

table of contents

the first day:
the fight:
not meaning to

not knowing:

breking up:

geting back together:


chapter 1

the first day

''my name is rebeca and i am new in town'' i said as i intadused my self to the class.sudenly i felt my face worm up as i looked at what looked like the cutiest guy in the 6th grade.he smiled as my mom rushed in with my littel sisters dora lunch pal ''here huney'' she siad''um mom thats katties mine is in my locker'' thats when evry one berst out laghing''great i thought just what i need on my first day at washenton elemeentery to be lapghed at!see i am from a devorsed family i lived my dad for 2 years than moved back in with my mom my littel sis is to young to know why dad is gone but i was the one conforting both her and me wial mom and dad were night mom and dad got into a big fight. when i finely got kattie down to sleep i herd a door slam then then mom yell she will be sending devors papers to him i cryed my self to sleep.


on tuesday i got my first frinds there names are kaylee,abbigal or abby,and brianna thay are mom keeps inviting random kids to come over. it's imbarising to have kids from kindergarden showing up at my door to play with kattie and i expecely when my frinds are techer,mrs.royale gave a bunch of home work the day i moved in i did not even know how to do some of it.and then i got asined to a set that was full of bad words ones i am not alowed to mechon but when i showed my techer she thought i wrought them so i got resses ditenton."rebeca?can i have one of your kettep chips?'' my littel sis said ''NO!'' whaaaaaaaaaaa'' ooh come on! i thought now i am going to get grounded for making kattie cry'' rebeca why is kattie crying? are you not sharing your chips?'' mom i bought them with my money and there are hardly eny left!'' rebecaaaaaaaaaa'' ether put them in the garbig or SHARE.

the fight

my mom is ssssoo mean she never understands that know i am in grade 6 ineed my privisey that means new rulles such as knoke on the door befor entering or somthing like frindes and i got in a was about a boy daylen the cutist boy in the class
he has brown hair and brown eyes and he is sssoooo hot!we all like him and he asked my to the school dance when i told them thay got so jelose it was basicly spiling out of there i am not suar if i should go or tell him no.''rebeca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''my mom cald ''you need to get your butt down here this instant youn lady''uh oh what now? bing my computer came on instanly ''must have emails'' i said aloud ''rebecaaaaaaaa'' ''coming''. as i run doun stares i can hare her mumbeling about some boy . '' oh no'' i thought why oh why did Daylan call. '' rebeca huney why did a boy call asking for a rebeca karii?'' ''ummmmmmmm he's a friend from school''. '' you should call him back ok sweet heart''.''ok'' i toke the phone up to my room loked the door.the e-mail was from brianna

rebeca :i am soo sorry about yelling at u it made no since i was to mad to even think about it.i went home an' cryed my self to sleep,with out super that is soooooooo un like me wile if ur not mad e-mail me back


well i will call her after i call daylan what's his phone number?oh crap!so after and half houre of looking i finely fornd it so i cald 1-800-4848 ''hello,daylen speaking.may i ask who it is?'' ''umm hi daylan it's rebeca you called me." '' yes i did i just wanted to know if you ummm if you wanted to go out sometime? '' uhhh" what do i say to him'' sure what day? '' um today if you do not mind'' '' ok yea ok that will be fine!'' see you later!beeeeeeep bye

omg!i am going out with daylan omg!uhhh whats brianna's phone number crap!so after aanother half houre i called brianna "um hi it's rebeca is bri there?'' hi rebca it's bri iam so sorry about daylan'' ''why would u be sorry?'' ''becouse he asked abby out''. ''WHAT?''when'' '' today '' '' sorry bri got to go''beeeeeeeeeeep.some time later i woke up to the sound of knoking on the fronet door.i anserd it,it was daylan .''what do you whant'' ''we have a date remeber'' yea so when do you start yours with abby?'' what'' i herd you where going out with abby today to so byee".a foot cought the door.''hay i brock that dait becouse of you i need to tel you something and i relized i could not tell abby becouse she can't keep her mouth shut'' ''ok fine brb''.''mom iam going out with a friend be back in 2 houres'' ''keep kattie out of my bedroom!''

