


What happened? I couldn’t remember… Isabella, that’s my name. I was currently laying on mud, why? I can´t remember! All I know is… I can´t move, my body hurts. I know I have cuts all over it… I can feel them. I don’t know how long I have been lying here, because the last thing I remember was the sun coming up from the mountains and now I can see is going back in. So… does it mean I been here a whole day or more?


Isa… I told myself… try to remember…




We were on the car, taking the little road trip my dad came up with this morning. He said that since it was Friday we could drive up to his sister´s house (My aunt Mary) and stay with her for winter vacations. My little sister Hanna and I were really happy. We didn’t get to see her that often.


We were all in the car and my mom was driving, my dad was on the phone and my sister was watching kid videos on her tablet while I was texting Daniela (My best friend) she was sad because all of our winter plans had evaporated in matter of mins with my dad´s news about our little road trip.


 I met her when we were in second grade, she moved to our town (Silverpeak, Nevada) from (Lake of the Woods, California) after her father got a new job there. We have been inseparable ever since the first day of school… and this was going to be the first winter break we were apart. It makes me want to not go to my aunt´s…

My mom and dad were talking about a letter my dad receive in the mail this morning, so naturally I was not paying attention… when all of the sudden my mom stepped on the breaks and did on 180 on the steering wheel, I guess she was trying to avoid hitting something? A Moose, maybe? They are pretty common in this side of the roads seeing as to both sides of the roads were cover by woods. Personally I love the outdoors, but there are a lot of wild animals out there… scary…


My mom looked at my sister and me using the rearview mirror and kept on driving but she seem a little lost minded and my dad kept talking to her in French… I hated when they did this because it was not fair to me or my sister. WE COULDN´T SPEAK THE DAMM LANGUAGE! I was taking French as a second language at school but I was not fluent unlike them. I´ll show them one day… (I could feel the smile forming on my lips… I could be pure evil sometimes…)


All of the sudden, my mom steps on breaks and from my window I swear I think I saw something like a dog passed by running into the woods, but I know I must be really tired because I know that is so not possible… My mom is going so fast I can’t even imagine a dog that could run that fast… so I just decided to forget about it… This road trip is really getting to me, after all we have been on this car for the past 3 hours what seem like forever and we still had a long way to go.


I was starting to close my eyes when I felt the car run over something big and made my sister and I jumped out of our seats. My mom lost control of the car and my dad was trying to help her take control of the steering wheel… but he fail… and the car went flying away and that’s how I got all the cuts in my body… I went through the window breaking the glass in the process and when I landed I hit my head on something really hard… loosing conscience. That explains the headache I have.


End of flash back!


When I opened my eyes again I couldn´t see anything! It was dark… I could tell it was very late but then my eyes started adjusting to the night, after all that is something very creepy and kind of cool that I have always been able to do.


My mom and dad told me I had very good sight because ever since I was little I used to eat my vegetables and things like that… which is really weird because I hate them now…. I´m a meat girl 100% but they told me that was the same reason I never got sick, not even the flu, which is so cool because I have never needed to take the flu shot.


I could now see all the trees around me…. And I could see the moon straight above me…  I still couldn’t move my body from the ground, it hurt too much.


And then…. I heard movement in the trees near me… I started to panic… I could feel my heart bit go up and I could feel the hair in my arms stand up and the chills going down my spine… SHIT… IM GOING TO DIE! And that’s when I blacked out! ... I know… BAD TIMING!



I started to come out of the darkness but I find it very hard to open my eyes… was I dead? I felt like I was on top of something… something soft? Something… OMG! Is it something hairy? SHIT! I´m being drag to be eaten by an animal…. And then… I blacked out again! Yeah, yeah… I know… BAD TIMING….

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


When I woke up I was no longer being carried. I thought for a moment that maybe I was dead… and that’s why it felt like I was on top of something really soft… maybe a cloud? I couldn’t open my eyes… so I had to try a couple of times before I was actually able to get them open.


I was in a room; it had burgundy walls with a light cream ceiling. Very classy looking and all the furniture were antiques. Who ever owned this place had money… I mean… this type of furniture is very expensive… I should know… my mom used to give me hell for an antique coffee table she had in our living room whenever I used to put my feet on top of the freaking thing.


