
I open my eyes to complete darkness. I look around and i cant see anything. i listen. i hear somthing but i cant make it out. i slow my breathing trying to listen harder. then i feel somthing on my face. its a hand. i back up against i wall. the person steps closer to me. i feel my heart beat quicken. then i feel lips on my neck making its way up my jaw line to my mouth. when the lips reach my mouth i know exactly who it was. i kiss him back. i make my hands to the back of his neck and wrap my fingers in his hair. his hands go to my waist. i try to get closer to him. i start to take off his shirt and he helps me with mine. he kisses down my neck.

Chapter 1

i look over at my alarm clock. it says 5:30. i knew i had to get up. i turned my alarm clock off. i get and go to the bathroom.
before i go any farther let me tell u about myself. i was in dhs custody until mary my foster mom adopted me. she has three kids right now and two on the way. the father is at war for the country so hes never around. the oldest child is a guy named sam whose 17. then theres kim(she hates me. idk why) shes 13. and then theres kelsey whose 9. and im ariel and im 16 about to be 17 in three days.
im washing my hands when kelsey comes in and rubbing her eyes. i guess my alarm clock woke her up.
"morning sleepy head" i say to her
"morning" she says
i go to wake up kim to get ready. i then go to my room and get dressed for school. i put on some short shorts, a black tank top, then a purple tank top on top of that, then i put on my green high tops.
i go to sams room to to make sure hes up. i knock on the door. i dont hear an answer so i walk in.
" sam are you up?" i ask
" yea im in my bathroom" hes says back he gets his own bathroom cause hes the only guy in the house.
" ok just making sure your up. see u at breakfest." i say.
i walk down the stairs into the kitchen to make breakfest for everyone. kim is already there with a cereal bar eating it. she looks at me and frown then walks away. i cook eggs and bacon for breakfest. next to come down is mary. her belly is getting so big. she goes to the fridge and gets some orange juice out. then comes kelsey. i finished cooking right when sam comes down. hes wearing black jeans and a black shirt that says dont hate tha playa hate tha game. i notice that im staring at him so i look away but not before he notices it. i fix everyone a plate then fix me one myself.
its 15 minutes till 7:30.
"we need to go if we are going to make it to school on time" i say
"ok everyone to my car" sam says.
we get into his car and he drives the two to the elementary school thats about 10 miles from the high school then head the high school for us.
while driving he says" i noticed you staring at me this morning" with a grin on his face.
" yea sorry bout that"
"its ok. i know that you like me."
"yea i kinda do but its not possible for us to go out."
then we are at school. i start to get out and get my stuff out to. i turn around and hes right there in front of me. i jump back. he shut the door and puts both of his hands on either side of me. then he kisses me. i wrap my hands around his neck and deepens the kiss. we pull back for air.
" i have been wanting to do that since the first day i met you." he says
" me too" is all i can say
then he walks off and leaves me there. then the bell rings.

Chapter 2

i walk into my class. i take a seat next to my bestie allen. we have been friends for like ever.
"hey whats up" he says
" nothing really just having a weird day"
" really whats happened now"
" he kissed me and then just walked away from me"
" who?!"
"oh. that bad?"
"no he was good. but he just left me there." and that was the end of our convo. the bell rings. the day goes by in flash.

im now at home. its spring vacation and mary, kim, and kelsey have gone to a cabin for the week. so im here by myself with sam. alone. with him.
"hey sexy" he says and pulls me into a hug.
"you want to hang with me tonight in my room?"
"i dont know it thats a good idea"
" i wont do anything unless you want to"
i follow him upstairs but i go to my room to change clothes. i put on some knee length shorts and a red tank top. then i go to his room. i see him on his bed with shorts on and no shirt. this is going to be a problem for me. i go over to the bed and sit next to him. he puts an arm around me and holds me close. i lean over that way im on top of him and start to move my hand over him packs. man his body is built. he lifts up my head so that im looking at him.i lean in and kiss him he kisses me back with the same amount of force then he flips me over so that hes on top. i take my hands and rub them up and down his abs them i go down to his boxers. he grabs my hand and looks at me.
"are u sure you want to do this."
all i can do is nod my head.
he leans down at kisses me with passion. he reaches under my tanktop and he acts surprised.
"you have abs?"
i laugh" yes girls can have abs too"
he laugh to and continues.
he takes off my tank top and throws it on the floor then he kisses me and moves his way down my neck to my chest. he sucks on both of my nipples and i let out a soft moan. he smile but keeps moving dowm. he slowly slips down my shorts and then throws them on the floor too. he spreads my legs open then looks at me. i nod my head and he continues. he starts by massaging my clit with his tongue and i cant help but moan some more. and that just makes him smile more. then he gets up and i help him remove his shorts. he has a full 9 inches. i just stared at it and he laughed. i look at him and smile. he sets it right so that hes about to enter me. he looks and me and say
"this might hurt a little bit"
"im not a virgin you know"
and he just smiled. then he enters me.

