
Chapter One

I walked downstaires. Hey mama. Oh hey sweetie. Everybody was looking at me, umm is everything ok. Yeah why do you say that asked my dad. Because all yawl looking at me as if something is wrong. Oh no sweetie. Ok did catalina cook breakfast.Yes. Catalina was my maide, my parents were rich and i lived a spoiled life were everything was done for me. My mama once told me if i was stranded in a desert i would die cuzz i wouldn't know what to do i was so spoiled and she was right. I walked to the kicthen of the smell of bacon,eggs,pancakes and hashbrowns, Catalina sure fed me good there was never one day i starved. I got my plate and sat at the table. My parents were still looking at me. Ok what is it. Maybe you should sit down said my dad. My mama nodded. I walked over to the couch and sat down. So i said. Look honey me and your dad got married at 16 and your 16 and in this tradition you will marry a man. What do you mean. What we mean is your going to get married.No i yelled. Look honey its apart of our tardition. Well it aint apart of mines i said as i ran up the staries. My parents followed. Look Darilynn you have to marry and if you dont you will become a maide and you dont want that. Besides the man is rich and his name is James. James i said. Yes said my dad also he will becomming by today to pick you up and take your stuff to you guys knew house. You gotta be kidin me i said. No were 100% telling the truth. But why. They walked out the room. I rolled my eyes and started packing.
Ding Dong. I satyed in the room cuzz i knew it was james. Darilynn my mom yelled come down here you have company. I walked down the steps there stood james a white boy. Darilynn james, James Darilynn. He walked up to me. Your more beautiful in person. My mom blushed. Well should we go. I rolled my eyes and got my bags and headed to the car. So wheres the limo. What he said as he buckled his seat. You know long car with 8 or 10 seats and a driver. No i dont. But my parents said you were rich. Rich more like living in a ranch style house and no maides. Wait your not rich. Of course not. I screamed. Is everything ok. Yeah but my parents are some good liars. We pulled up to the house. This is it. I know it looks small but we have a bed. What do you mean by we. We share a room were engadged he should me the ring. Look james how old are you. Oh I'm 19 Your what!Ok you can have the bed i'll just sleep on the couch if it makes you happy. yeah i said. then i hoped on the bed and he laughed.

Chapter Two

I woke up, of the smell of bacon,eggs, pancakes and hashbrowns. I walked down the steps. I saw james cooking.
Me: you cook
James: no i just wanted my soon to be wife wake up with breakfast
Me: look james im only 16 and your 19 i still go to school. I have a whole life ahead of me and if i cant spend it like i want to, then im not going to spend it at all.
James: what are you trying to say
Me: im saying i dont want a husband right now
James: look dammn it i've tried so hard to make you feel good and all i get is a stupid 16 year older saying she doesnt want to marry me.
I started to cry.
Me: maybe your right i am stupid
James: look i didnt mean it that way, i just dont understand
Me: i dont understand alot of things
James: whats that
Me: like getting married for example
James: Look i'm not ready to get married either but your parents are willing to let me in and i could be rich
Me: is that all you care about is fame
James: well yeah
I ran upsatires I thought. he really doesnt want to marry me he just wants the money.
James: Look you can't keep running away
Me: Look if you don't want to marry me, then I shouldn't be here at all
I grabbed a few clothes and ran out the house. James came running towards me
James: Look were are you going
Me: If I'm so stupid then I shouldn't be here
James: I said I didn't mean it and you know that
Me: Look James you don't want to get married then neither do I
James: Look I'm sorry ok don't go, I didn't mean anything I said
Me: So your not just with me becuase of my parents wealth
James: Look I don't know
Me: Well you need to figure out, if you don't I will go
I walked back in the house and went up to my room and slammed the door.

Chapter Three

Today we had to go to this place for my mom and dad. See when they got married they had a wedding party before they were actually married. they brought lots of people and the people bought them gifts and boy did they get a lot of them. I had to wear a dress not that its bad or anything its just I hate wearing dresses. My mom and dad knocked at the door. James went to go get it.
MOM: Well hello son in law
James: Hi its nice to see you
Dad: Is my baby girl ready
James: Yeah she should be
I walked down the steps. I ahd a blue long strapless dress on and my hair was pinned up in a bun.
MOM: All you look marvelous
She kissed me on the cheek and took my hand.
Me: Mom why do we have a lemo outside?
Dad: Look we thought it would be nice
James: Indeed it is
We all hoped in the lemo as It drove off.
MOM: So how is everything going in the house
I was about to tell the truth but James butted in.
James: Everything is going well
MOM: Well thats good news
We had pulled up at the place. It was huge. My mom and dad grabbed my hand and walked me up the steps. Millions of people came crowding around us and started saying congradulations. People were laughing and clapping. We had walked in the place. Tables and food were sat up and a floor to dance on.
MOM: Now look you need to socialize you two ok
James: Yes we will
Me: Ok mama
James took my hand and we started to walk up to people then a lady came with her husband.
lady: Well look at you two love birds how are things going
Me: umm things are going very good as planned
I gave James a look.
LadY: Well I hope your marriage last long becuase there will be times you just want to leave
Me: Yeah I understand
Man: But I thought things were going well
Me: Umm yeah they are its just
James: Look we would love to stay and talk but there is more poeple
lady: Oh yes I'm sorry
We walked away.
james: for now on you let me do the talking
More people walked up as we talked and talk and gifts were handed to us.
Then my mom friend and her husband came to us.
Luren: So how are you guys doing
James: Were doing well
Luren: Thats good so have you guys thought about kids
I gave the lady a crazy look.
James: Yes we have
I looked at him in shock. As if I was just struck by lightening
Luren: Well thats very good I'm sure you will make a beautiful baby
James: Thanks
I was thinking about that all night. Then it was finally time to go. My mom and dad dropped us off at home. We both walked up to the room. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said and that lady.
Me: Umm can I ask you a question?
He stoped what he was doing
James: Sure what is it?
Me: Remeber how that lady asked us if we were going to have kids
James: Yeah
Me: Well were you playing when you said we may have them
James: Look if this is going were I think its going then maybe we shouldn't talk about this
Me: No I want to, look James I'm only 16 I still have a life ahead of me like going to college finshing school being something you know.
James: well look I'm 19 what difference does it make
Me: Alot!!
James: Look why are you thinking about this anyway
Me: I just wanted to know
James: Are you a virgin?
Me: What kind of question is that
James: Look because if you weren't we wouldn't be having this conversation right now
Me: Look James I'm sorry that I'm 16 and you expect me to just do it
James: Its not that its just I don't understand why your making a big deal out of it
Me: James I just want to wait till I'm ready and I know the person I'm doing it with is the right one
James: look we will talk about this tomorrow
He walked down the steps and I laid on the bed thinking.

