
The bowl of Froot Loops lay on the table, in front of my face. The cereal looked plastic, still in place. The skim milk was still also, so it looked as if you touched it, nothing would happen. The food didn't look edible; in the least it didn't look real. I concentrated so hard that the milk seemed to be swirling, a whirlpool of milk. The cereal seemed to be turning quickly. The little circles spinning rapidly. "Erica..." I heard the cereal whispering to me. Why was it talking? It spoke again, "Erica." I felt a punch in the shoulder. It wasn't pain, it was as lightly a punch as a baby touching your skin. Now it shook me. Hard. I blinked quickly and realized my mother, Pam, was standing over me, watching me, her chocolate brown hair in a messy bun, with loose pieces of hair dangling from her head. A smile crossed her faint lips. Her lime green eyes shined into mine, looking past my rotten amber eyes.
"You seemed to be concentrating very hard on something...Hopefully a test." She whirled around and stumbled into the kitchen, her baggy jeans dragging the floor and loose top, wrinkled like she has been tossing around on the ground. Her hands clamped down on a dirty dishrag. She lifted it under the sink and ran the water, it came pouring on the towel, the water seeping through. Pam scrubbed the crust covered counter, her hands catching the crumbs as she pushed them off the counter with her towel.
I have one brother and three sisters, all younger than me except for one. My youngest sibling is Mara who is four years old, she has the prettiest eyes, other than Pam's. Mara's are the lightest blue. Lighter than the sky. Hers are almost gray. A such light gray if they were any lighter, her eyes would be colorless. She's calm, calmer than most four year olds. She's always to herself and only comes out when dinner is called. No one knows what all she does in her little pink room.
My other sibling is Braydon, a boy so loud; he could literally destroy your eardrums. He's eight years old. When he comes for dinner, we all leave. He likes soccer, football, baseball, basketball and all those sports. Poor Pam is always having to drive him to whatever sport he needs to go to. Thank gosh we get him out of the house a lot.
Then there’s my sister Tayler and my other one Ally. Tayler is eleven and Ally is eighteen. Big difference huh? Well, I haven't gotten a chance to introduce myself. My name is Erica and I'm sixteen. I have the ugliest amber eyes and I have tan skin, not as tan as the models you see in magazines. I am not in the limelight nor known at school, I'm just another face in the yearbook.
"Erica, honey, please eat." Pam looked at me softly, her intriguing green eyes flashed at me, then to Tayler, who was gulping down her orange juice. The cup was half full, the juice was slowly starting to decrease, before my eyes could stare much longer, the glass was empty. Tayler slammed down the cup and jumped up from her seat, entering to her room. "What’s her problem?" Ally asked, taking a bite of her jelly biscuit. Pam sighed deeply and explained that kids were bullying her at school. Whatever I thought to myself, I could care less about what’s going on at Tayler's school.
"Well, that’s too bad." Ally snickered and took a giant bite of the golden fluffy biscuit. I lifted my silver spoon off of the table and tried to swallow a bite of Froot Loops. I didn't feel the lump go down my throat. I staggered as I couldn't breathe. The lump of food was jammed in my throat. I was choking. I barely murmured a word when Ally looked at me, her eyes popping out of her sockets. I tried to cough it up, then when that didn't work, I tried to swallow but the lump was fighting back, currently staying put, lodged in my throat. "Pam! Erica's choking!" Ally's voice echoed through out the house.
"My gosh! Erica!" Pam rushed to my side, her hair flopping from side to side. Pam slapped my back as hard as she could, staring into my eyes, a shocked look on her face. I felt the lump jump right up and out of my mouth, by the bowl. I coughed, getting the last bit of food out of my mouth. The yucky food was crushed up into bits, saliva dripping from the glob. "Eew! It looks like vomit!" Ally screeched, her hands flying up as she scampered out of the kitchen. I could still hear Ally scream "Eew!" as she ran down the corridors.
My mouth felt moist but my throat felt like pressure was still suffocating it. I felt like I really needed to barf. I felt sick to my stomach, I held my stomach and focused on getting medicine. I had finally realized Pam had left, she was running into her room when- School! It was time for school! I was going to be late! I threw my chair back and thrust myself into my room. I quickly scattered clothes on the ground and found a black Old Navy shirt. I pulled it over my head and leaped to my drawer to find a pair of old cut up jeans. I slipped the jeans on, ran the comb through my hair, trying to get the tangles out, and leaped out the door, my black backpack rubbing against my tan shoulder.
"PAM! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I screamed, my throat suddenly feeling pain. I rubbed it gently and looked out the window. It was pouring down rain. Great. Just great. Since Pam was nowhere in sight, I slammed the door shut after I walked out and darted to my old bike. The silver shine was rubbing off the bike and the seat was torn. I hopped on my bike and thrust my hood on, only discovering the hood fell off after every turn I made. The rain was so cold I was shivering. I pulled my jacket tighter to my skin. The rain poured down on my face, blurring my vision.
I glanced behind me, checking to see if anyone was behind me. I turned my head back around, only to see two lights glaring at me. The lights were coming from a vehicle. It was coming closer, I was trying to turn but my bike chain was stuck. Stupid old bike. I tugged on it but it wouldn't come loose. I tried to turn but the cord was wrapped around the handle bars. I clenched my teeth and tugged harshly. Nothing. I heard one honk then felt my bike jerk to the right side, the bike slid across the concrete road, the water slipping it from under me. I plunged into the concrete, my bike falling on top of me.
