
Table of Contents

Chapter 1……………………….Page 3

Chapter 2………………………. Page 5

Chapter 3 ………………………. Page 8 

Chapter 4 ………………………. Page 11

Chapter 5 ………………………. Page 13

Chapter 6………………………. Page 16 

Chapter 7………………………. Page  19 

Chapter 8 ………………………. Page 22

Chapter 9 ………………………. Page 25

Chapter 10………………………. Page 29

Chapter 11………………………. Page 33

Chapter 12………………………. Page 39

Chapter 13………………………. Page 43

Chapter 14………………………. Page 49 

Chapter 15………………………. Page 54

Chapter 16 ………………………. Page  58 

Chapter 17 ………………………. Page 61 

Chapter 18 ………………………. Page 64 

Chapter 19 ………………………. Page 70 

Chapter 20………………………. Page 72 

Chapter 1

It all started when I was fifteen. I was moving back and forth between my mom and my dad, and my little sister was getting sicker by the day. My life seemed so dull ever since we moved in with our mom. Everything had changed, new school, new friends. It's like my life had started over… at least I thought. When I lived with my dad everybody hated me... I only had one friend... I was a loser... I was just so... WORTHLESS.

My little sister is just the cutest thing ever. Last year we found out she had heart cancer. She is on the waiting list for a new heart. She can be called to the hospital at any time now. She has lost most of her hair and she looks like she is dying. I cry myself to sleep every night just wondering if she will be alive when I wake up the in the morning.

It is seven thirty in the morning and mom is dropping us off at school. I feel like I don't wanna go, but I do and when we stepped out of the car, everyone gave us dirty looks... I knew it wasn't going to be good. A redhead with freckles on her face approached me and said, "Hi my name is Olivia, you must be the new girl, Kaitlynn."

I said "Yep that would be me."

"Well, I can show you around to your classes if you want." Olivia said

"That would be great, thanks" I responded. Olivia and I walked down the hall to our homeroom.

As we walked in, the teacher, Mrs. Stewart (A young tall women with blond curly hair) said "Oh, you must be Kaitlynn," and brought me to the front of the classroom.She  said "Class, this is our new student, Kaitlynn". A blond in the back of the room (Paige) coughed and said loser. The teacher said "Paige go to the office."

As Paige walked out of the room she replied "You’re going to get it Kaitlynn." Throughout the day Olivia showed me around.

In 5th period my sister and I were called into the office. My mom was sitting in a chair in the corner of the office she said "We need to go now." She would not tell us why. When we pulled up to the hospital my sister and I knew what was going on. Susan had another stroke (the third one she had this year). She needed a new heart and she needed it now!

Chapter 2

My sister and I didn’t want to walk into the hospital. By the look on Jordain’s face I knew that if she saw our sister laying there in that hospital bed she was going to puke! I remember the first stroke she had. I was home alone while my mom was at work and Jordain was at a friends house. Suzan was in her room playing on the floor, I was checking on her every 10 minutes just to make sure she was okay. Then, I stepped into the bathroom really quick. The next time I checked on her she was laying on the floor shaking. I was so scared, I dialed my mom's number as fast as I could. She didn't answer the phone, so I tried again. That time she answered. I said that Susan was on the floor shaking. My mom could barely hear what I was saying because I was crying but she said that she was on her way. That was the worst day of my life.

The doctor came up to my mom and said that she will have to stay in the hospital until they can get her a new heart and give her surgery. I would stay at the hospital with her every night. My mom would stay during the day while me and Jordain were in school. About three days later they finally found Susan a new heart. The day of her surgery I didn't go to school. The doctor said that she would have to stay for a few more days to make sure that her heart is good and that she is healthy. Susan was a lot better than she was with her old heart.

Today was our last day of school. Olivia came over that night and helped me pack. The next day we all said goodbye to everyone. Around four o'clock we had arrived at our new house. The new house was really big and in the backyard there was a huge swimming pool. That night we stayed up and unpacked everything. It was around two o'clock in the morning when we had finally gone to bed.

Everyone was doing wonderful, Mom got a job, Jordain got tons of new friends, and Susan is speaking more and running around like a little kid. I called Olivia everyday and I facetimed her, like, every single night. I missed my old friends from my school when I was with my dad, who I miss a whole lot.

My dad had came up for two weeks. We went out to supper every night. Jordain and I would sleep at his hotel with him and his girlfriend soon to be wife. When my dad and his girlfriend had to leave to go to Hawaii for his job we went to the Great Escape and spent the whole day together. It was the best day ever!!

When we arrived home it was Jordain's birthday. Our mom had planned a huge birthday party and had invited all of Jordain's friends. As we walked in the door everyone had screamed surprise, Jordain bursted into tears. The tears weren't from being upset, they were happy tears. Jordain was turning seventeen years old. Jordain was a very hyper person and she was always trying to think of the positive things even though there is people who are bullying her. My mom tried doing everything, even telling the school, but it always seemed as though nobody did anything.


Chapter 3

That next morning when we woke up we got a phone call. It was my dad. He had called to tell us that his girlfriend was in the hospital having a little boy. They had named the baby Charles. Three weeks after he was born my dad and his girlfriend had gotten married. They had moved three blocks away from me. Everyday I would go to my father's to play with my little brother and hang out with my dad.

A month later it was my birthday. When I got home from my dad’s, Olivia was sitting on my couch. I was so happy to see my best friend, she was also so happy to see me. She had spent the night that night and we stayed up all night talking about our schools and talking about how much everything has changed with our families. Olivia was so proud to hear that Susan got a new heart and that everyone is doing better. Jordian is not getting bullied anymore. My dad and mom are friends again and everything seems to be going more smoothly. My life is a lot better now that I am sixteen.

Summer is over now and we are going back to school. There’s this new kid in school. He is really cute, his name is Aaron. Aaron was also really funny and cool. At lunch he came over to my table and sat next to me. He asked me to show him around the school. By the end of the day, it was as if we were  best friends.

As I was getting on the bus, I saw a familiar face. It was Olivia. I raced over to her and asked what she was doing here. Olivia moved here and now she goes to my school. Today was the best day ever! My best friend went to my school and I made friends with a hot kid!

I went to my dad's house that day after school and told him everything. He was proud that me and my sisters were doing good. I stayed the night that night. My stepmom had made an amazing supper. It was steak and fries, the steak was so good that it made me feel like I was in heaven. I loved my new stepmom; she was really nice. She let me and my sisters do whatever we wanted. She was really funny and crazy. My mom became good friends with her.

My mom had a new boyfriend. He was pretty cool at first. When he watched us while my mom was at work he yelled at us a lot and he also hit us sometimes. I tried to tell my mom but she didn't believe me, so I called the cops and they saw all the bruises. He was sent to jail for twelve years. We got a restraining order on him so that he couldn't come near me. I was so scared I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to do anything... I was too scared to do anything.

Two weeks later my dad and his wife had got a divorce and my dad had kept my little brother. When they got married all they did for the last two weeks is fight about everything. She is moving to Hawaii and starting a new career on music. She was a really good song writer she wrote them based on her family and her life. I go over to my dad’s everyday after school to help him with Charles. Charles is seven months now, he has gotten really big. Olivia would go to my dad's house with me and my dad asked us if we could babysit after school so that he can go to work. My dad was short on money so my mom would help him out when he needed the help. Once in awhile my dad and Charles would come over for supper. My mom and dad became best friends again, they didn't fight they would laugh all the time.

Three months later my mom and dad were talking. They went out to supper one night and they started to date again. They seemed so happy. Mom loved  like he was hers. I was so happy that my parents were together again and that everyone was happy. It was not that long before it was Suzan birthday. She was going to be turning four. She was so excited that it was going to be her birthday soon. She would count down the days and tell everyone how many more days she had tell her birthday. Everyone seemed so happy.


Chapter 4

Today, was Susan's birthday. She had a princess birthday, she was the main princess. She was doing a lot better. She had millions of friends, she made everyone laugh. My dad and mom would play this game with her called get mommy and daddy. Her friends and her played it almost the whole time. Jordain had carried the cake out, it was a castle cake. Jordain and her friend sang songs and did cool tricks with the kids at the party. That night susan and Charles fell right to sleep, mom and dad were so relieved that they were asleep. Mom fell asleep shortly afterwards, dad came and read me a story then went into his bed and lied down.