chappter 3 not meaning to
bye i said in my when we where at some place with the black rose on it he told me ''i am a vampier'' ''what are you crazy'' ''no it's the truth here i will show you, you know how vampiers are telepathic?'' ''whea'' '' well'' then there was a cool voice in side my head it sounded hot (hi Rebeca it's daylan see i told you) ''oh my god you are'' ''sheeeeee keep your voice down!'' ''ok then why are you intrested in me when ther are much preeter girls in our class'' '' becouse we are soul mates'' ''what?'' '' no sersily there is this thing cald the soul-mate's said that evrybody in the two worlds......'' ''what two wolds?'' the night world and your world.''ok go on'' ''has a soul mate,the one pesone who they can't live with out,they can try but they get severly depresed and they hert so badley''. ''so let me get this right there are two worlds?'' ''yes'' (you think i am crazy) ''no i don't!'' (then let me trurn you into a vampiere!) ''what?'' (sheeeeee it's so both of us do not die,it's agianst my law to love you) ''what?''(like i said there are two worlds mine and yours and there are laws in both,the ponishment for breaking the law in mine is death) ''death?'' (sheeeeeeee yes know can we co some where where i do not have to use your head to talk) ''ok i know a place'' (ok).
one houre later i knew evry thing and had my bloode sucked and suked vampier blood,it tasted like straw berry i loved it,it was the the strangest felling he talked to me whill we where ummmmm atached
he explained that i could ''die"if i didn't take a nuf. (he had to pry me away becouse i was in a dizy stat.)that night i had a dream about mom woke me up to go to school wile in school we talked telipatlicly,apertly he can hear my thoughts two (so how line have yoou been alive?)i asked(since the 16 hondreth back then my name was lord daylan )he anserd "wow'' i said aloud ''yes mis Rebeca shacsper was an amazing poimitst''(oh my god that was a mastack)i said (just knod your head) i did as i was recess he huged me then got premishon to go off gronds he told it was to be with his mom but i knew it was for hunt.."amm i interupting something?'' a voice said it was kaylee ''no how are yoou?'' ''not good i seen you hug daylan you guys goin' out''it was more of a stament then a qustion. 'yep are you mad at me i mean he asked me soooooooooo'' ''no it's ok just wonderin'.'' ''will you tell abby so she is not hert the same way'' ''ohh she's alredy mad he brock there date for you!'' ''ohhhh that's right'' then abby waked by and gave me a dretie look.(i am back) (ok)'' goto go thnks for undertanding see ya.'' ''ok.'' (where are you?)i asked (over near the gate i have something for you) i walked over to the gate he wass holding a butiful neck-lace ''oh my god that's butiful''i said in aw "where did you get it?" "a witch shop down town the candel brom" (oh that's what it is ) "yep"he said ansering my thought "so what's it for and inpotantly who is it for?"i asked sorcaticly "you!it's to keep you safe from enybody but me".half a houre later we were talking telepticly agian in science.(done this befor you should see the brians of the frog alarios!)he said in my head(hahaha nice wiat we dicecting a frog oh my god!)i said,i totily frogot a pealing nife!(don't wory you can use one of mine!)i looked at him thankfully we set beside each other in since but we wrnt risking geting in troble.
chapeter 4:not knowing
that night i told mom about it after kait was asleep ''that is sooooo wonderful sweety thAT WAS fast though,your sere he is'nt going to take avantige of you?'' '' no mom
i'm sour" i went to my room and cheeked my email ther was on from daylan

i was looking up your family history(don't get ticked at me plz) and you dad's last name is heman right?i was pring through your mind(don't get scared)and your a witch that means we don't have to tern you into a vampier!but don't tell eny one,not even a dairy!

i don't have a diery whait that means that i am going to have to follow two lays right???????????????? i have to e-mail him back

Daylan:i'm a witch?that is soooo cool you will have to interdoce me to some!will i have to follow two lays?but won't that mean i will die seence i alredy started?

Rebeca xoxoxoxoxoxo

i had a dream last night about some one nameed grandma heman she said i am a lost witch child and that "circle daybreak'' wold be happy to help me be a witch but i have to rum away from home to be able to do that. i woke up right after.
at school daylan keept looking at me aparetly my viliot eyes look like witch eyes and thay are HOT! daylans words not mine (do you want to go out tonight Rebeca
?) i looked at him seprisenly,that was sooo messed up becoous i could NOT see him saying that!(did YOU just call ME messed up?) (no i didn't i called that messed up becouse i could not see that coming!) (you wernt soposed to unless your phic!).