Chapter Four

I walked down the steps and saw James on the couch watching tv. I sat next to him.
Me: So why are you up so early
James: Well since you kicked me out of my own room I have know choice
Me: You can move back in if you want
James: But I thought you didn't want me in there
Me: James what difference does it make
Jmaes: Look are you still on about what happened last night
Me: Look James I know were going to be married soon but I'm not ready for kids
James: Look I know we can wait until your ready
Me: Your sure
James: Yeah
I was happy he had understood.
It was night time. I just ahd got out the shower. Then I saw James on the bed.
Me: Oh yeah I forgot you sleep in here now
James: You have your side and I have mines
Me: Ok
I hoped on the bed I could feel his weight
Me: Umm could you scoot over
James: Sure but what is it with you
Me: Nothing I just don't like being close to people
He scooted over towards me
Me: What are you doing?
James: Look you need to relax a little
He kissed me
Me: Umm James stop
He kept kissing me.
Me: James!!
James: Look I'm not going to hurt you but you might as wells kiss me were engaged
He was right.
I kissed him back and he kept kissing me. To be honest I was starting to like him.

Chapter Five

I walked down the halls. Everybody was looking at me. I walked in my class. I sat down in my seat then a crowd of kids came running up to me.
Me: Ummm is there something wrong??
Gikr: No only that your the luckiest person in the world
Me: How I'm I lucky?
Girl: Your married and your parents are rich
Me: Well thanks
Tara: I think its digusting
Girl: How come
Tara: look shes 16 and shes married to a 19 year older
Me: Look its my life so you can make your way out of it
Tara: I'm just trying to save you from all the pain and hurt inside
Me: Tara what are you talkign about?
Tara: Look do you really think he loves you, he only asked you in hand because of your parents and there rich
Me: No he loves me
Tara: Come on you know the truth
I started to cry. I thought she was right. I couldn't stop thinking about that all day. I walked out the class. I was happy when the day was over. I walked out the doors to the school and saw James standing outside by the school with the car door opened. I got in and didn't even look at him I just didn't want nobody to see me. I couldn't get what tara said out my head. then he closed the door.
James: So how was school
I didn't say anything
James: Did something happen?
I still didn't say anything
Then we pulled up at the house. I got out the car and closed the door and ran up the steps. I walked in the bathroom to take a shower. Then I got out. I walked down the steps.
James: Look you haven't said nothing to me all day
I went to the frig and garbbed me a microwave pizza and poped it in the microwave.
He walked closer to me.
James: Look tell me whats wrong
Me: You asking me to marry you thats whats wrong.
I stoped the microwave and ran up the steps. He followed.
James: Look yesterday you were just kissing me and now your all upset
Me: Look James I don't know why you keep doing this
James: Doing what?
Me: Acting like you love me when you don't
James looked puzzled.
James: Look I don't understand I do love you
Me: No you don't all you care about is money and thats it
James: What made you come across this
Me: My used to be bestfriend told me
James: Told you what?
Me; That the only reason why you asked me in hand was because of my parents money
James: Look don't listen to that shitt, Tara's just jelaous
Me: No look Jmaes I'm tired see ya in the morning
I laid on the bed and went to sleep.

Chapter Six

I wlaked down the steps and grabbed my book bag to head out to school. Then James can down the steps.
James: Look I got a job yesterday I was going to tell you but soemthing came up so do you want me to drive you to school.
Me: Look right now I think you know the answer
I walked out and started to walk to the bus stop. Then Tara walked up to me.
Tara: Look I hope I didn't make you feel bad about what I said yesterday
Me: No no you may have been right.
Tara: Look he may love you I was just jealous
Me: Its ok
Tara: Look I don't want you to get mad at him
Me: You know Tara I feel bad for you
Tara: What?
Me: I don't studer
Then the bus came. James was right. But just because shes jealous doesn't mean he still may not love me.
School was out and I walked outside. I saw my mom and dad satnding out by there car. I thought good thing it wasn't a limo.
Me: Mom and dad what are you guys doing here
Mom: Look just get in the car
I got in and we drove off. Then we pulled up to my parents house.
Me: Mom why am I hear
Mom: Look James is telling me that you've been acting strange
Me: I been acting strange
MOM: Look I don't know whats going on with you two but it needs to fix
Dad: Yes it does, Look James is a good guy you need to give him a chance
Me: Fine
Mom: Well James will be here in a little while when he gets off of work.
Me: OK
I laid on the couch.
Finally James came. I grabbed my stuff and we walked to the car.
Me: Umm congradulations on your new job
James: Thanks
Me: So how was your first day
James: Umm busy
Me: Well it wasn't boring
James: Yeah
Me: So do you want to go celebrate
James: NO I'm a bit strained
Me: Oh
We pulled up to the house. I walked in and sat on the couch while James started fixing himself some popcorn.
Me: You know my birthday is in 3 days
James: Yeah your mom told me
Me: Are you ok
James: Yeah just tired
Me: Well come and relax
James: I'm ok I'm just going to go to bed
Me: Alright
He walked up the steps. When I tried to act like a wife he was never in the mood. So how could I except him? I had so many questions like why do I have to get married anyway. I walked up the steps and laid in the bed to.

