
Chapter 1

I grabbed the Sky Vodka from the cabinet, and set it on the table. I grabbed the Orange juice out of the fridge along with a glass I kept in there to keep it cold. I poured the orange juice and the vodka into the cup. Taking a wig of the contents inside the cold cup, while sitting down. I winced at the burning in my throat but just ignored it. I heard footsteps start to come down the stairs. He smiled at me standing at the doorway of the kitchen. I just took a glance at him, and pretended that the drink was just way interesting.

"Drinking away your feelings I see." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Dad, I'm not in the mood." I growled roughly at him. I felt guilty a little. I mean my dad was one of the coolest dad's in the world and i'm sitting here growling at him, talk about a bitch. "Sorry." I mumbled under my breath.

"I think you should go see him." He said sitting down drinking straight from the bottle of vodka. "God knows me and your mom are tired of your constant nightmares. If that's what you want to call it." He smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back, but it disappeared when I took in what he said to me.I pushed my hair behind my ears.

"It's not that easy." I stated bluntly.

"Actually it's as easy as 1, 2, 3." He joked "All you have to do is walk up to him and tell him how you feel." He shrugged jugging the remains of the orange juice. I sneered at him, if he only knew how many times I tried just walking up to him and telling him how I felt.

"What you mean is it's as easy as kissing a bear." I corrected him. "You might get close, and it's a giant risk especially if there's a 95% chance that if you kiss it, you will get mauled alive." I smiled frailly at him.

"But you have to think about the other 5%, maybe you won't get mauled." He smirked, this guy is supposed to be a dad.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Aren't you supposed to keep me away from boys."

"Stone, I can keep you away from boys but I can't keep you away from the one you love." He shrugged simply.

"Even if that douche bag dumped you daughter and broke her heart all in one." I paused for a minute. "I never said I loved him." I snapped.

"But you never said you didn't Stone." He said flicking my nose while getting out of the chair. Heading up stairs. It was like he was never there. I stared at the blank seat in front of me.


"So this is supposed to be seducing?" I asked looking into his green eyes. They were so deep and just amazing to look in to.

"Uh duh every couple does it!" He exclaimed.

"Well remember that we're my first couple." I said smiling at him, he took a moment and then grinned widely at me.

"I'll remember that Stone." He dipped the juicy red strawberry into the melted chocolate fondue, he put it near my mouth waiting for me to open up. I shook my head. "Come on Stone you're being a big baby." He said making a train sound.

"No it looks nasty." l laughed. "How bout we just go get stoned in a romantic way." I pushed his hand away. He rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't even think there's a possible way to be romantic while getting stoned Stone." He put the strawberry down on the plate in front of us.

"What ever we do together is roantic babe." I winked at him.

"Fine can I have a kiss though?" He walked up to me, my lips were just tingling to get kissed but there was know sign of his lips touching mine. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could get a word out I felt something sweet and chocolaty inside my mouth. I opened my eyes to glare at him, but when I started to chew on it the thing was so delicious so flavorful. I stopped in my tracks to pick up another one. He came over to give me a kiss but I pushed him out of my way.

Chapter 2

I was going to have to see him again. No if's and's buts or maybe's, I'm excited. Ha ha no I'm not. I slipped on my sweats along with a black tank top and vans in the same color I pushed back my brown hair. I went down to the living room. There was smoke everywhere and I already knew what was happening. I let out a huge groan they knew how much I hated when they smoked out in the open, I would smell like weed and then everybody else would automatically label me ''Stone". "Hey baby girl." Mom said putting the bowl on the coffee table. "Do you want me to get a bowl for you?" She asked me, I swear my parents weren't normal.

"Mom," I said sternly.

She raised her eyebrows at me slightly. "Me and Dad knew how hard today was going to be for you. first day of school, first day seeing him." She drifted off, I could see how bad she felt bringing it up she knew it still hurt me and it hurt them to. They loved him almost as much as I love him. I took the bowl from her and inhaled deeply, letting out a sigh right after. I saw Urban come down the stairs. I stuck out the bowl to Urban, he shook his head and roughly bit into the apple.