That morning Olivia came over and walked to school with me. Jordian rode the bus to school because all of her friends had rode the bus. Suzan got a ride from mom and Charles didn't go to school yet, so he stayed home. When I got to school there was this new kid. His name was Casey, he was really tall, blond hair and blue eyes. Casey was really hot. Olivia and I would not stop talking about him in school. At lunch, Casey was sitting by himself, when Olivia and I saw him sitting by himself we keep saying oh my god this is our chance, so we ran up and sat next to him. We talked and became friends.

That afternoon, I got home and the police were in front of my house and my mom was out front freaking out with charles in her hands. That night my mom had told me what happened that afternoon. It turns out someone robbed our house and took five hundred dollars from us. The cops were looking for the robber, they have been looking the whole night. That night there was someone outside my bedroom window trying to get in, I was so scared. My mom called the cops and when the cops came the guy was gone. But i had saw what the guy had looked like, so I told the cops and they tracked him down and found out that it was my mom's ex that had abuse me. He was sent back to jail after being bailed out that day. He is in jail for life, his bail is fifteen thousand dollars.

Chapter 5

That night I ended up sleeping in my parents room on their floor because I was scared to sleep in my own room because of what had happened that night. The next morning my mom asked if I wanted to stay home and I just said I would try to go to school and if I feel like I need to go home then i would go to the office and let them know. So my mom called the school that morning and explained what is going on and that if i need to go home then have them call her and she will come pick me up. Mom drove me to school this morning and Jordain decided to ride with me and mom instead of ride the bus. When we got to school I went straight to my locker then toy first class.  In the beginning of first period I freaked out so the school called my mom and she. And and pick me up. On the way home we stopped for ice cream and then we went to the ml and she got me some new clothes, shoes, and some jewelry.

When we arrived home, Charles and my dad were on the couch sleeping. I ran right to my room locked the door and cuddle my pillow, tears were pouring down my face. I didn’t know why I was still scared I know he was in jail, but then I had that weird feeling where something wasn’t right. Shortly after, mom knocked on my door. She had brought me milk and cookies and we sat on my bed. I loved my mom she always put me in a good mood. After mom left I decided to take a nap, so I turned on my radio and cuddle my teddy bear my dad gave me when I was younger. The teddy bear had the words “daddy’s little girl” wrote on its stomach, he gave it to shortly after him and my mom split up.

When i woke up it was time for mom to go pick up Susan from school. I ran into the living room hoping to catch mom before she had left. As she was walking out the door I yelled Mom, so she stopped and I asked her if I could go get susan from school with her. When we arrived at the school we had to go and get susan from her classroom. As mom and I walked in Suzan was putting her sweater on. As soon as she saw us she ran up to us and gave us a huge hug. Her teacher walked over and told my mom that susan had been doing really good in school and she was making a lot of new friends.

As we were walking out of the school I got a message on my phone. It was from jordian she asked me to ask mom if she could go pick her up after practice. Jordian played basketball, she was amazing at it. So while we waited for to get out of practice we went to the park behind the school. Susan and I ran straight for the swings, Susan asked me if I could push her on the swings, so I pushed her and then when she got bored we went to the slides. Shortly after Jordain was out of practice so we jumped into the car and went to her school and picked her up from basketball practice. We ran to the store after we had picked her up from school, so that we could get something for supper.

On our way to the store there was a car who was all over the road. Mom tried to get out of the way of the car but they ended up running into us. They hit us so hard that our car's front end had folded up. As the police, ambulance, and the fire trucks had arrived they came running to are car. They had taken us all to the hospital to get checked out, everyone was alright except for my mom who had a broken leg, the rest of us had some bruises and scratches on us. When we got home my dad was so weird why we were gone so long. We explained how there was a drunk driver who was all over the road and as we were driving by he turned on to our side of the road and hit us.

Chapter 6

That morning had us kids stay home from school, because of what had happened to us last night. I slept in until eleven o’clock, Susan was up running around, and Jordain was still sleeping. When I went out into the kitchen to grab something to eat, mom was sitting on the counter staring off in space. She seemed like she was thinking really hard about something.

“Mom” I say to try and get her attention.

“Yes Kaitlynn”

“Do you know what there is to eat?”

“Yeah, we have some sandwich meat in the fridge, and then the bread is in the bread box”. I made a sandwich and went to the living room and watch some TV with susan and dad. I watched TV with them for about an hour then i went outside. While I was outside, a little puppy walked up to me. I looked for a tag or anything but there was nothing, he looked like he has rolled in the mud. I brought him inside and showed him to mom.

“Where did you get that thing young lady?” Mom asked

“I was sitting on the porch and it just walked up to me, nobody was around and it had no tags. I think that it has no home.”

“Well we will keep it here until we find its owner if it has one. Now go take it out back and clean it up with the hose, then bring it in and I will get the little guy something to eat.” I ran out the door and cleaned him up, when I got done I brought him into mom. Mom gave him some leftover meat from last night's dinner.  

“So, what do you wanna call the little guy?” Dad asked me.

“Well, I don't know. Susan, what do you wanna call him?”

“I wanna call him Rasco.” Susan screams of excitement. We went for a walk and looked around for the owner but nobody claimed him so we gave up. We finished walking around town and looking, then went home. Dad asked if we had found the owner when we walked through the door.

“No we didn’t dear.” Mom says. That night Rascal slept in my room cuddled up to me. In the middle of the night he crawled under the blankets with me, he was so cold that he was shivering.

That morning before I went to school I had to walk the dog and give him something to eat. It was seven o’clock when i headed out to school with Jordian. Mom stayed home and watched the puppy for me while i was at school. At school all I wanted to do was be home with Rascal. At lunch I was sitting by myself and a really cute guy who I have been talking to for a little while. His name is Mikey, he was funny, and the best.

“Hey!” He said as he walked over and sat down.


“I have a question for you”


“Will you go out with me?”

“YES!” He sat with me for the rest of lunch and then he walked me to class. He was really funny, he would always make jokes that made me laugh and it's hard to make me laugh. I haven’t been this happy in years. He was the best person in the world.

Chapter 7

That morning when I woke up, my dad was in the kitchen and mom wasn’t home.

“Where is mom?” I asked him

“She ran to the store to get milk. She should be back in a few minutes, would you like something to eat?”

“Ya, what are we having?”

“Sausage, eggs, and bacon with a glass of orange juice if you want.”

“Sounds delicious!!” After I ate I went to my room and got on to Facebook to see if Hunter was on. Which he was…. Thank god because I really wanted to talk to him. We talked for about a hour then he had to go get ready for hunting. I went back downstairs and there mom was sitting on the blue couch near dad.

“Hey guys whatcha’ doin?” I asked them

“We are watching, The fault in our Stars”  

“Can I watch too?”

“Of course you can darling.” mom said in reply. I watched the whole movie, it was a really good movie. After The Fault in our Stars was over I went outside and played with Rasco and Suzan. They were running all over the backyard. Mom and dad decided to keep Rasco because we couldn’t find his owner. He is the world's cutest puppy I have ever seen. I hope that we have him for a long time.

It was seven o’clock in the morning when mom came into my bedroom and woke me up. I got up took a shower, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and then I played with Rasco until it was time to go to school. About fifteen minutes later I had to leave for school, so I walked Suzan to school and dropped her off then I headed to school.

When I got to school Olivia was standing near the flagpole waiting for me with Mikey. I ran up to them and gave the each a hug.

“How was your weekend girly?” Olivia asked me as I gave her a hug.

“It was wonderful, how about you guys?”

“It was okay, I wish that I could have came over.” Olivia said

“My weekend was alright I guess.” Mikey replied. Shortly after I got there we had to head to class. We all had the same first period which was math. Are teachers were really nice, funny, and they did a good job teaching. Today we worked on solving word problems and how to write and equation out of a word problem. About a half hour later the bell had rung, I raced to my class because my social studies teacher didn’t like us being late. If we were late then we would have a detention, and I don’t need to get a detention. My mom would kill me if I ever got a detention.

I had to walk and get Susan on my way home from school. She was waiting by the sign in front of the school, as soon as she saw me come around the corner she ran up to me and gave me a big huge hug. On the way home she was telling me what she did today in school, and how she made a new friend named Makayla.

