
Chapter 1

Where is my eyeliner?? I need it! Of all nights to lose it why this one??
Tonight is my brother's graduation party and I'm trying to get ready, but that seems to be impossible considering my eyeliner has conveniently grown legs and walked out of my makeup bag. As I'm walking around my room, searching for it, my mom calls me from her bathroom.
"Mia! Come here please!"
I walk down the hallway, in my robe and hair up in a towel, go into her room, and stand in her bathroom doorway.
She was in the middle of curling her pretty, but fake, blonde hair when she asked,
"Can you hand me my earrings and makeup bag for me? They're on my dresser."
I crossed the room, got her things and put them on the counter.
"There you go."
As i turn to leave i accidently knocked her makeup bag off the counter and all the stuff sprawls all over the floor, she jumps and burned her finger a little bit.
"Ouch!" she yells.
"Crap." I say and start picking up her stuff, hey it's my eyeliner!
"You took my eyeliner again?"
"Hey, I produced you. Which means the stuff you get that is bought with the money coming out of my pocket, I can use until your 18 or until you buy it yourself."
She says smiling and running her finger under some water.
"Psh. whatever, I've been looking for it" and I turned around and walked back to my room.
"Bring it back when you're done please!" she calls down the hallway.

So after I'm done with my makeup, that I picked out specifically for for this night to make my blue eyes pop, I put my dress on.
It's a short, tighter black and silver strapless dress, one of my favorites because it makes me look curvy.
Since I'm going to be a Jr. in high school in couple months my mom said I can start wearing these kinds of things, I'm fine with that too.
Finally after making sure everything about me was perfect I took my hair out of the messy bun I put it in and let it fall down my back.
The thing I love about my hair is that after a shower all I have to do is put it in a bun and when i take it out ,after 10 minutes, there's perfect waves/curls falling together perfectly in my light brown hair.
I put a little hairspray in it to make it stay, took one more long look at myself in the mirror and went downstairs to get my heels on.
This isn't a classy party. It's at a restaurant that has an upper level with a dance floor where they have private parties. Some of us just like to dress up.

Tonight is the night. The night I'm finally going to make my move on Danny. I've liked him since my brother and him first became friends their freshmen year of high school. That's why I was freaking out about getting ready for tonight because I want it to be perfect.
He has no clue I like him of course but that's going to change tonight somehow.
On the way to the restaurant my stomach suddenly filled with butterflies, thinking of what could happen tonight.
I'm not the same little girl he saw when we first met, I've matured and hopefully he can see that.
When we pulled up to the restaurant and i saw him standing there with my brother, waiting for us to arrive with the decorations, my heart broke into a sprint.
Seeing him made me completely certain of one thing. I am in love with the my brother's best friend.

Chapter 2

My legs go numb as I walk toward him with a box of decorations. I see him look me over and give me a little smile. My hear flutters.
"Wow Mia, you look great" He says to me
"Thanks Danny, you don't look to bad yourself" I say smiling.
He looks perfect actually.
His smile widens and then he says,
"Oh here let me get that for you" and reaches for the box I'm holding.
I hand it to him and I'm pretty sure he checked me out again now that the box wasn't in the way. That could've been my imagination though.
"Thanks. I'll just go get the balloons then."
I walk over to the car where my mom was handing Jon the cake.
"Don't think I don't know Mia" Jon whispers to me.
I freeze. "what do you mean?" I say a little too quickly.
He laughs "You think you're going to get this cake all to yourself"
"Oh", I say with a nervous laugh, "Damn, I thought I could've gotten away with it!" I say smiling.
He elbows me playfully and walks in to the restaurant.

I've been dancing all night! I think it's just an excuse not to go over by Danny and "make my move". I'm nervous! Wouldn't you be??
"Hey! I'm going to go get some water!" I scream over the music to Emily and Lindsey, the two friends I got to invite here.
They're one year below me.
"Alright! We'll be here!" Lindsey yells back.
I go over to our table to poor myself a glass but the pitcher was empty.
"Ugh. Great" I say to myself.
I walk out of the room and into the hallway by the giant staircase and beautiful chandelier and saw a cart with pitchers of water on it.
I poor myself a glass and chug it down easily, then I poor myself another glass to bring back in there.
"Hey Mia."
I jump and turn around really quickly recognizing the voice.
"Oh I'm so sorry Danny! Here let me help you."
Smooth Mia, real smooth.
"It's alright, it's only water" he says laughing.
I give him an apologetic grin.
"I came out here to see if you were okay. You looked a little sick."
Awww he came to check on me!
"Oh thanks. No I'm okay, I was just really thirsty" I say holding up the half full glass.
"I would think, with all the dancing you've done tonight" He smiles at me.
He noticed me dancing! Is that a good thing?
I laugh, "Ya, I guess I have danced a lot."
"I'm insulted. You didn't even save one dance for me" He gives me a joking frown.
"Why I'm sorry I didn't know you were interested" I say in a joking voice.
"I'm pretty sure anybody would be interested."
I look down blushing.
He clears his throat quickly, "So what do ya say? Would you like to dance with me?"
I can't believe this!!
I look up and smile at him, "Of course."
We hitch arms and walk back in together.
Thank God we walked in when a fast song just ended. Couples are already gathering on the dance floor for the slow song.
I recognized the song. It's "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. Cute one.
Danny leads me onto the dance floor and i put my arms around his neck while he slides his arms onto my waist.
I wish he could hold me forever.
I can feel the blood pumping to every inch of my body. We are so close. I lean my head on his shoulder and we dance together, moving our bodies to the music.
I don't know what he was thinking but all I know is that I never want this moment to end.
"I'm really going to miss you Mia" Danny says, breaking the silence.
I smile to myself but it quickly fades considering I'm going to miss him so much.
"I'm going to miss you too Danny, but you and Jon will say close so I bet we'll see each other."
I hope.
"Ya. I guess it just won't be the same not seeing you next year during school."
"That's going to be weird... I'm so used to you and the rest of Jon's friends blocking my locker all the time." I say smiling halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood.
Danny gives a little laugh.
"I wonder how many tarties you got because of us." He says with a smile.
"Probably more than half" I laugh.
"Probably" He chuckles.
I lay my head back on his shoulder and we dance in silence for a few seconds.
"Just don't forget to visit, okay?", I ask.
"Don't worry I would never forget."
"I Promise."
And in that moment, with Danny holding me in the middle of the dance floor, a tear fell down my cheek but it was still the happiest moment of my life.

Chapter 3

No doubt I cried when Jon and Danny loaded up their car to leave for Michigan.
I know it's not that far from Chicago but it's a good 2 to 3 hours away.
I remember the day so perfectly.

* * *

My mom got misty eyes hugging my brother goodbye.
"Don't forget to call at least twice a week, or more if you want. The phone's never busy."
"I know, I'll call. Don't worry." Jon says as if he's said it 50 times, I think he has.
Danny already said goodbye to his parents before he came to get Jon.
"You too Danny, don't be a stranger." She says sternly.
"alright I won't" he laughs.
Then he goes back by the trunk to make sure everything's packed in tight.
"You know dad wishes he could be here but you know how expensive flights from California are." my mom says to Jon.
"Ya I know, he called and said we'd video chat when I got to my dorm."
"That's good, business is business I guess. He'll be back soon.
Jon smiles and says, "Bye mom. I love you." and gives her another giant hug.
"Love you too Jon. I'm so proud of you." she says as her eyes fill with water and the tears run down her cheeks.
"Thanks. I'll call right when we get there."
While they were having their goodbyes, I go back by Danny.
"So this is it." I say, "you're really leaving."
"Ya I guess. It's scary how facst life moves."
"too fast... Visit soon 'kay?"
"You won't even notice I'm gone."
"I doubt that." and I give him a big hug. He squeezes me back like he's never going to let go.
"Be back before you know it" he says and slowly releases me.
"Alright." was all I could say because my eyes were starting to water.
"I'll see you when you get back" I managed to choke out, and I race away into the backyard.
I couldn't break down in front of him, that'd be way to embarrassing.
I go and sit on the swing by our tree house and just start crying.
I know I'm being stupid because it's just college but I'm really going to miss him...
Oh My Gosh! Jon! I never said goodbye! Right as I turn to run back to the front yard, Jon is standing there by the other swing.
"You were just going to let me leave without saying goodbye?" he jokes.
"I'm sorry" I sniffle, "it's just kind of shocking that you're leaving already."
He comes and sits on the swing next to me and starts swinging.
"Isn't Danny waiting for you to leave?"
"Ya, but I told him I had to say goodbye to my little sister."
I smile, "It's going to be weird not having you around here all the time."
"I wasn't around much anyway, I was mostly out, so just pretend I'm at a party every night." he laughs.
"I mean when you're NOT at parties." I laugh a little, "like driving us to school, fighting over the car. I know I don't get my license until next week but I liked driving with you instead of mom. She's so critical." I laugh.
Jon chuckles, "I know what you mean, I've lived with her two more years then you have."
"And that's SUCH a long time."
"It is when you have our mom."
I laugh "I guess you're right..." I look up at the sky. "I'm really going to miss you Jon." and here comes the tears again.
"I'm going to miss you too Mia, despite you being annoying sometimes." he laughs.
I punch him in the shoulder and smile.
"Gee thanks" I say
"Jon! We gotta go!" Danny yells.
Oh ya, I forgot how much time passed.
"Bye Jon."
And I run up and give him a hug.
He hugs me back, "bye Mia. Miss you. I'll come visit soon."
I hug him tighter "Love you. You're a great brother." and the tears come a little faster.
"Thanks Mia. Love you too."
We walk to the front yard together and Jon kisses my forehead and gets into the car.
"Bye" he says.
"Bye" I say back.
I give one more look at Jon and then I look at Danny, he's looking at me.
"Bye Danny" I mouth to him.
"Goodbye Mia." He says back and then winks.
I go and stand by my mom and she gives me a hug. She holds me while I cry and wave goodbye.

