
Johnny and Me

“Hello?” I asked
“Hello” the voice replied “I am different from you. And yet I’m very similar.”
“Who are you? And how is that possible?”
“Me? Why I am you”
“ its not it?”
“You tell me.. after all I’m you.”

Chapter 1- My background and We meet Nny

“Devi!!!! Get up now!”
Ugh I hate mornings. “Coming Mom!”
I hurried to get ready before she yelled at me again. As I came down the stairs the warm scents of pancakes and bacon welcomed me.
“Good morning, honey”
“Hey Mom” I replied “Why the big breakfast?”

Ya see mom never made much of anything save cereal or mac n’ cheese.“I didn’t make this silly” she replied.
“Well who did, breakfast fairies?” I mumbled through a mouth full of food.
“Your dad” she said with a smile. I nearly choked on my orange juice.
“Daddy..? for real! He’s back!?”
“Yes in fact he’s in his study” she said smiling at my joy.

I could hardly believe my ears, you see my dad left when I was three to join the war,but I always wrote him ,emailed him ,and texted him. He had been gone since I was three, I was 10 now. I ran to his study and sure enough there he stood. He looked even more handsome than the picture I had of him. Tears brimmed my eyes as I whispered “Daddy?”. He swept me up in his arms and we cried. It seemed like we hugged forever. He looked at me smiling and said “My little have grown so much my little girl...I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you to Daddy” I whispered in his ear.
Mom came in and Dad kissed her. I started crying.
“Whats wrong honey?” Mom asked.
“Nothing” I replied “I’m just happy we’re a family again.”
That was the happiest day of my life. Until HE came along.

~6 yrs. later~

“C’mon Squee!”
I yelled for my brother to come in the shack where we were forced to live. He came in cuddling his little stuffed bear he called Shmee.
“Where have you been!” I yelled.
“I just wanted to see Mommy and Daddy” he whimpered.
I sighed, ever since Mom and Dad died I had to take care of little Squee,they died when he was 1, he was 2 now. It had been almost a year since they died.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just.. *sigh* you scared me, that’s all.. its getting late, go get ready for bed,k?”
“Okay” he said and climbed the stairs.I went up two minutes later and tucked him in bed.
“I love you Squee.” I whispered.
“I love you, Mommy.” he said.

I tried not to cry when he said that. I then realized I was all he had. He was my little brother but I treated him like my son. I fell asleep with these thoughts floating around in my head. I woke with a start. I looked at the clock 3:20 am. “Damn” I muttered. I walked down the hall to check on Squee to make sure he was okay. I looked in and he was wide awake and whimpering.

“What was that noise?” he asked shaking from the fear and cold.
I climbed in bed next to him and cradled him in my arms.
“I’m not sure kiddo.”

We sat in the dark for a few minutes before hearing it again. I took his hand as we walked down the hall to see what it was. We looked in the bathroom to find a strange looking man in there. He had wild black hair and he was as skinny as a rail. He didn’t look that old though. Maybe 19 or 20? I couldn’t be sure.

“WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BACTINE!!!!!!” he shouted.
I gasped and he turned around.
“Oh uh.. h-hello excuse me but do you know where the bactine is.. some of this blood is mine.”
I pointed to the cupboard above him.
“Ah perfect... damn that one really put up a fight. Scratched me up like a cat on crack.”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
“I can see that by your expression you know what I mean.” he hissed.
He looked down, “Who is this?” he asked picking up Squee’s little bear, Shmee.
“Um, thats Shmee...” a little voice replied next to me, “and I’m Squee.”
I was shocked, he never talked to strangers. I looked right at the strange man.
“I’m Devi , by the way, and who are you?”
“MY name is Johnny, but you can call me ‘ Nny’ for short.” he said as he bowed and shook my hand.
“Nice to meet you” I said dryly.
“The pleasure is mine” he replied with a smile that could have made any girl blush,not just me.
“I must leave now despite this pleasant talk, you can walk me out.”

And with that he walked down the hall. We followed. I don’t know why but I felt a strange connection with ‘Nny’. We walked him to the window he previously smashed.
“Uh.. sorry ‘bout the window, I saw it was locked. I don’t suggest you ever lock it again. It’s been nice talking to you but we’ll have plenty of time for that later” he said “after all we’re neighbors now.”

And with that he was gone. Squee looked at me and stated very plainly “I’m going to bed now” snuggled up in his bed and fell asleep. I smiled as I kissed his forehead and walked to my bedroom and fell asleep.