I felt sticky blood rush down my leg and I could feel cuts burrowed deep into my flesh. I howled in pain and hovered my leg close to my body, the rain was washing the blood off my leg like a thousand red teardrops. My face was burning hot while the rest of my body was warming up from the blood sticking to my jeans. I wanted to crush this bike and leave in the road for a truck to run over but then remembered school and needed to rush before Mr. Cole would yell at me and scream (like he usually does anyway).
My brain was rattling in my head and my arms were squished under the pressure of my bike. I clenched my teeth hard and heaved the bike off of my body. When it was lifted I felt the pressure leave my body. I was barely lifting myself, my hands constantly pushing hard on the cement. I finally stood up, my legs buckled and I fell down again. "Need a hand?" a familiar voice spoke crisp into my ear. I turned around and surprised enough, it was my best friend Elizabeth, who we sometimes called Liz.
"Elizabeth? What are you doing here?" I turned around to see her dressed her regular ways. Black shirt with the band Slipknot written on it in blood print. Her black skinny jeans had rips in them, showing some skin. Elizabeths hair was normally wavy but the rain plastered it to her head, her hair now black and straight. She had dark brown eyes and pale skin since she only played video games in her house. Her almond eyes stared right through me. Elizabeth was bad. Very bad. She stole things, cussed, never paid attention, slept in class, brought her Ipod to school and listened to it in class, ditched school, broke school property, back sassed her teacher, vandalized the school cafeteria, and never turned in any homework. I was surprised she even made it to 9th grade.
Elizabeth helped me up and and ditched my bike, leaving in the street. We ran to school, the rain drenching our clothes. "Hurry!" Elizabeth stomped her feet on the moist grass and dirt. Mud clung to my shoes and pants but I didn't care, I just wanted to get to school. The school was close by, only a few blocks down. Cars zoomed past us and jogging moms stared at us as we ran by them, almost flinging dirt on them. The school was right in front of us, we rushed and slammed the doors only noticing they were locked. My side hurt from banging into the glass doors. We just banged on the doors. "Open up!" Elizabeth screeched, her black hood over her head made her look creepy. Mr. Owen, our principal, wasn't surprised to hear Elizabeth banging on the door. He rolled his eyes and sighed. He opened the door for us and in a glum voice said, "Come Gernon and- he paused before saying Elizabeth's last name- Vine." Elizabeth smiled and bumped into Mr. Owen, pushing him to one side.
Elizabeth and I ran to our class and flew by the blue lockers that surronded me like walls. I felt enclosed. Some flirty girls stumbled past us, one girl had nice tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes with bouncy blonde curls, her miniskirt was pink and purple with little daises covering it. She had a small SAVE THE EARTH shirt with little puppies seated on the top, the other girl had olive skin with forest green eyes, her dark straight brown hair made her look shabby. Her long nails were painted hot pink and her flipflops stood out in neon green. The last one had pale skin and light hair, her eyes were huge and beautiful. She was nicer, in looks. I grunted when I finally recognized who they were...The group of girls were called The Calla Lillies which was the most crappiest name I had ever heard of.
The blonde was Stacey Johanssen, the girl who was the head captain on the cheerleading squad and the girl who messed with all the guys. The guys were no appeal to me but she just loved to toy around with them. The olive skinned girl was Karliee Mason, the girl who followed Stacey around like a puppy, looking up to her like her role model. When Stacey moved, Karliee moved too. They were like magnets. The last one was the skinniest and tallest, that was Sarah Scarlett, the girl who read the books, hit study hall, and always studied for a test. The opposite of me. Stacey was opening her locker and rubbing pink lip gloss all over her juicy lips. She smacked her lips and puckered, admiring herself in her mirror.
Karliee was whispering something in Stacey's ear that made her laugh. It was a small faint laugh and was like a clear bell. No wonder the boys drooled over her. Sarah was grabbing three books out of her locker, each time reading a page or two. "Sarah, let's go!" Stacey called out to her, her voice was high-pitched and she squeaked like a mouse. Stacey smoothed her skirt out and smiled delicately. "Come on girls, we have things to do, people to make fun of, and boys to kiss." Stacey held her head high and paced along the hallway. Suddenly she turned around and faced me, her glittery eyes shot through mine like a laser.
Elizabeth somehow knew Stacey was going to come over to us so she whirled me around and told me to grab some books from my locker, even though I didn't need them till next period. "Oh look girls, it's the morons! Look at their black clothes, there disgusting just like their faces!" Stacey smirked and laughed, her little mouth barely moving. Elizabeth had her hand up ready to smack Stacey across her delicate face, but I pulled her hand back and told her to keep walking. She refused and lunged towards Stacey, who backed away as quickly as possible. "Elizabeth no!" but I was too late. Elizabeths hands were tightly wrapped around Stacey's little neck. I waited to hear the snap but didn't. I scratched Elizabeths hands to make her release. "Ouch!" Elizabeth released and her worried eyes locked into mine. "Why'd you scratch me?! That hurts!" She wiped the blood of her hand and did a face at Stacey, barring her teeth.
