
Chapter 1
Hi my name crystal the past few days have been so horrible my parent have been fighting every night this week. There keep arguing about me going to boarding school my mum doesn’t want me to go but my dad wants me to go and whenever I try tell them what I think there tell me to go up stairs. My dad thinks I’m bad influences on my little brother and sister so he wants me to be chucked in to boarding school far away from my family.
Tonight when I was laying in bed the shouting got really bad it woke my little brother and sister up so there came into room looking a bit scared there asked me if there could sleep in my bed. When we were huddle together about to fall asleep my dad walks in and tell Todd and Sophie to get to there on beds there jump out of my bed run back to their rooms.
When my dad shuts the door and turns back to me and tells me to pack my things up because I was going away to boarding first thing tomorrow. When he leave my room my mum walks in she looks like she been crying her eye puffy and blood shot I sit down on my bed and she sits next to me. We sat in silent’s for ages until I turned round to face mum and burst out crying telling her that I don’t want to leave and she sits there hugging me and telling me that she know that I didn’t want to go.
In the morning I was dressed packed and ready to leave Todd and Sophie were downstairs already having breakfast I walked into the kitchen the atmosphere in the kitchen changed from being happy to sad angry and confused I sat at the table I said nothing I just ate my toast when I finish I went back upstairs and sat on bed I looked around my half empty room most of my draws were empty now and most my wardrobe was empty as well most everything I had was all packed and ready to be ship off to boarding school. The only thing that was left in my room was posters of my favourite band some photos of me and my best mates and old computer what takes forever to load up.
It was time to leave my mum standing by the door crying I give her a big hug and tell everything was going to be alright my dad was waiting in the car I said my quick good bye to everyone even Todd’s pet fish because he wouldn’t let me leave unless I said goodbye to Goldie. When I’m in the car dad says nothing he just starts it takes ages till we get to the school. I look out of the car window when he stop the car inside the gates of the school the school is huge and posh I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb if the student are as posh as this school my dad turns to me so I turn to stare at him “so Hun do you like the school....?” I turn back towards the school then back to dad I stare at him for a while “how much did it cost dad” he stares at me for a bit then he smiles “not that much I know some people there got me a deal so it was cheaper than it was going to be” I just stare at the school with horror how am I going to fit in most my clothes are handed down the students here most probably have really expense clothes. Dad steps out of the car and opens the boot to get my suitcases out I sit there staring at the school I don’t want to get out of the car “crystal are going to help”.
I get out of the car I walk around to the boot. I went to go grab one of my suitcases out of the car that when I feel and smell someone standing behind me I turn round to see a very tall boy standing talking to my dad he offered to help with the suitcases I just stare there was something about him that made me not trust him. He turns to me sensing that I was watching he smiles his was very dazzling his eyes were very bright blue I could just swim in them but my senses told me to stay clear of him he turns back to dad and helps him with my suitcases I just wanting to tell him to burger off and leave me and my dad alone because we don’t need his help but I don’t say anything because it feels like my mouth is glued together after he helped my dad with getting my suitcases out of the car it didn’t take long though because I only had two suitcases with so why did he offer to help while I was thinking about that the boy had just turned to me and thrust hand out to me I take his hand just to be polite his hand is quite warm “hi there my name Theo walker it nice to meet you” I just stare at him for a while I saw his eye look me up and down when he met my eyes again he smiled I pull my hand away from his and his smile got wider.
I went to pick my cases up but Theo beat me there he smiles again “sorry but I didn’t catch your name “I look up at him he smiling down at me “while you to get know each other I’ll go and see Mrs. Coop and sweetie be nice” he smiled at Theo and me locked the car and walked off “so what your name then” I try and get my cases back but he started to walk I had to run to catch after him “my name is crystal wood and can you please give my suitcases back” he just smiles and carries on walking it like he never heard me.
As we walk up the steps to the school I feel a bit paranoid like there are eyes watching me I move a bit closer to Theo without realising even though when I first meet him my senses told me to stay away from him but now they’re telling me much he safer than what I’m feeling. I look around me before we step into the school there no one around but I still feel something watching me so I move even closer to him so are arms are practically touching he looks down at me this time he not smiling he just stared into my eyes like was trying to find what made me get closer to him then he looks away.
When we’re inside he puts my cases down by the receptionist desk I’m still by the door when he turns back towards me. He smiles at me then walks off I just stare after him the receptionist tells me to take a seat and Mrs. Coop will only be a minute. After I sat down I read a couple of articles from a magazine Mrs. Coop came out of her office with my dad and some very posh dressed girl she smiles at me and walks over to me and sticks out her hand out towards me “hey my name tiffany but people call me tiff and you must be crystal my new roommate” I take her very small but elegant hand in my shake it her grip was firm but warm I smile back at her.
When we finally get to are room after dad and Mrs. Coop had word with me before dad leave he tells me don’t mess this I got a good deal and all that stuff it was past midnight so I just wanted to go to sleep. As I step into our room I stop right in the middle of the room and pivoted around to look at the room it was huge with two big wardrobes, couple of drawers, and two desks with each a laptop on it and each side of the room were huge beds with pink lacy bedcovers. When I was finish staring at the room I turn back to Tiff she smiles I never relies that she actually quite short and her eyes are so green that it feels like your looking into a field in the summer she very petite unlike me I’m quite chubby but curvy as well so it ok I wouldn’t want to be too skinny.
After I unpacked everything I sat at my desk and turn on my lamp so I wouldn’t wake Tiff up because she most probably hates me for it. I get my dairy out and start right in it..........
Dear diary
First night at my new school I can’t sleep they something not right here. Today when I first arrived there was this boy called Theo walker every senses in my body told me to stay clear of him but when we were walking up the step to the school I felt eyes on me so I moved closer to him. But when I got to the top of the steps I turned around there was no one there but I still felt like eyes were watching me so I moved even closer to him so are arms were almost touching but I felt save with him oh god am I being paranoid because first I wanted to stay away from Theo but I feel save near him ........
It was about three a clock when I actually got to sleep so when I woke about six because someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Tiff shaking me she smiles and tells me we have to get ready because classes start at 8 so we got 2 hrs to get dressed do makeup and have something to eat.
Tiff change my outfit twice until came up with a skirt tights and a brown top and she had a really short skirt on and a blouse. When we done makeup and hair we went to the dinner room for something to eat lots of the girls stared at us wondering who the new kid was most probably. For breakfast I got a toast and a hot chocolate we sat with Tiff friends there were only five of us the other three girls were called Lisa, Bridie and Imahn there were really nice to me.
We were talking about who had classes with me when two girls stopped right in front of our table Tiff looks up and give them a really evil look “what the hell do you two want” there both smiled at her then looks at me and there smile disappeared and she glared at me and walked off. After their left us Tiff turns back towards us I ask her why there gave me evils “there gave you evils because Theo keeps looking at you and she likes him” she pointed towards the table he was sitting with his mates and where the two girls were standing “Emily doesn’t like it when I a girl gets more attention than her from him especially with a new girl who she think is out his out of your league” I look at him for a while he smiles at me so I turn back to my group and ask if anyone wants a drink and get up to go to the drink machine I got myself a orange juice I turn away from the drink machine to find Theo standing behind me he smiles down at me I don’t smile back at him. I try to get pass him he blocking my only exit by putting his hands either side of me my head and boxing me in he leans towards his eyes always on me “so crystal are you going to tell me what freaked out yesterday outside of school” I stared at him I tried to think of something to say to him. He get closer to me I open my mouth but nothing came out he asked me again in my ear without meaning to tell him “I felt eyes watching me not in a nice I felt scared so moved near to you I felt safe with you when we got to the top of the stairs I turned round there was no one there” I was breathing fast I like a ran a marathon he looks at me not smiling he turns away but before I could move he turned back round told me to promise him not to go outside on my own ever his has disappeared completely I just nodded and he walked.