Chapter 2 - The Romance Begins

“Wake up!!! It’s SATURDAY!!!!”
I looked at the clock- 7:30.
“Ugh.. why so early” I opened my eyes to see little Squee’s face next to mine.
“How did you sleep kiddo?”
“OK I guess. Except for that man.” He got that scared look in his eyes again.
“It’s OK I don’t think he’ll bug us... what do you want for breakfast?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“I dunno” he replied.
“Well, we can go get a breakfast burrito at Taco Smell.” I said, I had to get him out of the house.
“OK!” he squealed.
“OK go get ready?” I smiled. He ran out and was down in five minutes.
“OK you ready bud?” I asked zipping his sweatshirt.
“Ya,can we go to the park to?” he asked.
“Hmm … well if you eat all your food maybe,k?”
“YAY!” he squealed. And with that we were out the door.

“Devi I wanna feed the ducks.”
“OK,here’s some bread.” We were having a blast. It was the best Saturday ever and then He came by.
“Look Devi, it’s that man again.” Squee whispered next to me.
“It’s OK kiddo, it’ll be OK.” He came up to us and seemed perfectly normal he had the same outfit as last night,minus the blood of course, and his hair was at least a little bit more organized. “Why hello there Squee.” He said with a smile then looked at me and nodded “Devi”
“Hello, Nny’’ I said mocking his greeting.
We starred at each other for at least a minute before Squee broke the silence by saying in the most innocent way possible, “Are you two gonna kith?” Before I could say anything he went to play with his new found friend.
I looked at Nny and smiled “ cute.”
He smiled and leaned in a little. “Yes quite”
O God no! Please not him.
“You seem nervous” he whispered leaning a little closer every word.
“N-no I ..its just..I never..I haven’t ..kissed” I stuttered.
“Well then no better time right?” he was right next to my lips,hands on my hips and his eyes partly closed.
I couldn’t help myself I leaned in and kissed him. I opened my eyes to see a tear fall and realized that he had never kissed either, no one loved one that is

I woke up the next morning with a feeling of being watched. When I opened my eyes I saw Nny holding a bunch of roses and a card. I smiled and he gave me a crooked grin.
“I wanted to thank you for the ..uh the ‘kith’ ” he said quoting Squee.
He looked shy and I wondered where the suave Nny went.
I looked at the floor and said “Ya I liked it to.”
We starred for a few minutes then he gave me the flowers and card,and just before we left he kissed my forehead and said “I think, but I’m not sure ,but I think I may be falling in love with you” and he was gone. I sat there with the flowers and the card and cried,but they were happy tears.
Squee came in and saw me crying and asked “Did he not like you back?”
I smiled and replied “No, he liked me back and I like him even more now.”
Squee smiled and stated that he was going to eat now. I smiled and we walked to the kitchen and we ate in silence, but it was a nice silence.

Chapter 3 - Truth Reveled

“I’m going to be gone for about an hour think you’ll be OK with Pepito?” I asked Squee.
I had been dating Nny for about a week now and Squee had made a new friend who I personally thought was well strange. He was about Squee’s age with a much larger vocabulary and horns sticking out of his head but maybe the motherly instinct were kicking in.
“Ya I’ll be OK. Pepito will defend me” he said with a smile.
“Well, OK. I love you.” I replied kissing his forehead and getting in the car with Nny.
As we drove away he waved and blew me a kiss. I smiled at his tiny innocence. I looked at Nny and noticed he was a little stressed.
“You OK, Nny?” I asked taking his hand in mine.
He loosened a little when I took his hand and smiled at me and said “I am now.”
I blushed and looked out the window.
Who would have thought that I would like him. Certainly not me, I wonder what Mom would say. Dad wouldn’t like him, but Mom may have. I miss them.
“We’re here” Nny announced. My mind jolted back to the present and got out of the car. We walked a ways to the top of the hill. I smiled at the simple beauty.
“I thought you’d like it.” he whispered.
“Like it? I love it!” I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
I laughed when he blushed. We sat on the hilltop and talked.
“Do you remember your parents?” he asked.
“I don’t remember much..I mean I remember my mother but Dad I only knew for a little bit. I met him a year before he died.”
“I’m sorry” he said “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No its OK. I’m fine.” I replied. I suddenly had a flash back to how my parents died it came in so clear it was scary. Like a horror film the images flooded my mind.

