
Chapter One

I was getting the newspaper when i saw two uhaul trucks. i took a quick glimpse at the people who was in it. It looked like a happy family i wish mines could be that way i said. i walked back inside. Honey my mom yelled. I walked to the livin room were she burried herself alive with acohol. Look mama if you wanna get clean you can't keep doing this. she told me to shutup, then i picked her up and took her to her room and ran the shower. after i got her cleaned i gave her two pills that would knock her out so she wouldn't speak or drink. she'll just be asleep like i wanted. I walked down the stairs cuzz i felt hungry. i poped opened a bag of chips and sat on the couch and ate them. Im home yelled my dad. I ran to him and huged him. Weres your mom. Shes asleep i said. she haven't been drinking has she. i gave him a look, then he went up the steps. i sat back on the couch and turned on my favorite show the degrassi. Knock Knock went the door. I looked to see who it was and it was the new poeple. I opened it. Hi my name is jena and this is my husband rock and my son james. Oh hi i'm kayla yawl new. Yes we are and we wanted to bring a cake over. well come in i said. i thought ain't we suppose to bake them something to greet them to the neighborhood. but i didn't have time to think i had my eyes on that cake. Dad i yelled. He walked down the steps. Dad this is jena, jena dad. Dad this is. they cut me off. were the new neighbors they said. Oh well welcome said my dad. they got the talking. that boy kept starring at me. i looked at him back and he gave a slight smile. i walked over to the cake. i cut a piece and walked to the livin room. Wow this cake is good i said. Well were glad you like it my son james made it. He gave his mom a look. Well he did a lovely job i said. Thanks he said. Your welc. He walked outside. I walked after him. Your not staying i said. nawl i got things to do. Is that more important than eating yo good cake. He laughed. So were you from i said. Im from Detroit. wow you from the d well im from dover delaware. yeah i can see that. i lauhged. so why did you move. my mom and dad split up and now shes engaded to this man. oh well good for her. yeah he said. well i'll let you get back to your important stuff. he laughed. i walked back in the house. well we gotta go said the new people. we closed the door behind them and thanked them for the good cake and for stopping by. my dad went upstaires. i took a shower and went to sleep.

Chapter Two

I was walking down the halls to my locker. Then james came up. this is yo locker i said. yeah. his locker was two lockers down from mines. oh well hey. hey. so what class you got. he gave me his scheldue. i noticed every class i had he had. look james we have the same class. good its nice to know one person around here he said. i gave him a smile. then got my books and we both walked to class. Hey mr.clanks this is james hes new. oh yes well since you two have met how about you sit right next to kayla. we walked to our seats. so was school like this in detroit. nawl. what was different i asked. gangs he said. oh i said. he got out a notebook and wrote our assignment down. well you aint gotta worry about that here i said. he smiled. i smiled back. during the whole class i couldn't pay attention i kept looking at james he was so cute his brownish hair, his blue eyes it just turned me on. ring ring went the bell. i walked to my locker, then i saw my enemie kate. she was touching all over james her and her groupies were laughing and doing all kinds of stuff. then he walked over to me. so you the kind of boy who likes the attention. what you mean he said. i mean if you talk to kate i couldn't say nothin else. what you dont like her. like aint even the word more like hate. he laughed. so why dont you like her.lets just say she gets around. got ya he said. i closed my locker and walked to my clas.
the day had flown by fast and i was walking home. james catched up with me. so what guys you been with he asked. what do you mean. you know what i mean he said. well i havent been with anyone since my mom. i stoped i just met him i couldn't tell him nothin. is there something wrong. no its just i was fonna tell you my personal life and i just met you. yeah i understand. im glad you do. but i dont really like anyone. no one he said. no why you care. cuzz a pretty girl like you ought to have someone. i blushed. thanks i said. you have a nice smile. the funny thing about it is i used to have braces. he laughed. so did you like your first day of school. yeah it was cool he said. thats good on my first day of school wasnt so good. what happned. i got in a fight with a girl. why. she butted me in line and all i said was can you please go to the back and she throwing hands so i throw mines. he was laughing. that aint funny stop it i yelled. he kept laughing which made me laugh. you something he said. i know aint i , i said. we walked up to my house. well see ya james. yeah see ya he said. i walked in my house there was my mom burried again. i did this everyday. i got tired and left her there this time went up to my room and did my homework. after that i took a shower and dreamed about james and his blue eyes i dont know what was going on with me but i was feelin james.