Chapter 3

i wake up to arms around me then i remember last night. i smile to myself and then think that ive made a complete and total mistake. i remove his arms from me without waking him. i go to my bathroom and take ashower. i get out and hes still not awake. i got to my room and out on some boy shorts then some knee lenght black shorts then a blue t-shirt. then i head out the door. i walk down the street to my besties house. i knock on his door.he opens the door.
"hey"he say
"hey, sorry to bother you but i need someone to hang out with and talk to that i trust."
"of course come on in." i walk in and he leads me up the stairs to his room. which i could walk up their blind folded and still get there that how well i know his house.
i sit on his bed and lay. he does the same.
" i had sex with him"
"you know who"
"right sam"
"yea. i didnt plan on it. and now im regretting it. he was like a brother to me."
"well he kinda of is."
i punch him in the arm
"ow. what was that for"he says surprised.
"you know that answer"
"did yall use a condom?"
"shit. no. shit."i sit up and start to pace around the room.
"what if i get pregnant i dont want to be pregnant by him. ill be kicked out on the street if his mom founds out. i wanted to become pregnent by you not him i dont even like him enough for that..." i start to drift off
the allen stops me from pacing" what did you just say."
"i said i dont want to be pregnant by him."
"no after that."
i couldnt figure out what he was talking about then i remembered what i said."you didnt hear that part did you?"
"i think i did"he said smiling
"so you like me huh"
"well theres no reason to hide it now is there." i said smiling.
then he picks me up into his arms and kiss me. i kiss him back my hands finding their way up to his neck and into his hair. i try to pull him closer to me. then we break apart breathing hard but still holding on to each other.
"wow i didnt know you felt the same way about me"i say
"yea i did but i didnt know you liked me either."he says and smiles.
i smile back at him. and electric shocks go through me. and i gasp.

Chapter 4

Allen Pov
i look up down to see her looking at me. i have just found my mate. and now i have to tell her everything about me and what is about to happen. this is really gonna suck. i let go of her and grab her hand and pull her to my bed.
"i dont wont you to freak out on me but there is alot of stuff i need to tell you and if you dont believe me then thats fine. ill understand." i say. she looks up at me and just smiles.
"let me guess. this kinda reminds me of a book i read not to long ago." she says and im really confused.
"you are a vampire and you are gonna tell me that im your mate and sam is a vampire too and yall are gonna fight over me and you will wind up with me in the end."
"yea thats pretty much it" i say with shock all over my face.
"o my gosh. so i actually guessed right. i was just joking."she says and gets up from my bed and removes her hand from mine."i cant believe that you are actually a vampire."
i get up and go over to her and i try to hug her but she pulls away."im sorry i didnt mean to pull you into all of this." i say and start to walk away.
she comes up behind me and hugs me from behind."i dont care if your a vampire. this is just like a dream i had not to long ago. i love you and thats all that matters." i can feel her smile.
i turn around and her hug the i kiss her."thank you so much. i love you too. more then you will ever know." i say

Chapter 5

ariel pov
i just found out that the man that ive been in love with since for like ever is a vampire. i was not at all surprised."so does this mean that you have to turn me into a vampire too?" i ask
"thats all up to you. but i would like you to be one with me."he smiles as he says that. i lean up and kiss him again.
"good cause i want to be. but i do have one question."
"will i still be able to have kids?"i ask shyly
"yes you will. and i would love it."
"good. cause i want a bunch"i smile and he laughs at that."and i know it this will be ok by you so i just need to go get some clothes from my other house to come move in."
he smiles wider"are you moveing in?"
"if you want me too"
"of course i do"and then again we start to kiss.he picks me up and puts me on the bed so that hes on top of me. his tongue in rubbing the bottom of my lip for entrance. i give it to him. our tongues meet halfway and intertwine with each other. my hands snake up his chest to his neck into his hair.his hands got down to my waist. he pulls back to let me breath. our breaths are uneven."i think we better go get your clothes." he says and smiles.
i laugh"yea"

Chapter 6

ariel pov
he drives me to my house. i tell him to stay out here while i go in to get my stuff. i walk into the house and close the door i walk into the living room to find sam sitting on the couch watching tv. he turns around"hey sexy i woke up this morning to find you gone. where did you?" he gets up and comes over to me
"i went for a walk and i bumped into a friend and we just got to talking and imma stay over at her house for a while cuz her dad just died and shes really upset."
"ok ill help you pack up"he smiles at me and i walk up the stairs to my room. i walk into my room and sam pushes me up against the wall and puts a hand over my mouth so i couldnt yell.
"i know who you were with"he says and smiles"but hes not going to get you." then he does somthing and i black out.