Chapter 4 - I meet the Dough Boy

~1 year before~

“Devi get in the house take your brother!” My mom was in panic.
“Where’s Dad? What’s wrong?” I was terrified.
Then that laugh; that horrid blood curdling laugh. It pierced through the madness like an arrow, striking my heart with fear.
“Mom... I’m scared” I whispered holding Squee in my arms.
“It’s OK, honey, it will be OK.” Mom was crying and was shaking from fear. “Go in the house” she said.
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked though I already new the answer.
“No” she said.
She kissed my head and left. I climbed up the stairs and looked out the window only to see a man kill her mercilessly he looked familiar like someone I knew.

Suddenly my mind raced to the present and I realized the truth.
“You!” I shouted, yelling In Nny’s face.
“What?!” he asked shocked by my outburst.
“You killed my parents you horrid monster! You stabbed her and decapitated her, you didn’t even care if she was a mom! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAD YOU DEMON!”

I was mad beyond measure.I couldn’t believe I missed that.
“You don’t want to know what I did to him” he said head down in shame but I was to mad to care.
“You evil vile bastard! I cant believe I KISSED you! I hate you Nny I ... UGH! horrid vile monster.”
“You don’t understand” he said taking my hand. I pulled it away.
“Your damn right I don’t.”
“I was different then, I’m a better person now!” he tried to grab my arm.
“Don’t touch me!” I hollered. “I thought you loved me I thought you were better, but your no better than any other jerk I have fallen for. Ya know what? Don’t call, don’t come by, don’t talk to me ever again!”

I walked away leaving him in the darkness and alone once more. As I walked home I thought of the few times with Nny. I cried realizing I lost my only real chance at love.
Why did I have to notice him. I thought to my self.
“Maybe because you love him.” I gasped and jumped.
“W-who said that? Who are you!?”
“Calm yourself!” The voice was right next to me.
I spun around trying to see who it was.
“You are jumpy aren’t you?” This time I saw what it was.
It looked like a deranged Pillsbury dough boy. His eyes looked like swirls but not the pretty kind, the hypnotic kind.
“W-who are you” I asked.
“I am your conscience, at your service.” it replied with and evil grin.
“Thanks, but I don’t need you” I turned around and he was in front of me. “AAAGHH!” I shrieked.
“Hahaha foolish female. You can’t run from whats within. Many have tried and have killed them selves trying.What makes you think your better?”
“N-nothing I’m not I just I don’t need you.” I stuttered as it came next to my neck. It felt like a knife went across my neck.
“Is that so?” it hissed.
“O, I doubt that. I have a feeling your going to be very comfortable..with me!”

Suddenly a knife from nowhere came and stabbed the dough boy/conscience. Nny came and yelled for me to get in the car.I did and we took of leaving my conscience behind. I started crying and when we stopped to get out I threw my arms around Nny and kissed him saying I was sorry. He hugged me back. He took my face in his hands and asked if I was OK.

“What was that back there?” I asked.
“That was what made me kill your parents” he said as a tear fell from his face.
“Oh Nny I’m so sorry. I had no idea I’m so sorry...” I started crying and he hugged me closer and I knew what he meant when he said he wasn’t himself,when he said that he was different then.
“I was so scared, and mad why did you come for me?”
“I never leave my loved ones... speaking of which we should pick up Squee.” he replied.
“O my God. I totally forgot about him!” We went and got him from Pepito’s house and we headed for home. When we arrived I was so tiered I fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning I woke up and realized it was actually afternoon.
“Squee?” I called.
My little brother came up and said “You sleepded for a loooong time.”

“I know, I was tired.” I replied with a smile. I went to the kitchen and thought about last night.
The fight with Johnny, the deranged pillsberry dough boy, Nny coming back for me. I especially thought about that last part. I wondered why he came back, after all the shit I put him through, he still came back.

Chapter 5 - The Past Reviled

I looked up and saw Nny at the window. I motioned for him to come in and he slipped through the window. We stared at each other before I broke the silence by asking the one thing on my mind at the time.