My first lesson is English with Mr. Gold he quite old with a bit of grey hair coming through to his black hair. I sat trying to keep up with what he was talking about but all I think about was Theo walker ever since he made me promise not to go outside on my own. I been trying to figure out what he meant by that. God I hate English for two reason the first is I’m really bad at it and two is the boy next to me won’t keep his hands to himself if he carries on touching me like this I’m going to hit him as if the boy reading my mind he moved his hand a bit farther up my thigh. I turned a waked him Mr. Gold turn towards me and tells me to get out of the classroom I turn back towards to the boy he smirks at me. I pick up my thing and leave the classroom Mr. Gold follows me out of the room. I turn towards him he doesn’t look very happy “Miss Wood this is your first day here and already your setting a bad impression on me so I want you to go and say sorry to tom now do you hear me” he defiantly looked mad but I’m not going to say sorry to that pervert he started it. He started to tap his foot and asked me again if I heard him I nodded “so you going to say sorry” I shake my head tapping stopped and he looked at me “no Miss Wood why not” he glares at me “I’m not apologizing to tom he should be one saying sorry to me” he stares at me his face gone very dark looking “and why is this Miss Wood” this is getting really annoying this isn’t my fault “sir for most of the lesson he hasn’t kept his hand to himself” I could see that he was getting pissed off now “what is that supposed to mean” god sake is he that stupid this is the last straw “it mean sir that he is a pervert who couldn’t keep his hands to himself if you’re that stupid it means he kept touching me in places where he shouldn’t be” by the end of the last word got out of my mouth my voice has risen so most of the people in the classroom could hear. After my outburst Mr. Gold looked really livid he tells me to go to the headmistress office and he walks back into the classroom. I walked into the receptionist office she told me to sit down and Mrs will be right with me. Sat there for a while before Mrs. Coop came out and called me in I followed her into her office what is very bright with two big window behind her desk and a couple of painting and a bookshelf jammed with loads of books. She tells me to take a sit opposite her desk “so crystal I heard from your English teacher that you hit a boy you were sitting next to then when he told you to say sorry you refused to do as you told because you said he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and you called Mr. Gold stupid so is it that what happen” she stares at me but she didn’t seem mad at me she looked a bit thoughtful. I nodded then she asked me explain from the beginning so I told her that sir put me next to tom and that after a few minute of sitting next to him he started touching in places I didn’t like i slapped him so told me to go outside and so on.
When I finally got out of Mrs. Coop office I missed my second lesson so it was break I went to find Tiff where she told me to meet her this morning. I walked into the lunch room most of the people turned and stared at me the only one who wouldn’t quite smirking at me was tom god he was annoying me I wanted to hit him again. I turned my gaze to the table where my mates were sitting waving at me. I walk over to the table I dropped my bag down on the floor and took a sit next to Tiff she smiles her warm welcoming smile at me I smile back her “so tom a pervert then” she starts to laugh I laugh with her when we stopped I told her what happen we started to laugh again. Tiff stares right past me so I turn round to see what she was looking at when something caught my eye it was Theo staring at me again he wasn’t smiling this time it looked like he was examining me like he wanted to find something I turned away from him his stare was to intense. I got up from the table to get a drink from the machine I could sense Theo behind me so I turned round to face him he smiles down at me not his cocky smile but a smile I haven’t seen before it made smile back at him without me realising I was smiling at him I turn my head away from looking a bit embarrassed. As I feel him move closer to me I look up at him we stayed like this for ages staring into each other’s eyes then he “that it is dam there saw it coming but I didn’t” I stood there staring at him confused. I went to turn away because I thought he was crazy but he grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me round to look at him he was smiling the same one what make my whole body tingle he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand I look up at him trying to figure out why I felt scared of him when we first met but now I feel safe with him holding my hand and rubbing my troubles away with the stroke of his thumb against my skin. I just wanted to stand there for a while longer but it was all too good to be true. Emily walks over to us and asks Theo to help her with her homework he tells her to go and wait by table and he will be there in a minute. He turns back towards me and smiles again he lets go of my hand and steps away from me before he leaves he asks me to not to go alone outside again I promise him that and he walks away from I stood there for a while then I turned back towards the table where my friends were and walked back there and sat down
At lunch I sat with my group of friends we were talking about what we were going to do tonight because it was Bridie’s 15th birthday and we want to do something special for her but she keep saying she wants something cheap. When she went off to go and see her boyfriend we all started to organize Bridie’s little birthday bash we were thinking of going to the cinema then to coco’s. We sat there on the grass outside for ages until we organize everything first we go to the cinema watch very girly movies then we go to the club coco for under 18 then after the club we go back to the school. But before we can do any of this we have to get the headmistress to agree on this.
When we finish discussing what we were going to do we went to see Mrs. Cooper we told her are plans she agreed with to be back at nine a clock no later or we would be banded for leaving the school grounds for three weeks we agreed. We left her office to get to our next lesson for me it was history Bridie had that with me we walked together. Our history teacher was a very young woman her smile was very bright and friendly she had bright blue eyes a bit like Theo eyes she always so have the same chocolate brown hair as him I wonder if she related to her. I turned to Bridie she smiles “isn’t she pretty that Theo’s mum he got her eye and hair colour” she giggle a very girly one like she fancy him. The entire where through history I had the same senses I had near Theo yesterday and today like I was safe near her and her son. I tried to work but there was something wrong around I feel the eyes watching me again it felt like it felt when I first got here. I turned toward one of the windows where I felt someone staring at me but no one was there i felt a shiver go through. Bridie turns towards me and give me a puzzling look “Crystal are you ok you gone really pale” her voice filled with concern I just nodded and turned back to my work. After I finish a bit of the essay we were supposed to be doing I look up and Mrs. Walker was staring at me like the way Theo did on the first day on the steps but this time I didn’t feel like moving towards her but I did feel like telling her what happen my I restrained myself from doing it. I looked away before I spilled everything out to her and I don’t really want to do that. I was so glad when the bell rang I got all things up and rushed out of the door before Mrs. Walker could stop to talk to me. Bridie wasn’t very happy that I didn’t wait for her I broke down crying she makes me sit down on a bench in the shade where people couldn’t see that I was crying she rubs my back “it ok Crystal tell me what wrong” she sounded really worried I turn toward her and wipe my eye “Bridie I don’t know what to do it feel like my family forgotten about me i miss them i want to go home I do really like you guys but I miss my mum so much it hurts” i finish speaking i burst out crying again. We sat there for a while I could calm down “Crystal why do you feel like you been for gotten it only been a day and a half Hun” she smiles at me “I never gone without hearing my mum’s voice” she told me that when she first came here she missed her family but it would get easier. We sat in silents before I a shadow loomed over we both looked up into bright blue eyes. Oh my god its Theo he stared down at us bet you my were blood shot from crying “hey there I been looking for you Crystal Mr. Dom wanted me to find you your twenty minutes late” he puts his hand out to help me up from the bench he keeps hold of my hand and pulls me into the light so he can see my face better “you been crying what up” turned to look behind me where Bridie was but now she was walking away from me and Theo so I left with. We stood for a long time staring at each other “so are you going to tell me why you were crying or not” step back a bit he still had my hand so I couldn’t move to far away from him “it nothing I just miss my family mow let go of me we need to go to class” he stared at me he stroked his thumb over my hand like he did earlier but then I felt like someone was watching us I look over Theo shoulder something moved to quick for me to see my grip on Theo’s hand tighten the thing that moved just a minute ago was still there watching us in the shadows I couldn’t see who it was or what it was. I looked up at Theo he was staring at his eyes shining as bright as ever I looked over his shoulder once more the thing wasn’t there anymore it just disappeared into thin air my hand even more tighten round his hand so my now knuckles were white. He look down at me with concern and something unfamiliar in his eyes I stared up at him with fear. It felt like everything around me was spinning the next thing I know I’m waking up in Theo arms I could feel the grass underneath me “you ok” Theo voice was soft I tried to stand up but when I was standing up right I nearly toppled backwards Theo grabbed my shoulders to keep me upright “that answers my question I’m going to take you to the nurses office”. I shook my head and moved from under Theo hands that was a bad move my head was spinning it felt I was going collapse again. We stood still for ages “Crystal I think you should go and see the nurse” his voice was filled with concern but I refused again so we just walked to geography together.
