
when my parents died i wasnt sure where to go. If you consider it, they killed themselves. See, mom always complained that i was wasting my time, she somked,chewed, and to top it off, she was an achaholic. Dad always worried i would kill her because i made her yell at me so much. when mom died dad went scuicide, he said there was nothing to live for.

kat called me today, ofcourse she had a migrain, she said i could live with her and the people she was gonna have move in, the list included Dakota Mills. i remeber the day i met him, when we first moved in.

Dakota, amber hair, honey colored eyes and kindness youd rarely find. he sat outside on the sidewalk playing with hot wheels, he looked up at me and stared like i was an aliean.

" Can i play too?" I'd ask nicely?

" No," he'd say and he put his head down to resume playing.

" Why not?" I asked, kinda upset.

" You're face is too weird," he said not even looking up,

i was bound determined to make him let me play with him and his cars.

i pulled into the drive way of kats house, six cars were already there. i walked in the house and recived a huge bear hug.

" I missed you girl!" Kat exclaimed! she let go and smiled, i was only us in the living room, but there were six cars outside.

" Where is everyone at?" i asked?

" Oh, outside, i decided to throw an awesome cook out," she said smiling. Knowing kat theres lots of beer and other people who dont live here, hot guys.

I walked out the sliding glass door that led to the padio, there was blasting music and tons of peope, espesially drunks. i walked out more and saw Dakota and Kyle that kid who pushed me in the mud,

one day i had gone to the park, i waited for Dakota, some beat up kid was there and i only stared because i was sorry for him. " what are you looking at?!" he yelled!

" Nothing," i said, it had rained hard that day and still was, he pushed me in the mud and i remeber wanting to cry,but i didnt.

" Here, take my hand," Dakota had shown up holding his hand out to me, i took it and he helped me up. he coverd me with his jacket.

" How pathetic, pushing a little girl in the mud for no reason," Dakota said pushing him in the mud.

Dakota held my hand and he took me to his house, i silenly cried the whole way there. once we gt inside he got a wash cloth to wash my face, " Naomi, dont cry, its okay. He wont hurt you again," Dakota said washing my face.

" I know, can we go play cars?" I asked?

He smiled and luaghed softly, " Yeah," he said and grabed my hand again and led me to his room. He sat on his wall, smiling at me," You really like this?" he asked?

I smiled and looked at him, then i really belevied i loved him, " As long as im with you, i-i yhink i love you," i said. His honey colored eyes went wide.

" You cant, youre to-"

Thats when my mom acted liked she cared and draged me out that house, she told me he was too good and iwas wasting my time with him. we moved 2 years later.

Dakota saw me and smiled, he walked twards me. "Look whos all grown up," he luaghed and hugged me. He was too, and he was more fit now and, to be hones, hot. I didn't know how much i missed him till now.

We all satdown inside, Dakota, Kyle, and Kat. We discussed old times, and then Kat brought up the party when we were 15, Kat took us to a wild party her cousin was having. But at that time Jean was my friend and she started to be sort of a slut. It was an ok party.

" We all got drunk, remeber Kat?" Dakota asked luaghing.

" Yeah, then Jean took Kota upstairs and gave him a wild ride," Kyle was the only one luaghing now.

I was in shock, and upset, Dakota told me he loved me that night, and Jean had to ruien it. Dakota looked soory and ashamed, i wanted to cry, but i also wanted to hit him.

" KYLE!" Kat yelled and smacked him in the back of the head.

" Its fine, im going to bed," i said running upstairs and going into the room i had chosen. i laid in the bed and cryied, i knew Jean would do something to ruien my life even more. I really liked Dakota, and i told him that, but i shouldnt have, mom was right after all, i was wasting my time on him.

" Nay, wake up sleepy head!" i heard a voice. I turned over and there was Jean, blonde hair in a tangled mess and her brown eyes glareing.

" Damn it! Jean leave me alone," i aid turning back over. She sat on the bed.

" Aww, grumpy! i wanted you to meet my new bo, hes cute!" she pestered.

I sat up and faced her, i glared " What happened to you and Dakota? Didnt you just love his eyes?" i said getting up and brushing my hair.

She got up and followed me, " We were both drunk, besides, he felt horrible after, he told us not to tell you because he really did love you."