Chapter Seven

It was my 17th birthday and The only thing I wanted was a new car. Today I was going with my friends and James to applebees something causal. We all got in the car.
Taylor: So this is your husband
Me: Well yeah
taylor: Hi its nice to meet you
James: You to
Mya: So how does it feel to be married
Me: Well the same I guess
We pulled up to applebees. And we sat down at a table. Thankgod because the last time I went here, we had to wait for hours just to get seated.
Masha: So what did you get for your birthday
Me: Well nothing yet
Taylor: So husband you telling me you didn't get your wife anything
James: Well its comming
I smiled. I was having a good time.
We had finally left applebees and droped my friends off. I was going to my mom and dads house.
James: So you having fun
Me: I guess so
James: Look why sound down
Me: I mean its fun its just I'm a little bored you know
WE pulled up to the house.
My mom and dad came running towards me.
Dad: Oh happy birthday sweetie
Me: Thanks
MOM: We have a surpise for you
Me: Ok
Dad: Walk to the back
AS I walked to the back of the house I saw a bunch of people pop out and say surprise.
Me: OH thanks ma
MOM: Don't thanks us it was James idea
Me: Thanks
James: Your welcome
I started to go talk to all my friends and thank them for comming. After hours of dancing, eating, talking and having fun my mom pulled me to the side.
Me: What is it?
MOM: What you been waiting for
I looked up and there stood my new car. I ran over to it and all my friends followed.
I was so happy. I drove it around the coner and back. Then the party was over I was tired. I got in my car and drove home.

Chapter Eight

I woke up and saw James getting ready.
Me: Why are you getting ready
James: I have work in 2 hours
Me: OH ok
James: So did you have fun
Me: Did I, I had a blast and then when I saw my car it really made me happy and you made the party
James: Yeah
Me: Wow
James: So you really like your car
Me: Yeah its nice did you buy that
James: No your parents did
Me: Oh thats ok
James: Yeah
Me: So are you liking your new job
James: Yeah
Me: Oh well thats good
James: Well I better go I dont want to get stuck in traffic
Me: Yeah you better
He walked down the steps and I followed.
Me: Well I made you a lunch in case you get hungry
James: Thanks
Me: Well I will see you
James: Don't you have school
Me: Umm no last week was our last day
James: OH well thats good
Me: Yeah
James: Well I got to go
Me: Yeah
I kissed him and walked up the steps and he laughed.
I was so bored my parents were at a meeting and my friends were doing something with there lives. I went around the block with my car so many times since I had no where to go. I called everyone but no one answered. I decided to play some of James video games. I looked through them all but I didn't see any of them that I would like. Then I herd a knock at the door. Thank God finall James was home. I opened the door. But it was a lady and a man.
Me: Umm can I help you
Lady: Yes you can
Me: Umm with what
Lady: Well my son James I need to talk to and I'm guessing your his wife
Me: Umm yeah and James is not here at the moment he's at work
Man: Wow our son finally got a job
Me: Yeah he did I was so happy for him
Lady: Well we will wait till he gets here
Me: Ok come right in
Me: So are you guys happy for your son
Lady: Sweet heart do you ever stop talking
Me: Oh ok I'm sorry
Then finally James walked in.
Me: Oh thank god your here
James: Mom what are you doing here
Lady: Well we wanted to see you
James: Look leave
Man: No we will not, We don't understand why we wern' invited to the wedding
I looked confused.
Me: Umm thats wrong because I sent one to you guys
James: Look Darilynn can you go up staires for one second.
Me: Why? I'm fine
James: Can you just go
Me: Ok
I walked up the staires. Then after waiting for 30 mintues James came up the steps.
Me: Umm that was more than a second.
James: Could you just shutup for once
Me: Umm ok but I don't see why
James: Look I'm not in the mood for talking
Me: Ok
I laid on the bed.
Me: SO what happened down satires
James gave me a look.
Me: Oh I'm sorry its just I been bored all day I rolled around the block for hours and now since your here I can't even talk.
James: Look I'm going to go to sleep now
Me: Ok I walked down the steps and sat on the couch watching the notebook.

Chapter NIne

I was so bored again. Then James walked down the steps.
Me: Umm do you have to work today
James: Yeah
Me: Why?
James: Look I don't understand
Me: Well I'm bored
James: Oh I see
Me: So are you going to tell me why I had to go up the steps yesterday while you talk with your parents.
James: NO
Me: But I'm your wife and there is no secrets
James: Look my parents they don't like you
Me: Why?
James: Because they would rather see me strugling and a faigure
Me: Why is that
James: Look I don't know and I don't care
Me: Ok we can move on to the next subject
James: Your really bored
Me: Yeah but guess what
James: What?
Me: Well I played some of your video games yesterday and I'm pretty good at them.
James: Well thats good to hear
He sat next to me on the couch.
Me: James I'm happy were together
He looked at me and started to kiss me. I kissed him back. He started to pull at my shirt. I sat up.
James: Is there something wrong
Me: No
He kept kissing me. Then he started to kiss me everywhere. I could feel his weight against mines as I yelled. Then he stoped.
We were on the couch watching tv.
James: Look you don't feel wired or anything do you
Me: No why do you ask
James: Well I think you know
Me: No I'm good
He kissed me.