“Nny? What happened to my father?” He looked away, but answered anyway.
“I-I killed him... but please understand, it wasn’t me, I wasn’t me.”
We moved to the couch and he began to explain how my parents died and how the dough boy came in to play.
“I was 15 when it happened. I was different mind you. I had to listen to what I thought was my friend. You see, my parents were killed by some drunk asshole. He ran them over and backed up and kept doing it for ‘fun’. Then I met the dough boy and vowed to kill everyone else’s parents. Stupid I know but I was hypnotized by the dough boy. I didn’t want to kill you mom or your dad, and I told him that, but he threatened to kill me. I chose my life at the risk of your parents’... I’m sorry...” He stopped and a tear fell.
“What about my dad?” I asked, I was close to tears.
“He made me torture him in every way possible. Your father was a nice man, his name was Edgar as I recall, Edgar Vargas.”
He paused and I smiled at the fact that he remembered my dad’s name, then frowned because he was avoiding my question.
“What. Did. You. Do. To. My! DAD!” I raised my arm to slap him, but stopped when he flinched, from both my sudden outburst and also the fact that my hand was about to smack his face.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” he said.
“It’s a little late for that isn’t it?” I replied but quickly regretted. He got up and walked out.
“Nny! WAIT!” I tried to stop him but he was already gone. “Damn, he can walk fast...” I thought.

Later that night I was sitting on the couch thinking of how he could have tortured my father. I looked up and he was there sitting next to me. I jumped and hit his arm.
“Dude! Seriously! Do ever, like, knock or make noise, or do you enjoy scaring the shit out of me?” I asked with a grin.
He smiled back and replied “I came back to tell you how he died. I think you deserve to know.”
“Ya think, its about time.” I thought to my self.
He began to tell me. “I’m not sure what he did to make me mad, but I knocked him out and dragged him to my house where I was forced to take direction from the dough boy. The ‘boss’ told me what I was supossed to do. I will admit I was appalled at the thought of such horrible indecency. He was a nice man, and had never done anything to me. I begged the dough boy to let him go. My reward was a knife across my face. I had no choice but to obey his orders. I was to decapitate him alive one limb at a time.”
He paused and looked at me with pure sorrow in his eyes. I was shocked and appalled but kept in mind he had no choice. I motioned for him to continue.
“I really didn’t want to, but set up the poor innocent man up so he was standing up and his arms made a ‘T’ . He gained conscieness, and I raised my ax when he stopped me, by saying that he had to take care of his wife and kids... but I was hypnotized by the dough boy and told him he wasn’t worth them... and with one swing of my ax... chopped his arm off. The scream of pain was horrible I had to look away but HE was making me continue I kept until the screaming stopped and I knew he was dead. I felt like crap. I cried for the first time in my life.”
He stopped and looked at me and we cried.

Chapter 6 - The Dough Boy Again and Pepito

The next day I went for a walk and thought about my parents. I missed them. I wondered what would have happened if Nny wasn’t around, but stopped because I couldn’t bring myself to think badly of him.
“It seems Nny has told you” I gasped.
That voice so familiar, it was the dough boy. I turned to look and sure enough there he stood staring at me. I looked away before he hypnotized me.
“Come now,” it hissed, “Is that any way to treat your conscience?”
“It is if your conscience kills you parents.” I replied in disgust. I could feel him floating around me like an evil mist.
“I never even touched you parents. If there’s anyone to be mad at, it’s Nny.”
“How dare you!” I hissed. “How dare you accuse Nny. He did nothing wrong. You told him to do all those things.”
“Poor foolish innocent naive female. You would believe your sweet boyfriend over your own conscience?” I looked at him avoiding his eyes.
“Yes I would. You are not my conscience. You think you can fool me but you can’t.”
“FOOL!” it yelled. “I will control you like I controlled Nny and you will DIE!”

He grabbed my face, but I pulled away and ran. I bumped into Nny on the way and told him between breaths that the dough boy was following. We looked up and saw a mist coming and ran for my house, the seemingly only sane place. I opened the door and screamed, but then realized that what I thought was the dough boy was Squee’s little friend Pepito.
“I scared you.” He stated.
“Yes, yes you did.” I replied.
I sat down and Pepito came up and stared at me.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“You are funny looking, but nevertheless I think he will welcome you. You have been touched by the dough boy.”
“Who?” I asked him.
“My father, the Devil.” I gasped and looked at Squee. He simply laughed and the boys went out to play. I wasn’t sure weither to shrug it of or be concerned.
“There is something wrong with that kid.” I told Nny. He looked at me and nodded. “This world just keeps getting stranger every second.”
We sat on the couch and watched the boys play, but what I was really watching was how Pepito did things. He was a very strange little boy. He would use huge vocabulary that any other 2 year old would have no idea the meaning of, some of the words not even I knew what they meant. I brushed it off for now, calling it a stage in his life,that he would hopefully outgrow.