When we walked into geography so asked where we been and seated me next to Theo as he was the only one with a spare next to him. We sat down and Mr. Dom gave me a book and went back talking to the class about floods and how they are caused. When he gave us our task to do we got on with it without talking to each other it felt like he was ignoring me.
After geography I got all my things together quickly and left before Theo stop me from leaving so he could talk to me. I met up with the other to sort out where we were meeting each other at we all agreed we would meet at the cinema. When me and Tiff got back to our room she went straight to her wardrobe and started pulling out her clothes and chucking them on her bed and mine. We took ages sorting through hers and my clothes before we found something she was wear a sparkly top what hangs on one shoulder and demine shorts with tights on her feet she was wearing dolly shoes. She made me wear one of her sisters old strappy tops what show off my curve and not my chubbiness I’m wearing one of my shorts skirt with tights. We finish getting dressed when Tiffs phone rang it was Lisa tell us there ready at the cinema so we better hurry up and get. After she hung the phone we rushed to tidy up all the clothes then do our makeup and hair. We just finish just finish in time for Lisa to call again to if we’re left yet.
The sun was setting when we were walking out of the gates of the school the breeze was very cool so we rapped up warm in a coat. When we reached the cinema we spot the other sitting on a bench in front of the cinema chatting there don’t see us till were standing by them. We all brought the ticket and we chipped into Bridie’s ticket. We sat down at the front to watch new moon Tiff was explaining what new moon was all about when we sat down and she said she would lead me the books and the DVD of the first movie.
When the movie was over we chucked all our rubbish in the bin and then we started towards coco when we saw Theo and his lot I didn’t see them at first until Bridie pointed him out I stared at him he turns round like he felt me staring he looks me up and down then he looks into my eyes he doesn’t look very happy. One of his friend stared over at us he looks away and nudged him forward so Theo would start walking again. I stared after him that when I see Emily walk out from an alley with Kiaya by her side Emily walks over to Theo and puts her hand into his. I feel sick and I don’t know why I don’t even like him I only known him a couple of days and he can do whatever he likes to do. The way I feel most have shown on my face because one of my mates asked if I was okay I just nodded and started to walk the other way “Crystal you’re going the wrong way it the other way” oh great we has to walk the same way as them I don’t think the night can get any worse. When we finally got to coco’s we got some drinks and sat by the bar. When we were on the dance floor dancing i spotted Theo and Emily walking through the door I thought the night couldn’t get any worse I was wrong. I carried on dancing to try and ignore the sick feeling i felt when I first saw them together today but it was really hard to do that when there right in your face “Crystal you alright you look like you’re going to be sick” Bridie shouts over the music I just nod and turn away from Theo and Emily and move towards the bar Bridie follows me. As we sat down at the bar i turn towards Bridie “Bridie I don’t know what I’m going to do how can I like him I only known him for a couple of days I want to hate him he gets under my skin and thought he liked me but here with Emily” after I finish speaking I looked over my shoulder where there were. Bridie also looks there way “Crystal I thought he liked the way he looked at you when he came looking for you he fooled both of us Hun” she smiles at me I smile back I turn back towards the bar and order a drink.
We dance rest of the night until we had to leave we got outside into the fresh air what was very chilli. I started to walk when I felt the same thing I felt when I’m in the school ground that thing was watching me I turn around no one was behind us I started to walk fast I didn’t feel safe out here I wanted to get back to the school “Crystal slow down we not going to be late we’re a bit early we thinking of going to a cafe for a drink” I shook my head “you lot go I’m going straight I don’t feel well” I said goodbye at the cafe there were stopping at.
When I was one my own I felt worse I picked up my speed I looked down the alley I had to go through my senses told me to find a another way round I backed away and rounded around a corner I had no idea where I was going. I rounded another corner there was something following what I could see in the dark it didn’t look human the vibe from it was really bad. My heart beat picked up a notch my breathing got heavier as I picked up even more speed feeling even more scared than I ever had in my life. Whatever was following through the empty streets I know I couldn’t give up and face this thing? Whatever it is it wasn’t a good idea to let it get hold of me. I wish I stayed with my mates at the cafe it was a stupid idea walking on my own now I’m getting stalked by some weird thing what smells really bad. I hope I can hold on until sunrise and people are walking about then I will be safe or it might be a bit earlier if my friends relies that I’m missing their might come looking for me please say their will I don’t think I can hold that thing back if it get hold of me and I already scared out of my pants thinking about what it could be. What if it some mass murder dress up in a weird costume or it could a prank played on me or am I tiring to make myself be braver than I am. I hear something break behind me that bring me back from my trails of thought. I peak over my shoulder to see what it was it was too dark for me to see what broke or where the thing is and how far away it is. I never been scared of the dark in my life but now I think I might now. I hear a shallow breathing not that far away from I hear something scrape a cross the ground. The sound something scraping a cross something metal like a nail made me cringes in pain the pitch screech was painful for my ears. The thing what was making the noise started to laugh not a nice laugh. I felt like bait something that being reeled in by it prey. My heart started to beat faster I hear it laugh one more time I can’t stand it I slip out of my high heels pick them up and leg it ...............

Chapter 2
High heels in my hands my heart raising I start to run I don’t know where I’m going but it got to be better than waiting around for the thing to get me I hear it pick up speed the laughter died down but I can still hear its low chuckle over the pounding of my blood through my hear. I trip over something sharp I fall flat on my face I feel pain wrench through my foot like something was stabbed through I couldn’t worry about that now I had to get up and run that all I can think about to get away form and back to the safety of the school ground.
I hear it gaining on me I know I can’t out run I to slow it down somehow my hands clench around my high heels I turned round to face the thing I could still here it laughing the thing finally speaks but it was very hard understand through growls it making “so you give up sweetie” I can’t see it face because it to dark but I can make out a rough shape out the thing was hunched over it fingers were long I bet you if it wasn’t hunched over it would tower over me. I lift one of my high heels “no way” I spit it and I pushed the pointed end of the high heel into it neck I hear it howl then I start to run it shouts something at me but I can’t hear over the pounding of my blood in my ears. I turn down an alley my heart is beating so hard it feels like it going to leap out of my chest any minute I can the howling from the distance but it wasn’t as far away it was before it sounded like it was coming closer I tried to stop to catch my breath but I didn’t want to take that chance it sounds like it getting closer. I try and hide in the shadows I run against the wall for a while when I feel a hole in the wall it big enough for me to squeeze into.