allens pov
i drive her to his house and she tells me to stay outside. but she doesnt know that i can hear everything that they say. "hey sexy i woke up to find you gone. where did you go" he says and i feel him go to her." i went for a walk and i bumped into a friend and we just got to talking and imma stay over at her house cuz her dad just died and shes really upset."she says and i know she sounds convincing but he sees right through and i know he does."ok ill help you pack" he says i feel them walk up the stairs and i walk into the house so i can still hear them talking. i feel her get slammed agaist somthing and i feel her being scared."i know who you were with but hes not going to get you. and i feel him bite her and then i lose my connection to her. i run up the stairs and i knock him away from her and lay her on the floor so she dont hit it hard. then i go over to him and slam him into the wall" its too late" he says and smiles"shes mine now" i punch him in the face and knock him out" shes not yours its her decision. i say and completly knock him out this time."its her chose to choose you and she wont do that cuz she loves me a whole lot more then you." i go over to her where she still lays on the floor. the changing is already in process. i see the bite mark and i put my mouth on it and i suck the poison that he put in her to change her. i then pack some cloths for her and then i pick her up and take her back to my house where she will be safe from him.

Chapter 7

ariels pov
I open my eyes to complete darkness. I look around and i cant see anything. i listen. i hear somthing but i cant make it out. i slow my breathing trying to listen harder. then i feel somthing on my face. its a hand. i back up against a wall. the person steps closer to me. i feel my heart beat quicken. then i feel lips on my neck making its way up my jaw line to my mouth. when the lips reach my mouth i know exactly who it was. i kiss him back. i make my hands to the back of his neck and wrap my fingers in his hair. his hands go to my waist. i try to get closer to him. i start to take off his shirt and he helps me with mine. he kisses down my neck. i smile to myself knowing that this is my guy that i love and the one i want to be with forever. he comes back up my neck and kisses me on my mouth with passion and i kiss back with same amount of passion. he pulls back and asks"are you ok? how do you feel." i smile "im fine i just have a major head ache." he doesnt return my smile."whats wrong?"i ask
"he bit you and you were in the middle of changing and i saved you from it so you will probably feel sore for a while."
"ok. im just glad that im with you."i smile and kiss him"but where exactly are we?"
he smiles"in my basment. its the only place that he cant get to." he kisses me and i kiss him back. i undo his belt from his pants and he pulls off his pants and lifts me up and i can feel his hard on and i smile beneath his lips.
he pulls back"why you smiling"
"i can feel you getting hard" i smile widder
he pulls me to him and kisses me more he throws me down on the the bed that i didnt know was there and gets on top of me. he kisses down my neck to my chest and he undoes my bra and kisses my breats and sucks on my nipple making it hard i arch my back he does the same to my other one then makes his way down to my stomach and to where my pants are and undoes my pants and takes them off. he then kisses me on my lips and he slips my panties off and then goes back down. he sticks his tongue into my slips and flicks his tongue back and forth over my clit. i let out a moan i feel him smile and he sticks his tongue into my hole and i moan loader. i feel my self on the urge of cumming and then i do and he licks it all up. then he kisses me"are you ready"i dont say anything i just kiss him he spreads my legs open and puts himself between them. i breath in and hold it waiting."you can breath"i feel him say against my ear i breath. he slowly enters me and goes slow first then goes fast i start to moan and he moans with me i jerk my hips with him matching his pace. i cum over and over then i feel him cum inside of me."oh shit" he says and pulls himself out.
"what?what happened"i ask scared
"i came inside of you"
i smile and climb over to him and kiss him on the lips"its ok i dont mind"
"yea but i didnt think that you would want a baby right now"
"i told you that i want your baby"
"i know but its to early for that"he says
"its ok"i say and kiss him. he kisses me back and smiles."why are you smiling?"i ask
"because i know that i love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you"then he kisses me
"i love you too."i lay my heard on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair and before i know it im fast asleep.

Chapter 8
alllens pov
i feel her breaths even out.
"you just dont know what your getting yourself into."i say and then i move her off of me and walk out of the door. i know i have to do somthing and do somthing fast or he will get her. i pace around the living room just thinking about my ideas. i cant turn her yet. i want her to have a life, but i cant let sam have her. i stop pacing and go outside for some air. i get outside and somthing hits the back of my head and i black out.

i wake up to a split headache.
"its about time you wake up."i hear someone say"in case you didnt know im sam"
shit i know that hes gonna kill me now
"if you do everything that i tell you to i wont kill you"he grabs my hair"but if you dont then ill kill you and ariel"and he smiles
"no"thats all i can say
he lets my hair go"good"he hands me a phone"call her and tell her to meet you at 7 at the club"
he comes over to me and yanks my head back"now or ill torture you. i promise i will not hurt her. yet"he says and lets me go"call her"
i dial her cell and it rings
"hello"i hear her say sleeply
"hey ariel can you meet me and the club at 7?"i ask casually i hear her moving
"its already 6:30"
"i know but plz"
"of course anything for you"
"i love you"
"i love you too. see you soon"
then the phone is snatched away from me and i feel a hand hit me"how dare you say that you love her. shes mine now"then another hit and i black out