"They already got you didn't they?" I asked looking into his eyes, he looked high as fuck eyes red and droopy.

He smiled at me. "I have four apples in my bookbag, along with three bags of chips." He laughed.

"Fatty." I joked, I put the bowl down and picked up the keys throwing them at him. Once we got outside I took out my Victoria Secrets perfume, and sprayed it all over myself, Urban did the same with his axe. We got into the car. "So you and Hally, another slut and jock story?" I asked him, he glared at me. He hated it when I mentioned Hally like that. He ran his hands through his brown hair.

"I don't really feel like going after her this year, I want a challenge." He said looking straight at the road.

"Hally, wasn't a challenge enough?" I asked in shock mockery. He glared at me once again, pushing his buttons were one of my delights.

"So, Stone. You and Stephen getting back together?" He shot back on me, that really hurt. I wanted to punch him in the gut, or rip his hair out. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that Stone.." He said pputting his hand on my shoulders. I turned to glare at him. He winced "The name fits you perfectly." He sighed I looked at him in confusion. "When you're angry your eyes just turn to...well stone." He said.

"If you didn't know my name is Kristonie." I said in disgust I really hated that name. I hated a lot of nothing. "So what's the update? Parties I mean."

"I won't know till this afternoon I'll let you know though." He put the car on park taking his precious time. My hand was on the door handle just itching to open and leave but i had no clue to why I wanted to leave the car so bad. Urban quickly locked the car door and looked at me with a smile. "Stop worrying okay," He said gently. "For all we know the tabloids could be wrong, and he might not come here."

I scoffed at that. "Tabloids may lie urban, but I'm pretty sure the newspaper doesn't. Especially about the mayors son." I unlocked the door and hopped out flipping my black hair back and twisting my grey Pink brand sweats. I was looking around everywhere to see if I could see any sign of him. A crowd of girls, a limo pulling up, his gorgeous black hair. I wonder if he died it? If so what color? Okay Stone don't think about this, your not supposed to think about how he looks now, your supposed to stay away from him. He dumped you out of nowhere after dating you for a whole year. He doesn't deserve to be on your mind. I suddenly bumped into what I thought was a brick wall "Shit" I muttered under my breath. I looked up and saw that I had stumbled into the one thing I was trying to avoid. "Stephen?" I asked so quietly.

"Stone." His face was in shock. He put out a and to help me up. I just looked at it, he still had a football players hands. I ignored his hand and got up swiftly, I looked at him again feeling the tears ready to explore the surfaces of my face. I ran away from him. Ran, just like I do when I'm in track. I stopped at the track breathing heavily, I heard the faint sound of a bell ring. I couldn't go to class. Not while my face was blotchy and red. Not while my heart was still aching for a boy who dumped me a year ago.

I went straight to my locker in gym and switched out my clothes. Skipping a couple of periods to run wouldn't harm anyone. Well I hope not. I put my book bag down and put my hair up. I turned the volume on my ipod up sticking the headphones in my ear. I started to jog around the track. Feeling the wind hit my face was the best feeling of running, along with the soreness in my legs it made me feel fresh and new. I ran 8 laps, which is two miles, and the only time I've passed was like thirty minutes of my first class you've got to be kidding me. I did a couple more laps then got dressed back in. We had thirty minutes of class left and I decided to just go. Since today is the first day of school.

I stepped into the classroom with all eyes on me. The teacher looked at me quizzically , then looked down at her attendance sheet, pushing her fiery red hair away from her face. "Kristonie?" She asked, she had that look that was just hoping she said the name right.

"Everyone calls me Stone." I said sipping some of my water.