When we get back to school I walk Bridie to her room “Tiff thanks for a great night and make sure Crystal ok and say thank you to her for me” we hug each other. When I get back to my room Crystal wasn’t there I looked at the time it was past 9 and the lunch room would be close so where was she. I had this bad feeling that something bad has happen to her. I run out the shutting the door as I’m looking around the school grounds to see if she there I bump into someone I look up to find myself staring into bright blue eyes. He stares back at me “hey Tiff wondering when you lot get back I wanted to talk to Crystal I thought she be with you” I stared at him “I don’t know but when I find her I tell her”. He looked confused “what do you mean you don’t know where she is didn’t you to just get back” I shook my head “no I just got back she got back ages ago or I thought but I can’t find her” after saying that out loud I started to worry. Oh my god what if she never got back to school what if she was still out on the street. He put his hand on his jaw “you let her walk on her own why” he looked angry “she said she was feeling sick so she said we should go to cafe she walk back on her own she knew where she going or I thought she did” he turned away from me and started toward the main building where Mrs. Coop office was in.
I can’t believe it was she stupid or what I warned her not to go outside on her own ever “hey wait up where you going” I heard Tiffs voice behind I turn round to face her “I’m going to tell Mrs that Crystal has gone missing” I turned away and started to walking she followed me in to Mrs. Coop office. As I step into her offices she looks up and smiles “hello Theo and Tiff what can I do for you at this time at night” I turned to face Tiff she looks down at her feet “so Tiff are going to explain or do I have to” I cross my arms across my chest she looks up her big green eyes with tears in them turned towards Mrs “Mrs Crystal gone missing I can’t find her anyway I looked everywhere” as near the end of her sentence her voice got higher. Mrs Coop looked at her then me and then she stood up and moved around her desk “when was the last time you saw her Tiff” Tiff looked up into her bright blue eyes “the last time we saw her was when she left the cafe to walk back to school because she felt sick she didn’t want anyone to go with her” after Tiff finish talking I stepped forward so I could talk to Mrs “Mrs I’m going out to look for her I get couple of my mates to help” she nodded and told us to go.
I hugged my knees trying to hold back my sobs I could still hear the growling getting closer. I could feel it getting closer and I could smell it to “you can hide but I can smell your blood so come out” I stay where I was huddled up in the dark. I sat for ages while I could hear the creature outside then suddenly everything went quite I held my breath something cold and sharp grabbed my ankle and pulled I screamed trying to grab something to hold me back but I know I wasn’t strong enough so I made sure I had my last high heel in my hand and let the thing drag me out. I came face to face with the creature I still couldn’t see it face properly because it had something over it. My grips around the shoe tighten instead of bring my hand up to stab in the neck where I did it last time I went lower. I put all my force into heard it slice through it skin I let go of the shoe without thinking about how much pain I’m in I make a run for it ..........
Tiff wouldn’t let us go on our own she had to go because she blamed herself before we left we split up in pairs I put Todd with Tiff. When we were apart from them two Cody turned towards me “do you think one them have gone after her” I just nodded I didn’t want to think about it if there got someone after now and their got hold of her I don’t want to think about what they’re going to do to her. As we turned the corner I see something glistering in the moon light i bend down to see what it was. I picked up the high heel Crystal was wearing at coco’s............
Ran for it I don’t know where I am nothing looked familiar to me I carried on running I couldn’t stop or the thing would get and if he catches me I don’t what it will do to me and I don’t want to find out. Suddenly I felt sharp pain go through my foot I slip and land on my knees I could hear the creature from where I left growling as he pulled another shoe out of it stomach. I get up I could feel blood running down from both of my knees. I need to get this creature of my trail put it on a wild gust chase didn’t it say something about being able to smell my blood. As I was thinking about a plan started to run again the pain I was in now was speechless I was slowing down when I saw a barbed wired fence the idea came up with would put me through more pain but the only thing I could think of at the moment. So I left a bit trail of blood across the road towards the fence I climbed it I put hand over the barb wire and squeezed I Tried to stop myself from screaming but I couldn’t help it I screamed so loud it hurt my ears I let some of the blood trail down the fence and a bit on the floor before I climbed down and round around a corner when I heard the growl get closer I sunken down with my back to the cold wall I didn’t want to run anymore if it found me now and didn’t go for the false trail I give up. Then I hear it claw up the fence and it land on the other side of the fence I let out a breath I started to shake. Something lands on my shoulder I thought this was the end then I open my eyes I look up through my watery eyes to the most amazing blues I ever seen “I got you you’re safe now”............
As I walk down another alley I find the other shoe of Crystal I was about to pick it up when I heard a scream. I round toward the noise Cody was right behind me. A couple of minutes later we rounded a corner I saw Crystal on a fence dripping blood down the other side of the fence. She climbed back down and ran round corner hiding from the monster could hear the growling I saw the beast emerged from the shadows it walks around bit sniffing until he picked up the trail Crystal left towards the fence the beast follows the trail over the fence it disappears over the fence I could it running through the trees. I told Cody to stay here to keep an eye out for the beast while I go get Crystal. I rounded around the corner to see Crystal hugging her knees shaking I could hear her crying quietly. She was bleeding from her hand knees and feet she was lucky the beast sense her here. I walk over and put my hands on her shoulders I feel her jump she looks up I looked down into the deep brown watery eyes of hers........
I look up into the most amazing blues eyes I ever seen I recognized them straight away I grabbed hold of him he picked me up even though I was all bloody and weighed about eleven stone. I felt like a rag doll in his arms for no reason I started to cry. He held me tight not saying anything. He stood there hold me for a while so I could get my breath back. When I did he started to walk keeping me close to his body in a protective way. We rounded a corner where a boy was waiting “Cody can you your jacket over Crystal” the boy nodded and he put his jacket over me. When we got to the alley where I got that really bad vibe from there were two people standing by the entrance I recognized it was Tiff “crystal oh my god what happen god this all my fault please forgive me” she started to cry the near put his arm round her to comfort her “it ok she fine see it not your fault” i try and move my hand but it was too painful “Tiff he right it not your fault the only you should blame is me I attracted danger” I tried to laugh but it didn’t come out right. As we reach the school gates the headmistress stalked out to them her face was pale but turn paler she looked horrified how I looked with blood stains on Theo she ushered us in to the nurse’s offices. She made Tiff go outside with Todd because she was crying too much. Mrs wanted Theo to go out to but I wouldn’t let him leave my grip on his shirt was to tight to pry them away without hurting me. As the nurse dressed my cuts Theo held my hand I kept squeezing when she washed my cuts when she was finish she left the room so there was only me Theo and Mrs Coop. Theo help me to my feet I had to put all my weight on him because stand on one of my feet because I a big long gash across my foot. Mrs Try to make me tell her what happened to me but I refuse to tell anyone about it I just wanted to go to sleep. Theo helped me to my room Tiff went back ages ago with Todd so when I walked in she was fast asleep already I turned back towards Theo I smiled at him but we both know I was only smile on the surface but inside I felt scared. When I shut the door i went straight to my dairy on the desk.........
Dear diary
Today has been a rollercoaster first the day was ok had a couple of good lessons. Even thought someone liked me but I don’t know now it seems too early we only known each other a couple of days. At lunch me and my group of friends planed a birthday get together for Bridie the cinema idea was Lisa and coco’s was Imahn’s idea. It started of so great we watched new moon it was great then after that we headed out to coco’s that when i see Theo with Emily and Kiaya walking behind them I thought he liked me but i couldn’t have been wrong. When to coco’s there were there to it was like there were trying to make my life hell. When we left coco’s I felt like someone was following me the others went to the cafe but i told them i felt ill so meet them back at the school but then i was attacked by a creature it scared me to death Theo found i was so closed to his body when he picked me he was so warm i just wanted to stay there forever. I shut my diary and put it away then I climbed into bed and tried to go to sleep I did finally fall asleep about midnight.