Chapter 9
ariels pov
"hello"i say sleeply
"hey ariel can you meet me and the club at 7?"allen ask me
i moved around to see what time it is"its already 6:30"
"i know but plz"
"of course anything for you"
"i love you"
"i love you too. see you soon"
"bye"i hear him say then i hang up
i get up and start to get ready by the time im ready i have a red dress and red heels and im walking out the door at 6:58 just enough time to get to the club. i pull up to the club at 7:05 i walk to the entrance and i emidatly get in. i walk to the bar and get a beer
"wow ive never seen a girl drink beer"some guy says to me
"well now you have" i say to him
"care to dance?"the guy says and offers a hand
i put my beer down"im waiting on someone. sorry"i say and pick up my beer and start to walk away
he grabs my waist and pulls me to him"i know how to please you better then your guy does"hes whispers
i shiver and try to pull away but unsucceful"plz leave me alone?"i whisper back
"nah im going to have fun with you"he says and starts to kiss my neck
i just stand there with tears in my eyes. i have only been in this situation once when i was 15 and i was about to be raped but then allen saved me. thinking now where is allen i look around but i dont find him then i spot sam smiling an evil grin at me. i try to pull away from this guy but he hold on tighter."plz let me go."
he continues to kiss my neck and suck it"no"
i look back at sam still seeing him smile at me"help me" i mouth to him
he shakes his head but comes over to me."if i help you then you have to do something for me" he says in front of me and smiles
the guy glances up at him then smiles and goes back to kissing me i try to get out of his grasp but he just squeezes me closer to him"ok just plz help me"i say close to tears
he smiles"ok let her go"then he pays the guy and he lets go
i stare at him in shock"what? you just did that to make me agree to you?"i say and try to slap him but he grabs my hand before i can
"now now behave."
"what are you gonna make me do?"i ask and a tear falls
he moves close to me and wipes the tear away"you will see its a surprise." then he kisses me
i try to pull away but i dont get to. he just pulls me closer to him
"if you dont behave ill have to punish you."he says and then kisses me again.
i dont kiss him back for a while then i just gave knowing he wont stop till he gets what he wants. he releases me and puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer and i put my hands and the back of his head then he throws me on a bed i pulls back and look around"how did we get here?"i ask
"thats the cool thing about being a vampire" then he get on top on me and kisses me again.
i pull back but he just pushes forward again. i turn my head and he just takes his advange and kiss down my neck. by this point i can barely breath. he continues to kiss down my neck. i start to shiver with nerviousness
he looks at me at smiles"it will be ok. i promise" he says then continues on down.
i continue to shiver"you wont get away with this"
"yea i will"
"allen will come get me"
"nope he wont. hes at my place locked up"
i start to cry."plz dont hurt him"
he looks up at me"your worried about him when im here with you?"
i just shake my head yes
"well you should be more worried about yourself then him."he says and kisses me. i try to move away but he grabs my hips and pulls me back and i whimper"dont make me hurt you!"
i just start to cry"plz let him go and ill stay with you. for as long as you want"i close my eyes
"ill let you do what ever you want when ever you want too"
i open my eyes"what?"
"i said ok"he gets up off of me and grabs his phone"hey grab allen from the basement and let him go.....ok.....yea ill be there later"he looks at me"make sure he is well gone by then and tell him not to come after me or i will kill her.....yea i do....thx....bye"he hangs up his phone and comes over to the bed to sit down. i pulls my knees up to my chest"ok its done. now"he sticks his hand out"lets go"
i give him my hand and he pulls me to him."what are you gonna do with me?"
"nothing too bad but i want you to quit sulking around and be happy"he smiles
i smile back and act happy"ok"then i kiss him.
he kisses me back but then pulls away"we will save that for later. lets go"
we walk out of a hotel and he picks me up brital style and carries me to his car and puts me in. he gets in and drives. i fall asleep

Chapter 10
ariels pov
i wake up to someone shaking me"get up"
"no"i roll over and fall on the ground"ugh"i look around and im on the ground by a car
i hear someone laughing"thats what you get for not waking up"
i start to laugh"yea i guess so"then im being lifted by sam. then i remember what has happened to me. i look in front of me and see a huge house"whose house is this?"
i hear him laugh"mine"
"why havent i seen it before then?"
"because i never showed it to you"
we walk into the house and he sets me down"here we are "he smiles
i smile back and look at him"yes here we are"
then he hugs me and kisses me. when he pulls back we are both out of breath"wow you kiss really good"
"yea you do too"he sets me down"can i take a bath?"
"can i join you?"he asks
"maybe later"
he frowns"okay but i will join you one day"then he smiles
"ok. but not today im kinda tired"
"ok. ill set your clothes out on the bed for when you get out."then he picks me up again.
"you dont have to carry me"
"i know"then we are in a bedroom with a huge window. he sets me down and i walk over to it and look out"wow" is all i can say
he walk up to me"yea i love the sight. the bathroom is right in that room"he says and points to a door.
i walk over there"thanks"
"no problem. ill be down stairs if you need me. clothes are on the bed.and a towl is in the cabnet in there"he walks out of the room.
i walk into the bathroom and there is a huge bath tub"wow" i say
i get undressed and start to run the water. "i forgot to ask what time it is"
"its 5:45"i hear him say
i get into the bath tub and just relax and wash myself up. then lean back and before i know it im asleep in the tub.

