
Chapter One

I walked outside to my bus. Today was my first day at my new school, I new things would be different. I got on the bus. As I walked down the alse people put purses and other things on the seat so I wouldn't sit down. Then I saw an empty seat and sat down. As the bus moved the window was opened and my hair flew back and forth as I could smell the fall and spring air as the leaves fell upon the ground. We had arrived at the school. I got off the bus and into the office.
Me: Umm hi I'm the new student Jessica
Lady: Well yes here is your lock and if you get lost ask a student
Me: Thanks
I walked to the 3rd floor were my locker was held. I put my code in and it opened. I gathered my things and walked to my class. As I walked through the door I saw kids sitting on desks, talking and throwing paper balls at one another and of course theres a high school hottie sitting on her quater back football player boyfriend lap. I took a seat at the back then a girl walked up to me.
Kelly: Hi I'm kelly you must be the new girl
Me: Yeah if thats what you want to call me
Kelly: So why you sitting in the back
Girl: Because thats were all the lames sits
Me and Kelly looked at each other.
Kelly: Don't mind her shes just mad someone wants to talk to you
Girl: Oh shutup
Me: Well it was nice meeting you
Girl: Your lamer than I thought
Everybody laughed. Then the teacher walked in.
Teacher: Good morning class today we have a new student, please come up. Everybdoy turned there eyes on me as I walked up to the front of the class.
Me: Hi I'm Jessica the new girl
Girl: Tell us something we don't know
Teacher: Ok ok now be nice
Me: Well I moved here all the way from Brentwood
As I spoke I herd people laughing and making fun of what I was wearing
Girl: Did someone tell you that its 2012 not the 70's
Everybody was laughing and booing me. I ran out the class. If nobody liked me what was the point. I ran in the bathroom as tears came running out my eyes like a river going head speed. I didn't want to finish the rest of the day but I new I had to.

Chapter two

Mom: Hey honey how was school
Me: Why would you even ask
Mom: What, did something happen
Me: Yes everything
Mom: Well whats wrong
Me: We moved here!
I walked up the steps and into my room and I laid on my bed.
The bell had rung and I wasn't in the class.But I new I had to go in there. I took a deep breath and walked in the class.
Teacher: Well Miss.Jessica why are you late?
Me: Sorry I got lost
Everybody started laughing but the truth is I just didn't feel like comming today. I took a seat as the teacher wrote my first tardy down, To be honest I didn't care if I had 30 tardies. Then that same girl who called me lame came up to me.
Girl: Look sorry this is my orginal seat so I'm going to need you to move
Me: Well all these seats in here you couldn't care for one day right
Girl: Get out of my seat before I rip your brains out
Her foot ball player quater back boyfriend started laughing and so did his friends. I got up and walked to the back of the room were I saw a boy with a rat in his pocket. I was so uncomfortable the whole day. I was glad when the day was over. I had forgot my books in biology class and I had to go get them. I grabbed them and ran outside but I was to late, I had missed my bus. I started to walk. Then I saw the girl and her quater back boyfriend driving crazy down the street. I tried to move out the way but I was to late, Then SPLASH!!!! all water came up on me, I was really soaked. As they drove off I saw them laughing and I ran home and opened the door.
Mom: What in the world
Me: Don't even ask
I ran up the steps to take a shower so I could get out of these wet clothes. After I was done taking my warm shower I went to sleep.

Chapter Three

I was glad today was a half a day because I don't think I would have survived the whole day at school. I actually liked walking but I new better not to walk when it was raining. Then I saw the quater back driving as he beeped at me. I didn't know what for. Then his car stoped and he got out of the car.
Boy: Let me give you a hand
I looked confused
Me: No I'm good
Boy: Look I want to apologize about what happened yesterday
Me: Oh its ok
Boy: No It's not and I want to make it up to you
Me: What for
Boy: Look I know you think I'm nuts right
Me: No
He looked at me
Me: Ok just a little bit
He laughed and walked closer to me.
Boy: Look it's not like I'm going to kidnapp you or anything
Me: Well I would hope not
Boy: Look my name is James
Me: Yeah your girlfriend is Mya
James: Yeah shes a good one
Me: If you say so
James: Look shes not so bad
Me: She told me she was going to rip my brians out
James: She was just talking
Me: Well she didn't seem like it to me
James: Look get in
Me: Why do you want me to get in so bad
James: Because I feel bad
Me: You should
He laughed.
Me: Ok ok I will
I got in and he closed my door and drove off to my house.
Me: Thanks for the lift
James: No probs now you be careful
I closed the door and walked in my house. James was not bad after all.