I was running from something I don’t know what it to dark I only hear the footfall of something that was coming after me I wanted to stop running but someone told me not to stop the voice was so familiar. The face flash before my eyes the voice I was hearing was Theo’s his bright blues in my head I kept running because he told me to. The scenery around me change from being a gloomy street to being a dark forest I was lost suddenly I felt something wet drop on to my face and another until I realised it raining. I kept on running I could hear the foot step getting nearer. I could see something up a head a bright light I kept running toward it maybe if I get there the thing won’t be able to get me I picked up my speed. I wasn’t fast enough the thing grabbed me I felt its claws dig into my flesh I could feel blood trailing down from where the claws were digging into me. The monster pinned me down to the floor I tried to get away but it pulled me back the only thing i could see of him was it yellow eyes what shone for the taste of my blood. I started to scream it lower it head and went straight for my neck..........................
I woke up screaming and tried to muffle my crying so I wouldn’t wake Tiff up. I tried to go back to sleep I could every time I close my eyes I saw those yellow eyes. I got out of bed and put a jumper on and some shoes I did that quietly so I wouldn’t wake Tiff the door open without a creak I tiptoed out of and shut the door behind me. Without thinking about where I was going I open the front doors of the girl dooms what open to the front yard of the school. I step outside it was quite I wrapped my arms around me to try and keep me. I looked around everything was still and peaceful nothing out of place I move over to the bench and sit down I pull my knees towards. I sat there for along hugging my knees and listening to sound of the wind my eyes started shutting that when heard footfall getting closer I open my eyes with fright thinking the yellow eyed monster has come for. The foot fall stopped it went quite then it spoke “don’t you think if you’re tired you would go to” it was Theo I would recognize his voice from anyway. I looked up at him he smiles down at me. He sat down beside me on the bench he was wearing a jacket and some tracksuit he looked tired his bright blue eyes on my face.
We sat there in silent for ages until I found my voice “so are you stalking me” I give a shaky laugh he looks me up and down I was wearing my old pyjamas my jumper covered up the top but not my bottoms what were a bit too short. He smiles at me but it never reaches his eyes “no I’m not stalking you I come out here when I can’t sleep” I looked at him for a bit. I tried to think of something to say but nothing came sitting here in silent wasn’t as awkward as thought it would be the atmosphere between us was calm. Where we sat was cold I shivered Theo takes off his jacket and put around me I tried to give it back he had no top underneath his jacket “Theo you must be cold put your jacket back on” he shakes his head he smiles down at me I pull the jacket closer to me as I did that I could smell his scent a very woody smell it made me want to huddle even closer to the really thing. As if he was reading my mind he shuffled near “you look frozen why are you out here” he looked down at me his face was nearer to mine now “I couldn’t sleep had a bad nightmare” I smiled at him he smiled his warm and concerning smile. We stared into each other’s eyes “do you want to tell me it might help you sleep if you tell someone” as I thought about it he moved even more closer to me before I told him what scared me out of my sleep. I told him about the yellow eye monster chasing me and what happen and that I heard his voice in my head telling me to keep running but when the monster got me and went to kill me I woke up screaming and every time I closed my eye I saw the yellow eyes. When I finish telling him about my dream I started to shake thinking about the monster was scaring my out of my skin.
He walked me back to my room he let me keep his jacket saying he got plenty of them and he knows that I don’t have any warm clothes accept this jumper I was wearing. When I shut door I lean against the door and slid to the floor I still had his jacket on I wrapped it around me more tightly. Did he just take Emily out to coco just as friends? I sat there for a while thinking to myself. I stood up and took my jumper and his jacket off and slid into bed fell into deep dreamless sleep this time I didn’t see his yellow eyes I saw Theo’s bright blue eyes.
I woke to the sun shining through the curtains I open my eyes and stared over to Tiff bed it was empty I sat up with a jolt I picked up my alarm clock it was Ten o’clock. I jumped out of bed forgetting about the big gash on my foot I screamed with pain I hoped on to my good foot my eyes filling with tears. I limp towards my wardrobe I put on some pineapple jogging bottom and white t-shirt I quickly shoved some dolly shoes on bring very careful with my hurt foot. As was about to leave the room something court my eye it was on the floor I turned to stare at it. It was Theo’s jacket he gave me yesterday it was left on floor where I dropped it when I went back to bed. I picked it up and put my arms through it. I walked into the canteen everyone turned to stare at me I walk straight past Theo and his group I saw Theo look at me and smile. I sit down next to Tiff there all finish speaking and turned their concern gaze on me “why didn’t you wake me up Tiff” I smile everyone to show them I was fine and there can stop worrying about “I thought it would be better if you got a lay in you had a bit of a shock yesterday” I smile at Tiff again. I put my bag on the floor and stood up to go to get some food and a drink. I was waiting in the line ready to get some food when Theo came and stood behind me “so you’re wearing my jacket” he chuckled it made me shiver I turned to face him he was smiling down at me “yes I am my jumper is a bit to small” I smile back that made his smile get bigger. I turned back around and grabbed a tray his armed reach around me for a tray “you know you could of ask me to get you a tray instead of reaching over me” I smiled even though he couldn’t see it “maybe I just wanted to get close to you” he laughed in my ear I wish I could hear that sound all the time and this moment wouldn’t end but nothing turns out how I want it to. Emily came up from behind us “Theo what the hell are you doing with her” I span round on my heels to face her she wasn’t smiling and my smile was wiped off my face “he was just talking Emily” she didn’t even look at me while she grabbed Theo hand “Emily she right I can talk to her” she didn’t look up at me “you stay away from my boyfriend” when she said that my mouth fell open I can’t believe he going out with her I thought he liked me. I walked away from them got my food and went back my group of friends all that time I felt Theo eyes on me. I sat back next to Tiff “Crystal you alright” I just nodded and dug into my food. After I had enough I put the rest of the food in the bin then walked out of the canteen without looking at anyone I felt sick of people staring at me because of my cuts on my face.
I step outside into freezing cold air the sun was shining but the wind was very nippy. I walked over to the bench and sat down I felt a tear rolled down my face I wipe at quickly I can’t cry. I sat there for awhile I bathed in the peacefulness everyone was still in bed or in the canteen so I was all alone I thought I would feel better on my own but I didn’t I felt worse. I heard footstep get closer I bathed in the peacefulness everyone was still in bed or in the canteen so I was all alone I thought I would feel better on my own but I didn’t I felt worse. I heard footstep get closer I thought it might be one of my friends I looked up to find Theo standing over me I stood up to walk away he grabbed my arm before I could make a run for it “Crystal we need to talk so don’t walk away from me” he looked angry that I was trying to ignore him. I tried to pull away from him but his hand wouldn’t budge I turned to face him “we have nothing to talk about Theo now let go of me” he didn’t listen to me I tried once more to move his hand from my wrist but I couldn’t so I gave up. He asked if we could go for a walk I nodded we started walking “Crystal I know I been sending the wrong signals to you”. I walked I walked a bit faster he grabbed my arm “are you listening to me” I nodded not saying anything I didn’t trust myself to speak how could he say he was giving me the wrong signals it looked to me that he cared for me. He span me around to face him I never lifted my eyes to his I just stared at the ground “Crystal say something I don’t want to hurt you” I looked up into his eyes “well you ready hurt me and about send all the wrong signals why did you start talking to me you never talk to my group of mates before I came here so why now start talking to them and me I’m nothing like you your way up on their” I lifted my hand as high as I can reach “and I’m way down here” I moved my hand lower down from where it was he grabbed my hand “Crystal you’re not way down and you will never be I don’t deserve you and I don’t want put you in harm’s way that why I’m trying make you stay away from me Emily she look after herself but you can’t and I don’t want you to get hurt”. I saw his eyes blaze a bright blue colour I could of got lost in them but I know I shouldn’t “what do you mean that Emily could look after herself and I can’t I serviced that thing last night” his eyes never leaving mine he stepped closer to me “Crystal you were lucky last night that thing was after you is dangerous and you had luck on your side and their worst thing out there than that thing”. I felt my anger boil up and I felt tear rush to my eyes “don’t you tell me it was a flock do you know what I went through to stay alive” he looked at me he saw the tears welling in my eyes “no I don’t know what you went through no one does because you haven’t said anything about it” I felt the tear roll down my cheeks I wiped them away quickly as I can “I don’t want to talk what happen to me because I don’t want to remember it ok maybe I’m weak n most probably right that I was lucky now I’m thinking about it I’m sorry shouted at you” I tried to hold back a sob but I couldn’t I put my hands to my face and burst out crying he stepped closer to me and put his arms around me. When I calmed down a bit “why don’t you tell me what happen to you it might help you forget” I thought about it for a while he still had his arms around me so I felt safe to tell him.