She smiled at me. "Well I'm Ms. Green, welcome to AP English." I nodded at her and took a seat near the back.

a/n: I finally decided to stop being shy and actually talk to you guys! I'm out of the closet now...Wait that so didn't sound right. Lol okay so I know whaat you guys think so far...No I don't lol so I think you should tell me :D vote and comment so we can discuss. Um...Well what else? O so Im really sorry about the beyond short chapters but I like to keep things a mysery. I know I am evil SHHH!! don't tell God I'm trying so hard to get into heaven. Well anyways like I said vote, comment BOTH! Here's a dedication to Rainbowbunnie.

Life Changing by rainbowbunnie

Tani is starting to hate her life and her parents. Thats because of her mom best friend family. They are people that would talk shit about people and judge other by their look. Now she is not the person she use to be anymore, alot of things change in her life. She is changing her self and her personalty that her parents and their best friend hate the most about people. Follow her life and her past to see what is going on.

Chapter 3

“You ran?” She asked looking at me like I was mad stupid. She furrowed her eyebrows at me. Using an expression only she could make look good. “You ran?” She asked again. “A hot dude, wants to help you off the ground so you run?” She asked once more. I glared at her.

“I didn’t know what to do.” I groaned out. I took some fries off of her plate. She slapped my hand away from her tray. I looked at her in surprised, she’s never stopped me from eating off her tray before. “What?” I asked confused.

“Only my smart friends get to eat off my tray.” She said sticking her buffalo wings into her mouth.

“I’m your only friend.” I rolled my eyes and took a wing from the tray.

She sneared at me and combed through her short blond bangs, she shaved off the other half of her hair. She made it look cute though. "How do you think it feels being gay?" She asked looking off at the courtyard. I looked at her in surprise and followed her gaze at the two girls holding hands and whispering things into each others ears.

"I don't know but how about we not find out." I laughed of course I had nothing on gays but it would be a big change if she was. "Brianna." i snapped my fingers in her face and she came back to the real world. "Brianna, you're freaking gorgeous and have every boy after you, why do you need every girl after you to?" I asked.

"I don't know girls are kind of hot." She shrugged smiling. She started to brush her hand up and down my arm which made me shiver. i glared at her and she bursted out laughing. "Plus I just want to test it out. I promise i will not go for you."

"All I heard was 'I promise I will go for you'." I joked.

"No your not my type anyways." She took a sip of her Gatored.

"Yeah while your at it, try not to offend me." I laughed. She rolled her eyes at me and stood on the cafeteria table. Everyboy was looking at Brianna her already tall frame standing on the top of the table looking around at everyone. She had that look that made everyones jaw drope, her body was like a models, and her smile was spectacular. When I first met her I actually envied her with all my might, but then I got to know her. She always ha difficulty trusting people, that's one reason I'm her only friend she trusted me and I was perfectly fine with having her as an only friend to. She smiled down at me; the smile was begging for help. That girl grew up with stage fright. i climed onto the table next to her and shouted. "Everyone listen up Brianna's got something to say." I said, which got everyones attention. In the large crowd I spotted him so quickly, his hair was still the same color, he got more muscle then before but he was still lean. I could see the tattoo peaking out from under his shirt on his arm. I realized I was staring at him way to much, but I couldn't help it. urban was sitting right next to him. They were talking. What kind of fucking brother is he, talking to my ex- like they were ebst friends. What a douche! "Urban Bennette did you not just hear me yelling!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and I threw a glare at him. He gave me that look that said 'Get over it'. I mouthed the words never to him. The cafeteria was silent and we now had every ones attention.

"I want to go out with girls." Brianna said so bluntly. "Just to try it out, it's not like I'm decidign I'm gay. I mean I still like guys." All the guys were wooping, so were all the gay girls. The straight girls looked at Brianna in disgust. We both got down from the table and dumped our trays as the bell rang.

"So your lezbian now?" I heard Urban voice.

"Why Urban did you not just hear what I said?" Brianna asked rolling her eyes at him. We both turned around the whole group was behind Urban, and right next to him was Stephen. I glared straight at Urban, he glanced over at Stephen and back to me, then shrugged. I felt my breathing stop it's like I was suffocating but nothing was stopping me from breathing. I got really light headed and the next thing I knew it was blurry then dark.