"Ok, let's go." I tugged Liz's arm and pulled her like a helpless puppy to our classroom. Liz stopped and put her back against the locker, her eyes stared up at the ceiling. My brain was floating with joy when I knew exactly what Liz was going to do. She smiled and evil grin, "Hey, give me a boost." I put one hand over the other and let her rest her foot on my hands. I balanced her out and felt her weight crush my hands. The pain wasn't so strong I wanted to stop, my hands were just begining to hurt. They were turning dark red. "Hurry!" She slammed her fist against the vent once, twice, a third time then I heard a crunch and knew the vent was open. She climbed inside and the numbness of my fingers was fading.
"Come on!" Elizabeth wailed, I shook my head and winked, that was the que to go ahead and I'll play along. I walked off and opened the door softly. The door creaked loudly and that led everyone's head towards me. I stood embarrassed and shut the door, stumbling to my seat. "Why are you late..." Mr. Cole was stacking papers and sorting them out to each class. He never looked at me. He just pushed his eyeglasses up his nose and kept grading. "My mom wasn't up in time." I knew I was lying but what would he do? Call my mom? "Yeah...Ok..." He knew I was lying but he smiled anyway. "Where is Elizabeth Vine?" I shrugged and headed off to my seat which was in the way back. "Class, we will be having a new student. His name is Kaden Carter so I would like you to give him a nice warm welcoming. He should be coming in any minute so-" He cut off mid-sentence.
In a blink of an eye, the new student stood at the door. He had tan skin and dark brown eyes, like a wolves. His brown hair was wavy and he had strong biceps and long hard hands. His face was gorgeus, a face so bright it seemed that if you stared at it for too long, it would blind you. He merely smiled and looked at me. I stared back, gazing into his sweet brown eyes. "Please, take a seat next to Erica, she's sitting right over there," Mr. Cole pointed to the seat next to me.
Kaden squirmed through the row of desks, his books almost dropping out of his dark hands. I tried to concentrate on our work and not stare but it was hard not too. My eyes fluttered away from him and down on our worksheet. All the words seemed to be morphed into backwards letters. Did I mention I was dyslexic? I heard a loud clatter and found that Elizabeth broke the vent inside the classroom. She poked her head out of the vent, "Hey Mr. C!" She smiled bright and showed all of her teeth. She managed to fit her little body out and jump on the desk. When she sat down, Mr. Cole stared at her, giving her the worst look he could. He failed. Again.
She took her notebook off her desk and threw it at Mr. Cole's desk. It smacked the stapler and bounced off the desk and flopped on the ground. "Oh. Sorry." Elizabeth said in her most sarcastic voice. "Detention." Elizabeth was always in a bind of trouble and gave Mr. Cole a very hard time. If she wasn't in the class, Mr. Cole would be the happiest teacher alive.
Getting detention was a regular basis for Elizabeth, day after day the only word Mr. Cole spoke to her was 'detention'. In the least, Elizabeth didn't care. She was actually happy to be in detention, but obviously lied about it and pretended that it was the worst.
"Well, let's get started class." He swallowed an asprin and gulped down water. Kaden looked at me, his eyes pouring into mine. His gaze was so strong I felt like nothing was around me. It felt like gravity had disappeared and he was the only thing keeping me on earth. It felt like I was hypnotized, like if I looked at something else, I would die. He never looked away. Neither did I. His face wasn't easy to read, his eyes were blank with no expression. I felt drool start to drizzle out of my mouth and on the desk. I guess he didn't mind because he kept staring. I wanted him to say something, but he didn't.
I tried to drop my gaze, but I couldn't. I wanted to stare as long as possible. Never let my gaze drop, it was like he was telling me to never lose focus. The desks seemed to be swirling and I was in a blank world with only him. His face was so perfect I couldn't do anything but stare. Even if the world was being torn down I would still be staring. Half of me wanted to let it go but the other half wanted me to keep staring. I went with the second idea and gazed into his sweet dark chocolate eyes.
I felt myself suffocating, like I had no more breath inside of me. It felt like my throat was swelling up like a balloon, blocking my air passage. A thought flashed in my mind, I was drowning underwater with him in front of me, holding me down. The water was freezing cold like ice but his hands were blazing hot. I needed to breathe but I couldn't get up. I struggled and paddled like a dog. He was still holding me down. I was about to explode. My hair looked like seaweed in the water, flowing left to right. I screamed only feeling the water rush through my throat. I only had seconds left. I wanted to get up. I tried thrashing my head around but he still held onto my arms. I slightly opened my mouth but only water gushed through.
I screamed as loud as possible and blinked. The room was still and all the heads were turned to me. They stared in shock, all of there eyes bulging wide. "Erica...Are you alright?" My mind was spinning so fast I could barely speak. I finally realized I was sweating like heck, the warm water drizzling down my neck. My face was red hot and my neck felt dry and hard. "Do you need to go to the nurse, you look sick?" Mr. Cole pressed his hand against my head and sighed heavily. "Feels hot. I think you need to go home, Erica." I barely nodded and let Mr. Cole grab my shoulder and help me up. He walked me out the door and all the way down the hall.