As soon as we walked in the door, Rascal ran up to us with his tail wagging. I took him into my bedroom with me as I did my homework. After I did my homework, I took Susan and Rascal to the park. Susan had brought a ball with her so that she could play a game with Rascal; she would throw the ball and they would both run after it. We stayed at the park for about an hour, but then they started getting tired so we walked home. When we got home they both went and lied down on the couch and fell asleep. I went up to my room and got out my journal, I wrote in my journal for about an hour, then I went to bed.


Chapter 8

Saturday morning I woke up to Susan yelling “Mommy! Mommy! There’s snow on the ground! There's snow on the ground!” I went over to my window and saw Rasco and Susan outside playing in the snow together. I ran downstairs and got my winter stuff on, and ran out the door to play with Rascal and Susan. Susan was making a snow angel, and Rascal was running around and diving on to the snow when i got out there. “Hey Susan you wanna build a snowman with me?” I asked Suzan.

“Yes!” Susan said. We were outside for about half the day then Susan had gotten cold, so we went inside and got some hot coco. As soon as Rascal got into the house he ran over to dad's feet and begged to get on the couch with him. Dad let him up on the couch, and they were cuddling for about a hour and they fell asleep, mom was in the kitchen cooking lunch, suzan was in her room playing with Charles, jordain was at a friends house,and i was in my room playing on facebook.

Mom went to the store to get something for supper, she took rascal with her. A few minutes later the cops came to my house, my dad answer the door and the cops had told him that my mom has been in a car crash and she didn’t make it. They also said she was on her way to the store she was driving past a tractor trailer truck and the truck swerved into her lane and hit her head on. When the cops had left my dad dropped to the ground in tears.

“Dad what's wrong dad!” I came running out of my room screaming.

“Your mom and Rascal…” He says while he is in tears

“What about my mom and Rascal?”

“There dead.” As soon as he told me I bursted into tears, i went into Susan’s room with susan and Charles.

“What’s wrong sissy?” Susan asked me. I was too upset to answer her back at that moment. After a while dad came into the room and took Susan and set her on his lap and had told her what happen. She started to cry and saying i want mommy.

When jordain came home she saw everyone crying and she asked dad what was going on.

“Your mom, your mom’s dead” dad said in tears

“what how” jordain said with tears running down her face.

“A tractor trailer had hit her head on while she was on her way to the store to get our supper.” Jordain dropped to the ground and bursted into tears. The next day none of us went to school, and dad didn’t go to work, we were all too depressed to do anything, we didn’t even cook supper are hardly eat all we did was cry and cry and cry. It was the worst time of my life.

A few days later, we went to her funeral. Dad hardly talk ever seens mom had passed. When we got there, my grandma and grandpa were into tears, we walked up to them and they wanted to know the whole story on how this happened to her. They were taking this really hard, but who isn’t taking it hard. There was a lot of people at the funeral, people from her work, people from the stores we went to all the time, and there was olivia's family there. As soon as Olivia saw me she ran over to me and gave me a huge hug.

“I am so sorry about your mom kait.” She says while she is crying. I hugged her even tighter and cried on her shoulder. I was so happy that she was my best friend. Life was different without my mom around.

Chapter 9

When I got back to school, Everyone came up to me asking me questions and if i am okay. All of my teachers were giving me a little more freedom than usual, I was able to walk out of the room when i need to and i was able to go to my counselor when i need to talk to her. It was a long day in school with everyone asking me questions. Everyone was treating me different.

“Hey you how are you” Mikey walks up to me and asked me.

“I’m fine, just a upset.” I replied. “I just wish that this didn’t happen to my mom.”

“I know we all think the same thing, she was a very nice lady.”

“She was, wasn’t she.” I replied. Then he walked me to my next class, and gave me a hug before i walked into the classroom.

At the end of the day, Mikey ran over to me and said “do you mind if i walk you home my fine lady?”

“Yes, you can.” I smiled for the first time since my mom died. He was the only one who could make me smile lately. When i got home he gave me a hug and i went into the house and started to head to my room when all of a sudden my dad stopped me.


“Yes daddy” I replied.

“Come here and sit with me we haven’t talked in awhile.”

“Okay, what are you watching?”

“I don’t i haven’t looked at the tv in days.” Shortly after Jordain came home. She went straight to her room, with suzan. I sat and talk to my dad for about a half an hour, then i went into my room and got onto facebook for the first time since my mom had died. My mom's death had brought me and my dad closer than ever. We had talk more often than we did before, we use to hardly ever talk to each other, now we are always talking. I was happy that me and my dad are actually talking know.  I just wish that Jordain and Suzan would talk, they haven’t talked since the day my mom passed.

There were these two kids at my school who would pick on me for crying. There names were Sam and Jon. I tried telling an adult but they didn’t believe me. They wouldn’t leave me alone they were always picking on me and nobody would do anything about it. I would ask myself every day why me why are they doing this. I didn’t tell my dad or Jordain, until one day when i was crying in my room and Jordain came in.

“What's the matter girl?” Jordain asks me.

“Nothing I am fine…?
“You're not fine i am able to tell when there is something bothering you.”

“Ok there is something bothering me it's two kids in school, John and Sam, they're always laughing at me and picking on me.  

“Why don’t you tell an adult?”

“I tried but they didn’t believe me, they just laughed and said honey don’t be lieing about thing like that.”

“What teacher did you tell?”

“Ms. Briggs”
“Oh! Well she is not a good teacher you should trying going to a different teacher that is more trustworthy.”

“Like who?”

“You should go to Mr. Ringquist, he's my favorite teacher and he is very trustworthy.” I just walked over to here and gave her a huge.

“Thank you Jordain your the best sister ever.” She stayed in my room with me and hung out with me until dad yelled to us for supper. We ran down the stairs to the kitchen table.

“What’s for supper daddy?” Susan said

“We're having spaghetti and meatballs.”

“YUMMY!!!!!!!” all three of us girls said at the same time. Shortly after dad brought the food to the table and sat it right in the middle. We made our plates and ate our food while talking about our days and what's going on in school lately.

“How is school going Kait?”

“Good” I had to lie because I didn’t want him to the truth, Jordain was about to say something but then she stop and realized I lied for a reason.

“ How about you Jordain”

“Good, except I hate my study hall teacher, but what’s new I've always hated her.”

“and you susan?”

“Good daddy! I made a new friends today.”

“Oh ya what there name?”

“Her name is Hayley and there is Shyane.”

“Well they sound like they're really nice.” Dad says.  About a half an hour we went up to our rooms and went to bed.


Chapter 10

That next morning, I woke up, ran over to my closet and get out the cutest outfit, then ran into the bathroom, and took a shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, and did my makeup. I had extra time in the morning so I went into the kitchen with suzan and jordain and got me some breakfast. Then we talked for awhile, shortly after it was time for me to go. I ran into my room throw my coat on and grabbed my backpack, then I ran downstairs and out the door.  

On my way to school, John and Sam were walking on the other side of the road. When I saw them i just kept walking I didn’t look at the other side of the road tell I knew that they were way passed me, I was hoping they didn’t seem me. As they were walking by I speed up a little. When I finally made it far enough away from them i returned to walking my normal pass to school.

When I arrived at school, Mikey had met me at the front door, he walked me to my locker and stayed there with me until the bell rang for our first class. Then, he walked me to my math class and gave me a hug, and then he rushed to his class.

“Hello students!” Mr. C said in a really happy voice.

“Hello Mr. C.” The whole class said at the same time.

“Today is the first day of break! How about we go around the room and say one thing that you are going to do during break. Kaitlynn you start us off.”

“Umm… I am going to hang out in my room like i always do.” I said so quiet that nobody could really hear me. After the dismissal bell rang, I ran to my locker and out the door I had to pick up Suzan from school today.”

As I arrived at Suzan’s school she ran up to me with two really pretty little girls about her age.

“Who are these two?”

“This is shyane.” She said pointing to a little girl with black hair. “And this one is hayley.”

“Oh well hello girls!!”

“Hi!!!!” They both said at the same time.

“Daddy said they could come over today after school.”
“Ok, well are yall ready to go?”

“Yes!” They all said one after another. We took the long way home, so that we could stop by the store and grab something to drink. When we arrive home, dad and jordain are sitting at the kitchen table, talking about important stuff. susan, Shyane, and Hayley all ran into the bedroom.

“Hey guys.” I say to them as I walk into the kitchen, to grab something to snack on.

“Hey sweetie”  Dad said as he walked to the fridge

“Hey, How was school?” Jordain asks me.

