
Lost In The Jungle

Amelia’s Jungle Adventure



Amelia Sands woke up in a canoe one morning. The afternoon sun shone brightly into her eyes. She adjusted her vision to get a better look, and discovered herself in the middle of a swampy lake. The canoe rocked as it swayed from side to side, almost causing her nausea. Amelia glanced around in confusion wondering how she arrived there, and when. She did not recognize anything besides the tall trees, and there were more of them than she remembered. It was when Amelia realized she was far from home. She was afraid of being alone in an unfamiliar environment, with no-one to guide her.


“Where am I? Everything is so different. I am scared.”


Amelia then remembered when she went to summer camp last year and what the camp councillor said, “If you find yourself alone anywhere, don’t panic. Otherwise, you may not find your way back home. "You need to have a clear mind, cause’ if you do panic your mind becomes too clouded to think. Just take a deep breath and study your surroundings. Only then you could clear yourself out of a bad situation.”


“Okay, don’t panic. Think!” She whispered quietly to herself.


There were all kinds of sounds coming from all directions and they frightened her. Amelia was not going to let fear overwhelm her, no matter what happens. She found the oars beneath a bench of the canoe and began rowing until she reached the shoreline with no trouble at all. Once there she searched for something to tie the canoe with, so it would not drift away. “I may need this later.” Thinking to herself.


Just then, Amelia heard rustling in the trees above, and took a glimpse. Way up high she saw chimpanzees swinging from tree to tree. “I’m glad they’re having a good time.” She watched in amazement as they went from vine to vine without missing a single one. “And I wish I could swing like that too,” she said to herself.


She resumed her search for something to tie the canoe with, and noticed a rope tied to a large oak tree. She picked it up and tied it to the canoe with the tightest knot she could manage. “There, that should stay in place. I hope.”


By this time she was hungry and exhausted. She sat against the large oak tree for a moment of rests and to figure out what to do next. She felt her tummy growl as she began to shiver from the bitter cold air.


As she sat against the tree to think, Amelia heard a hissing sound. It was coming from above. She looked up to see what was making that strange sound. Suddenly, Amelia rushed to her feet when she saw a large snake hanging from a large branch high up into the trees. It was green with black spots all over from head to tail, and it coiled its slimy body around the branch with ease. It even appeared to be grinning at her as it spoke. It caught her off guard instantly and stared in disbelief as it spoke to her.


“Hel-lo, little girl, S-S-S-S-S-S,” said the snake.


Amelia felt her heart racing and froze to the spot. She wanted to run, but couldn’t. She was just too scared.


“I s-s-sense you are los-s-s-s-t. Am I right? Don’t you know what happens-s-s-s to little girl-s-s-s in the jungle?”


Amelia’s eyes widened with fear as she saw the snake slithering down the tree. Closer and closer it came until it was three feet from where she stood.


“Please don’t hurt me! Please!” She cried out. It was all she could manage to say.


“There’s-s-s-s no u-s-s-s-e crying. And no us-s-s-e in begging either. No u-s-s-se at all. I am rather hungry you s-s-s-see.”


It was then Amelia built up the courage to run. She ran as fast as her little legs could take her. She was just about to fall into a very large hole, just before she felt herself being lifted off the ground. She glanced up to see a very large bird. She remembered seeing one of these in television once. It was a show named, 'History of Dinosaurs.' She couldn’t believe her eyes. She was being carried off hanging from the claws of a Pterodactyl. The talons was digging into her shoulders as its claws tightened – causing her intense pain. It carried her across the lake as it soared toward the sky. It was not long before she felt herself falling again right into a nest with three large eggs. The Pterodactyl sat at the edge of the nest as waited to watch her eggs hatch. Amelia then heard was a loud squawk piercing her ears. It appeared to be encouraging its eggs to hatch, as if her babies could hear her through the shells.


“I’ve got to get out of here and soon.” Amelia whispered to herself.


Amelia watched the bird-like creature carefully as she slowly got onto her feet. She glanced at her side peering down from the nest. It was a long way down, so she would not be able to jump if she tried. Amelia always had a fear of heights as far back as she could remember. “How am I going to get down from here?” Thought Amelia as she gazed down in fear.


