
Chapter One

We drove up to my aunts house.
Me: dang dis yo house
Aunt: yeah and dis isn't a word
Me: whatever
I got out the car and walked up to the porch. The house was huge and it had alot of windows.
Me: Carmel don't you get scared in dis house
Aunt: Well no i haven't been scared at all
Me: you crazy
She opened the door and i walked inside.
Aunt: ok your room is to the left up the staires and over the balcony
I looked at her crazy. Then i wlaked up the steps and went to my room. It was huge, it had a king sides bed with a bathroom and two sinks and toliets. Then i had a desk and some fluffy chairs. The room was red and blue my favorite colors. I could walk out the room and on to my balcony i was glad this was my room. I hoped on my bed and laid there thinking about my dead mother who is now a black angel flying over my head in the sky. Then my aunt called for me. I walked down the stes and into the kicthen.
Me: what do you want
Aunt: look today i am going to my neighbors house for a dinner and i want you to come.
Me: why i dont know them people
Aunt: well your going so wear something nice like a dress
Me: a dress just to eat you gotta be crazy
Aunt: ok than wear what you want
She walked out. Iknew she was mad but i could give to cents about her.
We walked over to her neighbors house and rung the door bell. A boy answered it. He looked at me very long until i turned my head.
Aunt: hey john is karla home.
Me: i didnt know what they was talking about
John: yeah walk right in
The house was huge but a little bigger than my aunts. We wlaked to the dinner table and sat down.
Aunt: well karla this is my niece kayla she just moved here with me
Karla: well welcome sweetie
Me: yeah
John: so why did you move here
I didn't say anything.
Aunt: umm she doesnt like to talk about it her mom just dies a week ago.
Me: why would you say something if i didnt tell them what makes you think i wanted you to go running your big mouth and telling them. I got up out of my seat and walked out the door. I slammed it to. I started to walk. Then john came up running after me.
John: look sorry dont get mad at your aunt i didnt know
Me: dont worry about me she knew i didnt want yawl to know
John: look sorry i asked
I just kept walking.

Chapter Two

Aunt: You will never do that again woman
Me: look how are you going to get mad i didnt go tell you to run your big mouth know way
Aunt: look shutup i have tried to help you im hurt to that was my sister
Me: and that was my dead mama you talked about. Tears came out my eyes.
I ran up the steps and cried my heart out on my bed.
I woke up smelling breakfast. I walked down the steps and saw my aunt cooking.
Me: whats this for
Aunt: well we had a bad start so we are going to start fresh
Me: you know there isn't know rewind button
She laughed. I sat down at the table and began eating.
Aunt: look i know your still but come on smile for once
I smiled and kept eating. Then a knock came at the door.
I opened it, it was john.
Me: umm can i help you
John: yeah today your aunt and my mom are suppose to go walking and to the spa.
Me: ok why is you here
John: cuzz
I called my aunt and she walked out the door. I didnt know what i was suppose to do.
I sat outside.
Me: so john yo mama and my aunt been good friends
John: yeah its hard to get them away from each other.
I laughed.
Me: so what is this neighborhood like
John: quiet
Me: dats boring
He laughed.
John: yeah it is so were are you from
Me: im from the city
John: oh thats nice
Me: no it aint i couldn't stand the city to much violence thats how my mom died she got caught up in the city life and it took her from me.
John: well sorry for your mom
Me: yeah
He sat next to me.
John: well i gotta go
Yeah he left and i walked inside.

Chapter Three

I loved basketball and so happened my aunt had a basketball hoop. I walked outside and grabbed the ball and started shooting. I saw john and i guess his friends. He walked up to me.
John: hey you good at basketball
Me: i dont know i just like to play
John: me to
Me: well you wanna play
John: yeah sure
I passed him the ball and he shot it. I tried to take the ball away from him but found myself on the ground. Then john threw the ball and handed his hand out for me to get up.
Me: thanks
John: no probs
We looked at each other for along time.
John: so you have a boyfriend
Me: nawl the boys were i lived was into alot of stuff that im to smart to even be around
John: oh well if i asked you to be my girl would you
Me: it depends you into gangs
John: nawl im to scared to even take that risk
I laughed. He scooted up to me.
John: you know when i first saw you i couldn't stop looking at you.
Me: and why is that
John: cuzz your beautiful
Me: john have you ever been with a black girl
John: nawl but i would love to be with you
Me: yeah if you got the guts to handle me
John: whats thats suppose to mean
Me: it means i could be a needle in a haysatck
He laughed. Then he walked up closer and he kissed me. We kept kissing until my aunt came out. She looked at us both.