I told him everything from when I left the girls at the cafe to when he found me near the end of telling him I burst out crying again he tighten his grip around me. We stayed like that for ages but then the bitch from hell Emily walk up to us she looked like she wanted to kill me she pulls us a part “and what do you think you’re doing with my boyfriend” she snarled at me. Theo stepped between us “Emily she my friend I was just comforting her so don’t go speaking to her like that” his voice changed from being nice and warm to being ice cold what made want to crawl away from him. I stood there staring at both of them for a while then I just turned away “I don’t feel well so I be going now” I hear Theo feet move towards me I also hear Emily walk away from us. We walked in silent’s to my room when we got to my room I went to open the door he grabbed my shoulders lightly and turned me around to face him “Crystal I think you should go to the nurses soon if you feel even worse later promise you will” he looked deep into my eyes it felt like he was looking for something that would reassure him that I would go to the nurses if I was in pain. I just nodded I went to turn but he still had my shoulders in his grip he moved one of his hands of my shoulder and stroked my cheek. He dropped his hand and stepped back from it look like he was shaken up by what he just done “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that” as he was saying the last words he turned away from me and walked away I stood there staring after him. I stepped inside and shut the door with the door closed I fell to the ground in tears I cried for ages until fell asleep on the floor huddle in a ball.
Chapter 3
I woke up with a jump I felt someone hands on my shoulders shaking me I started to scream but then I stop I recognize the voice trying to carm me down it was Tiffs “Crystal wake up it me” I pry my eyes open to see Tiffs bright green eyes staring down at me. She helps me up on to my feet one of my foot still hurt. I started to get headache from all the crying I had done before I fell asleep. Tiff sits me on my bed and made me tell her what happen why was I on the floor I told her what happen between me Theo and Emily and when I got back to the room I broke down crying.
When she went to go meet the others for a quick snack before our curfew I went to the nurses office it was dark outside the moon was hidden by clouds the wind was bitter cold against my skin. I stepped into two nurses building I felt something cold and evil brush across my skin it made me feel like I shouldn’t be here. I carried on walking but I started to tiptoe quietly across the tiled floor towards the nurses office I hear a voice muttering something in a different language. I get on to my knees and crawl through the door I don’t know why I’m acting like this but something telling me it for my own good. I peek around a big plant what has covered me up from the nurse’s view. She was hunched over an old looking bowl what had lots of engraved pictures she muttering something again what I couldn’t understand. I sit on my heels watching her pick up a knife that had been right next to her when I crawled into the room that also look old and it had the same pictures engraved in the knife bit as the bowl there were both a bronze colour. Her voice got louder as she lifted the knife to her wrist. She brought the knife down on to her wrist and cut a big gash a cross her left wrist she let it bleed into the bowl I watch as her blood dripped into the bowl I felt I was going to throw up. She put the bowl down on the table in front of her and went to cover up the gash before she lost too much I looked at the table it had covering the wooden table in the middle was another bowl what look exactly the same as the one with blood init but this one had herbs and also of flowers what looked half dead. Around the outside of the table in each corner of the table were candles what haven’t been lit yet there were different colours purple red dark blue and black. The nurse comes back with a badge around left wrist she also had matches in her right hand she walks over to the table. She pulls out one match and lights lit she goes around the table lighting each candle first she lights the red saying something in the same language she been talking in for most of the time I been here. Suddenly she said something in English it sounded like she said something about blood. She moves towards to the purple colour she lights another match when she light this candle I feel a breeze rush through the door. She says something in what I don’t understand then she goes into English again “arise from the pit of hell the spirits of my lord” she move towards she does the same as she did with the other to candles. She lights it and says something in some other language then she says something in English “the night is our so arise”. She moves away from the candle she just spoke to and moved towards the last candle what haven’t been lit yet it was the black one. I could still feel the breeze what was coming out of nowhere. She lights the black candle and all my hairs on my arms were standing up she starts talking again she also goes into English again “the death is the path you come from” she moves away from and walk to the bowls. She picks up the bowl with blood in it and tips the as few drops of blood in the bowl with herbs and flowers in it she also speaking this time it all English “as the blood burns with herb and flower of the night it will open the door way so my lord can speak to me” as she says that she drops the match she just lit in to the bowl with the herbs there go up in flames. As the stuff in the bowl burns she picks up the other bowl again with her blood in it she stares in to the blood for a while it looks like she waiting for something. After a long time a smile spreads across the nurse bright red lips “hello master it nice see you and hear from” she bows her head to show her respect to whatever she talking to it look like she was talking to herself for a while because the was no response. Then when I was about to leave I heard a husky voice come out of nowhere it wasn’t the nurse her lips were still smiling down at the bowl “Lilly it so nice to see your face I hear you got some news on the boy”. She nods her head and her smile get wider “yes my lord I have his weakness that will help me make him free you” I looked around me to see where the voice was coming from but there was only the nurse and me. she sit down on a chair what was facing my way so I couldn’t make a runner without her seeing me so I had to sit there if I didn’t want to “so what is his weakness because I want to get out soon” she nods again. Her smile widen so her teeth are showing now “Theo weakness is a girl he has got very attached to I saw it coming when she first step into this school I know he would fall for her” she starts to laugh but I didn’t take any notice of I was frozen when she first said Theo name. Her laugh dies down and the husky voice speaks again “so who is this girl he is so fond of then” he sounded very happy about this news Lilly has gave him. She shuffles on her chair before she spoke she was still smiling “her name is Crystal” when she said my name I gasped Lilly heard me her head flipped up and stares over where the noise had come from she puts the bowl down she stands up and looks around the room “what is it Lilly” the husky voice sound angry. Lilly quickly turns back to the bowl it was my chance to room or get court I got on my feet crouching still behind the plant I hear her tell the voice that she heard someone in the room I stood up she still had her back to me if I could make it to the door without her noticing me. I walked to the door quietly when I got to the door I knocked into a table what was right next to the door the water jug what was on it crashed to the floor Lilly span round to face me. I grabbed the door knob and yanked open the door so I could run out of it. Forgetting about my foot hurting and my headache I ran down the corridor I could hear her coming out of her office and walking down the corridor after me “Crystal you know it not nice to spy on people” I hear her sneer the words out at me I didn’t stop running out of the door and into the night I didn’t know where I was running I passed the girl doom but I kept running I could hear Lilly behind me but suddenly it went quiet I peeked over my shoulder she was gone but I kept running I ran into the boys doom I don’t know why I did. I stop outside a door I looked the names on the door: Theo n Todd. I stood there for a while then the door open Todd was standing there “Crystal you alright” he looked me up and down “why does everyone keep asking that” he just stares at me. I looked past him into the room “is Theo here I need to talk to him” he shakes his head I went to turn away from him but turned to face him “Todd could I come in and wait for him” I looked behind me feeling like something was watching me Todd step out of the way so I could get into the room I sit down on the armchair near the window. I shut the curtains because it something was watching out there and I didn’t feel safe with the curtains open Todd eyes me curiously but he doesn’t ask me anything. We sat there in silent’s I stared at the door hoping he would walk through it so I can feel safe I sat there for a while then the door open he walked through he took one look at me and his face fell to concern “Crystal what you doing” I sat up a bit “Theo