“It was good, I guess, how ‘bout you?”

“Same, had a test today, and hows Olivia been, she hasn’t been over in a while. Oh and your little boy toy.” She says while giggling.

“Good, and good.” I reply. “Oh, and Olivia hasn’t been over in a while because she has been busy helping her dad out with his work.”

“Oh, well tell her i said Hi”

“Ok I will.” I reply as I walk over to the table to take a seat next to my dad and jordain. Shortly after we were sitting at the table talking, Suzan walked into the kitchen with Shyane and Hayley.

“Hey daddy were hungry.” Susan says to are dad.  

“Well what do you want?”


“Three pb&j sandwiches coming right up.”  So dad walked over to the counter and laid out the stuff for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. After he got done the girls ate their sandwiches, then went back into the room and played for awhile. Then it was time for Shayne and Hayley to head home.  Shortly after they went home we ate dinner and everyone went to bed, except for me I stayed up for a while playing on facebook, then I wrote for awhile in my journal about how much i miss mom. Everyone missed mom, she was a wonderful person, she was nice to everyone, and she was definitely the best mom in the whole world, I miss her more than anything in the world… I wish that she was still here today.

The next morning, when my dad came into my room to wake me up, I was sitting in my window sill watching the cars go by. “Hey sweetie” dad says “it’s time for you to get ready for school.” When he leaves the room I sit in my window a little longer, than I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I went downstairs to my dad sitting at the table with Suzan. I walked over to the counter and made myself a bowl of cereal before I left to head to school.  When I arrived at school, Mikey was waiting by the flagpole with Olivia.

“Hey girly!!” Olivia says while running up to me.

“Hey!” I replied to her

“Hey you…” Mikey says while smiling and walking to me to give me a hug.

“Hey!” I say while giving him a hug. “Are you guys glad it's the last day of school?”

“Heck yea!!” Olivia says as we walk into the school.

Chapter 11

It's the last five minutes of school everyone keeps looking at the clock… as soon as the bell ring everyone rushes out the door and runs to their locker. There were a bunch of people screaming, people ran onto the busses as fast as they can. When the bus stops at my house… I run off the bus to the house and into the kitchen, where my dad and jordian were sitting.

“Hey guys!” I say as I run into the kitchen.

“Hey sweetie.” Dad says to me. “How was your last day of school?”

“It was amazing!!” I say. “We didn’t have to learn anything we just had fun in all the classes, we got to draw all over the chalk boards in our classes.

“Well that sounds really fun sweetie.” Dad says as he walks into the living room and makes himself and comfortable spot on the couch in front of the TV. I walk into my room and run over to the computer and get onto facebook for the first time since mom died, when I open my computer and I saw a note from mom… with a picture of me and her, when I was a baby. When I saw the picture I bursted into tears. Jordain comes into the room and sits down on the bed next to me.

“Hey baby sis what's wrong?” Jordain says while she reaches her hand around my shoulder giving me a hug.

“I miss mom…” I say as I lifted the picture off from the bed and showed jordain.

“I think we all miss her.” Jordain says. “But just remember that god only takes the that he believes are ready to join him in heaven.”

“But what if he was wrong? What if mom wasn’t ready? What if?”

“He’s never wrong… and if mom wasn’t ready than he had a good reason to take her from us.”  Jordain says as she walks to the door. “Hey why don’t you get ready for supper dad is almost done cooking.” She leaves the room. I sat on my bed looking at the photo for a few more minutes, then I went downstairs to join everyone for supper.

“Hey sissy.” Susan says to me as I sat down at the table.

“Hey little one, how was your last day of school?”  I say in reply

“It was good!” Susan says as she reaches out for the first piece of food. For most of supper we all sat in complete silence, we would have small conversations here and there. After supper we all went our separate ways, I went into the living room to watch some TV, Dad went outside to the garage, Susan and Jordain went to there rooms.

Shortly after we went to bed, the was a loud noise coming for susan’s room… we all ran into the room and saw suzan’s window broken and she was missing… there was no trace of anyone there. Dad ran downstairs and grabbed the gun just in cases.

“Kaitlynn!!” He screams as he is running down the stairs. “Call the cops.” I ran to the nearest phone and called the cops. “Jordain ran next door and see if they seen anything.” As soon as dad says that she runs out the door and to the neighbors house.  A few minutes later the cops showed up at the house.

“Hello sir.” They say as they walk up to my dad. “So what is happening here?”

“We were all going to bed, then we heard a loud noise coming from my daughter's room and the window was smashed and she was missing.” Dad says as he is in tears, and freaking out. “Please find out who took and where my daughter is.”

“Calm down sir, we will find you daughter.” The police officer says. “We just need the most recent picture of her, and I need to know what she was wearing last..”

“Okay officer, well here the most recent picture I have of her, and last I knew she was wearing her monkey pajamas, they have monkeys all over them.”

“How old is your daughter sir?”

“She is four years old, please find her as soon as possible, and please keep me updated on what you find.”

“Okay sir thank you and as soon as we find something out about hr we will give you a call.”

“Okay thank you sir, I really appreciate it.” Dad said as the cop gets into his car and they head out to look for suzan. We started down the until they were no longer in site, then we went inside. None of us went to our rooms we all stayed by the phone waiting and waiting for it to ring saying that they found her and they were in their way with here. We sat there for about five minutes than we went into the living room and sat on the couch. A few minutes of silence the phone rang, as soon as we heard the phone ring we darted over to the phone and picked it up.

“Hello.” My dad says as he put the phone up to his ear.

“I know were your daughter is…. shes with me and if you want her back you have to follow these steps and do as I stay when i say it….”  Before my dad could say anything the line went dead. My dad called the cops as soon as possible. He told the cops about the phone call, the cops told him that they will come over and trace the number. When they arrived I went into my room, but i heard what they were talking about. When they went to track the number they tracked it to a phone booth two blocks away from the house. They sent cops down that way, and when they did there was no sign of any one, they asked around and everyone said they didn’t see anything suspicious going on. When the cops came back they stayed for a little while. About five minutes later the phone rang, the cops told us to pick it up and to put it on speaker phone.

“Hello..” Dad said

“Your daughter is missing you… she's a very pretty child… if you want her follow my directions… go to the county store, near the bakery…” The phone was slammed down in my dad ears.  The cops and my dad went to the country store, and there was nobody there but the baker… we showed him a picture of susan.

“Have you seen her here tonight?” The officer asked the baker.

“Yeah she was just here with a tall man, he ordered some food.” The baker said.

“Did you get a name or last name or a description of the man?

“Yeah his last name was West, he was a tall man with short brown hair, he was wearing a brown carhartt jacket, and the little girl was wearing little monkey pajamas.” I instantly knew who the man was.

“Daddy…” I say.

“Yes sweetie.”  My dad replied

“I know who the man is… its susan’s real dad, Danny West.”

“Do you know where he lives or anything about his family and where they live?” The officers job in.

“Yes, he doesn’t live too far from here. I can show you where he lives.” So we leave the store and I show them where Danny lives. Danny was at his house and so was Susan… When the cops brought her out of the house, my dad ran up to her and picked her up and he started to cry. I was so happy that we found Susan. This night was the scariest night of my life.

Chapter 12

The next day, we decided to go out to the Golden Corral, and the Fun Spot. We use to go there all the time with mom and this is the first time ever going since mom had died. When we arrived at the Golden Corral we all kinda just stood there staring at the building. A few minutes of just standing there we finally walked into the restaurant. We went and sat at the table we use to sit at with mom, when the waitress came over, she knew who we were from when we came here with mom.

“Hey guys, I am soo sorry about your lost. I am so happy that you came back, for a while I thought that you guys would never come back.” She said as she stopped at our table.

“We thought the same thing, and thank you.” Dad said. We ordered our drinks than we went and got our food. When we came back there was a picture of mom on the table and a the seat she use to sit on had writing on it says RIP Kimberly. Our waitress walked over and smiled “This table is dedicated to her.”

“Thank you.” My dad said tearing up. “ I really appreciate this and I am sure she does to.”

“your welcome sir, and don’t mind paying I have that all under control.”  The waitress says to my dad as she walks to the other table to clean off the table. We were at the restaurant for about an hour, then we left and headed to the Fun Spot. When we arrived at the Fun spot, we walked in and got skates and dad went to schedule a time for us to play laser tag. We were roller skating until it was time to play laser tag. After we got done playing laser tag we went back home, and watched TV together as a family, which we haven’t done in a long time. Tonight was a really good night… I feel that it brought the family together more than it's been since mom passed.