Chapter Four

I walked to Science class and took a seat.
Teacher: OK class today we are going to disect a frog
Me: Yes!!!!!
Everybody looked at me as if I was nuts or something
Teacher: I'm glad someone likes it, now I will be picking your partners
I didn't listen to nothing else I just waited to my turn came up.
Teacher: Ok Jessica you are with mya
I looked as if there was a mistake she walked up to me
Me: Umm is there a way I could work by myself
Teacher: No this is a group project
I walked back to my seat
Mya: Look I herd James gave you a ride home yesterday
Me: Yeah
Mya: Look I don't know what your trying to pull but its not working
Me: Umm you got it all wrong
She stoped me
Mya: Look I'm always right I never make mistakes
I new this class was going to be a long day.
Finally school was over. I walked home and poped opened a tv dinner. I looked on the frig and saw a note. It read
Sorry mommy working late tonight hugs and kisses
I threw the note away and took the tv dinner out. Then the doorbell rung. I opened the door and it was James.
Me: Umm can I help you
James: Look I don't know what is wrong with you but I give you a ride and now your telling everyone we go out
Me: Wait wait wait look I don't know what your talking about,now don't give me that attiude
James: So you telling me you didn't tell anyone
Me: No I didn't mya came up to me today and was saying I'm trying to pull something now you can go and leave me alone
I slammed the door on his face and went back to my tv dinner. I see what kind of person he is. Then the door rung again.
Me: Look what do you want
James: look I'm sorry
Me: Ok goodbye
James: Look why are you always in a hurry
Me: why are you always a jerk
We looked at each other
James: Look I'm not mya so please stop it
Me: What are you talking about?
James: Look I say sorry and here you go calling me a jerk
Me: Ok I get it your sorry what else do you want me to do
James: Nothing
Me: Look lower your voice
James: Look fine I will just leave
Me: Ok than
He walked off. As I was about to close the door he came back and kissed me.
Me: what was that
James: Look I'm sorry
Me: Did I miss something
James: Look every since that day you walked through the door I saw something no one else did
Me: Really
James: Yeah your different than all the other girls I had to force you in my car if it were mya she would just get in.
Me: Wow I didn't know you felt that way
James: Look I guess its just the way you make me feel
We started to kiss and kiss.

Chapter Five

I woke up early to curl my hair. I got up out of the bed and started to brush my teeth and washed my face. Then I put on my clothes and started with the back of my head and made my way to the top. Then the doorbell rung it was james.
Me: Look James I know were together but I would rather walk
James: Look I can't let my girl walk
Me: Look I know you want me
He cut me off.
James: Is this what you wanted to be popular
Me: Look I don't wanna be popular that bad I mean hay I'm fine the way I am
James: Fine if you want to walk go ahead be my guest
Me: Look if it means something to you then I will ride with you
James: No its ok im sorry go walk
Me: I'm fine I will ride
I got in and we drove off. Then we pulled up to the school. Everybody was looking at me and was amazed. Then Mya walked up.
Mya: James what is she doing in your car?
James: Look I don't want to see you anymore and this is my girlfriend so you need to treat her with respect
Mya: Over my dead body
James pushed her out the way and grabbed my hand ,we walked in the buliding.
Me: Look james I didn't mean for this to happen I was fine the way things were
James: Look I don't care what everybody thinks I love you
He kissed me and I kissed him back.