what going on” he just stared at me with confusion. Todd got up and told us he was going to see if Tiff wanted to get a snack and he left the room shutting the door after himself. Theo came sat in the armchair beside me we didn’t look at each other we just stared a head “so are going to tell me what going why the nurse or should I call her Lilly......” I couldn’t finish my sentence he interrupted me “Lilly what she here” I look at him he didn’t look very happy. He looked he wanted to kill someone “Theo who is she” he looked in my eyes his face soften into a sweet smile “Crystal don’t worry about it” he smiled again. This time he not going to get away without telling me who she is “Theo you tell me now who she is why was she talking someone about me being your weakness tell me now” I shouted the last words at him. I looked away from him felt horrible for shouting at him he grabs my chin and turned my face towards him so he could look into my eyes “Crystal its complicated I can’t tell you everything” he looked down at my hands what were clasped together. I tried to look away but he still had my chin in his hand “then tell me what you can make me understand don’t keep me the dark please” the last word came out as a whisper. He stroked his thumb a cross my jaw line I shivered under his touch “Crystal you most understand that I’m keeping you in the dark because I don’t want you to get hurt” he carried on staring into my eyes “Theo I ready got hurt please tell me I want to know why she was talking a bowl of her blood” he looked at me he dropped his hand from my chin and stood up. I got up to he had his back to me I walked around him and stood in front of him he looked down at me his blue eyes so bright with anger he grabbed my arm and told me to tell him what I saw I told him about hiding behind the plant and that I heard her shouting stuff in a language I didn’t recognize. After she got a knife and cut one of her wrist and let the blood drop into the bowl. I also to him about the table and the four candles and what she said in English and that she was talking to someone in the bowl. After I told him everything he grabbed his jacket off the bed and grabbed my arm he started pull me out of the room “where we going” he stopped and turned round to face me “we going to Mrs. Coop office” I looked at him puzzled. We walked to her office in silence when we got there she let us in Theo still had my arm he sits me down in a chair “Theo what you do want” I could see that she wasn’t very happy we were here. I just sat while Theo was talking to her “Lilly is here or was I don’t know if she still here though” when Theo said Lilly name Mrs. Coop face turned dark the same as when I told Theo. I shuffled in my sit feeling uncomfortable “you saw her” he shook his head and turned towards me “Crystal did she saw everything what happen” Mrs looked at me I felt even more uncomfortable with them both staring at me. I stood up feeling like I should do something “I think we should tell her what going on” Mrs. Coop shook her head she looked me up and down “no we not going to tell her, why did you bring her here” she sounded angry. I stood there staring at them why aren’t there telling me “I want to know what going on I want to know why she was talking some bowl and what it got to do with me and why there want to use me to get Theo to do what there want” there both stared at me I backed away a bit it was too intense with them both looking at me. Ms went to her desk picked up the phone and dialled a number she was talking for a while Theo made me sit down. She got off the phone and came over to us “your mother coming Theo then we can talk” he didn’t look very happy with the news Ms just gave us “why did you call her I came to you about this so you would that I was going to tell her everything she needs to know” everything went silent in the room. The door opens and in walks Mrs walker “I don’t think you need to tell her anything” her voice was sharp and she kept looking at me like I was a disease “mum she in the middle of the this so why not sooner or later she going to know but I would like to tell her now not later” it was like staring contest there both stood there staring at each other “we not telling her anything I told you stay away from her but you didn’t listen”. He groaned it looked like he want to punch something “mum I don’t think it would of helped if I stayed away from her there know something was going to happen between us” I stared at him wondering who he was talking about “err you know I’m still here and I’m not death so whatever you’re talking about just tell me” Mrs walker or should I say Sophie turned towards me she looked pissed. She moved close to me I was still sitting down so she towered over me “I’ll tell what going on your putting my son in danger for being here so why don’t you go home” Theo came and stood in between us he had his back to me “mum you know she can’t just go home now there will go after her and you know that” I felt a shiver go down my spine. I just wanted to get out of this room I could feel that his mum didn’t like me at all “Theo is right Sophie she need to be protected that why I think he should stay with her for a couple of nights just to keep an eye on her” when Ms said that Sophie just got even more pissed off “what the hell are you thinking there want my son but you want protect her” she was shouting now I shuffled in my sit feeling a bit scared of Sophie. Ms puts her hand on Sophie’s shoulder but she shrugs it off “Sophie I know there want your son but there want her as well so there can use her against him so why don’t carm down” Sophie just lost it and walked out of the room and slammed the door with a loud bang. After she left it went silent for a while I was still confused what there were talking about my headache was coming back and all I wanted to do was sleep “so you stay in Crystal room until we find Lilly ok” we both nodded and left her office.
When we got outside we were silent for a bit until I grabbed his arm and turned him around to face me “Theo you still haven’t told me what going on” he looked down and smile sympathetic smile “Crystal I can only tell a few things I don’t want my mum to hate me even more” he turned away from me and carried on walking. I stood there not moving he turns around “Crystal come on I’ll tell you when we get back to your room” I shook my head and stood there he came towards me I didn’t look him in the eyes I thought I would get lost in them like I normally do “no I want you to tell me now”. I had tears in my eyes why am I getting upset “Crystal please let go in it been a long day you need to sleep” I stood there staring at the floor for a while until I saw a face form in the soil I jumped from it and scream. I looked up at Theo “Crystal what wrong” I looked into his blue eyes with fear “there was a face in the soil it was smiling at me, I must of imagined it but it scared me” I tried to laugh but it came out a bit strangled. I moved closer to him when we start to walk back to my room I couldn't get the face out of my head.
When we got to my room the door was wide open I look up at Theo he was staring into my room he grabs my arm and half drags me into the shadows of the corridors from his expression I know something was in my room. We stood there for a while then a figure appeared in the doorway I could see it face because Theo was covering most of my view. It shut my door and left Theo stepped away from me and opens the door we go in nothing has been moved so I don’t go and see if anything gone missing. I sit down on my bed and look up at him “Theo what going on” he looks at me he comes over and sit next to me on my bed “Crystal I’m not going to tell you everything I want to but I’m a bit worried it might scare you I don’t want to scare you” he smiles at me. I turn my body towards him so our knees were touching “Theo then tell me what you can just make me understand what going on” he was about to tell me when Tiff walks in tailing behind her was Todd “hey guys Ms just told me that Todd and Theo are staying are room for a bit because to keep an eye you” she smiles up at Todd. I could see Tiff likes him already “so where are we sleeping then” after Todd said Tiff turns round and smiles at him “you could sleep in my bed with me” there both start to laugh. Tiff stops laughing and turns to me and Theo she looks at the way we were sitting and smiles at me I just give her evils. We all went to bed about midnight Todd slept in Tiffs bed with Theo and Tiff in my bed with me. The boys fell asleep before us so we could talk “so Crystal what going on between you and Theo and why did Todd and Theo have stay in our room” I couldn’t see her face but if I didn’t tell her she most probably kill me. I turned on to my back and stared at the ceiling “I don’t really understand what going but something after me because it want to get to Theo through me and today someone was in our room I think it was after me and the nurse she somehow involved in this Tiff I’m scared” I just stared at the ceiling. I wait for her to say something funny but instead a stopped remark she hugs me “Crystal I know Theo he won’t let anything hurt the way he looks at you he cares for you” and that what I fear. I turned to face her even though I can’t see her “Tiff there after me to get to him I don’t want him to care for me if they’re going to use me to hurt him” I let tears slip down my face in silent’s. I turned away from her to show her that I wanted to sleep.