The next day, dad woke us up for breakfast he made breakfast for us like mom use to, he made sausage, eggs, and bacon.  We all sat together we laughed and joked around like we use to back when I was a little kid. After breakfast dad left for work, and Jordain, Susan, and I watched TV together.

“Hey sissy?” Susan said.

“Yeah Susan.”

“Can we go to the park please?”

“That's up to Jordain, she is the one who is watching us, so ask her.”

“Hey Jordain, can we go to the park?”

“After lunch.”

“Okay.” So we watched some more Tv until noonish, than Jordain made some lunch, then we went to the park. While we were at the park, Jon and Sam were there and they came up to me and started laughing at me because I was acting like a little kid when I was playing with Suzan. They kept laughing until Jordian notice them harassing and laughing at me.

“Kaitlynn! Can you come here for a minute.” Jordian yelled to me to get them away from me. So I ran over to her and she took me over to the bench and sat down with me for a little while. We talked until Suzan decided she wanted to go home. When we arrived home dad was home, he was making something for him to eat because he hasn’t ate all day. I went into my room and got on to facebook for a little while. Mikey was online while I was at the park he left me a message… Hey Kaitlyn, I am sorry but I feel like we should see other people. As soon as I saw the message I instantly started to cry. Jordain walked by my room and knocked on the door.

“Hey, are you okay in there.”  She says as she knocks on the door. “Can I come in.”

“Yeah, you can come in.” I say why i’m in tears. As i finished my sentence she comes in the door.

“Hey why are you crying?” She asked me as she sits down next to me on the bed.

“Mikey broke up with me.”  Jordain reaches over and gives me a hug.

“Well he did something insanely stupid to break up with such and amazing person like you, it's his loss sis.”

“Thanks Jordain.” I say as I give her a hug. We sat there talking for about an hour then, Jordain left to do her homework. When she left I jumped on facebook and texted Olivia…. Hey Olivia :( guess what… he broke up with me. She wasn’t on so I just left the message so that she can see it then I got off facebook and went downstairs to get something to eat. When I got downstairs I overheard dad talking on the phone… it sounded like he was talking to a girl about going on a date, I went and told Jordain and she came down and listen to the to the conversation, she thought the same thing as me. We ran to our room and talked about it and how much it would suck if he was seeing someone else… we didn’t want dad to be with anyone the only person we wanted was mom…


Chapter 13

The next day, I woke up before everyone else, so I went downstairs and made some breakfast for everyone. After I got done making breakfast I ran through the house waking everyone up, then they came out of there rooms one at a time. Then they went downstair to the amazing smell of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes. They all sat down on at the table and ate breakfast, and laughed like crazy because they were talking about crazy things that we did that and all the good times that we had together. It was an amazing breakfast, the best we had in forever.   

That afternoon, we went to the mall to go shopping! We use to go to the mall everyday with mom. When we arrived at the mall, Jordain and I ran straight to claire's, and Dad went to Kmart with susan and Charles. About an hour later, we all meet up at the food court to grab something for lunch.

“What would you guys like to eat?” Dad asked us.

“I don’t know taco bell sounds really good right now.” I replied

“What do you two think.” Asked Dad

“Sounds good to me.” Jordian says as she starts walking over to the line.

“Yea! Taco Bell!!!!” Susan practically yells. So we walked over to Taco bell and order our food, after we got done eating we went to one more store just to look around. By the time we got done at the mall, it was five o’clock. We decided to grab Mcdonalds for supper, because nobody felt like cooking. When we got home we all went our separate ways. I went into my room and laid on my bed a read my book, as I was reading susan and Charles we running in and out of my room playing tag or something like tag.  

"Hey sissy do you wanna play?" Charles asked in a childish voice.

‘Not right now buddy, maybe in a little but.”

“Okay sissy.” He says as he runs away from Susan. They played for about five minutes then they got tired. They laid down and within ten minutes they both were asleep.  They looked so cute curled up in there beds. I went into my room and got onto facebook, when I was on facebook i saw a message from Olivia… it said hey Kait, when you get this message call me I need to talk to you. I grabbed the phone and dialed her number, the phone rang and rang and rang. I hung up the phone then called back and all it did was ring again. I went into Jordain’s room.

“Hey, Jordain i think there is something wrong with Olivia she told me to call her and i called her twice and all the phone does is ring and ring.”

“Well do you wanna go to her house and see if she's okay?” Jordain asked me as she walked over to me to give me a hug.  

“Yes, but how will we get there dad’s not home?”

“We can walk there it should take that long, let's go get the babies ready to go and we will walk.”

“Okay.” I say as we walk out of the room, when we get into the room we got them dressed, then we put them in their strollers and headed out the door. When we finally made it to Olivia’s house… there was an ambulance sitting in front of the house.  I ran to the front door, and Olivia was standing in the doorway with her mom. They both had tears running down their faces.

“Oh my god what happened?” I ask as I give Olivia a hug.

“My dad and uncle got into it today at supper…. and he stab my dad…” When she told me what had happened she started crying even worse… i even started to cry myself. The man that drove the ambulance came up to them.

“What one would like to ride in the ambulance?” he asked.

“Mom you go and head i’ll go over to Kait’s.” She says as tears fall down her face.

“Are you sure honey?” Her mom said as she reaches over and gives her a hug.

“Yes mom go just call me and let me know what's going on.”

“Okay hunny, i will.” Her mom says as she walks over to the ambulance, as she walks into the back of the ambulance she waves goodbye to us. As the ambulance pulls away we start walking back to the house. When we get to the house dad is sitting at the table.

“Where have you guys been?” He asked us in a concerned tone of voice.

“We went to Olivia's, there was something wrong and i wanted to go see what was going on… she came home with us, her mom went to the hospital with her dad.”  I replied

“What happened?”

“Liv’s uncle and her dad got into a fight and her uncle stabbed her dad.”

“Oh my! I hope that he’s going to be okay.”

“We all do dad.” Dad reaches over and gives Liv a hug. Me and Liv went into my bedroom, Liv was crying. She cried for most of the night until like three in the morning. The only reason that she ended up falling asleep was because she fell asleep while she was crying. Shortly after she fell asleep i fell asleep. I woke up around six thirtyish, she was still asleep. Liv slept in until like noonish. When she woke up she looked at her phone to see if she got a phone call from her mom.  When she checked her voicemail she had one from her mom which said…. Hey sweetie it’s mom, your dad is in a lot of pain… The doctors said that he has to be in the hospital for a while…. call me when you get this message, if I don’t answer when you call I’ll call you back as soon as possible… I love you and if anything happens to dad i’ll call you as soon as I get a chance and let you know. As soon as the message ends she gets up and goes to the bathroom and calls her mom. By the time she gets out of the bathroom I was downstairs getting something to eat, when she walked into the kitchen she looked depressed.

“Hey Liv, did you get ahold of your mom?” I asked as she sits down at the table.

“Yeah, my dad is getting surgery today and might be in the hospital for awhile so she was wondering if i can stay with you until he gets out.”

“I don't think my dad would mind, when he gets home from work i’ll talk to him about it.”

“Ok…. so what you making?”

“I don’t know yet what do you want?”

“can we have have sandwiches?”

“Yes, what kind pb&j, ham, or turkey?”

“Umm…. ham please and thank you.” I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out the ham and made two ham sandwiches, one for me and one for her. Then we went out to the backyard and ate our sandwiches and talked about the drama in our school. Liv and I ended up staying outside until it was dark out and we had to go inside. When we went inside and ate dinner. After dinner we watched a little Tv with Susan, Charles, and dad. About an hour later we all went to our rooms, and went to bed.


Chapter 14

The next day, I woke up before everyone else, so I went downstairs and made some breakfast for everyone. After I got done making breakfast I ran through the house waking everyone up, then they came out of there rooms one at a time. Then they went downstair to the amazing smell of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes. They all sat down on at the table and ate breakfast, and laughed like crazy because they were talking about crazy things that we did that and all the good times that we had together. It was an amazing breakfast, the best we had in forever.   

That afternoon, we went to the mall to go shopping! We use to go to the mall everyday with mom. When we arrived at the mall, Jordain and I ran straight to claire's, and Dad went to Kmart with susan and Charles. About an hour later, we all meet up at the food court to grab something for lunch.