Chapter Three

Today was spring break thank god i said. Why you so happy asked james. cuzz look i've been in school forever and you just came so you dont know what it feels like to be on spring break. oh is that right he said. why you say it like that. cuzz i can. he shoved me a little. i shoved him back and he fell in the grass and pulled me down with him. i rolled over. we started to laugh. you think thats funny he said. i kept laughing, then i ran and he chased me. i kept running and laughing. got ya he said. he grabbed my waist and we looked at each other. he leaned over and we kissed. we kept kissing and kissing. his lips were soft as cotton and soft as a baby bottoms. my cell ranged. i answered it. hello oh im on my way. tears started to run down my eyes. whats wrong he said. all i did was run he followed. i walked to my house. policeman, police cars and the parametics were parked out on my drive way i saw my mom getting wrapped in a black bag. no i yelled. i ran to her. no no no i yelled. lady we need you to get back. thats my mother i yelled. i kept crying. then james ran up and saw my mothers body. oh im so sorry. i cried on his shoulder. my dad came and me james and my dad rode to the hosiptal. my dad went to go see what was going on and me and james was in the waiting room waiting for answers. i cant believe shes dead i said. tears kept comming. i know. the sad thing is i told her not to drink i told her and look what she done shes dead and what am i suppose to do i yelled. calm down said james. no i cant i kept crying. he put his arm around me just how my mom used to do when i was a kid and was afraid of the dark. i weaped in his arms. then my dad came out with some doctors. we got up. daddy whats going on. look honey your mom dranked a lot and took a couple of pills and overdosed. no no i yelled i ran out the hospital. my dad and james ran after me. i kept running. then my dad got a whole of me and we walked to the car. my dad took james home and we walked inside in my house. my dad holded me close while we both cried. but he stoped cuzz one of us had to be strong. i walked upstaires took a shower and went to bed crying my heart out. i didnt know what it was but it was like apart of me just crakcked into pieces that needed to be put back together. then i closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Chapter Four

2 weeks has pass since my mom death and her funeral. And were back in school. I havent talked to anybody since her death. i walked to my classroom. i saw james with kate. i felt so disgusted. i walked up to kate. kate what are you doing. i cant socialize she siad. i walked away. hey kelly said mike my other enemie. what. when you gone let me get those 7 digits. never i said. well guess what. what i said. yo mama called down from hell and said baby get me a beer. everybody was laughing. i started to cry hard. james walked up to the boy and punched him. the boy nose was all sorts of colors. i ran out crying. he followed. look kelly dont run away you cant that boy is just a jerk. easy for you to say my mothers dead. i ran to the bathroom and cried and cried. then a girl walked in. are you ok she said. yeah im fine now get out. i would but last time i checked this was a public bathroom. oh sorry im just mad. i know i saw what happened. oh well you were probably laughing to. actually i wasnt my mom died when i was 8 but she was a drugie. sorry to hear that i said. yeah im lava and your kelly. yeah i am. well it looks like that james boy really cares for you. what do you mean. he punched a boy for you and chased after you. i smiled. look if that was me i would be with him. i gave her a smile. now come on girl dont let mike get the best of you. i cleared my face and walked out with lava. i walked back in the classroom. i sat at my seat and pretended nothing had happened.
school finally ended. i started to walk home. i saw james come up to me. hey he said. hey. you alright. yeah im fine. look cuzz of you i got suspended. sorry but thanks i said. no prob. look i would do anything for you. i smiled. look to be honest james apart of me feels very empty and alone. well if you let me be with you i can feel up that heart and empty space inside. he kissed me . i kissed him back. then we went to my house.