Chapter Six

I was walking in the grassland were I always sat and thought. Then James came up to me.
James: Hey look I wanted to know if you wanted to go to this amazing resturaunt with me
Me: Umm were is it?
James: Its a surprise
Me: I don't like surpises because they always end up bad
James: Well this one won't
I smiled and got up.
Then we walked to his car.
James: Hey umm I have a game on Friday, do you think you can come
Me: Umm yeah sure I just need a ride
James: No problem
Me: OK
We got in and drove off. We pulled up to this place.
He got out the car. I didn't see him trying to open the door for me and when he came It hit him.
James: Aw
Me: Oh I'm so sorry, see what I mean
James: Its ok I know better next time to tell you when I'm opening the door
We walked up to the resturaunt. I had then noticed that this was a Chinese restauraunt and this wans't going to be good.
We took a seat on a carpet and a lady walked up to us.
Lady: Are you ready to oder
James: Yes we are
Me: Umm I'm not hungry
James: Look you have to try this rice its really good
Me: No I'm ok, but you can
James: No please
Me: Fine
I shouldn't never had said that. Chinese food give me the runs and I didn't want to ruin the date.
He put in the oder and then 10 mintues went back and the food came to us.
James: Here try some
Me: I took a bite, This is really good
James: I told you
Then James football friends walked in.
Randy: James new girlfriend
James: No what are you talking about
I Looked confused.
Me: umm James what are you talking about?
Miles: Look its ok man if you don't have taste to break up with the hottiest girl in school for this white trash.
I got up.
Me: James I really was liking you but now I see that your afraid because of your stupid rich friends wont except me aren't you.
James: No
Randy: Dude you like her
I kept yelling louder.
Me: Aren't you
I yelled even louder.
Then the manager came up to me.
Manager: Umm we will have to ask you to leave if you keep yelling
I yelled louder.
Me: James don't lie to me aren't you!!!
The manager touched me.
Me: Look I was just leaving anyway
I grabbed my stuff and ran out.

Chapter Seven

I was so upset. I walked in the building. I saw James friends looking at me and laughing. Then I saw James and Mya holding hands and kissing.
I walked right passed him and ran down the hall. I felt so stupid. How could I let a boy as cute as him get in my way and ruin my life. I walked to my class and I had forgot me and Mya was partners.
Mya: So how did it feel to go with James for what 2 days
She started to laugh.
Me: Look I have nothing against you, but you seem to have alot against me and I don't understand your life is way better than mines.
Mya: Look shutup I didn't come here to make friends with a freak
Me: Look I would really appreciate it if you didn't call me that
Mya: Aw is the freak getting mad
Me: Don't call me that
I was getting louder and everybody was looking at me.
Mya: Freak ! Freak! Freak ! Freak!
I got so mad and pushed her. She fell through the closet were her head had hit all the equipment and some of our experiments had bursed.
Me: umm I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that
She got up.
Mya: You are so dead
She walked closer to me. But the teacher had came before she could've done anything.
Teacher: You two office
We walked in the office and the lady looked at us and took us to this room. Then the counselor came.
Counselor: Look Mrs. Doral is gone for the day so why are you guys here
Me: Look I have tried to saty calm for the longest, when I first came to this school all the kids made fun of me and called me all types of names. Then I met James but he doesn't want to be seen with me and this is his girlfriend. She doesn't like me for whatever reason.
Mya: Look I cant help it if your a freak
Me: I told you not to call me that please
Counselor: Ok so you guysare fighting over a boy
Me: No!
Mya: Shes jealous of me
Me: No I'm not, look why would I be jealous of you, I mean look at you, your mean, nasty and just a bitch and all the above.
I got up and left.

Chapter Eight

I was walking home. When I saw James and his stupid friends riding in there bad ass cars.
They pulled up to me.
Randy: Hey stupid freak are you going to lose your temper again.
I kept walking.
Then I walked in my house. My dad was at home, this was a shocker.
Me: umm dad whats wrong
Dad: Look Jessica sit down
I sat down
Dad: Look I got some terrible news today
Me: look dad I know I'm sorry but the girl called me a freak and I had to do something to show her I'm not a punk or afraid of her.
Dad: No look your mom died today
My mouth dropped opened as tears ran down.
Me: Your joking right
Dad: I wish I were
Me: What how
Tears ran running down faster
Dad: She died of breast cancar
Me: No No she didnt have breast cancar
Dad: Look when your mom told you that she was working late those nights she was tryihng to get money for a treatment but it was to late.
Me: No NO No she wouldn't lie or not tell me about this
Dad: Look she knew she was dying
Me: No No she just cant tell me she love me one day and then the next die on me No NO its not fair.
My dad came closer to me and hugged me. I pushed him away and ran out the house.

I decided to go to school to get my mind off of things. Then Mya and James and his crew walked up.
Mya: Hey freak are you ok
Me: look I really dont feel like being bothered right now ok
Randy: Why are you sad
Miles: Look I think the freak is serious
Mya: Look James never wanted you stupid bitch
Me: Look come on I really dont feel like being bothered
Miles: Aw
Mya pushed me into a locker.
Me: Look please not today
She pushed me again
RandY: Hey Jessica tell yuor mom she was good last night
I punnched him in the face and yelled my moms dead and ran down the hall. James came running after me.
James: your mom died
Me: Get away
James: Look
Me: Look I really don't feel like talking right now, you guys can bother me later just not right please
James: No I will not
Me: Look James now you want to feel sorry for me, you should have felt sorry for me when you and your friends pushed me into lockers, when you humiliated me in front of all your idoit friends, when all the kids made fun of me, for everything.
I started to run and the counselor stopped me.