My head felt like someone was crushing my temples. I almost tipped over, feeling woozy. "You ok there?" He rubbed my shoulder and turned the corner, almost running me into the walls. The nurses office wasn't that far away, we turned another corner and I was standing in front of Mrs. Jean, wearing her nurse clothing. Her blonde hair was in a tight ponytail and her clean face was clear of zits. She looked about twenty but she was actually thirty eight. Hard to believe. When she glanced at me, she was shocked. "Hey, honey, are you feeling alright? You look very sick." I gulped and only wanted to lay down. I saw the nurse bed with a long piece of cloth laying ontop of it.
I stumbled and landed on the bed, feeling dizzy. "Has she been feeling sick all day?" Mrs. Jean questioned Mr. Cole. He stared into her dark green eyes and stuttered on his words. He was in love with her. "Uhh...No, uhh, she just screamed in, uhhh, class and then I brought her down." "Oh, ok." Mrs. Jean was scribbling it all on a piece of notebook paper on a clipboard. Before I even saw her, she stuck a thermometer in my mouth. I sucked on the plastic which tasted bad. She finally snatched it out of my mouth and glimpsed the reading. "It reads, 103. 3." She looked sorrowful and picked up the phone, probably to call my mother. The last thing I heard was Mrs. Jean tell my mother about my fever before I closed my eyes to sleep.

. . .
I barely opened my eyes and glimpsed a pale figure in front of me with an AC/DC t-shirt on and navy blue jeans. It was blurry all around but then I blinked a couple times and realized Pam was standing over me, pressing the wet cloth against my forehead. I rubbed my eyes, clearing all of the crust around them. "Hey, you’re up now. How ya feeling?" I was so tired I could barely speak. When I tried to reply, my throat was hot and sore and hurt every time I murmured a word. "Oh, honey, your voice is so sore, try not to talk so much." She had a worried look in her eyes as she dipped the towel in a cup of water.
"Pam....I need water..." My voice trailed off in the air, drifting away slowly. "Shh. Don't talk so much!" Pam walked off into the kitchen and filled the glass half full and brought it back to me. Water never looked so delicious. I snatched the cup away from her and pressed the glass to my lips, the sweet water gushing down my throat. When I was done slurping the drink, I felt water under my fingers. Just when I knew what was about to happen, the glass slipped out from under my fingers and landed on the wooden floors, smashing into bits of glass. The glass flew up everywhere on the floor and under my bed. "Oh, Erica! You- Uhh!" Pam was cautious about whether or not stepping on it but she made her way around the glass.
I sighed deeply and kept a straight face on. Pam stomped back in the room with a broom in one hand and a dust pan in the other. "You better be happy I'm doing this for you." I laughed but her face looked angry. "I'm going to take a walk. Be back in a few minutes." She nodded and let me go. I swung back the door and slammed it back, wondering where I should go. I knew I would just go back into the woods, maybe that would be good.
The woods was right back behind my house so I jumped past the house and ran into the trees and bushes. Branches scraped my face and thorns dug into my bare feet and toes. I was running as fast as my legs could take me, never going to stop. But then I did. Something caught my eye. It wasn't a deer nor duck or moose. It was a little boy, he looked only four. He was standing so still that he looked like a statue. I was creeping closer to him, taking very small steps. "Hey...Are you ok?" I slowly spoke to him.
I was close enough to get a good look at him. He had jet black hair and blood red eyes that shone like diamonds. He had a suit on with his shirt tucked in and dress pants almost dragging the ground. "Hey are you ok? Where's your momma and daddy?" I asked. He stared for a long time then I saw his lips move. "They’re gone." After those words I got scared. I ran right passed him and ran fast deeper into the black woods. This time I didn't care if the splinters were embedded in my skin, I just kept on running. I dared not look back but before I even could, I looked ahead and saw the little boy again. He smiled. A weird feeling was forming in the pit of my stomach, I felt like throwing up. My head hurt and my knees fell to the ground, my body feeling snapped. My ribs ached and so did my legs.
The boy scampered like lighting to me and showed his great smile, barring his needle point sharp teeth. They were as white as snow and they glistened in the sun. He growled and lowered his head down quick and began digging his fangs in my delicate neck. "HELP! PLEASE! I NEED HELP!" His cold hard lips were pressed against my neck when I flung him off my body. He rushed back to me, snapping his tiny jaws, trying to reach my neck. "HELP!" I tried slapping the boy, but it hurt me more than him. My head was constantly whirling around which made my head want to burst.
My arms were bruised and so were my feet, warm blood pouring out of my neck wound. The boy dug his claws into my skin and tried to bite me again but I snatched my arm back and ran. I ran so fast that even the trees were very blurry. I needed to get away from the boy who attacked me so suddenly. I glanced over my shoulder and saw nothing, just trees, twigs, bushes, and logs. I saw the light peering from the trees so I knew I was almost to the end of the so called never ending forest. The sun beat on my tan skin and the sun blinded me in my eyes. Everything looked normal. The house in front of me, the other houses rolling across the street, a dog barking, people walking. It was all the same.
I could feel the blood from my neck pour down my shoulder and onto my chest. It was warm and sticky. I wiped my shirt and tried to at least get some blood off my feet. The grass grazed through my feet as I strutted home, my heart was pounding so hard my chest was beginning to ache. My head hurt so bad I thought someone was pressing my temples extra hard. I scampered towards the house and stopped before turning the knob. Some nasty feeling was forming in the pit of my stomach, I was going to throw up. I knew it. I turned the knob and opened the door, only to hear it squeak. "Pam!" I yelled...'She must be in the garden' I thought to myself, but then I heard a yelp and recognized it as my sister Tayler.