Chapter Five

Me and John were laying in the grass and just laughing and talking. so john what do you see in me. what do you mean he said. i mean why do you like me. first your everything i want and second your you. and whats that suppose to mean i said. it means you sweet,smart,preety and the love of my life. i kissed him. look i gotta go dad text me. ok he said. i got up and walked home. umm dad you wanted me. oh yes look tomorrow im going to be home late and i need you to stay here. why you gone be late i said. because i have business he kissed me on the forehead and headed up the steps. i grabbed the leftover pizza and took up to my room to eat. after i was done eating i decided to take a bath and sit on my bed. i love my room cuzz i have a window that is so huge anyone can come in not that its a good thing, but i can talk to john. i sat on my bed listening to music. when i herd a knock at the window. i took a step to see who it was and it was john. what are you doing i said. look i got bored so i came to see you. well my dad is here i said. i know let me in. are you crazy i said. he jumped in . look you gotta go i said. but why said john. my dad walked in and john jumped down to the floor. is everything ok he said cuzz i thought i herd a noise. oh no its just me all alone i said. ok well bye. my dad walked back to his room and john got up. look i love you but you gotta go. ok he said he kissed me and jumped out. i loved the way he kissed me.
I walked in the house i had just got home from school. school was so overwheming. i look at the phone to see any messages and their wasnt. i went to the kitchen to get a burger. i got a burger and started eating it. knock knock went the door. i opened it and it was james. hey he said. hey james he walked in. we kissed. is that a burger your eating on he asked. i laughed oh yeah i sat it on the table. so what brings you here. what i cant come see my girlfriend he said. no its just you never really came to my house like this i said. well i wanna see you he said. aw i feel so special. he started kissing me and i kept kissing hom back. he started to unbutton my shirt. look james stop. he kept kissing me. i pushed him back. whats wrong. you i yelled, is this why you came to do me. no it wasnt like that he said. get out i yelled. he walked out and slammed the door. what did i just do i thought.

Chapter Six

I walked down the halls i saw james. He walked up to me. I kept walking, look kelly you cant keep ignoring me. I walked to my seat. Look whats your problem. Look around you are the problem. Look if you was going to be like this i would've never came over your house. You only came over my house for one reason. No thats not true. Well whats the truth. He looked at me and i looked at him. Can we talk after school. No im busy. With what. Are you trying to say i have nothing better to do. Yeah. I gave him a look. Loook just meet me at my house. I rolled my eyes as the teacher walked up to me and handed me a paper.
After school was over i walked to james house. I knocked on the door. He answered. I knew you did't have nothin better else to do he said. I rolled my eyes. Come in come in he said. Look james what do you want from me. Nothing i just want to spend a little bit of time with my lady. I tried not to smile. See you cant stay mad at me for nothing. So i said. Look i want you to know im not trying to rsuh you into nothing. ok. hey i got a pool table in my basement you wanna play a game. i cant play. well ill teach you. ok. we walked to his basement. wow this is nice i said. yeah my mom is kinda rich. more like rich. he laughed. Ok first you adjust your stick to the pace you can aim the ball. like this. he showed me and i copied. then i hit the ball and three balls went in. dang i teach you and you already winning. i smiled. we had played a couple of games and then we were done. ok i won i said. look you cheated. how did i cheat. cuzz. whateves i said. he was laughing. then i laughed. so who room is that. mines he said. i sat on the bed. its comfortable. he sat next to me. i kissed him. then he kissed me and we kept kissing. then he stoped. why whats wrong. its just i want to control myself. you dont have to i said. he looked at me and unbuttoned my shirt. i jerked a little. relax he said. then we did it.

Chapter Seven

I was walking and James came up.
James: hey


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.03.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my friends and family.

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