
Chapter 1

Does puting chapter 1 make it sound more professional?? I don't know to be honest. I honestly think that putting chapter 1,  chapter 2, ext. Sounds better for some reason. But in others its kinda confusing. I mean like if put chapter whatever instead of like shallows of water, people are going to get confused on what part they were reading. I don't know, I mean. Both have advantages and disadvantages. 


Anyways, sorry. Sometimes I get sidetracked. I'm trying to be the honest that honest can be. Wow. That came out weird. K then.

Chapter 2

 Today me and my friend (Kate) were talking when my other friend (Allison) comes up and asks what we are talking about and so we told her. Yesterday on the bus, Kate was annoying me and I told her that if she didn't get her fingers off me I would be them. So she was all like try me. So I did, trust me, I didn't like clamp down or put my saliva on her. I just put my teeth on her BARELY.

So Allison is like ok I'm gonna bite you. So I'm ok, she barely gonna bite me. NOPE. She clamps down like she is digging into a big juicy steak. It freaking hurt. I was like you better apologize or else. So she did and now we are good lol.

Chapter 3

 So today, me and my mom got to hang out. We went to the boardwalk, which is like a mini city shopping area sorta. We went to a store and me and my mom bought a couple of necklaces. Then we went to the mall to get cookies. My mom told me that when she was my age, her dad would take her to the place. (In case your curious, the place is called great american cookies.) The cookies were pretty good size, so we split them in half. I could barely eat a quarter of it until I felt sick it had that much sugar.

I'm one of those people that can't have to much sugar or else they puke. Like, I can't even have the frosting on a cupcake. Well I can, but it has to be light whipped. But its ok, I'm not a big fan on chocolate, I think the heavy frosting is nasty. So on and so forth.

So after we got done with cookies, we went to a store called 2nd and Charles. Its a really cool place. They have stuff you can't really find anywhere else. Anime, records, so on and so forth. My mom had bought me a stuffed animal, it was a cat, but it was like long and skinny sorta. Then she bought herself a beauty and the beat mug.


Chapter 4

So I'm really afraid abou t this chapter. This chapter is going to tell my backround, my fears, so on and so forth. If you don't see anything other that this right now. I'm sorry. I'm tired. Its 10:41 at night and I got school tomorrow


Texte: None
Bildmaterialien: Pinterest
Cover: Pinterest
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: None
Satz: None
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2018

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