'Oh no. Something was wrong,' when I heard that yelp the nasty feeling grew and I could feel myself about to vomit. "Tayler?" I croaked, my throat aching in pain from all the screaming. She didn't reply. I heard loud footsteps and walked the corridor, searching for a sign of Tayler. I heard them coming closer and turned around only to see a helpless Tayler, her eyes puffy and red from crying, tears streaming down her delicate face. "What’s wrong?!" She only cried harder. I wrapped her in a big bear hug and stroked her hair softly, asking her again what was wrong. She never spoke, she only dragged me into the garden area, pointing at a limp body. I recognized the face imeadiently and my face turned chalk white.
It was her. My only guardian. My mother. Pam. It seemed like it had been hours before I figured out she was dead. Dead like nothing. "Pam..." I knew she wouldn't speak back but I felt deep inside I could still talk to her. I kneeled down before her body and looked deep into her eyes. They were blurry and dead. Lifeless. Just like her.
Memories of my childhood soared into my mind, reminding me of how much I loved Pam. The time when I was five and we caught fireflies and I accidently swallowed one, and the time we said good-bye to Dad before he left for the army. I tried to choke back the tears but I wasn't strong enough. Tears streamed down my face and plopped on my jeans. I held Pam's head carefully in my hands, admiring her face. Her face was still beautiful and wrinkly, just the way I remembered it.
I was trying to find a way to figuire out what had happened to Pam, but somehow, I would figuire it out. I searched for any sign of blood on her clothing but didn't see any. I pushed her hair back and saw a deep wound on her neck. Dried blood was stained on her neck and two holes were found. "No. It can't be." I must have been talking to myself because I realized Tayler was gone. "Tayler?!" I called to her, my head peeking through the window. "What are you doing?!" "I'm calling the police!" I rolled my eyes and looked back on Pam. Lifeless Pam.
As soon as Tayler hung up the phone, I layed a daisy by Pam, in hopes she would remember I had put it there. I was determined to bring her back to life. My dad would always say that you can feel it if something bad is going to happen. I had never expected this. I knew somehow Pam was still alive, just under a deceased mask. "Tayler, Pam is still alive somehow." Tayler gawked at me in confusment and shook her head no. "Wh-What are you talking about?" She put her hands on her hips and stormed to her room.
I could hear sirens in the background, coming down the street. Why? Why did you call them, Tayler? Oh well. I wanted someone to hug right now, someone to hold onto as I poured my eyes out. Maybe I would be able to call Elizabeth. I don't even know if schools out. I rested my head by Pams and spoke softly to her, murmurring lullabies she used to sing to me. "Open up! It's the police!" I unlocked the gate and paused. I don't want them to take Pam away from me. "I'm sorry but we don't need you, so sorry." I tried to close the gate but the man pushed harder, opening the gate. "I'm sorry, you have to leave now!" I demanded, my face was locked in an angry position. "You need to leave now." The words came out more angry than I wanted them too.
The man ruffled his shirt and snorted, "We got a call from this adress saying that there was a dead body in the yard. Was this true?" I sniffled and took a deep breath. Should I lie? Or should I say it was a mistake? "I'm sorry but my sister accidently called and then she said that there was a dead body but there isn't one. Please go back to the station and leave me alone." The man scowled at me and looked down at Pam, leaning his head back at me, "This is a dead body, ma'am. We will have to take it to the hospitol immeadiantly." He rubbed his bald head and then fixed his badge, admiring the shining gold.
"Boys, were talking the body." He waved his hand toward the dead body. "NO!" I held onto his arm and pulled him away from Pam and begged him to leave. When he wouldn't, I kicked his leg as hard as possible. He yelped then pushed my hand away. "Boys, please take her!" A couple of men walked in unison and took my hands and arms, locking their grip. I thrashed and panted, screaming and crying, trying to throw them off. One mans hand covered my mouth. I bit it. Hard. He released me and I kicked the other men down, pinning them to the ground.
My ears perked up as I had heard a faint sound, almost like a soft beg. Pam had spoken a word. "H-h-he-e-e-l-lp..." She cried ever so softly. "Pam!" I rushed to her side and gave the paramedics and evil glare, showing them I knew what I was talking about. Pam patted my face and whispered, "I-i-i-i nnneeeddd hhheeelllppp...." I nodded and told the paramedics to take her to the hospital. "Hang in there Pam, everything's going to be ok."

Dear Diary, . . .
I'ts been 2 weeks and Pam is finally back on her feet...FINALLY. Kaden has been acting very strange, like there is this secret he's not telling me. Something dark and mysterious. Like a secret believed only by dark magic people. It confuses me. I've been trying to pull the secret from him but he holds on too tight. Maybe when I get to school then I'll Find something out. Well thats all for now, bye.
Erica Gernon
I stole a quick bite of Ally's bacon and left the dining room, rushing out the door catching up to the bus. "WAIT!" I screamed, reaching my arm out, only to catch air. I knew Mr. Werner wouldn't let me on, he didn't stop for anyone, thats just what we knew him for. The bus sped up and I knew for sure that I wasn't getting on the bus. I sighed and slowly ambled towards school, staying on the same path I had always walked.