Chapter 7 - Nny’s Past

I turned to Nny and asked him if he remembered his parents before the dough boy came. He smiled and started to tell me about his few years with parents.
“My dad and I used to go for long walks and he would point out the smallest beauties, and I would laugh and show him a rock or two. But he never passed it off as just a rock he would show me every detail possible.” He paused and looked at me, and I motioned him to go on.

“Then we would go back and we would come in the kitchen, and my mom and sister were always making something a-”
“Whoa, wait. Sister?” I asked, interrupting his thought.
“Um, ya, I had a sister but she died after my parents.”
He looked up and I wished I could say that I knew what it was like to lose a sibling, but I was also glad I couldn’t. I looked at Squee and he gave me a cheesy grin that only Squee could give. I looked back and Nny and motioned him to go on.
“Tell me what happened to your family.” I told him.
He continued. “I was 15 when it happened. My mom and dad got run over by a drunk bastard, but my sister was killed by the dough boy.” He stopped.
“How did she die...?” I asked, being careful not to push him to far.
“He stabbed her 24 times and... threw her body out the window... and turned to me and told me that unless I wanted to end up like... my sister, I would have to do what he said. I agreed. The biggest mistake I ever made. It would have been easier if I died...” He looked at me and smiled, and added, “... but I did meet you.”
I smiled and said, “Good will always win, no matter what. We can beat this... together.”
He shook his head. “I wish it was that easy, but it’s not. If two people go against that thing, only one goes away free, and sometimes no one wins and they all die. Trust me, I’ve seen it. That’s how I got out. One of my friends... died for me.”
I looked down and decided that if we were going to beat this, I would have to sacrifice my life for Nny. I decided not to tell him though. I looked at the clock. 9:00 pm.
“Its getting late, Squee needs to go to bed. Nny? Could you take Pepito home?” He looked up and smiled
“Ya, sure.”
He kissed me goodnight, and I put Squee to bed and thought about that night. Of how Nny had a sister. Of the dough boy. Of how I first met him. I fell asleep thinking of these things.

Chapter 8 -A Break from the Madness

The next few months were very peaceful. We weren’t attacked by the dough boy, and Squee had made 4 friends Pepito, Gaz, Dib, and Zim. They were interesting, but they protected him. Gaz was an amazing martial artist and 3 years old, and Dib was a paranormal science freak but smart and 3. And Pepito... I was still unsure about him. But Zim was a science wiz and an inventor. Nny and I had been dating almost a 14 months; we even got a dog. We had trouble naming the dog, so we asked the kids, who promptly named it Gir. For some reason this dog walked and talked like a 2 year old and he was green. Nny and I have a strong hunch that Zim expiramented on it, but we don’t have proof persay.

~Authors note ~

Hey! how are you? Okay so I realize it seems like its really boring now and stuff but mind you my brain only works when I let it work alone. Also I hope you realize Devi is 19 and Nny is 20 which means they already graduated high school and she has devoted her time to her brother and his orphan friends. which is another thing the world their are living in is deranged and evil, (obviously). So let this be a lesson to you kids to do your homework and be good and don’t talk to deranged pillsbury dough boys. Okay so now I think my brain is thinking of new ideas so ya. Happy reading,NT. (evil laugh)

Chapter 9 - The Dream and A Christmas Surprise

I woke with a start and realized I was drenched with sweat.
“O God it was just a dream.”
As much as I hated to let my self remember what the dream was, I was overcome by pictures. It was like someone pressed “rewind” in my brain. I was running away from something. I couldnt see what or who but it was someone with a knife. I gasped when I realized it was Nny. I jolted from my comatose state of mind.
“No, he would never....would he????”
I ran to Squee’s room. I sighed in relief when he was ok. I smiled as I remembered the first time I met Nny. That old window was still broken. I walked over to Squee’s bed. He was hugging his little bear Shmee. I kissed his forehead and he smiled in his sleep. I smiled when I realized that without Nny this may have never happened. I walked over to the broken window and whispered into the night air, “I love you, Nny.”