“What would you guys like to eat?” Dad asked us.

“I don’t know taco bell sounds really good right now.” I replied

“What do you two think.” Asked Dad

“Sounds good to me.” Jordian says as she starts walking over to the line.

“Yea! Taco Bell!!!!” Susan practically yells. So we walked over to Taco bell and order our food, after we got done eating we went to one more store just to look around. By the time we got done at the mall, it was five o’clock. We decided to grab Mcdonalds for supper, because nobody felt like cooking. When we got home we all went our separate ways. I went into my room and laid on my bed a read my book, as I was reading susan and Charles we running in and out of my room playing tag or something like tag.  

"Hey sissy do you wanna play?" Charles asked in a childish voice.

‘Not right now buddy, maybe in a little but.”

“Okay sissy.” He says as he runs away from Susan. They played for about five minutes then they got tired. They laid down and within ten minutes they both were asleep.  They looked so cute curled up in there beds. I went into my room and got onto facebook, when I was on facebook i saw a message from Olivia… it said hey Kait, when you get this message call me I need to talk to you. I grabbed the phone and dialed her number, the phone rang and rang and rang. I hung up the phone then called back and all it did was ring again. I went into Jordain’s room.

“Hey, Jordain i think there is something wrong with Olivia she told me to call her and i called her twice and all the phone does is ring and ring.”

“Well do you wanna go to her house and see if she's okay?” Jordain asked me as she walked over to me to give me a hug.  

“Yes, but how will we get there dad’s not home?”

“We can walk there it should take that long, let's go get the babies ready to go and we will walk.”

“Okay.” I say as we walk out of the room, when we get into the room we got them dressed, then we put them in their strollers and headed out the door. When we finally made it to Olivia’s house… there was an ambulance sitting in front of the house.  I ran to the front door, and Olivia was standing in the doorway with her mom. They both had tears running down their faces.

“Oh my god what happened?” I ask as I give Olivia a hug.

“My dad and uncle got into it today at supper…. and he stab my dad…” When she told me what had happened she started crying even worse… i even started to cry myself. The man that drove the ambulance came up to them.

“What one would like to ride in the ambulance?” he asked.

“Mom you go and head i’ll go over to Kait’s.” She says as tears fall down her face.

“Are you sure honey?” Her mom said as she reaches over and gives her a hug.

“Yes mom go just call me and let me know what's going on.”

“Okay hunny, i will.” Her mom says as she walks over to the ambulance, as she walks into the back of the ambulance she waves goodbye to us. As the ambulance pulls away we start walking back to the house. When we get to the house dad is sitting at the table.

“Where have you guys been?” He asked us in a concerned tone of voice.

“We went to Olivia's, there was something wrong and i wanted to go see what was going on… she came home with us, her mom went to the hospital with her dad.”  I replied

“What happened?”

“Liv’s uncle and her dad got into a fight and her uncle stabbed her dad.”

“Oh my! I hope that he’s going to be okay.”

“We all do dad.” Dad reaches over and gives Liv a hug. Me and Liv went into my bedroom, Liv was crying. She cried for most of the night until like three in the morning. The only reason that she ended up falling asleep was because she fell asleep while she was crying. Shortly after she fell asleep i fell asleep. I woke up around six thirtyish, she was still asleep. Liv slept in until like noonish. When she woke up she looked at her phone to see if she got a phone call from her mom.  When she checked her voicemail she had one from her mom which said…. Hey sweetie it’s mom, your dad is in a lot of pain… The doctors said that he has to be in the hospital for a while…. call me when you get this message, if I don’t answer when you call I’ll call you back as soon as possible… I love you and if anything happens to dad i’ll call you as soon as I get a chance and let you know. As soon as the message ends she gets up and goes to the bathroom and calls her mom. By the time she gets out of the bathroom I was downstairs getting something to eat, when she walked into the kitchen she looked depressed.

“Hey Liv, did you get ahold of your mom?” I asked as she sits down at the table.

“Yeah, my dad is getting surgery today and might be in the hospital for awhile so she was wondering if i can stay with you until he gets out.”

“I don't think my dad would mind, when he gets home from work i’ll talk to him about it.”

“Ok…. so what you making?”

“I don’t know yet what do you want?”

“can we have have sandwiches?”

“Yes, what kind pb&j, ham, or turkey?”

“Umm…. ham please and thank you.” I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out the ham and made two ham sandwiches, one for me and one for her. Then we went out to the backyard and ate our sandwiches and talked about the drama in our school. Liv and I ended up staying outside until it was dark out and we had to go inside. When we went inside and ate dinner. After dinner we watched a little Tv with Susan, Charles, and dad. About an hour later we all went to our rooms, and went to bed.

Chapter 15

It seems as if Liv and her mom are moving in, they have been staying

at our house for about a month now, and i’m starting to think that there is something going on in between dad and Kelly. That day dad had to work so it was just Kelly and us kids home. Kelly played a game with charles and susan for awhile, while me and Liv watched Tv and talked about how we thought our parents were going to end up going out. About an hour later Kelly had made us all something to eat for lunch.

“Kids lunch is done!” She screamed from in the kitchen. As soon as we heard that lunch was done we all ran over to the kitchen table and sat down. Kelly brought over our lunch and we all sat and talked and ate our lunch. When lunch was done Charles and susan ran into the living room and dug out their toys and started playing. Liv and I stayed back to talk to Kelly.
“Hey mama so you and Kaits dad huh.” she said in a joking tone.

“I don’t know yet maybe, he seems like a nice guy and he seems to get along with you and I really like him… I think he might be a good guy Liv, I really do.”

“Oh my god really mom! That would be so cool if you guys got together.”

“Yeah it would.” I said

“It would be cool wouldn’t it.” She said as dad walked in.

“What would be cool.” Dad asked

“Oh nothing.” Kelly says

“If you too went out!!!” Liv screamed.

“Liv!!!” I yelled. “You weren’t suppose to say anything.”

“Oops” she said as we ran into the living room. Were we clicked the Tv on. We didn’t turn the Tv up to loud because we wanted to hear what they were talking about in the kitchen.

“Sorry about the girls, they got this crazy idea of us hooking up.” Kelly said.

“Well I don’t think that it’s crazy at all, you're a very attractive women, the kids seem to love you and you have a wonderful personality.” Dad says as he leans in to kiss her. They kissed! Liv and I looked at each other and got a huge smile on our face. We ran into my room and jumped up and down saying “Oh my god i can’t believe they kissed!!!” It was so perfect our parents are hooking up. That night us girls slept in my room and Kelly slept in dads room. The next day, Liv and I woke up before dad left for work. We went out to the kitchen where dad and Kelly were drinking a cup of coffee. When it was time for dad to leave, dad gave Kelly a kiss and told her that he loved her. It was so perfect, my best friends mom and my dad dating. After dad left Liv and I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey girls.” Kelly said as she hugged each of us.
“Hey mom!” We both say at the same time.

“What do you guys want for breakfast?”

“Cereal would be fine.” I said

“Same here.” Liv said

“Alrighty then two bowls of cereal coming up.” She said as she walked over to the counter to make cereal. When she got done making cereal for Liv and I she sat down at the table with us. We sat there and talked for a little while before we went out to the living room to watch some Tv. We watched Tv for about an hour, then charles and susan came out of there room and wanted to go for a walk. So we went for a walk to the playground behind the grade school. The little kids ran around playing while we just sat on the swings. We hung out at the playground until it was time to start heading back home because dad was going to be home soon. We got home a few minutes before dad, when dad showed up we were all in the living room watching a movie together.

“Well hello guys.” Dad says as he walked into the living room giving us each hugs and sitting down next to Kelly.

“Hey dad.” we all said except Kelly who said “hey hun.”

“Where's the popcorn at?” Dad joked.
“We haven’t made any but that's a good idea let me go make some.” i said as i jumped up and ran into the kitchen and made some popcorn. By the time the movie was done, we all went to bed. The next day dad didn’t have to work so we went to Liv’s house and grabbed all of their stuff that they wanted and brought them to our house were they moved in.