The trees swayed softly, the branches following in the breeze. Orange and yellow leaves swayed to the open earth, landing without a sound. No sound was heard except the beating of my footsteps against the pavement. Then something broke that silence. A rustle. A soft breathing. A sound of footsteps. This time...They weren't mine. My heart raced, I could feel the blood being pumped through my veins. My face was flushed with no color, just pale white. I glimpsed it. Then I saw it's face. The boy. The little boy I had encountered on my journey through the forest. The same black hair, the outfit, the blood-red eyes, the pale skin, the sharp fangs.
I had remembered the same creature from one of my fairy tale books Pam used to read to me when I was younger. It was about a boy named Cade who became a vampire when he was only 16 years old, he roamed the village seeking only a young maiden who would love him. No maiden dared to love a hideous creature seeking for blood. Then at the end, he found another vampire like him, whom he fell in love with. End of story.
The little boy stared back at me with the blood red eyes, they stared so far into me, like he was looking into my soul, wanting it. Grieving it. It was something so magical but then again so evil. Pressure filled my head like someone was hammering it, tearing it apart. I squeezed my head and tumbled to the ground, squirming. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" I screamed, my throat aching of pain. I hurled myself up in a ball and thrashed around, throwing myself. Tears streamed down my ruby red cheeks and plopped onto the pavement. The pain was so strong I thought I would pass out. "PLEASE!!! MAKE IT STOP!" I looked at the boy, his expression stayed the same but then I say a curved smile form at the edge of his lips.
I thought of Pam and Tayler and all my siblings. I thought about how much I actually loved Braydon and how much I hated him at the same time. Memories of Daddy lurked through my mind, seeing him alive playing outside with us, passing the ball and toppling on one another and then the thought of him being dead, his funeral, it was all blurring away, something I tried to grasp. "DADDY HELP!" I screamed to the world. I knew he couldn't do anything but it was worth a shot.
I heard a short growl then felt a warm hand touch mine, clutching it tightly. I shuddered and glanced up to find Kaden, his eyes disturbed. "Wha?" I tried to ask him why he was here at my side when school probably started an hour ago. I tried to stand up but I couldn't hold my body up correctly. Kaden wrapped his strong arms around me to help me. I could smell his pepperminty cologne on his shirt, it smelled fresh. "You ok?" He asked, a smile crossed his lips. He chuckled and still held onto me, "Whats so funny?" I questioned kind of rudely. I brushed the dust off my jeans and looked up at him, he laughed again. "Why are you here exactly? School started like an hour ago, didn't it? Well, anyway, how'd you know I was here? Weren't you at school?" He looked worried, his eyes looked like there was something wrong.
"I heard you screaming so I rushed over here." He shrugged and stared into my eyes. I quickly looked away. "
I know when I say this It'll sound crazy and you won't believe me but there was this little boy who looked like a strange creature, like he was a...Vampire...I know it sounds crazy but I'm being serious. It stared at me then made me feel pain in my head, that’s why I was screaming but the boy gave me the creeps. I just...Uggh..." I felt something wash over me, a bad feeling tingling in my bones, crawling up my spine. I felt like I needed to get away from Kaden, like he was evil. My legs dashed off into the trees by me, the trees led into the forest. I panted and looked back. Kaden wasn't there. I was glad he wasn't. Sweat drizzled down my forehead, it plastered my hair to my skin.
"Woah!" I tripped over a limb, twisting my ankle while landing on my stomach. "Ow!" I looked at my hand, watching the blood gush from the wound. I tore a little bit of cloth from my shirt and wrapped it around the cut. I glanced down at my ankle and saw that it was twisted from the limb. Stupid limb. I pushed myself off the earth and limped through the trees and bushes, watching the wind blow the trees. The leaves touched the ground in unison, some late. I slumped low on the ground, wrapping my arms around my legs. I wondered about Kaden, maybe he was right behind me, maybe close by. I yawned and felt my eyelids start to fall. 'No,' I thought to myself, 'don't fall asleep.'
My eyelids were just about to drop when I heard a rustle in the bushes. "Kaden..." I got to my feet and felt enclosed. "Kaden..." I whispered again. The bushes rustled a little more than stopped. I sighed and looked around. Nothing. Was I imagining all of this? No. Probably not. "Don't move." A small voice came from behind. "Ahh." I swirled around only to see the creature stare at me with his blood red eyes. I yelped then ran as fast as my skinny legs could take me, my heart was pounding, my legs aching, all my body was breaking down. It seemed everytime I turned to the side, the boy was there. "Kaden!" I turned back around, but saw him there. The boy lunged right at my neck, I could almost feel the teeth digging in. His face was so close I could feel his cold breath on my neck.
Before he could sink his pointy teeth into my flesh, I felt strong hands grip my waist, pulling me out of the way. My head thumped against the hard ground along with my body. "Kaden?" His body rested on mine. He wasn't heavy at all, he had lifted part of his body off of mine to let me breathe. "What are you doing here?" I held his face in my hands, happy to know he was here. "I followed you here. I couldn't let you go here alone. I know what you saw."