" Bullshit!" I exclaimed and turned to face her, " If he loved me so much, why did he sleep with you?!"

" Hell if i know, he was drunk, ask him. But you cant be mad forever," she said.

We both returned down stairs, it was 12 in the morning and the party was still going on, i hated this, Dakota was probably still mad or whatever. I just sat on the couch. Jean brought her bo over, he was tall and had blue eyes, his hair was black and he smiled.

" Hey, im Tommy, you can call me Tom, its nice to meet you," he said real humble like. I was stunned. " Im Naomi."

The party went on, later on Dakota sat by me. There was an awkward silence, i didnt want to talk because im short tempered.

" Im sorry. I never told you because i didnt want to hurt you, i really do love you," he said looking at me with his honey colored eyes.

" Whatever, if you really love me, whyd you sleep with her?" i asked ?

He sighed and thought for a secound, " I told her i wanted to kiss you, and i never kissed anyone before, so she told me to practice on her, and then we both got completley wasted and it just happened, and when i realized, it was too late. i really am sorry, and if youre still mad me, its okay i was a complet dick for not telling you," he said.

He left and i tried to process it all. He felt really bad but he should have told me, we could have settled it then and there. Guys sometimes are so ignorent, i dont know why.

I walked around for a while, then kat found me. " Were going to a fair tomarrow!" she hollard, she wasnt even drunk yet.

" Great, because i just love crowded places and people i dont know," i said sarcastically. The smile on her face faded and she gave me a look, " Stop being such a square. And forget what happened with Dakota and Jean, we were drunk and just kids, maybe youll meet someone new, someone better," she said giving me a smile of encoureagement. " I'm going to bed, wake me up tomarrow," i said turning and going inside.

I was so sleepy i could baealey walk straight, no i wasnt drunk, i had a killer headach. i fell into someone, the cought me and i passed out.

" Hello?" i heard a mans voice. Oh god, a man? i had to fall into a man!

I slowly opened my eyes, i saw him, he had blonde hair and brown eyes. i was still in a daze, i cant think of why i passed out like that, it doesnt make sense. I sat up and rubed my head, i looked around the room, the man was looking at me with concern and kat was crying, or had been, and Jean was there, probabal trying to flirt like always.

" You okay?" the man said, i looked at him, he was cute and he pulled out a tiny flashlight. i nodded and he checked my eyes. " Man, you must have drank an awefull lot to just randomly pass out like that, how many did you have?" he asked smiling.

" She doesnt drink anymore, she was up here half the party," kat said, she had stopped crying.

" Ahhh, i see, not rebeliouse huh? So what happened before the party? Anything to upset you?" He asked, he was right on the point. Damn Dakota had to keep a secret from me!

" Yeah, i got pretty upset earlier, and then before i passed out, but what does that have to do with anything?" i asked.

He nodded and sighed, " Sometimes when someones gone through to much stress they colapse or pass out, youll start to feel sleepy and its better to take a nap and forget about it. By the way, im Alex and im a nurse trying to become a doctor," he said giving me another smile.

" Oh, im Naomi, im really sorry i passed out on you," i said blushing.

" Trust me, ive seen worset, get some rest, Kat has my number and if you get worse she"ll give me a call," he said and left. They all left and i went back to sleep, but i hadnt stayed asleep for long...


" Stop wasting youre time!" my mother luaghed in my face." You think a handsome rich kid will ever love you? I mean look at youre self, youre uglyer than sin! Youre obviously not my child, you look like youre dad!" She kept luaghing. Then the scene burned to a black room were i could see myselfe as a child.

" You killed her!" My father yelled!

I woke up with a scream, i was in a cold sweat and couldnt hardly breath, Jean was standing at the door, " You okay Nay?"

" Yeah, im getting up," i said getting out of bed and picking out an outfit.

Jean left and my phone rang, i looked at it, it was my other bestfriend Tamisha, i awnsered it.

" Hello," i said getting my straightener and going into the bathroom.

" Hey, Kat told me you guys were going to the fair, oh and that you passed out last night. How wasted did you get?" She asked luaghing.

" I didnt drink any beer, i passed out from stress, only i passed out on the docter," i said turning my straightener on and brushing my hair.

She luaghed, " You dork! Was he hot?"

" Tamisha!" i said.