* * *

That was almost 2 years ago. I'm a senior now and I'm two weeks away from graduating! I'm so excited!
The first couple of weeks after Jon left were pretty hard to get used to, with Jon not being here everyday and driving me to school, but I got my license right before school started so it's not like my mom had to drive me.
Lot's has changed in the last two years or so. My best friend Catherine, went off to New York for design school! I'm happy for her but it's so far away!
My dad finally came home from his across-the-country business trip, but just in time to leave again. He left last month and is supposed to be back in time to see me graduate bur I don't know if that will happen.
Oh! and one more thing...
"Hey babe." Kyle says to me and puts his arm around my waist.
"Hey" I say back and turn to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Yes it's true. I have a boyfriend now. A boyfriend that I've been dating since right before Jr. year ended.
I know what your thinking and I didn't forget about Danny, he'll always have a special place in my heart but I couldn't wait around anymore. There could have been something there between us but I guess we'll never know. For all I know he could have a girlfriend right now in college.
He visited though, like he promised, but I wasn't really around when he did. Which bothered me at the time because I really wanted to see him, but not anymore. When both of them came home to visit during that first year I spent some

time with Jon but he mostly hung out with his high school buddies... and that included Danny.
I guess I just learned to love what's good for me and that's why I have Kyle now. Of course I'll always love Danny, but now in a healthier way, the way I'm supposed to. As a friend.

Chapter 4

"So what do you want to do this weekend?" Kyle asks me as we walk to calculus.
"Ummm... I was actually going to start planning my grad party. You can help if you want."
"oh" and his face fell. "I uh, think I'm good. That's probably more of a girl thing."
"Your loss. It could have been so cute with you and me planning this together." I say jokingly.
He kisses me quickly and says, "Let's get to class before we're late."
Hmm. He usually gives me a bigger kiss then that. And he didn't even smile at my little joke. Oh well it's probably nothing. I hope.
We get into the classroom right as the bell rings.
Calculus passes quickly and so does consumer economics and Anatomy.
Lunch is next and that's when I tell Emily and Lindsey about my party plans.
"I liked the place Jon had for his but I want completely different food and decorations at mine."
"Yeah. The food was alright but you definitely need more choices. Jon had a lot of pasta." Emily suggests.
Lindsey adds, "Maybe for the decor you could have light blue, your favorite color, and silver as the main theme colors.
"Yeah that's a good idea. I want it to look... 'danceclubish'" I laugh.
"Nice choice of words." Emily jokes
"Thank you." I say with a smile.

After school Kyle has baseball practice so Emily, Lindsey, and I walk back to my house. My mom's car is in the shop being repaired so she used mine this morning, hence having to walk home today.
"So, what are you and Kyle doing for your anniversary this weekend?" Emily asks.
I stop abruptly and I look right at her.
They stop too and turn to look at me.
"What's the date today?" I ask panicked
"May 21st" Emily answers.
"Of course it is! I knew that! It's exactly 2 weeks from when i graduate but I knew there another reason it was so important!"
"I can't believe you forgot", Lindsey says rolling her eyes.
"Ugh! I know. That's why he was acting all weird earlier today."
I put my face in my hands and mutter, "I'm a horrible girlfriend."
"Psh, yeah you are", Emily says and Lindsey elbows her.
"I'm just kidding! You are not. This isn't that big of a deal. You can fix this."
"Yeah", Lindsey adds, "maybe you can surprise him later tonight. He'll just think you pretended to forget."
"I guess that could work, ugh, I still feel bad though."
"We'll cheer you up!", Emily says with a huge smile, "let's get back to your house and get you all 'prettied' up for tonight!"
"Yeah! It'll be fun, full makeover." Lindsey says with her persuading voice.
"Alright fine, but you two have to help me figure out what exactly I'm going to do tonight to surprise him." I say with a little smile.
"Deal." They both said at the same time.

"Okay, so your nails, hair, and makeup are all done. Now we just have to find that perfect 1 year-aversary

outfit." Lindsey says to me as she heads over to my closet.
Emily and I follow behind her and she opens the double doors to my huge closet.
Emily sighs "This is heaven, I'll never get over your closet."
I laugh, "alright snap out of it and start grabbing clothes."

We've gone through a million outfits and we still can't decide on one!
"So we know you want either a dress or a skirt and right now you've narrowed it down to 3 possible outfits so far." Emily says
"Yeah, I just can't decide. I don't know if I'll ever choose!"
"Hey I think we missed a dress back here", Lindsey says from the inside of my closet.
Emily and I walk over to her and I breathe in a short, quick breathe.
"No. I can't wear this dress tonight, it's not going to work, not appropriate." I say quickly taking the dress and putting it away.
"Why not? It's really pretty!" Lindsey complains.
"Linds, if you remembered where I wore this, you'd agree with me."
"Where'd you wear it before?"
"This is the dress I wore when I, uh... slow danced with Danny at Jon's graduation party." I say with a little smile at the end.
"Oh, well yeah, that is definitely not appropriate for tonight." Emily says and goes back over to my bed where the 3 outfits are on.
"That's why it looked so familiar!"
I laugh, "yeah linds, that's why I put that dress in the back of my closet."
"Oh. Sorry Mia."
"It's totally fine, moved on from it. Never happened." I reassure her with a smile.
"Thanks! So... let's get back to picking out that perfect outfit!
I give her a smile and nod but I can't help but feel seeing that dress again has brought back some memories I've tried hard to forget.

Chapter 5

"Alright you're perfect!" Emily exclaims after fixing a tiny piece a hair that I doubt Kyle would have noticed.
"Thank you! For everything! I'll make sure to tell you guys everything tomorrow" and I give them both a huge hug.
"You better! have fun tonight, but not too much fun." Lindsey says with a wink.
We laugh, "No promises!" I say jokingly.
We all laugh together, "Alright I'll talk to you guys later."
"Good luck!" They say on their way out.

After picking up the rose I ordered earlier this afternoon, I start heading over to Kyle's place.
Luckily my mom got home in time to give me my car back.
So the outfit we decided on was my black, pencil, mini-skirt with a cream colored satin tank (tucked in) with black heels and gold jewelry.
We're going to a fancier restaurant to make up for me forgetting, well he doesn't know that's the reason why.
I pull up to his house, grab the rose that's on the seat next to me, and walk up to his front door. I ring the doorbell twice and Kyle opens the door with a surprised expression.
"Surprise!" I say and hand him the rose with a kiss.
"Mia, where...? Why are you here? I thought you had graduation stuff to plan."
"I was tricking you! Happy anniversary sweetie!" and I give him another kiss. "Go get ready because we're going out. I'm taking you to the Red Lobster!"
He gives me a big smile, he's so cute when he does that, and says "Alright I'll go get ready, on one condition."
"And what is that?"
"I get to pay for dinner. I feel like I should be taking YOU out."
"Silly, it's okay. You always pay for us, I got this one."
"I guess I just won't be coming tonight then", he jokes.
I give him my best sad puppy dog face but he doesn't budge.
"Alright, fine! Pay!" I say giving up.
"Thank you", he says and leans in for a kiss.
I put my finger to his lips, "Ah Ah, I'm letting you pay tonight, you don't get a kiss too." I say smiling.
He smiles back, "We'll see about that."