I woke the next day and came down stairs and glanced at the beautiful Christmas tree that Nnny, Squee, Zim, Gaz, Pepito, and I had decorated. I giggled when I remembered how Gir almost ate the ornaments. I sighed when I thought of another depressing Christmas. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised, but pleased to see that Nny and Squee had made breakfest and I saw a birthday card and the table set as well. I knew then that today would be the best birthday and Christmas ever. After breakfast we moved to the living room and opened the few presents all homemade except one from Nny. It was a small red velvet box. I gasped a little and I wondered what it could be; then wondered how he got the money for whatever it was. He got it out from under the tree and walked over to me. He got down on one knee and smiled and opened the box. I gasped and Squee got a huge grin. The now opened box reviled a beautiful diamond ring.
“Devi,” he began “You know I love you and I hope you love me to and I cant live without you. Will you marry me?”
As soon as those words were out of his mouth I said yes. I loved him and had always dreamed of the perfect proposal and a Christmas one was at the top and he made it come true. I jumped into his arms and i kissed him. “I love you” I said. I knew then that my dream was wrong, at least I hoped it was.

Chapter 10 - The Dough Boy and the Devil Declare War

We were walking through the forest on a beautiful and unusually warm December day. It was seemingly peaceful and then we heard HIM. The evil devilish laugh of the devils advasery. I grabbed Nny’s hand and we both looked at each other.
“Please tell me we’re both daydreaming.”
He looked at me and slowly shook his head no. Suddenly a knife cut through the air hitting a tree less than a foot away from my head. We both began breathing heavy and we looked up and saw from the very darkest part of the forest a strange purple black ink like mist came seeping across the forest floor. Whatever it touched it killed and it came up to my leg and burned the edge of my jeans and in the process burning my legs as well. I screamed in pain and Nny did as well. whatever this mist was, it was acid filled. The dough boy came floating thru and came up to us. we tried to run but we couldn’t .the mist was weighing us down and at the same time rising up to our knees. The dough boy came up to our faces grinning his evil grin. He was covered in the mist so that whenever he came up to our necks the mist burned through the skin.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Nny and his LOVELY bride to be” his voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“What the hell do you want.” Nny asked, anger coating his words.
“well I just thought I’d say congrats to the soon to be newly weds.” I glared at him.
“We don’t need it coming from you” I spat out the words.
He came so close to my face I could feel the heat of hell in his breath. “I wouldn’t talk if I was you.”
After he said these he drifted away but struck back like a cobra, slapping my face causing the mist on his hands to burn my face. I felt the tears come down my face. Nny tried to move but he couldn’t.
“HAHAHA FOOL! you think that YOU, a weak little man can defend you fiance against ME! HA! Think again.”
He stabbed Nny in the chest causing him to fall into the mist. I was forced to watch as the acid melted his body.
“No!” I whispered. “NO!!”
“And what are you gonna do? your helpless. HAHAHA”
I’m not sure how, but I got the strength to move my self, even though my legs were so numb I couldn’t feel them and the acid slowly eating away my skin didn’t make it any easier as I moved toward the dough boy.
“You already took away my parents and if you think that for one second that I’m just gonna stand around while you kill my fiance, then you don’t know me very well.”
What happened next surprised me but only for a second. within a blink of an eye I was in a fighting arena with very few ways to defend my self. The mist was gone and Nny was laying motionless on the bench. His skin looked a little better save the knife wound and what looked like many rug burns. I looked at my self and realized I was now in boxing attire. the dough boy came up and declared a fight.
“If I win I get the boy and you die, if you win you keep him and i’Il leave you alone,deal?”
“No” I stated.
“That’s right if I win you die and I get Nny. Thats the deal no ifs, ands, or buts. GOT IT!?”
“Fine” he grumbled.
We walked toward each other and I realized the fight was on. My weapons were my fist and a knife I thought it would be easy cuz he was stirofome. But somehow he changed forms. He was know longer the dough boy but the devil himself. I looked around and saw Squee and his friends tied up by Pepito. I was shocked and horrified. He was using me all the time.

“Let them go!” I shouted.
“I’m afraid that cant be done. At least not until you defeat US.” his grin was pure evil.
“Whose ‘us’?” I asked.
“Why Nny and I of course”
“What? Nny would never hurt me.”
“You and I both know your wrong,in fact I warned you.”
I gasped “The dream!”
“That’s right. You see, you can’t outsmart the devil.”
“You used your own son against us? Talk about poor parenting skills. Well I got news for you,Devil. You messed with the wrong kid, and I will kill you and the Dough Boy.”
“Maybe that’s true ,but you still have to defeat Nny.”
“I will never hurt Nny.”
“Yes, well good luck with that.” he cackled.
“God I hate the Devil” I muttered. “Here’s the deal Devil, I defeat you, you don’t kill me or Nny, and you set my brother and his friends free. Take it or leave it.”
“It’s a deal.”
“Good lets get this over with.”