Chapter Ten

Today me and James were going house haunting since our wedding would be in 4 months. It felt like it was just 1 month till this wedding was comming.
James: Now look I know you were used to houses that are huge but we are going to have to stay in between our budget.
Me: And whats the budget
James: Between 20 and 25 thousand
Me: Ok thats not bad, so your thinking of a house with 4 bedrooms, patio, kicthen, loft and all that other stuff.
James: No we don't need that many bed rooms
Me: Yeah but I mean those rooms don't have to be bedrooms you know
James: Ok I think I'm paying for the house.
Me: And I'm the wife so I do have a say so in this
James: No you don't
Me: What
I hit him and he laughed.
James: I'm kidding ok
Me: Yeah
We pulled up to a house. It was pretty big.
James: Look by the way this house looks doesn't look like we will be buying it.
Me: But James this house is nice I mean look at it
James: It cost 40,000 dollars
Me: Look I can ask my parents
James: No stop asking them I want to be independent on my own
Me: James you are you have a job and your own car a few dollars from my parents won't hurt
James: Look the answer is no
Me: Fine
I walked back to the car. If I couldn't get this house than I didn't want to go house haunting.
James: Look this is not the only house you know
Me: But James I want this one
James: Look fine do what you want but this house is way to big for just two people
Me: But its nice, it even has a ground pool
James: Yeah its nice but do we really need this
Me: Yes
James: Fine
Me: Yes!!!!

Chapter Eleven

Me and James had finally moved in the house I wanted. I was so happy. But my stomach kept bothering me.
James: Whats wrong
Me: My stomach hurt
James: Your stomach been hurting all week
Me: Well maybe its the food you been cooking
James: Hey look I'm trying
Me: Not hard enough
James: Look I don't see you doing anything
Me: Because I shouldn't have to
Then a whole bunch of vomit came up.
James: Now that is sick
I ran to the toliet.
James: Darilynn here
I looked up and there stood in his hand a pregancy test.
Me: James I am not about to pee on that I'm not pregant
James: Well if your so sure then do it
Me: Fine
I walked in the bathroom and did what I had to do. Then I walked out.
Me: The results will show in 6 hours.
James: Then we will wait
Me: Well would if I am
James: then I don't know
Me: What do you mean you don't know
James:I'm saying I'm not ready for kids
Me: Let me rewind you rember what you said to that lady
James: That doesn't matter look if your pregant how would we care for it, you have school I work and they don't even pay me a good amount of money.
Me: Look I can get me a job
James: That still won't help anything
Me: So if I am your going to leave
James: Not leave but look I don't know
It was finally time to see the results. I was shaking because if I were then I didn't want anything me and James had just go to waste. I picked it up and read it. I stood there puzzled. James came in.
James: Well what does it say
I started to cry as he took it out of his hand. There he read positive.
James: Shitt
Me: Look I'm sorry
James: Its not your fault
The whole day we didn't speak. I called my mom and told her the news. She was the only person who was happy about it.
I walked in the room.
Me: My mom said she would help
James: Wow thats wonderful your pregant and we have no money
Me: James do you still love me
James: Look I don't feel like talking right now
Me: Answer the question
He didn't say anything.
Me: Look James if you think your life is messed up look at mines. I'm 17, I'm still in school what would the kids think of me and my friends. I still have college and now this baby is going to reuin it.
James: Then get an abortion
Me: I coudln't kill a child
James: Well what about adoption
Me: Do you hear yourself right now
James: Yes I do
Me: Look James I have decided and I'm keeping it no if ans or buts
James: Then you do that
Me: So what your going to leave
James: Look I don't know right now
Me: Its not my fault
James: Look we will talk about it tomorrow
Me: There is no tomorrow stop trying to run away from things.
Me: James I'm pregant and nothing is going to change
James: Look I'm not ready for kids
Me: Neither am I
He got up and walked off. I herd the door shut. I cried and cried. I ran to the phone to call my mom.
Me: Hello mom are you there
MOM: Yes sweetie what is it
Me: Look mom you know I'm pregant and now I don't think James loves me anymore
Mom: Look sweetie he does he is just not used to this and being a dad now
Me: Mom he walked out
MOM: Well do you want me to pick you up
Me: Yeah I would love that
MOM: Ok be here in 20 mintues
Me: Ok love you
She hung up. I packed a few of my clothes. I thought what can I do with a kid. but my mom did so, so can I and if James won't be there then hell with him.

Chapter Twelve

My mom had came and picked me up. I got in the car.
Me: Mom is dad mad at me
Mom: Look he doesn't like it but he still loves you
Me: i hope so
We arrived at the house only to find James there to on the porch with my dad.
I ran over to him.
Me: Why are you here you left and you decided to come here
Dad: Now look lets take this inside
Me: Shutup dad James I can't even look at you. you are a digusting
My mom stoped me. We walked inside.
James: Look can I talk first
Me: Why should you
James: Look I'm sorry I'm not used to this kind of stuff you have all the right to be mad at me but your not alone in this.
Me: What made you change your mind, what my father told you he would hire a babysitter
James: Look you always think I want something from them
He walked out the house.
MOM: Look you kids need to go home
I followed him back. I got in the car.
James: Look I'm sorry
He leaned over and kissed me.
Me: James I'm afraid
James: Of what
Me: That when I have this baby your going to leave me for some girl who is well mature then I am.
James: Well don't think that I'm going to be here no matter what
Me: Thanks
We pulled up to our house and I got out the car and upsatires to bed.
I was at home once again by myself because James had to work. As always. Tody I was going to the doctor to see what I was having it had been 4 months already. I got my coat and walked to my car and drove off. Then I arrived at the doctor I signed in and the doctor took me back.
Doctor: Are you excited
Me: Yeah I guess
Doctor: look I need you to relax now
Me: Oh trust me I'm relaxing
Doctor: Now I'm going to give you a sonogram so you will know your baby gender
Me: Ok
After mintues of waiting the doctor told me I was having a baby boy. I was happy and smiled as I saw his feet and his hand. Then I left and walked to my car. I drove home. I saw James car parked outside. I walked in the house.
Me: Hey what are you doing home so early
James: Look I need to tell you something
Me: I have something to tell you
I walked over to him.
James: You first
Me: Well were having a baby boy see
I showed him the picture
Me: Why aren't you happy
James: No I'm really happy its just what I was going to tell you is bad
Me: What is it
James: I got laid off today
Me: What!!!!!!!!
James: Look I can find another job
Me: Why did they lay you off
James: Look i don't know alright
Me: James what are we going to do
James: I don't know