"That was so good! I'm so stuffed!" I say to Kyle as I'm driving us back to my house.
"Me too. It was amazing!"
We drive for a little bit not saying anything until I notice him staring at me.
"What?" I say with a smile.
"It's just, how'd I get so lucky, having you as my girlfriend."
"Shut up"
"I'm serious! You're sweet, smart, funny, and not to mention, pretty hot."
"Oh I am, am I?" I say in my mater-of-factly voice.
"Yes, you are", he says looking right into my eyes.
I blush and look back to road, "Thanks. You know I think i got pretty lucky too getting you as a boyfriend."
He gives me a big smile and we pull up to my house. He gets out to come get my door.
"Thank you."
"Any time."
We walk up the steps to my front door holding hands.
"I had a lot of fun tonight with you", Kyle says.
"The fun's not over. I made us some brownies for desert and rented a movie."
"Sounds like a lot of fun but I think there's a problem."
"I've been dying to kiss you all night and I don't know if I can go any longer" he says with a smile.
"Oh. Then I guess I'll have to fix that", I say putting my arms around his neck.
I stretch up on my tip toes and he leans in the rest of the way and our lips touch.
He puts his hands around my waist and picks me up a little bit off the ground.
Our lips move together nicely and I squeeze myself tighter to him, leaving no room between us.
We suddenly break away from each other when we hear someone clear their throat.
I turn to see who it is and sure enough, there's Jon in front of the porch steps with Danny standing right beside him.

Chapter 6

I can feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter with every silent moment that passes.
Why are they home?? I didn't know Jon was visiting this weekend, and with Danny! This is a total disaster but I have to say something before things get even more awkward.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Mom didn't tell you that we were coming in this weekend? Teachers have meetings Monday so we get a long weekend." Jon says to me.
"Oh, well glad your home!" I say to lighten the mood and I go give him a hug, leaving Kyle standing on my porch.
He hugs me back and I'm pretty sure he's giving Kyle the 'big brother', (the protective big brother) look.
After I let go of Jon I look at Danny and say "Glad your back too" and give him a warm smile.
"Come here and give me a hug then" he says jokingly.
I laugh and go give him a hug and he squeezes me tight with both of his arms and lifts me off the ground.
"Put me down!" I say laughing and smacking him on the back.
He puts me down and all 3 of us walk up the front steps. I go straight over to Kyle and he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me on the top of the head.
I hope that didn't make him mad when Danny hugged me like that. He's not really the jealous type but he can get protective sometimes.
I get my key out of my purse and open the door.
"Mom! look who's home!" I yell up the stairs when we get into the house.
She comes running down the stairs and yells,
"Jon! you're home! Come here!" and brings him into a bone crushing hug.
He starts laughing and tries to maneuver out of the hug. She finally lets him go and Jon says, "Alright now that you've crushed my spine I can go now right?"
"No! Do you know me at all?" my mom says disapprovingly, "You have to tell me all about this year! You to Danny." and she starts walking over to the dining room with Jon and Danny following behind her.
"Alright well we'll be upstairs in the home theater." I call over to my mom.
Danny looks over at me just when Kyle starts kissing my neck and his face looks like he's trying to hide something, but what? Then he just looks away.
She waves me away which means we're free to go. She gets so excited when Jon comes home, probably something to do with the whole first born thing.
As we get to the top of the stairs the first thing I hear my mom ask is, "So how have you two been doing rooming together? The place a mess a yet?"
Jon and Danny start laughing and I couldn't hear their response, I was already down the hallway.
My favorite part of this house is the home theater. It's nothing much, it's not like a giant plasma screen TV with theater seats and a popcorn machine. No it's just a regular Flat screen TV, with comfy couches, beanbag chairs, and a mini fridge for beverages.
Kyle goes and sits on the couch while I slide the disk into the DVD player. We're watching Transformers

, the first one because it's the best, well at least to us it is.
I go and sit on the couch next to him and snuggle up to his chest. He wraps his arm around me and I start to fast forward through the previews.
I clap my hands together twice and the lights turn off, the only light in the room is the glow from the TV.
"I forgot the brownies!" I say sitting up and looking at him.
"You don't need to get them now. I can wait."
"But I can't" I laugh, "I made them from my mom's recipe and I wanted to know how they turned out." I say standing up.
"Alright, if it means that much to you, go get them. I bet I'll eat the whole trey." he smiles and leans up for a kiss.
"Then I'll have to hide some" I smile back and lean down to kiss him.
"I'll bring back popcorn too" I call from the hall.
I walk downstairs, go past Jon, Danny, and my mom as they start getting up from the table, and go into the kitchen.
I find a bag of popcorn in the pantry and put it in the microwave. Then I go into the fridge and get the brownies I made earlier.
While I'm waiting for the popcorn to be done I put the brownies onto a tray.
As I put the last brownie onto the tray I feel someone tap my shoulder.
I'm pretty sure I already know who this is going to be when I turn around.

Chapter 7

I turned around to face him but I couldn't look him in the eyes.
"Hi Mia."
"Hi Danny, you need something?" I say slowly
He's silent for a second and I can tell he's looking at me.
"I'd like for you to look at me but it doesn't seem like you're going to do that." It sounded like he had a little smile on his face.
All I could do was shake my head.
I couldn't look up at him, I was afraid. Afraid that I would let myself get sucked in by his smile, or worse, his mesmerizing green/blue eyes... stop it Mia.
I won't put myself into that situation. I have to keep reminding myself that I have Kyle.
He put his hand under my chin and tried lifting my face up to look at him but I shook my head away.
He sighed and dropped his hand.
"Why won't you look at me?" He said seriously.
I couldn't answer, I just stayed silent. I can tell that I'm being stubborn and annoying but I can't help it.
He moved his face down to my level to try to get me to look at him, but I just moved away again.
"Mia. Please look at me." he almost pleaded.
I was biting my lip, trying to decide whether or not I should turn my head and just look at him already. I don't know when I made this decision but apparently I did, I turned my head around and looked straight up into his eyes, with the best poker face I could wear.
I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't expect this. When I looked into his eyes, all of the feelings that I've tried to hide this whole time, flooded my head and overwhelmed me. I couldn't look away.
It was like I was stuck in a trance. Or under a spell that only he could break me out of.
He just stood there, looking at the way I suspect I'm looking at him, with plain desire-filled eyes.
My heart started beating as fast as a hummingbird's and I couldn't stop it. My stomach filled with butterflies and I wanted nothing more right now than to bring him closer to me and Kiss him with a passion that would set this whole house on fire.
All it took was one moment and that was it. Danny took one step closer to me, filing the gap between us until there barely was one anymore. I was suddenly conscious of what was happening. He started leaning his face closer to mine, still watching my eyes for any protest. I didn't give one.
I could feel his hot breathe on my lips now and it was so tempting, I wanted this so badly.
Just as he was going to touch his lips to mine, I put my hand on his chest, exerting just enough force to tel him no.
He responded to this by taking a small step away from me and I sighed. It wasn't a sigh of relief, it was actually one of sadness, which didn't shock me.
"I can't" I whispered to him. And they were the first words I spoke since I first looked into his eyes.
He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.
I wish I knew what he was thinking right now. He probably hates me and never wants to see me again. That thought made my stomach turn in a knot, but I wouldn't blame him for thinking that. A pain shot through me, considering that could be a possibility.
"Say something." I say so quietly I could barely hear myself.
"What do you want me to say?" He asked a little frustrated.
I closed my eyes, "I don't know. Something. Anything is better than this silence..."
"I don't know what to tell you Mia... I tried to... and you..." He choked on the words he was trying to get out. He took a breathe to calm himself.
There was a short silence and I open my eyes to find his closed.
"Danny, it wasn't that I didn't want to but I have Kyle. I can't just cut him out of the picture. He is my boyfriend and I can't just say 'Hey, sorry I madeout with my brother's hot best friend on our 1 year anniversary.' I mean come on, be realistic."
He opened his eyes and a smile suddenly appeared across his lips as he looked at me.
"what?" I ask confused
"You think I'm hot." His smile turned mocking.
I snort, "Don't flatter yourself." and roll my eyes.
He was smirking now, all full of himself.
I smack his shoulder smiling, "stop it!"
"Stop what?" he asks innocently, even though he knows.
I was going to say 'taking my breathe away' but that doesn't seem appropriate.
So I just shook my head, with a small smile.
He then wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My heart broke into a sprint. He could tell that I tensed up so he whispered in my ear,
"Don't worry Mia, I won't do anything until you tell me it's okay. Just relax.
His hot breathe ran down my neck and instantly made me relax. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder, hugging him.
He kisses the top of my head and unwraps my arms from around him.
I can hear someone coming down the stairs and I freeze. It's probably Kyle, so Danny gives me a smile and winks. Then he turns around, facing the cabinet to get a cup out.
As Kyle rounds the corner I feel like he can tell something was happening down here.
I unfreeze myself and start pouring the popcorn into the bowl.