" What, im just wondering because if hes hot i wouldnt mind him giving me a check up," she said.

I sighed, " Yes, hes hot, hes a nurse going to be come a doctor," i said getting dressed.

" Ok, well ill meet you there," she said.

" Kay, bye," i said hanging up.

That girl sometimes, shes crazy. I started straightening my hair when someone came in my room, " Nay, where are you?" It was kat.

" In the bathroom you can come in." i said.

She came in and smiled at me. " You got to hurry, okay?" she said.

" Alright, im almost done. Tamisha's going to meet us there," i said turning of my straightener.

I put my converse on and grabbed my bag. We pilled up in Kats car, i rode shot gun, we blasted the radio. I really hope Kat or Tamisha dont make me ride a big ride, im terrified of hights.

We parked and the first thing Kat did was ride the hammer, lord i cant even look at it without my heart racing. I found the bumper cars and we all got in line for that. I looked at the guy infront of me, he looked strangely familiare, he had blonde hair. Kat started luaghing at my confused face.

" Thats Alex, hey Alex!" Kat said.

He turned around and smiled, " Hey look, its my favorite patient, how could you be stressed? it looks like youre having fun," he smiled.

I had to admit it, i loved his smile, and his brown eyes.

" Did you come here alone?" Kat asked?

He smiled, it was more like a smirk, and looked at me quick, " No, my frieds are riding the hammer, im going t ride it a little later tonight," he said.

Kat luaghed again, " She's to scared to go on it," Kat said in a mocking way.

" I'll ride with you if it'll make the ride better," he said, i blushed.

They let us go find a bumper car. we all got set up, riding sepratly. Bumping and crashing into eacher other, luaghing. Even though it was a kid ride, you have to admit it was pretty fun. We got off and the what i had dreaded came....


" Lets go ride the hammer," Alex said, he smiled, this time it was for encouragement.

" I, I dont know-"

" Cme on stop being so scaed its not like you'll die," he said grabbing my hand and leading me.

We got up to the ride and i saw Tamisha talking to a guy with brown hair, the were both luaghing. We got closer and i could see that he had brown eyes too, he was handsome, he looked rough and seriouse, definatley Tamisha's type.

" Hey Nay whats good?" She asked eyeing Alex.

" Wait you know Tamisha?" Alex asked me and i luaghed.

" Yeah of course we've been best friends sence we were little. But how do you know her?" i asked?

He smiled real big, " She's dating my friend Skyler," he said.

I looked at Skyler, he waved. So there was a chance i could have met Alex before, and why didnt she tell me she knew Alex?

" We're going to ride the hammer, wanna join us?" Skyler asked?

" We'd love to," Alex said.

We climbed in and infront of us was Kat and Kyle, and behinde us was Skyler and Tamisa. We strapped in and i took a deep breath.

" Here, hold my hand and scream, it helps. You can ask Skyler, i screamed like a baby the first time i rode this," Alex said, i took his hand.

The ride started to swing up a little then back farther, and it did this till it got to the top, i was already screaming. The ride stopped and he looked at me and smiled," Having fun yet," he asked and the ride went back down. After doing a few turns forwrd and backward it stopped.

" You okay?" Alex asked?

" Fine," i said breathing deeply. He smiled.

" So did you have fun?" He asked?

I thought about it and i couldnt really tell, i was too busy being afraid.

" I dont know, lets go on it again," i said.

We got back in line and strapped in. This time i was screaming because it was fun. We got off and we both started luaghing. Then i realized i was still holding his hand, and to be honest i didnt want to let go, but he smiled at me again and i realized that he made me feel safe and he was fun and i also realized i had a problem. I like two boys and they're both great guys.

" Hey you want to go on the tilt a world?" he asked?

I nodded. apparently he didnt mind much because he didnt pull his hand away.we got on the tilt a whirl and luaghed. it swung and stopped aburptly, it made me slide closer to Alex and our lips got so close. he looked into my eyes and then at my lips and i could tell he wanted to kiss me, i wanted to kiss him too-

" Say cheese Nay!" A picture was taken and i looked over it was Kat and Jean.

Was i making a mistake?....


As much as i wanted to kiss Alex, and trustt me i did, it felt wrong. i didnt know why but it did. We got off the ride and stood with the rest of the group. After that one awkward moment me and Alex kept our distance, but we'd catch eachother stareing. When it came to the end of the day...