Chapter Thirteen

Me: Mom what are we going to do
Mom: Look I asked your dad if he could work with him and he said yes
Me: He did
Mom: Yeah
Me: Wow thats great does he know
MOM: Yeah he does
Me: well why didn't I know about this
MOM: Look we wanted to surpise you
Me: Well you shouldn't be surprising me you should be surprsing him
Mom: Oh I get it pregancy hormons
Me: What are you talking about
MOM: You will understand
Then my dad and James came walking in.
Me: hey James why didn''t you tell me that you got a job
James: I did
Me: Know you didn't
james: Does it really matter
Me: Yes it does
James: Umm why so grouchy today
Me: I'm not being grouchy
MOM: Look were going to go
Me: Ok bye talk to you later ma and dad
Me: Look James I've been thinking since were having a boy we should set up his room
James: ok we can do that tomorrow
Me: Why can't we start today
James: Did you forget I just got off of work
Me: But James this is your son were talking about how could you
James: Look your hormons are really getting to you
he walked up the steps. Why do peope keep saying that.

Chapter Fourteen

Can you come here for a sec.
James: What is it?
Me: Look our wedding is today and I'm so happy but I'm having a little problem
James: And what is that?
Me: Well see this baby has made me fatter so I can't zip up my wedding dress and you cant see me in it so I need you to get my mom and my friends to help me and no peeking.
I was in the bathroom trying to zip up my wedding dress and since James couldn't see me in it I had to open the door just a little so he wouldn't see anything, not even a peak. Then my mom and my four bride maides came in.
Mya: Look you need to hurry up your weddding starts in 2 hours.
Me: I know I know mama help
After pulling and tugging and trying to hold my belly in we finally got the dress to zip.
Me: Yes you guys are so much help.
Then my mom started putting my makeup on and my hair dresser did my hair. It had fianlly reached 3: 36 and we needed to hurry up.
Me: Come on come on lets go round it up
To be honest I was acting like a bridezilla.
Mom: Ok you got everything
Me: Yes now lets go, get in the car
Everybody was in the car except for my husband and his people because they couldn't see me. We had drove up to the church. It was huge. I got out and walked to were I was suppose to stand before the wedding started. Then it was time. The music started playing. I could see my bride maides walking down the alse. Then it was my turn. People got up and started to clap. I walked slowly hoping I wont slip. But then I felt something wet. Everybody stop. i knew what was happening. I was in labor.

Chapter Fifthteen

My mom and James rushed me to the hosiptal. I was breathing heavy and I was soaked with all the sweat that was dripping from me. We made it to the hosiptal and they put me in a wheelchair. the doctor hurried and rushed me. I was mad because I was suppose to have a wedding. My mom and James kept telling me to breathe. the doctor laid me on the bed while James held my hand as I pushed and pushed. It hurted so bad and since my baby was 3 months early than his due date I couldn't have any medicine they had to take this baby out.
Mom: Push
Me: Shutup I'm trying
Then I herd a cry and there my baby boy was. I started to cry. Not because I was sad i was happy. Then I saw James hold him.
James: This is our baby boy
Doctor: What is his name
James: Jermiah
I looked at him.
Me: Jermiah
Then all my friends and family came to see the new baby.
It had been three weeks since I had baby jermiah and things weren't going so well. I would get very frustrated at night when James didn't want to get up beacuse he had worked the late shift and Jermiah would not stop crying. But my mom had hired us a babysitter so I could go to school and still take care of the baby. I was laying on the couch and Jermiah was in my hand as I rocked him to sleep. Then James came in.
Me: Your finally here
James: Yeah so how was your day
Me: Lonely, busy, more and more
James: Look I really don't feel up to it today
Me: James what are you talking about
james: Look everyday you say the same thing
Me: well thats because everyday I'm lonely and your never home
James: See thats your problem you think since you have everything easy you can just do whatever
Me: What are you talking about
James: look I go to work to keep a roof over our heads, to keep food on the table and to satisfy you and the baby and then me so don't you come telling me that your tired and you are frustrated because I am, I'm tired of you complaning about every little thing.
I was shocked James was right.
Me: I'm sorry
James didn't say nothin instead he just walked up staires with Jermiah in his hand.

Chapter Sixteen

I was taking classes onlien that was good. James didn't have to work today and today we had decided to talk about the wedding.
James: So do you just want to have a wedding for me and you or
Me: I just want us to be married thats all
James: Yeah me too
Me: Look James I really love you and I just want to say that I'm sorry if I haven't acted like the best person in the world but I really need you. Me and Jermiah.
James: I need yawl too
We kissed and we played and tickled Jermiah.
I was all alone once again. But I was actually happy. Today was Jermiah first day to get a check up. I was so excited. I strapped him in his car seat and drove off. Then I got a call from my mom.
Me: Hello
Mom: Hey honey look I need some help in the yard
Me: But ma today is Jermiah's first check up and James is working
Mom: No hes not your dad gave him 3 weeks off so he could help around the house
Me: Well he's not home
Mom: Well ok then
Me: I'm going to call him
Mom: OK bye love you
Me: I love you most
She hung up and I dialed James number and he picked up.
Me: Umm James I herd my dad gave you 3 weeks off of work and you told me you were at work whats up with that
James: Oh I know I'm sorry
Me: James were are you
James: Look I cant talk right now see ya
Me: No James
Before I could finish talking he hung up.
I pulled up to the doctor's office. I was mad because if James didn't have to work then why would he miss the most important day of our baby life.
Jermiah's checkup was over and the doc told me that he was well developed and a happy and grown baby. I was proud to hear that. Then I drove home. When I opened the door I saw James and this Lady in the house.
Me: Umm hey baby who's this
James: Oh Umm this is my ex girlfriend Kasha
Me: Oh your ex umm Hi I'm Dariylnn
Kasha: Oh I know who you are
Me: Yeah Umm did he tell you that he is married and has a son named Jermiah see hese right here.
Kasha: He told me he was married but no baby
Me: Well now you know
James: Can you excuse us for a second
Me: No I'm fine were I am
Kasha: Umm if I'm bringing trouble I should leave
Me: Yes thats excalty waht you should do
James took my arm to the kicthen
James: Look What are you doing?
Me: Look James you told me that you had to work instead your here probaly doing God knows what with your ex
James: You think I'm cheating
I didn't say anything.
James: So now your giving me the silent treatment
Me: James we will talk about this later right now I'm upset
James: For what
Me: Today was your child's first check up today and you missed it beacuse you were to busy lying to me to talk to your ex girlfriend Kasha who is still in our living room.
I walked up the steps with Jermiah in my hand.