I was in a room with the face from the soil I was in a chair Lilly was there watching me struggle to get out she just laugh. I feel the pain as he bring the knife down on my arm I scream with pain he smiles as well. He walks to the table where he had picked up the knife he cleans the knife off “soon I will be free and this will happen for real and Theo be able stop me” he laughs his voice was husky. He came towards me again with the knife he brings the knife down on my arm again he makes another gash on my arm but even deeper I scream. He does that a few more times on my right arm I couldn’t hold back my cries the pain was too much.........
I wake by screaming I jump up out of bed to find Tiff trying to wake Crystal Todd ready behind me he helps Tiff out of bed she keeps looking over at crystal who screaming is turning into sobs of pain. I sit down on the bed “why don’t you to try and sleep I’ll carm her down” I turn back to Crystal she still screaming and thrashing about in her covers. I pulled back the covers so I could grab Crystal I pulled her on to my lap she still crying like someone was hurting her I rocked her back and forth trying to carm her down “Crystal wake up it just a dream it won’t hurt you” carried on talking to her tell her everything was ok and she can wake up now. she wakes up finally with a scream she looks up into my eyes her eyes were full tear she pulls herself closer to me I could hear her sobbing against my chest I laid down with her in my arms I wrapped the covers over us......
I was bleeding from both arms the blood was dripping into a bowl I couldn’t stop crying I wanted this to end or just die. I was in so much pain I couldn’t hear myself think but suddenly I hear Theo’s voice telling me it was a dream and it won’t hurt me. I wanted to see his face I close my eyes think it not real it just your imagination I kept repeating it over and over again but it wouldn’t work I could still feel the blood dripping from my arms. I keep my eyes closed listening to Theo’s voice. The next thing I know is that I’m in Theo’s arm I look up into his bright blue eyes through teary vision. I turn my head into his chest and sob I feel Theo my covers over us and he lays down with me in his arms and I felt safe enough to fall asleep again.
I slept the rest of the night without dreaming about the man and the woman again it was dreamless sleep.
* * * I watch her as she calm down and fell asleep in my arms. I look down at her arms to see some mark on her arms in the dim light. There were both identical from each other it was like a scar what been there for ages. The nightmare she was having was a sign that he getting stronger. And soon he will arise from the pit I thrown him in five years ago and when he does he will bring the darkness with him. But the only way he can arise is for me to set him free. I feel Crystal stir in my arms so I pull the covers even closer around trying to make Crystal feel safe with me.
* * *
The sun streaming through the curtains woke me up all the memories of my dream and what happen last night came flooding back with a bang. I moaned and tried to curl up into a ball realising that I was still in Theo arms he stirred beneath his arms tighten around protectively. I looked over at Tiffs bed her and Todd was still fast asleep with his arm around her protectively. I turned my head to find Theo staring at me his stare was so intense that I had to look away. The dream last night was imprinted in my brain I looked down at my arms to find marks on either arm identical from each other. The marks were in the same places where the knife had cut me in my nightmare. I sat up right Theo copied me and followed my gaze to my arms. I turn towards him he just stares at me “tell what the hell is going I don’t care what the headmistress or your mother told you I need to know now” the whole sentence came out as a whisper I could bring myself to speak any louder I was scared. And he could see it in my eyes that I was. But he didn’t say anything I stumbled out of bed trying not wake up Tiff and Todd. Theo stood up and watched me as I steady myself against my desk “please tell me what going” I tried begging him but he just shook his head “Crystal you know I can’t and some point you will find out but not right now”. He moved closer to me I backed away from and banged into the wall my eyes full of tears I ran past him for the door. He tried to grab me but he miss me by a few inches I pulled the door open and ran out it was too early in the morning anyone to be awake.
I ran through the doors into the sun tears running down my face remembering what happen to me in my dream. I stopped and collapsed to the floor in tears I buried my face in my hands trying to forget the nightmare and what happening around me. I just want to be home with my family not stuck here with whatever going on. I could feel someone approaching me I look up to find Theo standing over me he sits down next to me cross legged. I slid away from but he grabbed me and pulled me on to his lap I could feel his eyes on my head but I don’t look up at him I just stared at floor. The tears were still running down my face as I just listen to his breathing as he holds me. We just sat in silent’s while the breeze blew my hair about and dried my tear stained face. I just wanted him to explain to me what happening but I know he won’t he just keeping me in the dark like always he treating me like I won’t be able to handle what going on. I turned my head to stare up at him he was staring at me “Theo why won’t you just say what going on because you ready said sooner or later I’m going to find out why can’t it be now I can handle it” my voice calm but I wasn’t feeling calm though. His bright blue eyes were emotionless he was hiding from me like he always does “Crystal you can’t handle this I’m keep you in the dark for good reason if I told you it be even harder to protect you and I promise them I wouldn’t say anything and I don’t break my promises. Please stop asking” near the end his words were softer I just turned my head away from so he couldn’t see my disappointment. As I stared into the trees what surrounded the school something moved it wasn’t a animal it was person shadow casting across the ground from the sun. I just stared at the shadow for a minute that when the face popped out of the shadows it was Lilly she was smirking at me.
I felt Theo stiffen beneath me he slid off his lap and stood up and pulled me up with him he bent to my ear “go back to your room and tell Todd come out here now and don’t look back just keep walking you got that” I just. Turned away like he said and walked away from without looking back but I felt those eyes on me so I pick up pace and ran into the girls dorm.
* * *
I watched as Crystal ran through door of the girls dorm I know she could feel them watching her from the shadows. I stepped towards Lilly she most of changed her appearance when I sent her boss to the pit. We stared at each other for a long time saying nothing she smiles at “aw you ruined my fun why did you make Crystal leave” she carried on smiling at me. I just wanted to slap that smirk off her face “why do you want her Lilly” I think I know why but I just wanted to make it was true first. She step closer to me “you know why my little brother she your weakness and some point I’m going to get her and hurt if you don’t do as I say” she moved again. I stood staring at her “why do you want me to bring him back anyway what is there in this for you do you think make you his side kick we all know that he going to bring the darkness and I’m going to put him back where came from again and maybe I should do the same to you”. She stared then her smile got wider “Theo sweet little brother did you know we know that she was going to be your weakness”. I felt a shiver go down my back “after a while I realised that your kind know before but tell why bother with her you could of taken mum but you waited and waited for what” her smile widen. Her eyes were full of excitement like she couldn’t wait to tell me something “little brother I have something to tell you about your little friend crystal and why I was tuned into her”. Her got brighter and brighter I just stood there staring at her “when I was passing a village where lived the demon dogs could smell her and before you say anything sweetie her scent was of a mind reader because somewhere down the line of generation some were mind readers and I was going to wait for to grow into the powers but then you’re stupid headmistress got her sent here then I saw the future there was you and her together it so sweet and I know I wasn’t going to lose anyway”. She started laughing stood there staring at her that when I noticed Todd standing behind me his full of fury. I grabbed him before he pounced for her “you better leave now sis or we rip you’re out” as I held on to Todd I shouted the words right at her feeling my fury build I dragged Todd in the direction of the girls dorm.
* * *
I ran through my door and shouted at Todd to get up. Todd looks up from where he was just laying and asked me what wrong I told him that Lilly was out there and Theo wants him to go out there. Tiff was just staring at us with eyes full of worried she could see I been crying she got off the bed and dragged me to my bed and pushed me down. Todd was ready and dress and out the door before I could say anything to him. I sat there for while staring into space while Tiff rubbed my back gentle as I sob for no reason. I looked up when i heard the door open, Theo stepped in dragging Todd with him they were shouting at each other "why did you do that".


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2010

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