" Nay will you please ride with me,Skyler and Alex?" Tamisha asked?

" I dont-"

" Come on, why have you been avoiding him?" she asked?

" We almost kissed but it felt wrong to me, so i pulled away," i said.

" Maybe it was wrong timing, come on," she said pulling me toward the car. i got in the passengers seat with Alex, but i didnt look at him.

Maybe it was wrong timing,but for some reason, all i thought of has Dakota.

" I'm sorry," Alex said making me look at him confused, " i didnt mean to make you mad."

" I'm not mad, i just, i've never been kissed and it was weird," i said.

He smiled, " Did you want to?" he asked?

I smiled and blused, " Yeah, i did," i said .

Tamisha coughed to let us know she was there, " Can we go home?" she asked?

" Do you live with them," i asked?

" With him and Skyler, it would be so awesome if you could stay the night!" she said.

" I don't know, I guess if its ok with Alex and Kat," I said. Or wanting to but Dakota can't hold me back forever even if he wanted to.

We rode. Ack to Kats and I went to my room, Dakota was in ther looking out my windo.

" Damota? What are you doing?" I asked?

He turned around and looked at me, I could see pain in his eyes. All of a sudden my heart started to hurt.

" Naomi, I love you, and today when you were with Alex, it killed me. So please tell me if you love me too because I can't bare not knowing," he said and I think he was going to cry.

But what do I say....


What do i say? No, I'm sorry i lied to you? I cant because in a way i do love him and then again i really like Alex. Dakota's funny, nice and sweet. Alex is smart, funny, and nice.

" I do love you, but you kept a secret from me and i really like Alex. Sometimes people have to try new things, so im going to spend time with Alex and if you really love me youll accept that," i said packing some clothes.

" Wait!" he said pulling me to him. i broke free and apaligized and left.

I felt bad for it, but he had to meet someone new too. Its not like were married. i couldnt stay no matter how much i wanted to, but i felt attached to Dakota but at the same time Alex intrests me. I cant figure it out, its like one of them im supposed to be with but the other i really like.

Alex gave me a look, "Are you okay?" he asked pulling out of the drive way.

" Yeah, im fine," i said looking back at the house.

im defenatley gonna have a nightmare tonight i can feel it and i hate nightmares because ushually it only showed me how i screwed up in life and i did, alot. Tamisha was in the back kissing Skyler. Tamisha knew my mom, she hated my mother, and i honestley tried to live with her several times.

" Youre aweful quiet Nay," Alex said.

" Oh, im sorry im just thinking, i didnt mean to freak you out," i said.

" Thinking about what?" he asked smiling.

Well, lets see, i love Dakota too only i feel more attracted to him. Yeah that would be pretty smooth.

" Nothing really, just stuff," i said.

He luaghed, " Okay, you dont have to tell me if you dont want to, but please dont be bummed out the whole time," he said.

I looked over at him, why was he so nice? Didnt he see before im a total screw up? My lifes obviously not perfect like his, so why the hell does he want to spend time with me? I dont get it.

We pulled into the driveway of a beautiful masion, and then it hit me even harder, hes rich! now im really cluesless as to why he likes a poor screw up like me.


We got into the house and Alex threw his keys in the key bowl and he looked around, the place was empty.

" Hey dad! Im home," he yelled.

" Ill be with you shortly," he said.

We all sat in the living room, it was quiet and awkward, mostly because i hadnt talk sence Dakota tryed to kiss me. A man with short brown hair came in where we're sitting.

" Hello my son and his friends," he said nicely.

I think i saw a splatter of blood on his mouth, i wonder if he is ill.

" Dad, please wipe youre mouth," Alex said.

" Oh i apoligize, i was just drinking some wine," he said.

Alex took me to his room, he pulled out an air matress and plugged it in. " You get the bed," he said.

I looked at him dumbfounded, giving the poor girl the bed?

" Its only fair, youre my guest," He said.

Strange, he is so strange.

My phone rang, i walked out of the room and it was Kat.

" Hello?" i said because she never really called me.

" We have a problem, and we also have kept another secret from you but thats not really not important, you need to come home asap!"

" What?"

She hung up and Alex came barging out of his room...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2012

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