Chapter Four

My aunt called me for dinner.
Me: wow this is a lovely dinner
aunt: well thanks look sit down me and you need to talk
I sat down.
Me: about what
Aunt: look you know i saw you and john yesterday
Me: ok and
Me: look all im trying to say is maybe you shouldn't be with him
Me: why not
Aunt: look me and his mother been friends for so long and it would ruin things
Me: would it ruin things for you or me. I got up and ran up the steps and slammed the door i didnt have time for her nonsense.
Then came a knock i knew it was her.
Aunt: look im sorry its just i guess i thought of myself but if your in love or whatever thats fine with me.
Me: im glad you understand.
I was walking on the sidewalk when john walked up.
John: hey i've been looking all over for you
Me: why
John: cuzz i cant stay away from you
We huged and kiss as we walked.
Me: look john i've never felt this way about a boy i dont know why i guess its the way you look at me
He starred in my eyes and i started to laugh.
John: look you promise you will never leave me and i will look at you any way you wont
Me: yeah
I laughed as he chased me and i ran and fell in the grass and he started to kiss me as he lifted me up off my feet. I was living a fairytale.

Chapter Five

I was outside shooting hoops then my aunt came out.
Me: you know how to play
Aunt: do I ,me and your mom used to always play basketball and she would get mad when I would win and try to cheat but end up finding herself on the ground.
Aunt: oh sorry I forgot
Me: oh know its ok I thought it was actually funny you wanna play I bet you can't beat me
She laughed as I passed her the ball. I was winning and she was trying so hard. Then she made this shot that I couldnt even get.
Me: aunt you got skills
Aunt: well a little pratice didnt hurt
I laughed. As we kept playing she started to beat me. Then John came out.
Aunt: umm ill go
I saw how my aunt really wanted to play with me and talk to me I mean I had been rude to her. I walked over to John and told him that I would be with my aunt today and he understood.
Then we kissed and he walked back inside. i loved the way he looked at me and the way he kissed me. His lips were so soft as if he was immortal or something. I loved the way he laughed and how his eyes would change colors. Then I walked back to the hoop and began to keep playing. I saw that my aunts smile got so big as the moon.I was proud I did something to make her smile. My mom used to smile as big as the moon thats what made me smile and look into the sky I could picture her flying in the sky watching over me with her pretty dark skin and her lovely complextion.

Chapter Six

I had decided to spend more time with my aunt. Then a knock came at the door. It was John.
Me: Hey what you doing?
John: Nothing I came over to see you
Me: Oh well thats sweet of you but I'm kind of busy
John: With what
Me: You know I need to spend more time with my aunt she really needs me
John: Oh I understand I just thought maybe you would like to spend a little more time with your boyfriend
Me: Oh John are you getting jealous?
John: No what for
Me: Look I got to go ok
John: Ok I will see you then
I closed the door and walked up the steps. I thought maybe me and John should sperate because I'm going through a lot and so is my aunt. I decided to plan a day at the bridge to tell him.

It had been 3 weeks and I haven't talked to John. I decided to call him and ask him would he like to talk. I know what I was about to tell him was really about to hurt him but I needed time alone and so did my aunt. The bridge thing didn't seem to work out so I just asked him to come over. Then a knock came I already new who it was.
John: Hey you wanted me to come over
Me: Umm yeah we need to talk
John: Ok what is it
Me: Umm I dont't know how to say this
John: Wait you aren't breaking up with me are you
I looked at him as if I had just got shot in the throat.
Me: Umm John its not going to work out
John: how come
Me: I just need time
John: I gave you lots of time, when I really wanted to spend time with you, you told me that you wanted to spend time with your aunt and I let you.
Me: You didn't let me I let myself
John: Look all I'm saying is whats wrong with me
Me: Nothing I'm just going through alot right now
John: Ok well than tell me about it I promise I will listen or even try to fix it
Me: John you can't fix anything
John: Yes I can
Me: No you cant, you cant bring my mom back from the dead can you
John: Look I'm sorry but whatever your going through I want to help
Me: John no I'm sorry
John: I'm not good enough aren't I
Me: No your perfect
John: Than whats the problem
Me: It's complicated
John: My ears are opened, Look kayla you cant just ask somebody to come over and then break there hearts when they really love you, you have serious issues.
He walked out the house. I looked puzzled.

Chapter Seven

I was in the kicthen with my head hanging down.
Aunt: Whats wrong suga
Me: Nothing
Aunt: Come on tell me baby gurl
Me: Well I broke up with John
Aunt: OH well I'm sorry to hear that
Me: Its ok it was for the best
Aunt: And how is that
Me: Look I really dont feel like talking about it
Aunt: Oh I see you still love him dont you
Me: Yes, well I dont know I mean yes hes everything I could want but not right now I need to be alone and I need to spend more time with you.
Aunt: Look babuy gurl I know you love me but I am fine I think your just scared
Me: Of what?
Aunt: Your afraid that someone you love will leave again
Me: Your right I am for example my mom, I loved her to death and she dies the next day
Aunt: See you just got to have faith
Me: I know what do you think I should do?
Aunt: I think you should tell him how you feel and why you really broke up with him
Me: Yeah your right I'm going to go to his house today
Aunt: Yeah you should
Me: I know I just wish I never had told him that and that I really told him how I felt


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2012

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