Chapter Seventeen

I was wide awake in the living room wathcing tv and so was James. We hadn't talk since 3 hours ago when james and his ex were talking and we had that argument. To be honest I wasn't sure if James was lying or telling the truth. I wasn't sure if he really did love me for me or was just for my money. I wanted to ask so many questions but they were stuck in a box and deep down into the Mississippi River. Then Jermiah started crying. I walked up the steps and went to go get him.
Then I walked back down the steps.
James: Do you want me to feed him or do you want to
Me: I'm already doing it if you haven't noticed
James: Look why the attiude
Me: Why?
James: Yes
Me: Do you really want to know
James: Yes Dammit
Me: I don't know if you are cheating on me, or if your lying or telling the truth I'm not even sure if you love me or you just pretend so you can have my money. I don't want to feel this way but I just do
James: See this is your problen you can't trust me
Me: Your right and do you know why I cant trust you, its beacuse you tell me that your at work trying to keep a roof over our heads and but food on the table and satisfy me and Jermiah but the truth is your just sitting on my couch with your ex now do you think I would believe you.
James: Look I lied to you because I knew you would act this way
Me: Then why did you bring her
James: Look Darilynn I'm sorry that you feel this way and that you cant trust me but thats how you feel
Me: James I love you so much and I dont want to love somebody who doesnt love me back
James: I love you and Jermiah on everything. Jermiah is my first child and you are my first wife I could never cheat on you or even hurt you like that
Me: I know but my head is telling me not to believe you
James: Sometimes you just gotta let yourself take control and not your head
I thought was James right
Me: Well I'm going to get Jermiah to sleep and maybe we could have a little fun
James: Yeah I would love that
Me: I thought you would
He laughed as I walked up the steps to put Jermaih to sleep.

Chapter Eigthteen

James was driving the car to my parents house when I saw a for sale sign on there lawn.
Me: James whats going on?
James: I don't know
We got oout the car carrying Jermiah.
Me: Mom whats going on? Why do yawl have a for sale sign up?
Mom: Oh dear your dad didn't tell you
Me: Tell me what? and no he didn't
James: Yeah tell her what?
MOm: That we had found a better house a way bigger one too
Me: But why?
Mom: Beacause we thought it would be nice
Me: Mom its just a waist of money if nobody else is living with yawl then why do you need a biggger house?
James: Look I think its nice
Me: It doesn't matter what yout think
James: How is it not?
Me: Look James I am not about to argue with you right now, but mom why?
Mom: Look I thought we needed a bigger house
Me: But mom its only you too
James: Look If they want a bigger house they can have it
Mom: Thanks James
Me: No don't thank him look this is stupid I'm leaving
James: But we just go here
Me: Lets go now besides I have school in the morning
James took Jermiah and buckled him up in the car. We drove off as my mom waved her hand goodbye.
Today I had started back school since labor and the wedding. I was happy to be back in the real world it felt good. I walked to my locker as a whole bunch of poeples looked at me as if I was ugly or something they were all laughing. But why?
Then Taylor, Masha and mya my three bestfriends came up to me.
Taylor: Look your leaking
Me: What are you talking about
Masha: Look down baby gurl
I looked down and there my boobs were leaking milk.
Me: Oh my fault I have to pump
Mya: Yeah we can see
Masha: Look don't worry about the others there just lame
Me: Yeah but look at me I'm 17 married to a man named James who is 19 and white and guess whatI have a baby boy name Jermiah.
Tyalor: And thats good
Me: No its not
I walked to the bathroom leaving them with there mouths opened and speechless.

Chapter Nineteen

School was a bust. My breast had leaked 4 times today but other than that everything had felt normal. I was back on track since my mom and dad hired a babysitter and sometimes they babysat while James had to work and I had school. I walked in the house. James was not home which he should have been home 2 hours ago. I walked over to the phone and dialed his number but it went striaght to voice mail. I hung up and looked at the clock Jermiah would be home in a few. Great I thought some company. Then the doorbell had rung. I walked over to it to only think that it would be James or Jermiah when it was my bestfriends.
Me: What are yawl doing here?
Masha: look we had to our gurl and her sexy man
Me: Well to bad Jermiah or James ins't here
Taylor: Aw we was gone ask him to take his shirt off
Me: No No booboo stop it stop it
We all started to laugh. I thought to myself my friends and I are crazy.
Then James come in with Jermiah in his hands.
I walked over to him and gave him a kiss and my friends chuckled.
Mya: Hey James
James: Oh hey ladies, baby I see you got some company
Me: Yes and I called you and it went straight to voice mail I mean whats up with that?
James: Baby I had things to do
Me: Like what?
Taylor: We are going to leave now
Me: No yawl are fine
Masha: Are you sure beacuse
James: No I think they should leave
Me: How I mean you can bring your ex all up in here and when I want some company you ready for them to leave
James: You still on that, that was 3 weeks ago
Me: look James all I'm sayin is you want me to play house wife while you can go hang out with your friends and exes and do wahtever but guess what I'm tired of playin house wife ok
James: What are you talking about you didn't care about doing all of this until your friends show up
Me: Your right because now I see that I'm missing out on everything
James: Well thats your fault not mines
Me: My fault hold up let me tell you something
Masha: Look we gone go
Taylor: Yeah gurl see ya
Mya: Bye
Me: No don't leave
James: See ya
Me: Now stop it James your acting immacure
James: Your the kid
My friends had walked out and I saw there cars drive off.
Me: Look James we need not to argue its not good for the baby our health and our marrige
James: What do you know about marriage and kids
Me: James what are you trying to say and what do you know about this stuff
James: What I'm saying is you don't know nothing about marriage or anything I don't even know whay were married.
Me: James what are you saying?
My face got all worried and my body began to bubble as Jermaih started to cry.
James: We will finish this later
He grabbed Jermiah and walked up the steps. I was worried about James and our marriage.