After we got done moving them in, we made something to eat and we took the food out back and had a little picnic out back. We ate our lunch then we all hung out side for the rest of the day. We were played some kickball, and tag. When it started getting dark Kelly ran to the store and got some stuff for s'mores, while she was gone we made a fire and put the tent so that way we could camp outside for the night. When Kelly arrived with the s’more stuff, we lit up the fire and made s’mores, we ate all of the stuff to make s’mores. After we got done having s’mores, we told stories around the fire. After awhile of telling stories charles and susan started to get tired, so they went into the tent and went to bed. Shortly after they went to bed, everybody went into the tent and went to bed. The next day, we all woke up really early, so we made breakfast and ate. Then dad left for work and Kelly and us kids all hung out and did outdoor stuff.

Chapter 16

It was the last day of summer, which meant we had school tomorrow and we were now sophomores. I’m kinda nervous for the first day of school, but at the same time I can’t wait for it to come. That day all we did was get ready for the first day of school. We got our bags and our clothes together.

The next day, we woke up for school. We all got ready, when we were all ready to go Kelly drove us to school, we dropped susan and charles off, then she dropped Liv and I off, when we go to school we saw Jordain sitting by her car waiting for us. As soon as she saw as she ran over to us and hugged us both(she hasn’t been around since mom's death but she knew what was going on because i would keep her in touch over facebook.)

“I missed you girls so much.” She said as she lets us go from her hug.

“We missed you too.” I said as we walked toward the school to head to homeroom. When we arrived at homeroom, the students looked at as…. it was kinda weird because all the students came up one by one giving us hugs, saying i'm sorry Liv and congrats to us both. As soon as they said that we knew what they were talking about, they were talking about what had happened that summer with Liv’s dad and are parent hooking up.

We had other students coming up to us throughout the day. When the  day was finally over Liv and I ran to our lockers and grabbed our backpacks and ran outside to the car. When we got into the car Kelly was smiling at us.

“How about we go get us some ice cream, hows that sound kiddos?” She asked in a cheerful voice.

“That sounds great!” I said

“Yeah, let's do it.” Liv said

“How about you to little ones in the back what do you say?” She asked charles and susan who were sitting in the way back of the car.

“Yes.” They both said. So after we left the school yard and drove to the ice cream shop, we got our ice cream, then we went over to the tables and sat at the tables for a while. After about forty five minutes of sitting and talking we decided it was time to head home, and start supper. When we got home we all ran into the house, Susan and Charles ran into her bedroom to play with there toys, and Liv and I went to the kitchen with Kelly, to help make dinner. We made steak, potatoes, and corn on the cob, which was my favorite meal ever. By the time that dinner was almost done, dad had arrived at home. When he came in the house he took his coat off and set his bag near the door.

“What is that wonderful smell?” Dad says as he makes his way into the kitchen.

“That would be the dinner that the girls and i cooked.” Kelly said back as she finishes up the steak and potatoes with Liv, while they are doing that I go make the table.

“Dinners done!” Kelly and Liv scream at the same time. Susan and Charles came running out of there room to the table. When everyone was sitting at the table we made our plates. Throughout dinner we laughed and talked. After dinner we watched a movie before bed. When the movie was done everyone went to bed except for Liv and I, we went into our bedroom and went on facebook. We stayed up until one in the morning.

Chapter 17

The next day in school, Liv and I decided to skip class. We skipped are third period class because we really didn’t want to go. We hung out in the hallway that none of the teachers go down. When the bell rang for fourth period we went straight to our fourth period class, which was spanish. While we were in spanish are vice principal came in and took us out of class. We ended up having to sit in ISS for the rest of the day. When we got home after school are parents we mad at us, they yelled at us and we ended up getting grounded for a week.

We went into are room and locked the door, were the parents can’t get in. We still had our laptops so we got onto facebook. We played on facebook for about an hour then our parents left and we went out to the kitchen and got some food. We made ourselves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, when we got done making our sandwiches we went back into the bedroom.

When the parents got home, they yelled to us for dinner. We went out to the kitchen for dinner, we were having grinders that night. I helped cut up vegetables for the grinders. When we finished cutting up all the vegetables we made our sandwiches. After we got done eating Liv and I had to go back to our room. When we got into are room we laid down in our bed and fell asleep.

The next morning when we got dropped of at school, we went into the lobby where we hung out until it was time to go to class. Are vice principal walked by us and said “hey ladies when the bell rings i would like to see you in the office.” So when the bell rang we went into the office so he could talk to us, we ended up having to stay in ISS again. But we didn't care because we would rather go to ISS then class.

That day when we got home we had to go to New York for my cousin’s birthday party, she was turning one years old. We had sat in the car for about an hour and a half until we finally made it to there house. We got out of the car and went inside, we had to stay the night that night because the party was tomorrow. So us kids slept out in the tent, while the parents slept in the car.  

By the time we got done setting up the tent it was time for dinner, so we went into the house and ate our dinner. After dinner us kids went back outside and hung out and played games for awhile. Then charles and susan started to become tired so we brought them to the tent and laid them on their mattress. After they fell asleep we went back outside of the tent and we hung out and played some horseshoes, until we felt tired. Liv and I crawled into the tent and laid down on our mattress and talked until we fell asleep.

The next morning when we woke up, we went outside of the tent. The parents were sitting outside the house with my uncle talking, so Liv and I took Susan and Charles over to the horses. We played with the horses until the parents called us to the house for breakfast. We ran over to the house and went inside and had some cereal. After all of us kids were done eating we went back outside to the horse while the adults stayed in the house and got ready for the party.

It was around one o’clock when the party had started. There was a bunch of little kids running around the yard yelling and screaming, until it came time for cake and ice cream. We all sang happy birthday then had some cake and ice cream. After everyone was done eating it was time for the presents to be opened. After all of the presents were opened the little kids went back to yelling and screaming. Liv and I went out back to the horses, we sat out back with the horses until the party was over. When the party was over we went and helped the adults clean up. We ended up staying at my uncle’s house again that night.


Chapter 18

When we finally returned home Liv and I took off to thh our friends from school and we can shoot hoops. When we got to the park there was a lot of little kids and no that many high schools so we went over to the courts were all the high schoolers were. We all hung out and made jokes and played some basketball. I got to hang out with the hottest kid in our class.

“Hey girl. I think he might like you.” Liv said as we were walking away from the courts.

“Who? Kyle?” I asked out of confusion.


“There is no way that is even possible he is hot and i'm ugly and

he's umm cool and i’m a loser there is no way that it is even possible for him to like me.”  

“You wanna bet i’ll go back and ask him.”

“Do it, I bet he’ll say no.”

“I don’t think he will.” she says as she turns around to walk over to

the courts to ask him.  “Hey Kyle!”

“Yeah?” He says back

“I was just wondering if you like my friend Kaitlynn.”

“Yeah i do, she’s funny, gorgeous and i wish i could call her mine.”

“Oh my god really, you should like totally ask her out.”

“you think?”

“yeah i do.”

“Alright i’ll ask her out tomorrow during lunch. Don’t tell her though i want to surprise her.”

“Okay, i won’t tell her. well i better get going. see ya” she says as she walks away. When she arrives to where i was sitting she had a huge smile on her face.

“What did he say!” I jumped up asking.

“I can’t tell you. you're going to have to wait and find out.” She said

“ugh ok.” I said as we started walking back to the house. The walk back home was kinda quiet, we didn't talk that much. We were to busy running to the house for supper. When we arrived to the house, supper was done and everybody was sitting at the table ready to eat. We took off our coats and shoes and walked over to the table and sat down. We talked but it was only small talk. After supper we all kinda went our separate ways. I went into the bedroom, Liv watched Tv and the little ones went to there rooms while the parents stayed in the kitchen to clean up dinner.  

I went into my room and jumped onto facebook, to see if Kyle was online. It turned out he wasn’t online so I just talked to some of my other friends that I haven’t talked to in a while. Shortly after Liv came in the room.

“Hey Liv.”

“Hey what you doin?”  

“Nothing much just messing around on facebook like always.” I said as i closed the computer and walked over to the desk to grab a paper and pencil, when i opened the draw I saw a picture of me and my mom. I  grab the picture and stared at it until  Liv said something.

“Hey you alright there girly?”

“Yeah nn fine, I  just found this picture of my mom and me when i was little.”

“Awe can I see it?”

“Yeah go ahead.” I say as i hand her the picture.

“Awe, I love this picture why don’t you stick it up on your desk?”

