
It's me. Reagon Farris. Last year my village was vandalized by blood-suckers and my best friend was killed. Or was she? Weird things have been happening and I think it has to do with Jessie's death.

Chapter 1

After Jessie's death, I have been experiencing strange visions and paranormal things. Tyler says I'm just missing her and the visions are make-believe.
I can sense she's near though. The scent of her fur still lingers through my nostrils. I tell Tyler she's really hear but he just shakes his head.
I trudged through the forest, not looking ahead of me. I stared down at my toes as a soft breeze chilled me. I heard a faint voice coming from the trees.
"Reagon..." the voice called to me, I had to strain my ears to really hear it clearly. "Who's there?" No answer came from the trees.
"Reagon..." I heard the voice again and called to it once more. Nothing, again. The wind started to kick in and I was freezing to death. My bare feet felt numb and so did my fingers.
The trees had no sign of color on them and the branches swayed back and forth in the gust of wind.
I ran back home to find Scar sitting there on the kitchen floor. "Scar, what are you doing?" She seemed to be crying! I bent down by her little body and stroked her brown hair gently.
"Tell me what happened," she lifted her head just a little and I saw that her eyes were puffy and red from crying. Her lips twitched nervously and her hands trembled.
"T-t-tyle-e-rrr...H-h-h-e wa-s-s t-t-taken-n-n...Aw-w-way-y-y," my lips started to tremble like hers. I couldn't pressure her so I asked simple questions, "Who took him?"
"I d-d-on-n-nt kn-kn-know."
Vampires were trying to threaten me again so they could take over my land and claim it as their own. I had to save Tyler. He was my only chance in deafeting the vampires.

Chapter 2

I put Eliza in her bed and told her everything was going to be fine, even though I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I needed help and I needed it now.
I told the werewolves to head out and find Tyler so that he could help defeat the vampires. We all needed Tyler, he was the oldest kid out of the clan.
Xavier and some went west, Sarri and others went east, Hawk took half north, and a little and I went south.
I followed any scent's I could recognize and found Tyler's. He and the vampires were headed south and I had to reach them.
I heard the familiar voice again, "Reagon," it spoke so quietly, why couldn't it speak louder. "Where are you!" I screamed, Wiley trotted over to me and asked me, "What are you howling about?" I didn't have time for Wiley so I trudged off into the woods, farther and farther.
"Hey, where you goin'!" Wiley called to me, "Not now Wiley." I tried to sound polite but the anger quivered inside me.
Wiley seemed disgusted, he snorted and turned around, giving up. What a wimp. I shook it off and followed the voice.
"Reagon," it was a little louder now and I was excitied, more than anything, I was cold. My fur was thick but you know, wolves get cold too. The snow was thick under my paws and my tongue tasted the sweet fresh air.
"Reagon," Where was that voice coming from? I still followed and tried to keep up.
I saw a ghostly like figuire beside me. It was a girl, brown long hair in a braid and warm blue eyes clouded now. It was Jessie. She looked up at me and merely smiled, showing her frosted lips.
I couldn't beleive my eyes, was it really Jessie? She couldn't come back from the dead!
She held a frosted blue rose in her hand and reached out to me, I stuttered and almost fell on my face.
Jessie was so light and the only thing that was different about her was her transparent looks. She had the same clothing on, same hair, same face, same eyes. "Come on, don't be afraid, Reagon," she laughed and covered her mouth.
I ambled towards her warily, hoping this wasn't some type of trick. Her sweet eyes sparkled and her hand came out to pet me. I let her. "You haven't changed at all have you, Reagon?" she asked, "Well, I haven't changed much either from last year. How are the others? Do they miss me?"
I almost choked on my words, but I hesitated. I changed to human form and sat on the bench, right next to her.
"Everybody misses you Jessie, we all can't beleive your dead. Sorry. Everybody manages though and were all doing quite fine," she seemed amazed and chuckled. I hadn't heard her laugh in so long.
"That's nice to know! How's my mom and dad. Are they okay?"
"What about my brother, Andrew?"
"I miss them very much and can't wait till I show them I'm sort of living."
Jessie stood up and started dancing, the way she used you. Her bare feet were glowing blue as they swirled around. Her long hair was spinning as she turned.
Jessie was so beautiful dancing like a ballerina, how she moved fascinated me. I couldn't wait to tell Tyler. Oh my goodness, Tyler! I forgot about him being trapped! "Jessie, I have to go now!" She looked at me heart-broken, tears almost filled her pale eyes, "Why leave so early?" "It's Tyler. He's trapped,"
"Don't worry Reagon, I'm coming too."