I opened my eyes, of course where else would I be the clinic. Where else do you go when you faint. Unlike most people who end up in hospitals never know were they are. I mean it made perfect sense if you were like rufeed or something but if you faint don't you remember where you are. I felt someone snoring softly. I was hooping it wasn't like those cheezy movies were the one person, that the patient is begging not to be there, is there. I looked to my right. Brianna. I was dissapointed just a little but also extremly happy.

"Mrs.Bennette, glad to see you awake." The nurse smiled over at me.

"Me to." I mumbled getting up from the uncomfy plastic sofa, that I bet only cost three dollars. I shook Brianna awake, she jumped up quickly. "Time to go to class." I laughed taking the pass from the nurse, she let out a loud groan.

"Your brothers a douche." She said as we walked out.

"That's cause you told the whole cafe you were gay,a nd he likes you." I rolled my eyes at her.

"He does not like me!" She shouted stomping her feat I rolled my eyes once again. I headed toward my lockers and opened it. A note fell out.

Hey Stone!

Yeah hope you didn't fall to hard
I wish I could've been there to save you from falling
Well I'm hoping your okay, there will be more of these later

Best Wishes, xoxoxo

Chapter 4

I paced around the room reading it over and over again. Could it have been Stephen who sent this letter? No I'm stupid Stephen doesn't want anything to do with me, who would want anything t do with me? I mean he has a gorgeous smile, and her and his skin tans well. I started imagining him in my head. "Will you sit down?" Brianna snapped, sitting on the bed going through a Girl Sense Magazine. "Your getting annoying."

I glared at her stuffing the note into my back pocket. "I wanna know who wrote it." I said groaning. "What if it was-" She stopped me in the middle of my sentence.

"What if it wasn't Stone." I felt my face fall, why did she have to be so harsh. I've never helped her doubt herself. With everything she went through I was right by her side. She got up and walked over to me. She toward over me, I had to put my head up to look at her face. "I'm sorry Stone, your my friend and everything. I don't want you to have false hope is all."I shrugged.

"You're right though. I should probably stop pinning over him, I bet he's enjoying life." I said lowly, in the inside I was hoping life was horrible for him, I was hoping he was as miserable as I am.

"You know what we need?" She asked and didn't wait for me to answer. "A girls night out." She laughed. I rolled my eyes, this is what we did every time we felt horrible. "When in doubt party, remember? That's what you told me when I found out Jake was cheating on me." She laughed pulling out things from my closet.


"Come on please." She begged holding the pair of scissors near my hair. I glared at her. "We need a change Stone, plus we could probably be called the short hair sisters." She smiled brightly.

"That's the worst nickname ever." I said rolling my eyes.

"I promise it will look good on you"


I was wearing a black lace dress, it was gorgeous and I actually didn't even know I had it in my closet. Brianna did magic with my hair. it looks ten times better then before. Brianna of course looks as stunning as ever she decided to dye her hair to black, shes always dying it. But it looks good I like her black hair better it matches mine. She swiveled over to me in her silver dress that was just to die for. Okay I'm sounding like those really preppy girls who would actually die for a dress.

"Hey," I smiled at her taking a sip of my drink which I'm pretty sure was vodka, mixed with hawian punch. "What's new with you?" I asked making sure my lipstick didn't smear on the cup.

Her cheeks were rosy red now, and she had the biggest smile on her face. "I just kissed a girl!" She squealed out, I looked around to see if anybody heard her but I guess the beats of Jennifer Lopez were to loud. "Stone did you hear me?" She shook me.

"Yeah I heard you." I nodded, she looked back and saw Urban coming over, his face; angry couldn't even describe what he looked like."I got to go." She said letting go of me and running in the opposite direction of Urban. He stopped right in front of me. "Hey there big brother." I smiled at him.