Chapter 8

"Hey what's taking so long?" Kyle says to me, but looks at Danny, then back to me.
"I uh, burned the first bag of popcorn and had to start a new one." I say quickly and grab the bowl off of the counter.
"Can you get the brownies?"
Kyle gets the tray of brownies off the counter and looks at Danny again, who is getting a drink from the refrigerator.
"Come on."
He doesn't say anything but I knew what he was thinking. Why does he have to get all protective now?
I grab his hand and tow him towards the stairs.
I give Danny a warning look, but all he does is smile.
Then he says, "So Kyle, you guys have been dating a long time I hear."
"Uh, yeah. It's been one year today..."
"Wow! Congrats!"
What is he trying to do?
"Thanks Danny. Come on Kyle lets go."
"Get it in yet Mia?" Danny calls a little louder while we're walking away, "Time's-a-tickin'." He laughs.
My jaw drops while I just stare at him. Then I narrow my eyes into slits and grind my teeth.
"That is none of your business." I hiss.
"Oh. I see what you're getting at." and he winks.
My nostrils start to flare and I'm almost ready to smack that stupid grin right off his face.
What the hell! I really hate him right now. Why is he acting like this? What happened to my Danny? This definitely isn't him, and frankly this Danny is pissing me off. He better get ready for my ugly side tonight when Kyle leaves.
"I'm not talking to you about this. It's none of your business and that's the end of this discussion." I say leaving, with Kyle following right behind me.
Kyle barley said anything when we were down there. He went completely silent after that stupid comment Danny made.
When we entered the room I went straight over to the couch and sat down.
I put the bowl of popcorn down onto the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.
Kyle came around the couch and sat next to me, but didn't say anything.
I sighed loudly and put my head down on his shoulder. He shifted the littlest bit to make it seem like he was trying to get comfortable but I was still in an awkward position.
"Yeah?" he says without looking at me. He just stares at the TV, which has been on this entire time and is already half way through.
I moved his face towards me so I can at least talk to him with his full attention.
"What's bothering you?", even though I already knew I just wanted to clarify, "Ever since that stupid comment you've been completely silent."
His eyebrows pushed together like he was thinking really hard on what he was going to say.
"Well...?" I urge to him.
"It's just... Why does he have to know about that. I barely even know the guy and now he's asking questions about our sex life? It's just irritating." He takes a deep breathe and shakes his head.
"He was just being an idiot. I'm sure he doesn't care and just wanted to get us mad. Don't worry about it." and I try to give him a convincing smile, but truthfully, I didn't know if that was what he was trying to do or not. I'm going to find out though, that was just uncalled for.
I can tell he wasn't sold on my explanation.
"Please just forget it?" and I put my hand on his cheek to comfort him.
"Alright. Whatever." he says smiling a little bit.
"Good. Now where were we before I went downstairs...?"
I pounce on him and we both fall back onto the couch into a laying position. I'm laying on top of him now and I bring his face to mine kissing him urgently and fiercely.
He wraps his arms around my waist and brings me closer to his body. I tangle my hands through his hair and then bring them to his shoulders, his chest, just feeling his model-like body through his nice fitting shirt.
I stand up and bring him with me so that I can have a good angle to take off his shirt. He drops it to the floor and brings my face in again.
He gives me a chance to catch my breathe by kissing me elsewhere while I admire his body. He goes down my jaw line, to my neck, and shoulders.
Then he looks at me with piercing eyes and I knew exactly what he was thinking, so I grab his hand and we run together to my bedroom.
I shut my door quietly and when I turn around he greets me with another kiss.
"hold on" I say and break away from the kiss.
I go and grab some clothes off my dresser and run over to the bathroom that's connected to my room.
"I'll be right out." and he goes and lays on my bed.
I change as quick as I possibly can into my short-shorts and tank top, which is conveniently comfy and cute. I look into the mirror once to check myself over and is satisfied at what I saw, so I go out there and run over to my bed.
I jump onto it and sit right on top of the covers.
He looks me over and I can see that he's satisfied also which makes my heart skip 2 beats and my body gets really warm.
I go and get closer to him and kiss him again, but this time softly and passionately.
After a couple of minutes we get under the covers and I snuggle up to him. He wraps his arms around me snugly and I feel like I can just lay here forever with his arms around me.
I remember that I was supposed to yell at Danny tonight but I didn't care anymore, because nothing can ruin this moment.
I turn around to face him and stare straight into his eyes again. He strokes my face softly and I close my eyes. Then I feel his lips on mine and I wanted nothing more than him right now, and feeling happy because I can have him.
I bring myself closer to him and I feel myself drift into complete bliss and happiness.

Chapter 9

The sun that comes through my window is hot on my skin. I turn over onto my stomach and feel next to me but all I get is a hand full of my comforter. As I sit up on my bed and look around it occurs to me that Kyle didn't stay the whole night.
That feeling tears through me like I got sawed in half. We've never gotten intimate like that before and now he just leaves!
A knock on my door interrupts my freaking out. I lay back down and pull the covers over my head, not wanting to hear what anyone has to say.
When I smell pancakes and bacon my tongue starts to water. It smells so good! But I stay under the covers anyway.
Then someone tries to lift the blanket off of me but I cling to it. This person was a cheater because they knew my weakness, which is how ticklish I am on my sides. They give me a couple squeezes on my waist and I flinch so quickly I flop right onto the floor.
I hear chuckling coming from on top of the bed and I throw the blanket off of me and stand up.
Of course it was Kyle, he always does that to me when he wants something. Of course I'm happy to see him here but he scared me! I thought he left!
I fake pout for a minute but eventually give up when he doesn't crack. He hands me a piece of bacon and I stick it in my mouth and enjoy the wonderful taste of it. Wow I must be really hungry.
"Good morning sunshine" Kyle says with a smile on his face.
"and good morning to you" I say and lean down to kiss him.
"I didn't want to leave before you woke up so I made breakfast. I have to get ready for a family party later so I can't stay late."
"No problem, I'm just glad you didn't leave." I say with a beaming smile.
After we finish eating, I head over to my closet and pick out an outfit for today. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Then he puts his lips to my ear and whispers,
"Blue makes you look the best in my opinion."
I nod my head in agreement and go to the far left side of my closet where I know a perfect outfit is.
I grab a pair of jeans and a plain, white V-neck T shirt. Then I get my scarf with all assortments of blues mixed into it and head over to the bathroom to shower.
When I'm done getting ready for the day I go downstairs where Kyle is.
"What do you want to do before you leave?" I ask.
"I have a pretty good idea..." he cradles my face in his hand and leans down to kiss me.
Our relationship has never been stronger and it makes me feel confident about what's going to happen with us.
When we were done hanging out for the day, his ride shows up. Kyle kissed me goodbye and said he would see me Monday.
After waving goodbye I go straight down to my brothers room and slam open the door, letting all the light shine in.
Danny and Jon start shifting away from the light but I just turn on his light anyway.
"Mia what are you doing? Get out." Jon mumbles into his pillow.
"I have to talk to Danny."
Danny moans from the ground next to Jon's bed and says,
"When I'm completely up I'll talk to you Mia but not now."
I go over to him and yank the blanket right off him, leaving him cold and uncovered.
"No Danny. Now."
"You girls think you can just boss us around whenever you want, but that isn't the case. I'll talk to you when I want to."
Wow. Someone's in a bad mood this morning. Well I don't care, it's 1:15 in the afternoon and they're still sleeping.
"I don't care if you don't want to. We have to talk and I'm not waiting till 4 to talk to you. Get up and meet me downstairs."
"what the fu*k. I'll be down soon. Get out."
I walk away to the door and I hear Jon say,
"Wow, you really pissed her off. What'd you say to her last night?"
"Nothing, but apparently we have to talk it out. Whatever man."
I go to the living room and stare out the window, daydreaming. When I hear someone coming from behind me I snap out of it and turn around to face him.
"Alright Danny, lets talk."