Chapter Twenty

We had put Jermiah to sleep and I laid in the bed as James came next to me.
Me: James I hate it when we argue
James: Yeah goodnight
Me: Thats all you have to say
James: Well what do you want me to say
Me: Anything besdies that
James: Look I love you but I have work in the morning so goodnight
Me: James is there something I have done to make you so mad and angry at me all the time
James: No I just want to go to sleep
Me: James you always do that why cant you just talk to me
James: How can I talk to you when you act like your on your period all day
Me: James if thats how you feel then maybe we shouln't be together !
James: Maybe your right
Me: James I was just playing but if thats how you feel
James: You was not playing and if you were maybe you shouldn't
Me: James but I
James: Shutup I don't want to hear it
He took his pillow and a blanket from the closet and walked right in Jermiah's room. Me and James really needed some counsling because I don't want to become a maid. So today I decided to go to my moms friends house and talk to her because she has really good advice and I should know that because she has been married for 47 years. I walked up the porch and ranged the doorbell. Her husband answered the door.
Me: Umm hey Mr. Kay
Mr. Kay: Well hello darling you here for my wife
Me: You know it
Mr. Kay: Well come on in and take a seat she should be down in a mintue
I took a seat, then Mrs. Kay came down
Me: Hey Mrs. Kay
Mrs. Kay: Please call me Kasha
Me: Well umm Kasha I'm here for
She had cut me off.
Kasha: I know why your here suga now sit down I'm going to give you some sweet advice

Chapter Twenty one

I was at home, I had cooked a good meal for me and James. My mom and dad had Jermiah. After I had come from Kasha's house she gave me some advice and I took some and decided to make a dinner for me and him so we could talk. But I wasn't really sure because when I try to talk to James things never turn out right, we either leave the house or we get into a big argument and nobody talks for weeks and right now I really didn't need that. Then James walked in. I was nervous a little but I would soon get over it.
James: Whats this
Me: Oh umm just some dinner I decided to make I hope you like it
James: You cooked
Me: Yeah I did is that hard to believe
James: Real hard
Me: Can you just sit down I'm really nervous right now
James: For what?
Me: Well I never done this
James: Ok I will sit down btu what is this for anyways?
Me: Oh umm well lately we have been having some problems and I thought maybe a good dinner for us to be alone and to talk about whats going on would be a good idea.
James: Yeah but how can we talk and eat
I thought I never thought of it that way.
Me: well we can talk afterwards just sit down already
James: Ok Ok
He had sat down. 20 mintues had went by and we were both done with our food.
Me: Umm now can we talk
James: Oh yeah
Me: Ok well we should first start by being honest
James: Ok what do you want to know
Me: Look James don't take this offensive but umm I just really want to know if you love me and Jermiah
James: Yes I told you that millions of times
Me: I know I just hope your being honest
James: I am now do you love me
Me: God yes I love you so much
James: Good
Me: Ok James I'm just going to get it out are you cheating on me
He looked real shocked and didn't say anything
Me: Hello James you there
He still didn't say anything
Me: James
James: No
Me: Well what took you so long
James: Look Darilynn have you ever heard of the saying that when you lie to someone you love your only doing that so you wont hurt them
Me: No why do you say that?
James: Because maybe I'm lying to you so I wont hurt you
Me: What are you lying about?
I was getting worried myself
James: Look if you really want to know the truth here it goes I cheated on you
Me: What?
When I heard that word I got up and ran out the house. I couldn't believe my ears.

Chpater Twenty Two

I hurried in my car and James came after me.
James: Wait see I told you it would hurt you thats why I lied to you
Me: James when you really love someone you just don't do that
James: I know I screwed up but we wern't doing so well and I
Me: James there is no excuse for you cheating and was wit with Kasha
James: Yeah it was and I'm sorry
Me: James sorry dont cut it baby boy you screwed up and now its over, right now I don't care about you or me becoming a maid because all you have done is make my lif even worse.
James: Look I'm sorry I really am
Me: James you don't lie to someone you love
James: I know and I'm going to keep saying sorry until you forgive me
Me: Well your going to be waiting a hell of a time
James: I know and I don't care how long it takes
Me: James how long was this affair going on
James: 1 month
Me: Oh wow
James: Look we have a son and I wont him to grow up with two parents not one whos working as a maid.
Me: Well James you sure did screw that up
James: Look I love you so much and thats why every night when you would want to talk I would just turn away from you because I had so much regret in my life.
Me: Yeah and for me to think that it was me, wow you sure played your cards good.
James: Look I'm sorry
Me: Look James I need a break you can stay here and I will go to my parents
James: Wait your going to tell them?
Me: Umm James what did you think?
James: Look I know I haven't been the best person but I mean what will they think of me
Me: James I think you know what answer and if you don't I'm going to tell you, there going to think there son-in-law is a big Lair and a Cheat and a dead beat man or should I say boy because a real man knows how to treat there wife.
I grabbed my coat and walked out the house.