"Don't big brother me tell your friend to stop ruining the party by kissing every girl around." He said angrily I could hear the bitterness just dripping out of his voice .

"Urban I didn't think you had anything against homosexuals." I stated looking at him confused.

"I don't know it's just I-I-" He was stuttering with his words and I saw a blush start to creep to his face. I opened my mouth wide, smile forming on my face by the second. He shook his head. "Uh-uh." He said waving his hands in front of his face dismissively.

"Uh-huh." I nodded right back at him.

"Stephen, talk to my little sister." I felt my face freeze up, and I saw a smirk on Urban's face as he walked away from me going to the direction that Brianna left. I glanced at Stephen who was scratching the back of his head trying to avoid my gaze. I let out a sigh and started to walk away. Brianna said forget him, she has no idea how hard it's going to be to do that.

"Wait." His voice rang through my ears, it had more of a soothing roughness to it. Talk about a contradiction. I stopped and turned around, his eyes where the same brown shade they had when I first met him, the intensity in his eyes sent shivers down my back. "Um...I know you hate me but."

"That's not the best way to start a conversation you know." I said hopping the words wouldn't come out like the way I felt; all jelly and numb. "I was think along the lines of, hows the weather?" I chuckled.

"You always liked to make jokes when things were the worse." He smiled, it dazzled in the darkness.

I sighed once again. "Let's not go down memory lane right now." I said looking down at me feet as they shuffled.

"We're going to have to do it soon."

"Not while Im trying to have my fun." I put down my drink on the table and headed over to the dance floor. I grazed the dance floor to find a good dancing spot. When I found it I started to gyrate with the music. Letting go just felt good it's all I ever wanted to do. I saw someone holding out a bottle of Sky Vodka and took it. I was so close to chugging the whole thing, there was a little bit more left but someone took it out of my hand. "Gimme my drink." I said stomping my left foot.

"You've had to much." The person walked off the dance floor and I followed right behind stumbling over my own feet. I banged my side into the side of the bar and let out a loud shriek of pain. A hand whirled around me quickly making sure I didn't fall. "Let go of me." I demanded.

" I'm trying to make sure your okay." He said back an annoyment, I knew from the voice it was Stephen. I pulled out of his grasp and looked him angrily in his eyes.

"Stop acting like you care!" I shouted at him, my words slur but I still think he can understand me. "You stopped carrying a year ago, and you came make up for that shit!" Now everybody heard me over the music the whole party was staring. "You just left me, you didn't care so stop trying to now!" I shouted tears where coming down my face.

Brianna pulled me away from Stephen, I cried on her shoulder and she combed her fingers through my hair. "Come on babe all you need to do is party." She said wiping the tears off my face, and getting the liquor out of the fridge.

A/N: Okay so what do you think please tell me guy sit would be so great and it'd be even better if you voted and comment....well thats what I think but I think you should think it to right? Hmm Uploading...Idk it just happens when I fell like it. Whatever u heard me the first time why say it the second time..because you guys never listen. I might actually stop writing if you dont vote and comment so yeah thanks.

Chapter 5

"Wake up!" He shouted into my ears. I let out a petrified scream falling out of my bed. My head pounded horribly. It's like I was having a massive earthquake in my brain. I was perfectly fine with sleeping on the floor it beat going to school anyday. "Do you want me to yell again?" Urban asked whisperng into my ears.

"Does it matter your practically yelling in my ear right now." I groaned miserabley. I got up off the floor, my body was aching probably from the dancing. I got up and threw my comforter on the bed. I looked at my clock. "It's 6 in the morning." I glared at Urban.

"It's a school day." He raised his eyebrows at me. "This is what you get for partying likeit's 2012." He chuckled.

""That was the lamest joke ever." I growled at his back as he walked out the door.

"I can't believe you did that!" Brianna shouted as I hopped into her car. I glared at her. "Oh sorry." She whispered in a hush tone. I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe you did that." She repeated quietly. "I never knew that you would be the one to, I thought you were to much of a goody goody." She smiled excited.