There room was very bright due to the big set of French windows. It had wood floors and king size bed which is where I am sitting right now… I got up and move to the windows, they had a beautiful balcony and the sight was amazing but creepy at the same time… I mean it was kind of in the middle of the forest. All I could see was trees and more trees… and from the view of it all I could tell this was not a one story tall house… what was this? Like a third floor maybe? Who owns this place….?


Someone cleared their throat and that´s when I notice I was not alone…


Hello there! How are you feeling? Better I hope! Your wounds seem to be healing nicely. 


As I turned around I saw the most wonderful green eyes I have ever seen. I was capture on them and I could stay there forever! WOA WOA WOA.. WHAT AM I SAYING! Who is this guy? And then I notice he had a grin in his face and he look like he knew exactly what I was thinking… SHIT!


My name is Mathew, and this is my parent´s house. You never did answer my question… How do you feel?

Ah- ah I feel… better?


He chuckle, Do you? Really… because you don’t seem to be sure about that!


I felt irritated by him…. Who does he think he is by mucking me about my health after me and my family just had a car accident. I guess he sense the irritation coming of me because he said…


Hey, sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you. Is just well it was funny to see you thinking when I asked you how you felt. Really I didn’t mean to make you upset.


He is nice and he saved my life… I should be a bit more grateful. GOD! I´M A TERRIBLE PERSON.


No, I´m the one that should be sorry. After all… you saved my life. Is my family here as well? Can I see them?

He frown at my question and for some reason… I felt something in the pit of my stomach that told me… he was not the deliverer of good news.


What happened? I asked…


I´m sorry he said… I wish I could tell you that they are okay… but you were the only one alive when we found you.


I was…?


Yes, and for that… I am truly sorry.


He kept talking about the details of the way he found me but I no longer care… he basically just told me I have no family left in this world. My mom, my dad and my baby sister were gone. And before I realize,  I was sobbing unstoppable.


Right away Mathew was there hugging and whispering sweet word in my ear. Somehow this person who I just met made me feel less pain for my grief.  And I stayed there hugging him back and holding on to his shirt like if my life depended on it, thinking that if I let go I would be completely alone… and I couldn´t bare with that idea… at least not now.




After hours of holding the same position I could feel my eyelids getting heavier… and a while later I felt myself being carried and placed on something soft? Oh… the bed… I remember the feeling from this morning… Mathew pulled up the covers for me and started to walk away from the bed… I have to do something I don’t want him to leave.. I can be by myself... I know is selfish and probably he has a life to go back to and he has been so sweet to stayed here the whole day… but before I could think the thought over the words left my mouth.


Wait…. Can you stay with me tonight?


A small smile form in his lips and he walked back to the bed and got under the covers.  As soon as he was within reach I moved closer like this force was pulling me towards him… so I went with it, thinking that somehow it was going to make me feel a bit better. I hugged the life out him while a new batch of fresh tears finds the way out of my eyes.


He hugged me back with the same amount of force and I couldn’t help wondering if he pitied me or if he truly cares… Pshhh what am I saying! Of course he pities… he doesn´t know me well enough to care… but just for tonight… I´ll take it.


Thank you Mathew… I know you don’t have to do this.


No need to thank me Isabella…


I wonder how he knows my name… maybe he found my phone? I don’t know but I´m too tired to try to figure it out… he was stroking my hair and this made me feel relaxed. My eyelids got heavier with every stroke… so I think I will wait to ask him how he knows my name. Mmm… maybe I told him…


He kissed my forehead and I fell into unconsciousness...

Chapter 3.

Mathew´s POG


Moon Goddess, I can´t believe how much I love her already! I have been waiting over 10 years to have her in my arms… My wolf was full of joy when she asked us to sleep with her tonight… even though we know she only did it to feel comfort over the lost of her ¨family¨.


How am I going to tell her the truth…? I just don’t know how´s she going to react to this whole mess.


She will be fine! She is our mate. She is strong. But for now… let her rest. Look at her… she looks beautiful and peaceful.


I know right? She looks amazing even after everything she has been through. Goddess I love her!


Correction… We love her! And I just know she is going to make a great Luna… we got ourselves a great catch. Arghhhh! Cover her up… or I might just forget we have to be patient with her and claim her right away…


Stupid wolf! Relax… you think she doesn´t give my body any effects. Having her so close to me and still not be able to do anything other than hold her… jeezzzz I think I might need a cold shower in a few mins….