Chapter 11 - The Battle

“Rules of war: 1- don’t whine or complain about anything. 2- try to win. Seem clear?” the devil asked.
“Crystel.” I stated, then with a smirk I said “Ladies first.”

He frowned but made the first move and threw a fire ball the size of a bear at me. Using my sword i returned it to him causing him to be knocked of his feet. He scowled and shot rapid fire balls at me. I tried to return them but to no avail. they all hit me save for one,but he dodged it. I was serverely burned, but only my legs. I charged at him cutting him in various places. He flinched in pain then with a single blow threw me across the room. As I slowly got up, I could feel so many bruises starting already. I looked at the devil and he was leaking black mist.
“Is-is that blood??” I asked.
“It appears to be that, but I guess the evil have black blood.”
I charged and continued cutting him each time being rewarded with a sharp blow to my shoulder and burned by his acid like blood. I stepped back breathing heavy only to gasp from the pain. The devil was suffering also I looked over to where Nny was. I frowned when he wasn’t there, suddenly a knife from nowhere came and sliced the side of my arm I looked up and saw from the shadows Nny with a knife behind him. My Nny, the Nny I supposed to marry was trying to kill me. My dream played over and over in my head.
“Nny??” i asked.
“He’s on my side now” the devil grinned evily.
I looked at Nny. His head was down but there was something flashing on his chest. A control device. The devil had tried to hide it by putting it under his shirt. I knew I had to stab it, but doing so could also kill Nny. My choice was made for me when Nny threw a knife at my head slicing my neck instead. The sword fight began. I tried to get a clear shot of Nny’s chest, but without any luck. I tried to block some of his knifes but he was a clean shot. I was now bruised ,bloody, and burned. I had to stab that box.
“I’m so sorry Johnny” I whispered.
I thrust my sword through his chest hitting the box, but not before he cut my arm. I was so weak from lack of blood that I fell to the ground but not before seeing Nny stab the Dough Boy and the Devil. I smiled before passing out. The next time I woke I was on the forest floor. Nny was sitting down beside me.
“I-is he … gone?” I asked.
“Yes” he replied.
I cried in his arms and we got up. I looked at my arms, no cuts.
“No one will ever know about this will they?” I asked.
“no they wont but we will, and i will never forget the way you fought for me.” he smiled.
“what time is it?” I asked.
“Ten minutes since we left the house.”
We smiled and laughed a nervous laugh “I think I want to go back.” he said
“Me too.”

The Wedding

Later that night, I thought of what had happened. We had beat the dough boy, and against all odds, both Nny and I had lived through it. I was glad it was finally over. I looked up and saw bright light outside. I walked over to the window and saw my parents. My eyes filled with tears. “Mom? Dad?” I asked.
“Hello sweetie.” they replied
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“We wanted to thank you for freeing us from the dough boy.”
They smiled at me.
“I miss you guys.” I whispered.
“We do to.” they said as the disappeared into the night air.
I walked around our quiet house. I smiled at the fact that nothing jumped out and threatened my life. I walked in to the kitchen and got a water. I sat on the counter and looked next to me and almost screamed when I saw Nny. My fear quickly turned to joy. I playfully punched his arm before hugging him.
“Jerk.” I said.
“Haha sorry.” he stated smiling.
We sat in silence and held each others hands.
“You know we have to plan the wedding, right?” he said.
I looked at him and smiled.
“Yes, we do.”

~4 months later~
I looked down the aisle, and watched as Squee and Gaz walked up the aisle. they made the cutest flower girl and ring bearer. I walked down the aisle to Nny. Zim and Gir held my train as I walked. I stood across from Nny and he lifted my veil. he beamed at me.
“Your beautiful.” he said.
“Thank you.”I whispered.
Since we couldn’t afford an actual preacher, Dib married us instead.
“You may now kith the bride” Dib said.
We smiled at Dib’s two year old lisp.
He leaned in and kissed me so softly.
“I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Johnny C.” Dib announced.
I looked at Nny and realized that I was finally safe. Safe from all harm and danger ever to come our way ever again.

The End
(for now)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2011

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