Chapter 11
Sams pov
"i forgot to ask what time it is."i hear her say
"its 5:45"
"creepy"she says
i smile"nope" i cant believe that i actually have her all to myself now. he cant stop me now. i hear the door bell ring
"coming" i say as i walk to the door and open it."hey pizza guy"
"that will be $12.78"
i hand him the cash and grab the pizza"thanks"then shut the door
i look at the time"7:13. she sure had been in there for a while. then i hear foot steps.
"you dont expect me to wear thiis do you?" she ask
shes waering i very very short night shirt"yea i do" then im in front of her in a flash
"oh my god. quit doing that"then she hits me on the shoulder and crosses her arms over her chest
"sorry i forget that im a vampire sometimes"i smile
"yea whatever"then she smiles"you know your not all that bad."
"remember that i said i like you? well i still do and"i got on one knee and pulled out a ring box. her mouth drops open"will you marry me?"
she still looks at me weird then i open the box and show her the ring and close my eyes waiting. i could wait for her forever."yes!"
i open me eyes to see her smiling very big"really"
"yes! of course"
i grab her hand and put that ring on it then grab her and kiss her long and hard."i love you" i say when we are done
she looks at me and pauses"i cant say it yet cause of everything that has happened so far but i feel somthing very deep for you too"
"its ok take all the time you need. i will be here." then i kiss her again.

Chapter 12
ariel pov

i wake up to arms wrapped around me. i feel tears sweeling in my eyes. i feel my heart breaking but i know that im doing the right thing for allen. i hate sam with all my heart but hes in control of me now. i promised i would let him do anything to me that he wants. well today is my birthday and im 17. but i dont feel to happy bout it. im not with the one i want to be with and i just cant take it. i wipe my tears away and feel very sick to my stomach. i try to move but i cant. sams arm is wrapped tightly around me.
i shake his arm"sam wake up" i say
"hmm"he says
"let me up im bout to throw up." i say and he lifts his arm from me and i run to the bathroom and throw my guts up.
hes behind he holding my hair up"are you okay? did you eat something bad?"
i throw up again and say" i dont kno. i woke up feeling like this" i turn around o see him looking at me weird and then smiling"what?" i ask
he hugs me and says" i think your pregnant!!!"
i look at him all shocked and i feel myself slipping away.

i wake up in the bed. i have no clue how i got here but im here. i sit up and feel sick again and remember what sam said. "im pregnant" i say out loud. it sounds foreign to my ears. i start to cry and get up and run to the bathroom to throw up again. im thinking to myself that i dont know if the baby is sam's or allen's. im fucked!

i turn around to see sam in the doorway" are you still sick?"
i want to say nah duh dip shit!! but instead say" yea. im not feeling all that great."
he comes over and hugs me" im sorry. i didnt mean for me to get you pregnant."
i bury my face into his chest and cry
"shh. shh"i hear him say
a part of me know who the daddy is. but i know its gonna cause trouble if i mention it to him. i pull away and wipe my eyes."im okay" i say
"okay. are you hungry?" he asks
"no im not. im still feeling sick" i say.
"okay go lay down. i need to call someone" he says
"okay" i say and walk to the bed
he kisses me and then walks out the door.

Chapter 13
sams pov

i kiss her and then walk out the room. i got to my phone book of the super natural cause i kno im going to have to have a special doctor for this baby.
"hello?" i hear a woman say
"hey its sam. is charles there?" i ask
"yes. hang on one sec"
"hey its charles. what you need sam?"
"well lets see. my girlfriend is pregnant" i say
"oh...let me get dressed and ill be over there in about an hour to look at her." he says
"okay" i say and hang up.

ariels pov
he leaves the room and i grab my cell phone and dial allens number.
he doesnt pick up and it goes to voice mail
"hey me ariel...i just called to tell you that im sorry im not there with you but i had to make a fast decision. i chose to free you and take your place...hes treating me very good...just thought id let you know that..."im crying now" i just want to let you know im pregnant...i have a strong feeling its yours but i dont know yet...well dont call me back...ill call you when its safe...i love you" i say and hang up.
i get up and run to the bathroom to throw up again