I didn't know what to think, it was like the world was spinning. Kaden was here and the boy was gone and that was all I cared about right now, I just needed somebody with me. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around Kaden (who was still on me). My arms were locked around his brown neck, my face nestled in his warm neck. I could feel his warm breath running down my back, it was very hot, like fire. I pulled away from his neck, releasing my grip. I stared into his beautiful face, it was absolutely perfect. It was like looking at a statue, almost real. "Ya know, you remind me of Jacob from Twilight." I spoke, I smiled a little and he chuckled. "Yeah. He's my buddy."
Kaden lifted his body off of mine and grabbed my hand to lift me up, "Thanks." I brushed the dust off my jeans. Kaden and I walked along the forest, me behind. Kaden kept talking about his family and all his problems in life. I was half-listening when I felt a cold, strong hand clamp over my mouth. I was so scared I forgot to scream. The kidnapper pulled me behind a bush and whispered in my ear, "If you scream, or make any sudden movement, I'll snap your neck like a twig." I laid there limp, his hand still covering my mouth.
I wanted to struggle, kick and fight but really, he was as strong as an oak tree. "Well, my mom was born somewhere in Canada." He broke off mid-sentence. I could see him clear through the bush, he turned around, his face puzzled, "Erica?" He glanced behind every tree and bush, only finding something but me. I tried to stare at the man’s face, but he had a tight grip on my head. "ERICA!" Kaden sounded very worried now, he looked quicker and longer, trailing into the woods. The man dragged me out of the bush and turned to Kaden, his hand harder on my mouth. Kaden looked at me, his face gave away that he was trying to help. "Look what I found...It's a snack." I squealed and squirmed at the sound of that.
This time, I wasn't playing miss nice girl, I kicked and shoved and screamed, trying to use my nails to scratch his hand. All of what I did didn't seem to affect him much. I tried to scream 'Kaden' under my breath. I glanced at Kaden, he was panting harshly, his head was bending down, he seemed to be going into a rage of madness. His shoulders were scrunched over, his head bent down, his chest heaving in and out. Kaden lifted his head very slowly, his eyes the color of mine, the amber. He bared his sharp teeth and growled. My eyes were probably popping right out of my sockets. What was Kaden? What was he doing? What was wrong with him? Hair had grown on his face! He pulled his body up, his clothes tearing off.
Fur was all over his body, he looked exactly like a wolf. Kaden (or the wolf) lunged at the kidnapper, his teeth burrowed into his neck. I finally pulled away and ran. Ran as fast as no other human could. I didn't even look back to see if Kaden was OK. He probably was, he was a wolf anyway. "Erica!" I heard him scream. I was probably running far into the woods but I didn't care, I didn't care about Kaden right now.
I felt hands grip around my stomach and pull me back. I felt his warm chest against my back. He wrapped his arms tighter around me, almost in a hug. "I'm so glad your ok..." I didn't pull away from him. Actually I was very glad to be in his arms, wrapped, feeling safe. He bent his head down low, close to where his breath was on my neck. I stretched my neck up to where are faces almost met. I glared into his eyes, watching them sparkle. I twirled around to where my stomach was on his chest. That also felt warm. My hands grasped his neck, pulling his face towards mine. I felt his burning lips on mine. It felt like lava was melting into mine, it was so hot. My lips were burning but I pulled him closer.
He pulled my face closer, are kiss more passionate. His hands were tangled in my hair but then he began to pull away, his head bent low. "I can't." I was shocked. Why did he pull away? I bent down close to him, just to help him. "Kaden...You ok?" He started panting and heaving his chest in and out. Sharp fingernails grew and dug into tree bark. "Kaden stop!" He started breaking the tree bark with his fingernails. "I CAN'T! GO! LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" "I'm not leaving you Kaden!" "JUST GO!"
Now I was very furiated with Kaden. I stormed out of the woods, never going back.

. . .

Dear Diary,
Today was amazing but then again....Not. Well, I was kidnapped, then rescued, then kissed. By Kaden. What a rush! Then he started acting strange. I left him sitting there, his fingernails in a tree. I don't wanna talk to him. He was very mean. I'm done with him. Well, that’s all I guess.
Erica Gernon
I thumped the notebook cover over, closing the page. I sat still on my bed, then laid my head down on the pillow. I heard a knock on my door. "Erica. Sweetheart open up." "Come in." Clumsy Pam strutted through the door to my room. She sat down on my bed, next to my notebook. "I've seen some changes with you...You ditched school today, you've been going into the woods without permission, many things...What’s going on?" How had she known I had ditched school? "I don't know." "Well you need to start acting normal. Act like the good girl you are." I frowned at that. I was never a good girl. Never.
"Well, goodnight Erica. I'm going to bed." Pam left the room, leaving me in peace. I pulled the covers over my head and headed off to sleep. Before I could fall asleep, I heard a knock on my window. I stumbled out of bed and opened the window. "Erica!" Kaden smiled. "What do you want?" I griped. I ruffled my hair and watched him. "Watch out!" Kaden jumped high to the window ledge, his face peering in my room. He pulled himself up and stood by me. "Look, I'm sorry I acted like that down there." He got closer but I pushed him away, "Why? Why didn't you tell me about that wolf power. I don't understand." He sighed and sat down on my bed, "Yeah..I'm kind of a werewolf...Yeah, not what girls look for in a guy."