Chapter Twenty Three

I was in my parents house just rocking Jermiah to sleep. He kept crying and waking me up all night long. My parents took him half of the night when I came in crying to tell them what had happened. They were pissed at James, how could he have done such a thing. He had called 3 times today and I didn't answer even though I wanted to so bad I mean I still loved him even though he did hurt me and I just had to think. Maybe he did that because there was something I wasn't giving him or something I couldn't provide that she could. Besides I am only 17 with a baby boy and a husband who cheated on me. My life was not normal at all I might as well be on the tv show Teen Moms because this is what it feels like right now. Finally Jermiah had closed his eyes. I loved the way he smiled and sleep he slept just like James. I was really mad at myself right now because James just cheated on me and I'm still thinking about him when I should be thinking about signing the papers, But things had happened so fast. My mom and dad came in. I knew they were about to give me a lucure about men who cheat.
Mom: Hey honey how ya holding up
Me: Umm I'm good but a little sleepy
Dad: Then we wont keep you up so long
Me: No its ok what do you guys want
Mom: Look honey James is comming over today and we wouldn't to tell you
Me: Mom I really don't want to see him right now
Dad: Neither do we but we have to talk about what happened
Me: No I just really don't want to be humilated again don't you guys understand that, look right now I wish I never got married or even had a baby.
Mom: Now honey you don't mean that
Me: I mean every word and I really care wether I become a maid or a wife right now
Dad: Look Darilynn we know you are hurt
Me: No you don't you don't know my pain ok
I was about to get up when the doorbell rung I had already knew who it was. I opened the door and walked up the steps. James tried to get me but I was to fast. My mom and dad came after me eyebawling James. I had finally walked back down the steps.
Me: I had to put Jermiah in his crib
James: Look can we talk
Mom: You can say whatever you want right here in fron of us
James: Look I know you all are very mad and I know I have made the biggest mistake in my life but I come here to make it up.
Me: look James you had all the time you needed I don't know what I did to make you do this but
He had cut me off.
James: You did nothing I was just being stupid and just everything and I'm sorry I know I probably said this a million of times but I really mean it.
Dad: Look we trusted you and you have let us down
Me: look I'm going to go James you can keep Jermiah today.
I walked out the house and drove off in my car.

Chapter Twenty Four

I was driving my car to my bestfriends house. I knew they would help me coat through this. I walked up to Mya door step and ranged the bell. Then Mya, Masha and Tyalor came running down the steps.
Masha: Hey gurl we heard the new that old down dirty dog
Mya: Yeah he wasn't the one for you know way
Me: look can you guys just be quite for a mintue
Taylor: Aw you sad come on in baby gurl
They walked me in the house and I sat on the couch while Taylor went to go warm up some coffee
Mya: Tell us what all had happened
Me: Theres really nothing to tell he just asked me have you ever heard of the saying were peoples lie to peoples they love so they wont hurt there feelings.
Mahsa: I never heard of nothing like that
Me: I know I said the same thing and I asked what did he mean and he said do you really want to know and I said yes
Taylor: Ok heres your coffee now wait 2 mintues beacuse its hot
Mya: Shutup she trying to tell us what happened
Taylor: Oh I'm sorry
Masha: Go on
Me: Ok then he said well I cheated on you and I lied to you so I wont hurt your feelings
Masha: Oh man thats messed up
Me: I know and I said well when you lie to some one it just makes them hurt even more
Mya: Look he didn't deserve you know way
Me: I know I keep telling myself that but I love him so much but for what
Taylor: Look I like him
Me: what!
Masha: What the heck!
Mya: Wait what!
Taylor: Look I know he cheated on her but she needs to give him another chance
Masha: So he can do it again no booboo I don't think so
Me: Taylor what do you mean
Taylor: Look all I'm saying is everybody makes mistakes thats why you learn from them
Me: I know but
Taylor: Theres not but I know he was wrong but I mean come on hes only human right
Masha: I don't like him but go ahead and get your feelings hurt again but when you come back crying I'm not going to tell you I told you so
Mya: Look lets all just take deep breaths and lets see what Darilynn is going to do about this
Me: I don't know but look I'm going to go and Taylor mayeb you are right
Taylor: Maybe I am
We all laughed and I huged them all and walked out the house and drove off.

Chapter Twenty Five

I walked to my house to go pick up Jermiah from James. I hadn't seen him all day and I wanted to see my baby. I opened the door and there was James rocking Jermiah and reading him a book just the look on his face made me smile. I walked over to James.
Me: Hey
James: hey
Me: Umm did you just put him to sleep
James: Yeah but you can take him if you want to
Me: No I'll just come back
James: Ok well see ya
I was about to walk out but there was something I wanted to tell him that I just needed to get off my chest.
Me: James I still love you I know I sound so stupid but I just wished you would never had told me this and we were back to normal for some reason I just cant let you go
James: Look Darilynn your parents wanted me to tell you that I couldn't see you again
Me: No No we dont have to listen to them, I have listend to peoples to long and I'm tired of it I don't care what you did well I do but I just dont want to I love you and I know you love me too lets just go and get away from the world.
James: Were would we go
Me: Anywhere just not here, We can pack our stuff and just go
James: Ok but what made you change your mind?
Me: Look I thought about it we are all just humans and we all make mistakes that why we learn from them.
James: Darilynn I love you
Me: I love you to
We kissed and kept kissing.
Today James, Jermiah and me were going to to Califronia for our new house. I was going to take school there while James had a good paying job and Jermiah will be getting babysat by one of James sisters. My parents wasn't to happy about me moving all the way out there but I didn't really care. Mya, Masha and Taylor are going to visit every holiday. We had packed all of her stuff and we drove off.

Chapter Twenty Six /10 years later

It had been 10 years later now and me and James are both out of college and into the real world. We have 3 kids Jermiah who is now 8 and our twin girls Kim and Kimberly who are 3. Me and James have been together for so long and are doing fine. We still live in Carlifornia which was a good thing and the right mood. My friends Masha, Mya and Taylor always come every holiday and Masha is having a baby girl names Dariylnn I am so proud of her. I never became a maid. My parents are doing fine and getting old every second. Me and James are wonderful parents. We love our childern and guess what I'm having another one on the way. I am now 27 and James is now 29 and we are getting old our sleves. Well thats my life I hoped you enjoyed.

The end I hoped You guys enjoyed


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2012

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I dedicate this to my friends.

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