sams pov
i go back upstairs and hear her throwing up again.
"ariel?" i say
shes walk out of the bathroom. she looks tired"yeah?"
"i have a doctor on the way to check you out."he say
"okay" she says and tries to smile but fails. she runs back to the bathroon to throw up again.
i hear a knock on the door. i see her walking back to the bed and already see a tiny bump on her stomach. i walk out the room and get the door
"thanks for coming charles" i say
he looks at me and barges past me" why?" he asks" why? nevermind. where is she?"
i lead him up stairs.
"ariel this is dr.charles"
"leave now" he say
i back out and go downstairs and out hte door. i know i shouldnt be there right now anyways

chapter 14
ariels pov

"ariel this is dr.charles"sam says to me
"leave now" i hear dr.charles say to sam
sam leaves out the door
"what has he done to you?"he asks
"umm...i dont think its his" i say and burst out into tears.
"well thats explains why you dont look so good. your suppose to stay with the father through out your pregnacy." he say too me and comes over to the bed. he feel my stomach and i just now notice its bigger.
"what am i suppose to do? i cant go with the daddy because sam will kill him!" i say and cry again
"well im going to call him and tell him somthings since ive already seen this before. im going to take you to my office. i want you to call your guy and ask him too meet us there. okay?"
"okay" i say.
he leaves and i call allen again. he answers this time
"hello? ariel?"
"yes? its me" i say
"oh my god. are you prenant?" he asks
"yea. but the doctor says that its not sam and thats why im feeling so bad cause im not with the father."
"okay. where you at. ill come get you?"
"no dont. the doctor understands this and hes taking me to his office. he told me to tell you to meet us there."
"okay. which doctor?"
i hear him laugh"okay ill be there in 30 minutes"he says " i love you so much"
"i love you too."
we hang up just as dr.charles comes in
"are we all set?" he asks.
"yea. i think so. he will meet us there." i say
"okay. lets go then"

chapter 15
allens pov

i get into my car and drive as fast as i can to dr.charles's office.
ive known him since before i was turned. im just surprised sam called him.
i pull into a parking space and park the car. i see dr.charles car and hop out and run to the front door. i breathe really slow then open the door.
its very quiet and dark. i cant hear a thing.
"whos there?" someone asks
"allen" i say
i feel arms wrap around me and i turn to see the most beautiful girl in the world.
"i missed u so much. im so sorry for what has happened. i love you so much" i see her say and start to cry.
i bend down and pull her to me," its ok honey. i love you too. and its not your fault. its sams. im just glad i have you back and your safe. i love you ariel"
i see her smile"i love you too allen"

Chapter 16
ariels pov

i get into dr.charles car with sam coming after me.
"call me as soon as you know whats wrong. i love you"
dr.charles pulls out without me answering and i can just see the steam radiating off of sam.
"he will get over it. he loves you"
"i know. but i dont love him."
"yea i know. its okay. so who is the guy of yours?"
"his name is allen"
i see him smile" allen is a great guy. im happy he has finally found someone like you. but first lets get you to him to help you feel better."
"okay" i say.
we finally get there and he parks. we both get out and he helps me to the front door.
"okay i want you to breathe and relax." he sits me in a chair off to the side" im going to turn off the lights. i want you to relax untill allen or me get back."
"where are you going?" i ask
"ill be right back. just relax."
i hear the door shut. i sit down and start some deep breathing. i hear the door open again but i cant see whos there.
"whos there?" i ask
"allen" i hear someone say
i get up and run over to him and wrap my arms around him. he turns and just stares at me.
"i missed u so much. im so sorry for what has happened. i love you so much" i say and start to cry
he bends down and pulls me to him" its okay honey. i love you too. and its not your fault. its sams. im just glad to have you back and safe. i love you ariel"
i smile" i love you too allen."
he gets up and hugs me then kisses me.
i hear the door open
"well if it isnt allen" i hear someone say
i turn to look and see some guy i dont recognize.
"chris" allen says and tenses up
" what do we have here?" chris says and moves so fast that i dont even see him again till hes done pushed allen off and is standing right in front of me.
i step back but chris pulls me to him again" no no no. id stay right were you are allen if i were you." he says and pulls me in front of him with a hand on my stomach.
i put both of my hands on top of his hand, by insinct, and get a really cold schock go through me
"please leave her alone" i hear allen say.
"now why would i do that when shes my way to you?"
i feel a tear fall down my face and i see it land on his hand.
"dont cry my deary. you will be safe. i have never hurt someone who is pregnant"
i look back at him and scowl
"but its is quite a shame that he is the daddy. your so beautiful."
"who are you?" i ask
"his brother"