Chapter 3

I ran as fast as I could with Jessie trailing behind me. Thorns cut my face as branches swirled. The wind made my hair swing in front of my face and into my mouth.
I found a small hole in the middle of the ground and knew somehow that they hid Tyler in there. I flared my nostrils and inhaled. The scent was surely Tyler and vampires. I crawled in and tried not to make a sound. Jessie tiptoed inside and was breathing harshly. "Shh." I whispered behind me, she giggled and covered her mouth. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. The air was terrible, it smelled of rotten cheese and dumpsters.
The air was also very humid, I almost couldn't breathe. The hole seemed to last forever and I was getting restless. My paws ached and my stomach was growling loudly. I finally found an end and looked down through the hole. Underground, they made a house. The floor was dazzling and the paintings were all made of vampires.
In a metal chair, sat a scared Tyler. His face was bloody and his back looked as if it had been whipped several times. His forehead was dripping with sweat and tears rolled down his precious green eyes.
His face was burn't red and a vampire suddenly zoomed by him. He held a long whip in his hand and smiled greatly, his sparkling white teeth showing.
"Where's the girl?" The vampire asked, Tyler sat there like an idiot and cried harder. "Where is the girl!?" "ANSWER ME, BOY!" Tyler sat there still. The vampire took the whip and slapped it on Tyler's back. The sound made me want to hurl and the blood drizzled down. Tyler screamed and tears dripped down from my eyes. "TELL ME! WHERE IS SHE!!!" The whip landed on his back again. "I will never tell you," Tyler whispered so quietly I could barely hear.
"Ah, yes you will. You will die if you don't answer and I think losing one girl was bad enough, I don't think you want your sister to suffer." Tyler panted and licked his lips, he sobbed and tried to breathe but the air choked him.
"You will never take my life." Tyler pulled hard on the chains and struggled harder. The pain worsened and a sick feeling flooded the pit of my stomach. "Stop trying to break away because deep down you know that these chains will weigh you down." The vampire grasped the sides of Tyler's head and pushed. Tyler screamed and the vampire chuckled softly.
"STOP!!!" Tyler screamed, he tried to thrash his head away but the vampire was stronger. "Jessie, what do I do?" I whispered. Her face was whiter than her ghastly figure as she spoke, "Go." I obeyed and finally broke the bars hovering over the room. The vampire looked up and showed his sharp fangs. Tyler took one look at me and then pleaded me with his soft misty eyes.
I tore the chains and tried to pry Tyler out of the chair. He fell to the ground and cried more, hoping the pain would go away. I turned and faced the fangs about to tear into my fur, I lunged at him and pinned him down. I tore the flesh out of his neck and watched his eyes turn to colorless cloudy eyes.
Tyler was shaking uncontrollably on the ground, goosebumps trailing down his arms. Jessie was kneeled down beside Tyler and tried to talk to him. "Tyler, it's over. I killed him, you don't have to worry." I rubbed his arms and saw the scars and dried blood on his back. "Tyler...Are you O.K.?" He stared up into my eyes and shook his head.
"Jessie, help me." I pleaded softly, her face was full of tears and her icy cold hand stroked Tyler's back. "It'll all be fine once we find a way to help you out." I thought about Scar and knew she was probably worried and scared.
"We need to get home quick so
Scar doesn't worry too much." Tyler smiled and stuck his arms out so we could lift him. "Your the best," he whispered warily. "I do the best I can." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we carried him. The vampire scent clung to his skin and sweat drizzled down his pale face.
He tripped and fell on his face, giving up. "Tyler, we have to keep going, were almost there," he shook his head and pulled away from my grip on his hand. "Leave me. I deserve it." "No you don't!" "I said, "leave me behind." "NO!" "YES!" His face was full of anger as he tried to stay calm. "Tyler, I'm not going to lose you."I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
"Fine. I'll go." Jessie flashed a smile and looked into Tyler's eyes, "You haven't noticed me yet!" His eyes locked with her's. He laughed and hugged her. "It's so nice to see you!"
"I'd love to have family time but we need to get home, now!" Tyler nodded and crawled with Jessie and I. The fresh air finally got to us and we felt free without danger coming for us.
We ran across the valley out of the forest. When we ambled out, there was a crowd of werewolves surrounding a body. I howled loudly and asked, "What are you doing!" They stared at me without interest and answered in unison, "Eating!" I didn't mind so I shrugged and left them.
I stepped through the front door and our house was a wreck. Mud trails tracked into the rooms, plates and bowls fell, glass covered the floor, mirrors broken, curtains torn, and spray painted everywhere was, Were coming for you

. I gasped and checked my room where I left Scar. The blankets were torn and the window was wide open.