Chapter Nine

Amazing Grace how sweet
I cried as the song feeled my heart with sadness. I rembered how my mom used to sing to me when I was little and she would tell me that I was ok and everything was alright and I wouldn't have to be afarid anymore. But now that song had other meanings. My dad was holding my hand as everyone was dressed in black. When I saw the color black It made me think of death, depressed and lonely and right now I felt all those things.
Then it was the end. I walked up to her casket and put a flower and the bracelet she gave me when I was little on her casket. I started to cry as the pulled her casket down. I thought my mom was leaving me again. I mean my mom always left me but I still oved her and I really needed her right now. Then I saw James and his friends come out the car all dressed in black. He walked up to me.
James: Look I'm so sorry
Me: Look James right now I don't want to talk
James: Ok well we can talk later
Me: I don't feel like talking at all
James: ok than we will take a walk
He pulled my hand.
We started to walk. Then I stoped at the grassland were me and my mom used to go and talk.
Me: Me and my mom used to come here
James: I thought you wasn't talking
Me: Your still a jerk
He laughed.
James: Look I'm really sorry, you were right, I am afraid that my friends wont except you and I don't want to be seen with you and I am a coward.
Me: Yeah I know I am right but I really dont car anymore nothing matters anymore
James: Look is still like you
Mea: You do not look like you just came from a cemetary
James: How
Me: I mean look at you, you have on black jeans and a black t- shirt
James: You have on a black poca dotted dress
Me: I know
It started to rain. I pulled out my mickey mouse anbrella and pulled it up as I let the rain fall on the anbrella as it driped.
James: Can I get under there to
Me: Sure
He got under were Our faces were face to face. Then he leaned over and kissed me.

Chapter Ten

I was laying on my bed. Just watching tv. Then my dad told me that someone was at the door for me. Since I didn't feel like going down the steps I told my dad to let them come upstaires. It was James, Miles and Randy.
Randy: I want to say sorry for talking about your mother if I would have known I wouldn't never had said that
Me: You shouldn't be talking about nobody's parents period
Randy: Yeah I know sorry
Me: Excepted
Then they walkd out except for James.
Me: Can I help you
James: Yes a week ago I kissed you and you didn't pull away
Me: Thats because I was under an anbrella and it was raining
James: So if I kiss you right now would you pull away
Me: We have to see first
James laughed.
Then he kissed me and I kissed him back.
Me: Now look if you ever play me again I will hurt you and I mean busy
James: No I wont I made a huge mistake the last time and now I learned from it, I need you and you need me
James was right I did need him after my mom died and now since everything is quiet.
I kissed him again
I was walking down the halls hand to hand with James. Mya looked at me as if I just hit her in the face.
Mya: Umm James what are you doing?
James: Oh you didn't get the memo I broke up with you
Mya: I didn't hear that
James: Yeah because I text it to you
Mya: You jerk
James: I've been called worse
He kissed me and we kept walking. Things were going so well with me and James. I was finally his girlfriend instead of his secret and that really felt great right now. Me and my dad really didn't talk after the incident sometimes he acts like shes still there. Like yesterday he asked me did I want to go take a walk with her and I looked at him confused. I'm just sad that my dad cant seem to get over it and I can. I mean I'm used to people leaving me and never returning. My whole life is like that. But James has showed me something different like showing me that hes there and he wont ever leave me or thats at least what he said and I believe him.

CHapter Eleven

My dad had called me down staires to help him with the tv remote. That old man cant seem to never get it working.
Me: Dad all you have to do is point it at the tv
Dad: I know that I'm not stupid I just think the batteries low
Me: No there not I just put new ones in yesterday
Dad: No you didn't because you to busy with that stupid boy
Me: James is not stupid
Dad: Look just fix the dammn remote
Me: No I wont you act like your stupid, and that you can fix a remote I'm tired of being your stupid slave and daughter.
I slammed the door and walked out the house. My dad came charging at me but I didn't care.
Dad: Look baby I"m so sorry its just I really miss your mother and I'm just
Me: I'm sorry I didn't mean none of that
Dad: It's ok i'm sorry to and look who cares for that dumb remote
I laughed and walked back in the house.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2012

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