Chapter 17
ariels pov

i look between allen and chris. "what do you want from me?" i ask chris
he looks at me then smiles "i just want to be able to get to my brother. and the only way to do that is through you."
i just look at him. i then look at allen
"im so sorry ariel. i never meant for this to happen. i love you" allen says
" what do you mean you never meant for this to happen?" i ask allen
"please just leave her alone and ill do what ever you want." allen says to chris
"but wheres the fun in that? since i am tecnically your twin that means she will be okay with me" chris says then looks at me" but i dont know she is pretty hot i might just take her for myself. you never know"
i feel tears prickling my eyes. i dont want to lose allen after i just got him back." please dont take him away from me. i love him" i say and look at allen then back at chris
chris looks at me" im sorry but its just how it has to go. i have a score to settle with him" he says and smiles
"she has nothing to do with this." allen yells at chris
"yea she dont but it doesnt matter now." chris grabs my arm and pulls me toward the door
i try to pull away but hes just too strong. i reach for allens hand but allen just stands there just looking at me."please help me" i scream at him
"if i do he will just hurt you. and i cant let that happen" he says to me
"i wont hurt her. im just going to take her away for a while. but if you do try to track her down and rescue her i will do somthing to make you regret it." chris says
my tears start to fall onto my cheeks. i cant believe hes just going to give up on me that easily. i thought he loved me. i turn away from him and walk out the door. i walk past chris.
chris follows me and opens the passenger door to his car. i get in and buckle up. i wipe my tears away and just sit there waiting.
chris gets into the car and starts it." its going to be okay. im not going to hurt you. i just need to have you to hurt him because he loves you." he pulls out and starts driving.
"yea but why cant you just let me go? i havent done anything to you or anyone else" i say
"no you havent and im sorry that you got caught in the middle of all this." he says and then looks at me" but i have a score to settle with him. but i promise not to hurt you." he says then watches the road.
"what has he ever done to you?" i ask
"he stole my girlfriend from me then let her be killed" he says without emotion.
i dont know what to say" are you going to kill me?"i ask
he looks at me" no" he says then smiles and looks away
i lay my head against the window and let sleep come to me

Chapter 18

ariel pov

when i wake up im being carried"i can walk" i say
"yes but you were asleep so im carrying you"he smiles down at me
chris continues to carry me, he carries me intp his house and then finally sets me down on a very comfortable talbe." thank you" i say to him
he just smiles a sexy smile at me
"can i have something to eat?" i ask holding my belly
"yea i can make burgers if you want?" he says
"that will be fine....thanks"
he looks at me while im looking at the floor."your welcome"
i sense that he is still looking at me so i look up and he is right in front of me looking down at me. i look into his eyes and i just get lost in them. he squats down so that he is level with me."what is it about you that makes my brother love you?" he asks me while smiling a little
" i-i-i-i dont kn-know"i studder
he lays his hand on top of mine then moves it and starts to rub my belly"its a girl"he says
i look at his hand rubbing my belly and then smile"how do you know?"i ask
"because i can see the future"he says to me
i smile and start to rub my belly but his other hand grabs it before i can even lay a finger on my belly
he looks at me with so much love that i dont understand it. he leans forward with his hand still on my belly and kisses me ever so loving that it takes my breath away and then he just leaves and goes to the kitchen to make me something to eat.
i touch my lips and just wonder what made him so that. im tingly al over and i just cant seem to understand what is going on.
my phone buzzes in my pocket and i go to get it out but before i can look to see who texted me chris comes back and takes the phone out of my hand and reads it.
"whos sam?"he asks
i told him the story about sam, how his mom adopted me and how he thinks im prego with his baby.
"oh. well im going to let you call him and tell him the truth. he needs to know."
he handed me back my phone and so i called sam and told him everything. he wasnt mad or anything but he just that he loved me and that he still really wants to be around me. i said that i cant right now because im being held hostage by allens brother chris. and then i hung up on him.
"can i call allen?"i ask chris
"why not?"
"because he doesnt deserve to talk to you"he says the comes to me with my burger and fries
"why not? what do i have to do with any of this?" i ask getting up
he gets right in my face and whispers"because you look just like her" and then is gone
i hold my belly and start to cry. i sit down and say to myself"i just dont understand any of this" i get my burger and eat.
i then lay down on the couch and fall asleep.