Chapter 10

So many thoughts filled my mind at that moment. I want to yell at him, but at the same time I don't want to say anything at all. I know what I want to say, I just don't know how to start.
We stand across from each other with our arms folded across our chest, just glaring at the other. It came to my realization that he was waiting for me to proceed with what I called him down here for. But truthfully, I don't know why I did anymore. Sure I'm super pissed but he didn't ruin my relationship with Kyle, so what do I even have to be mad about?
Alright I better say something before he goes off about me waking him up for nothing.
"You know why I wanted to talk you."
"I really don't. Why don't you share what I said or did to get you in this pissy mood, okay?"
Now he is really pissing me off. He's giving me attitude and he knows I noticed it because of that stupid little smirk on his face.
"Alright First of all, what me and Kyle do has nothing to do with you okay? You were out of line asking that. And second of all, don't give me attitude about being in a "pissy" mood because you know I have every right to be mad at you right now."
"No, I don't know that. I don't understand why you're still mad at me, it's not like I broke you two up. Actually I think I made your relationship stronger..."
And then I saw it. The look that crossed his face when he said that just gave it all away. He was jealous. He was actually jealous of my relationship with Kyle. The reason he was acting like such a jerk when Kyle was here is because he's trying to cover up the fact that he doesn't want Kyle and I to be together.
"You don't... You don't want me and Kyle to break up do you?" I whisper.
He didn't answer at first and I'm scared to here what he says when he does.
"Truthfully?" He says.
"Yeah of course."
"Well truthfully. I kind of do... I love you Mia." He said with his head down.
It took me a couple seconds to grasp what he just said. I couldn't believe it. I have been waiting for him to say this since my freshmen year! Why now?! Why when I get the best boyfriend I could ever dream of, Danny comes in and finally tells me his feelings for me?
"I don't know what I should say."
"Whatever you want. Whatever you feel for me is what I can take right now. So that I can just know."
"Truthfully.... I've had feelings for you for the past couple years and you didn't do anything to show that you returned those feelings. The only sign of you actually liking me back was at Jon's graduation party last year when you asked to dance with me, and I thought it was just a pity dance... I can honestly say that I will always love you Danny, but I can't return that love to you right now. Right now my heart belongs to Kyle. I need to focus on him and it's gotten really hard. Maybe some day we will end up together Danny but I don't think very soon."
I take a deep breathe after I say that whole thing. I pretty much just pored my heart out to the guy that I have loved for 4 years and I rejected him.
"That's all I wanted to hear. I just wanted to know what you felt."
"But how will that make anything better?" I whisper.
"Closure I guess. I'm not completely sure but now I can fully heel without any un-sureness of what could have been."
"I'm so sorry." I whisper.
He leans down and kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes. The tears run down my face as I try to hold in the urge to burst out crying. He gives me a hug and pulls me tight to his chest. I feel myself mold to his body like we were made for each other...
I can't do this.
I push myself away from him and run upstairs to my bedroom and close the door loudly. I lay face down on my bed and just let the tears come down now. I should not be in this much pain, or should I? I just gave up the one boy I actually loved and I don't know if I'll ever get him back. I need to forget this ever happened because I don't want to feel like this ever again.
I know I'm going to regret this but I have to let go of Danny. For right now. I can't keep holding onto him, and knowing that he feels the love for me that I feel for him is going to make that so much harder. But if I want this relationship to work out between Kyle and me, I'm going to have to try. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to try to forget Danny,I'm going to... clear my heart of him.

Chapter 11

"Hey do you have your Chemistry book for that test we have tomorrow? I forgot mine in the lab and it's locked now." Klaire says to me from across our dorm.
I turn over on my bed and point to the opposite side of the room, to a table with a bunch of books on it.
"It's probably somewhere in that pile." I say sleepily
So now I'm a freshmen in college and last night was one of he worst nights of my life. But I'll tell you about that later. First I'm going to fill you in on what you missed.
The last couple weeks of Senior year were a total blur. I barely even remember them. All I do remember is they were pretty sad. The year is coming to an end, pretty soon you're leaving some of the people you've known for the past 4 years and have actually grown to like!
Graduation was fun. I obviously cried, and said to everyone that we would never lose touch but you know how that goes. There was a giant party after and all the seniors were letting out all their great times and bad times with the people they interacted with throughout high school but everything came to a happy ending with everyone. When the night came to a close we all said good bye with a few tears here and a bunch of hugs there and so on.
My Graduation party was everything that I ever dreamed of! Everything went perfectly! We danced all night, everyone who came had a great time, and best of all, NO DRAMA! Success!
I know what you're all wondering, and yes Danny came, but I didn't talk to him at all! Well maybe a "Hi" there and a "bye" there but nothing huge. I was pretty much with Kyle and my friends all night.
And like all summers, they flew by, but this one especially. I think it was the shortest, funnest summer of my whole high school life! I wouldn't want to change anything! I'm glad I ended my High School career with a great summer.
So now it's half way through the 1st semester and I'm swamped with homework, my boyfriend that I've been dating for about 2 years dumped me last night, and I'm sick. Isn't that great!? Not. at. all!
Yes, that is why last night was one of the worst nights of my life. Kyle dumped me. I've been in bed all day today either sleeping, crying, or staring at the wall. I know that's not how you're supposed to handle this but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet so cut me some slack!
I just can't believe it's actually over between us. Does he even realize how much I cared about him?? How can he do this to me?? At least he did it in person though and not like other douche bags who call or text or even email. I'll give him that he's not a bad guy I just wish he could be better. I thought when he told me he was going to come visit was because he hasn't seen me in a few weeks and couldn't stand it anymore. What I thought was the opposite of what I got. He couldn't stand one thing for sure, and that was being in a relationship that took a little hard work and could have made it. But who am I kidding, I knew we weren't going to last throughout college, I just really hoped we would.
He told me that it was because it was getting too hard. We're going to different schools now and he can't give as much into the relationship as I wanted him to. I mean I guess that's fair. I wouldn't want to continue a relationship with someone who didn't even want to fully commit to it. That doesn't make it hurt any less though. But before I started to breakdown again Klaire says...
"Alright that's enough. I'm not going to let you be depressed about this anymore. You know what the best part is about breaking up with someone?"
I sniffle before answering, "What?"
"The rebound afterwords! Let's go out tonight and get you someone else! Not a boyfriend but just someone you can flirt with, dance with, someone to make you feel hot again!" She sounded so excited about this.
I gave her one of my looks, this one in particular saying, please don't make me do this.
"I don't know Klaire, I'm in the 'Partying mood' right now..." and I pull the blankets over my head and turn into my pillow, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill out.
She grabs my blankets and throws them onto her bed. I curl up into a ball to shield myself from the unexpected cold.
"Ugh! What are you doing??" I say angrily.
"I gave you a choice to come out tonight and you chose wrong and said no. Now I'm making you come with me tonight because laying in here feeling sorry for yourself isn't helping anything. Actually it's probably making things worse. So get up, get in the shower, and I'll pick out something sexy for you to wear tonight okay?"
I gave up trying to argue with her because I knew in the end I'm just going to end up going anyway, so I get up, and stomp over to the bathroom and get in the shower.
When I step out of the bathroom in my robe and hair up in a towel like I always do, I feel a little better. I feel slightly more like myself and it makes me feel like happiness is still waiting for me to come to. I walk over to our giant, over-sized dresser and stand next to Klaire.
"Alright I picked you out a couple of your favorite outfits and some of my favorites. Now lets get ready!" She squeaked.
This should be good.