“I think i just might.” I take the picture and stick it on my desk. I walked over to the bed to go to bed. I couldn’t fall asleep, so I tried reading a book, by the time I started dozing of it was three in the morning, and dad was leaving for work. It seemed like i was asleep for five minutes when I woke up to a loud bang outside the house. I jumped up and ran over to my bedroom window to see what the noise was, when I looked out the window there was nothing out then. Next thing you know I heard a loud scream coming from next door. I ran into dads room to get Kelly.

“Kelly! Kelly!” I screamed.

“What is it sweetie.”

“Someone just screamed from next door, you have to go check it out someone could be hurt.” As i finish my sentence Kelly jumps out of bed and runs out her door and to the neighbor's yard.  She looked around, and when she turned her head she saw our neighbor lying on the ground bleeding to death. She screamed to me to call an ambulance, so i ran into the house and dialed the number when all of a sudden someone grabbed me. I screamed as loud as I could hoping that Kelly could hear me, next thing I know Kelly is running into the house. When she gets in the house she sees a man holding a gun to my head.

“Move any closer and i will blow her brains out.” The man says. Kelly is freaking out she backs up and runs outside to the neighbors, and grabbed her phone and called the cops. When the cops arrived, they ran into the house were the man and I were standing, one of the cops ran out back and through the back door. When the officer that was coming in from the back door came in he grabbed the man from behind, as they grabbed the man he let me go. As soon as they got him to the ground, they put the handcuffs on him and took him into the police car. When he was put into the car the police came back into the house and asked us to go to the police station to answer some questions.

When we arrived at the police station the cops were bringing the man into the jail. We went into this small room one by one, when it was my turn to go into the room the officer took me into the room and told me that if I don’t feel safe at home with the whole thing that happened, that they would have a another officer watch over the house for a few days. I told him that I would feel more safer, when i got done talking to the officer we went back out to the place where kelly was sitting, the officer took kelly aside and told her something, I think he was telling her about the officer that is going to be watching over our place. When we finally got home, dad was at home freaking out.

“What happened? Why did you have to go to the police station? Why is the neighbors freaking out? What happened?” Dad said freaking out, trying to figure out what was going on.

“Kait heard a loud scream from the neighbors house, so she came and got me so I ran outside to see what was going on, and when I was outside this man must've came into the house and was pointing a gun at Kait’s head, so I called the cops and they came and got the man, then we went to the police station to answer questions on what had happened.” Kelly said as she hugged me. Dad walked over to me and gave me huge hug, then took me into the kitchen and picked me up and sat me on the counter like he use to do to me when I was a little kid. When he sets me on the counter he walks over the the freezer and grabs a thing of ice cream, and two spoons. He brought the ice cream over to the counter and sat it next to me, from there dad and I sat there eating ice cream together, like we use to do when I was susan's age. I really missed the old times.

Chapter 19

The next morning, I felt kinda sick so I went to my dad’s room and knocked on the door.

“Kelly” I said kinda quiet.

“Yes sweetie.” She says as she opens the door.

“I don’t feel good.”

“Alright come on in and let me take your temperature.” I walked into the room and sat on the bed. Kelly grabs the thermometer and takes my temperature.

“What is my temperature?” I said when I was done getting my temperature taken.

“Your staying home today, you have a temperature of 102 degrees. I am going to have to keep an eye on your temperature throughout the day. So why don’t you go lay back down for a little bit.”

“Okay.” I say as I walked out of the bedroom. When I arrive in the room, Liv is sitting at my desk staring at a picture.

“What are you looking at Liv?” She picks up the picture to show me not saying a word. It was a picture of me and her when we first started becoming friends. She sets the photo down, and walks over to me and gives me a hug.

“I am glad I have you as my best friend.” Liv says. “and I hope you feel better, have a good day Kait. Get lots of sleep.”

“Same here Liv, and thanks you have a good day at school. Bye see you after school.” I say to her as she walks out the bedroom door. When Liv left I fell back asleep. I was asleep until noonish, then I woke up and Kelly took my temperature. My temperature was 103.9 this time, I just felt like falling down and I did not feel good at all. Kelly and dad took me to the hospital because my temperature was so high. When we arrived at the hospital, and got into the hospital room. I laid down on the bed and I fell right asleep. I slept through the whole thing, my dad ended up having to carry me out to the car.

Chapter 20

The next day, I was still not feeling good so I laid in bed all day. It was around noon when Kelly came into my room.

“Hey sweetheart, would you like something to eat?” She asked as she sat next to me to take my temperature.

“Yes please, can i have some chicken noodle soup please.”

“already! i will be right up with a bowl of chicken soup. crackers?”

“Yes please.” I said as she walked over to the door. When she

left the room, I sat up and waited for her to come back with my soup.  I was about ten minutes later when she came back with the soup.

“Here you go hun.” she said as she hands me the soup and crackers.

“Thank you, Kelly.”  I ate my soup. When I was finished I set the bowl on my night stand and rolled over and went back to bed.

When I woke back up it was three in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn’t so I decided to play on my laptop for a while. I grabbed my laptop, and opened it up and went onto facebook. I checked my messages and there was one from my crush. Oh by the way my crushes name is Bobby. I clicked on his name and the message said Kaitlynn, your are the most amazing, beautiful, and funniest girl I know.  I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time. I really like you. i've liked you since the day I meet you. I love your smile, your laugh, your personality, heck I love you and everything about. Kaitlynn will you be my girlfriend <3. I was freaking out when I read this. I replayed, OMG! yes!!!. I played on facebook, until it was time for me to get ready for school.

When I arrived at school and went to my locker, Bobby was standing by my locker.

“Hey beautiful.” He said as I opened my locker.

“Hey.” I said while trying to hide my face so that he didn’t see me blushing. We stood near my locker talking until the bell rang, and then we walked to homeroom together because we had the same one. When we entered the classroom we were holding hands and the whole class started making kissing noises and picking on us (not in the mean way as a joke).

We sat there just chatting and hang out for most of the class because our homeroom teacher was running late. When the bell rang, Bobby walked me to my first period class which was Geometry. When I walked in Liv ran up to me.

“Girl when did that happen and why didn’t you tell me?”

“It happened last night, I got on my laptop and saw a message that he had sent me, and it was really sweet and yeah.”

“And why didn’t you tell me last night?”

“Because you were sleeping, i’ll show you the message as soon as we get home.”

“You better.” We said as the teacher walked into the room. Everyone got quiet as she set her things on her desk.  We ended up doing a test in class, which was pretty easy. When everyone was  done with the test we were able to sit in are seats and talk quietly until the bell rang. When the bell rang Bobby was waiting outside the classroom.

“Hey beautiful” He said as I walked out of the classroom.


“How was geometry.”

“Good, how was English”

“Boring as always.” He said with a slight giggle. We arrived at are second period which we had together. We mostly messed around because  it was art class and the teacher didn’t care.

Bobby would walk me to every class, and he would give me a hug and kiss before i went into the classroom. When it was the end of the day he waited with me until my dad came and picked me up, when dad arrived he gave me a hug and then ran over to his mom’s car.

When I got home, I ran to the fridge and grab me some pizza from dinner last night. I went into the living room and started doing my homework. When I got done my homework, i clicked the Tv onto Law and Order. I sat there watching Law and Order until Liv came storming in the door, throwing her basketball stuff  to the side.

“Hey, show me the message, i’ve been dying to read them! I wanna know what he said!!” She said as she jumps on the couch next to me.

“Hang on! let me go get my laptop from the room”

“Okay, hurry! run!!!!” She screams as i'm running to our bedroom. I run into the room and grab the laptop and ran back to the living room.

“Here is the message” I said as I handed her my laptop.

“OH MY GOSH! that is sooo cute!!!!” She said while jumping up and down.

“Yeah I know right!” I said as I took my laptop back from her.

“Alright calm down girls.” My dad said from the kitchen were him and kelly were making dinner. We ran into the kitchen and started grabbed the stuff to make the table, by the time we were done making the table dinner was done. So we ate dinner and then Liv and I brought Charles and Suzan to bed, we read them a story until they fell asleep. It was around 9:00 when they had finally feel asleep, so Liv and I had just went into our room and  laid in bed.

The next day was graduation. When we were called up on stage, Bobby had stopped on the stage and got down on one knee and asked the question, in front of everybody. We lived happily ever after, we ended up having a wonderful family together. My life may have been difficult, but I managed to get through it and everybody has the chance to get through the rough times.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016

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This book is dedicated to anyone with a hard life...

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