
Hey, all you people of earth, the planets children, the people who live on this planet even tho they don't deserve to because they are using up the earths atmosphere by using un natural prodocts and smoking. My name is Kendra Taylor i'm 11 and I love animals more than anything . My mom is 29 her name is Christy she has blonde hair and blue eyes and very tall and skinny, and I have brown hair and brown eyes and pretty tall and average weight im not fat, but im not skinny so i guess i meet in the middle im eleven and weigh 83 pounds not that bad but still more than i should. I love nerds and dorks but i still like the cool people, my two best friends are Raydel( Blonde hair-green eyes- medium hight-same weight as me) And Tierra(Brown hair-brown eyes-shorter than me- and underweight NO OFFENSE SORRY) they are so awesome my grammas name is Barbara ( I call her barb) my gramma has -( BLonde hair- green eyes- pretty short but not shorter than me-she weighs average also) My grampa on the other hand is much different TOTAL OPPISITE like this ( Black hair- BRIGHT full oceany blue eyes- very tall, 6 foot 4 inches (YEAH)- and overweight but not too bad.) Anyways I have a puppy named Widget, she is a Mini-Toy-Teacup-Chihuahua, Chihuahau's being the smallest dog in the world just think about adding on the mini, the toy(WHICH MEANS SMALL) and the Teacup(WHICH MEANS EXTRA SMALL) and u got Widget! She is Black with brown paws, eyebrows, and face lining. I am not gonna tell u guys where i LIVE OR GO TO SCHOOL BECAUSE THERE ARE SOME STALKERS OUT THERE U MEANIES GET AWAY FROM MY SCHOOL JERKS I HATE U HATERS! anyways I HATE my teacher Mrs.Willis and I am good friends with a boy named Brandon -(Brown hair with blonde and blue hair dye mixed in-very Tall-Brown eyes-his hair is kinda long just a little longer than Justin Beiber's hair ( NOT TO MENTION I HATE JUSTIN BEIBER I WANT TO SAW HIS HEAD OFF AND KICK IT INTO THE OCEAN OK) - anyways back to brandon-he weighs the same as me but he Denies it - everyone calls him emo, and frankly it makes me angry considering half the world dosen't even know what the word GOTHIC means. I cant even tell u how many times people have stared at me and said i was an EMO GOTHIC FREAK!!!!! and I just hate steriotyipical people what just beacause I love wearing black and don't have a bunch of friends and wear rods and rings it automatically makes me gothic???????? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HUMANITY ANWAYS MY TEACHER IS REALLY ANNOYING She is mean to a lot of the kids her hair is way too big she gets super frustrated with us if we don't get math on the first try, and she has a really loud voice sometimes and i'm a little behind on my work but i'm really trying so i guess its the effort that really counts right! I love to read and I love to sing a lot my family and my friends say i have a good voice but i dunno I'm gonna be in the talent show with my best friend Raydel, I love the show GLEE, GLEE is an amazing show I can't believe some people say that GLEE is gay I hate those people cuz I'm a total Gleek I'm one of the few kids under 15 that is actually signed up for bookrix but i think it's pretty cool I love video games from games like CAll OF DUTY to HALO to NEED FOR SPEED TO ROCK BAND TO GUITAR HERO TO SPORTS TO FITNESS TO KARAOKE TO ANIMALS pretty much just an all around gamer Mortal combat is one of my alltime favs I am a enormous youtuber I have a few webshows but i get very involved I love parodys and HAte justin beiber as I said before AND MOST OF ALL I LOVE POTATOES AND DON'T THINK THAT CHEESE STICKS UNDER THE AGE OF 3 SHOULD READ THIM BACK AGAIN!!!!! so i signed up for creative writing class last month it's pretty fun considering with creativety there are no rules. Which i always enjoy no rules just makes everything more fun RIGHT??? My mom's birthday was yesterday, and we went to this place called Ipanema. ?? yeah i dunno weird name. But anyways they walk around and serve like a whole bunch of different meats that they grill and serve right of the spit, which means skweres and cooking posts, not like saliva thats just unsanitary. I tried everyone, and thats alot. Surprisingly i feel bad about it but i LOOOVE WILD BOAR. It's good. I also eat lamb now, and Buffalo, and well basically i'm a rare animal eater, which i've always loved meat but i someetimes feel bad for ones that are rare, like if i eat some yummy bloody steak i dont care cuz it's cow but i feel bad about if i ate Kangaroo, itz not endangered but itz exoctic.
Oh my god lol like 4 months later........ IM BAAAK haha. I dyed my hair red in Feb. which i didnt mention, its red now, Ima dye it again but this time Dark Brown with Pink highlights. Im about to start 6TH grade and im kinda scared but not really... I've learned that I am a really good rapper so that is pretty fun.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.09.2010

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