She searched around the nest for something to climb down with, but saw nothing she could grab onto. She then saw a long vine hanging from a tall tree across the way. It appeared to be at least three feet away.


“It doesn’t look too far. I could climb down that vine.” She whispered to herself again hoping no-one or nothing can hear her and sense her fear. Then she would then she would be in deeper danger than ever before.


Amelia glanced back at the hatchlings. They were almost out of their shells. The large bird was still perched on the nest, still watching her eggs. So Amelia got onto the edge of the nest to jump. Then she heard.


“What- ever are you trying to do. You know there is no way out, so you might as well give up. I know you are trying to escape. I’ve been keeping my eye on you, and whether you like it or not, you are going to be supper for my children.”


“Not if I can help it.” Replied Ameila with sudden confidence


She turned back toward the tree and said to herself. “Okay, if I am going to do this, it would have to be now.” She closed her eyes, took a deep breath for courage, and jumped as far as she could and caught the vine. Just then the bird swooped down to grab her before she could reach the vine. Instead the bird missed and bumped into the tree: almost knocking itself out. Amelia made it to the vine and held on with all her might. She looked back at the creature and saw it was about to try again. But then it heard the chicks crying out, and so it flew back to the nest to tend to her chicks.

Amelia began to lose her grip on the vine and could not hold on much longer. She felt herself falling backwards as she screamed all the way down. Her fall was then broken by something soft and hairy beneath her. Then she heard a screech.


“OW! That hurts.”


She rolled off onto the grass to see what is was she fell on and still lying on, and still lying on the ground she peered over. She saw a chimpanzee lying on the ground and facing her. It was what saved her fall. She could also see it was injured..


“I’m so sorry. I didn’t do that, did I? Once again I'm so sorry, I did not expect to land on anyone. I was just hoping to land on soft ground. You see, I was only trying to escape from being supper to Pterodactyl chicks.” 


“Well, no need to worry about that now. We need to get somewhere safe.” 


“But you’re hurt. Is there anything I can do to help?” 


"Yes, you could help me up and get me to the camp where my friend is. He is a doctor. He would know what to do, and we need to get to him before dark. Too many dangers here at night. We wouldn’t last long out here by ourselves, especially when I’m injured. Come on, help me up and let’s get moving.”


“Okay! Where is the camp?” Amelia asked as she stooped down to help the chimp onto its feet.


It rested its arm around Amelia shoulder, almost weighing her down. Amelia was not sure how long she was going to be able to hold the chimps weight and hoped the camp was not too far.


“So what is your name?” Asked the chimp.




“Well Amelia, my name Daisy.” Said Daisy as she tried to fight the pain. “At least that is what my friend calls me. He rescued me once before. From Akron.” She added.




“Yes, Akron. The meanest crocodile around here. His family was taken by very bad people. They set out traps and Akron’s family was never to be seen again. My friend chased those bad people off once he heard the horrible things they were doing to the animals here. Anyway, since then Akron had taken his vengeance on all humans. And it was unfortunate for the creatures got in his way.” Daisy then looked down in sadness, but added. “I got too close today. I was just busy playing with my sister is all. We were swinging side by side. Then Akron got to her. She tried to fight him off, but she was still too young to defend herself. Afterward, he almost got me, and I fought until he let go. I should have known better to cross the lake. It was my fault.”


Amelia felt sad for Daisy and her loss. She wished there was something she could do to help, but didn’t know what.


“I am so sorry to hear that. And I don’t think it is your fault. You didn’t know if and when he was going to attack. You were just having fun, that’s all.”


It was all Amelia could say and justs it helped a little; even though she knew it was not going to take away the pain.


She remembered when she lost her grandfather two years ago. It was difficult to deal with. It took her a very long time to work through it. She also remembered her mom saying, “Then the only thing you can do now, is remember him as he was and all the good memories you had together. Just keep that close to your heart.” Amelia thought her mom was one of the smartest people she knew, besides her Dad. She smiled at the thought and hoped to be with her family soon.


Neither, Daisy or Amelia spoke. Each in their own thoughts. Neither said a word for a while, at least until Amelia at that moment wondered if they were on the right path.


“How far is the camp? Asked Amelia.