"What are you going on about?" I asked when she finally, was quiet.

"You're drunk, right you won't remember." She laughed. "Well you wanted tog et laid and stuff, you know how when your at parties and your ma massive drinker, and I think al the alcohol goes to your head." She went on and on until she finally got to the part where she answered my question. "You slept with Ty Hyson and recorded it." Her voice was squeaky and fast as she said the last part.

I looked at her in shock. "Urban's going to be pissed." was all I could muster out.

"Didn't you see him this morning?" She asked.

I glanced t her but then back at the school we were parked in front of. "You and me both know that Urban's not that kind of person who checks what everybody's up to early in the morning. He waits till he gets to school." I stated. "Ty Hyson?" I asked again. I would've never thought I'd be the one to hook up with Ty. He's gorgeous I'll give him that, but he is also the typical joke except with brains and STD's.

"If it counts for anything he asked you politley." She shrugged.

"You were there when he asked and ou didn't do anything?" I said surprise, she of all people knew I've always dissed on Ty and his status at school, I also told her he's be the last person I'd date.

"I thought you just needed a good fuck, especially since you and Stephen had that huge argument." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

"No big deal?" I shook my head. "He took my fucking virginity." I cried tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Well I was hoping he was, why else would you be with a guy for two years?" She chuckled a little.

"No I'm talking about Ty, your such a fucking dumbass. You don't even remember when your best friend tells you something!" I said yelling at her. "Actually you don't even know what a bestfriend is!" quickly opened the door and got out she followed me.

"I'm a great best friend thank you!" She shouted back at me.

"Really?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Do you even remember when we met?" I asked her.

She stopped and thought for a while. "It's not like we were dating or anything, i don't have to remember things like that."

"Your right you don't" I shrugged. "When's my brothers birthday."

"December 21st." She said and quickly covered her mouth. I looked up and laughed, I swear I looked crazy.

"I'm not as stupid as you think, I knew you were always after my brother Brianna." I said opening my arms. "I always wondered why a girl like you would be hanging with a girl like me." I slapped my hands to my side.

"No that's not how it -" I stopped her in the middle of her sentence.

"Save it for a friend." I crossed my arms and walked away.


Everybody was staring at me, some had enough respect to whisper but others where just being rude enough to talk as if I wasn't even a human being. I know what I did was wrong but....I actually have no excuse for it. I put my stuff into my lockers while I could feel eyes penetrating me; If ooks could kill..I'd be beyond dead. "Hey Stone," I turned around to see Ty standing right behind me. I gave him a glare fullof hatred . "Last night was fun and I was-" His voice was interrupted by a fist connecting with his jaw. Urban. He was heated, face turning red, fist shaking, the whole enchilada of a mass murderer. My eyes were widened and I was stung with shock.

"I suggest you stay away from her, or you'll become ash." He pointed at Ty. Urban then looked at me with false hope, he was walking away but I grabbed his arm before he cuould go any farther.

"Urban." I said his name softly, and scared.

"Don't touch me, don't even look at me, from what I know you're not even related to me let alone a living creature. I let go of his arm. Anger shaking through me tears streaking my face. "Cry Stone, go ahead. The only person who will give a fuck if your sad is mom and dad." He smirked but it was a cold smirk not one of his joking ones this one seemed more heartless and evil.

"I'm not crying cause I'm sad, I'm crying cause I'm angry you douche bag." I decked him in his face. "I hope I broke a nose." I smirked at him walking away with him on the ground.


Texte: All rights reserved, anything copied or tooken form the book with out authors concent will be sued and there will be consequences.
Bildmaterialien: All rights reserved, anything copied or tooken form the book with out authors concent will be sued and there will be consequences.
Lektorat: Noone
Übersetzung: noone
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.05.2012

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All rights reserved, anything copied or tooken form the book with out authors concent will be sued and there will be consequences.

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