Chapter 4

I screamed and tore open the handles for the closet. The hinges broke and the rotted wood flew. "SCAR!!!" I sobbed and fell to the floor, covering my face with my sweaty hands. Scar was gone. Taken by vampires. I didn't know when I would see her again but I hoped it would be soon.
A hand stroked my hair. I jumped and saw a vampire sitting beside me. He was beautiful. His face was pale white and his eyes glowed a pretty glossy caramel color. His eyebrows were thick and he was skinny. His skinny lips curved into a devilish smile.
"Well, well, well. A sobbing little girl. Where's your sister? I don't see her around." He gripped my arm and sniffed my hair. "Smell of werewolf. I should have realized. Your sister is quite squirmy. She won't sit still. We fed her blood and made her run a couple miles. She is very bratty and snobby though," he smiled and pulled me away from the closet.
"What have you done with my sister?!" I yelled in his face. He merely smiled and spoke, "Well, hard to explain. We stole her and then made her like a servent. We also hypnotized her and made her behave and listen to us." "You monsters!" "That's what we are, honey."
My head raced with ideas on how to save Scar. There was really nothing. My mind went blank and then I saw a flash of light, a blue figuire, and a knife.

. . .
I lifted my head and tried to open my eyes. They seemed sewn shut but finally I was able to see a blur of people. Tyler crying, Jessie wiping her face, Hawk, Sarri, Xavier, Louis, Wiley, Andrew, Mrs.
Williams, and Mr. Williams. "W-w-w-what i-i-is g-g-oing o-o-on?" I croaked out, my voice was dry and I could barely speak.
"Your O.K." Tyler whispered, he crouched down beside me and wrapped his arms around my neck, almost choking me. "Tyler, choking me." I said in a playful tone, he laughed and it seemed as though we were the only people there. "What happened?" "Jessie found you being tortured so she took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the vampire, then you were in shock and passed out." "Oh." I felt dizzy as I held my head.
"Where are we? And why is the family here?" He smiled and nodded somewhere towards the left. We were in the kitchen. And I was laying on the table. How embarassing!
"We have to go find Scar, Tyler," "I know. We will." He picked me up and set me on my feet, I tripped and almost fell but Tyler was quick. He grasped my arms and shot back up. I thought about young Eliza and how awful it must be like living with vampires roaming around. Her frail body being trashed by them. I imagined her soft velvet face, and her lovely blue eyes. The tears would be streaming down her cheeks which were as red as an apple.
The door slammed behind us and a storm was headed our way. The clouds were filled with rain and the sky was a grayish purple. Tyler clutched my hand and ran ahead, checking on my pace. "Tyler...Slow down." I panted, tugging back on his hand, he jerked backwards and fell on me. "Sorry," He wiped the sides of his hands on his pants and scrubbed the sweat off his brow. His brown hair was plastered to his skin from sweat and the back was ruffled together.
"C'mon Tyler, we have to keep goin'," He sighed gently and kept running. We knew where the vampires lived so we had to go there, even though it was miles away. "Stop," a voice came from out of nowhere. Jessie appeared and had her hands on her hips, "Were you really going to leave without your old pal?" She smirked and winked. "Sorry Jessie, we forgot. It's not that we didn't want you to come we just. Didn't think." "Your darn right you didn't think!"
Jessie's brown ghostly hair whipped in front of her cloudy eyes. She walked beside me and held my hand as if we were five years old again. Her coldness peirced through my skin and the lightness of her hand sent chills up my spine. The blades of grass cut through my feet and the blood rushed down.