chapter 5:breking up:

soo after school we heded to the 'black rose' and i ment crical midnight thay said thay would be more than happy to tech me to do witch craft,i said thank you an thay went to dance."will what do you think?" daylan asked "thay seem a littel old don't you think daylan?i mean mebie a younger group?"."will there is cercal twilight and thouse are a littel yunger but not bye a lot''he expalined ''eny thing is good.ummm i wanted to tell yo something but i think i should tell you some where privet" (ok) i will NEVER get used to that voce!HOT!we went to the harbour "i hade a dream''i told him "that's not unuseal to dream unless your a made vampier of cores,soo what was it about"(if it's abooout me EVRY DETALE)"it's not about you,it's about a person named gandma herman" that's when he whent from smiling to frouning "grandma HERMAN?!?!!?!?!?"he basicly yeld it "what?" i asked woried he has never yeld at me!who does he think he is????? "it's just she runs crical daybreack,it hold all ages from 1 to1000 and there is HUMAN mebers" he said humans like there cockrouches "so i hve FRIENDS that are HUMAN and our TECHERS are HUMAN so whats the problem?"i asked i am geting ticked off FAST! "the problem is that humens arn't meant to learn about the night world the only reson you and i arn't dead i becouse you terned out to be a witch so i thisnk you schould be with only witchs the mebie just mebie you can transfure to crucal daybreak OK?''he explaneed "no not ok she looked like she is harmless soooo i think i should meet her!"
"NO absalotly NOT!you still need to meet others first then you may meet her"daylan said "you know WHAT you can't controll me i'm still a living person, you know what?i don't care if we are soul mates we are THROUGH!" i went home crying "hi huney howws day-?whats wrong?"she asked avisly worried "nothing daylan and i brouck up hhhhe was" i wonderd how i was going to explaine "he was a jerk OK MOM?i said tears in my eyes "huney?you want to talk about it?" she asked " NO!' i ran up to my room i had an e-mail this is what it said

Rebeca:i am sooooooooo sorry i should not have yelled at you,if you whant to met her it is you chsr she is related to her of corse.i hope you can forgive me!i love you you know that right?


this was my reply:

daylan: HOW DARE YOU EVAN E-MAIL ME BACK!i am crying becouse of love me? i'm still mad but why did you not tell me that befor dayl? i don't know what to say!i am hart broken! do you know that my chest actsuly herts! i miss you so BAD! and the worst part i can her my mom mubuling about the nek lace she thought you gave to me like a ring!she says i am going to throg it out!witch i was planing on doing so i hope yoour happpy!

not yoour loveing EX girl friend



at school thing were misurble i was flunking most of my classes daylan tred to get though to me thoughy my HEAD! and worse of all i missed him. my mom leaves me alone about the chourse and she does them as for my room i use magic to do that. as for clubing i got to the 'black irise'' that's where cercule twlingt goes i'm with them for now and it is actely fun they told me a story about this girl called thia who got kick out of the night world for breaking EVRY law there is,and they keep me filled in about daylan too thay say he is mesuble i laphed at that "soo rebeca are you thinking about changing your name just for the night world?" stare asked (she is one of the most prettest n there!) "i might what where you think ?" i asked her "how about vinella!it means newborn in my languge!withch is pocheges bye the way!"she sid "that is such a butuful name! i likee it but i will onley use in the night world,to the others i will e rebeca!"i said exdintly "great re-i mean vinlilla!"she sid with a girn, i grined back af corse then we talked for hours about ol' hollows eve and then we danced with some vampier guys witch to me did not fell right,although the one i danced with was kinda cute (not like daylan hugh i need to get out of my head) "hey stare?" i asked my voice sounded house "yea what's up vinella?" she asked eying me with he vilolet eyes "i wa sjust wondering if you knew eny spells to forget a serton thing?"i asked "sure i do ummmmmmmmm forgetful rogetul then you insert the thing that yoou whant to froget BUT it does not work on soul mats"she sid starting to grin ahhh CRAP how am i souposed to do enyhting around her "thanks anyways" the rest of the girls looked at me and wisperd one was highr then the other "she sersly thinks that she can forget daylan who can he is HOT!" i eyed her with my own violite eyes anilizimg what she just said "ecuze me?"taping on her slder"don't betlive we have ment i'm vinlilla" i said "thats interesting it means new born in porchages,are you a vampier?oh and i'm snow"she sid sweetly "no i'm a witch" "oh i'm a shapeshifter my animal is a snowy owl i know borring but even i human i can spin my haed all the way around!" she said with a gigle "yeap um so you think daylan is hot?"i asked trying to get more out of her "duhhhhhhhh he is geting older yhough than me!" she said "what he is only in grade 6"i said "yea and i am on;y in garde 33 o just meture yerly becouse i am also part vampier!" she sid avisly proooud of her self "cool so your what 9?mabie 10?" i said trying to see if i coould get more "what are you doing quizing me or something?" thats wwhen she walked away, ok i thought i go to go anyways "bye eveyon e see at our next cercle"i said to my twilight frineds "bye vinella check your e-mail when you get home i sensce a e-mail from some one you didtest" stare said "thanks stare" i said eyeing her out.