Chapter 12

Right now Klaire and I are just about ready to go over to one of our friends' houses who live off campus for a party and I'm still not feeling to good about it.
Should I even be doing this? I mean he just broke up with me yesterday and I'm already going out. I know I don't owe him anything but what about respect for myself? I shouldn't be going, I'm going to tell Klaire that I can't go because of that Chemistry test.
"Hey I actually think I'm going to stay back tonight, it's a school night and we have that test tomorrow and I gotta cram for it."
"Oh no. You're not backing out now. Besides we have chemistry at like 2 tomorrow so we'll study in the morning."
I don't understand when we're going to do that. It's not like we're going to wake up like any other morning. Chances are we're going to be out all night. I guess it just depends on how drunk she gets. I'm not drinking tonight. I'm not solving my problems with alcohol, that will just lead to more problems.
"Alright fine but we're not staying out past 4 okay?"
"Ugh what a party pooper but fine, we'll be back by 4. I'm just glad that you're coming." and she smiles at me with pure excitement lighting up her whole face.
I smile back at her "Anything for you." and my smile turns mocking.
She biffs me on the side of my head lightly and says
"Hey this isn't for me, it's for you. So just let go and pretend you don't have any problems to worry about tonight. Just have fun!"
I laugh a little and say "Alright I'll try."
I put some hairspray in my hair to keep it curly and keep the volume level on high, slide my black heels on, and check my make up one more time in the mirror.
The outfit Klaire picked out for me is quite scandalous. She picked me out a tight, very short black skirt, with a tight/low cut neon pink V-neck that says "Pink" on the front in bold black letters (that I tucked into the skirt), and a gold necklace to top everything off.
I do have to say I feel pretty sexy right now. Klaire has accomplished that on the list of things to do to boost up Mia's self-esteem level. But right now I'm feeling pretty confident about tonight. I think I am going to have a good time and that's not because I want to forget about Kyle, it's because I think I owe it to myself to have a little fun. Screw having a conscience tonight, I'm going to make the most of it.
I turn to Klaire standing at the door waiting for me. She is also dressed in a very tight sexy outfit. Instead of wearing a short skirt with a T-shirt, she decides to wear a tight, form-fitting black and red dress that probably goes up to a couple inches above the middle of her thigh. She also topped off this outfit with a nice necklace and very tall heels.
She has her hand on her hip and is staring at me with a very prideful smile on her face.
"I knew I could do it. Now let's go party!! Wooooooooh!!" and she yells down the hall.
I laugh and follow her out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

"Has anyone seen Klaire?!" I yell over the music to a familiar looking guy but I can't remember his name.
"Oh ya! I saw her go outside with Nick! He said he needed some air because it..... Can we go somewhere quieter to talk because it's so loud in here!"
"Yeah, sure!"
He reaches his hand as a sign for me to take it. I hesitate but just grab it and follow him out the back door.
We end up going over to one of the benches that they have in the yard.
"It's so much quieter out here." I sigh and lean back to look up at the sky.
So I lied, I had maybe 2 or 3 drinks but I'm nothing close to being drunk, just a little buzzed. Enough that I really don't care what I say though.
Whoever this guy is laughs at my obvious point and looks up at the sky too.
"So you were saying...?" I say to keep up a conversation.
"Oh yeah. Nick said that it was getting too hot in there and that he wanted to go outside. He wanted someone to go with him though in case he got lost" and he stops to laugh "So I told him to ask Klaire to go with him because he's been thinking of Klaire a lot lately if you know what I mean. So he did and they went outside to take a walk."
"Well it's a good thing Klaire isn't totally wasted then because then they would both get lost." I laugh.
He laughs right along with me and I notice that whoever this is, is very easy and nice to talk to.
"So I feel like I've met you before but I can't put my finger on it."
Mistery guy here chuckles and looks at me with a small grin on his face.
"You honestly don't know who I am?"
"Not entirely... There's something pulling at my memory though."
"What memory is that?"
"Well don't get offended or anything but when I see you it reminds me of my brother a little bit."
All he does is smile and nod his head.
"That's understandable I guess."
"Because me and your brother have been friends for years." he laughs
"REALLY?? Oh man how do I not remember you?? How much did I drink tonight?? It had to be more that 3 cups..." and I stare into space trying to remember.
"You definitely had more than that Mia." His smile looks very amused.
"Aww man! I remember I have something to do tomorrow and I can't afford a hangover!" But I couldn't stop laughing for some reason and I almost fell off the bench but he caught me. I look up into this guy's eyes and something flashed inside my head.

Chapter 13

"Hey Mia." Is all he says with a small smile spreading across his lips.
Are you kidding me?? Danny!? Out of all the people that I could have run into tonight, it had to be Danny. How could I not recognize him? I mean I guess it's not the best lighting out here and I am drunk so those are pretty good excuses.
This could not be happening. What is he doing here at a Freshmen party anyway? I'm so confused and all I want to do now is lay down.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wow, I'm doing good thanks for asking." He says with sarcasm leaking from every word.
"Sorry but you were probably the last person I would think I would see tonight. It's a little shocking that you're here. Wait, why are you here?"
"Honestly, your brother sent me to check on you because he heard about Kyle earlier today and he knew that there was going to be a party tonight and didn't know if you could handle yourself. Plus I'm Nick's ride home."
"Well I guess that makes sense...."
Danny laughs at me and says, "You're funny when you're drunk. You're all confused."
I smack him on the shoulder and smile at him, swaying a little bit.
"I'm going to pass out any second." I mumble
My eyes start to shut and I feel myself falling over onto him. He catches me and holds me there against his chest. He squeezes me tight to him and it's like he's holding me together. Earlier tonight it was like I was broken into a million different pieces and Danny is holding me together now. I hate to say it but I'm really glad that he's here with me right now. Despite everything.
"Danny?" I mumble.
"I'm really glad you're here with me right now" and I turn my face into his neck.
He slides me up on top of his lap so now I'm in a sitting position. I hope I'm not too heavy.
"Really? I thought you would be mad if I was hear."
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know, I just guessed that you didn't really want to see me again."
"That's not true, I don't mind seeing you Danny. Just as long as you're not an ass." You could barely even understand what I'm saying but I'm guessing he got what I was trying to say because he laughed a little.
"Yeah I'm trying to work on that."
I sigh, "That's good"
Something just occurred to me. Jon found out about Kyle which means Danny knows now. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Does he think that I'm a total hoe and RIGHT after me and Kyle break up I'm trying to get with other guys already?
I try to maneuver off of his lap but I just fall on my butt on the ground.
Danny laughs and comes to help me up. I grab his hand he lifts me up effortlessly and holds me in his arms.
I would object to this right now but I don't have the strength to stand up on my own without falling so I'm using him as my crutch. Why didn't I feel this earlier? It's all hitting me now. Before I had so much energy and I was dancing with everyone and now I feel like I'm going to die right here on the spot in about 5 seconds.
"I think I should take you back to your dorm." Danny says while leading me toward the house.
"Ya that would be a good idea. Thanks." I feel like I'm forgetting something.....
"Wait! I forgot about Klaire!"
And just then Klaire comes swaying down the hallway, looking crazier than ever. She comes and wraps her arms around me and is cracking up so loud that I think she's going to burst my eardrum.
"Dude! Where have you been!? You totally missed out!! Me and this kid over here were ding dong ditching this whole block!" and she points to I'm assuming is Nick. I met him once or twice but never really got a chance to get to know him.
They give each other high fives but completely miss and almost fall over.
I start cracking up and go over and help Klaire stable herself.
"Come on it's time to go back to our dorm." I say straight to her face otherwise she wouldn't listen to me.
"Why?? It's not even 4 yet!"
"Klaire its almost 5 in the morning and it's a school night. I let you have an extra hour to spend with this guy over here and now it's time to go. Danny's driving us back."
"Danny?? That guy you were telling me about earlier this year? Why is he here? Isn't he like a Jr. or something?"
"Yes and yes. Now let's go before you say something that you might regret later."
"Okie Dokie then. Bring me to the car!" She's so loud when she's drunk but that's what makes her so fun. Everybody always has a good time when she's around.
"BYE EVERYBODY! CALL ME FOR THE NEXT PARTAY! I HOPE THE PO-PO DON'T SHOW UP AND BUST YOU MUTHAFU**ERS! I LOVE YOU ALL!" Alright it's definitely time to get her out of here. When Klaire starts swearing all hell breaks loose and nobody can stop her.
Danny grabs one arm and I grab the other and we start towing her out of the house.
"Nick you're coming too man. I'm your ride. Come on!" Danny calls back behind him.
Nick starts to follow us to the car and trips over the curb. What an idiot. Danny tells him to wait there and we'll just pull the car up to him. So he gets up into the grass and sprawls out his entire body.
We get Klaire in the back seat where she puts her head on the window and is on the edge of passing out. Danny gets in the driver's seat and I sit in shot gun. Then he turns on the car and moves the car to the other side of the street to get Nick. When Danny goes and gets him off the grass and helps him into the car, he completely falls over and is passed out within seconds of being in the car.
I finally begin to come to my senses as the alcohol settles down within my body. I'm pretty sure it's about a 45 minute drive back to campus and with those two sleeping in the back seat now I'm forced to talk with Danny. Unless I pretend to fall asleep too but now he knows that I'm completely awake so he'll know that I'm just trying to avoid conversation. Well all I know is is that I'm not going to start this, if he wants to talk then he can start it.
I sit in the seat patiently looking out the window trying to wrap my head around everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. I'm boyfriendless, I got COMPLETELY wasted tonight, and now I'm driving home with Danny, of all people.
What a night.