I chuckled and sat down by him, my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and stroked my face. "ERICA! WHERES MY PURPLE BRUSH!!!" Ally screeched. She barged into my room, staring. "It's not what it looks like. I promise. Hes just helping me study." Ally looked puzzled. She ruffled her hair as it swayed down below her back. "Who?" She looked around then turned her head back to me. I looked at where Kaden was sitting. "Hes right-" I cut off mid-sentence. Kaden was gone. "Never mind....The brush is in the top drawer...Goodnight." Ally closed the door behind her. "Kaden?" He popped right up from under my bed, "Hey there." he spoke. I sighed, "How'd you do that?" "Easy."
"Do you have...Like a...Pack?" He stared at me, his dark chocolate brown eyes glaring at my face, not really thinking. "Yes I do actually. I'm not the leader, but I'm the fastest." He smirked, now plopping himself right by me. "Do they live around here?" "Of course. They live like 5 blocks down or something." He walked over to my window, staring at the cars as they drove by, his eyes eyeing everyone of them. "Oh." I sat there dumbly, fumbling with my fingers.
"They'd like you...Just like I do." I was a little shocked but then I smiled, knowing I had kissed him anyway. "I like you too." I had never said that to a guy but then became aware it was probably ok. He stood there, tense. His head peeping out the window, the soft breeze flowing his hair. He never looked at me, only stared out the window, like a puppy, only Kaden’s tongue wasn't flopping out of his mouth. "The first moment I laid eyes on you...It struck me that you were the one. Your beautiful." He turned to look at me, his face perfect, eyes set, he looked at me with such great passion. It was like he was looking into my soul. I looked away, only because it hurt my eyes to stare at something for too long.
I almost choked on my words, they were stumbling out of my mouth, "I love you...." I almost didn't know what I was saying, my mouth felt numb and so did my tongue. I only had one second to think before Kaden rushed to my face, and grabbed it, his face moving closer. His lips met mine, they were burning....But I liked it. No, I didn't like it, I loved it. I kissed him back, my hands tousled in his hair. It was like the world was spinning around us, I could see my past. Swimming with my dad, getting my first dog, my dog dying, my first day of school, seeing Kaden, kidnapped, rescued by Kaden, our kiss. It was all going by so fast, I almost forgot that my lips were glued with his. He got more out of control; he pushed me down on the bed, his body almost rested on mine. His lips crushed mine. Then. He lost it. His fingernails grew and sliced through my bed sheets, his strength grew. He slashed my leg and pushed me, my head smacked the headboard. I could feel the blood oozing down my leg.
I started to cry, not all because of the pain but because of what he did. I watched him knock over my lamp and his fist punching a hole into my dresser. "Kaden stop!" I yelled, but that didn't stop him. "KADEN!!!" I screamed, that made him more mad. "Kaden...I love you." I cried. He paused. He turned around and looked at my leg. Tears swelled up in his eyes. “Your…Bleeding.” I paused before I answered him, “I know.” He was almost crying, he was very close. "I'm...So...Sorry." A tear streamed down his flushed cheek. He sat down by me, inspecting my leg. "Are you gonna help with it?" I nudged him. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wrapped it around my leg, his hand pressing on it.
"We can't do that again...I lost control...I can never hurt you again." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a bear hug. It felt nice. The warmth of his body close to mine, his hot breath running down my neck. It was like seaweed tangled together, locking itself. I pulled away and layed down. He layed down by me, wrapping his arms tight around my waist, making sure no harm got to me.

. . .
I slowly opened my eyelids. The room was blurry all around and the light from my window shone straight in my eyes. I rubbed them and felt beside me. Nothing was there. I had hoped Kaden would be there when I woke up but I guess not. I threw the covers off of my hot body and stumbled into my bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My chocolate brown hair was bunched together, knots on every strand. My amber colored eyes stared hard in the glass. I got closer and tried to recognize that I was only looking at myself. Before I could reach my brush, I felt hands on my waist, gripping me. "Uhh Kaden you scared me!" I yelped. "Sorry. I've got some friends I'd like you to meet." "So were ditching school?" "You never seemed to have a problem with that." I chuckled and let him carry me to my bed. He set me down very gently, maybe too gently.
He let me undress and get ready in the closet. I was anxious on meeting some of his friends or whoever they were. I stumbled out of the closet dressed in my regular torn up skinny blue jeans with a purple longsleeve shirt. "You look fantastic." He spoke, "It's just a regular outfit," he smiled. He walked over to my window, opening the top. "You comin?" He whispered. I merely rolled my eyes and stood by him, grabbing the window and pushing myself through. "What do I do?" I almost yelled. "That tree. Just jump on it." I stared at him. "You look at me like I'm crazy, Erica." "Well you are! How am I supposed to jump to that tree and make it?"
"Fine...I guess I'll have to come with you." Kaden spoke, gripping my waist, dragging me out the window. "You got me?" "Heck yeah!" I squeezed his shoulders and closed my eyes, pleading with my heart that we were going to make it. He leaped off the roof, flying through the air for about 5 seconds before grabbing a thick branch. We jerked for a second then stopped, his arm still clutched my waist. I opened my eyes slowly, seeing the tree in front of my face. We hopped down together and fled the house, running to a place that I had never been before.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2011

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