of cose she was right,it was from daylan"

rebeca:what the hell is wrong with you i am trying to be nice it is not all about you,when yooou fell like being kind e-mail me back! bye the way yes i do love you every guy in grade 6 does.


this is a surprise becouse as fare as i was cuncernd all the people in the school thinks i am a tottal joke!
so in sted of re[laying i toouck his advise and wait till i am not mad. i called stare in sted "hay is stare there?" asked her mom "yes who is it?is it from her cielce?are oyu frineds"she asked "i'm vinell,yes im a from her crecle,and yes we are frineds." i said in tern "ok,stare vinllea is on the phone"she ssaid "hello vinella whats wroung what did heee say"she asked "i know you know what he said becouse you were right it was from some i ditested DAYLAN!" "he was the one all i know was the e-mail, i mean i did not think he could be that mean even for a vampier!" "i know he midesell just call me a bitch and stik a "i am a lesbian "sing on my back!" "i like you way of thinking but i ahave to go mom wants to pick up soe stuf from grandma hermans befor her circle " she aid realy fast "can i acome i want to meet her"i said "YOU HAVEN'T MEET HER of couse you can come " she said "see you in a bit" beeeeeeeeeep whe both hung upa t the same time "mom i am going to a store with a frined and her mom it at the mall it jsut opened ok"i said fast "ok sweet heart let me get you some money ok?" honk hunk that was fast i thought "mom hury up they are hear" she ran dwon stares and handed me 40 doulers :thanks mom, love you be back in a houre"i ran out side and stare waved like a maniace when i got in she wisperd in my ear "she sinds dreams to neew opeole that just found out about being a witch,she is sooooooo cool" she wisperd "realy?i think my dad was one at that is what you-know-who said when he was prying through my family history!"i wisperd back she gave me a do-i-know-you? look i just noded my head "sooo what are you girls going to look at stare anserd "probly some herbs and cristels we gotta get her hooked up with some stuff befor her first meeting"she said winking at me "that sounds good,vinella have you had a chance to go throug the stoure?" her mom asked stare gave me a lie-to-her-please!look so i said "yes i have it is soo butiful in there "i said remebering my dream "so you know were evrything is?" stare asked "yes" i said giving stare a say-enyhing-more-and-you-die look she guiverd and gigled,when we got there grandama herman smiling when we came in view she winked at me and i smiled stare looked at me and wisperd in my ear"she is not smiling at me i garinty,last time i was in there i spiled some of her aromatharipy stuff"she wisperd with woory "realy?"i said "is that the nly word oyu know?" "no i am extremly intelighnt!"i said hollding back a laph then why am i falling most of my classes oh right that!we enterd the store and it looked agsactly like my dream when we whent in to grandma hemans my mouth flew admetly open stare closed it for me "apidity"her mom siad about 17 year old girl looking dipresed came out "may i help yooou?" she said "hellow blaze ho was t been?"stare asked with a hint of teasing in her voice "i don't know ii have not seen her in a few months since the last stolastic,and what is a vermin doeing with you in my grandmothers shop?"she said eyeing me down"she is not vermin she is a new witch rebeca herman?she goes bye vinella." stare said wile blaze gasped "GRANDMA GESS WHO IS HERE?REBECA!" yelled blaze, a elderly women heried out "i sthat realy here,the one i sent a dream to?" she said my eyes widend i have seen pictures from my dad as shoud me "are yoooo who i think yoou are?" i fsaid stare gave me a what-are-you-talking-about?look "yes i am i havent seen yoou seen your parents wding did you mother tell yoou what she is ?"she said "what are eyou talking about grandma?how do you know her?" blaze said then i t hit me "my mom is a shape shifter is she not?" i said "yes she is she allways knew you would come ar eound,but sweet hert you need to make a dsion are you witch or shapeshifter?"she said i thought about i think i need to be a shapeshifter i thought"grandma?i think i am a shaopeshifter "i siad "you are right my child and i think your animal is a wolf"she said "ohmgod i love wolfs thay are sooo mgestic and butiful and my mom said i always resbled one by the way i look at people......."i siad "sweethearti am going to give you something to mack your first change ok?" "ok" sje left and stare huged me realy tight and wisperd in my ear "i think you will make a butiful wolf thare are butiful and you do resmble one when yo look at someone"she wisperd i looked at her "seeeeeeeee" she said grandma came back and handed me a liguid soincew "drink"is a ll she said i tok it and i sataed to fell tagelly then i felt like my spine was groing and then i hit al fors and every thing was blck and wight "whats going on"i traid to say but all that came out was "bark bark bark" "She is a shapshifter and you rgrandchild,that means i am related to a shapeshifter will this is great" blaze said sudely i was gering back to normal when i was ful human agian i said"wow,what just happend?" i said looking at grandma herman "you my child,just made your first change"she saids smilying "vinela you have the pretist broun fur in the world!"said stare ignord her "how will i do it agian?" asked grandma "it will be instinct,but i want you to come here if it happens when you don't want to.ok?"she asked diging around for something stare's mom wanted "ok.and grandma thank you" "you are veary welcome blaze please go beck to work and stop satring at her like she is some dead animal.sorry vinlla"