Chapter 14

We've been in the car for about 20 minutes and he still hasn't said anything. At least we haven't been sitting in silence though. He put music on as we turned out onto one of the main roads leading back to Grand Valley (State University). It wasn't until I saw his hand reach for the volume nob that I thought he was going to say something, but he just turned the volume up higher. So he's not going to say anything? He really has nothing to say? I bet he's moved on by now. I mean how long has it been? Like 7ish months? That's definitely enough time for someone to move onto someone new. Or just lost feelings for. I wouldn't doubt if he hated me. I pretty much broke his heart last time we actually talked.
"You've been pretty quiet this whole time." His voice comes out of no where and makes me jump.
I guess while I was staring out the window, letting my mind drift I didn't notice that he turned down the music.
"Oh, uh yeah I guess." I say stupidly.
He just laughs and shakes his head.
"You're still really out of it aren't you?"
"Not entirely, I mean I do feel a little dizzy but that's normal. I can think perfectly fine though now." I answer in a really tired voice.
"Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like you're going to pass out any second."
Truthfully I can go to sleep right now. I didn't get much sleep the past night, just little naps. I thought sleeping could keep my mind off of Kyle but I couldn't drift off completely and kept waking up to thinking of him again.
"I'm alright. I can stay awake for days." And I give a sad excuse for a smile.
He laughs at my grimace and says, "Well you look just about dead right now so I guess you're out of days to stay up."
"We'll see about that." I sit up completely straight and opened my eyes to as wide as they can go. That lasted about 10 seconds and next thing I know I'm leaning on Danny's shoulder and my eyes are on the verge of closing.
"It's alright Mia, you can sleep you know. This won't be the last time you see me."
So he thought I was trying to stay awake because I didn't know if I will see him again? That is the furthest thing from my mind right now. Or at least I think it is. I don't know what I'm thinking right now actually, I thought I did but it turns out I'm just as crazy now as I was back at the house (minus the crazy dancing and screaming). Mentally I mean. So my brilliant response to that was an uncomprehendable little mumble.

I wake to sun streaming in through my window, into my face. I blink twice and sit up in my bed. Was all that real or was I just dreaming again? Jon comes into my dorm just as I ask myself that question.
"Do you know what happened last night?" I ask him in a groggy voice.
"You mean you getting completely wasted and me sending someone to go check up on you so that you wouldn't kill yourself? Yes that happened."
He sounds a little mad but I just shake it off. I know how to handle myself and just because Kyle broke up with me I wouldn't do anything drastic like killing myself. Does he think I'm that mental?
"I wasn't going to kill myself Jon."
He just chuckles a little bit, "I was just kidding Mia. You need to learn how to take a joke once in awhile."
He's right, but I would never admit that to him. I think he was just honestly worried about me not getting back to my dorm or something.
"Why did you sound so mad when you told me what happened?"
"Because I know you just went out and did that because Kyle broke up with you 2 days ago. I don't like how he messed with you like that and just broke you down. You're usually a very strong person, and seeing you so sad like that showed me how much you really liked him and he didn't even acknowledge it. So you went out and did the only thing you thought would help. I bet it did for a little bit but you're probably feeling like shit right now."
He's right, again. I do feel like shit and I hate bringing up Kyle so much. I wish I never wasted so much of my life with him because I knew in the end it wouldn't last forever. No high school relationship relationships last forever so I should have braced myself for this.
"Thanks Jon. I can see how much this is bothering you and I'm glad to have an older brother that cares." And I walk over to him and give him a big hug.
He returns the hug and rubs my back. "I just wish there was some way to know if he's taking this as hard as you are. Closure for you, you know?"
"I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I don't care if he's beating himself up about breaking up with me. He should be. But I just want to move on as soon as possible and not date anymore jerks." While I'm saying this the tears start to come again, but I choke most of them back and only a couple escape my eyes.
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
I laugh a little bit and say, "Thanks for being here Jon."
"Any time Mia, but you already know that."
I smile up at him and rub under my eyes to wipe away the tears.
How did I get so lucky to have a brother like him?

Chapter 15

How many pairs of chromosomes does one human cell contain?
a. 46
b. 23
c. 84
d. 36
I fill in the letter b on my scantron and double check that every space has an answer. Then I go up to the front of the room and turn in my last final of freshmen year.
I'm so excited that this is the last day of school. Freshmen year went by so fast and I actually did pretty well in all my classes. This Biology final was probably the easiest one. I rememeber learning about chromosomes my sophomore year of high school. They probably wanted to end it with a super easy question.
When the bell rings that signals that we're finally free from school (for now) everybody is already out of their seats and going to their lockers one last time. I run up to Klaire's locker and tackle her shouting,
She laughs and wiggles out of my hug, "ok! but first we have to load up all of our stuff because your mom wanted us home by later tonight."
Klaire is spending a month with me in Chicago before she heads back to Iowa because her parents decided to go on an all expense paid cruise around the Carribean.
"Alright fine!! But lets do this quickly so we can have a couple hours at the beach!!"
When we get to our dorm everything is mostly packed except for a change of clothes for the ride home and our bathing suits. Jon pulls up the suburban and Klaire and I load up all of our stuff into the trunk. Then Klaire and I go change into our bikinis, put our change of clothes into our purses, and head out to the car.
"How were your last finals Mia?" Jon asks me as he's carrying out the last bean bag chair.
"They were super easy, that's probably because I prepped for them 2 weeks in advance" I laugh.
Jon chuckles and says, "Yeah, you were crazy. But I'm glad that you did good. Alright, everything's loaded in. Now let's go pick up Danny from his apartment and we'll go to the beach."
As we pull into the parking lot Danny already has his bags and he's in his bathing suit.
"You need me to get anything else upstairs?" Jon yells from the driver's seat.
"No, I'm only bringing my clothes and a couple other things home."
Danny gets into the car and turns to Klaire and me and says "Hey ladies, lets go fuc* some shit up!"
We all laugh and Jon goes speeding down the high way to the beach.

When we've all soaked up enough sun we all changed and headed back to the car. While Klaire and I are in the bathroom finishing our makeup, Klaire turns to me and says,
"I think you should date Danny."
I spin around and face her with a bewildered expression on my face.
"What?? Why would you say that?? Don't you remember what I told you?"
"Yeah I know. You guys just seem cute together though. It looks perfect between you two. The way he would pick you up and throw you into the water or splash you or chase you around, it was really cute and you guys look so comfortable with each other."
As I was replaying the beach in my head we did look like a couple. And I actually wouldn't mind if we went out but I just don't think he would be up for it.
"I wouldn't even know what to say to him. We haven't talked about that stuff in over a year and I bet he's moved on by now. I think it's just best if we stay friends."
"No buts. We'll see where time takes us alright? Who knows, maybe we will be together soon."

"Do you need me to drive Jon, or are you ok to make it the last hour and a half?"
Jon yawns and says, "I think I'm fine. I've got my monster. I'll let you know whenever it's too much to handle."
"Ok, whatever you want."
I snuggle back into my blanket and pillow and try to get some sleep. Next thing I know, Danny is climbing from the front seat, over the middle seat and comes to the back by me.
"Ouch! That was my foot!" I whisper loudly as he tries to maneuver off of my foot.
"Sorry Mia! Here, try this." He lifts my feet up and puts them on his lap so I would be more comforatable.
I clear my throat, "Thanks."
"No problem" he says staring right into my eyes.
I clear my throat again. Then I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again. I open my eyes a little bit to see what he's doing and he's still staring at me! I close them quickly, turn onto my side, and put my face deeper into my pillow. I hear him chuckling but I try to ignore it.
I wake up suddenly, sitting straight up in my seat.
Ok, calm down. It was just a dream.

I think to myself and then plop back down on my pillow.
"Are you ok Mia?" I hear Danny ask me.
I stare at him for a minute and then say "Oh, Um yeah. I'm fine. Just had a weird dream."
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"I don't know if that would be a good idea."
"Why not?"
"Because it's too embarrassing to say out loud." I say looking down and blushing.
Danny scoots closer to me and puts his thumb underneath my chin to lift my face to his level.
"You can tell me."
My heart skips two beats as I look into his eyes and suddenly I feel my body slowly leaning toweards his.
You know you want to. Just do it already.