We both are in great need of a long cold shower…


I felt Isa´s arm go over my chest… goddess that feels good. She belongs with me… and I will never let her go now that she is back where she belongs…


I got up and went back to my room… grabbed some sweatpants and took a long and calming cold shower…. Jejeje I have to say that thinking about her and her body was not really helping me calm down. I could still hear her even breathing from down the hall.


I wanted her to be placed in my room when my patrol brought her in to the pack house but my father instructed a couple of Omegas to place her in a nice guest bedroom.




Kevin, please bring her up to my room. He started walking up the stairs…


I was upset to see her in such a fragile state. But they told me they had to do drastic things to get her because her father and mother were almost in our border line trying to cross out of our territory. That made me really pissed because they knew it was time to have her back with us and they decided to run instead.


I looked up to see my dad at the top of the stairs in the second floor… and he stopped Kevin and told him to place my mate in a guest room…. That´s when my possessive side came out.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN! SHE IS STAYING WITH ME! A ferial growl emanated from me… My wolf was taking over. We waited so long to have her with us… we are not having it!



My son, please don’t go against my orders. She is to be placed in the nicest guest room we have. I know you are very protective of her because she is your mate but I know you understand how she would feel if she wakes up in a strange room with an strange person laying down with her.


ARRRGGGHHH! My wolf growl! She is our mate. But he is right; we have to wait until she knows…

Listen to your wolf son. He is a wise beast.



Alright, I will listen to you both. But as soon as she awakes I shall be the first to see her. Got it? I receive a growl of annoyance coming from my father… after all he is the Alpha of our pack and he felt I was drawing a thin line of disrespect. And I as sure as hell didn’t want my father to feel like I was trying to go above him so I bow my head showing respect and asked… Is this okay with you father? He´s body relaxed a bit and gave me a small nod.




After my mate was place into her temporary room… that’s right… that´s how I’m calling it for now… since as soon as she is ready we will be moving her into my room.


I went to my office and called Kevin thru our pack link.






Yes Alpha?



Even if I didn’t have the Alpha title officially, my dad had addressed the entire pack a few months ago and told them they now should call me by my soon to be title since I was going to be turning 18 in a couple of months… and well those couple of months are almost up. I have 25 days before I turn 18.



Came to my office when you are done!

I was actually heading there right now.


Then there was a knock on my door…

Come in. I called.

He came in avoiding looking into my eyes. But waves of guilt were radiating off him.

Kevin, what happened?


Sir, we went to the house like you requested and left the letter in their doorstep like you ordered. We saw when Paula gave the letter to George and both went inside the house. We tried to hear as much of the conversation as possible but they kept it really low… and then… they started talking in French… that’s when we knew something was not right.



We saw how they were waking up the little girl and our future Luna and told them about a row trip they were going to take. Something about George´s sister, we knew he was talking about the sister that leaves about 40 mins away from our borders and then they starting packing and Paula told the girls they need to pack a lot because they were going to spend their whole winter break with their aunt.



The little girl, Hanna I think and our future Luna Isabella were really excited, but then she smack her palm into her forehead like she remembered something and she made a phone call… turns out she was calling Daniela, to let her know she could no longer hangout for winter vacations and that´s how we found out where they were actually going since Daniela called us right away to let us know about George´s plan.



I guess it was a good idea to have one of our pack members be close to our future Luna… but to be honest... I never thought they were going to become best friends.


So… anyways, we waited for them to get out… and we followed them until they were an hour away from our border line. We knew we had to make them stop, so Charlie got in the middle of the road to try to make them stop, but instead of stopping Paula did an almost 180 turn on the steering wheel and went around Charlie and she stepped on the gas going faster than before.


Since that didn’t worked, Joe moved to plan B and tried to make contact… he started running along side of the car and we notice that Isabella saw him, we thought maybe she would tell her dad to look at us, but no luck. Instead she place her ear buds and fell asleep. So… we moved to plan C and well… we kind of place big rocks in from of them thinking they would stop… but NO…. Paula made a run for it… and then the car went up in the air… and we saw how Isabella went through the back window and her little sister out from the other… since none of them had their seatbelts on…. While George and Paula crash into a tree when they touched the ground again.


We tried to get them out, but it was too late. The car blew up. We went to see if the future Luna was okay while Joe went to check on Hanna. Isabella was alive but in a really fragile state. I went to call Betty (the pack doctor) and told Joe and Charlie to stay out of her sight and see if we could do something for Hanna. But Hanna was already dead due to the impact she receive on the head when she landed on the floor.