chapter 6 geting back together"

when they droped me off i ran right into my mom's office"HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME ABOUT YOU AND DAD?"i yelled at her with out thinking "i don't know what you are talking about sweethert" she said "OH YES YOU DO YOU ARE A SHAPSHIFTER AND DAD IS A WITCH,AND I AM A SHAPSHIFT....."uh oh did i just say that?!?!?! mom's eyes widned "where did you find this out?" she said eyeing me "grandma herman the grandma i have never meet"i said "well then i gess you know so your a shapshifter are you what animal are yoou then?"she said smling witch is a good sign "a wolf mom why did you not tell us i mean,me and kattie are going to be ether or she might tern out to be like us or like dad so why?" i looked at her "huney i didn't tell you becouse i was sacard every night i had to go out for meetings right?"she said"right"i anserd "i had to change and hunt so i wouldn't hert you and katlyn but i regert not telling you and i am a couger and i can't go long with out eating so please for give me please rebeca"she said with tears in her eyes "mom i forgive you but i have to tell kati.."i got interueted by a puppy like bark and i knew instanly what it was mom and i exganged looks and ran to katties room "oh no she is a lion!" mom said kattie look at me and sudnly i got that same tingly felling that happened when i made my first change then i hit all fors and the first thing i did was check over kattie for enything and then liked her head i looked at mom as she changed she has the butiful black fur i quikly changed back and ran to my room i ternd on my coumputer and e-mailed him

daylan: i am so sorry i am realy sorry i was mean and abnoctios but i have something to share,i am not a witch i am a SHAPSHIFTER! and i love you to and my heart herts.pleas for give me please

love your realy sorry hopfully to be girlfrind


i send it and mom walked in to my room and layed down on the rug i had there(she was still animal)and looked up at me "mom i realy messed up dylan,he is not just a kid he is a vampier and he is my soul mate and i realy messed up!" mom wind and got up and liked my hand i huged her and she changed "huney i know,je moved you moved so it was ovius so lets go get miss lion k?"she said "k" we ran into katties room and she had changed and had been crynig,i know becouse her eyes were blood red,"mommy,rebeca what happend?"she said looking at us with her huge round moss green eyes "kaittie you are part lion yeaaaa!"i said mom gave me a would-you-be-quit? look "no thats is not right,sweet heat you are a shapshifter and there are rouls to being one but you are not old anuf to folow so for now do you mind not changing into an animal to you are older,i will tell your sister what thay are and she is aloud to change when ever when you start to have cravings for raw meat i will bring some to you okay?"mom siad as kattie noded and i held my smile finly i get to do something with out kattie! mom trind to me "as for YOU you will go out with me and hunt every night and we will start geting meat together AND you will make sure she will not change when you are alone with her and make sure you don't change in public places like school ok?she said "ok"i responded soundely the door bell rang i ran to see who it was as i gasped when i opened the door it was DYLAN "hello rebeca" he said with that grin i love "hi dylan get my e-mail?" i asked "yep and that is great!what are you?" he asked with a smile"a wolf and i love the felling when i change and i am sorry that was stupid of me to be rude and i should have just listened"i said wile he looked at me with loving eyes "no i was wrong i know you went to her with stare and i am sorry"he said(i forgive you dylan and i love you)i said in my mind "i love you to"


so dylan and i got back together we lived happily ever after!or did we?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.07.2010

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to every beliver

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