Daisy stopped for a moment and looked around. Then she pointed through the trees to her right. By that time she had lost a lot of blood and was getting weaker and weaker. Amelia turned right and led Daisy through the trees. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could carry Daisy’s weight, but she was going to try never-the-less.


Once they got to the clearing, Amelia saw the man sitting near a bonfire. He appeared to be cooking. She could even smell the aroma of roast pork from where she was standing. She called out for help and saw him raise his head to see where the voice was coming from, so she raised her hand and called out again.


“HELP! Please help us.” Cried Amelia in her loudest voice.


The man saw them and dropped everything he was doing and came running towards them. Amelia could see the man was tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He had a full beard with white specks on it. He seemed familiar to her, but couldn’t remember where she had seen him. She watched as he picked Daisy up with ease and headed toward a red tent. Amelia followed close behind.


“Is she going to be alright?”


“I can’t say just yet. I need to see how deep the injury is first.


Amelia observed as the man diagnosed the injury, treated it with it and wrapped Daisy’s leg in bandages.


"I gave her some antibiotics and something for the pain. Although, she lost a lot of blood, she is very lucky. If it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t have made it through the night. She just needs some rest now. Anyway, Dr. Jake is the name, what is yours?”




“Okay, Amelia, you need to do me a favor. I need you to keep an eye on her for a while. I’ll be back.”


Amelia watched as the man grabbed a large knife, a rope and headed out the tent.


“You’re leaving us here alone?”


“I won’t be long. Don’t worry, you’ll both be fine.”


Amelia stood at the entrance of the tent until Dr. Jake disappeared through the trees. Then she walked to Daisy’s side and sat with her. She saw that Daisy’s breathing was slow but constant and rested her head onto Daisy’s arm, and soon fell fast asleep. She was so exhausted she couldn’t stay awake any longer.


Amelia was awaken by footsteps coming toward the tent and looked up. She was relieved when she saw the doctor coming into the tent. She wouldn’t know what she would do if it was someone else. She watched as the doctor rested his knife on the table and turned to speak with her.


“Akron, would not be bothering anyone again.” He said. “I took care of that.”


Amelia sensed from the tone of the doctor’s voice that Akron was dead. She felt sad for him, but he was a danger to everyone. It was not Akron’s fault he became more dangerous. After- all his family was taken from him. She could tell that Dr. Jake did not want to do what he felt he had to.


“I’m sorry! He became too much of a threat. It had to be done.” He added.


Although, Akron became such a danger, Amelia still felt sympathy for him. She wished there was another way to deal with Akron.


Moments after, Amelia heard a voice from a distance calling to her. It sounded like Dad’s voice and he sounded quite concerned. She then felt herself drifting away. She did not know what was happening to her and wondered what was going on. The voice came again and closer this time.


“Amelia wake up honey. Please, wake up.” The voice said.


Amelia opened her eyes. She was back in her room with Mom, Dad, and Sundance at her bedside. Dr. Jake was there too. She wondered why everyone was surrounding her like this and why the doctor was there.


“Do you remember anything Dear?” Asked Mom


“No! All I remember was being inside a canoe in the middle of the lake, a snake that wanted me for his dinner, a Pterodactyl wanting to feed me to her chicks and falling on Daisy. She was the chimpanzee I needed to help save.” Amelia then looked up at the doctor that was also at her bedside, and added. “You were there too. You healed Daisy.”


“Oh Amelia, you always did have a wild imagination.” Said Mom


“But, that’s what happened. Really!” Cried Amelia.


“Well, I’m sorry to say Hon, It was just a dream. We found you lying by the lake, unconscious. If it wasn’t for Sundance here, we would have never found you. He saved your life.” Said Dad.


“I came to the conclusion you were sleepwalking and almost drowned in the lake. I believe Sundance pulled you out just in time. You will be okay though. You just need some rest now.” Dr. Jake added.


Just then Sundance rushed to her side and kissed her on her cheeks and everyone laughed. He then jumped on the bed and laid beside Amelia’s side to be petted.


“Thanks Sundance, I love you.” Amelia said in a soft voice as she rested her hand on Sundance's back before she fell fast asleep. 




Texte: Indira Nankoosingh
Lektorat: Author
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2014

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