"This is how I'm telling you"
I put my hand on his cheek and lean into his body until we have no room between us. I don't move my eyes from his. Then I see it click in his head and he closes the space between us.
I don't know if it was this way for him but for me, something sparked. My stomach flipped and flipped and filled with butterflies. All I wanted was to be with him... for as long as he wanted me. His lips are so soft and warm. They feel like they were meant to fit with mine. I run my tongue along his top and bottom lip and I hear the faintest moan escape his mouth.
This time when I layed back down onto my pillow, I brought him with me. My hands tangled in his hair and he had his arms around my waist. He moved down my thigh, around my knee and went back up again to my ribs, back, arms. He never took his hands off of me, and I loved it. I needed more of him. I pull his shirt off and run my hands over his back, arms, abs, chest. I couldn't get enough.
"Mia" I hear him whisper as I kiss his neck and down his chest. I brought my lips back to his.
Danny pulls away and smiles at me.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that."
I laugh a little and say "I always knew it was you."
He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because if that was your dream, I didn't find it weird at all." He smiles.
I giggle and say, "No, I guess it wasn't" and smile back at him.
He gives me one more soft kiss and I snuggle up to his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

Chapter 16

I wake up to find myself back home, in my bed, with an extremely sore neck and dry throat. I sit up and my head spins a little bit so I fall back onto my pillow. What time is it?? Where is everybody??
I turn over to find that its already 2:30 in the afternoon. I groan and put my arm over my face before I finally push myself out of bed and walk out of my room.
As the light blinds me for a couple seconds I start to hear voices coming from the kitchen and living room.
"Oh look who's finally awake!" I hear Klaire say from the couch. "Good afternoon sleepy head."
I groan and sit on one of the bar stools in the kitchen and put my head on the cool counter.
"knock knock. Who's ready for breakfast, or do you want lunch?" My mom says close to my face to make sure that I can hear her.
"Ummmm I'll just have an apple please. I don't really have an appetite right when I wake up anymore."
"But you always eat right when you wake up." My mom disagreed with me.
"I guess I just never had time in the morning at school so I grew used to not eating a lot in the morning."
"I see." she says as she hands me an apple.
I take a big bite out of it and it tastes so much better then this terrible morning breath taste. I walk over to the living room and plop down on the couch next to Klaire. I pull my legs up to chest and ask "So what are you watching?"
"I'm not entirely sure. I think it's a mystery but then again it's also a love story. I was just flipping through channels and this was the best I could come up with."
"hmm I've never seen this show on before, must be new."
I take a few more bites of my apple and get up to throw away the core. When I turn around I see Jon coming down the stairs the same way I probably did a little while ago. He looks exhausted and might just fall over any second.
"Morning" He says to me in a groggy voice.
"I think you mean afternoon." I joke "Did you drive the entire time last night?"
"very funny, and yeah I did. Those energy drinks work wonders."
I laugh, "I bet, so what do you want to eat?"
"Not really hungry. Can I just have some eggs with bacon and possibly a couple pancakes with hash browns on the side and a tall glass of orange juice?"
"Cereal it is!" I smile at him as I take his favorite cereal out of pantry, Trix are for kids.
"That works too." he laughs.
After I get Jon his breakfast I grab Klaire's arm and tow her up to my bedroom and close the door behind us.
"Klaire I can't believe I did that yesterday!"
"What are you talking about? Falling asleep with Danny in the back seat? Whoop-de-do! You are now considered a whore." She says with sarcasm leaking from every word.
"I didn't just fall asleep back there Klaire, I fricken made out with him for God knows how long with his shirt off and mine possibly off too!"
"Oh my gosh! I'm so oblivious!! Are you serious!?!? I thought you just went back there to talk and whatever, I didn't know you were going to try anything on him!"
"I wasn't in my right mind! I had a dream and I acted on it! I didn't mean to do that I swear!"
Or did I?

"Why are you freaking out? I don't care that you did that. I'm actually glad that you did. I could tell that you've been wanted to do it for who knows how long so now that you did you can finally make up your mind about him." She says with a triumphant smile on her face.
I hate when she's right. So I just shake my head and fall back onto my bed and put a pillow over my face so I can scream into it.
"I'm so confused right now. I wonder what he thinks about all of this. Should I call him?"
"Why would you need to call him? He's in your backyard swimming right now. He got up earlier then Jon and didn't want to go home so he went for a swim."
I fly out of my bed and yell, "Are you serious?!? He's here?!? right now?!?" and I run over to my dresser.
"Yeah, so stop flippin out and go talk to the boy because I'm sure he's just as confused as you are."
"I'm going, I'm going. I just have to change really quick." I say with a mischievous smile on my face and close the bathroom door.
"Oh man, what are you going to do??"
I walk out in one of my string bikinis. "I'm going to have some fun." I say with a wink before I leave the room.

Chapter 17

I run down the stairs as if I was flying. When I reached the bottom I headed over to the back door and peered out. There's Danny, swimming laps. Oh my gosh he looks so hot. That's something a stupid teenage girl would say but I can't help it if it's true!! My stomach starts to do little flips again and the same feeling from last night overpowers me.
I reach to pull open the door and the doorbells rings. UUGGGHHH. why now???

I'm only in a bikini right now so I yell up to Klaire to throw me down a pair of softy shorts. When I get them I slip them on really quick and then walk over to the front door.
I open the door to the last person I would ever imagine to be on my front porch right now....
He was turned around, facing the street but when he heard my voice he couldn't have turned around quicker. I saw him look me over briefly because of what I was wearing but then he closed his eyes and shook his head a little before looking up at me again.
I shifted my weight to one of my legs and folded my arms across my chest. I stood there feeling a little bit uncomfortable, waiting for him to speak. He just stood there looking into my eyes. His eyes said "desperation, wanting, and hurt"
I look down at the ground and say, "What are you doing here Kyle?"
"I don't really know. I just had an impulse to come and see you. I HAD to come see you. Mia I made a HUGE mistake. Breaking up was one of the worst decisions I have ever made. At the time I thought it was the right thing for us, but as time went on I started missing you more and more and I couldn't stay away. When I heard that you got home last night I couldn't stop thinking about you, I had to talk to you. I know I probably hurt you and I bet I can't really fix that but if you take me back I swear I will try my hardest to make it up to you. I will never make the same mistake twice because I know how it feels not having you in my life and it sucks! It was so lonely without you and my mind would just keep drifting back to you no matter how hard I tried not to because I knew you had probably moved on. All I know is that I will never take you for granted ever again if you would please just give me one more chance..."
He stood there waiting for my reaction. I was so shocked. I didn't expect that at all! Honestly I was expecting more of a I think you still have my sweatshirt

kind of thing, not this!! Holy crap I don't know what on earth I'm going to do. This is so random! I thought for sure that we were over. He made it so clear when we broke up. I went through so much time trying to cover this up and to just move on and get over it but here he is standing in front of me pretty much begging for me back! I hear him clear his throat a little bit which pulled me back into reality.
"Kyle... This is so much to take in. I um, I need some time to think about this. You caught me by surprise..."
"I know" he says with a little smile on his face, "I thought that it was the best way and that maybe you would even consider it." His eyes looked a little hopeful when he said that.
Why did he have to be so cute?? and sweet and amazing!!
NO Mia! What are you doing?!? You said you wouldn't go back to him! This shows him that he has you wrapped around his finger and he can have you whenever he wants you. If you consider this, make him work for it. Don't give in so easily!

"Ummm, Maybe we should talk this out more another time because as you can see I'm not in the proper attire to go out and work things out with you right now." I say motioning to my body. I see him stiffen a little bit but relax right away. Then he takes a breathe and says, "Well I guess that's all I can hope for. Just text or call me whenever you're free to talk, okay?"
"Yeah I'll definitely do that." I say nodding my head.
He takes another deep breathe and says, "Thank you Mia, you are honestly amazing." And he leans in to give me a kiss on my cheek. When he did this my skin tingled under his kiss and my a jolt went through my body, just from that little kiss.
"Bye Kyle." And with that, I shut my front door. I slip onto the floor, hug my knees to my chest and put my head down on them. As I sit there, all of the memories that I've had locked up for so long have flowed back to the front of my mind. As I sit there fighting tears I realize that I had completely forgotten about Danny out in the pool, who was now coming in through the back door. Perfect.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.07.2011

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