Chapter 19
Ariels pov

i feel someone shaking me and say"5 more minutes"
the shaking continues and i roll over to see chris's face right in front of mine. i jerk up into a sitting postion and he slams into the wall, hard.
i stand up"im sorry i didnt mean to starle you."
"its ok i guess that what i get when i wake someone up like that." he smiles
i smile back"yea it is" then i throw my pillow at him
he catches it right before it hit him in the face and smiles."im not throwing it back because your pregnant but it you werent i would."
i roll my eyes at him" just because im pregnant doesnt mean im breakable."
he smiles at me" no youre not are you" as soon as he said that he was in front of me in a flash. i fall backwards onto the counch, he leans over and puts both hands on either side of me.
" tell me a little bit about yourself." i say as i slowly scoot back, farther away from him.                      he comes farther into me. he smells my neck then kisses it.
 i inhale deeply and slap him across the face.
 he stands up and pulls me up with him and moves me head to the side and inhales my neck deeply. " no you dont need to know me yet but you do smell delicious."
 i try to move away but his grip on me tightens.
 "no dont move" he says slowly
 i stay still, while he holds his head to my neck still smelling me.
 he moves back "maybe this was a bad idea" he says while he moves farther away from me. i see him look down to my belly and i put both of my hands on it.
 "so you will let me go?"
 "no" he says and is right back in front of me.
 i stand up and is right in his face. " why not?! ive never done anything to you! "
 he pushes me down onto the couch and is on top of me. his legs on either side of me holding me down, his hands on either side of my head and his face right there. "bacause i want to get back at my brother. he stole my love away and got her killed. now im not one to harm someone and i promise you that i wont hurt you. he just wont be able to see you ever again. and yes that means you wont be able to see him. you are mine now. and you can never leave. as for your baby ," he puts his hand on my belly and looks at it. "ill help you raise her." 
 i push him as hard as i can and he doesnt buldge. " i will never be yours!  my baby is mine and you can never touch her!  and i want to leave now!' I yell at him and pound my hands into his chest and i start to cry.
 he grabs my hands and kisses them then looks into my eyes "you will be fine. its just your hormones. your a day or two pregnant so that means you should have about 4 months left. and until then or until closer to that time we will stock up on baby stuff. vampire pregnancy is different from regular pregnancy. its faster."
 i just look at him shcoked. he really isnt going to let me go. i was furious and kinda turned on.
 before i knew it he kisses me. hard. he lets my hands go and i wrap them around his neck plaing with his hair. he picks me up and i wrap my legs around him lost in this.
 i turn my head so i could breathe and he kisses my neck and btes a little. im pulled back to and i push he head away" let me go" I say and he grabs my legs tighter and growls a little then sits me down on the couch then hes out the door in a flash.
 i breathe slowly and close my eyes. this is going to be harder than what i thought. i slowing get up and start looking around i found the kitchen, the bathroom, which i quickly used. i started up the stairs and see a photo on the wall, the only photo on the wall. its of a young woman maybe my age, and she looks exactly like me? i look closer and i see that it could be me. he did say his ex or whatver did look like me but he didnt say she looked exactly like me.
 i continue up the stairs and see there are two doors. i take the one on the right and step on in. i see a bed, reminding me im tired and i yawn. theres a dresser and a computer on top of it.
 i go to the bed and sit. its very comfortable. i lay my head on the pillow and curl up on my side. i slowly feel my my eyes drift shut and i let myself fall asleep. id figure something out later. when im less sleeply


Chapter 20

Chris pov

i have no clue as to what i was thinking. i should have never took her. but i wanted to get back at my brother. she looks so much like her. i have to keep her now. my brother let my love get killed after he stoloe her away from me. i will never forgive him. he doesnt deserve happiness. ive been watching him ever since he found this girl. this girl who looks exactly like her. how he fell in love with her. how he enrolled in school just to be with her. but he doesnt know her like i do. how her real father raped her over and over again. how she barely excaped with her life. how she ended with in foster care. ive been watching her since she was born and im not letting her go now. now that i have her. im walking back into the house and see shes not in the living room. i look in the kitchen and shes not there either. i start to worry. i search the bathroom and the room i set up for her but shes no where. i can feel my anger. i close my eyes and walk into my room and shut the door leaning on it.
 i look to my bed and there she is fast  asleep. i smile to myself, thankful shes still here. i pull the covers up over her and watch her snuggle up deeper, sound asleep.
 she looks so peaceful. i watch her a while longer. i grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to shower. i finish up then head upstairs once again stopping at the picture of Billie. i hate that shes not here anymore. but somehow i think that  ariel is somehow related to her. they look so much alike. i look upstairs and see ariel standing there.
 "who was she?"she asks
 i smile at her" her name was Billie." i say and look back at the picture. " she was my first love. it was about 300 years ago. she was full of spirit like you are. she was loving and sweet. but my brother had to have her because he couldnt stand seeing me happy when he wasnt. so he turned her and made her his. her father came after her and killed her. ive hated my brother ever since that happened."
 she comes down the stairs and stands behind me." im sorry for your lose." ahe hugs my side. but i cant be her. im a different person. and what your brother did was wrong to you but its not right to keep me here."
 i look down at her and she looks up" i know you cant replace her but he cant have you. he doesnt deserve you. "
 she closes her eyes" i know but cant you just let me go? i have nothing to do with this."
 "bacause since youre invovled with him you do have something to do with this. you make him happy and he doesnt deserve happiness."
 she backs away from me" ok. well what if i promise not to go back to him? will you let me go?"
 "no. i cant let you go. i have fallen in love with you. i know everything about you. from the day you were born"
 "everything?" she asks and backs away more
 i look to her and see the sadness" yes everything" i say slowly" how bout you go jump in the shower and get cleaned up. ill get you somthing to wear and we will talk afterwards."
 she walks past me and keeps walking past the bathroom and turns into the living room and i know exactly what shes doing. when i get down the stairs the front doors open and shes running.
 i run after her and gets in front of her and grab her.
 she screams loudly" let me go. i hate you!"




im not through yet. so leave your comments


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2011

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