When I came back with Betty, Isabella was knock out completely and the guys told me she had woken up a few times but went back to being knock out. The doctor checked after her injuries but told us we had to bring her back here to the pack house so she could tend to her properly.


And… well… the rest well you already know.


Thank you Kevin, I really appreciate you doing everything possible to bring her to me. It’s just sad that her substitute family didn’t know how to keep their part of the contract.


She belongs we us. And they had no right to take her away from us like that… they had no right to try to take my MATE away from me.


Thank you, you may take the rest of the day off as well as Joe and Charlie; give them my thanks and let Jacob, Martin and Felix take on your patrol shift for today. Also, before you leave… tell Betty to come to my office when she is done checking Isabella.


I went back to alpha duties, we had a few stranded wolfs in the forest so I was approving some as members in our pack since they were mates of the people in our pack; The Silver Moon Pack. 





A knock on the door disturbed me.

Come in. I called.

Alpha? You wanted to see me? Betty came in bowing her head towards me in sign of respect.

Yes, how is she?

She is good Alpha. And since she is almost 18, her wolf will be coming out soon. And she is showing signs already. For example she is almost completely healed. All the cuts are almost gone. It took her a little longer than normal to heal but that´s only because she was never instructed on how to let her wolf do the work for her.

That is true. Unfortunately she had to be taken away from her home way before she could comprehend what was happening.

Betty gave me a sympathy smile and I nod her towards the door. Meaning she was dismissed.

I heard my mate´s heart beat go up and I knew she was awake.  I went up to the room she had been placed for the moment and opened the door to find her looking through the window. I clear my throat to try to get her attention. And she tense…

 Hello there! How are you feeling? Better I hope! Your wounds seem to be healing nicely. NICE GOING DAMM ASS! WAY TO BE SMOOTH!

She turned around and I was capture by the deepest blue eyes I had ever laid my vision upon. She is beautiful. And then… I caught a little bit of what she was thinking.

 ¨He has the most wonderful green eyes I have ever seen… WOA WOA WOA… WHAT AM I SAYING! Who is this guy?¨

I had a grin on my face just to know I already affected her the same way she affected me. I love her so much! Goddess I´m screwed.

My name is Mathew and this is my parent´s house. You never did answer my question… How do you feel?

Ah- ah I feel… better? Awww! I can tell she is confused and scared. Confuse because she feels the pull the same way I do… and scare because she doesn´t know me. I chuckled…

Do you? Really… because you don’t seem to be sure about that! WRONG! I could see she got upset by my laughter. I heard her think…

¨Who does he think he is by mucking me about my health after me in my family just had a car accident¨.

So I said… Hey, sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you. Is just well it was funny to see you thinking when I asked you how you felt. Really I didn’t mean to make you upset. Hoping she would stop feeling irritate towards me. I heard her think…

¨He is nice and he saved my life… I should be a bit more grateful. GOD! I´M A TERRIBLE PERSON¨.

Well… at least she doesn´t think I´m and imbecile without feelings anymore. And then she said… 

No, I´m the one that should be sorry. After all… you saved my life. Is my family here as well? Can I see them?

And that´s when I had to tell her that she was the only one still alive when we found her… but I couldn’t tell her the whole truth. She was not ready for that yet. The only thing I could do right now was be there for her. When she started sobbing it broke my heart. I walked up to her and hugged her. I know she would be confused as to why she feels good when I touched her but I couldn’t care less in that moment. And when she asked me if I could stayed the night with her… my wolf was purring with joy to see that our mate wanted us… she wanted us for comfort.

I called her by her name… and I caught her thinking…

¨I wonder how he knows my name… maybe he found my phone? I don’t know but I´m too tired to try to figure it out… so I think I will wait to ask him how he knows my name. Mmm… maybe I told him…¨

I kissed her forehead and she felled into unconsciousness...

End of flashback!

I got out of the shower put my sweatpants on and jumped in my bed.  I missed her, she asked me to stay with her tonight but I knew I wasn´t going to make it all night without claiming her if I stayed in her room all night. So I will just rest… waiting for my eyes to close… eventually they did… 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.02.2014

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This is dedicated to my family who have been very supported to the idea of me writting a book, and for giving all the space needed while i was writting. Thank you All! Love, Cinthia

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