Chapter 5
Images of Scar raced through my brain and I thought about the vampire stroking my hair. I missed Scar already and I needed her back home. Tyler looked determined, his face set and his eyebrows narrowing. His lips twitched but his pace was perfect. We knew where the vampires rested and where they lived so it wouldn't be that hard finding them. They lived in a nice palace like the Volturi palace in New Moon, this book I read.
The palace was in sight and I saw the guards in front, holding a large gun that held silver bullets. Knowing that, we probably couldn't go in without an excuse. The guards stared at us and smirked, their long blood red cloaks swaying in the gentle breeze. "What are you here for, young one's?" One of them asked, his english accent blarring in my ears. "We need to speak to one of the vampires." I said, thinking of a terrible lie.
"Which vampire?" He asked, cocking his head to one side. "Umm. I can't specificly say a name but I can give you a description. Short bronze hair with caramel eyes and a long fingernails. Also a zit on his nose and-" "Ahh, yes, Varkis. He has been expecting you."
The silver gate opened with a loud creak and the tall palace was right in front of us. The windows were polished with silver shine and the door was made of cherry wood. I had always wanted to live here but I was glad to own our land, where us werewolves could run free.
I heard a girls screams from inside and knew that this was the place they kept Scar hostage. Tyler led the way as Jessie and I followed behind, wondering what was coming. As I stepped inside, the smell of fresh blood filled my nose. Tyler sneezed and rubbed his nose on his shirt sleeve. Rolling my eyes, I wondered where Scar was.
Doors crowded the inside and thousands of hungry vampires ran through the hallways at lightning speed. I inhaled and closed my eyes, praying that this was only a dream. Sadly, it wasn't a dream, I figuired that out when Tyler slapped me on the back.
A tall door opened softly and a beautiful vampire walked out, coming towards us. "Varkis is waiting for you. He's very excited," the vampire chuckled and made us follow him down a large, dark corridor, filled with paintings of vampires down the line starting from the 1400's. The vampire stopped at one of the paintings and sighed softly, "That was my great-grandfather. He was a great man and knew everything about the war."
The vampires great-grandfather was old and his gray skin was wrinkly and withered, his bulging black eyes twinkled and his shabby white hair slicked back with grease. He stood broad and tall and frowned, his lip popping out.
I stared at the man and before I could ask what his name was and when this painting was painted, the vampire answered, "His name was Criton Slova and the man who painted this was his best friend, Hamlet Ritton. Hamlet painted this in 1791 but then right after he finished, he was mad at Criton because he did everything for him and Criton never did anything. They went their seperate ways and never saw eachother again."
The vampire stared at his black leather shoes, forgetting about Varkis. His head shot back up and apologized for not getting us there on time. "I really need to get you to Varkis, I will be fired if I don't. Just say that it was my fault because I was showing you Criton. He'll understand." He merely smiled and kept walking down the long corridor finally stopping at a cherry wood door, with the words Varkis printed on the door.
The vampire slowly opened the door and nodded, motioning us to step inside. The room was dark and the walls were painted an ugly green, like a lime green. The walls were fading and the furniture was old, the vampire I had seen was sitting in an maroon colored chair, one leg over the other while his lips curled into an evil smile.
"Well, aren't you the sister of that snobby little girl were keeping?" He looked over at Tyler and studied him, "And...Your the brother?" I clenched my teeth and Jessie was about to lunge at him but I stopped her, she looked at me funny and pulled away.
Varkis stood up and called for the other vampires in the room that we didn't notice. "Do any of you remember these children?" The vampires stared at us with beady black eyes. One of them answered yes and I knew who he was, he was one of the vampires I saw last year.
Varkis grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me away from Tyler and Jessie, who had to be held back by the vampires in the room. I struggled to get away by scratching his arms and dragging my feet on the hard granite floors. I heard screaming and realized it was Scar, whining and whimpering from pain.
Varkis brought me into the room. The floors were concrete and so were the walls. Blood stains were splattered on the floor like paint and a metal table stood in the middle of the dismal room. Scar was chained to the table and two vampires crowded her.
Scar stared at me sadly and helpless, her cloudy eyes forming with tears. Dirt, blood, and sweat covered her face and clothing and her hair was in a clumpy mess. I struggled to get away from Varkis but his hand covered my mouth and his other hand around my waist. He smiled his shiny white teeth and ordered the vampires to unchain Scar or as he called her "Chump."
I almost couldn't breathe. I was slowly fading but then I bit his hand hard and he released his grip on me. I broke free and grabbed Scar with one hand and tried to run out but one of the vampires stopped me and tried to take Scar, but I held onto her so tightly my fingers went numb.
I broke free and ran out the door, traveling to get Tyler and Jessie. When I stepped through the door, all the vampires were dead and Jessie and Tyler were already heading out. "C'mon!" I yelled to them, the came right behind me as we bashed through the door that led inside the palace. The guards didn't have a chance to stop us.
We ran miles into the forest and then out finally, heading back home. I wanted to stop but I couldn't, Eliza meant everything to me. When we were finally in front of the door, I fell to the floor, every muscle in my body aching. Tyler fell to the ground too, almost defeated. We just rested on the front porch, Jessie watching over us.
Chapter 6

After a good rest, Jessie woke us up and we were inside the house by the fireplace. The fire was burning and the smell of wood filled my nostrils. The fire popped and crackled and the flames jumped. I sat up and layed Scar in my lap, happy to have her with me.
Tyler winked at me and gave me a smile, one I hadn't seen in a long time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2011

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